Playing with Fire

Leaving him to change, Carina turned to fetch the tray from outside, the one that included the jug of water and two glasses. She brought them back in, ensuring to avert her gaze as she noticed his lack of care for privacy while pulling on his pyjamas. The pregnant queen kept her back to him, clearing her throat softly as she poured the water into a glass only to pause. Her lifted hand hesitated in the air, and her eyes lingered on the space where the bracelet would be.

She could still do it, and be the bigger person. She could easily help Sven settle for the night and make sure he didn't kill himself by choking on his own vomit before making a run for it. How would Lauren feel about that? If they didn't follow through with their plan and simply took off now she was freed. It would be a lot easier, and she wouldn't have to worry about containing the rage of the Ignisian people. She had no people of her own left, neither did Lauren. She would rule over those who would make every attempt to assassinate her, that was undoubted. She would forever worry about her life, especially after the baby had been born.

Perhaps running, while a cowardly option, was the easiest. Sven had proved how easy it was to slip passed the guards. Perhaps she couldn't scale the wall and drop the dangerous amount of feet like Sven did... but she could certainly find other ways.

Her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dried lips, body tingling with the possibility of finally being free. She would be hunted down, but with her powers were with her now, and she wouldn't be so easy to take down again.

His slurred question had her startling back into reality, eyes blinking as she looked over her shoulder to his bed. Soon ice cubes clinked within the glass, and she walked over to him, one hand holding the water and the other rubbing soothingly over the left side of her bump. For Carina, she merely hoped that he was truly too drunk enough to realise it was water she was providing him. That perhaps she could lie and say it was vodka instead. It was a trick Emmett had pulled on their father before, so perhaps it would work again.

However, his next words had her frozen in place just at the foot of the bed. He had apologised. To her.

It had to be the alcohol talking, because there was no way in hell's chance that he would have ever uttered such words when he was sober. Not only did he apologise for the earlier incident, but also... for Emmett. For what he had done to her brother. For beheading him in such a grotesque and brutal way. For treating the body the way he had done afterwards.

Once the shock had settled, and Carina took her first, pained, breath in after the apology, she looked down at the glass. Her eyes watered with a repeat of the grief, once more licking her lower lip as she struggled to breath with the new weight of that 'sorry' on her chest. Her body had briefly gone numb, incapable of feeling anything other than the grief that reared it's ugly head again. It would be a year next month. She had managed to shut out the awful memories of that night for almost eight months of that year. And he had brought them all back up again.

"I think you should... stop talking... before you end up regretting it all in the morning." Carina replied softly, stepping forward to take his hand and place it around the glass so he could take it, "Although I don't think you'll remember any of this anyway."

Having given him his drink, she refolded her handkerchief to find a clean area to wipe up the last of the blood from his nose, now it had stopped bleeding completely, brow furrowing slightly in concentration as the other hand rested on his shoulder to balance herself. With him being drunk, she didn't ask for permission as she then pressed a fingertip to the side of his nose. The gesture allowed her to expel a cooling sensation to the sore area that was his nose, allowing the pain to be numbed and providing a sense of relief. Not only that, but also would help constrict the blood cells to deter any further bleeds.

"Now, drink up and lay on your side. You're going to feel wretched in the morning, that's for sure... and you... you aren't going to remember a thing."
The idea that Carina might get him to sleep before daringly making her escape from the castle wasn't one he shared, practically incapable of keeping his thoughts straight let alone contemplate any of the ramifications potentially brought on from removing her bracelet. If he had considered any of them even for a mere second, he wouldn't have dared remove the band, and certainly wouldn't have done so for such a length of time - he may have opted to take it off if he was that desperate for some ice, but there was no justification for leaving it off her wrist after getting what he wanted.

And certainly no justification for preparing to go to sleep without placing it back on her.

She could send a shard of ice through his throat or cruelly freeze him to death before leaving, possibly never to be found, to raise their child away from the oppressive kingdom that had essentially held her captive for so many months. After all the atrocities he had committed, after slaughtering her loved ones and torturing her with their deaths, it had been a concern of his that a death of similarly painful nature would be coming to him if he let her use her powers; if she ever had the chance to inflict pain on him with them, she would take it.

This was her chance yet the King wasn't even aware of the possible danger he was in, far too drunk to even remember he had removed her bracelet in the first place.

He took a sip from the water in expectation of vodka, an immediate frown gracing his features upon realising it wasn't the alcohol he had requested. Being drunk, and thus unpredictable, he could have lost his temper at his request being so easily ignored but, as though the night couldn't be any stranger, he rolled his eyes and waived off the matter with a smile, drinking the rest of the water without complaint.

Ordinarily, he'd have loved Carina to give him any reason to want to punish or threaten her, and her clearly disobeying him would have gifted him that chance. In this instance, he barely gave it a second thought and set the empty glass aside with a murmur of thanks in gratitude, no further comment made on it as he sunk beneath the sheets and curled up on his side, as instructed to do so. With his nose now numbed from the pain, he could succumb to sleep and rest, get as many hours of sleep he could before the inevitable hangover ached him throughout the entirety of the next day.

Sleep was the plan and he didn't need to be lulled into it, though he peeked his eyes open to glance up at Carina nonetheless.

"Would you... sleep here tonight? I don't want to be alone, Carina. I've stumbled upon various realisations tonight and the main one is that I don't have anyone; that I'm alone. I don't want to fall asleep in a cold bed by myself-- just tonight I want to at least delude myself into thinking someone cares about me," he mumbled, his voice not only quiet but vulnerable, matching the broken tone from his admissions in the library a few days prior.

"I can... shift up, sleep right on the edge of the bed. There's plenty of room; you won't even notice I'm here. I just-- don't wish to be alone right now."
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Viverescribere
Would wonders ever cease? Carina was mystified by the turn of events for the evening, and the surprises just kept coming. It had been clear to see that he knew it wasn't vodka he had been handed, but his lack of rage and retaliation was slightly unnerving. She knew he would have adored any reason to belittle her or punish her for not agreeing to what he wanted or fetching him what he had asked for. So for him to simply roll his eyes and smile... it left Carina fidgeting as she wondered if it was just an act for a later consequence.

As he settled down, the young queen moved to pick up the glass with the intentions of filling it with more water, so it was there waiting for him on the side should he wake up in the night needing any. However she paused at his next question, blinking down at him as she replayed the words over in her mind to make sure she had heard him correctly.

