The date is 2033, August 17th. The Earth has demolished most head powers of countries and the most powerful countries of earth has joined to create a united country/nation. History repeats itself as lands are being re-collonized because of their lack of technology/education/knowledge of government.
For 10 years the United Nations (AKA What was America) and NASA have tried to create hovering, luxury ships, for the pleasure of the wealthy. Other countries, colonized or un-colonized have already made their version of these kinds of hovering air crafts, mostly used upon civil wars/terrorist attacks. The crafts are mant to hold up to at least 3 million people, including staff, pilots, etc.
On this day, August 17th, 3 of these luxury ships are meant to be launched, carrying 3 of the major and most powerful world leaders of the United Nation. A female pilot by the name Amera MacLeud has finished her flight training of 6 years and now having the opportunity to be one of the first pilots out of all man kind to fly a hovering ship of this size. But... Throughout Ameras life, she has had odd dreams about this specific date. Dreams of the whole world collapsing. She never knew what these could mean, if they were just messed up nightmares effected by her mindset and her feelings about the world she lives in...
The night the hi[p is about to launch she is on deck, along with the hundreds of other pilots. A slight pain and uneasyness is in her stomach as she looks below to all the men and women saying good bye to their loved ones... She sweats in serious fright, but tries to keep calm. Absent hands clenching at a function stick, waiting for her cue to pull it.
Is this really the night, the night the world ends?