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Queer as Fuck
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Light Romance, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Fandoms (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC)

In the crystalline city of Adacia,
Power is Slavery,
Slavery is Power,
But you cannot oppress them forever

[BCOLOR=transparent]Founded roughly 500 years ago by Oliver Haven and his followers, Adacia stands at the pinnacle of human progress and intellect. With walls guarding the city from the ruins of the outside world, it has become the last of what mankind has to offer. There is no crime, there is no inequality or poverty.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]At least, that's what they want you to think.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In reality, they run rampant in the city streets. The officials just don't talk about it. The current leader of the city, Charles Haven, is rarely seen but harshly felt. To go against him is asking for a fate worse than death. His son, Victor, is hardly an improvement. Though not a monarchy in name, Adacia remains one all the same.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Alas, those who have the power to change the fate of this city do not wish to do so. For they are the rich, the privileged--they know nothing of the impoverished lifestyle of the Lower District. In fact, it more than likely disgusts them. For the seldom few that pity the lower class, they have been all but ostracized for voicing such opinions.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In the past 200 years, a genetic anomaly has occurred. Rather, it should be called a mutation. Haven's best scientists could never find the cause, but the effect was certainly catastrophic. In just the span of one generation, the Outer District was completely destroyed by those affected by the mutation, an event later referred to as "Bloody River" due to the river running through city turning red that day. As such, laws were quickly passed by George Haven, the leader of the city at the time.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]These laws commanded the immediate enslavement or imprisonment or, in extreme cases, execution of these mutated individuals--usually referred to as "abominations." Such extreme cases were rare because the Haven family saw an opportunity in these mutants, not only as slaves but as soldiers.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Those with high caliber abilities were immediately sent to Blackhaven Prison for the sole purpose of studying them and finding out how to weaponize them. In time, a small and elite group of these mutants came out of the prison completely changed and driven by only one purpose: to follow the Haven family's every command. Every year, those condemned to the prison come out as the same. And now, they act as personal bodyguards to the family, as well as a type of "secret police." Fearfully nicknamed "Probers," this group is not to be trifled with.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Those sold into slavery were sold to the highest bidder--always a man or woman of high social standing. The higher their power caliber, the more expensive they would become. Soon, no one living in the Upper District was without a mutant slave. These slaves were rendered helpless by the ingenuity of Arthur Germaine--the lead scientist and engineer of the time. He developed simple but efficient collars meant to not only punish slaves if they acted out but also kept them pumped with an anti-mutagen of sorts inhibiting their powers. Arthur quickly patented these "G-Collars" and sold them for outrageous prices, and the upper class was more than willing to pay.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As such, many aspects of the society changed completely. Where before slavery was taboo and even considered illegal by some parties (though never officially so), it was now common practice. Where before the upper class had never lived in fear, they now did. For while most of the abominations were found in the Lower District for reasons unknown, the genetic anomaly could still be found in the Upper District. Children of high-class citizens were found born with these mutations and, by law, forced into slavery or even imprisonment. There was nothing anyone could do, and no one dared to overstep the new boundaries set in place.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]How exactly did one determine whether a child had the mutation? Frederic Bordon answered this through his own stroke of genius. He discovered that, while the genetic anomaly could not be identified at birth, it [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]could[/BCOLOR] [BCOLOR=transparent]be discovered when a child hit 11 years old, with some at 10 and 12. Not only that but, with some refinement, it could properly identify the [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]strength [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]of the child's power. He quickly proportioned it into a scale dubbed, rather moronically, the Bordon Scale. George Haven did not hesitate to make it mandatory for every child to be tested starting at 9 years old until 13 (just to be sure).[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Life went on. And 200 years later, slavery has become a thing of pride for the Upper District. The more slaves you had, the richer you were considered to be. In rare cases, citizens would only keep a few on hand, but most would try to get their hands on as many as possible. Those that don't sell are immediately shipped off to the prison without question. Those of higher caliber don't even get the chance at the relative freedom of slavery.[/BCOLOR]
City Infrastructure
[BCOLOR=transparent]The city has two main districts with four different sections in the Lower and two in the Upper. The walls surrounding the city and separating the two districts are a combination of brick and steel, with only one gate at each. Before "Bloody River," there were three districts. Now, the city has been forced into its remaining two due to the horrible destruction of the outermost one, and the gate leading to the Outer District has been permanently sealed.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Upper District[/BCOLOR]
The Elite houses Charles Haven and his immediate family, his advisors, and the exceptionally wealthy. Its houses are larger and have more land surrounding each. Although the need for slaves is greater, most of the citizens living here keep only a few on hand--relatively speaking. This is especially true for the Haven family, as they do not find it necessary to buy many slaves as they already have all the power.

The Main houses the rest of the wealthy class. While they are not wealthy enough to live among the Elite, they are still ridiculously rich especially in comparison to the poor living in the Lower District. Here, they enjoy extravagant parties and hundreds of slaves distributed among them. Many of those living in the Main keep a superfluous amount of slaves on hand as a means of showing power and status. The more you can afford, the better you are.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Also in the Main are a few fire stations, a police station, and a luxurious hospital catering only to those that can afford its care.[/BCOLOR]

Lower District
Farmland (1)
The first and largest region in the Lower District contains the farmland, most of the oil/natural gas fields, and small villages. It is a mostly flat land with some hills here and there and small areas filled with trees. The roughly 25 villages dispersed throughout the land consist of poorly built shacks and a couple substantial buildings that run as post offices and basic first aid clinics.

Hellgate (2)
Nicknamed as such due to its overcrowded population and slum-like conditions, the second region in the Lower District is home to the industrial workers, factory workers, etc. It also houses most of the police stations, fire stations, and the only hospital located outside of the Upper District. The few skyscrapers in the area are home to those who are fortunate enough to detach themselves from the horrid streets--small-time lawyers, doctors, businessmen, etc. It is still not much, but it is better than the streets below.

Industrial Region (3)
The third region contains the bulk of the factories, oil refineries, and mines. There are a few housing areas for those who work round-the-clock, but most of the workers live in Hellgate. The mines range from iron to gold to precious gems, and no one is quite sure how such a variety of precious resources have been found in such a relatively small area. Alas, no one has the time or will to question such things, and everyone goes about their work for the meager pay they are given.