"Sleep... here?" She repeated, unable to hide the surprise in her voice. Carina knew he was drunk, but she couldn't help but wonder if, again, this was all some manipulative ploy. And then, if it wasn't, how would he react in the morning should he wake to find her there beside her? Undoubtedly he would have forgotten what he had said and done the night before, and she was entirely keen to find out what he would do when he found her in bed beside him. She had never stayed the night in Sven's room, not even after all the times he had called for her so they could try for the heir he so desperately sought.

Yet his voice, so quiet and sad, had her pausing to consider his request. That same sympathy began to creep up on her, and Carina was useless to fight against it, not with the sight of a shell of a king in front of her eyes. There was a part of her that was disgusted with her and her sympathies. How could she ever feel compassion toward a man who had so sadistically and cruelly murdered her brother before her eyes? Who had killed her people and had kept her captive for so many months, leaving her to live in fear and torment?

But it was undeniable. She felt that sympathy and compassion, that lack of want to pounce on the vulnerability he showed and instead a desire to... help. This wasn't the Sven who had murdered her brother, but the Sven who was hidden behind the bravado of his Kingly facade. This was a Sven who no one saw, and one that was a lot more human.

Her finger quietly tapped against the side of the glass and she rounded the bed to fetch him more water. She didn't deny or accept his request verbally, but after placing the water down on the bedside table, she also moved to fetch her bracelet from the desk and place it next to the glass too. Afterwards, she walked to the other side of the bed to hesitate there for a moment. Taking in a small, but deep breath, Carina carefully climbed into the bed but did not get under the sheets. Instead she pulled up the small throw-blanket at the foot of the bed, and sat up against the headboard, pillow propped up for comfort.

After another few breaths, her hand lifted and paused, as if considering her actions, before continuing to reach out to gently stroke and scratch at the space on his back between his shoulder blades that was visible.

"You're too hard to hate... when you're human." She then whispered, unsure if he would have heard but almost uncaring, he wouldn't remember even if he did... she was sure of it.
As exhausted as he was, with his eyes stinging the longer he kept them open, Sven didn't curl up and attempt to get to sleep until he knew of Carina's decision. Her deciding to leave wouldn't have kept him up all night but it would have emphasised all the realisations he had stumbled upon that night; that he didn't really have anybody he could confide in or even talk to somewhat openly. Having to rely on someone like Carina, someone he had butted heads with since their marriage and dedicated all his time and energy into despising, wasn't exactly something he expected to happen... but a lot had changed for him over the months.

Friends he had known since he was a child had deserted him, albeit through his own actions. Realising that he was the cause for ruining so many of those loyal friendships, with Thorin being the example that stood out the most, hurt and tormented him. He had spent much of his life proclaiming that he didn't need anyone, that his independence would allow him to become a good King through his own merits, rather than relying on help and support from others.

But those claims had been made when he actually had those loyal allies and close friends. Without him, it was painfully obvious to him that he wasn't going to cope as well. He had no figures of support to rally around him like Natalia did; no friend like Thorin to laugh and joke with in moments of normalcy that, only with hindsight, Sven realised he craved and relied heavily upon. He had always taken the normalcy of that friendship for granted, and only when it had deteriorated and he was left with nothing did he realise how important it had been to him.

Relying on Carina when he was almost entirely sure she detested him didn't make him feel great but seeing her slip onto the bed beside him and feel her fingers lightly stroking the space between his shoulderblades did make him quietly smile in the darkness. He was sure she didn't feel bad for him, unable to contemplate how she could show him any sympathy after all he had done to her as recent as yesterday afternoon, but he wasn't going to interrogate her on her motives behind her kindness; not when he appreciated it as much as he did. Finding himself reliant on someone who (in his eyes) hated him wasn't ideal but she was at least willing to offer him some support; be present beside him and allow him to deceive himself into thinking that he wasn't as alone as he feared he was.

The voice in the back of his head would persistently remind him that he was; that Carina was just doing this to use against him when he was sober, to belittle him and laugh at how pathetic he had been, but he didn't want to dwell on that fear. Instead, he wanted to focus on the peacefulness of the moment, where no animosity or hatred existed on his part towards her. He was drunk out of his mind, admittedly, but he had always thought alcohol would only emphasise his bitterness.

To feel none of it was a strange feeling, but one he would silently welcome - constantly hating someone was exhausting, especially someone who was giving him the chance to be a father and ought to be worshipped for it, rather than despised.

"...I appreciate it, Carina. I'm a peaceful sleeper so I won't disturb you, I'm sure," he mumbled as he rested his head back down on the pillow, now content enough to try and get some sleep. Whether or not Carina remained at his side the entire night he wasn't too worried about - the fact she was making the effort to sit beside him as he drifted to sleep was more than enough to be thankful of, and it allowed him to relax enough to drift into his slumber just four or five minutes later.
Carina had accepted within those few minutes that she wasn't going to be going anywhere. The broken tone of his voice all but cemented the decision to remain in that bedroom. Perhaps she would look back and regret it... actually, there was no perhaps about it. She knew she would, especially if the day ever came for her to say goodbye to her children and her life. Yet it was so difficult to see him as that same person, all bloodied and bruised and broken, laying curled up in the bed and almost begging her to stay.

Maybe it was something to do with the new, maternal instincts she was developing that didn't want to leave him in a state of distress and disarray. Despite all that had happened too, she knew she wouldn't mention this. This was not something to torment him about, just like the other night, everything that had been said to her had been spoken about in a manner of quiet confidence. Last time she had been able to offer him something secret about herself too, but this time he was too drunk for her to even offer that exchange of somewhat damaging information. But she supposed her staying there, and being willing to stay there the entire night, would be something for him to lord over her.

Her head turned so her eyes could fall onto him, watching as his breathing turned heavier and muscles began to twitch under clothes. Unable to help herself, a small smile appeared on her lips as she felt a sense of relief that he had managed to pass out so quickly after the events of the day.

Retracting her hand, Carina carefully slipped off the bed and gathered the throw blanket into her arms. She knew she would stay with him, however she didn't dare stay in the bed. The Sven she encountered tonight may not be the same Sven that woke up in the morning. He would be hungover, and therefore irritable. Undoubtedly he would be back to his old, snappish, cruel-commented self and she didn't want to evoke any harshness before she had time to wake the next morning.

