P.R.C.U.: An Institute For The Extraordinarily Gifted

Tory swore, looking around her. Of course she would have taken a wrong turn. Now she'd wasted valuable time. She jumped as someone came flying past her on a tidal wave of water. Instinctively, she phased to ensure that she wouldn't be touched by the water. She recognised the guy as Kai Alto, a member of Bulltrue. She froze as he went sliding towards the edge of the cliff. He yelled out for his team members, but they were held back by Libra. She was his only chance. She rolled her eyes. "HUNTER! DAVID! GET YOUR ASSES HERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR I WILL KICK THEM BACK TO THE STATES!" She yelled, running towards the edge of the cliff and grabbing his wrist with her free hand. She wasn't going to be strong enough to pull him up one handed.

She gritted her teeth and rolled the egg back, catching it with her leg as she dropped to her stomach. She wrapped both hands around his wrist and started to haul him up. "Work with me, kid!" She groaned. The egg was unprotected, and Kai wasn't exactly lightweight. Whatever his foot had been resting on gave way, and it felt like her arms were going to be torn out of their sockets as she took even more of his weight. If he slipped any more, there was going to be a risk of him pulling her down with him. If she died trying to save a member of Bulltrue, she was going to come back and cause some havoc as a ghost.
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Predictably, Victoria tried to convince Hunter to use his telepathy on the other teams. Neither she nor David seemed to understand where Hunter was coming from; their powers could be easily controlled, they couldn't accidentally lobotomize someone with a rogue thought. All they cared about was winning this game, not how Hunter felt. Well, he could still be a team player without screwing with anyone's mind, he would show them that.

"I'm not-"
Hunter was about to refuse again, but Tory cut him off, her voice raised in excitement as she took off after the red beam of light piercing the canopy of trees.

If he remembered correctly, Bulltrue had the red football sized 'flag', which meant Libra had already gotten their hands on it. Hunter chased after Tory, following as closely as he could considering the better shape she was in. He was a few seconds behind her so he didn't see when she tackled Desiree to the ground, but he got there in time for Victoria to dash past him, heading back to the neutral zone, egg-shaped flag in hand.

"Cover my back!" She shouted back to Hunter and David.

Cover her... Great. Let's hope this chick doesn't have some crazy, fire bending powers, or super strength. Hunter thought, turning to face the girl as she picked herself up off the ground.

"Damn," Desiree muttered, glaring at the retreating form of Tory. "That little..."

Her voice trailed off as she focused on the two guys in front of her, sizing them up. She was familiar with David and his abilities, but the other one, the blonde, she knew nothing about, aside from being the new Blackjack member. Still, she was confident that her power would work on him, just as she knew it would on David, incapacitating both and allowing her to pursue Tory.

"Okay, boys. Let's play." A playful grin spread across her face. "Or, better yet, you can play with her," she said, pointing behind them.

Hunter spun around to see an older girl with wavy, brunette hair behind them. He recognized her as Tara something-or-other, the leader of Team 69, and a friend of Kyle's. Before Hunter had a chance to react, Tara was raising her arms in the air, and the ground beneath Hunter and David's feet shook, raising up and encasing them in a prison of Earth. Desiree trotted around to face them, her lips twisted in a smirk as she waved goodbye, and ran after Tory and the flag, leaving Tara to guard the two of them.

This didn't seem right to Hunter. Didn't feel right to him. And there was something about all of this that reminded him of the few times he used his ability to mentally project illusions before the incident. Despite being encased in solid rock, he didn't feel trapped. In fact, he didn't feel any differently than before. And then there was Tara, who just stood there silently, arms folded across her chest, unmoving. Sure, her eyes darted back and forth between them, but the girl wasn't blinking... or breathing.

Hunter closed his eyes and focused, picturing in his mind the earth prison crumbling away. He flexed his arms, moving them away from his body which shouldn't have been possible given the rock supposedly surrounding him. He opened his eyes and looked down; he was free, no longer trapped by Tara's ability. In reality, he never had been. Tara and the rock were all an illusion that Desiree had created to keep him and David out of the game, and it would have worked if not for Hunter. Clearly she didn't know that he, too, could cast illusions.

Hunter repeated the technique, this time faster without closing his eyes as he now had a better idea of what he was doing, and the illusion of Tara, too, disappeared. He had hoped that by completely dispelling the illusion for himself, it would do the same for David. David, though, was still convinced he was sealed in rock. He was thrashing around, twisting his body back and forth, apparently in an attempt to free himself from the illusory prison. It seemed Desiree's ability affected each person individually, even when used on multiple people at once. Hunter reached out to shake David, trying to snap him out of it.

"C'mon, David. It's all fake, it's not real. Listen to my voice. Tara isn't real. These rocks aren't real."

He continued to struggle against nothing, Hunter's words unable to get through to him.

Shit, he thought, glancing off towards where Tory and Desiree had run off to, the red beam of light, curiously, not as far away as he had thought it would be. Maybe she caught up to Tory already...

Hunter had to get to Victoria before Desiree could take the flag back, but he also couldn't just leave David here. He didn't know how long the illusion would last for, but if it were anything like his own, David would be stuck here for quite some time. He knew what he would have to do to free David.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He ran his hands over his hair and grabbed at the back of his head in frustration. I can't do this. I can't-

His thoughts were cut off, once again, by Tory's distant shout. "Hunter! David! Get your asses here as soon as possible, or I will kick them back to the states!"

