Paradisio Mortem

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Rika had been taken to Vance as promised once she'd made her deal with Legato. She stayed by his side as the doctors took care of him. Owen had done quite a number on him. She was curious about Angel, as she was such an intriguing person, but she could tell that Angel wasn't as happy as she outwardly appeared. Rika had a feeling that what she'd gotten herself into wasn't good, but she could only hope for the best at this point, right? Legato had given her his word, and he'd kept his word with Vance. She had to keep her hopes high.

"Rika--" Vance started as the doctors tended to him, but she only shook her head and stroked his hair as she sat next to him. "Shh, I'm here. Everything will be okay," she said reassuringly, but Vance didn't believe it. When the doctors were done the two were left alone to speak while the medicine given to Vance did its job. Rika promised that Vance would stay safe, but he said little in return. Before the nurses came back to fetch Vance and take him to his room, Vance and Rika were able to share a brief moment. Embraced amorously in each other's arms, they shared their last moments together. Then, Vance was taken away and Angel came to fetch Rika to show her the 'ropes'. "I'll see you soon." Rika said to her beloved brother before they were once again separated.

Vance had little faith in the slime ball called Legato. He didn't trust the man, and he couldn't believe that Rika had. As he watched Angel take Rika away, he was swarmed by the nurses. Though Rika said she'd see him soon, he had a sinking feeling he wouldn't. However, he was soon taken from the medic bay toward a long carpeted hall with many rooms along each side. Taken to an empty one, he sat on the edge of the bed which had dark satin sheets, and lavish décor. He looked out the dull window. It was dark and he could hear the faint woeful cry of sirens in the distance. Rising, he went to the window frame; maybe he was wrong about Legato. Maybe he would get to see Rika again. Maybe--

His thoughts were cut short as he felt a bag thrown over his head and a sharp jab into his mid back. With a groan he fell to the ground as he was once again beaten into submission. He tried his best to defend himself, and managed to get a few good blows in, but he was simply overpowered. The next thing he knew he was being thrown back on the streets in as bad of condition as he was when he entered Legato's lair. Hitting a brick wall he heard a car drive off as he escaped his bindings and pulled off the cover over his head. There was a rumble in the skies as it began to downpour in the city of Paraidiso. Getting to his feet, he staggered off angrily into the night, dark thoughts plaguing his mind.

He would later come upon a scene that would invigorate his spirit and give him a chance to release the pent up anger within him. Without Rika around to tame his wild side, he was an uncaged animal. The fight that resulted, would prove this. He would revert to his basic instincts until his anger was satiated. Legato...I will kill you were his only thoughts.

[dash=darkblue]As Hades began to fire into the swarm of Dark Police, the men in front fell to the ground, but they pushed forward. They seemed to be coming from everywhere. It wasn't a problem, as Legato had plenty of Dark Police to spare, and was constantly cranking them out from his 'academies'.

The two culprits took off in the ally, the other carrying the unconscious one. One of the Dark Police stepped forward onto the fallen bodies, "Don't let them get away" he said pointing a gloved hand in Hades' direction. From behind him another squadron of DP rushed forward in pursuit of the duo. It began to pour, giving the DP quite a sinister and Grim Reaper appearance. There was trouble in the air, and the Dark Police did not like this.

As Hades jumped down into the sewers he was easily followed. The Dark Police knew the sewer systems well. As Hades made his way through the tunnels, Jion still over his shoulder, he would quickly find himself becoming lost in the vast underground system. The Dark Police had navigators to help assist their transit in the dark sewage area, giving them the upper hand. Three times now Hades had to turn back and find another route. Coming around a bend he was met with a group of five Dark Police in front and another five behind. Forced to fight he set Jion down, and the sewage smell acted as a smelling stimulant. Jion slowly awoke with a confused groan as a DP was thrown over his head into the dank waste. Forced to defend himself, he did so in a less than honorable fashion, mostly kicking and screaming. He managed to get a decent hit in on one of the Dark Police. Hades managed to free up some space for escape as they darted from the sewers and climbed their way back up to the main streets. Crawling out they were met with gunfire. Jion's face went pale once again as he went down for the count. Hades took him upon his shoulder once more as they hurried forward.

Through the alleys they fled, but once more they were boxed in. Hades, breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush, searched frantically for an escape. Veins popping from his flesh, he stood there, slipping Jion from his shoulder as his fingers itched for the few remaining guns upon him. Legato had given the order to kill these two. They were causing too much trouble for his liking, and the Dark Police were happy enough to fulfill his wishes. The attack commenced as Jion once more came to and became involved in this fray. It was a madhouse of guns and fists as Hades and the Dark Police went at it. Jion was quickly taken advantage of and was dragged toward the awaiting van. Meanwhile, Hades wasn't faring well with the amount of Dark Police assaulting him. As things were about to fall apart, another figure appeared from the shadows. The ragged underdog with fire burning deep in his eyes, Vance staggered forward with a bone to pick and anger to let loose. Though seemingly in no condition to fight, his overflow of ill feelings was enough to give him that edge, plus Hades had done his own damage to the Dark Police present. With a feral cry, he began his onslaught, not caring if he lived or died.

Though mostly deranged, he still had his mind enough intact. His moral compass told him to help these individuals if he could. Vance had no weapons on him, but the fallen Dark Police certainly did. Taking a gun off one of the fallen dark police he opened fire on the van that Jion had been shoved into, taking out the two back tires. He was soon jumped by the Dark Police, but Vance was fighting tooth and nail. Between Vance and Hades heavy damage amounted. The fray continued and the eventual result was a very narrow escape by Vance, Jion, and Hades. Jion was probably to best of the three. They managed to coup up in an old abandoned building that once served as a hotel of sorts from the look of the dilapidated lobby area. The Dark Police continued their search but were eventually called to more important matters, and let the search go. Legato's orders. For now, the three were safe, but they were left in damnable condition.