So the Eirian cautiously moved an armchair toward his side of the bed where she would be able to keep an eye on him properly. She was mindful to not lift the piece of furniture, not wanting to cause strain on her body or her baby, so made slow process whenever the chair began to make noise. However she soon managed to set up near him, sitting in the armchair with the blanket pulled up around her. In this moment she huffed at the swell of her belly, knowing how much more comfortable she would have been if she could have just curled her legs up underneath her. However, she made due, gently rubbing at the bump as her eyes swept over the sleeping form of the King.

She would have to figure out what to say to Lauren the next morning too. Her friend would want to know what happened, and Carina wasn't sure how she would react if she knew Carina was free from her bracelet yet did nothing.

During her thoughts, sleep crawled up on Carina, and swiftly took her before she could even realise her eyes were closing.
Morning came around and, like every day, Lauren made her way to Carina's bedroom to aid her in getting prepared for the day ahead of them - only she didn't witness Carina sleepily coming around to the morning. Rather, she witnessed an empty room with a bed that hadn't been slept in. Panic set in immediately, the main knowing instantly that the young Queen was still in the King's room - but she naturally only presumed the worst.

She was hardly going to assume that her friend was sleeping peacefully in an armchair, the bracelet restricting her powers neatly placed on a bedside cabinet. Such a thought was so outlandish that it didn't even cross her mind - never would Sven want her to stay with him, and even if by some miracle he did, Carina surely would never accept.

Thus, in her eyes, something dreadful had happened. Sven had ultimately lost control of his powers in his drunken unpredictable state and harmed the person that he ought to have cared most about (if only because of the baby she carried). That thought made the maid pale and fret out, but she couldn't go and check in on Sven's bedroom; not when he could react with the same anger she thought he had shown Carina.

Instead, she did her best to relieve herself of her worries to go about the rest of her morning, even if the worries were replaced with confusion as to where Carina actually was. If she wasn't hurt, then why on earth would she willingly be in Sven's bedroom with him?

The King shared a similar thought when he stirred that morning to see Carina curled up in the armchair near his bed. His drunken plea for her to stay did linger somewhat in his mind, though he refused to believe he had actually made the offer when his recalling of it brought to attention his broken, desperate tones - and that wasn't something he wished to believe he had actually communicated to her.

Such was the intensity of his hangover, he barely had time to question Carina or feel any irritation towards her presence. Nausea hit him as hard as his headache did, his eyes squeezed shut when the light drifting into the room only made them sensitive. Stumbling to the bathroom with unsubtle groans, he threw up whatever contents of his stomach that somehow still remained and groggily returned to his bed after haphazardly brushing his teeth, sinking back onto the mattress with his locked on the ceiling, desperately attempting to recall the events of the previous night.

He remembered sneaking out, drinking in taverns and actually having a good time feeling free from his duties. He recalled the fight he had gotten into (something he also enjoyed) and smoking a cigarette whilst sat outside in an alley. The next thing he remembered was being sat in his bedroom, Carina tending to his bloody nose and lip with surprising tenderness; how she had numbed his nose and helped him into bed.

That thought caused his eyes to drift to the bracelet, the fear he should have displayed last night spiking immediately. He had fire to counteract Carina's ice, but he had seen what she could do with his own eyes; it only took a split second for her to send a shard into his throat before he could even recollect it had happened. She had an entire night to accomplish that, or at the very least just take her leave, but she hadn't - and that possibly confused him more than anything else did.

"...Carina? Wake up," he mumbled, groggy rather than moody. He didn't necessarily feel comfortable that she had stayed the night, if only because she had seen him in such a low state and he naturally feared she would use it against him, but he didn't have the energy to threaten her into silence. Besides, he could hardly live up to his threats when she was pregnant.

"Did... You didn't kill me," he began after a few seconds, his curiosity incapable of being pushed down. His blue eyes flickered back across to the armchair as he turned onto his right side to face her, an intensity returning to them in his soberness - though it wasn't harsh nor cruel, rather serious in his confusion. "I want to know why. I need to place this bracelet back onto your wrist but I... I want to know why you didn't use the opportunity to... to slaughter me, frankly. I... It makes no damn sense why you wouldn't take advantage of my... inebriated state to... just leave."
Surprisingly, Carina slept well, despite being in the armchair. Perhaps it was the state that Sven was in last night, that made her mind lack the usual fearful nightmares it usually tortured her with, but either way, it was the first decent night sleep the young queen had gotten in a good few months. Because of this, she was very reluctant to acknowledge the voice that was calling her name, nose scrunching and head turning to bury into her shoulder in clear displeasure at being woken.

However, as her mind reluctantly shook off the cobwebs of sleep, she soon remembered where she was and realised who it was that called her.

Her body, which had been fidgeting as the aches of sleeping in an armchair for the entire night came to light, went still and she briefly wondered if she could just play dead as such. That if she could just pretend to continue being asleep, he would leave her be. Unfortunately, she knew that wouldn't work, and she also knew she couldn't stay there forever. Undoubtedly he would remain in bed for the rest of the day due to his hangover and bruises, so that would leave her with no opportunity to sneak out.

So Carina blinked her eyes open, not bothering to stifle a wince and a yawn as her hands raised to rub her eyes free of sleep. At least he had yet to threaten her, or bite her head off. But still, it had only been five minutes. There was still plenty of time between now and her leaving.

She met his gaze, lips parting at his question before realising she hadn't the words to answer him. So her mouth shut, hesitating. Because, frankly, she had no answer to give him. She could easily lie, or partially lie by telling him what she told Lauren: him staying alive kept her alive. But he had said it out loud; she didn't need to kill him, she could have just run. Where would she be by now if she did? The territories of Ignis spread far and wide these days, how long would it take for her to finally exit their lands? Besides, she couldn't ride a horse anymore, not unless she wanted to cause harm to her unborn child.

Unable to provide an answer, Carina pushed herself to her feet with a small wince, hand going to a spot in her lower back which ached after a night in the armchair. She left the blanket in the armchair and approached his side of the bed, picking up the bracelet once she was close enough. She held it out to him, the wrist it was supposed to go on outstretched too.