Damn it! Fuck, okay. Okay. Hunter said to himself, reaching out a hand to grab onto David's shoulder. But if you wind up losing your childhood memories or become impotent or something, this is not my fault.

He closed his eyes, concentrating as he reached out to David again, this time with his mind. The Juno type's mind was different than most, cluttered with old, 'forgotten' memories and skills that were both gone and present all at once. It made it difficult for Hunter to focus as he let himself enter David's mind, projecting his thoughts into David's subconsciousness. Hunter even formed a small visualization of his form into David's mind to better help David understand what was happening.

"David, it's me, Hunter. I'm talking to you telepathically. I don't know if this is working or not, but you need to listen to me. That isn't the real Tara. She isn't holding you. You can move."

Instead of trying to explain to David through 'speech' any further about the illusion, Hunter shared a visual from his own memory. David would 'see' in his mind what Hunter saw when he dispelled the illusion of Tara, watching as she faded away into nothingness.

"Move!" He shouted mentally at his teammate.

David's arms shot out to the side, as if they were smashing through the rock 'encasing' him, and he collapsed to the ground. Hunter broke the telepathic contact with David. He could feel a slight headache coming on from entering David's chaotic mind that deeply, but he shook it off, and glanced down at his fellow Blackjack member. David looked confused, and he was panting as if out of breath. If Hunter had to guess, he would say it was the combined effect of the sudden 'awakening' from the illusion and being mentally unprepared for Hunter's intrusion into his mind.

"Give yourself a second to rest; you need it. I have to go find Tory." Hunter told him, immediately taking off after the red beacon. He could also see, off much further in the distance, the yellow light marking Libra's egg. Luckily, he couldn't see Blackjack's own blue beam of light, which meant it was still safe at their base, for now.

He was proud that he had intentionally allowed himself to enter another's mind, and even more prideful in the fact he had done so without any apparent damage. Still, though, he hadn't been entering a totally strange mind as he had been near enough to David often the past two months during team meetings so as for it to be more familiar than most others. That, and mild telepathic communication and projecting his own thoughts into a mind was much easier and less dangerous than pulling thoughts out or tampering with them. Hunter still wasn't nearly ready enough to make a habit of this, nor was he ready to use his ability in an offensive manner. He didn't think he'd ever be ready or willing to do that.

Hunter caught up to Tory much faster than he had expected, but the why and how were soon evident after he found her. She was lying on her stomach on the ground, holding onto the arm of another student, a boy he recognized from Bulltrue's lineup, who was clawing at the dirt and grass as if he were struggling against some invisible force. Another thing he hadn't expected was that he hadn't found Tory where the column of light had been. That was off ahead of him, moving at a nice pace, and heading straight towards the neutral zone away from him. Desiree must have gotten close enough to Tory while chasing after her that she was able to catch her, too, in an illusion, along with whichever Team 1 member that was, and take off with the flag.

Hunter realized he would need to free her from the illusion, just like with David. He glanced over at Kai, the boy he wasn't familiar with, who was still clawing at the ground, calling out for someone to save him. Hunter didn't even consider dispelling the illusion for him. He had no desire to enter a stranger's mind whatsoever, and the guy was in no real danger. The illusion would wear off in time, and while it was still in effect that just meant one less player in the game.

He crouched down next to Victoria, hesitating briefly before resting his hand on her back, and pushing his presence into her mind. At least this time the mind was clearer, and it was easier for him to concentrate. Repeating the process he had used on David with Tory, Hunter this time accessed her thoughts a little to understand what illusion she was caught in so he could show her it fading away. He did so slower this time, more carefully and methodically than with David, now that he could focus better, so she wouldn't be as affected by the return of reality.

"You okay?" He asked her, his hand still resting on her back as she came back to her proper senses. He had noticed the red beacon had disappeared by the time he had left Tory's mind, and he assumed Libra had scored their first point. Hunter knew Victoria would be upset by this, and he hoped that his attempts at being soothing would ensure she wouldn't freak out. 'Hoped' being the operative word.
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She felt a hand on her back, and recoiled slightly. However, the image around her slowly faded. She looked around and noticed Hunter at her side. It was his hand he could feel. She nodded a little, catching her breath. "Yeah. Thanks." She pulled away from Kai as she realised that she hadn't taken a wrong turn, and that she'd simply ran into one of Desiree's illusions. She looked around her for the egg, and scowled as she realised as it was gone. "That little bitch." She growled, looking around. The light had gone out all together, meaning Libra had scored a point. "Oh, that's it. I hope that Puggles flattens her, and I won't cry if she gets eaten." She growled, climbing to her feet.

