Plastic Armymen

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Blind Hemingway

Ancient Iwaku Scum from 2006.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Surrealism, Surreal Horror (Think Tim Burton), Steampunk, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Spaghetti Westerns, Mercenaries, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Historical fantasies
I had a really big green army guy and he was my "boyfriend" for awhile. .___.; I made him a little bed and everything.
And I had little pillows too.
I had a really big green army guy and he was my "boyfriend" for awhile. .___.; I made him a little bed and everything.

This makes Diana an epic woman in the world of old men that collect armymen for the nostalgia of childhood.
I had a really big green army guy and he was my "boyfriend" for awhile. .___.; I made him a little bed and everything.

This makes Diana an epic woman in the world of old men that collect armymen for the nostalgia of childhood.
I had those when I was younger, then when I got older I set them on fire and had a giant melted pile of green plastic.
I had them, also had a truck and towed field gun, tank, tents, sandbags and flagpole (which I drew the scots flag on for some reason I can't remember).
Oh god childhood memories, I had a one gallon bucket that was full of those bastards, with Dinousaur Cavalry. God bless you Stegosaur 101st, may you bring glorious victory to another child's heart *Salutes*
I used to like Army Men for the N64. Looking back, Army Men was probably one of the much weaker video game series out there.
I demand reparations for my wasted joke.
All jokes are non-refundable. Waste not gentlemen...

Also just remembered the tent was a medical tent. Not that I gave much thought to the geneva convention.
I used to play with them to a limited degree... I picked up Micro Machines and 1:72 scale guys ALOT more than the cheap green army men,
I know my Army Men are somewhere in the attic. I think I know where, too.
But do you know why, Arsenal? Do you? Do you really?
My brother used to take the ones with the bayonets and start jabbing me with them...a lot. And then he'd start telling me they were alive and would start shooting me if I stopped playing with them. T.T
Mine always fought against Godzilla.
Mine always got involved in tense ethical dilemmas about leaving behind their wounded.
I had one...
I named him Jason.
I carried him around with me everywhere.
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