Safe, for now, Vance looked upon his new 'companions' with little taste for their appearances. Then again, he was no golden catch either, but bygones be bygones they were now stuck together for this short time.

Owen's words had certainly thrown her off a bit, but a gentle smile came to her lips, "Perhaps one day--" she softly replied. Getting him to the wash room, she disrobed him and cleaned him up, joining him under the warm waters. He was slowly getting his strength back, but it'd still be a day or so before he was back to his full strength that she so adored. Either way, she took gentle care of him as they cleaned. By the time they left the showers, Owen was able to stand on his own two feet. She watched him dress himself, her eyes moving over his body while she fixed herself up. "I need to get back and show Rika around. Legato has strict orders for me." She finished tidying up, looking good as new, as she moved forward wrapping her arms around Owen from behind. She gently kissed along his neck and ear, "Promise me you'll be more careful" she whispered before stepping back to leave. They shared their thoughts and she turned to leave, "I'll always be yours, Owen" she said before leaving his company and going to fetch Rika. Owens words remained with her for a while, though, and deep down she wished that it would/could be true.

Fetching Rika, Angel watched the girl and her brother before they parted ways. It was almost sad, because she knew the look between the two. It was the same look she was sure Owen and her shared in those brief moments they had alone. The brother and sister were close, she could tell that much. She felt bad for Vance as well. Legato wouldn't keep his word to Rika, but he'd make her believe that he was at all costs. For a brief moment Angel and Vance's eyes met, but then they parted ways and Rika was taken under Angel's wing. It was funny that Legato was having her train her own replacement. No matter, Angel was tired of this life anyways. There was more out there, there had to be.

"You'll have your own room and such just like mine. i'll give you a quick tour of this main building first and then we'll discuss what your schedule will be like" Angel said as they walked quickly down the halls. Rika was silent beside her, a sadness lingering about her. Angel paused and turned toward Rika, "You'll be happy, don't worry. Even if you're not, you'll learn to make others believe you are. It's how this world works now. You will have everything you've ever dreamed of having, and more. You will be a star, Rika." Angel smiled and seemed to overly glorify the position, but the bitterness was still present somehow in her cheerful tone. Rika only looked at her with a scared expression.

"Will I ever be truly happy with the decision I've made?"

"You made the decision based on love, right?" she watched as Rika slowly nodded her head, "You can be happy to know you have loved then. We can only do what is needed to survive these days, right? To survive is to make sacrifices--" Angel let her guard down for a brief moment, but soon she turned and ushered Rika along to finish the tour. Yes, sacrifices. Owen... Angel thought to herself as they walked.
Owen did not have time to dwell. No sooner had Angel left then a doctor entered from his office. He wondered for a moment of his relationship with Angel was known among the medical stall.. known and entertained. They had said love was what kept us alive. "Ahh yes Mr. Bight, recuperation again..." he looked the the PDA in his hand. "Don't worry we'll have you back at work in the morning."

Owen had been thought this enough tires to know the drill, on unsteady legs he made his way to the treadmill and waited his the sensors to be connected to his body and yet another tube inserted into his mouth. The pace was slow at first but as he got steadier the doctor would increase it. Every trace of drug had to be removed from his system and now it was up to his body's natural systems to burn it off.

"So live ones tonight... thats unusual.." Owen couldn't reply. "Expolin.... dissolved the cauterizer sealing his would, any idea how that got into his system?" Owen could have grinned.. "Though something is worrying me.. You're showing a decreased resistance to psycodine, I'm going to be diluting your doses in future. Keep this up and you may end up on my table."

The first run was over and the tube removed and despite it only being a few minuets Owen was panting. "Can't slow down Doc.." he said between breaths. "I don't want to be doing this my whole life... I've got plans... weddings aren't cheap." Nor is running from Legato.
Jion fell against one of the walls of the abandoned building, breathing heavily. I can't believe this shit, he thought as he slid down the wall, onto the floor. He sat there with his legs sprawled out, trying to calm himself. During the earlier chaotic events of the night, he hadn't been able to organize his thoughts. They'd all stacked up in his mind messily. The only clear thought he'd had was: I'm going to die. And more than once, he had been awfully close to certain death. He was embarrassed. He hadn't been able to fend for himself. If it hadn't been for those two other men, Jion would've been arrested and/or killed.

Once his breathing became calmer and slower he looked up. "Thank you," he said quietly to the two other men. Hesitantly, he asked, "But now what will we do?" Would the Dark Police try to search for them again later?

Jion leaned his head back against the wall. If they did continue looking for them, they'd eventually search his apartment, where they'd find a small stash of X that he kept under his bed...He shook his head, as if trying to shake away all that had happened. He wanted desperately to wake up from such a nightmare.

But then again, this wasn't so bad. It could've gone a lot worse than it had.

Jion got up and smiled slightly, "What a night, huh?"
Hades get's up and shakes off the dust of his clothes.
he looks at Jion trying to sound brave, at Vance who seems unable to belive he's stuck with 2 losers like Jion and himself, well he doesn't know about Jion, but he's no loser, he must fulfil is mission and Jion and Vance are his 2 guns right now.
"Looks like were are together in this mess, I don't care why you 2 are being pursued, but if you ever want to live in peace now the only choice you have his to join me and together we will kill Legato!"
3 Weeks Later

It had been 3 weeks since Rika had made her deal with Legato and became his new spokesperson. Angel had showed her the ropes and was currently her mentor of sorts. It was the biggest thing in Paradisio, the announcement of Rika's rise to fame and Angel's step out of the spotlight. The newspapers painted a heart pulling story with a happy ending. Legato was keeping her on a tight schedule, and she hadn't seen Vance since they'd parted ways. However, she'd receive little notes and sentiments from him here and there, which put her mind at ease. Perhaps Legato wasn't such a bad man. He'd kept his promise to her.

