Page Ten Results

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Original poster
Went to google and typed in various words, hit search and would only pick up results on page ten. There are some amusing things out there to look upon. Some of which not so much, surprisingly nothing nsfw.
Well, random links with interesting stuff. Everything's safe to browse btw.

Total Madness
Holy Shit Waffle-house!
Basketball dancing w/ lip sync
Who the hell is Greg Wilson?
Steve Miller lyrics (searched for green tea shu bop du wop)
Going green

Sheesh. We really are an engine of insanity, or madness.
I tried googling a fix for my computer when my hotkeys weren't working....I got omitted results for child abuse. o.o How the hell do you get child abuse out of a computer problem?!?! I felt dirty afterwards, and I didn't even look to see what was omitted....
I tried googling a fix for my computer when my hotkeys weren't working....I got omitted results for child abuse. o.o How the hell do you get child abuse out of a computer problem?!?! I felt dirty afterwards, and I didn't even look to see what was omitted....
Ah yes, thousands of years of evolution, hundreds of years of mechanical evolution and a few decades of digital evolution. This is the current result!
Seems to be a work in progress.
Omg the Waffle House one. I want it to be continuing thing; I'd even make a tumblr to follow that shit, but I can't see dates on anything
And little do I realize, I just expanded the fan base of some obscure blog inadvertently.
More followers for the Waffle House!

But seriously, thanks for the obscure but hilarious waffle blog. It's one of the funniest blogs I've seen for a loooong while.
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