She held out her hand to pull Hunter to his feet. "Leave him, he's a Bulltrue." She said, gesturing towards Kai. She frowned, looking around. "Where's David? We're going to go scout out Libra's egg. And if I meet Desiree, god help her. Fooling me into loosing the egg and helping a freaking Bulltrue." She'd have to catch the girl from behind, and stick close to Hunter, who it appeared was immune to the illusions, and could draw her out of them.
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Erika took a moment to breathe. She looked up from her crouched position to the thrashing form of the newly incapacitated Atlas as he wandered around, shouting obscenities and the like, cursing her name and everything she stood for. 'Good' she thought, 'next time you won't underestimate me.' As Minnie came up, Erika nodded. She'd seen Puggles bound past her and it had taken her aback for a moment. His form constantly surprised her, but she'd never seen two heads result from an induced mutation. Minnie's power was truly a force to be reckoned with. Erika took a moment to thank the universe she hadn't been pitted against Minnie Ripper and her ferocious canine companion.

"Roger that," she called after her, standing up looking up to the sky, noting the pillars of light. "Heading in now, I'll send a flare if anything gets too intense and we need backup!" She took off running, her legs lithely flowing over fallen logs and different brush. As she neared the flag, she was almost lost in thought, her mind working through dozens of ways to aid their competition. If only they'd had more time. And by that account, where the hell was Aiden? As leader, she would have expected some type of signal from him at this point. But, she shook her head in an attempt to dislodge the thought from mind. She had to have faith in him. He'd never let them hang before, and she rested on certainty that today wouldn't be that day. Team 21 would outshine the rest of these teams.

Her string of thoughts brought forth a surge of energy and she picked up the pace...only to find herself falling forward a few steps later, her leg caught in some type of hole. "What the--?" she called out as she caught herself. How had a sinkhole opened up here of all places? As soon as the thought hit her, she knew, but she acted too slowly. Attempting to remove her hands from the dirt, she watched as the sand itself began to mold up her hands. She wrenched back with all her strength, breaking the connection and shot a beam of light at the sinking sand around her feet, creating a hold wide enough to remove her foot. She jumped up standing on a platform of light. Eyes darting around quickly, she tried to hone in on Tara. The rustle of leaves to her left caught her attention just soon enough for her to block the incoming boulder that flew for her head. An orb of light met the boulder and the two exploded, sending out a small cloud of dust. Erika leapt from her position on the platform and shot a beam of light in the direction the boulder had come from, only to be hit by another boulder behind her. Hitting the ground, Erika scrambled to her feet and looked around, her eyes narrowed and her jaw set.

"Oh, does the little light angel want to play?" A voice called out and Erika made a mental note of its location. But, she didn't act. Not just yet. She remained silent, producing an orb of light. She concentrated on the orb, building the concussive force within.

"Nothing to say, Vostrum? Fine then! Let's play!" The voice called again--Erika noted from the same position, which hinted at no attempt to throw her voice--and a boulder flew at her from her 5 o' clock. Erika twisted her body to the side and brought her foot up in a kick, lacing it with an aura of light and small barrier. Her foot crashed through it and Erika followed through bringing her foot down and crouching down, centering her gravity and erecting a barrier of light to meet the second boulder that came for her at her 12 o' clock.

"Nice moves, Razzle Dazzle!" So, Tara had mastered remote earth manipulation and could erect structures in her immediate vicinity without direct contact. Interesting. Erika spun to her left, dodging a third and fourth boulder. She sensed these had been slower for some reason. Ducking down, she dodged a fifth boulder that came from her 6 o' clock. This one seemed faster than all the rest and that gave Erika everything she needed. Spinning behind her, Erika shot a beam of light with her free hand into the brush, lighting up the area. She heard a rustle in the bush directly to the right of where the beam had landed and charged forward.

She jumped up and shot her orb of light down, a full view of a shocked Tara meeting her gaze. Tara had just enough time to raise a wall of earth before the orb connected. The resulting explosion sent chunks of earth flying everywhere and dust that obscured Erika's vision. She landed and erected a dome of light for protection, just in time for a shower of small pebbles to assault the dome.

"You've gotten better, Vostrum," Tara said, stepping out from behind the brush, a sphere formation of pebbles rapidly spinning around her. She wore a smirk that set Erika on edge.

"You've seen nothing yet," Erika told her, dissipating her barrier and producing orbs of light that spun around her. Tara fired first, the pebbles firing faster than Erika expected. She brought up her orbs, shifting them into a shield and darted from behind it and firing a beam of light. Tara jumped to the side but Erika saw it coming and arced her beam to follow. Tara skidded on the ground, encasing her feet in earth and meeting the beam head on with arms encased in earth as well.

Erika charged forward, her fist encased in an orb of light and brought it down, following up the beam of light. Her fist was blocked by yet another wall of earth. Tara released her feet and let down her guard, meeting Erika head on. A flurry of blows followed. Tara jabbed quickly at Erika and Erika blocked, returning a flurry of kicks, each one more precise than the last. Tara brought her arm up to block and Erika ducked down, firing a beam of light. The beam caught Tara off guard and she flew back, hitting a tree.

Erika ran toward, not wanting to miss an open chance and fired an orb of concussive light directly at Tara. Knocking her back, Tara slumped back, falling against the tree and huffing heavily.

Erika wiped away the sweat that clung to her face and gritted her teeth. "Stay down," she warned her.
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From out in her little hideout, Emma had seen it all. Her eyes had been fixed on the horizon, and noticed movement the moment Erika had come her way, towards the flag.
It was a good thing Emma hadn't had her finger on the trigger when Erika emerged from between the trees, or she would have sent her teammate into a long slumber.