As told, Rika was given a second chance at life. All her problems were taken care of and her debt repaid. She was a 'free' woman, minus the little fact that she still belonged to Legato. However, she was free from the fear of running for her life from the cutters. In her dealings with Angel, she'd come to notice the 'subtle' relationship that Angel and Owen seemed to foster in secret, but she didn't dare speak of it. Perhaps that was what Angel was eluding to when they first met.

She'd had a few more surgeries done, but she was still the same old Rika, but her features certainly stuck out a bit more. Even Vance would probably be surprised with her more accentuated appearance. Legato had even given her a new wardrobe. She was currently at a gathering to promote the opening of a new branch of Neocore research. The doors would open and bring new light to this dark world. Eyes were on her as she took the large scissors and cut the opening ribbon. Legato made a brief appearance for a speech and was off. Angel stepped forward to give a speech as Rika stood to the side and stared at the crowd before her, half expecting to see Vance there. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, though. Had he forgotten about her?


Rika was doing her part well. Angel had no doubt she'd be fully replaced soon, which meant she didn't have much time. Owen had been acting strange lately. He'd been working longer hours and the time they did get to spend together…something was different. Not a bad different, but a more compassionate different. It had been 3 weeks, her time was running short. She was surprised Legato was letting her stay even this long. Then again, he was probably preoccupied, and she was still his first go-to mistress. Angel was starting to wonder if over the years Legato perhaps DID start to have feelings for her, but that was silly.

Standing from bed, the sheets slipped from her naked body as she began to fix herself. Owen laid under the covers looking up and past her in deep thought. Slipping into her dress, she clipped her hair from her face, "Legato is going to announce at the opera next week my full departure from Neocore. He's prepared the celebration and farewell." She said softly as she took a seat next to him and slid her hands over Owen's exposed shoulders. She amorously caressed his shoulders and neck with her lips, "I wish we could just go away after all this. Go somewhere safe and start our lives together…forget about this place." She thought she felt Owen flinch, but she pulled back anyways leaving the conversation at that. Words didn't need to be spoken; deep down they both knew what Legato's REAL plans were for Angel. Like anyone else, she was 'expendable' and she'd worn out her use. She had to get to the opening of the new research building. The secret lovers departed on their usual melancholy note and each went their separate way.

At the opening ceremony, Rika was performing flawlessly. She hated to admit it, but she felt both a contempt and respect for the girl who was going to bring her own demise. Like Angel, Rika was just another stepping stone in Legato's plan for ultimate power. This was all just a game, but surely even Legato had to lose sometime. Rika cut the ribbon as Angel stepped forward to give her speech, all eyes shifted nervously between her and Rika. Even the press wasn't completely stupid, but Legato had a strong hold on all aspects of the city. What Legato wanted the majority to feel…the majority would feel.

"…Let us hope that this is the start of a new and better future for Neocore!" she finished as cheers went around. However…this may be the end of my story she secretly thought to herself as her and Rika departed to their next appointment. Thankfully, Rika hadn't been privy to the more 'vulgar' side of being Neocore's spokesperson, that still fell to Angel until she fully stepped down in a week.


This was not the ideal group that Vance would have imagined for getting revenge upon Legato, but it seemed 3 weeks ago it had been decided. It took a while, but Vance and Hades both recovered more or less from their injuries that night. Another scar added to Vance's many, and a deep seeded anger growing inside him. Despite his feral nature, he managed to stay mostly level headed (even without Rika by his side). However, he needed her, and he vowed to save her no matter what.

The cutters and dark police were constantly dogging the three men, but together they managed to escape being caught again. With Jion was an X dealer, Vance was also keeping up on his fixes. Jion was an odd fellow, but not nearly as much so as Hades. If Vance thought HE was a hot-headed individual, Hades took the cake. Even Vance could tell that there was something just off about the man. Tread carefully, that's what he constantly did around the man. It seemed, though, that Vance had somehow either self-appointed or simply fell into the role of instigator/leader of the three. In the short time since Rika had slowly been rising to fame, he'd been working to gather people onto his side. Even he knew that he couldn't expect to take Legato on by himself with two other guys.

He managed to find a very well hidden hive deep within the sewer systems. Their sentiments toward Legato and his empire were the same as Vance and Hades felt. Bring it down. Vance wanted to burn Legato's empire from the inside out and destroy the man little by little. Hades, it seemed, just wanted to end the man's life, plain and simple. Legato's downfall would come, though, soon enough. Currently the trio was squatting in an old run-down apartment complex on the outskirts of the city. An old black and white TV with lots of fuzz was on behind him. The telecast from the opening of the new Neocore building was on. Vance turned when the camera panned in on Rika. He turned and ran his fingers tenderly over her features, wishing he could be there. Rika…I'll come for you, I promise. I haven't forgotten about you. He turned once more as he heard footsteps enter the room he was in. Jion was coming to gather him, it was time to go. They had a hive meeting.

