PJO: New Age of Heroes

►Corona Talos◄

►Location: The Forest ►Interactions: Everyone but specially Brynn and Em

Corona was grinning by the time she and Brynn went their separate ways. By the way she reacted to seeing Bandit, it looked like the Fates had been kind of to introduce her to a potential sitter for her fluffy companion. Perhaps she could bring up the topic sometime soon but for now, there were more pressing matters to attend to.

After waving goodbye and promising to meet up before the start of today's scheduled session of CTF, Corona headed towards her original destination, Bunker 9 in order to prepare for today's major event. That said, she wasn't particularly thrilled at the prospect of fighting other campers in order to get a stupid flag. The way she saw it, it was basically an excuse for the campers to beat up each other under the pretense of a "friendly" match. Needless to say the only friendly thing about it is the possibility of friendly fire once the chaos starts. However, Corona wasn't eager to just throw in the towel without trying either.

"I'd probably be assigned for border patrol or something so I might as well get some of the gizmos I've been working on and set up some traps. At the very least, I can get some field data out of this." Corona mused. "What do you say, buddy? Want in on the action too?"

Bandit eagerly nodded his head in response and gave a fiercely determined look in response.

"Alright then, but be sure to stay away from the actual fighting. You are aware how things can get pretty heated up once the fighting starts."

Corona started towards an unassuming section of the bunker's wall and removed a small, rectangular false panel. It revealed a numerical keypad, and after typing in the correct code, a larger section of the wall slid sideways revealing several sets of armor ranging from breastplates and chainmail to more complex designs like lamellar and scale armor. All of them shared one thing in common since it seemed like they were expertly made and in pristine condition. There were even miniature versions of each armor type and someone with a keen eye could determine that these were meant to be worn by something no larger than a ferret.

The red haired blacksmith retrieved a particular piece of armor made of celestial bronze but didn't quite look the part of traditional Greek armor. Rather it seemed to be a cross between one and Viking armor. She thought the concept would be cool and besides, it belonged to her personal set so none of her siblings bothered complaining about the appearance. She also equipped Bandit's armor on the panda ferret. Unlike her more Nordic set, the fuzzball's equipment resembled a knight's armor instead, but the horned helmet and spiky tail made him look like a wingless armored dragon.

After performing some quick inspections of the various facilities inside the expansive warehouse, Corona left Bunker 9 and headed back to camp. There was still plenty of time before Capture the Flag anyways so that meant she could still go about her schedule like any ordinary day at camp. First thing's first, however, she needed to stash her armor inside her personal chest in the Hephaestus Cabin, grab a bite to eat at the dining pavilion. Even though she could see the particularly enthusiastic campers already wearing their equipment for the game, being a Hephaestus kid meant that the entire cabin's services are all the more needed for events like this to be a success. It's almost certain that there'd be some campers who'd need armor and weapon repairs before the game starts after all so she can't equip her armor just yet since it really doesn't pass as ideal work clothes. She may be fireproof but she wasn't sweat proof as well.

Fortunately, the queue of campers in need of equipment repairs wasn't as long as she thought so Corona and her siblings managed to finish their work in no time. This left Corona a little bit of free time left to practice her combat skills for the upcoming game. She was confident of her skills with any pole weapon but she acknowledged her lack of when it comes to sword play. So she spent the rest of the afternoon practicing her sword play. In a real battle scenario, she needed to be able to utilize any type of weapon at her disposal to defend herself so learning how to wield the very blades her cabin makes for the camp is a necessary investment of her time.

"Man, I can't believe I'm jealous of some of the Ares' kids abilities to be decent at any weapon they use. That's going to be really handy for later." She groaned.

The fiery haired leader of the Hephaestus Cabin was one of the few unenthusiastic souls when Chiron formally announced the game. She was thrilled to see Brynn wearing that amazing piece of armor. The redhead couldn't stop gawking at the fine craftsmanship and design but she was confident that her own armor was quite the looker as well... due to how foreign it looks.

"That's some real nice armor you have, Brynn. I'm jealous because of how good it looks since I wasn't the one who made that piece. If it wasn't for this stupid game, I'd rush back to the forges right now and work on something even better than what you're wearing now!" She exclaimed. "It looks good on you as well by the way." She added in a softer voice.