Emma had sighed in relief, or would have at least, had Tara not caused that sinkhole and initiated a fight between her and Erika. Oh dear, this was way too close to the egg. Too close for comfort. As silent as she could, Emma took a deep breath, placed her finger on the trigger of the night night gun, and watched. She wouldn't be foolish enough to give away her position just yet. One miss and Tara would know where she was hiding. Then again, there was that chance that Tara would sense her even if she did nothing, being an earth manipulator and all.

The fight was more violent and dusty than she would have liked, leaving the Dutch cursing inwardly that she should have gotten the goggles after all. Now she barely saw a thing till the dust settled, seeing Tara's shoulder slumped against a tree, and Erika before her.
As much as she trusted Erika to have this under control, she wanted to be safe. She took aim, and shot Tara with a tranquilizing bullet that would send her off snoring in no time.
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Minnie came busting through a log, one of Puggle's heads chewing on a large branch that they'd picked up and the other panting, baring fangs and dripping saliva everywhere. She'd seen the last of Erika's second round with Tara and entered with style, standing on Puggle's back, her pose reminscent of surfing.
"Yeah, stay down you Toph-ass wannabe, or Puggles he-" her taunt was cut off by a quiet thwip and a short yelp of sharp pain as Emma's tranq dart sailed through the air and put the earth-bender out of comission. Minnie huffed and jumped off Puggles, careful of the bony barbs that lined his torso.

"Em, come on. I was in the middle of saying something cool." She said, turning to look where the shot had come from. "But nice job, both of you. Maybe we should prop her up as a warning." She turned back, looking at Tara's snoozing form. She was cute when she wasn't sneering in arrogance. Minnie might have asked her out for a drink if it hadn't been for her incessant disdain because of Minnie's powers.

She looked up sharply, watching the beams of light. One had gotten closer, and then both had gone out. A point had been scored. She couldn't be sure it had been Aiden and his 'strike team'.
"Tara's out, and she was their captain, too. You blinded the brute. So that leaves...Knochen and Serkan," Minnie had paused while she recalled their names, but she refused to use their duo 'codename', "probably on defense, their orcus, their flyer, that fear-girl, Desiree, and whoever the other team sent. Could be the Bash Brothers, could be the cheater. Could be both. Personally I want to mix things up and go get the flag with Mister Monster here, but we can't leave this thing unguarded."

She scanned the woods, listening too. She needed contact with Aiden, she needed a sitrep. She needed to know her baby brother was okay. She needed another set of eyes. Preferably quick, agile, remotely controlled...she grinned wickedly. She was feeling up to the challenge today. She had to be. No more losses.
"Emma, keep that tranq gun trained on Puggles." She said, reinforcing her psychic link as she commanded him to sit, lie down, and then roll over onto his side. "Erika...exactly how good did you say you were at catching birds?"
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tartled by Tara's sudden appearance, David instinctively brought his arms up to protect himself as Desiree easily passed Hunter and himself. His eyes widened in fear as David quickly realized Tara was about to hit them with the rocks but rather she was encasing the pair with them. He began to hyperventilate, David didn't do well in confined spaces and this space was becoming very confined very fast. Suddenly two hands placed themselves on his hand and David felt a somewhat familiar voice penetrate his head as Hunter explained that what he was seeing wasn't real. Closing his eyes, David concentrated on Hunter's words before opening his eyes wide and plunged his fist foward. Watching the images before him dissipate like dust in the wind as he shattered the hold Desiree had over his mind. The sensation of being held and trapped vanished as he stumbled forward, falling to the ground as he regained his senses.

"Tory!" He cried suddenly remembering their teammate was in trouble. Ignoring Hunter's advice, David pushed himself up and took off after his teammate easily catching up to him before flying pass him as he ran towards Tory. Seeing the beam of light, David suddenly changed course and ran towards it, cutting through brush as he leaped over fallen logs and old stumps struggling to catch up with the persistent crimson column. Emerging into a clearing, David cursed to himself as he realized he had caught up to Desiree as she entered into the Neutral Zone, the beam of light becoming scarlet fireworks as they exploded over the leafy canopy above the three territories.

"Score one for Libra! All players return to your respective territories and wait for the thunder clap." Theron roared using his abilities to magnify his voice to ensure he was audible in even the furthest corners of the territories.

Stumbling around swatting at bursts of colour that plagued his vision, John Stark retrieved Tara's unconscious form as he made his way back to Libra's territory. Thankfully, the removal of the dart would cause the effect to wear off in a matter of moments. Due to the unreliability of a regular chemical based tranquilizer due to the variety of factors that could cause it to fail, S.H.I.F.T. had a new dart designed one that stimulated parts of the brain, in this case the parts which caused the body to fall unconscious. Other varieties stimulated the pain of a gunshot for more rigorous training as seen in the advanced A.R.C. exercieses reserved for seniors in the H.E.A.T. program.

Elsewhere, heated rock exploded open as Aiden freed himself and the Bash Brothers from their constraints in time to see the crimson fireworks explode across the sky. Noting the beam of yellow on the move, Aiden smirked as he realized that Libra must be quite happy they managed to stop the other team's from scoring on them first. That aside, Aiden was furious with himself for falling for Tara's tricks again. Breaking into a jog, he moved into Blackjack's territory running into David, Tory and Hunter as they regrouped with the other three.