"You got a hit of X?" he asked the kid who had appeared in the doorway. Vance pulled on a jacket as he began to pack on his weapons, just in case.
Jion had trained over the past weeks. Not in the way you'd see people train in movies, with cool martial arts moves and such. Jion had begun boxing/kick-boxing, but he mainly practiced firing guns. He'd even built his own little firing range with pillow-dummies and papers with targets on them. He continued heading to the underground to buy stuff, X mainly.

He didn't sell much of the X though, he gave most of it away for free, especially to Vance. It wasn't that bad, he could still get enough money to buy more.

As it would turn out, Vance and Hades weren't the only ones with grudges against Legato (big surprise). Jion, however, had no personal reason to hate the man, he just liked the thrill he got from thinking of killing Legato. In other words, Jion was slowly becoming an adrenaline junkie.

He walked to where Vance was quickly, not wanting to be late to the hive meeting. Vance stood in front of a TV where a woman, Vance's sister, was being displayed. Jion knew exactly what Vance would ask for before he said it. He already had the pack of X out, he tossed to Vance and turned to walk out of the room. "Come along now," Jion ordered in a playful tone.
Hades had spent these past weeks trying to turn Jion into a marksman.
Ever since he got together with these 2 he feels his chances to beat legato have increased, before he was just one enraged individual, mentally instable, allthought well trained, who engaged in any fight in order to try drawing the attenction of the big dog.
But now he realises his old ways would get him no where, being together with these 2 plotting how to destroy Legato had given Hades porpuse, when he spots Rika on TV he knows a brainstorm of plans to destroy Legato is comming, he just fears it may rush them to act foolish and end up dead, well that didn't stop him before and he survided, so this time it couldn't go worse.
He goes to the wall where they been drawing maps and poiting out ideas.
"Ladies!" he says in a tone that reminds him of his superiors back in the army.
"You should stay focused, we must act fast, the more we delay the more we allow our enemy to grow, soon the element of surprise will be meaningless if we keep delaying, we don't have a master plan, or hightech, but we have more balls than all the dark police armie together! That's something right?"
Owen cherished every stolen moment with his lover, memorized every caress, every uttered affection. When he was with her was the only time he smiled warmly. But as always their time together couldn't last. Legato had placed his best cutter as head of security for the Ceremony, a job usually reserved for the dark police but one did not question the most powerful man in the city. "I will see you when you're no longer the face of Neocore." he smiled again. He would be in charge, so everone would be where he told them to be, the perfect opportunity for two lover to disappear...

"Foyer is clear. Thought there was something but it was a registered guest looking for the bathroom."

"Overwatch in position, eyes on podium, scans are showing clear"

[color=#grey]"Nothing in the buffet... wish I could have one of those croissants.."[/color]

His face hidden by his visor, an imposing sight even in a public event Owen listened to the reports in silence before nodding at Legato, everything was in place, the area was secure. A cutter standing in the open drew looks but they were as much a symbol of Legato's control as the police, Owen though that was the only reason he was here, that it was a happy coincidence, he even gave Angel a hidden smile beneath his visor. After tonight he'd be free.
After taking his hit of X, Vance glanced up to see Hades enter. The man was a brilliant marksman, but he was so impulsive it sometimes even concerned him. Hades was going on about acting too slow. Vance only gave him a glance that might have resembled a smirk if he's expressions ever really changed from the brooding scowl he held. Since Rika's death he was rarely seen showing much emotion period facial wise, it all came across in slight glances and tone. "Legato already has a hold over this entire city, I'm not worried about that. No one is perfect, so he has to make a mistake sometime...until then we need to gather who we can. If we can get these underground guys to team up with us, we might have a chance. Come on...they're waiting for us." He said as he grabbed the rest of his gear, and headed out.

Couple Hours Later

They'd negotiated a sort of partnership with the group of underground refugees. The hive was large, and they were working to try and get some inside help as it was. It seemed that overall Legato was just an unsavory character, but people were too afraid to defy him. Vance was going to take advantage of this collective dislike and use it to bring about Legato's demise. The union was made, and they were now at least a good 120 strong by this unification. Of those 120 individuals, 10 were 'healthy' individuals who sympathized for those being hunted by Legato and his cutters. One was even an ex-Dark Police recruit.

As the deal was made, someone had turned on a small radio to receive news of the outside world. There was to be an opera to benefit Legato and his 'contributions' to world health. Legato and his two 'spokeswomen' or 'vixens' as the media dubbed them would be in attendance. There, also, Angel Sweet would be announcing her official step down as Neocore representative. Apparently she was going into retirement now that Rika was around. The opera would be in one week. That would be a good time to perhaps start a strike. Maybe he could grab Rika and take her away during the confusion.

1 Week Later

Rika was feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything going on, and her heart still yearned for her dear brother. She hoped that he was faring well, and that Legato kept his word. She still didn't' trust him completely, but what was she to do. It was a spur of the moment decision on her behalf, and probably a bad one. Her initial impressions of Angel, she'd come to find, were completely off. The woman was very kind and almost motherly to the lost Rika. Even though Angel had been trying to 'save' her from knowing of the indignities that also came with her new position as spokesperson, Rika already had an idea. Without complaining, Angel would always take the clients upon herself so that Rika wasn't yet subject to the animalistic pleasures they wanted of the girls. She was a saint in her eyes, but Rika knew she wouldn't be safe forever. Angel seemed to know this as well, the woman had been slightly distant the last few days leading up to this night. It was the night of the opera, which meant it was the big night that Angel would officially announce her 'retirement' to the world.

Legato had already made preparations for Angel's going away party after the opera show. This was the event of the year, and only the best of the best were here. Legato's best clients and top buyers were present, and the event was going to be televised live. Though Rika found it strange that instead of the usual Dark Police, Legato had some of his top Cutters policing the area. Among them she recognized Owen, who had turned her and Vance in to begin with.