Blackhaven Rainforest (4)
At the center of the rainforest region lies Lake Noir, a semi-large body of water appearing to be black. When Oliver Haven first explored the area, he named both the lake and the rainforest. History has yet to question its originality. Very few citizens live in the rainforest, and those that do work at Blackhaven Prison. The prison, once a facility to hold the worst of the criminals, is now used to hold mutants who cannot be fully controlled by the anti-mutagen--although this information has not been made public. The high-tech facility is considered to be inescapable, and it so far has the track record to prove it. The warden, Geoffrey Magnus, is known for his intolerance for any sort of insubordination.


Outer District
The Outer District once held the majority of the farmland, as well the rest of the rainforest and several other smaller forests. Most importantly, however, it had the city's only nuclear power plant at the outer edge. Since the events of Bloody River, the land has become overgrown with vegetation and is reportedly still flooded and burned in many areas. Most of all, however, scientists have confirmed that the land is still riddled with nuclear fallout after the violent destruction of the plant. As such, the land remains uninhabitable, and no one has dared to venture outside the sealed gates.
Kindly ignore how poor this drawing is. I tried, ok?
[BCOLOR=transparent]The G-Collar, invented and patented by Arthur Germaine, aids in the control and discipline of mutated individuals. Many have tried and failed to surpass the true genius of this small device, although it has been modified over the years to fit a more streamlined design. Simply place the collar around the individual's neck and activate the magnetic lock. Once activated, the lock cannot be deactivated. Any attempt will shock the individual through the electric strip embedded on the interior of the collar. This shock does not have any adverse long-term effects, but it will leave the wearer immobilized for several minutes. It can also be activated wirelessly through the simple push of a button, in case disciplining the wearer becomes necessary. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The greatest function of this device is the plastic tube encircling the exterior, which can be filled and refilled with anti-mutagen. A full tube of this anti-mutagen can last up to 90 days, as administration is only required once a day in small amounts. The recommended dosage time is midnight. The chemical is administered through small, retractable needles that should not cause any discomfort when inserted. If given once a day, the wearer will be incapable of utilizing any of their harmful abilities. Truly, this revolutionary device should be a staple in every home with mutated individuals.[/BCOLOR]
Bordon Scale
[BCOLOR=transparent]Developed by Frederic Bordon, the scale determines two factors: the presence of a genetic mutation and the strength. Originally, the number-based scale ranged from 1 to 100; however, it was quickly discovered that the difference between one number and the next was so miniscule it was impossible to truly decide when a mutant could be considered "dangerous." As such, Bordon simplified the scale to range from 1 to 20, with each increasing number representing 5 numbers from the original scale.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The downside of the Bordon Scale is that it cannot determine what abnormal abilities the genetic mutation will cause in any one individual. However, since the genetic mutation comes from the same general source, anti-mutagen developed by Alexander Germaine is sufficient to render these individuals powerless. As such, it has been decided by the scientific community to abandon any research towards being able to discover this information through tests.
Bloody River


[BCOLOR=transparent]"190 years ago, roughly 10 years after the first record of the genetic anomaly, Vincent and Sasha Grey were found wandering the nuclear power plant around midnight. The authorities attempted to communicate with the trespassers but to no avail, as they seemed to be in some sort of trance that later was found to be a result of the mutation. At the time, the Bordon Scale and G-Collars were yet to be invented, so there was no way to know how powerful the brother and sister were.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]At 1:05 AM, the Grey children used their genetic anomaly to destroy the nuclear power plant, causing immediate fallout radiation affecting most of the Outer District. The following morning, around fifty mutated individuals were found in the same trance state. They caused terrible forest fires, floods, and other natural and unnatural disasters.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Four hours later, when news of the tragedy finally arrived, the gates from the Outer District to the Lower District were permanently closed. Millions of innocents died from the carnage, including all of the known mutated individuals living there. Three days later, the river running through the remaining city ran red with blood for 30 hours. It would be two weeks before it was deemed safe to drink and use again.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]This tragedy, now known as 'Bloody River,' can only be blamed on the horrible mutations occurring among our honorable citizens. As such, it is only for the safety of my citizens that I continue the mandated enslavement and imprisonment of these individuals, no matter their class or rank."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]-Charles Haven[/BCOLOR]

The wonderful little red and grey logo on the chest is the symbol of the Probers, and this is their standard uniform with some differences here and there.

Officially named Blackhaven Special Forces, this small and elite group comprises of the most powerful mutants in the city, and it holds sole allegiance to the Haven family. Most of them act as bodyguards on a regular basis, but many also perform secret police tasks. Their main function, overall, is to ensure that the Haven family is not threatened by any force--small or large. Such forces are quickly and harshly dealt with.

Blackhaven Special Forces got its nickname "Probers" from its only other function: to ensure that every child has been tested and that those who have tested positive are rounded up and collared. They aide in transportation of these mutated children to either slavers in the Upper District or to Blackhaven Prison, depending on the strength of their abilities.

What truly makes Probers so terrifying is that they seem to be completely conscious of their actions. They are able to make judgments based on the circumstances, and nothing seems to indicate that they don't truly have a will of their own. In fact, some seem to enjoy their work, while others just seem indifferent. None of them, however, show any signs of rebellion against what they are tasked to do.
Important NPCs
Name: Charles Haven
Age: 63
Position: "Elected" Leader of Adacia
Personality: Ruthless and cunning, Charles Haven is not a man to tolerate even the slightest hint of rebellion. He cares little for the welfare of others, rather only seeking for whatever benefits him and his family. Not to say that he is a family man, as he only wants to ensure that the Haven's remain in power for many years to come.
Family: Victoria Haven -- wife -- 57 -- alive
Xavier Haven -- son -- (would be) 25 -- deceased
Victor Haven -- son -- 22 -- alive
Vanessa Haven -- daughter -- 17 -- alive

Name: Alice Langley
Age: 36
Position: Captain of the Blackhaven Special Forces
Personality: There is a reason she has been named captain of the Probers. With little to say but much to do, she ensures that her men know their orders and follow them as efficiently and effectively as possible. She's a quiet woman, but she speaks her mind when she needs to. She doesn't care at all for the questionable morality of what she does, and some might even say she cares little for what happenst o her own men. Undoubtedly, she is as cruel as Charles Haven himself.