"Does it matter? You wouldn't believe me anyway, you've proved that enough." She finally spoke, voice quiet but at least not broken like his last night. "Now can you just put the damn bracelet on and be done with it? I'd quite like some breakfast, and you ought to get some water down your throat."
"Was that a dig at me not believing you about the baby? Because I recall apologising for that. I recall apologising for a lot, in fact. Drunk or not, I don't apologise without meaning it. Apologies are rare so when they do come from my mouth, I'd rather they be believed for their genuineness than doubted and distrusted. But it's your prerogative to distrust me, I suppose - refusing to accept an apology as genuine is rather minor in comparison to me doubting the existence of our baby--"

He paused at the end of his remarks, his brows pulling together in discomfort. Only when he said it aloud, with a clear alcohol-free mind, did he realise just how horrendous it must have been for her to be accused of lying about such a thing. He had reasons to distrust her, evidence he thought was true and accurate, gifted to him by someone he thought he could trust but he regretted the entire situation regardless. It wasn't something he particularly wanted to discuss, however - not when the betrayal from Natalia was still exceptionally raw.

As fun as it might be to head on out to a tavern again in disguise, the intensity of his hangover dissuaded him from doing such a thing, which meant having to come to terms with the betrayal and every other current trouble plaguing him completely sober. It wasn't particularly enjoyable, more memories from last night making their way through the fog reintroducing the emotional pain he had drank to forget, but he couldn't fathom drinking more to block it out.

But he could spend the day in bed sleeping; that at least gave him respite from dealing with his issues.

"I think it matters, Carina; I'd like to know why you didn't freeze me to death or turn my brain to slush - but if you'd rather not answer me, that's fine. I imagine you have some plan going on to eventually take me down; one that you're willing to be patient about. Why else wouldn't you kill me?" He shrugged, inadvertently stumbling onto the truth; that there was a plan in place to take him down and ultimately kill him, but the casualness of the remark indicated that he didn't necessarily believe it to be the truth - he didn't think she could plan something by herself and when he doubted anyone was working with her, he couldn't suspect there being some grander plan in place.

Which left him confused about her decision to leave him unharmed but he wasn't willing to probe her on it - he was just thankful he was alive and Carina still in Ignis.

"...I think I got into a fight," he absently muttered after clipping the bracelet back upon her wrist without hesitation, visibly relaxing once the chance of her using her power was immediately cut. He sank back onto the bed with a sigh, a finger reaching to his cut lip curiously. "In a... tavern, I think. God, my father would turn in his grave if he knew I'd got into a fight with a commoner, it's-- beneath me. I assume you're going to use all of this against me; tell servants to undermine me. Do what you wish, I'm not... I'm sure me stumbling in last night and throwing up on the stairs has done enough to ruin my image in front of my staff."
Once the bracelet was once more secured onto her wrist, Carina had to sit down on the edge of the bed in order to combat the wave of weakness that hit her as her powers were once more contained. It was definitely harder now she was pregnant, to deal with the effects the bracelet had when reattached to her wrist. But once the wave of light-headedness had faded away, she released a long breath and raised her head again, although she didn't get up from the bed.

"To be quite honest, Sven, my days don't revolve around finding out your embarrassments and spreading them across the castle." She sighed tiredly, rubbing at her stomach. Carina was wondering if she preferred a drunk Sven, at least he didn't make such assumptive comments and verbally admit that he expected her to spread sordid rumours about him. "In fact, a member of your staff and the person they attempted to speak to about your disappearance are awaiting your judgement in the castle cells so... so do with them what you wish."

Once more she pushed herself to her feet, hand raising to sweep hair from her face and push it back. She took a few steps to the armchair, gathering the blanket in her arms before returning to his bed to place it there.

From there, she hesitated, lingering near the bedside table with fingers pulling absently at the bracelet. "I didn't bother killing you or running because what good would it have done? If I ran you would only chase me down because of your precious child and killing you... well, let's face it, the Ignisian people already want my head. I'd be a prisoner here until the day the baby is born and the instant that happens? My head would be on the chopping block before our baby could even have it's first feed."

It was a truth she preferred to tell. It was a truth he probably expected from her. Carina couldn't admit that she felt sympathy for him, both because she knew that would anger him and also because it would mean she was starting to feel something other than hatred for him.

Clearing her throat, she looked away and moved away, rounding the bed so she was on the other side. "One parent is better than none. As... as cruel as you are to me... I... I know you would take good care of our child."
Whether or not he actually believed that to be her only reason behind sparing his life and remaining in Ignis was irrelevant. He may believe that there was something else motivating her to spare him from a horrible (and probably justified) death and he might have taken a little pleasure in challenging her on that, but he didn't have the energy to enter that sort of dynamic with her. As much as he enjoyed making her uncomfortable and seeing her squirm under his intense challenges, this was a rare time where he didn't think he would find that much pleasure in it, and he certainly harboured no eagerness to do such a thing.

Maybe it was because of that conversation they had shared a while back in the library, or maybe it was a result of his drunken confessions and the various realisations he had become aware of regarding his friends (or lack thereof) - no matter what it was, he didn't feel like he wanted to manipulate or mess with Carina emotionally. He didn't see the benefit in making her visibly uncomfortable or emotionally pained as he would have done not even a month or two ago.

Not that he would admit to the change of heart, but it wasn't exactly subtle either. Any lack of cruel word or taunting remark would be abundantly clear but he figured Carina wouldn't challenge him on his behaviour; not if he held back from interrogating her regarding hers, anyway. And so, while he had suspicions that she was hiding other reasons from him, he chose to let it go if it ensured she kept quiet about his own uncharacteristic behaviour towards her.

"...Won't be long until the baby's here," he murmured as he eased himself out of bed, his hunger overruling the want to stay in bed. He needed food to line his stomach after losing so much contents through his nausea - though beyond that, he knew the importance of getting out of his room and making himself seen by his staff. The sooner he regained their respect (which had no doubt dwindled somewhat after last night) the better, and he wasn't going to stand a chance of doing that if he stayed cooped up in bed all day, sleeping away the hours.

He grabbed a comb to run through his hair to at least look a little presentable, even if he refused to change out of his pyjamas and slippers - he wasn't willing to be uncomfortable when he was suffering a hangover for anyone, especially not his servants.