For the event, Legato had gotten dresses made special for both Rika and Angel. Rika's dress was an elegant strapless white and grey gothic Victorian style dress that hugged at her curves and contrasted her dark hair. Her hair was curled loosely and left down, adorned with a crown of matching flowers. She looked like a bride almost as she stood on Legato's left. To his right was Angel. Rika glanced at the woman with a sad look as they were lead to their seats and the opera began. Angel wouldn't announce her departure until the intermission of the opera. So for now it was just sit and be pretty as the new face of Neocore. Despite all this, her only thoughts were on Vance.
Tonight was the night. Rika would step up to take her place, and Angel planned to run away with Owen, and leave this place forever. She wanted to start a family with him, and just forget about everything. Though she kept telling herself this was the course things would take, deep down she had her suspicions. This was all just a fool's dream, a fool's nightmare. She was ready to wake up from it one way or another. Everything was set up. Even though they were seeing an opera…the REAL stage was this life in general. For her final act, Angel was dressed in a rose red strapless Victorian style gown, a stark contrast to Rika's white gown. Her angel blond hair was pinned up and out of her face with a rose hairpiece and a black veil. It was an almost sad beauty that she held this night.

The opera house was quite crowded, and it seemed like everyone was there. Eyes leered at her, and seemed to eat her up the way they usually did in blind lust. She only smiled her way through. Legato had the cutters prowling around tonight as the security, which was nice. She spotted Owen in the crowds and couldn't help but flash a brief smile toward him. He was her only sanity, her only comfort, in this dark world. Angel was draped on one arm and Rika the other as they entered the opera. The group found their seats as Angel stood, and excused herself to use the bathroom.

Going back into the large main lobby she was accosted by old clients and press alike. She put on her smile and simply waved away their questions, "At the intermission I will reveal the truth." She simply said, "If you'll excuse me, I really must go." She chuckled and escaped the limelight for a moment as she headed down the long hall toward the bathrooms. She made a short detour and met briefly with Owen in the shadows.

She felt his arms around her as she pulled back a moment and removed his visor to kiss him, "I have to get back…but I will meet you back stage after I give my announcement at the intermission. We can escape from there. I love you Owen." She said quite truthfully as she gave him another passionate kiss and pulled away from his grasp to head back to her seat. The people were quick to crowd her on her way in. With that said, she returned as the opera began. Her heart was racing and she had trouble sitting still. This was it…she would finally leave this all behind. Tonight was her night.
Three days prior to the opera...

View attachment 5209Thoughts weighed heavily on Legtato's tired mind. He squinted into his dimly lit office, against thick cigar smoke that hung in the air. By his side sat a crystal highball glass, filled with melted ice and aged cognac. He had forgotten the drink an hour ago, and for the most part, had not moved. His hands were cradling his chin while his elbows were firmly planted on his desk.

She had to go…

Legato wasn't in the business of letting people, especially women, get too close to him. However, a man had his needs, sexual and otherwise, that had to be accommodated. This left him with the issue of loose lips. Would she talk about him? Would she try to get revenge after being thrown to the street like an abandoned dog? Would she decide that she was wronged and hold contempt in her heart? Legato had been successful, for many reasons, but mostly because he left nothing to chance. Angel was nothing but change, and in turn, had to be delta with.

She had to die…

Legato wasn't blind to the fact that she was involved with his best cuter, it was more that he didn't care. It was just another opportunity, and like any good opportunity Legato was on it like white on rice.

She would die, it wouldn't be a cinematic, crime of passion as far as Legato was concerned, It just would be.

At the Opera she would be killed by her own lover. Legato made all the arrangements and would sleep easy tonight.
Angel couldn't wait for the intermission to come, but finally it did. Very soon this would all be over with and she could run off with Owen and be happy for once. True happiness. She looked over toward Legato as he smiled and placed his hand over her's a moment. Bringing her hand up to his lips he kissed it lightly before standing to escort her to the stage. People were quickly going as they knew that Angel would be making her speech at this time. As she was lead to the stage she gave one final look at Legato as he left her to return to their balcony seats with Rika to watch. This wasn't his moment, this was all about her. Angel gave a feeble smile, feeling as if everything was alright. However, deep down she somehow felt that something was just off. This was all too...good to be true, but maybe she was over analyzing things.

The curtains lifted and the spotlight shone on her one last time as she smiled at the massive crowd before her. Cameras were filming this live and everyone waited with baited breath. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As you have recently heard there are rumors of my stepping down from position of spokes person for Neocore. I'm here tonight to announce to you all that these rumors are true--"

She continued the short speech giving some thanks to Legato for helping her out and reassuring the people that she would still be a part of Neocore in a lesser fashion but that she was retiring, and that night was her last night as official spokes person. The title had been passed on to Rika. The spotlight shinned on Rika as the crowd applauded and Angel smiled. It's over...after all these years the nightmare is finally over. She thought to herself as she gave her final good-byes and stepped back. The curtains closed as she let out a soft sigh. The stage crew were busy setting up props and scenes for the next act as Angel quickly moved to find Owen just off the stage. She looked the part of a run-away bride in red this evening...





The sound of boots came to her as her lover, her deliverer, approached. His hand came up and tore his visor from his face and with a hollow thunk to fell to the stage floor even as the curtains closed symbolically ending one act of her life, and leaving her alone with her lover. As the visor still rocked on the floor he tore away the earpiece and mic throwing them aside. The last words to come through them echoing in his head.

"Pluck the flower."

There was no smile on his lips, no glimmer in his eyes, they were cold pools, the eyes of a cutter.

