Paranormal Activity

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October Knight

Original poster
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
Paranormal Activity

View attachment 3237

Do you believe in the super natural, ghosts, spirits or demons? Ever had an experience that you want to share?

I've personally never had any kind of paranormal experience, but I had an aunt that claimed her house was haunted. She said that doors would close on their own and cups would fly across the room and stuff like that. I think the house was just drafty.

I am not a believer! What about you?

Naw, I don't believe in anything paranormal.

I do joke about it a lot, though. Like when something falls off a shelf or one of my music player suddenly turn on without my doing. I'll say a ghost did it, or something. XD
I definitely believe in the paranormal. I love watching shows that investigate that stuff too. Cryptozoology is interesting too. UFOlogy, I'm not a big follower of...
When you're within fifty feet of the undead don't come cryin' to me.

Belief is a go, firsthand experience is a go.
I do.

Nothing really has happened to me to big. I do remember one time when I was in my teens, I was in my bedroom which was also the computer room and the computer turned on randomly in the middle of the night, it freaked me right out!