- Posting Speed
- Slow As Molasses
- Writing Levels
- Give-No-Fucks

It's been two weeks to the day since the Republic of New Eden lost contact with it's deep-space research ship, 'The Path to Enlightenment'.
All attempts to contact the ship have been met with silence. Patrols sent to locate the ship have been unable to locate it. But fnally, the missing ship, home to several hundred scientists along with a full unit of security staff and their families, has been found, floating in the vast emptiness of space.
Enter the freelance repair freighter, 'The Precipice', and it's crew, nearby to the location of the derelict research ship and having been hired by the Republic to board the Path, discover what has happened, and get it running again. An easy job to them, and the pay's pretty good.
In truth, they have no idea what they are walking in to. Aboard the Path, something has been released, a creature that can possess the bodies of humans, a creature intent on killing everyone it can.
It could be anyone; the captain, your best friend, even yourself. Who can you trust? How can you tell who's lying and who's telling the truth?
And how do you stop the creature before it murders everyone aboard the ship?
1) There will be a sign-up thread, the rules and mechanics of the game as well as the character sheets for the participants will be posted there. (as usual)
2) The game thread will then be created. After the game starts, the GM will assign a player character to be the one "possessed", as well as a "seer". The "possessed" must kill who he/she thinks is the "seer".
3) There will be a voting phase, (normally 1 week). Within the voting phase, the players (including the killer) will vote, in character, who they think is the killer. Also, the assigned seer will receive a hint from the GM, via PM.
4) If the actual killer is caught, it's game over and the players win. Otherwise, the game goes on, and the one voted out will be sent off the spaceship to die in space.
5) Repeat steps 2 to 4 until the "possessed" is found out, or the "seer" is killed, or everybody else dies. If the seer is killed, it's a victory for the creature. If the "possessed" is found out, the player character possessed will be killed off, along with that creature, and the players win. GM's prerogative on who wins in case everybody has been killed off.
NOTE: Once the game has started, the GM will no longer be able to accept players.
1) DON'T FUCKING GOD-MOD. Not only does it spoil it for everyone else, it also ruins the element of mystery in the game, ruining the experiance.
2) Once a player has been killed by the possessed, he/she is killed. No buts, no ifs. It goes without saying that no one, no matter how powerful, is safe from being killed.
3) Also, once a player has been casted off by the other players, he/she is also effectively killed off.
4) Players who have been killed can't participate in the game any longer, and cannot offer advise to other players (see Rule 1).
5) Once a player receives a message from the GM about his/her role, he/she must take care not to divulge any relevant information to the other players, even after that player has been relieved of his/her role. If necessary, after the end of the game, the GM will make a post tying up all of the loose ends and other questions.
6) If there's any need for clarifications, feel free to PM the GM. Do not ask the other players.