Dananachan, there's no profile messages/ visitor messages option! D:
That's my usual means of communication :D
Do you socialize with members from Iwaku? Do you get all your socializing from the forums, cbox, or from IM programs like Skype, MSN, AIM, etc.
I usually do most of my Iwaku socializing on Iwaku, haha.
Mostly visitor messages or personal messages.
Recently, I've started using groups, too! :D
A couple of members have me on msn, but mostly oldies. The same with skype, which I'm a little particular about who I add, same as Ocha-chama <3
Which members from Iwaku do you talk to the most?
Uhh, usually staffus and oldies, I guess?
Ahh, I miss being staff, haha! Having stuff to talk about/discuss and work on was fun!
Now my posts are just, HEYHELPME. or HEYWASSUP? and i feel useless xD
I usually end up grabbing new Iwakuans for my roleplay so we talk frequently.
Cbox, I pop in now and then. Not really my thing? I lose track of the topic -.-
On my profile;
there's Asmo, whose profile I'm always sabotaging with comments and questions,
Jinx who wants to take over the world with me,
Diana for whom I usually have questions, issues, or some kind of silly thank you,
Rory, because I was apologizing and random chatting,
I've also got Grumpy because he's the GM of a roleplay I'm in,
October because I asked him a question about antagonists,
Kitti because I thanked her for something,
and ViralField because I missed him,
a couple of other members in my roleplays,
and some "how are you doing~ welcome back" posts because I went around and said "hey i'm back!" to a lot of my old friends xD
In my Inbox, there's a bunch of inbox messages concerning Spero (my newest roleplay) and some personal ones from Miru and Orion ~~ ,D
I honestly would talk to other members if they wrote to me, I just don't think I would give out my msn or skype.
We have A LOT of new members, so acquaintances are easy, but building long-term friendships seems hard :3
maybe it's just me xD