PAssage way thing.

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Alex ran quickly up to the door as they reached the house, waiting for Marrik to hurry up and unlock the door. "C'mon, c'mon!" He whined, tugging at his brothers arm. "Alright! I can't do it when you're tugging on my arm like that!" The older grumbled, fiddling with the key in the door. He let out a small huff as the brown haired male continued to tug on his sleeve, jumping up and down on the spot. "Ah!" He said happily running into the house as the door swung open, Koko following him in, running around the house, tail wagging furiously. "Koko, bed!" Marrik called out loudly, shaking his head. He walked into the house and through to the kitchen, leaving the front door open for the two twins to come in. "So, what do we need... Food? Water?" He asked, looking through the fridge and picking out a couple of water bottles and putting them on one of the counters.
The twins exchanged glances before they both made their wait into the house.
They followed Marrick to the kitchen, with Klarissa a bit more ahead than Kyle. "We aren't planning leaving for too long are we?" Kyle asked as he raised an eyebrow.
He didn't think that they get lost for more than a couple hours, but Klarissa knew better since she was the one who found the passageway and it would take some time finding it again.
"Get some water and a couple of snacks," she stated, remembering she skipped out on lunch earlier.
"Alright.." Marrik mumbled as he grabbed some sausage rolls and other various snacks out of the fridge, closing the door afterwards. "Don't forget to bring chocolate!" Alex shouted as he burst into the kitchen, carrying a thick looking coat in his arms, a bag full of god knows what on his back. Koko came charging in seconds later, jumping up at the counter, trying to get at the sausage rolls. "Koko, geddown!" Marrik tutted, pushing the dog away. He quickly grabbed the food -and some chocolate bars- and stuffed them into his bag, zipping it up afterwards. "Right... Anything else we need?" He asked, looking around the small group, slinging his bag onto one of his shoulders as he reached down to pet the dog, in an attempt to calm him down.

(... Well.... Sorry. I totally forgot it was my turn... I kept meaning to check, but... I got distracted.. Yeah.. >.< )
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"I'm sure we have all that is needed," Kyle said as he looked at the food and water that was packed.
Klarissa also looked at what they had and thought about what they could be doing in the passageway.
"Um last time I remember it was pretty dark in there, we should bring a flashlight or two as well," she stated.

(It's alright haha)
"Alright... I think we have some flashlight's in here somewhere.." Marrik mumble as he rooted through another drawer. Alex was now tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. He wanted to hurry up and go already! "Finally!" He breathed as Marrik brought out four torches. He handed them out, giving one to each member of the group, excluding the dog, of course. "Right... We should be ready now, then..?" "Yes! Let's go!" Alex cheered, running to the door, followed by the once calm, -but now barking his head off again- dog Koko.

The older of the two brothers followed, slower, rolling his eyes at Alex's eagerness. He put his flashlight away in the side pocket of his back, adjusting it somewhat so if felt more comfortable against his back.
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