  • All Iwaku rules and guidelines apply! You can read up on them here.
  • Before I say anything else, let me be clear that this is an adept-advanced roleplay. That means that I expect AT LEAST two to three well-written paragraphs per character, per post--preferably more if you can. Grammar and spelling does not have to be perfect, but it should not be distracting. If you don't think you can handle this, I would ask that you refrain from joining.
  • Please be diverse with your characters. The age range is 16-30.
  • Powers are on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE BASIS. That means only one character gets to have a certain power. I will be assigning the scale number based on what information you give me, but let's try to shoot for a 12.
  • Everyone is expected to create at least TWO characters. There is a reason for this that will be revealed IC. Unlike last time, we will not be playing one "master" and one "slave." Everyone will be playing slaves until further notice. If you don't think you can handle two characters, or if you'd like to play more, just let me know! I'm more than willing to accommodate. :)
  • Keep all OOC drama out of this roleplay. If you can't handle joining because Joe over there bothers you, then don't join. I'm not going to ask anyone to leave just to cater to your dramatic "needs."
  • My decision is final. If I ask you to change something about your character, please do so but do feel free to come up with an alternative idea to the one I give you--just run it by me first. If I ask you to change something IC, I will gladly discuss with you the alternate routes your character could take but please respect my decision as it is likely important to the plot that your character does not do whatever.
  • CHARACTER DEATH IS PROBABLE. If you can't handle the prospect of your preciousness dying, I have a special little place in the character sheet for you to voice that. Please try to be willing to let one of them die, though. Realize that even if you give the okay for a character to die, it might not happen, anyways.
  • If you have any plot or character ideas that you're not sure about it, run it by me first through PM.
  • Please do not post any W.I.P. sheets unless you're truly almost done with them.
  • Keep swearing to a minimum, as I don't appreciate superfluous anything.
  • If for any reason you need to drop out of the roleplay, just let me know! I completely understand that life just gets in the way or you just lose interest! Either way, I just need to be notified so I can adjust accordingly. :)
  • HAVE FUN! If you're not having fun, I'm doing something wrong. :(
  • PLEASE realize that our characters aren't going to have good control over their powers initially should they return to them. After all, they probably haven't used them at all or in many years. However, this control will come to them fairly quickly because natural instinct will take over.
  • If I forgot something important, I'll try to remember later and let everyone know.


Please make them nice and pretty but don't break the mobile devices.
Real pictures or semi-realistic art, please (see "Important NPCs" for the general idea)
If you want a character that's from the Upper District, please ask me first. Otherwise, all characters will have come from the Lower District.

Full Name

{Please put the below information in paragraph form and add whatever you'd like}
Body Type
Eye Color
Face Shape
Hair Color
Hair Style
Tattoos/Piercings (optional)
Distinguishing Marks

{Please include a minimum of ten sentences. Answer the below with one sentence each.}
Reason for Life
Greatest Gift
Worst Habit
Darkest Fear

{Describe their mutation here but do NOT include its strength on the Bordon Scale, as I will assign that to you}

Family and History
{Please include all important life events in a minimum of fifteen sentences}
Family (specify relation, age, and if alive)

Are you okay with this character dying?

*Weaknesses include what weakens your character's ability (e.g. fire weakens water, water weakens fire) while limitations include what your character's ability cannot do (e.g. cannot create fire, cannot control water for more than 30 minutes, etc.). If you're still not sure how to differentiate between the two, just combine them into one and call it "Weaknesses."
**Before you all scramble to make relationships, wait until I put you together into groups. It's unlikely you'll know much about slaves serving other families. From there, if you truly want to create a relationship between two characters serving different families, go ahead. Just don't go hog-wild.

Last edited:
Full Name - Camilla Leigh Hawthorne

Age - Nineteen

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Straight

Birthday - December 21st
Camilla is about 5'6 in height and weighs about 138 pounds. Her olive toned body curves into an hourglass form and her frame is actually a quite wide, or at least more so than an average woman of her weight group. Upon closer look, she has a heart shaped face with all around very defined features. Her eyes are a smoky brown color, which well compliments her darker brown eyebrows. Her dark brown hair is in a long, straight style which reaches down to her lower back and side sweeps over her face in a bang. Her ears are pierced, but it's only the common piercing of the earlobe. She also only ever wears one pair of earrings, tiny white imitation pearls. She prefers loose clothing, like sun dresses and flowing skirts. She also prefers to wear bright colors. When it comes to her body, it is also important to note that she has small dark moles all over her body, and her most noticed one is right under the right side of her lip.
Camilla is probably best described as the care-giving type. She somewhat developed this persona, having had to basically become a mother figure for her four younger siblings before she was taken. Camilla is the second oldest child in her family. Both of her parents worked long hours of the day, making them unavailable while the light was out and tired while it was dark. Her older brother, Marx, was taken when it was discovered that he had powers and before he was taken he was very serious about school. Therefore, even at a young age, Camilla was the only "Mother" her infant and toddler aged siblings had. This is not to say that Camilla resents this role being forced onto her. She loves her family dearly, and has a great love for children in general. She naturally looks for the good in people and loves to tell people all of the beauty she sees in them. She is also good at reading people and looking at things from their point of view. In that sense, she has a strong desire to be liked and prefers when everyone gets along. She is also known to be very responsible, patient, and dependable. She values security and stability, valuing the wellbeing of others before herself. In this way, however, she is sometimes so caring that she has a hard time accepting when she cannot do anything about a difficult situation someone else is in. She cares so deeply that when others are in pain, she feels pain in her heart. She has a graceful elegance to her and would make a lovely housewife. She is quite the cook and is very tidy as well. She also enjoys singing from time to time. While she isn't an opera star, she does have a soft, mellow voice that is nice to listen to.

Philosophy - "The home is the only place where one can bare everything without shame. If one does not feel they have such a place, they have no home and will not find peace." In her youth, Camilla held an idea to her heart dearly that she needed to create the most loving environment for her siblings and her family because she was the only one who could. She believed that if she could bring them at least a little happiness this way, it would be worth any effort.

Reason for Life - Camilla's dream is to simply create a happy home for herself and have a family that she can raise and cherish. She wishes to marry through true love and raise many children. She also wishes that she could be a teacher, but that dream seems very distant from her current status.