When the captains were picked, Corona was a bit surprised that it wasn't Ryland and Oz. They were the sons of two of the Big Three and everyone knew how competitive those two were to each other. Perhaps this would be a little more relaxed game now that all three children of the Big 3 were on the same team. She was even more astonished when Ryland picked her for his team. Corona wasn't sure whether he was just playing the diversity card or that he actually has a plan for this lineup but now that she noticed that she was teammates with her new friend as well, the competitive drive inside Corona kicked into high gear.

"We better decided where to set up base fast. I would like to prepare some traps to beef up our defenses but we only got less than an hour to sort things out. I do agree that a location with a natural bottleneck would be to our advantage and I love Emily's idea as well so we need that are to have lots of vine-like plant life for her to control if we are going with that idea. I only have so much traps to go around after all so anything to thwart our opponents' efforts of getting our flag is good in my book."

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►Location: The Forest ►Interactions: Aella, Marco, Corona, Emily, Eletan, Bronwyn, Zoey, Haydn

The group went along and each made suggestions, aside from Haydn, who seemed quiet and muted. Oz himself was dressed in a particularly light set of leather hoplite armor, a plumeless bronze corinthian helmet held easily in his offhand. He took his time to make a rough map of the forest in the center of the circle with a stick and a few other items, then satisfied, stepped back. The map had different representations of major landmarks, such as the mermeka nest marked with a mound of dirt, zeus' fist marked with a few pebbles, the stream with a gash in the ground. He circled an area on one side of the map, pointing out a rough approximation of their current location. The people in the circle were throwing out great suggestions, but no one was really taking charge to decide on a strategy, so Oz decided to forge ahead. "Alright, I agree with Emily, we should make it difficult to get to the flag. While there aren't any major gorges we could hide the flag in, Zeus' fist should serve well enough. Emily and Bronwyn can stay behind and hold the flag." He drew a small line going directly in front of Zeus' fist, just before the stream that separated the two sides. "We can make three teams out of the campers from there. One team will be responsible for patrolling the middle ground and falling back to assist at the boulder, and bear the brunt of the enemy attack. We can keep prisoners we capture just behind the line so it's easy to keep an eye on them." On the flanks of the line he drew two arrows leading into the other team's side of the forest. "Two other teams can lead the attack, since Ryland and I are the most experienced fighters here, I suggest we each take our own team. We can lead two separate attacks into the enemy lines to try and find the enemy flag." Oz then drew an X on either side of the line in the center. "The hephaestus kids can stay with the defense squad, they'll be responsible for setting up traps that will force the enemy team towards our center defense." Finished, he stabbed the stick into the ground where it stood upright. "Marco can go with either me or Ryland in the attack team and use his charmspeak to disrupt the enemy if we encounter them. We have fifty campers, so I vote we send thirty into the attack and leave twenty behind, including the two we leave at the flag. That we'll give us a balanced offense and defense." He crossed his arms and looked around at the circled up campers. "Thoughts? Questions?"
►Marco DePaulo◄
►Location: Long Island, New York- Camp Half-Blood Woods►Interacting with:All the characters, especially Ry and Em.
Marco listened as Oz, (whom seemed to be unofficial co-captain if he wasn't actualy the co-captain, Marco wasn't sure,) laid out that Em's suggestion seemed valid, which made him smile for his girlfriend. She was more than a beautiful face, and Marco knew that well. He wanted others to know that as well. Marco was wearing his own armor, nothing too fancy, mostly camp issued. He never had a good reason to get his own, and well, it wasn't like her mother was known for wearing armor. Hell, she was more well known for trying to make a chestplate go with a pair of heels, and decided to forgo the chestplate.

As Oz suggest that Marco either go with him or Ryland, he paused for a moment. He couldn't go with Ryland. That would only ened with someone getting hurt, most likely Marco, after he tried to punch Ryland. "If I may speak up, I would prefer to go with you Oz. I think it might work better, as you can help me sneak in to charmspeak someone to helping us out. That or leave me behind with the flag and I can attempt to charm speak anyone away from the flag." He smirked a bit at that, as it would make sense for him to easily flirt his way to victory, as long as he didn't have to go against something that was pretty bullheaded. His charmspeak was not as powerful as some of his siblings, but he had practiced and made sure that he could use it well.