Kill Angel Sweet.

Legato's words could never be denied.

Still the former spokes person saw what she wanted. Her lover tearing Neocore from himself then her arms were around her. If she had been expecting a quick getaway she wasn't complaining when his face was an inch from hers.

"Don't you think we should..."

"My flower, this moment has been a long time coming... His eyes looking into hers and one arm holding her tightly against him he drew his knife his eyes slowly closing as he got closer his head tilting and his lips brushing hers.

As his lips pressed home the blade penetrated her, finding her heart and twisting, her convulsion told him she would be dead in seconds, and the programming fell from his mind, and the curtain fell in the same moment.

first there was silence. A cutter kneeling, the famous angel sweet in his arms blood over both of them. Owen was transfixed by the sight, her hand coming up weakly to touch his cheek as for the last time their eyes found each other in a moment of serenity.

Then the screaming started, and the spell was broken. He let her slide to the floor the blood, her blood on his hands. And Legato shouting to his dark police... for Owens. There was only one thing he could do, the exit was still clear. With or without his love, he would run.





The sound of boots came to her as her lover, her deliverer, approached. His hand came up and tore his visor from his face and with a hollow thunk to fell to the stage floor even as the curtains closed symbolically ending one act of her life, and leaving her alone with her lover. As the visor still rocked on the floor he tore away the earpiece and mic throwing them aside. The last words to come through them echoing in his head.

"Pluck the flower."

There was no smile on his lips, no glimmer in his eyes, they were cold pools, the eyes of a cutter.

Kill Angel Sweet.

Legato's words could never be denied.

Still the former spokes person saw what she wanted. Her lover tearing Neocore from himself then her arms were around her. If she had been expecting a quick getaway she wasn't complaining when his face was an inch from hers.

"Don't you think we should..."

"My flower, this moment has been a long time coming... His eyes looking into hers and one arm holding her tightly against him he drew his knife his eyes slowly closing as he got closer his head tilting and his lips brushing hers.

As his lips pressed home the blade penetrated her, finding her heart and twisting, her convulsion told him she would be dead in seconds, and the programming fell from his mind, and the curtain fell in the same moment.

first there was silence. A cutter kneeling, the famous angel sweet in his arms blood over both of them. Owen was transfixed by the sight, her hand coming up weakly to touch his cheek as for the last time their eyes found each other in a moment of serenity.

Then the screaming started, and the spell was broken. He let her slide to the floor the blood, her blood on his hands. And Legato shouting to his dark police... for Owens. There was only one thing he could do, the exit was still clear. With or without his love, he would run.
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Finally the moment had come, she was going to run off with Owen and everything would be perfect. Everything would be okay. Yet somehow, looking back on her life and the way things were, she knew that something was just off. Happy endings only happened in fairytales and movies. This wasn't a movie, it was real life. She heard his footsteps approach, and turned to meet him as he threw off his helmet. It was all perfect, too perfect. That look in his eyes, though, something was off. Something wasn't right, but she refused to believe this. She spoke, but her words were soon cut off by his overpowering voice and his protective arms drew her close. This was it, this was the end of it all. He drew her in for a kiss, his bride in red. Their lips met. She felt the blade pierce her heart as her eyes widened in shock. Tears fell as she locked eyes with her love one last time. They were not tears of betrayal though...they were tears of sadness. Tears of truth. She knew this would happen, but wanted to believe the best. She couldn't be angry with Owen, she figured he'd been put up to this, this had Legato written all over it. Owen loved her, she knew that with all her heart. Owen was everything that Legato wasn't. He was her savior. And in that moment as she drew her hand up to touch Owen one last time, there was only sadness and forgiveness in her look before her world faded simply to cold darkness. Angel Sweet was no more.

Rika couldn't help but admire how beautiful Angel looked up on stage. Legato had returned to his seat next to her, resting his hand slightly on top of her own. Rika glanced up toward him with cold eyes, but he only smiled charmingly at her before turning his gaze back to the stage below where they were setting up for Angel's farewell address. Something was different abotu Legato. He almost seemed...giddy tonight, as if he knew something was going to happen that pleased him greatly. This unsettled Rika a bit, but she wasn't about to let him know this.

There was a hush over the entire audience as Angel stepped onto stage. The spotlight shone brightly upon her, illuminating her almost like a true angel, especially with her blond hair. Every person hung on her word as she gave her short speech. Murmurs went around, but the general consensus seemed to be an approval of gratitude for her service to Neocore. With her farewell said, the curtains closed as Angel disappeared from sight. Something was still off though, that look in Legato's eyes. It didn't seem right. There was another hush over the crowd as everyone settled to watch the next act of the opera.

However, as the curtains rose everyone was brought to shocked gasps. Angel was held in Owen's arms, and blood stained her dress and dripped from the blade held within Owen's own hand! Rika stood up with a gasp and seconds later someone screamed as panic and horror arose. Glancing toward Legato he seemed to be infuriated, but Rika knew better. She saw the glimmer of glee in his eyes as he shouted to his cutters to go after Owen. She felt her arm grabbed by Legato as a cutter escort arrived, "Take Rika back to HQ and keep an eye on her. We need to clean this mess up" he ordered as Rika found herself being forced away from the chaos. She was in complete shock. Not only that, but fear. This was Legato's doing, she had no doubts. What Owen and Angel had was like her and.....Vance. VANCE! If Legato was keepign secrets like this....what did he REALLY do with Vance? Rika paused in horror as she realized that she may have signed her own brother's death certificate thinking she was saving him. She didn't have time to dwell now as she was forced away with tears in her eyes.