"First off team let me apologize, that was not my best work that round. That said awesome job on holding down the fort," He paused, looking towards Emma, "I suppose that's literal in your case. That said we're going to change plans. Emma, Hunter and David I want you three on defense. Erika and Minnie, you two are going to be on offense with Victory and I. One pair will strike Bulltrue, one Libra. Do you have a preference?" He asked as he turned towards the pair. While the team as a whole might accuse him of pairing with Tory due to his crush on her, the truth of the matter was she wasn't defense material and Erika and Minnie worked well together. It made more sense to keep them paired than it did to break them up. The majestic rumbled of thunder filled the air meaning time was up and they needed to move as Aiden looked from Minnie to Erika and back again while anticipating their answer.

sharp voice penetrated the tranquil forest as Team 69 regrouped around their captain. She had been pacing impatiently back and forth ever since the effects of the dart had worn off and had a look in her eye as though she was out for blood.

"I'm glad one of our offensive teams got a point." Tara began, her voice shrill and her mannerisms bordering on fanatical. "I want Blackjack's flag! Before it was just because they were down a person this year what with Thomas dropping out and all, but now it's personal." She paced back and forth before picking up the Flag.

"Desiree, Phoebe, you're with me on defense." She snapped before pointing towards the Gruesome Twosome."Vlad and Gwen, take John with you and go get me Blackjack's flag. Watchout, the little ditz is sniping somewhere with tranq darts." Pointing towards Kyle and Rosalind she motioned towards Bulltrue's territory. "You two, go see if we can't sneak in under their noses again."

The thundered echoed overhead as she finished her instructions and smiled. "Now go!"

alking back and forth scratching his head, Bruce looked around at his team. Kai was still trying to recover from what he thought was a near plummet to his death while everyone else was eager to get some payback. Having hurried back to regroup, the normally dominant team was feeling rather vindictive having not been the ones to score first. Bruce turned around suddenly, his eyes a glow with a new plan as he motioned the team in closer.

"Alright, Chloe and Irwin you two pick up defense. Kai, Nina and I are going to get some payback on 69. Jared, Leonard and Xiang, go see if you can't get a drop on 21."

With the loud rumble in the sky, Team Bulltrue put their heads together like a football huddle as Bruce suddenly yelled "Break!" and they all went charging off towards their positions.
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Tory scowled and headed back to Team Blackjack's zone, cracking her knuckles as she walked. She was understandably pissed, but wasn't blaming either of her teammates. She needed to learn to rein back her speed so she didn't lose them and run straight into trouble. Still, at least none of them had been hurt. She didn't say anything as they met Aiden, simply tightening her ponytail and stooping down to fix a shoelace. As she listened, she stretched a little, not wanting to risk pulling any muscles. She wasn't holding back this round. Not if it killed her.

"Honestly, Aiden, you could set me on any team and I wouldn't care." Erika and Minnie would be a lethal team together, and having them on offense would definitely improve their chances. And she didn't mean any disrespect to Hunter or David, but it felt good to have someone with an actual offensive power by her side. Even better that it was Aiden. They flirted shamelessly, and Tory did enjoy teasing him. She'd been told on more than one occasion that it was obvious that he liked her, but she had always shrugged it off. Thunder rumbled, and Tory folded her arms, looking at the girls while she waited for an answer.

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When Minnie had told Emma to keep her gun directed at Puggles, she rolled her eyes. With a limited amount of darts, and no exact clue on how many more people would really come out to 'play' she wasn't really fond of the idea of having to snipe a dog and mis the opportunity to protect the egg.
But before that was needed, the point was scored, and everyone was sent back to home base.

Once John and Tara were out of range, Emma crawled out of her little fortress. She dusted herself off while the rest gathered round to hear Aiden's new instructions. "Careful now, that almost sounded like a compliment." Emma dropped half jokingly when Aiden mentioned Emma's little fortress. At least nothing much had changed for her in terms of tactics. She sent the gun and darts back, summoning it once more to ensure she had all 6 darts once again.
Even though her teammates knew where her little fort was now, it didn't matter that much since there wasn't anyone on the other teams that could extract the information from them. Having the mindreader on defense definitely would be handy to know if someone was coming or not.

"Before everyone races off again;" Emma pitched in after the thunderclap was heard, "I'd like to make sure we're fully equipped. Walkie talkies, tracking bracelets and bugs to be placed on opponents. If the bugs are placed correctly, for the upcoming rounds we'll be able to see on the bracelets where everyone is so we can avoid them, or take them by surprise." Since she already summoned the tracking devices earlier, she pointed at the pile covered by mesh to hide them from sight.
"Oh and, if you want to make sure something stays out of the hands of the enemy, just message me." Emma added while uncovering the tracking devices and bringing in the in ear communication devices.

Summoning one or two eggs wouldn't be an issue if she was in her bunker, she definitely still had enough energy for that. She'd be able to reload the gun once more after this, but she wasn't sure how much more she'd be able to do beyond that. She had never summoned so many things in such a short period of time after all. Maybe she should have stuck with the five darts she had left, and take the risk. Oh well too late for that. At least there was one more trick that Emma had up her sleeve that the others knew nothing about, yet. All in good time, all in good time. Better be over prepared than accidentally slip up and let the other teams know vital information.