►Location: Long Island, New York ►Forest ►Interactions: All PC's (Especially Marco and Bronwyn)

Emily was surprised by how many people in the group supported her idea. Especially with how Ryland had ignored her. She let a small smile show her pettiness was satiated by the others. She squeezed Marco's hand and nodded at him. Then turned to Bronwyn. "So, ideas? Mine is pretty basic. Keep an eye on the flag and if anyone gets close to it that isn't on our side I'll grab them with some vines to trip them up. The other people guarding can take them out." She shrugged, she definitely wasn't a tactician, but she felt like it was enough of a plan that they could improvise if anything went crazy wrong. Emily trusted Bronwyn to come up with any better plans that was needed on the fly.

As soon as the pair are ready, once Oz and Ryland give the, okay she with the flag and Bronwyn would go to Zeus' Fist. Her stomach twisted a bit as she remembered some old stories about Zeus' fist.


►Haydn Mercer◄
►Location: Camp Half-Blood►Interactions: Everyone

Everyone had such good ideas. They were able to plan so easily and knew exactly how to use their abilities to their advantage and here Haydn was, standing in silence and waiting for orders. Shouldn't she be contributing more? The girl glanced down at the bident in her right hand, just dangling there loosely as if she had no real intention of using it in the near future. Her own armor was made of a thick, worn leather, dyed black in order to be used best with her shadow abilities, tied up the front with a more pliable skirted bottom that hung just passed mid-thigh. The clothing felt awkward as she'd not spent much time in it. The others seemed to be more used to their armor.

With everyone offering up plans and options, Haydn was beginning to feel a little left behind, and useless. Wanting to be of some help too, she decided to speak up before she could lose her nerve. "I uh…" She girl raised her hand a little. "I've been working on putting people to sleep. I'm not too good at it, but I could put two or three people out for just a few minutes. It could help drop defenses around the enemy flag for time to grab it…" She paused, looking down a little in hopes that no one would really look her way. "If you want, I mean. I'm no Hypnos kid…" Oh my god, this was too embarrassing. There were way too many people here to be talking in front of. "Or I could just help with dark coverage somewhere." The girl cleared her throat. Welp, they're all gonna think I'm dumb now.

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►Ryland Astrapi◄
►Location: Camp Half-Blood || Forest►Interactions: None
Ryland stood there watching, and listening to the group talk back and forth about their strategies for the upcoming game. So far the group all seemed to have a pretty solid idea of what to do. Only after Haydn's suggestion did Ryland step in to make a statement. "We are facing the Ares cabin on the other team. They're going to be the biggest threat to our attacks, they can power through quite alot, so we might want to divert them. I know a decent amount of them have a pretty big bone to pick with me in particular, so I'm thinking my team could work as a distraction force. On another note, Haydn and Marco should work together. Marco's charmspeak can work in combination with Haydn's putting people to sleep." He added calmly, giving a small smile towards the group. Whenever the strategy meetings were finished, Ryland looked at the group once more with a critical look as he inspected their weapons and armors. "Alright. Let's get the defenses set up and get in the assault teams, the game starts in about an hour. Good luck out there, lets kick some ass." Ryland said as the team broke apart to run off to take care of their various tasks to prepare for the game.

In the final minutes before the game would begin, as the sun started to get real low in the sky and painted it a brilliant display of red, orange, yellow, and various warm hues in between. Ryland stood at the front of his assault team, his sword in one hand while his shield was held on the other. Looking at the campers to either side of him, and Oz's team poised nearby he waited to hear the whistle piercing through the woods that would denote when the game had begun. Behind him, he knew those staying behind to work on the defense team were hard at work ensuring that the enemy wouldn't be getting to their flag any time soon. From the other side of the woods, came a loud cry from the opposing team. The Ares kids, no doubt, letting out a mighty war cry in anticipation for the coming battle. Ryland rolled his eyes before looking back at his team, then pounding his sword against his shield and answering with a war cry of his own. As the campers on either side of him answered, a loud piercing whistle shot through the woods.

