Phschedelic & LoneWolf

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Casper a small and blonde haired young boy started to plunge his luggage onto the front deck. He waved goodbye to his parents and went inside he boat, he ran a hand through his hair and was plunged into a crowd of people, rushing around and getting onto the boat. He looked around a little flustered. He started looking around desperately for his love. He called her name desperately as he began pushing through the crowd.
"Wait!" Cried a girl as she ran for the gangway, suitcase in hand, a shock of red hair streaming out behind her. Tamsin was many things, but punctual was not one of them. She only just made it onto the ship in time, ending up on the deck panting for breath as she cast eye out for the one recognisable face on board, eventually catching her own name. Of course, she zeroed in on this, soon seeing the source of the call and heading toward him, happily throwing her arms around him as she spoke, "Casper! I missed you." It hadn't been long, but they were madly in love, and as much as her parents thought them fools, the intensity of their relationship could hardly be denied.
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