At her little cubby space Emma threw a bunch of leaves and other camouflage material over her fort. Checking the communication device was neatly in her own ear, and the soft cushion was still perfectly in place inside her fort, Emma crawled back in. "David, Hunter, if you two want to decide on how to set up the best defense, go right ahead. There's a bunch of material on the pile as well that could be handy." And a whole lot of stuff that probably was going to be useless in the defense. It was highly unlikely that they'd need a shovel, or the net, unless they wanted to string anyone up in a trap. But hey, better safe than sorry. Though granted she was now a little sorry she hadn't saved her strength to only bring in the most useful items. No doubt Minnie would scold her afterwards again. "And please don't look at the fort." Emma added, maybe it was a given not to look at the thing that's supposed to be hidden, but hey, it wouldn't hurt to mention, right?
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A silent prayer resonated in her mind as she heard the soft "thwick!" of a tranquilizer hitting Tara. She was put on edge for a split second after, until she realized it could have only come from Emma. She looked at her, studying her unconscious form as Minnie rode up.

Ericka nodded her head, a gleam beginning to form in her eye. "Yes, let's string her up." She held little respect for Tara, despising the arrogance that the team leader exuded. Around her, she noted the ambient sounds of battles and scuffles that resonated throughout the forest were lower than before. Even the wildlife seemed slightly quieter, as if it were waiting on bated breath for the next move. To be honest, Ericka was slightly surprised by the sudden verbose nature of Minnie. It was beginning to dawn on her that they might actually be beginning to connect as a team. Moving as a solid unit and more than that, understanding one another. Chemistry like that could only hint at good news for their team.

Minnie in general was an interesting person, but now Ericka could begin to see her mind working. Her deductions sounded spot on and weren't far off from the one's Ericka had begun to make on her own. She nodded again, "I was thinking the same thing. We may be able to send at least one of us down while another person holds down the fort, though—" She was cut off by the end of the first round and everyone returning to their posts. Finally, a break and Ericka would have a moment to breathe.


As the rest of the team returned to them, Ericka flexed her muscles. With a new round, a new strategy was bound to be put in place. Aiden was that type of individual. He might make mistakes, but he learned quickly and adjusted. His flexibility is part of what made them so formidable. The team looked slightly worse for wear and it didn't take much more than brief glance to see many of them had scuffled and/or gotten knocked down a couple of times. She only hoped that this wasn't all they had in them. There was much more to be done and Ericka told herself she was only getting warmed up.

'Be better. Be better. Be better. Be better!' she told herself, expelling a huff of air from her nostrils and jumping from foot to foot as Aiden began to speak. She wouldn't be caught by surprise again, she'd strike swiftly, efficiently and with unmistakable force. When he finished, Ericka spoke up quickly.

"We'll take Bulltrue," she stated quickly. She hoped Minnie wouldn't differ in opinion, but Ericka had a hunch. "Minnie and I pack the most punch together. With their forces, it's more likely that we'll have the best luck against them. Besides, if Desiree were to use and illusion on us, who knows what it could do to the mental connection Minnie and Puggles have. We're at a disadvantage numbers-wise and we don't need another foe on our hands."

She took the devices Emma had brilliantly laid out for them. Especially with these at their disposal, they would be a deadly force. "Let's do it."
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Minnie smirked at Erika's eagernees to make a marionette of Tara, but unfortunately any such plans were cut short by a point being scored - and the light display made it clear it wasn't Aiden. Minnie huffed, and Puggle mimicked the expression. The offense reappeared, and Minnie frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything. It was Aiden's first real moment at being captain, and despite the team losing a point, he hadn't been doing badly. His new plan certainly sounded better, Minnie nodding along enthusiastically as she was assigned to offense, moving away from the group slightly to climb Puggles' form and sit across his necks as Erika made their target choice for them. She was a little annoyed, hoping to have been given the opportunity to beat Tara's less desireable aspects out of her - but she was sure Erika had her reasons for the decision, and it didn't matter. Bulltrue had the Bash Brothers, and it made sense to pit Blackjack's only real physical powerhouse up against them - especially since it had worked before. It was logical, tactical. That was what Erika was good at.

Emma made a quick announcement before the team disbanded, but Minnie had already begun spurring Puggles into a gallop - the two stopped, skidding in the dirt, and Minnie thrust a thumbs-up into the air as Erika caught up and tossed her some equipment. She slapped the bracelet around her wrist and offered the hand to Erika, helping her up onto Puggles' back - and then the two rode off, badass maidens on an unconventional steed, going, going, and then gone, lost in the treeline.

They neared Bulltrue territory quickly, Puggles clearing ground with rapid bounding. Minnie had him slow and jumped off, allowing Erika to do the same, and then she pressed up against a tree-trunk, listening. She heard was she was trying to hear and called Puggles over for a step-up, standing on his back and grabbing hold of a low-flying branch, hauling herself up. She couldn't see much up here, but it wasn't for recon. It was for...there it was.
"Erika. Erika." Minnie hissed to get her partner's attention, and then motioned toward the nest on the branch in front of her, and then made wide eyes as Puggles. Erika nodded. Minnie nodded. Minnie looked at the nest and waited. The baby bird inside was chirping furiously, fledgling wings flapping and head nodding up and down. It walked to the edge of the nest, perched on the side for a second, and then tipped itself over, trying its first flight. It didn't get very far - Minnie lunged forward and caught it in her cupped hands, and then immediately shut her eyes and concentrated. Wild, yes. But young. Not much life, little experience. Few memories to get in the way. The bird grew still and quiet, while Minnie and Puggles did the same.