"How... is the baby treating you anyway? I'm aware you probably don't like me asking after the... incident between us, but I do still care about my child; more now than ever, if that's even possible. Have they kicked yet?" He asked with genuine interest as he glanced back across at her, his eyes sparking and glimmering a little as he allowed his excitement regarding his child and heir to grow. He didn't want Carina to harbour a dislike of him so intense that she refused to divulge information about the baby, but he would probably understand her hesitance to enlighten him.

Though he decided it was worth asking nonetheless.

"I... have a hunch it's a girl. I don't necessarily have any proof for that; just an inkling I have. I... don't care either way but I think-- a little girl would be... precious," he shrugged, attempting to counteract the break in his voice with a casual, dismissive shrug, coughing into his closed fist to overcome the emotion he had brought onto himself. "Do you have a preference? I can't imagine it matters to you either, hm?"
Her hand lingered on the door handle, since she was so close to actually leaving the bedroom before he spoke again. She hadn't expected him to want to make conversation, especially after all that had transpired the night before with his confessions and apologies. She thought he would have been eager to see the back of her, but instead he was asking her about the baby.

She kept her back to him, uncertain as to how she ought to react. She knew she had every right to simply ignore his words and leave. The past two days had been stressful, and probably the second worst experience during her time in Ignis. The first being Emmett's death accompanied by the night in the cells with his head.

"You're right... I don't care much about you asking but at least you're asking and not taking anyone else's word for it." She sighed, looking down at her hand were fingers tapped lightly on top of the handle as she attempted to figure out what to do. Eventually she turned to face him, the hand that was on the door handle now resting on top of the bump, "They've been moving for the last two weeks or so. Bit of a night owl, to be honest, always waking up to a hand or a foot pressing against my stomach."

Carina had lowered her gaze to the bump, a small yet warm and fond smile forming as the other hand raised to rub the side of it. "I don't care what they are, so long as they're healthy. That goes for their gifts to... fire or ice... I just want them to be okay." She confessed quietly, not daring to voice her thoughts on why she should even have a preference for a boy or a girl when the reality of it was that she wouldn't see the child anyway.

Clearing her throat to remove her own emotion, the young queen forced herself to look up at the young king, eyes briefly trailing over his appearance. Lingering on the split lip and the redness of his nose, briefly wondering what other bruises he had picked up from the fight the night before.

"I don't... want that doctor... at the birth." She finally spoke again, her voice small and hushed with her request. The nightmare, while it left her alone last night, did still torment her in memory and in her sleep. While she knew it wouldn't happen, she still had the irrational fear of the royal physician hurting her in some way or ripping out the baby, "...Please. It won't-- it really won't help me, when the time comes. I'll accept another doctor, or a midwife but just-- just not him."
The hesitation to divulge any information about his own child was slightly grating, but how could he really blame her? He felt a slight annoyance stir within him, one that usually arose in Carina's presence, but it was fought back by the maturity he rarely acted with. He liked to ignore his own bad behaviour in order to blame everyone else besides himself and he might have done that in this instance if it wasn't for the fact his behaviour had been so abhorrent that he couldn't ignore it; it was impossible to manipulate the situation into making himself the good guy when his actions and resulting accusations towards her had been appalling.

He didn't want to even attempt to manipulate her into thinking she was being harsh with him when she was, if anything else, displaying an unjust kindness towards him. She had no reason to tell him anything about the baby when he had doubted its existence for a month and cruelly forced her to undress before him just to prove that she wasn't lying about something so unthinkable.

Why would she ever want to tell him anything about the baby ever again?

But she did, and the relief that flooded his expression at just a slither of information was obvious. The baby hadn't even been alive in his mind for the past month, so to hear that it was thriving and moving about more and more made him far more emotional than it ordinarily would have done anyway. His baby was alive, a fact he thought impossible for the last few weeks - it was hard to casually shrug off such information when it impacted him as much as it did.

He nodded nonetheless, turning towards the mirror to inspect his hair though it was a chance to collect himself; to dry the tears building in his eyes before they threatened to fall. He wanted to make a good impression to those outside his bedroom, to start rebuilding a damaged reputation, and he couldn't do that if he arrived at breakfast teary and emotional.

At the very least, he hoped the split lip would make him look a little tough. It would emphasise the fight he had gotten himself into, a fight he had no reason being involved in when he was above such things, but if it helped him build back up his tough image in any way, it was beneficial to him.

He paused at the sudden desperation from Carina, an eyebrow arched upwards at the fear rooted beneath her pleas towards him. He ought to be joyous in response to her pleas, to use this position of power over her to his benefit, but the thought barely passed his mind. In the past, he would have loved to be placed in such a position - to hear Carina desperately ask for his help. Whether he agreed or not, just toying with her would have been enjoyable; to mess with her and strike fear into her if he turned her request down. But now, he took her words in with genuine contemplation, unable to use this against her when her fear ultimately made him sympathetic towards her.

He wasn't drunk, he didn't have that as an excuse for his sympathies - he was sober and clear minded, which made the recognition of his sympathy cause untold confusion within him. But he could contemplate that later on, if he had the energy to at least.

"I can assure you that he wouldn't harm you, Carina - but I can bring in someone else if that's what you desire, of course. If he makes you uncomfortable, I'll fetch in someone else; someone who doesn't even resemble him. I want the birth to go smoothly, for your sake and the baby's. If my physician isn't to your liking, then... of course, someone else will be there on the day," he promised quietly, his lips pursed at the generally decent conversation; one deprived of the animosity and discomfort that usually dominated their interactions. He had shared such an atmosphere with her in the library and then again last night, but the former felt like a one-off rarity and the latter had taken place whilst he was drunk.

The reason for the current goodwill and pleasantry was bewildering to him... but he couldn't deny how relieving it was not to be on guard around her, waiting for her to say something that he could respond to bitterly, to hurt her. It was just... nice to be relaxed for once.

"...Can we just go and have breakfast now? I need my morning coffee, you know that about me. I can't function properly without it - hence the emotions. I'll be back to my normal, miserable self once I get a coffee or two down me - I'm sure you're delighted to hear that," he snorted as he quietly adjusted the collar of his pyjama shirt, taking in a breath in preparation for the inevitable glances he would get from his servants outside the room. "Right, let's-- let's go then. I can't stay cooped up in this bedroom all day, it'll drive me mad."
It was a relief to hear his agreement to her request, but also the lack of sneering insults or jibing comments made as a result of the fear she so clearly showed. To Carina, she knew that he could easily switch back to his normal self in an instant, that he could use her current vulnerability over her as he saw fit. However, while she was tired of doing so, she could easily flip it back in his face. Not only had she not killed him when she had the chance, but she had not once brought up or teased cruelly about his own moments of weakness last night. If he remained silent, then she would too. She just wondered how long it would be before some sort of comment was made and she would be forced to bite back.

