Piece of My Heart

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Felice turned back to the larger boy, gritting his teeth a bit as he considered his situation. "Well...that wasn't exactly our choice, you know; you brought us in the house without so much as a 'please' in our direction. If it's that much of a problem to you, we can just leave."

Kido clapped his hands happily when Nobunaga tied his ribbon around his wrist. It looked perfect! At Felice's new assertion, though, he turned back to the other doll and shook his head. "Nope! You know we can't do that, it's far too late now. We probably could have still gotten away with getting this done in secret, but even then, we wouldn't have been able to just leave. Whatever woke us up is still here."

The blue-haired doll sighed, grumbling under his breath. "Fine! What can we do, then? You know that we can't just bring random weirdoes into this just because they think they can handle it!"

His significantly more cheery companion placed a hand to his cheek in thought. "Huh...well, we have until tonight before we actually have to do anything, maybe tomorrow if nothing disturbs the access points in the next few hours. And if we are staying here, then we have to follow rules." He turned back to the much taller boy as Felice huffed again and jumped off the table. "I'm a finder of sorts. My job is location and support services, and Felice does most of the physical work. Of course, we're pretty lucky that we woke up so early; something powerful must have done that, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do anything until the access points open. This way, we get extra time to prepare!"
Honestly, he was supposed to have asked them if he could purchase them? Last Nobu checked just a few minutes ago he thought they were nothing but normal dolls, but here he was getting chewed out by a feisty one. "You're a pain already." The young man muttered under his breath with a pout.

But once again Kido was the center of attention as his gaze was once again drawn back to the smaller doll who seemed pleased. Which in return caused him to smile. But it was curious, just what kind of job did these two dolls have? They were pretty small and seemed fragile so it couldn't bee hard or even dangerous, that would be pretty pointless if they got hurt or something. And something woke them up?

"What was that?" Teeth gritting slightly, he eyed Felice with a look and glanced back at his bamboo sword before at the doll. It seemed his express said, 'one more word and I'm going to whack you, little tiger' and smirked. "Don't make me ask about your name."

Someone get a dictionary or something for him! Just what did the little pink doll mean by access points and about something disturbing these points? Covering his face with both hands Nobu released a soft sigh while listening to Kido and taking in all the information into his mind; piecing everything together to the best of his ability. "A finder and Felice does the physical labor?" Repeating that bit of information both hands were lowered and began to drum against the table top as he thought about it. "So what exactly could be so powerful that it woke you two up? And what are these access points you're talking about?" He asked curiously as the drumming ceased and both arms crossed over his chest. "...And exactly how much trouble am I in for, seeing this sounds a bit dangerous but also fun."
"Tch! You heard me, principessa!" The irritable doll crossed his arms and glared back. "You really think I'd trust you just like that? Don't-a make me laugh." It was a dangerous game, true. Felice wasn't stupid, just loudmouthed; he could clearly see the warning glare in the other boy's eyes. He just chose not to back down out of principle. He wasn't one to just be intimidated and let it slide.

Kido looked away from Nobunaga as he asked his question, fingers moving in nervous motions even as he tried to keep his hands folded in front of him. "Um...not much trouble. In fact you probably wouldn't even know unless we messed up. Or my theory's correct." He mumbled the last part, seeming to find the far wall very interesting at the moment. "The access points are kind of like...nests, I guess. Just little pockets of space that become occupied by something, but it really shouldn't be there in this case."

Letting out yet another huff, the other doll finally moved from his position on the edge of the table and started toward the larger boy sitting in front of them again. "It's a soul-sucking force that slowly draws in victims if left unchecked, that's all." He rolled his eyes as he mentioned it in a rather sarcastic way, almost as if he was just trying to throw the intimidating boy off. His gaze turned serious quickly, however. "The access points could technically show up anywhere, but they mostly end up in places that have some sort of invitation, like being completely vacated or having certain strange energies around them. We don't get why, it probably just wants to find a good fit so it's hard to get rid of. Or maybe it's just like a pest." He shook his head and shrugged. "Whatever the reason, it's our job to get rid of it when it nests somewhere before it causes problems."

Kido nodded in agreement, finally looking back toward Nobunaga. "It's not what woke us up, though. That's in here somewhere, but as for where..." He placed a tiny fist to his mouth in thought for a moment. "...Well, I'm sure you'll get it. It's not dangerous, but it might be helpful in dealing with a few problems."

"So, now we know each other. You know what we do, we don't know what you do, and you don't really know how we do what we do... We should have lunch or something before we make our next plan!" As if there was absolutely nothing wrong here, the easily excited doll clapped his hands happily and launched into what probably seemed like a suspicious shift in focus.
"Damn blauwe garnalen." The young man shot back, his arm reaching for his kendo sword to whack Felice. Two could play the insult game here, and he wasn't about to back down from some shorty. Nobunaga had quite a mouth as well, sometimes not knowing when to shut his mouth when someone was able to annoy or insult him; it was especially when it happened in his own home.

Turning back to Kido, his hand stopped moving and instead remained stationary as the little, pink-haired, doll began to explain. At least this one had some manners and could be polite. "I see, so there's not much to worry about unless Felice screws up." Nobu spun it slightly to put the blue-haired doll to shame for his little remark, seeing how it would technically be his since the doll was supposedly the muscle.

Felice really loved to huff didn't he, it's all the doll ever seemed to do when it came to talking with Nobu. "Oh, sounds fun." He remarked, still not fazed from the knowledge but still glared at the doll's sarcasm and attitude. "You're pretty full of yourself for someone so small." His hand was in striking distance to grab the arrogant little thing but instead he just placed it back on the table. But hearing him turn serious, Nobu remained silent and simply listened again.

"Okay, okay, I understand now." Drumming his fingers against the table he thought and placed everything together that fit. Now it all clicked and surprisingly made sense to him as Kido added even more into it. "Yeah, soul sucking spots don't sound dangerous one bit." He then chuckled.

"The old subject change by asking for food huh?" Nobunaga raised a brow but laughed while standing up. "Alright, I guess I can do that since you tried so politely unlike a certain someone." The young man then pointed out as he walked into the kitchen, threw his sandwich into the trash bin and looked in the refrigerator. "What excatly do you want to eat?"
Felice stuck his tongue out at the larger boy while Kido cheered at the idea of food. "Thank you! It's a little embarrassing to ask, actually, but it's kinda been a long time since we last ate. I'm okay with whatever, though, so anything is fine."

While the pink-haired doll was busy with that, the blue-haired one jumped off the table and walked to the living room. It occurred to him that it had been oddly quiet since they had entered the house...when should they expect other people to show up? After another minute of looking around and even going up to the door they had come in through earlier, he turned around and followed in the direction Nobunaga had gone to the kitchen. "Hey, do you have family you're expecting home later? It might be good to have that established in case they're normal and actually freak out about a couple of sentient toys in their house." He stood near the middle of the kitchen and looked around as he asked, wondering about exactly how many people they would have to be wary of and how would be best to avoid questions.

In the meantime, Kido sat down on the table, playing with his ribbon wondering whether he should have gone to the kitchen as well when a violent shiver ran through his system. Looking around frantically for a moment, he soon stood up and began searching for the nearest window. "That didn't feel right..."
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