POLL: Removing the "Entertainment" forum.

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Should we keep or remove the Entertainment forum?

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Well Captain, it looks like that subform is f**cked. So, I say blow 'er up.
There's still two weeks to vote, RORY! XD
I'd rather not have any sub-boards at all.

My first reaction when I saw Iwaku all those years ago was "Hoshit where the hell do I go?". We have too many boards, too much clutter and not the best of roadsigns. I wouldn't be surprisd if it loses us a lot of potential members.

Whenever we talk about this I have all these grand plans to merge Art/Writing, General, Counselling, Member Central and Insanity into some single Facebookesque entity, like galleries and lounges arranged around the roleplay hub, where members showcase their personalities.

But... as you can see... I've never been able to explain the idea properly. So all I can do instead is vote for more clean-ups.
If we go the Facebook route, make sure there's like no apps...Or maybe we should...Because Diana could take care of all her fishes here...

cause then people just play arcade games and never post. ;_;
I voted I don't care./This does not affect me.

Because I'm one of the moderators of the Entertainment board.

That's not what I meant.

*goes to the emo corner*
You wouldn't understand.

None of you would.

*sits beneath a tree, watching the horizon as beautiful sunlight tinges the landscape with gold, bringing softest whispers of a love departed*
Whenever we talk about this I have all these grand plans to merge Art/Writing, General, Counselling, Member Central and Insanity into some single Facebookesque entity, like galleries and lounges arranged around the roleplay hub, where members showcase their personalities.

But... as you can see... I've never been able to explain the idea properly. So all I can do instead is vote for more clean-ups.

ah hmmmm.... maybe the user profile capability be expanded so that it can accomodate "threads" of its own, much like facebook, and that users can form groups based on some "commonalities" such as being sci-fi fans and what not.

however, there's one huge problem with that. first time users would have an even more difficult time traversing the quagmire of personal pages and groups and off-topic threads to get to the thread/page that discusses the topic they are looking for.

I say we stick to the basics and improve the areas that really (i think) should be in any roleplaying forum: roleplays and discussion areas for writing. plus a section devoted to user data and user concerns (member central + counselling), and a section for miscellanea (general OR insanity).

the roleplay area as well as the "writing discussion area", i think needs no further explanation, as you guys handle it quite well. what I want to discuss and clarify are the other two general areas: the userdata and concerns area and the miscellanea area.

the user data area would contain member threads that would act as the users' sort of "resume" here in the forum. (the user profiles capability handle this quite well too, but i find that weird that the "roleplay resume" is found elsewhere, and there's not even an area for the user's general info other than that found in the profile).

the "user concerns" area would act like what is at present the member central. introductory threads would be here (these threads would later be transformed and transproted into the "user data" area), as well as notifications of inactivity, mod announcements and whatnot.

the "miscellanea" area i have in mind is like a combination of insanity and our present general discussion, only much less insane. either way, anything else that won't fall into the other categories/areas would fall here.

oh heck.. what am i rambling about anyways... do they even make sense? ~_~; long story short: stick to the basics.

PS: "better is a program that does one thing and does it well than a program that attempts to do everything and fails at it"

disregard that. period.
*Goes to get the Asmo-Paddle*
Make sure you paddle Megane as well. He talks too much.


Thank you. That is all.
Megane totally misunderstood what I meant.

*goes back to playing his Xbox under the tree and listening to Alanis Morisette as lonesome birds swirl around his head like desperate hearts cleft in twain*
I have no idea what you just said there... I mean, I see the words but it's all...Like Jack or something...

Anyways, minions continue to vote and we shall what happens.
I know what Asmo is looking for. >:D

Tricky to pull off, though without looking messy. It takes the right combination of Forums + User Profile + "Hub". Everything too smashed together is just as confusing as everything too segregated.

Which... we'll be getting the tools to DO something like that with the next forum upgrade. It's just going to take trial and error in seeing what works. .__. I'm with Asmo in wanting to get rid of our extra sub-forum/off topic areas, but not ALL of them, cause some do have their value and purpose.

Like, how much I hate Insanity and General separate (just makes too many forums), but I know keeping the LOLRANDOM spam out of topics that have point is better for everyone. Having a forum of nonsense is a good release for people, just like having a safe-haven away from hijacking and trolling is a safe haven for others.

I've tried posting in the Entertainment, particularly the video games section, and even with something creative to them that encouraged posting--games that have level editors, make your own levels in them and post them in the thread. Nobody eeeeever responded.
But that was ages ago and I suppose I could always try again.

In other news: The rest of this post was totally irrelevant and as such deleted.
Keep it and fight to keep it active, just the opinion of a noob. We'll grow more active in time. :D
Diana....FUND IT.
Seriously, though... I think it just gets kind of forgotten in General Chatting, yes? Hmm...I want it to stay...
NOO KEEP IT! I posted there and well I'm not there all the time because I don't always have the time to log in and talk and stuffrly. But when ever I do log in I go there so KEEP IT!!! please. ^_^
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