The games had begun.​


Bronwyn Rae Knowles♥

Location: CTF Battlegrounds Interactions: Emily and Hadyn ➤ Mentions: Corona, Ozy, & Ryland

Corona's comment about her armor nearly made Brynn turn bright red, though she was more impressed by her own armor. The Hephaestus girl looked like a Norse warrior with it on. Brynn was slightly jealous. She'd always loved that look. The Athena daughter bit her lip and listened around as everyone threw in their comments. Ozy seemed to have been named the team's co-captain as he began making a layout of the land and planning their battle strategy, marking Zeus' fist where they'd be holding the flag.

The girl got lost listening to his plan, still biting her lip from before.. it might have looked like she was staring at him. It wasn't until Ozy mentioned her name and placed her on flag guard duty that she was brought back from her momentary lapse of staring-off-into-space. The girl's shoulders dropped slightly as she tried to withhold a disappointed look, not really caring much for defense, but her mood slightly picked up at remembering who else Ozy had condemned to take on flag defense. At least she'd have Em. That was enough for her to tolerate being put on defense.

Brynn exchanged a smile with Em as she turned towards the Athena girl and began speaking, smirking slightly. "Honestly Em, I'm not too used to being on Defense, but as you said, in this case its pretty simple. I mean, all we have to do is stand here and look pretty, basically." The girl chuckled, playfully nudging her sister. Of course that wasn't her actual plan, but she had to make herself laugh about the situation she was stuck in, or else this was going to be even more...... blah than she already knew it was going to be. Defense positions were so slow moving, and had hardly any action.

It was in the midst of Bronwyn's mental grumbling to herself that she heard a voice that hadn't spoken the entire time they'd all been grouped together. Hadyn. Suddenly the Athena girl's interest was peaked, turning her eyes onto the Hades' daughter as she spoke.. Brynn's smirk slowly grew the more the girl talked. It was kind of funny and cute the way she was trying to offer help, and seemed to be so unsure of herself on how she was delivering her suggestions. Bronwyn didn't know much about Hades kids.. she typically strayed away from them. But she wondered if the hypnosis was a special trick that Hadyn learned on her own, or if it was a trait specific to her bloodline. She'd not heard of it before, though.

At the risk of sounding dumb, Brynn leaned over and managed to squeeze in a quick comment before Ryland spoke. "Honestly, that's pretty badass. 'Only a few', or not.. use what you got, girl!" She gave the girl a soft, reassuring smile and turned her attention to Ryland who had begun talking. Finally taking up his position as.... Team Captain..? If that's what you wanted to call it, I guess. Personally, the girl felt Ozy had been doing a much better job, and Ryland was kind of like an absentee parent. Coming in late with the 'Yeah I'm still here, this team is still mine' speech. The girl forced a smile when Ryland's eyes grazed over hers as he made his rounds around their team. When the team broke off, Brynn gladly went off with Em to help her fix up the battlefield for their enemies that would run through to search for the flag.

When their defenses had all been set and the time had finally come to, Brynn stepped away from Zeus' fist a good 50 paces away, as to not make it so obvious where the flag had been hidden but easy enough for her to pursue anyone who might attempt at grabbing the flag. She gave Em a nod, the Athena daughter's shield in one hand, her free hand poised on-top of her sword hilt. The girl looked out into the forest around them, hearing the battle cry from the team at the other end of the wood, rolling her eyes as she mumbles, "Brutes."



So, Zoey's plan for redemption was perfectly in place. If anyone knew Zoey Kepler, and most people did, they knew that she was loyal to her sister to a fault. There was no way that she was going to let something as tiny and insignificant as Corona disrupt their relationship. But, Corona came across as the type of girl who thrived off that sort of thing. Giving her the false sense of pride and think that she was the reason that such a monumentous and iconic relationship had fallen apart. As much of a privilege as that would have been, that was not the case. Nothing was going to divide Brynn and Zoey. However, to sell the trap, she sort of didn't let Brynn know. If Brynn knew her half-sister, then she knew that this was all a facade. But, there was always the off chance that she really did believe that Zoey was gonna cut her ties with Brynn.