Greatest Gift - It is not a stretch to say that Camilla is a lovely cook and baker. She is by no means an expert, but there is a warmness to the things she makes that really make them seem like love was an ingredient. She does prefer baking to cooking and loves making all sorts of cookies and pies and such. Personality wise, it would of course be how easily she can get children to get along with and listen to her.

Worst Habit - Camilla does have quite the bad habit of even treating adults like children. This can go from little things, like accidentally talking to them in a childish manner to somewhat belittling people and acting like they can't do certain things. She is also a little too overcaring in the way that she is sometimes very adamant about not letting people do certain things because of the danger level involved.

Darkest Fear - Camilla's darkest fear would most obviously be being alone. She has had many dark dreams of her entire family being slaughtered in front of her, and has woken up in a cold sweat due to such thoughts.
Camilla has the power to channel the dead, which she does not think suits her at all. Simply called "Spirit-Channeling" Camilla can call a spirit to borrow her body. When a spirit is in Camilla's body, Camilla goes into a coma like state and is not aware the entire time the spirit is borrowing her body. When possessed, Camilla's appearance changes to look somewhat like the spirit did in life. It basically looks like the spirit is doing cosplay of Camilla, as she keeps her hair and outfit, but her body and face changes.

Strengths - There really is not a clear strength to Camilla's powers. It is useful in the way that people can talk to those who have passed. So truly, it is more useful to others than it is for her.

Weaknesses - Light weakens Camilla's ability. While a spirit, once summoned, can go into the light it will quickly start to feel drowsy and sick and will want to leave the body. Another weakness would be if that amateurs are trying to talk to the dead in silly ways, like board games, it disturbs the channeling flow and will make it difficult for Camilla to summon. Magic items like these can also help, however. Summoning takes quite the toll on her energy, making her tired and weak. If she has a magical item she can channel her powers through, it takes some of the exhaust away. She has something like this in the form of her necklace, which she found in a trash can once around the city.

Limitations - Camilla must be in total focus and have a clear and calm mind in order to summon a spirit, which is one condition. Another condition is that Camilla must be in a totally dark room, no light may be present. There must also be very limited sound. Focus is very important. Camilla must also know the full name of the spirit she is channeling, as well as have an idea in her head what the spirit looks like. Furthermore, the spirit can refuse Camilla's request and ignore her. Some other things to keep in mind would be that Camilla has no control of her body while possessed and cannot control how long the Spirit is in her body, the spirit decides that. However, the spirit does adhere to the body. The longest the spirit can stay is however long the body can stay conscious. If the spirit does not leave beforehand, once the spirit falls asleep it leaves the body.
Family and History
Camilla was born on a snowing winter day in the second district, an overpopulated city. Her family was fortunate enough to live in one of the few skyscrapers. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for a family of four. But four became five, and then six, seven, and once the family doubled it became a little crowded. Some complained, but Camilla loved it. Camilla was always very close to her entire family. She especially loved her big brother, Marx. Which is why her heart was shattered when Marx was tested and it was positive that he had powers, meaning that he couldn't live with them anymore. Marx had never shown any sign of such, which is why the whole family was torn up about it, but Camilla was truly the most emotional. This happened a few days before her birthday. However, before he left, Marx promised that he would return to the family one day, a silly child's dream, and left Camilla with an early birthday present, a pair of plastic pearl looking earrings for a child. Camilla had always been slightly envious, not obviously, of the pearl earrings she saw elites wear, so this gift was very dear to her heart. Marx always knew just what she wanted the best. Camilla put on those earrings that day and have not taken them off since, very adamantly so. After Marx left, Camilla did feel very alone but did not let anyone see her distraught. With Marx gone, she had to be there for her siblings more than ever, and she was. She always did her best for them, hoping one day she could see Marx again and they could all be reunited. She would talk about him dearly, and it broke her heart when she realized that her youngest siblings didn't even remember him. But still she moved forward, she was always moving forward. Well, not completely, as in the back of her mind she was always afraid of that test. She was afraid that she might be taken away like Marx, or that another one of her siblings would be taken. So, she would sometimes try to check to see if she could bring powers out of any of them, but never could. She was sure she did not have powers either, until a neighborhood boy died in an accident. They had been friends and he was very kind to her family. When he died, she started to think of him at night and then fall asleep, or so she thought. Some mornings she would wake and her siblings would be speaking gibberish about how she transformed into that boy and was talking to them at night. She did not believe them at first until the boy started to leave her letters. This was when she learned of her ability and absolutely hated it. She didn't think it was fair that she had such a burden that she could not even reap the benefits from. She decided that she would do her best to hide her power, but of course there was no way to hide her power from the test, but just in case she started teaching Emmeryn to take care of the family. Eventually the fated day came where she was ripped away from her siblings. In the same fashion as Marx, she gave them each a pearl earring. She didn't have enough money to buy four pairs, but just enough to buy three, this way she could give one each to her parents as well. Truly, it was a horribly crushing day for her emotionally but one idea did keep her going. She could have been going to the place where Marx was. Alas, she was not and to this day has not seen him since the day he left.

Family - Camilla's family is comprised of her two parents and five siblings. Her father's name is Frederick Gregory Hawthorne, a man with no powers and is a small-time lawyer who works very hard. He married Cynthia Lily, a nurse who is also powerless. Their oldest son, Marx Von Hawthorne is Camilla's oldest brother. Then comes Camilla's four younger siblings in order of age: Emmeryn Ann, Henry James, Miles Raugn, and Lissa May. As of now, Miles and Lissa are too young to be tested for powers. Neither Emmeryn or Henry were found to have powers either to the glee of Camilla. All are still alive.
Education - In her youth, Camilla studied at home in her own time as she found that she could not balance school and trying to raise her siblings. So, she has not had much formal education. However, she knows quite a bit of medical care from her mother.

Relationships - While Camilla is not in a relationship right now, and has never really had a formal one before, it is one of her greatest dreams to be in love.

Death - It would be okay if Camilla died, however her channeling power may be useful to communicate with other characters who die.

