Power is Slavery [CLOSED]

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Is there still space I would like to make a CS if I can. If there is space I'll make it once I get home.
Oop Gurren Lagann pic
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Shouldn't someone state the slave-master roster? I suposse all the slave's masters 'll be users and not NPCs, so... uh... who wants to own Okami? >.<
Yeah Im dropping sorry guys.
Well it doesn't seem like the GM of this is very active and I'm in so many that are very similar to this so I left this RP.
Aw, you kinda right... We should tell the GM to get a co-GM...

But see ya later then ;-;
Yeah I'm gonna give this a week and if the gm doesn't reply I'll be dropping this too. RPs without active gms die quickly and brutally.
This may found kinda selfish but… I invite you to my RP (link in my sig), we are just like 5 persons in a giant world... I enter the site daily and I have a co-GM in cases I can't enter the site. >.<

I'd give a description of it but crappy phone writing doesn't allow me to do so.
I don't see the problem with Android phones, I actually prefer them over IOS, I'm using one myself.

Anyway, when is this RP starting and are my characters going to be accepted?
idk when it starts but it is somewhere in buslandia
Okay, I really, really do like this rp idea quite a lot, but I'd wait a little while longer for the gm before we go off and remake this.
I might have to drop this, too... I was thinking about starting my own RP, and if this isn't around, that might help.
Aw, this RP has a lot of potential. Since the GM doesn't show around this is going to die soon... Adter that happens I'd pleased of revamping it myself, but I can't do that without the owner's permission ^-^;
i'm dropping this too, without anyone who's actually trying to keep it alive there' no point in lingering here.
So many amazing RPs dying out.
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