That was something she sort of failed to remember. That may or may not have been her fault.

Regardless of the little game she played, however, she still had a bigger game to play. Capture the Flag was a bigger priority right now, and she couldn't just leave her team behind. Eventually, she turned up back at the briefing where the captains were picked. The choice of captains were both surprising and not really that surprising. She was admittedly expecting the children of the Big 3 to be picked, but she supposed that having Oz and Ryland were not a bad choice either. Ryland was a smart cookie, despite the reputation he may or may not have had. Having two Athena girls on the squad as well had come as a major benefit to their team. How much better can you do than two of the best tactical minds at camp?

After some deliberations and planning, Zoey had agreed with the plan and didn't really think of anything that needed to be tweaked. The plan that the group had come up with was just fine, which was surprising considering how little input Zoey had put in. Maybe they didn't need her input as much as she had previously thought. That wasn't a bad thing. That just meant she was able to focus more on her own individual role instead of having to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

Next thing Zoey knew, she was donning a suit of armor with her own sword and shield. Rotating it idly as she waited for the whistle to blow. Zoey stood toward the edge of the playing field. She knew that the middle was going to be the most targeted area, so she could do her damage on the side where the defenses were weaker. Only problem was that if there were people in the trees, then she was going to be pinned down rather easily if someone didn't come to help her out. But she trusted herself to figure out a solution to the problem should a situation rise.

Then, the whistle blew, hearing bellowing from the other side of the forest. "Showtime."
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►Corona Talos◄

►Location: The Forest ►Interactions: Hammer Fam ►Interactions: Oz, Ryland,

Once Corona knew where the flag would be positioned, and upon receiving the general gist of what her role was going to be, an impish grin formed on her face. The fact that Oz chose Zeus' fist is a good omen specially since Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase's team used the exact same spot on the former's first capture the flag game and won. It was too bad that Corona's older siblings were on the opposing team but now that she was paired on Oz's and Ryland's team, she was determined to show how formidable the Hephaestus Cabin really is.

An impish grin formed on her face when she realized the enemy made one crucial mistake. They left all the Hephaestus kids in her team. This eliminates any possible threats of info being leaked to the enemy side regarding the strategies and equipment she'll be employing in this particular match.

"So, I guess we're lucky to be stuck with one another in this game. I'd feel bad whacking you guys and gals in the head with Cliffbreaker otherwise." The fiery haired girl stated, earning a few nervous laughs from her siblings.

Almost as if a switch had been flipped inside her, Corona's expression and demeanor shifted instantaneously, a by-product of her competitive spirit and complete dedication to achieving her objectives.

"Now about the plan. I was thinking of mixing things up as well as taking it up a notch." she suggested.

"And how do you plan on achieving that, O' Fearless Leader?" Ellis Dresselhouse replied sarcastically, earning him an affectionate WHACK to the head courtesy of Corona's trusty weapon.

"Well now that we got Housedress' sarcasm out of the way, let me ask you this. When people think of the Hephaestus Cabin what's the first thing that you think pop into their mind?"

"Weapons and Armor?" Treva Rekeweg replied.

"Forges and Hammers?" Helena Weant added.

"Crazy Contraptions?" Aron Alka continued.

"Women that are too muscular for most guys' taste!" Ellis said immediately upon recovering from the earlier love tap only to be pounded to the ground once again by a rogue war hammer-axe.

"Must have put too much oil on the handle when I was cleaning her a while ago. My hand keeps slipping." said the leader of Cabin 9 in a sickly sweet voice. None of the other Hephaestus kids showed any concern for Ellis though hinting that this may have already been a regular occurrence and by now they were already used to this "running gag".

"All very good points... except that last one of course. When you mix those three together, the enemy expects us to pull something related to metalwork, or anything that requires ingenuity and craftsmanship. While it may initially seem to serve to our disadvantage, it opens up a new possibility for us to catch our opponent off guard." Corona explained.

"So we're not gonna do the things we're good at? We're gonna go totally lowtech and traditional for this one? I mean it's good pulling some surprises on our enemies but fundamentally, our knowledge with tech serves as an asset for us even if the enemy expects it." A disgurntled Treva protested.