Two minutes later, Puggles and Minnie were on the move again, with Minnie's new Monster flapping behind them. Serrated beak, ragged feathers, about the size of a vulture, a tail that split into three, tipped with stings that oozed...something from their tips. Minnie hoped it wasn't acid or a violent toxin. Two links was tough, but exhilirating. Minnie might even start to enjoy herself this round.
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odding towards Emma, Aiden let a small grin cross his face. It was in fact meant to be a compliment, Emma had excelled with her instructions and had held onto the flag the entire the first round. Something neither of the other teams had been able to do. In that regard she had all the right in the world to be praised, Aiden didn't like to freely hand out compliments but he gave them where they were deserved.

"Good work deserves praise." Aiden replied as Tory began to speak. Smiling as she agreed to the plan he had laid out, though Aiden had to admit he was disappointed with how reluctant she came across. Though his head was supposed to be in the game, and even though there wasn't supposed to be any ulterior motives to him pairing them together he was disappointed by her lack of enthusiasm Not even a playful comment or a wink, apparently Victory's competitive side had set in which meant she was going to fly through the woods the minute they got the chance. Something Aiden wasn't overly prepared for, he was more level headed in these situations than some of his aggressive teammates. On the plus side, the entire offense was now made of his competitive players.

As Erika spoke, Aiden turned to her with a smile. Though he had anticipated Minnie and Erika wanting to go after Libra for the trouble they gave the pair on defense last round, he was more than willing to lay a beat down on the team who left him imprisoned in rock and soil. Turning along with Erika to accept the equipment from Emma, he began to help hand them out only to turn and notice that Minnie had already taken off.

"Ugh, can't she just wait for the rest of the team." He muttered. Lately he had been feeling that his and Minnie's relationship was stressed, as though she wanted him to be something he could never be. And truth be told he was worried about her as well, especially considering he had overheard whispers that Minnie had tried to have Puggles kill Tara. Minnie was almost too aggressive sometimes and he really hoped Erika would pull her back, but that seemed like a distant hope. The two were treating this game as though they were at war. They had been ready to string Tara up like a warning, that just wasn't acceptable.

'Here." Aiden said passing the extra set of gear off to Erika. "Make sure Minnie gets these and remind her we're playing a game. I don't want anyone being seriously injured or maimed because she loses her head, let alone Puggles." He turned to the rest of the team, addressing them as well. "That goes for all of you, we're not trying to kill each other out here, remember those are your classmates and friends as well."

Turning back to Tory, Aiden motioned for her to follow as he headed towards Libra's territory.
"They've likely changed strategies so I have no idea what we're going to find up ahead. Considering Libra's wide range of abilities be prepared for anything." He stated as he coughed slightly, the air seemed almost heavier and the forest appeared before his eyes almost hazy as the sound of cracking branches caught Aiden's attention and he turned around to see a giant snake slithering directly towards Tory and himself.

"Down!" He yelled pushing Tory out of the way as he took off. His body temperature ran much higher than anyone else except maybe Nina due to the basic similarities between their abilities. Snakes hunted by heat and no doubt this one would follow him. Suddenly something sharp hit his shin as the sound of wood shattering echoed through his ears as he hit the ground hard. Rolling over onto his back he saw the snake rear up as his eyes widened and he let loose a beam of heat slicing through the snake which disappeared like an apparition in the night. His beam scorching through the canopy as ash from burnt leaves rained down onto the forest floor.

"Desiree and Phoebe." He muttered as he picked himself back up. "Tory! Tory!" Aiden called out, the forest was filled with Phoebe's fear toxins allowing Desiree to create illusions of one's fears. That's why Tory didn't react to the snake, but Aiden had no idea what she would be seeing. He had to find her quickly.
Tory nodded and collected her gear, strapping on the wristband. As Aiden indicated to her to follow, she resisted the temptation to take into a sprint. Aiden probably had a plan, and besides, if she ran into trouble, she'd need backup. She frowned as something about the air changed. She didn't have time to react as Aiden yelled and shoved her to the ground, taking into a run. She looked around, swearing, before scrambling to her feet, starting into a sprint after him.

She skidded to a stop as four metal walls slammed around her. She wasn't sure what made her stop, as she should be able to just sprint straight through them. She curled her hand into a fist and slammed it into it, expecting her power to kick in. But instead, her knuckles collided straight into the metal and she swore loudly, retracting her fist. This made no sense. None. It must be one of Desiree's illusions-

Wait. Were the walls closing in? Oh god. They were. She spun around, watching them still getting closer. Her heart started to pound as she looked up. Too high for her to try and scale. She knew that it was all in her head, but she couldn't get out of it. She tried to make herself smaller, but it did nothing to calm her panic. She hated feeling trapped. Mostly because if she was trapped, she was pretty much helpless. Like right now. She could hear someone calling her. Aiden. "Aiden!" She yelled in response. Even despite her panic, she clenched her firsts and tensed her body, just in case anyone tried to attack her.
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Hunter was surprised, albeit pleasantly so, that Tori hadn't lashed out at him for failing to stop Desiree. From what he understood, she was extremely competitive, and it just seemed out of character to him.