Full Name - Marx Von Hawthorne

Age - Twenty Six

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual

Birthday - October 27th
Marx is about 6'0 in height and weighs around 180 pounds, mostly from his dense muscle weight. He has a top heavy build but his whole body is very toned. He also has an olive tone to his skin, but is a bit darker than Camilla. To compliment this, he also has dark brown hair but keeps it short enough in somewhat of a free style. He doesn't keep his eyebrows very clean either. He has more of a square shaped face with a chiseled chin. He also has blue-grey eyes, opposing his sister's brown eyes. Marx has his left earlobe pierced but keeps nothing there. It is his only piercing. Like his sister, he is also prone to getting moles on his body but does not have any on his face. He has many on his back.
Marx was always a commander-like type. He was born with the gift of charisma and confidence, drawing in authority in a way that could draw crowds together. He has a ruthless level of rationality and often uses his drive, determination, and sharp mind to achieve whatever he desires. He loves challenges and believes that anything is possible, with a somewhat child-like mindset but more so strategic. He simply loves to compete, in both battles of strength and wit. He also prefers being in large groups as opposed to being by himself. He is good at seeing talents in people, and therefore is good at creating efficient teams. However, he is also quite blunt when it comes to pointing out flaws. As he values efficiency and all around strength, he can come out as cold often because he is not afraid of cutting somewhat out if they are not adhering to his standards. He isn't particularly emotional and really can be insensitive. This was something Camilla often scolded him for, but the two still worked well off of each other.

Philosophy - "Winning isn't everything, but it's something I enjoy a lot and will do a lot to get."

Reason for Life - Marx really sees is reason for life is just to succeed. He really wanted to become rich and famous or something, mostly successful, so he could go where what he saw as the most happy people were. He wanted his family to be able to come with him as well.

Greatest Gift - Marx's greatest gift would probably be his charisma. He can make friends easily and is great at forging strong relations. He is just quite good at making people like him.

Worst Habit - His worst habit would probably be how he sometimes dehumanizes people. When trying to reach a goal, he will often treat people more as a part than a human being. If the part is not efficient, then he will cut it out.

Darkest Fear - In that regard his darkest fear is failure. He is often very scared of being sent to the worst of the slums and dying along the street. Even in his current situation, he isn't too unhappy because he is so close to what he always desired, even if it isn't exactly what he had in mind.
Many like to playfully call his power "King of the Dead." Marx has the ability to give life to corpses and command them to do his bidding.

Strengths - In his radius, Marx can control as many corpses as are present. So if there were a thousand within 15 feet, he could control them all.

Weaknesses - Marx's powers are best used at night or on very cloudy days as direct sunlight will cause a corpse to melt. Similarly to Camilla, any adamant distractions will cause Marx to lose focus and therefore his control will weaken.

Limitations - Marx can only raise the dead that are within a 15 foot radius of himself. Of course, there must be a corpse around him to raise, so he is most successful in graveyards. He must be in complete focus while he does this and if he is distracted then the corpses will turn into dust. He also can only command a group he is controlling to one task. The dead are typically quite weak as well, and one they are defeated they turn into dust. They do have somewhat a mind of their own, so he does not have to control their every movement, however he must have a clear task. For example, if there is an army coming from the north and south, he can only use the dead to attack either army, not both.
Family and History
Marx is the first son of the Hawthorne family, the product of a small time lawyer and nurse in the second district. As he was the first son, the most pressure was put on him to do well in school. He did always take his studies very seriously, mostly because he wanted to leave the city one day. While he did enjoy it a lot, he dreamed of having enough money to live in luxury, somewhere in the center. Of course, he never shared this goal with his parents or his siblings because he figured they would react awkwardly. So he just studied and took care of his siblings. However, he also tended to go out and have fun a little more than Camilla did. He had a group of friends that he would go out with and explore the city with. They even had a secret base like place. This secret base just so happened to be next to a small graveyard. One day, a group of older boys found their base and tried to take it from them. These older boys were pretty violent and freaked Marx out. He pleaded to whatever god or magic out there that someone would save them, and that was when corpses started rising from the graveyard and approaching their home. Of course, the older boys ran for their lives. Marx couldn't be happier that something saved them, but he was also freaked out himself. He was especially freaked out when all of the corpses stopped when they reached him and then did nothing. He started moving around a little and asking them to do things, and that's when he realized he had this power. However, he knew it was also a curse. So all of the boys vowed that no one would ever tell and that Marx could only use his power to protect the base. Little did they know that the older boys would start to spy on them and eventually put two and two together when Marx started messing around with the corpses just for fun. That's when an anonymous tip was left that Marx should be tested as soon as possible. While Marx was very nervous, knowing his fate, his parents did not have any problems with testing him because they thought there was no way he could have powers. Of course, they were wrong. Marx left on a very tragic goodbye, never seeing his family, friends, or his base again.

Family - Marx's family is the same as Camilla's. He is the oldest son and child of a family with six children. His parents are both alive, as well as his three sisters and two brothers. Camilla is his only family member that is known to have powers besides himself, both relating to the dead.
Education - Marx had a very strong education before he was tested. He started very diligently, and while he was not naturally smart, he worked hard to learn and therefore is quite knowledgeable.

Relationships - Marx had a few childhood loves before he was tested, both of boys and girls. He is not currently in a relationship but would not be opposed to one.

Death - It would be alright if Marx died, just tragic for Camilla. Marx could also use other potentially dead characters as corpse army members, which is just a little thing to keep in mind.
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Full Name
Damon Ray Henderson
March 26, 1992


6'4" (193 cm)
Body Type
Damon doesn't have much of a body type. He's lengthy and build with the body of a Boxer, a simple 6-pack of abs with thick muscular arms and rough hands. Standing at 6'4" he's a tall man with a somewhat lengthy body that doesn't seem to fit his build but doesn't look bad either. Long legs and arms.
Eye Color
A light Brown, gets darker with the type of light in the area. A milk chocolate color.
Face Shape
Oval in shape
Hair Color
Black, with streaks of brown and grey.
Hair Style
Damon likes to keep his hair short, the strands go to about 2 inches from his scalp, often longer in the front. He likes to keep it back and out of his face when he's working. It's curly however, light curls that tend to stray from their original place on his head, but not enough to be a bother.
Damon has similar tattoos to that of his brother, Cameron. While same style, his seem to complete his brothers, a sort of Yin and Yang set.
Damon has an angel wing on the left side of his spine, it reaches down to his lower back and the bridge covers his shoulder blade. His spine has fancy scrawl all down it which says "Never one, without the other" showing the completeness he has with his brother. This is the only tattoo he currently has. No piercings.
Distinguishing Marks
Damon has a birthmark that looks like Australia on his right hip bone.