That is if she had the energy.

"Thank you." She cleared her throat, lowering her gaze back to the bump as her shoulders sagged with that relief. Clearly having expected some other answer, it was definitely one less thing for her to worry about. The last thing she needed was to be stressed during the birth. The whole thing would be horrific enough as it was.

Her fingertips lightly trailed over the bump, hesitating at the smallest of push backs before she continued. While she may have admitted to the baby moving, Carina still had a long way to go before ever feeling comfortable enough to tell Sven if, and when, the child moved when he was around, let alone allowing him to lay a finger on her in order to feel it. Perhaps it was selfish, but after all she had been put through, Carina felt like she had a right to at least own her own body.

Sighing softly, she glanced back up as he began to move towards her, taking a few steps back herself to get out of his way. At his comment about being back to his usual self, she bit hard on the inside of her cheek, wondering just how true that comment would be. If it were the case that he would resort back to his old self with harsh comments and snappy retorts after some breakfast to settle his stomach, then Carina wasn't entirely keen to be there when that happened. Something had shifted last night, and she now realised she was far too exhausted to continue their verbal sparring matches over every little thing. She would rather avoid him then potentially risk butting heads with him again.

Especially with the added measure of not knowing just when he would return to his old self. The vulnerability she saw last night was undoubtedly due to his own drunkenness. She couldn't put that down to anything, despite what he even said this morning about his apologies. He was the master of manipulation, and she was too tired to keep up anymore.

"...You go. I've been in these clothes all night so I think I'll go change. Maybe have a bath too, a night in that chair plays havoc on one's back." She excused herself, waiting for him to leave first, "If Lauren's there, can you send her up to help me? That way then you can... enjoy your breakfast in peace too."
Having envisioned spending that morning having breakfast with Carina like they had done for most of their time together since their marriage, the rejection did make him frown slightly. His disappointment wasn't necessarily surprising or uncharacteristic when he had always placed an emphasis on Carina, as his wife and Queen, joining him for breakfast in order to maintain the right impression; he couldn't dine alone when that would just spread the word that his wife was rudely refusing to be at his table.

It would reflect badly on him and when he cared about the approval of his people, to be as liked as his father had been, he needed Carina to be at the table with him, now more than ever.

But the disappointment that lingered in him went beyond needing her present for his reputation and the effort to paper over the cracks in it; it was a sudden pang that caught him off guard, unable to understand why on earth that slither of upset had appeared in the first place, let alone render him silent as he tried to overcome it. He had no reason to be upset about her polite refusal to dine with him that morning. Annoyed, maybe, but upset? There was no understandable reason for him to feel such an emotion - but he couldn't deny its existence as he bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the frown that threatened to show.

The only reason for that upset was the fact he wanted her to be there, to talk to her and be in her company. He could deny it all he wanted but those were the facts - and coming to terms with them wasn't something he was willing to do so early in the morning with a raging hangover. Even unharmed by such aches, realising he might care for the woman in ways that went beyond her just carrying his child would cause him stress; trying to handle the wave of questions and emotions he was hit with when under the effects of a hangover and recovering from a fight just wasn't something he was able to do.

Hence the casualness he displayed when he eventually realised that it was best he dine alone; at least then he could sit and contemplate his internal affairs without the other questioning him on his silence or any emotions that filtered through onto his expression. He declined to say anything else to her but nodded briefly at her request, disappearing quickly to calm himself with his morning coffee.

Lauren would enter the room just a few minutes later, the panic she had felt building that morning only relieved at the sight of Carina alive and safe from harm. Had the woman not been pregnant, she would have taken her in her arms and held onto her tightly in her relief to see her unharmed. Instead, she restrained herself to reaching out and holding Carina's hands in her own, sniffling back tears as she let her eyes scour her just to ensure no bruises or burn marks scarred her skin.

"I was so sure you w-were-- oh thank god you're alright! Your bed wasn't slept in, I... I panicked about your safety, Carina. God, what happened? Did that brute force you to stay in here with him?" She whispered, eyeing the armchair and discarded blanket with a grimace. "...Let's get you back to your room, I'll run you a bath; I have that moisturising body cream you requested, too. I-I just... I'm sorry if I'm babbling, I was just so sure he had hurt you."
His frown had Carina wondering if she should have just agreed to go to breakfast with him. She should have known better than to assume that his current hangover would have mellowed him out slightly, and that she could just leave him to have breakfast alone. Hell, she had even thought she was doing him a favour. She didn't think he'd want her to join him for breakfast, not after all that transpired last night. She had thought he wouldn't want to have her presence there, at least not until dinner and he had managed to suppress the memories of the night before.

During which he apologised to her, had smiled at her, and had even asked her to stay the night.

That was something she believed she had learned about him, that he didn't like keeping anything around him that reminded him of his weaknesses or his pain. Hence the removal of his parents' painting in the library, or him avoiding her when he thought she had been lying to him about being pregnant.

All things considered, when he wasn't being manipulative, Carina oddly found that he was a little easier to grasp an understanding of. But those moments were so few and far between as of late, she was struggling to remember just how nice it was to speak to him when it was just the two of them. When they weren't having to fight and could actually behave like decent human beings.

So his frown, one that suggested his displeasure at her refusal to join him for breakfast, was a confusing gesture for her. She knew he enjoyed having her at the table with him as a show for the staff, but she had been so confident in her belief that he wouldn't want her there that she had thought he wouldn't care if she joined him or not. Nonetheless, Carina remained firm in her decision and allowed him to leave without her.

Once he had gone, she had moved back to his bed to sit on the edge, releasing a long sigh as she stared down at her hands. Her own brow now furrowing as she attempted to make sense of her own muddled emotions. Not that she had much time, with Lauren's arrival only a few minutes after. Either Sven had truly been desperate for the coffee, or Lauren had been extremely worried.