"Nah, we're not gonna abandon our roots, my trusty second-in-command. We're just gonna think outside the box and here's how I plan to do it."


Corona and her siblings had just barely finished making their preparations and setting up their traps when the whistle indicating the start of the match resounded throughout the woods.

With one final encouraging nod, the Hephaestus kids split up, manning their positions and lying in wait for any unsuspecting prey to wander into their traps.
►Ryland Astrapi◄
►Location: Camp Half-Blood || Forest ►Interactions: None
As the whistle pierced through the night, Ryland shot a look back towards his team and gave them a firm nod. Without another word, the boy surged into action as he led his small team across the river. Slamming their weapons against their shields as they went, Ryland's team tried to make as much noise as they could to draw attention to themselves. In the darkness of the night, Ryland could see the shapes of people moving through the night as he quickly made his way forwards. Soon enough, the shapes started to resolve themselves into the enemy team, or at least a part of it. Their assorted weapons seemed to glint in the moonlight, and Ryland knew his team had a target. Their enemies seemed to match them in number, which meant they too had split apart to take multiple fronts. Letting out a war cry, Ryland leaped into the air as lightning crackled around him, drawing attention to himself as the boy heard multiple swears in response to his announcement of presence. Another bolt struck nearby, not hitting any campers but the flash serving to blind some of the enemies in the moment as his own team slammed into them from the rear. Landing in the middle of the fray, Ryland let a few more sparks crackle around himself before his first opponent came straight at him from amid the confused masses of the enemy team.

Bringing his shield to bear, the metallic clang rang through the night as the boy blocked the child of Ares before him from completing an overhead strike that surely would've knocked him out. Pushing back with all the force he could muster, Ryland continued to press as he watched the opponent stumble backwards before regaining his stance. In a mere moment, Ryland and his opponent closed the distance between each other then locked in a flurry of blows. Metal against metal continued to cry out through the night as the two tried to top the other in battle. Ryland simply hoping that his team was making enough of a noise to draw more enemy reinforcements. As he caught another blow on his shield, he summoned winds to blast the opponent to his side. Following it up with a blow from his blade to the enemy's helmet, Ryland took the offensive and started to press his onslaught. Using his sword and shield in a deadly dance of attacks, Ryland sought to knock his opponent out of the fight.

The enemy team had split off into four teams, using the largest of their teams as a distraction team similar to Ryland's own. With that team currently engaging Ryland's team, the defense team was scrambling to set a variety of traps to impede the enemy from getting to their flag. Meanwhile, another team, the smallest, was focusing on sneaking around the far outside of the playable area. Moving quietly, they were currently hiding among the bushes near the edge of the river. Watching, waiting for their chance to move in and seize the enemy flag. The last team charged straight at the base of the enemy team. Making directly for Oz as a measure to try to find and activate the most traps in a sort of sacrificial pawn move. The game quickly descended into chaos as the roar of clashing weapons, battle cries, cries of pain, and the discharge of various godly powers roared over the forest. The chaos of battle was beginning to set in.

►Location: Long Island, New York ►Forest ►Interactions: Bronwyn

Emily nudged Bronwyn back. "Hey, you're pretty good at looking pretty at least." She winked. She felt awkward in the borrowed and basic armor that she wore. But she had never been much of a fighter so getting her own armor had never been a real priority, at least that's what it seemed like. Her father certainly liked to keep her on the sidelines. It was nice to be the final defense for once.

She started to lay the groundwork with her plants. Pulling them and growing them, spreading them. She felt like a spider laying out the threads of a web. A metaphor she kept to herself rather than share with Bronwyn. She kept her vines clear of traps when she sensed them and made sure to make a clear defensive line behind them (just in case there were any trick teams sneaking around behind them).

The hard part would be telling which flies were the enemy ones or on her side. She decided to drop the creepy metaphor it was not her jam. She would have to see who she was grabbing to be certain it wasn't a friend. The whistle rang out and chaos began. Emily took to pacing on the edge of the Fist watching and if she could grabbing enemy kids and tossing them out of the fight. She could keep feelers out behind them and if anyone tripped one of the vines she would know. It wasn't perfect, but it wouldn't be easy (she hoped).

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