Damon is an honest fellow. For being one with himself he's very understanding of others and believes very optimistically about his opinions. He'd prefer to see the best in people instead of their worst that is hidden. He's a generous fellow, always willing to give the shirt off his back for someone who needs it without a second thought. Damon has a charming and gentle personality, he's learned to be patient with others even when they seem to take forever. Being used to a fast paced life, it's hard for him to wind down and find that peace within himself to relax. He enjoys the small things in life, when he can draw, and soak up the energy the world gives off. He's not religious by any means, he would be considered Agnostic, having believing in all religions for the sake of argument. Never finding one religion that would suit his needs, he believes all of them have their purpose in life and in others lives, even if they have no purpose in his. While he tries to be understanding, a sacrifice of his optimism, Damon is very judgemental. Willing to give you a chance to fix his opinion of you, but not making it easy. He's good at persuasion, having to deal with his brother he's learned to fully utilize talking to get people to do what they wish, such as calm down. Damon likes to hide his feelings, preferring to keep them chained until he can confide in the few people that he feels he can trust. His parents are not one of those people Damon can trust, as they have broken it before and he can't risk his heart being torn again to speak with them. Damon is a bit envious of the rich, having all the money to do with what they wish but using it for the wrong reasons.
"The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better." or "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
Reason for Life
To hopefully make a better life for him and his brother, with untrustworthy parents whom Damon has disowned in his mind, his only true family lies with his younger brother. As it were, he wishes to be free, have a house, and a working job, perhaps even a wife if he was given the option. Damon never strays from true love. He wishes to be a doctor and help deliver babies, since he could stop the pain of childbirth, he wishes to help ease the pain of bringing another human, or animal, into this earth.
Greatest Gift
Damon's greatest gift would be his power and his brother. His brother is living example that no matter how bad a person seems, how cold they seem, there is still a caring and loving person beneath that exterior and no one should be judged for this. His gift as well, this simple mutation that he uses to counteract his brothers power, when he was young it was mostly for his love of helping animals who were wounded.
Worst Habit
Damon smokes, while just cigarettes and its not a full on addiction, it's still something he's not quite proud of. He doesn't fear the pain it will cause in the long run, he's only recently started smoking when it became available as an option for him.
Darkest Fear
To lose his powers, and his brother. For his brother to lose control and become a mass murderer with how unstable his power is at full force.
Damon has the power of Sensory Deprivation. He can shut down certain to all senses including nerves. He manipulates the brain to shut down these processes, in full power he can shut them off for good, fully nullifying the nerves that cause each sensory trait. This power seems to range from humans to animals though it is not proven if he can shut down their sensory traits of sight and smell, he hasn't tried either. With humans, the power is stronger and can be protected at many at once.
Stronger with humans. Damon can control all humans through sensory deprivation. Through touch his powers are stronger.
Damon has to be staring at his victim for his powers to work, once he loses contact or vision of his victim his powers are removed from said victim and he can no longer control their senses. He also can't control more than four people, his powers will backfire and he will lose his senses instead. His eye sockets will start to bleed and he will lose consciousness or even risk death.

Family and History
Damon grew up in a good home with loving parents and a strange younger brother. Cameron was diagnosed by their local therapist as being a Sociopath, they had suspected his powers to show up quicker than usual. With such a mental handicap, it was Damon's job to look after his younger brother. In school, since their father was a Stockbroker for the Upper District, they lived in a two bedroom apartment in Hell's Gate. Damon made friends easily but his brother was always the downfall, kids would get hurt and no one knew how. They developed scratches on their bodies, human like in nature but when the children were tested, there were no traces of anything anywhere. They would pass out from heat exhaustion. But out of love Damon's parents said nothing of Cameron's condition. The teachers didn't think anything of it as well, children being children. Being older Damon was the first one to be regularly tested, at first it was a small anomaly in Damon that they couldn't pick up as being a mutant gene. Everyone else was normal and Cameron was too young to be tested. Damon got off on a clean slate.

It wasn't until Cameron turned 11 that Damon found out about his powers. A bully had been picking on Cam on the playground, beating him and kicking him against the chain link fence. Damon had a few after school classes and was late to walk his brother home from school, it was better to walk in a small group than walk alone. When Damon had gotten outside and through the crowd of screaming children, he found his brother covered in blood, the bully's body hung in the air as a single torso gushing like a red waterfall. The kids limbs torn clean as if someone had the power to rip them from the kids body, bones and all. Suddenly the torso was tossed by an invisible force, the sound of wind when there was none, like something supernatural. Damon held his brother, who seemed unfazed, into his arms. He called the first number in his phone, his mother. Waiting for her to arrive amidst the screaming. The last thing he remembered of that day, was his brothers calm face and the words he spoke "They will all die. I will kill all of them"

Things seemed to go okay, Cameron was questioned and it seemed he must have lied like a pro because he got off scot free and the police said it must have been a freak accident. There was no fingerprints or anything against Cam, it was like he never touched the kid at all. His power was beyond science. However the next week Cameron took a turn for the worst, their mother had been in the way, trying to push some sense into Cam and she got the blunt force of Cam's hidden power, she hung in the air like a scarecrow, her head bleeding as if she had been smacked against a hard surface like a ragdoll, his mother screamed and Damon tried to fight against this brother. Wishing his mom's pain could go away and for a while it did, she felt nothing. Feeling the interference or Damon's power, Cameron seemed to stop, their mother fell like a sack of potatoes. She tried to run to him, trying to block him from Cameron's wrath. But Cameron was too strong, too unstable, it caused Damon to pass out. When he woke up his mother was dead, a force went straight through her ribs, cracking them all and took out her heart which was gone, father nowhere to be found, and his brother Cameron, leaning over him, telling him it would be ok. It was only soon after their father sent them away and Damon knew the truth about how his mother tried to get his brother killed. It's been history ever since.
Cameron Henderson- Brother (21 years old)- Alive
James Henderson- Father (67 years old)- Alive, suffering Lung cancer
Mary Henderson- Mother (58 years old)- Deceased, died by absence of heart in chest cavity.