It seemed to be the latter, and Carina had to smile reassuringly to her friend. "I'm alright, I promise. No burns, no bruises, and the baby is perfectly fine." She soothed the maid, reluctantly forcing herself to her feet, "I stayed to make sure he didn't choke, he was unnervingly drunk and I just couldn't trust that nothing would happen if I left." She explained, gently squeezing Lauren's hand as her friend sniffled, "Please calm down, I'm alright, everything is alright. I promise you."

Taking a deep breath, she inclined her head toward the door, "A bath and moisturising cream sounds heavenly... let's go."
It was perhaps a wise choice not to mention the fact that Sven, in all his eternal drunken wisdom, had removed the bracelet from Carina's wrist. Secrets between the two weren't common, with Lauren revealing all she had picked up during her maidenly duties with the expectation that Carina would offer up any information she had collected too. Beyond mere information, Lauren would often refuse to harbour anything from her friend in regards to personal thoughts and feelings, much preferring to be as open and honest with her best friend as she possibly could - or what was the point in calling themselves friends if they couldn't turn to one another and say how they felt?

Yet, admitting that she had had the chance to escape with her powers running freely through her veins and able to be executed at her will and command but chose to stay to keep an eye on Sven wouldn't have gone down well. In fact, it would have only provoked Lauren's suspicions and sent them into overdrive - justifiably. How else could she construe the situation other than Carina developing feelings she oughtn't feel towards Sven and choosing to prioritise his care and needs over that of herself and Lauren; over the plan they had spent months working on?

Lauren had no reason to be thrust into displaying such suspicions when the vital piece of information was withheld from her. Carina's bracelet was back on her wrist and she had no reason to doubt that it had ever been away from its home there; no reason to even contemplate Sven removing it for any reason.

Safe from such a bewildering turn of events, Lauren took her hand from Carina's reluctantly when they left the room but didn't remove the smile on her face, still too relieved by the safety of her friend and the baby to be able to remove her expression so quickly. She had genuinely feared their demise, had horrific images flooding her mind of Carina burned to death in the corner of the King's room - so to have those confirmed to be nothing more than worried thoughts made her relief too intense to just brush aside so easily.

"I... I'm alright, I promise. I had cause to worry but-- but there's no point dwelling on what could have been. You're safe, the little one is okay - everything's well," she smiled, her words mostly spoken in an effort to convince herself of their truth and allow her anxious mind to relax.

"I spent the night with Thorin - you might like to know that his eagerness to see Sven killed is growing stronger by the day. Convincing him to see Sven dead, rather than just wreck his reputation, hasn't been easy but... Sven's little drunken display last night helped our cause greatly," she revealed upon entering the Queen's bedroom where she could speak freely without concern, closing the door behind them with a smile. "He's all but convinced that Sven has no future as King and would only unleash fury if his reputation is damaged; he sees it like we do, that he's better off dead - it's fantastic news. As horrendous as Thorin is, his influence on other guards is invaluable to us. It's-- It's all coming together, Carina."
How interesting that Thorin's desire to see Sven killed grew while Carina's began to waver. Not that she allowed it to show, instead nodding along to what her friend was saying as she dealt with her own inner emotional torments. How could she begin to have that want wane, when they were so close and so much better prepared for that to happen? He had been nothing but cruel and manipulative and even abusive toward her. Keeping her captive in the heated hell hole that was Ignis; murdering her brother before her eyes, forcing her to stay the night with Emmett's head in the cells, forcing her to wear Ignisian colours and the humiliation of having to share his bed which would have made her ancestors turn in their graves.

Of course she hadn't been perfect either. She had murdered his parents, but only after his father had killed her own and they had forced her to wed their son. She had mortified Sven on their first time together by tricking him into enjoying it; she had bitten and scratched and spat every day, every week and every month she had been prisoner in Ignis. Every horrid and hateful sneer that had been directed her way had been answered with icy indifference.

Yet she had seen sides to him that no one else had. She had listened to him talk about his neglectful and abusive parents, seen the heaviness to his shoulders when he spoke of the former King and Queen and what they had done to him. Watched the way his eyes lit up, even if only slightly, at the mention of his art. And... admittedly... she had to acknowledge his devotion to fatherhood.

No one else would have seen him the way she did last night, and she realised that Sven was a lot more human than he let on. That... perhaps... he could be a lot nicer than he let on.

Not that she expected him to ever be, not now, not after he had been so vulnerable in front of her. She imagined that, while he now believed her and would go back to doting on her and bring her tea and trays for supper and breakfast, he wouldn't ever allow that part of him to show again. No matter how much of a relief it was, at least for her, to not have to be fighting all the time. To not have to be on guard with one another.

"Yes, it truly is, isn't it?" Carina finally agreed, moving to stand behind the screen in her bedroom so she could start to slowly undress. "I've just... been thinking, Lauren. Mightn't it be easier if we were to simply... run away instead?" She dared to voice the thought, throwing her dress over so it rested on the edge of the screen. "These Ignisi people... they aren't my people. They wouldn't allow me to rule once Sven is dead. His counsel would have me locked up immediately if the people didn't kill me before then. I just... it could be so much better to leave, slip away in the dead of night like Sven did and find somewhere to live off the Ignis territories."

She knew the maid would react incredulously the moment she finished her sentence, but it was a thought Carina had to voice. She couldn't keep letting it fester away in her mind.

"We wouldn't have to worry about being assassinated ourselves one night, or a mob similar to what we experienced in the carriage. We could steal two horses one night, and just ride and ride and ride until we were somewhere safe and out of reach. No... no kingdoms to worry about, no marriage, no threat on our lives..."
Lauren welcomed anything that Carina wanted to open up to her about, believing that there ought to be no secrets between them. She understood that that meant perhaps hearing comments and remarks that she fundamentally disagreed with - they were two different people and she didn't expect Carina to agree with everything she said, and vice versa. But there was a limit to how much she could agree to disagree with the Queen on; some things could be brushed aside and their differences acknowledged with no drama.

This wasn't one of those things. This wasn't something that Lauren could disagree with but ultimately waive aside as just another understandable difference when, ultimately, she couldn't understand it. It was unfathomable to her that they could possibly leave Ignis without first killing Sven - not only did he deserve that fate but it was what they had planned for for months.

It was the one thing that had really spurred them on through the difficulties they had each faced during that time. Whenever Sven inevitably did something awful to Carina, or invited Lauren into his bedroom, there was always the fact that he would be killed in agonising circumstances at the succession of their plans to keep them controlled, knowing all their anger now could find its outlet later on.

