Poems/Songs About My Issues

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Original poster
I told you I understood
why you were leaving me
I told you I had nothing more to offer you
and waved goodbye as you left
heading towards a better life

so why return to me
when i've gone and got over you
so why do you ask me
what i wanna do with you

so why do you insist
to rip apart the world in which i exist
why can't you be happy for me
like i was....

you thrashed every new girlfriend into my face
and i stood there, saying
it's okay, i understand,
you're hurting just like i am

but now you've gone and changed your mind
you say you wanna be mine
and i say "no way"

i don't wanna go back
we made made a mistake,
i understand that
so why can't you?

you were the obvious winner,
and i lost with pride at every double-date dinner you insisted i come to....

so why can't you leave me alone
i don't love you the way i did
all those years ago

you hated my jokes
i didn't care for your pranks
and let's be frank,
the way you talked to women as if i wasn't there

and now you stand at my door
like nothin's happened,
i ask myself
why did this happen?
*Huggles Aleyna* If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know!! If the poem is really what you are going through, then I think you are a really strong girl~! Don't let someone who gives you pain back into your life!! Remember why they left in the first place D:!!
Same goes for me, Aleyna. We've been friends for four short days but I'm told I'm a pretty good listener. Just let me know if/when there is anything I can do.
:D thanks, guys. it's been a little tough, but it's something i can work through.
I HAVE DONE IT! My ex has disappeared, I have a job, and now I can pay for my sister! WOO-HOO!!!!

*forever alone*
*hugs* I'm proud of you ^.^ You will also find that Mr. Right <3