The opera theater was a mess as the reporters were rushing to make the story. Angel Sweet, murdered by one of Neocore's cutters. This was a disgrace, but Legato would turn out the hero, sending all his forces he could spare to hunt down the heartless fiend. Meanwhile, he'd had Rika quickly rushed away to safety, oh the glorious hero that Legato was. In secret, though, his intentions were less than honorable. Angel had what was coming to her, after all. And, Legato now had someone new to replace her, as it was. Rika was already prepared in her white gown to bear his wedding night gift.

Finding herself locked in a private room back at HQ, Rika turned on the TV only to see the scene played over and over on all the news stations. Tears filled her eyes as she turned off the TV and walked toward the balcony window. The view of the city was magnificent, but right now all she felt was loathing, anger, and once more fear. Was Vance even alive? Rika only wanted things to turn out okay...not like this. Not to have her hopes and dreams crushed, but wasn't that life these days? She was the unknown bride in white, mourning the loss of one life, and the start of a new one.

She didn't even realize the door was being quietly opened behind her. Forceful hands groped her from behind, one slipping over her mouth to muffle her screams. Like everything else in the dark phantasmagoria of Paradisio, she played her puppet part. With no remorse, Legato forced himself upon Rika claiming her once and for all as his. All Rika could do was passively submit to his urges as the quiet tears flowed. Her thoughts were only of Vance, and that was the only reason she could keep going on. Legato owned her body, but that was all he'd ever have.

4 Days Later

Vance was still furious about what had happened at the opera four nights ago. He'd tried his best now to try and get into Legato's HQ, but they just didn't have the forces yet. As much as Vance wanted to storm the bastard's place and take back Rika, he knew it was still too risky a move. They needed a leg up. In the four days since the attack on Angel, Rika hadn't made any more public appearances. Vance had a feeling he knew what was going on. It was common knowledge that Angel had been Legato's mistress as well as his spokes person. With her out of the way, the new face of Neocore would surely fill the old shoes. That was what upset Vance more.

Even Hades had been quick to keep his overactive thoughts to himself when around Vance. The resistance was strong, but not strong enough, they needed one more wild card, but where were they going to find it? Since the day he'd ran into Jion and Hades, they had come to become his confidants. Though, even they did not know the extent to which his relation with Rika was. She was the only person in his thoughts, the only reason he was still alive and hadn't just ended it where he was. She was his reason for living, and he'd be DAMNED if he was going to let Legato fuck her life over anymore than he already was. No, Legato WAS going to pay and WAS going to fall, but on Vance's terms.

The resistance had set up another secret meeting that night in an old warehouse that was in an area of Paradisio that even the Cutters and Dark police didn't often frequent. Vance, Jion, and Hades were going to go there to do a little training and rallying of the few who would show up. Drifters, that's all they really were. people who were well overdue but still had some fight left in them. People were slowly losing hope, especially with Angel's very public execution. Truly, how could anyone be safe if not even someone like her could survive these dark times?

It was late, but the meeting wasn't supposed to start for another hour, so Vance had some time to kill. Hades and Jion were busy scouring the place looking for something to do to kill time. Even though he'd taken a shot of X before leaving, the buzz still wasn't enough to keep his nerves completely calm, and he had a slight paranoid feeling about this day.
Dripping, the sound filled his consciousness. Water? Blood? Pat, pat, pat... run away scardy cat

He looked down, the floor, a red trail followed him. The blood stirred, flowing towards him, rising up in a reverse waterfall, a face forming in the depths as his feet froze in place.

"A-angel?" His voice shook as he stared into her red eyes, as always unable to tell what he saw in them. Anger? Betrayal? Sorrow?

She remained silent, she always did. He was not to hear her voice again. The voice so used by Legato and Neocore, and then, as always he felt it. The slimy feeling creeping up his arms and he shuddered not wanting to look. "Angel... help me."

She never moved, the blood rippling in front of her face and at last Owen couldn't keep his eyes away any longer. The red was flowing up his arms, all the blood in his hands covered his arms, chest and crept up his throat. How many had he killed? How many would he kill....


"Shit you really have him a wack, didn't you?" the cutter chortled over Owen's prone form. "I though he was meant to be the best."

"No point in waiting... come on lets gut the SoB."

In a fountain of blood the side of his helmet exploded and the cutter stood frozen for a second before collapsing. His friend, shocked slowly turning to look down at Owen and found himself looking down the ballet of a gun. "How many?"

The second man fell and dressed in his ruined uniform his face showing a full four day's growth Owen struggled to his feet putting a hand to the back of his head feeling the stickkiness of half congealed blood. "Shit." Owen was begining to think he wouldn't make it much firther without help, but who would help a cutter? His saving grace was he knew where to hide and one of them, an abandoned apartment building near the warehouse district had been his base of operations. And he had been busy, the score between him and neocore was not at 12-1, 12 cutter for Angel Sweet, it wasn't enough... It wouldn't be until Legato paid.. until owen wiped the smile from his face once and for all.
Vance was meditating (in a sense) outside the buildings. The night was drawing deeper and soon it would be time to go, but something else caught his attention, breaking his thoughts of Rika.

"Gunshots?" he mused to himself with a frown. Who was firing a gun way out here? Were they stupid? Grabbing his weapons, he took a quick hit of X before preparing to head out. Footsteps came up from behind him as he quickly reached for a weapon (grabbing a knife first) and prepared to defend himself. From the shadows two familiar figures appeared.

"You two should be more careful. I almost shanked you both" Vance said in his usual unemotional tone.