To hear that Carina had backtracked on that when it had always been the consistent shared desire that had been set in place from their very first real interaction was... bewildering, and the maid couldn't hide the confusion (and anger) from flashing across her expression in reply.

"...No matter what, they will come searching for us, Carina. Please tell me you don't believe that they won't hunt us down and assassinate us if we just slip off and escape into the night? Sven will not allow us to go unpunished; he'll realise we had been working together to plan an escape and he'll kill us both for it. That's the life ahead of us no matter if we leave him unharmed - so we may as well kill the bastard. If us being assassinated the moment we leave this castle is a given, we may as well kill Sven; we have nothing to lose and everything to gain from doing so," she whispered, her voice quiet and controlled though the shakiness of her words and the obvious tension in her body indicated the anger she was refusing to let her voice show. She couldn't, knowing the moment she let it in she would end up shouting at Carina, accusing her of turning her back on their plans and developing sympathies towards someone she shouldn't have a modicum of care towards.

"He-- He was responsible for atrocities to your family; he stood by and aided his father in the dismantlement of my kingdom. Almost all of my people were slaughtered, our peaceful land used a-as some-- some military base for future Ignisian conquests. If you think I'm going to leave this land without stabbing a dagger through that man's chest, you-- you really underestimate the pain he's inflicted upon me; pain I thought you shared. I believe that you do, Carina - so you should want to see him bleed to death as much as I do. I... understand the concerns, but he will kill us the moment we leave this castle. We might as well... go ahead with our plans. I can at least die happy if I know that man is dead."
During the time Lauren spoke, Carina realised she had another excuse for wanting to run rather than kill Sven and then ultimately be killed herself. Her child. Did she really want to run the risk of being killed soon after Sven and then have her child brought up thinking that their mother was a monster who murdered their father for no reason at all? Because that was how it would be told. She would be the vicious, vindictive bitch who had a heart of ice and cared for no one but herself. That was how the narrative would play out.

"You aren't pregnant, Lauren." She found herself retorting, without even giving herself a chance to think through her words. Instead, she ploughed on, "Perhaps you could have had a different life if things hadn't happened the way they had but-- but you aren't the one pregnant in this situation. I am. And I've got to think of what might be best for my child. And, as we both know, being an orphan isn't fun." She remained behind the screen, removing her slip and throwing that too over the edge of the divider between them.

Taking a deep breath, Carina reached for the towel and pulled it down, eyes lowering to her feet as she wrapped it around herself.

"I'm just thinking that in every situation we think of, I end up dead. At least if we run, we have a remote possibility of surviving if we get away far enough. Us and my child. I have no doubt that Sven could chase us to the ends of the world, but at least I would have tried."

She hesitated, not wanting to move around to physically face her friend when she could already feel the tension lingering in the air at her suggestion. "I can no longer... be selfish in my wants for murderous revenge, Lauren. I need to put this-- this child first. There is no guarantee that I will survive after we kill Sven. I know I will not live for much longer after I have provided heirs. But at least if we run, sneak away in the dead of night like he did... I could prolong my time with this child."

She didn't dare think about how conflicted she was now about plunging a knife into Sven, or murdering him in another cold way. It wasn't something she dared to linger on, not with how negatively Lauren reacted to her wanting to flee.

"You don't need to continuously remind me of what he has done to me, my family or my people, Lauren. I'd appreciate it if you stopped that, as a matter of fact. I just-- I need to think about the baby now, and how much time I can squeeze out of this situation to... to be with them."
Lauren forced herself to stay quiet as Carina explained her reasoning; comments that the maid only saw as ridiculous delusions. In her head, there really was no point in keeping Sven alive when either way, they would be assassinated for daring to leave him in the first place - and though Carina attempted to justify keeping him alive and to just flee into the night when they had their chance to do so, she couldn't see it that way. She refused to because it made no sense to her, and she wasn't willing to just agree for the sake of it when this was something so important that needed to be as concrete as it could.

And she really couldn't live a semblance of a normal life if she knew Sven was alive, ready to torture them whenever he inevitably found out where they had fled to. The chance of being captured even if he was dead was high - but at least she could go down knowing she wasn't going to be another of Sven's victims. At least she could die happy in the knowledge that she had avenged her people - just fleeing without doing them the justice they deserved was selfish, plain and simple.

And she wasn't going to do that. Carina might, but Lauren wasn't going to - even if splitting from her friend when they were so close to the end of their goals wasn't ideal.

"...You're not going to survive even if he remains alive, so you really may as well stay locked up in this castle with him. You'd get to see your child grow, pop out a few more for him whenever he demands more from you. You might as well just do that, Carina; don't risk running from him, don't bother. Though if you do, you'll be on your own. I'm not going to rush off with you when I disagree with your-- deluded reasoning. Leaving your child in the care of Sven if he ever captures you-- is that what you want? For him to raise that child and make them his little mini-me?"

She frowned as she felt her fists clench at her sides and her voice grow almost venomous in its disbelief, not wanting to ever feel such emotions directed at the person she cared most about... but it was impossible not to feel embittered when the months of planning for Sven's eventual death was crumbling before her. They had planned it together knowing that Carina would be pregnant at some point, so why she had decided to change her mind and see Sven's death as a detriment to her and the child was difficult for Lauren to process.

"I harbour no ill-feeling towards you, so please don't be offended but-- but you can really fuck off, Carina. You go ahead and do what you want -or need- to, but I'll go my separate way and do what I need to do for me. Thorin and I will do what we need to; you aren't going to convince me otherwise so don't even attempt it. I-- I can't look at you without wanting to scream so-- get another maid to assist you. I doubt you'll manage yourself, you're of royal blood; you're basically incapable of doing anything by yourself."

It was perhaps a low-blow, an unnecessary insult, but it made her feel a little better. Carina had just effectively shut her plans down without warning, so an insult at her, however unnecessary, wasn't unjustifiable in her eyes.

"...I don't want to wait on you so have someone else take over my role. I want to put my time and energy into my plans with Thorin; it's bizarre to me that I'm relying upon him but he's at least willing to see our plans through. Just-- do me a favour and don't talk to me unless you come to your senses, Carina. I can't be doing with any distractions," she muttered as she adjusted her hair in the mirror quietly, only turning on her heel to exit when she was sure her appearance was as neat and professional as it could be.