Elementary through High School
Bachlors in Psychology- Through his father's money he was able to put himself through two years of college.

Are you okay with this character dying?
Yes, and any overuse of his power or fighting against his brothers power would be able to kill him also.
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Full Name
Cameron Lee Henderson
April 18 1994

6'4 (193 cm)
172 lbs
Body Type
Cameron is a bit stockier than his brothers. He's lengthy but due to working out, his body is built like a thick Boxer. His muscles spread over his body in well placed patterns, with a set of 8 pack abs. His legs are muscular from his running.
Eye Color
Cameron has deep blue eyes that when in the right light shine light blue or light green, when using his powers, his eyes go from his normal blue to a deep navy almost black.
Face Shape
Hair Color
Black/ Dark Brown
Hair Style
Cam likes his hair a bit longer, like his brother it's usually in messy locks from him running his hands through his hair.
Tattoos/Piercings (optional)
Cameron has similar tattoos to that of his brother, Damon. While same style, his seem to complete his brothers, a sort of Yin and Yang set.
Cameron has a demon's wing on the right side of his spine, it reaches down to his lower back and the bridge covers his shoulder blade. His spine has fancy scrawl all down it which says "Never one, without the other" showing the completeness he has with his brother. This is the only tattoo he currently has. No piercings.

Distinguishing Marks
Cameron has a burn mark on his inner arm from a heated screw that fell onto his skin in one of his engineering classes. He also has a birthmark on his lower thigh above his knee.

To put it simply, Cameron has Antisocial Personality Disorder, commonly known as Sociopathic Illness. Cameron cannot feel most emotions that normal humans without the illness do, so he has an issue with understanding sorrow, happiness (Though he can express signs of what it is like, he cannot feel happiness). The only emotion he seems to have a grasp on is anger, yet with his power he cannot fully understand what anger feels like. He shows no remorse or concern about the downfalls of others, even with his closest form of family (Brother), he cannot show empathy for the misfortunes him and his brother have been dealt. He's not a compulsive liar however, Cameron is a bluntly honest fellow, often speaking in riddles to hide truth in the little lies he tells, but every human tells lies. In some point it makes him more humanlike and he clings to this part of his personality. He's very charming and seductive, mostly to get what he wants, which makes him very manipulative. He has tried to manipulate many people and has succeeded so far. He's very intelligent, able to hold in information like a sponge and for this he is very observant and can follow difficult rules when given to him quickly and at once. Cameron has a good sense of when to stop using his powers, they control most of his own functions and he has to be wary if he uses them too much. Unlike most sociopaths he does not have a huge ego riding on his shoulders. He's quiet and does not speak unless spoken to, this gives him permission to eavesdrop and learn what he can from his victims. He has a deep longing to find true love, since it seems to be what humans thrive off of, more than money and he envies that quite wholeheartedly. Cameron listens to music more often than he should, it seems to take over his life and he does this to attempt to feel how music makes people feel, he often listens to love songs to try and capture that feeling of love he's facinated by.
"Every man has forgotten who he is. One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God; but thou shalt not know thyself.
We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten what we really are. All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality and positivism only means that for certain dead levels of our life we forget that we have forgotten. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful moment we remember that we forget." -C. K Chesterton

Reason for Life
To mask those who pretend to be others, just as he has had to hide his mental illness. He wishes to keep his brother safe even if that means losing his life. Perhaps to get someone to love him so he can understand and learn to find out love.
Greatest Gift
His brother. The power he has been able to get.
Worst Habit
Cam smokes just like his brother, his worst habit would be his honesty or his lack of remorse. Using his vectors for the wrong reasons.
Darkest Fear
To lose control of his power and kill his brother or himself in the process.
(Color coded. Strengths are in Gold. Weaknesses are in Mint, and Limitations are in lavender)
Cameron is a Diclonius. A Diclonius is a newly evolved species similar to humans, incapable of reproducing and living in their own rarity. Diclonius have horns that distinguish them from humans, horns are a mix of bone and cartilage and in males are a lot harder to see than females, which horns resembles cat ears but lack any sort of movement. These horns seem to amplify the ability to sense other Diclonius within a certain radius. Loss of a horn results in a temporary coma, varying on the damage done to horn. The more they lose a horn, the longer it becomes to heal into a new one. Losing born horns, results in either death or the loss of their vectors. Vectors are a solid force when in motion, they can heal themselves quickly and Cam quickly but like Cameron's horns, his vectors become harder to heal the more they get harmed.
Diclonius are known for their weapons, these so called Vectors are arm like in detail. Vectors are telekinetic energy weapons that can move invisibly around their Diclonius. They vibrate at such a high speed they appear invisible. These Vectors can be controlled by the Diclonius they are attached to. They are mainly used as weapons or for defense. Protruding from their backs. They can be used for Bludgeoning, cutting through offending humans or objects in their way. They can destroy or propel most objects with ease, they do have the power to stop missles and bullets. However, under heavy fire of an army, the vectors cannot block from all angles, as they struggle deeply with 50 caliber weapons. A Diclonius has four vectors that can be seen with smoke or if covered in a colored liquid such as blood or paint. Without sight Cameron can't control his vectors, he cannot feel the settings they are vibrating at so sight is important if he were chose to attack only. They are stuck at low setting if he cannot see and aren't helpful in a fight. He can block most small items such as low caliber bullets or items that are thrown at him as long as his vectors can cover him from all angles. Cameron has four vectors, they can reach up to Four meters, determining by the vibration Cameron sets them, Vectors can:

Low Vibration- Can go through objects using little physical interference. Including humans and most living things. Makes a low whistling sound, usually only heard by animals who can hear at such a wider range than humans. Cameron cannot use his low vibration to attack or phase a vector through a wall and change vibrations because the mass interference while the vector is still in the wall or object. His body cannot phase through anything.

Medium Vibration- This setting can move, lift, and throw objects and disrupt blood vessels, but not enough to pop them. Makes the same low whistling sound as the low vibration but with a slightly higher tone. This is the main setting for cleaning, recreational activities like cooking, and playing/touching humans and animals without harming them.

High Vibration- Used for Slashing through most materials of medium density and biological objects (humans, animals) This vibration can carry liquid without a container yet cannot hold such liquid as human hands can't hold a liquid without them spilling. This vibration can block bullets and most acts of physical violence. The sound of these Vectors moving is like rushing wind.

