Practical Practice



Original poster

aryel "ry" jaffe
age: 26
sex: Male
date of birth: July 17th


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 138lbs

Written Appearance:
Fully dressed, Aryel Jaffe blends into the crowd - just another of the teeming billions who live in the dirt and the grime of lower class Takym. At 5'8" with a well-muscled build he is maybe not the typical Packet factory drone but that is usually obscured by a loose and battered "bomber" jacket and one of his three shirts.

His black hair is close-trimmed but untidy, and while he shaves religiously he frequently shows the odd bruise or cut that draws him sidelong looks from folk he meets on the streets; admiring from many of the young, wary disapproval from the older generation.

His skin is a pale golden hue - lack of sunlight and some inadequacies in the standard Takym diet warring with some ancestry from somewhere across the seas. His features generally are powerful, sober, with high cheekbones and an aquiline nose that match well with the dark blue of his eyes.

When his shirt and jacket are off on the other hand (when he is working on his groundcycle for example, or actively using his powers) his tattoos are more visible; intricate swirling patterns of black ink across the canvas of his skin, rising up each of his arms to encircle roses on each shoulder and a third on his upper chest, with a sword driven through it. He had these done some years ago, though the ink and colours are still vivid.

Aryel is typically intense, with a lot going on beneath his surface demeanor.

He has never quite fit in to the regular drone-unit corporate lifestyle of most lower class Takym society, working, eating, sleeping and repeating with a minimum of thought (or energy) for anything different. He certainly hasn't had the educational opportunities of someone from the Upper classes; instead he finds himself a scavenger, digging through old ruins and broken factories in search of forgotten valuables, parts, anything that someone will pay him for. It's a sometimes arduous job, and he doesn't always come back with a Find but he's reliably lucky enough that he can make a living of it - and so he does, by and large.

He is quietly friendly, and wouldn't turn away from a violent wrong happening right in front of him but in his mental map of the world he places himself and his survival firmly first. His acquaintances come next out of a sort of mutual self-interest, but he has never really made any true friends.

Whether that's down to him or his environment is anyone's guess. He rarely gives it much thought.

Aryel is logical and prefers to reason things out. He tends to be flexible and thinks outside the box, preferring to focus on what he does (or, the "big picture") without worrying about every little detail of how it works.

Personality Type: INTP


Where to begin?

Aryel's parents were upwardly mobile hacktivists, fighting on the one hand to get out of the dingy halls of the teeming throngs and into the gated communities of the Upper Class, while at the same time fighting against the socio-economic inequities that enforced this brutally flat pyramid. Idealists of a kind, they were convinced that if they could expose (and rob) enough of the haves, they could start a movement that would redress centuries of inequity and bring about a healthy standard of living for all. In short, they were idiots. For eight months their attack on the privileged classes brought their aliases to increasing prominence (see Black Rose and Vixen) until they crossed the wrong Elites and government security forces brought them to justice.

The Haves are always watching.

Aryel was placed in state care at the age of 7, and after his parents died in prison was moved to a Juvenile Outreach facility where at the age of 12 he was placed in a Packet factory on the Asian Laksa production line. By his next birthday he had "escaped" to live rough on the streets and learned to scavenge things of value. He was conned more than once, reinforcing his self sufficiency, wariness of authority and independence. He learned who to deal with, and the people who betrayed the scrawny youth learned better. It was a hand-to-mouth existence and it was during these formative years that he developed his power while exploring the old discard heaps outside an abandoned research facility. His first reaction - as any teen - was to go overboard and live the life he'd always dreamed... but his parents' example and his own experiences resonated deeply and he learned to keep his head down. While he would never go hungry again, neither would he follow his parents' path and try to make his way to the Upper Class. He wouldn't try to be a hero.

The Haves are always watching.

Today he has a small place of his own and a rebuilt vintage groundcycle. Never wealthy, he disappears into ruined and abandoned facilities regularly, "finding" small items of value that he can peddle on the grey and black markets. What he has is a temporary living, temporary comfort as long as he is content to keep living for today. There is little future in it, and perhaps this is why after his initial shock he accepted the invitation to Sanctuary.


Glow: Ice Blue (#81F8F9)

Description: Aryel can take a quantity of matter, place his hands on it, focus his mind and change its shape and composition. Glass to steel, concrete to gold, brick to fresh juicy apple. On the surface of this, in today's resource-poor environment this is an amazing gift to have... but it's also one that society is hardly likely to leave to operate at the whim and will of some lower class drone. The best of them would be inclined to use him, the worst to take him over or manage him, and so he does his very best to keep a low profile and simply use his gifts to "find" valuables in the ruins. One day he might take a crumpled groundcar door and patiently work it into a double-headed spear to sell. Another he might "find" forty pounds of unusually intact circuitry. Always something he thinks he can sell, and never something he can't explain away.

He's just lucky, right?

Limits: The biggest and most obvious limit is that transmuting matter takes time, concentration and a lot of energy. Yes he could take an hour and a half and "make" an apple, but just eating that apple is unlikely to get him the calories he's burnt on making it, let alone fill his stomach. He can't simply click his fingers and will a hovercar to manifest in front of him. With his limited wardrobe this is also why he does much of his work topless to avoid staining his shirts with sweat.

A second limit is that he requires the matter and mass to work on. Solids are easiest as they have more density, although he's worked with liquids as well. Working from gases is exhausting to achieve anything at all, as there are only the tiniest particles of matter in the air and it takes a vast amount to make something as simple as a ham sandwich.

Technological Augmentations

Epidermal Conductors || At the same time as his powers first manifested (while exploring the discard heaps), a curling trace of subdermal scarring appeared along both his arms, shoulders and upper chest. By and large this was later covered by the tattoos he purchased, but when he is using his powers these tend to gleam and set off his "glow". Equally these boost the reaction time of his upper body, and combined with his basic street-fighting moves have helped to keep him out of trouble and avoid groundcycle crashes in environments which could only be described as hazardous.

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Aryel Jaffe
Saurdei October 15 2439 - Location Skytrain

"I eagerly await your arrival."

Oh yes, the dark-haired man could just imagine the great and wealthy Lyris Matrikt standing by at the other end of the Skytrain run just rubbing his hands in nervous anticipation to greet his new best friend Aryel Jaffe. The only time any of the Elites gave the lower classes a thought was to wonder what that stain was on bottom of their polished silvery Air Jardins. The notion that one of the haves - not just any have but the very have-iest of them all who looked down on most of his fellow elites from a peak near as high as they loomed over the rest of society was not so much laughable as inconceivable.

"I do not think that word means what you think it means."

"What?" he looked up from the workscreen he'd echoed the communication to, and stared at the older woman with the matted ginger hair shaved bald on one side who stood beside him. From this close he could see the roots tinging to grey, but he didn't say anything. Then again he rarely did, one of the reasons they got on so well. Neither of them felt any need to clog any rare moments of silence with random chatter, so when Aryel and Hapra drank together or did business each string of terse words was followed by a pool of quiet edged only by the constant low-grade hum of the wired world around them.

"Bliss," the older woman stated emphatically. "You were worried that this was too good to be true, that the sender - Lyris or whoever is pretending to be him - was threatening you with what, oblivion?"

"Exactly," he said warily, turning an old metal coin over between his fingertips. "Isn't that 'bliss'? A drugged haze or simple execution would take care of that both simply and finally. Far better than letting a trainload of gypsies poke around his exclusive crown jewels, invitation or not.
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