"Yeah yeah...whatever did you hear that?" Hades asked coming forth with a tentative Jion behind him. He didn't waste time as he moved forward into the night in the direction he'd heard the sound. Usual head strong Hades. Vance watched him a moment and sighed as he took up the rear after the small rag-tag group. They had time, but Vance still had a bad feeling about all of this.

He was right to feel that way because whatever was going on had drawn unwanted attention to the area. They turned a corner as familiar figures appeared following up either said, "Shit..." he muttered preparing himself, "Watch yourselves, we've got company...."

"Cutters? Lemme at them! I'll rip them to shreds! Pulverize them!" HAdes said with that same excited flicker in his eyes that sometimes made Vance uneasy. Vance remaiend calm, "No...dark police...they can be worse...Dont let yourself get caught off guard."

As soon as he said that the dark police made their move as they began to swarm in from seemingly nowhere! What the fuck did LEgato do to these guys? Vance had little time to draw a weapon as he opened fire upon the Dark Police. Hades and Jion were split up from him, Hades making his way still forward toward the abandoned apartment buildings. Jion was lost in the crowd, but he was competent now and Vance figured he could hold his own until he caught up. Grabbing the knife and turning he quickly stabbed a DP in the throat while he pushed his way through. Shit this wasn't good...hopefully the guys they were meeting would be safe.

At the same time that Vance and the others were being swarmed, more Dark Police had entered into the building where Owen now resided to investigate the shooting sounds. No doubt this was going to be a bloody night in the Warehouse district. Vance pushed forward through the onslaught of DP. They were like mindless watchdogs and killing machines. Turning he took off downt he street toward the abandoned apartments as well, but he felt a hot sting along his back as he cried out and fell forward, warmth trickling from the wound.

"You! Stop right there" The dark policeman said as he drew his weapon back for another blow. Vance smirked as he felt a rush of adrenaline through his system. Getting back to his feet he turned and eyed the man down, "You just made...a big mistake" he said cracking his neck a moment as he charged forward to engage in CQC. Tackling the man into a nearby wall the two began to brawl. Other DP came to assist but the man waved them on. This was his battle.
The first thing visible when Hades entered the building was a body. Blood running in a river on the uneven floor, he wound was hidden against the floor but perhaps that was best from the amount of blood flowing out of it. Still it was one of those dark police, seems someone else was having their fun with them too.

There was a crash and scream from upstairs and Hades hurried along moving into a small room to avoid a section of fallen ceiling. Three more dead police greeted him, their forms strewn like ragdolls, one of them had his heda only held on by a thin strip of skin, the sight of is swinging from side to side like a pendulum was enough to make even Hades wince. Moving quickly on he reached a stairwell there a fourth body, pinned to the wall by a sharpened rebar his limb limp and visor smashed in as the rest of him hung from the suspended, shattered skull. The stars were slick with red now and he almost didn't notice another victim of whoever they were chasing face down on them.

"Christ." he muttered for the first time pausing to wonder who did this. Sure these police weren't so tough but it would take a vicious, calculating mind to do this, almost the mind of a cutter or the police them selves. He had seem thing like this set up to catch those who here a few to many payments behind or whatever poor fuck wondered into them. But ... who did this to Legato's men?

He reached the landing and inched forwards, there were no more bodies, apparently this guy had run out of trap or pursuers. Either way there was still someone up here, be he police or someone else...

He got his answer.

Owen saw another figure walking slowly forwards and gripped the rope. "Come on you son of a bitch.... one more step."

He pulled and the noose dropped down around Hades' neck a split second before the counterweight pulled it tight and lifted him bodily into air. It didn't take Hades long to realize the wire was thin enough to cut skin and muscle.

Owen was a calculating man and when he set traps, he didn't half ass it (usually). Hades felt the thin wire instantly begin to tighten around his neck as he was hurled initially into the air. With little time to react, Hades had tried to grab onto the thin wire to lessen the impact and give himself some time, but it was a futile attempt. If anything he was only granted a brief moments reprieve before that inevitable moment of doom. The wire easily cut into his fingers as he grabbed it causing him to quickly let go. The wire closed into his skin and began to cut through the front of his neck opening the first spray of blood. Owen simply watched. What felt to Hades like an agonizing eternity was in fact mere moments. Twang! Flown into the air the wire cut through to the bone before his body fell limp and blood pooled beneath him.

Owen wasn't the only one to witness this atrocity. At the moment when the noose had dropped and Hades' body flung into the air Vance himself had appeared. Seeing the blood something inside him was once more triggered, that feral beast he'd been trying to tame since Rika had been taken from him. With little thought Vance charged forward with a warrior's cry, disregarding the wounds already inflicted on him from the dark police that now lay strew in a pile of bullets in his wake.

The original DP he'd engaged in battle with now had a permanent view of his rear and a pipe through his chest. Vance attacked Owen with nothing more than his bare hands for the time being, a wild, adrenaline filled punch headed toward his jaw.
Owen didn't even notice it wasn't more police after him until Hades was dead and he was under attack. He was out of traps but not out of tricks. Vance was bezerk, pushed beyond his limits by his sister's predicament. But Owen had nothing to lose... where others would despair or give into rage owen was the picture of calm. Rope still in hand he wound it around Vance's arm as he struck and flipping the rope over Vance;s head and pulled. Suddenly Vance was fighting with one hand ties behind his back and own pressed his advantage spinning and kicking him across the face then in the stomach. Metal glinted in the dim light as Owen drew not one, but two knives, both taken from cutters tho had tried to kill him and as Vance shook off the rope made to finish him with a slash across the throat.

"You..." he said suddenly as Vance's hair uncovered his face. "So Legato betrayed you too."
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