Extreme Vibration- This is the most dangerous setting a Diclonius can use, in this state all vectors are visible without smoke or liquids. Vectors can stretch an extra inch from their stretchable distance. His vectors can destroy almost anything within their own distance, and are known to act out in protection of their Diclonius. Overuse of this vibration setting slowly starts to deteriorate the Diclonius' body due to Entropy and will eventually lose all mass and melt. This vibration is only used for extreme defense, as a certain point the vectors will lose control and turn on their Diclonius.

Family and History
Cameron's life was a bit simple and a hard. Little happened to him but at the same time through Elementary because of his disease he was always bullied for not feeling enough. Cameron found his gift early, for some reason it hit him when he was age 5, but because he wasn't 13 he didn't have to be tested. His mental illness might have had something to do with his talent. Once his vectors grew he gained knowledge, he knew what he was, how much power he had to wield freely, he knew his limitations, but that never stopped him from trying to advance his skills. Having his talent so early he was able to hone in his skills, sneaking out to test his power on animals and bugs, he never thought it was wise to do on a human, animals he didn't feel much remorse for like his older brother. His brother was always the saving the day for him because Cam was getting into fights. When he was 11, he stood outside waiting for his older brother to walk him home from school where he got pushed by other boys. They beat him against the fence and the main boy, the leader was a fat kid, Cam had been making fun of him and frankly, Cam deserved to get beat for being a bully. He didn't see it that way however. While his sides were being kicked in repeatedly, he released his Vectors, while his brother was still in class, Cameron worked his magic and ruined that fat kid. Cameron changed settings, his vectors went at the kid, lifting him into the air by his fat little arm, while the other three went to work and ripped his limbs from his body. Cameron had never heard such a terrified wail. The kids limbs were thrown aside and then it was off with his head, a clean cut, like a cleaver to a chicken's neck. One vector held onto the fat bullys torso, lifting it far into the air and Cam watched the blood trickle down in a red waterfall. It was like magic.
He vowed to make the other children pay and he wished them ill will. Cam was able to pull a good lie and him being too young to be tested they assumed that it was some freak accident. Cameron got off scot free and for a while it seemed to be alright. His vectors left no trace of DNA, it was as if they didn't exist and he never committed the crime at all. Cameron wondered why his brother wasn't able to see his vectors, he saw them, their outline covered in blood. The school grieved and Cam had never had a better school year. But his mother was catching on quickly, she hired doctors to check his condition and when they started to spot something, a kind of pattern. How was that kid able to die in such a fashion and no one being able to see it but the boy who was covered in his classmates blood that day? Cam knew his mother had to go, she would get him killed. He tried to kill her in the same manner, or course, this was when his brother was developing his powers. He lifted his mother into the air like a ragdoll and tossed her once, but he held onto her, each vector poized and ready to strike at his command. Damon had come home early from high school, unbeknownst to Cam, Damon tried to save their mother. For a while it seemed to work, his words and his power had convinced Cameron to drop the woman. The more Cameron watched his brother use his powers to block his own, his mother running to protect Damon, instead of die like she was supposed to, Cam became furious. The more angry he became the more his power raged inside him, the more his vectors became irritable and vibrated at high speed, overpowering his brothers power and forcing his brother to unconsciousness. Cam turned to his mother, he wouldn't dismember his mother, she deserved better than that. Lifting her into the air once more, his vector struck with the speed of a snake, leaving a gaping hole in his mothers chest where her heart used to be. He never found what happened to the heart. It vanished and was ever seen again.

Family (specify relation, age, and if alive)
Damon Henderson-Brother (Age 24)- Alive
James Henderson-Father (Age 67)- Alive, Suffering from Lung Cancer
Mary Henderson-Mother (Age 58)- Deceased, killed by missing heart in Chest cavity.

Elementary through High School
1 year of Engineering school until his father vanished

Are you okay with this character dying?
Yes, if his powers get out of hand, he will most likely have to go down in a blaze of gunfire or he'll be the force of his own demise.
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All the characters look great so far, and I'm still deciding on powers and all that. Keep it coming with your characters!
All the characters look great so far, and I'm still deciding on powers and all that. Keep it coming with your characters!
So how're the considerations coming?
I'll drop a post later saying if I can apply or not, been kinda busy and I still need to just read all the info for the RP itself.
So how're the considerations coming?
Everyone looks good, I think! If there's something I didn't quite catch that I'd like changed, I'll PM you (or whoever).

As far as starting up, I'm hoping to garner more interest before then, so I might put up another banner. I'll also be working on my characters. :)
@Phi Chisym seem like something you'd be interested in my dear?
So, what's the timeline for character approval so far? Should I expect to wait for a couple more days? Weeks?
So, what's the timeline for character approval so far? Should I expect to wait for a couple more days? Weeks?
I will have my characters up and approvals finished by Monday. College classes and work are keeping me busy, so I haven't been able to get as much done as I would have liked.
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I read the history, but what is the actual plot
What's the plot of a zombie survival fic? Or a high school RP? Life. Life is the plot, my friend.

If we want to revolt? Revolution is the plot.

If we want to die, well that'll be a short RP but sure, we can do that. :)
That was beautiful. -tears up-
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I read the history, but what is the actual plot
Ah, the plot, my friend, is a bit of a mystery. Don't worry when the IC gets up, you guys will have enough information to move forward. :)
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Ah, the plot, my friend, is a bit of a mystery. Don't worry when the IC gets up, you guys will have enough information to move forward. :)
Oh there is a plot? Very good, *smiles* I was afraid it didn't and that the roleplay would largely be rudderless.

Will there be post orders?
Oh there is a plot? Very good, *smiles* I was afraid it didn't and that the roleplay would largely be rudderless.

Will there be post orders?
Not currently, though I ask that everyone wait at least two or three posts or a certain length of time before posting again. I'll have to think on it. From experience, strict posting orders usually cause the death of a roleplay.
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Not currently, though I ask that everyone wait at least two or three posts or a certain length of time before posting again. I'll have to think on it. From experience, strict posting orders usually cause the death of a roleplay.
I would figure something like that only needs to be enforced if people go crazy about posting all day long
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I hate waiting.
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