Maybe, he thought, she's just a little shell-shocked from the whole telepathy stuff.

He wasn't able to dwell on the thought for long, though, as a booming voice called out across the forest announcing the end of that round, and for all players to return to their zones. Once back, Aiden began giving out orders again, this time placing Hunter on defense with Emma and David. Although this was what he preferred, he couldn't help but wonder how the team would cope against Desiree without him there next time.

Just like last time, too, Emma offered to the team her little devices she had 'borrowed' from the academy, this time managing to actually hand them out before the others had run off. Hunter reached a hand into his jean pocket, feeling the tracking device he had forgotten about.

Dammit, if I had remembered about this thing I could have tried to slip it on that girl before she ran off after Tory. Maybe then the others could have stopped her somehow. He shook is head. No. No, that wasn't my fault. Aiden should never have put me on offense; that was a dumb idea. I can't be blamed for their screw-ups. I don't even want to be here... playing their little games like we're friends. Well, I'm not their friend. I can't be their friend.

Hunter walked off from the others, ignoring Emma's words as she spoke to him and David, finding a spot at the edge of their clearing, behind a small boulder where he could be left alone. He pulled up his hood, once more covering his face despite the heat, and thought, I'll participate, but I'm not going to act all buddy-buddy with them. 'Sides, they'll do better without me anyways.

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Christ, she felt alive. Her mind was working triple-time holding onto the feral thoughts of a wild Monster, and she had already been taxing herself with Puggles because of the sheer length she'd given him on his Inducement - and then, muddling through all of that and still coming out with her own thoughts on top, holding everything down while still trying to think ahead, think of her next move, her Monster's next moves? Jesus, she wasn't even surprised when she got blindsided by part one of the Bash Brothers, the strong motherfucker with hydraulic muscles. He'd jumped, leaped, launched himself at her side at frightening speeds, hitting her in her hip with his shoulder, arms clenching around her waist, head stuck in her belly as they barreled sideways off Puggles, tumbling and somersaulting to the ground. Minnie was on the bottom when they hit dirt and she grunted from the harsh impact, soil splaying up into the air as they created their own crater. Dust settled and Minnie opened her eyes, bones aching and head spinning. Immediately in front of her - above her - was Jared Carlisle, standard Atlas and member of Bulltrue, and her current opponent and attacker. Behind him, Leonard, an Atlas with as-yet-undefined levels of durability, was fending off both Erika and Minnie's bird-Monster, and Minnie could see his chest rising and falling as he carefully controlled his inhales and exhales to make the most of the invulnerability he gained when holding his breath.

Jared's face hovered above Minnie's and she took the opportunity to admire his quirky, angular features as they hung above her, lingering for just a second too long. Minnie smiled wickedly and giggled playfully as she brought a sharp knee up between Jared's open legs. He was more durable than most, but that didn't mean he was as stone-skinned in some places as he was in others. All men had a weakness. Jared grunted, and pain and anger flashed across his face, teeth gritting and eyebrows furrowing. He growled and moved his arms, seizing Minnie's wrists and pinning her arms to the ground, as he moved one leg to press across her thigh to stop her from trying the same trick twice. He smirked in victory, and then something dark and primal in Minnie lashed out. She shut her eyes and shuddered, and felt Jared's weight lift from her, his smell no longer invading her nostrils and his heat no longer pressing against her skin. Minnie opened her eyes, exhausted and terrified in the dirt.

Jared had been lifted bodily and thrown into the air by Puggles, who'd bounded over and bitten down on his shoulder before lashing him away, tearing him from Minnie and sending him sailing through the air. He fell slowly and met the side of Puggles' tail, which slammed into his chest and thrust him too quickly into a tree, which cracked and splintered from the impact. Jared slumped to the floor, shell-shocked and aching but still breathing, and the tree came down. Jared reacted in time and rolled to the side as the tree fell, slamming into the ground with a considerable and loud thud. From her prone position on her back, Minnie couldn't see anything - but then Puggles galloped round, leaping over the felled log and honing in on Jared once again, who was too shaken to stop the Monster. Minnie panicked, and panic spurred her into rapid action.

She sprung up, throwing a hand out and bellowing "NO." Puggles stopped, paws scrambling as they skidded in the dirt, and one head turned to look to Minnie as the other growled at Jared. It took three very long seconds for Puggles to turn, plodding back to Minnie. Minnie smiled. And then cried in pain as a sharp, burning pain appeared on the back of her left shoulder, falling to a knee as she lifted her arm to feel the wound, turning to look to try and determine the source.

She'd been stung. Too dazed from Jared's tackle she'd forgotten about her bird-Monster, and then she'd thrown all her willpower into commanding Puggles, completely severing the second psychic link. She'd only induced the thing for a few minutes, time that would be cut down to a handful of seconds at most now that the link was gone, but that was enough time for it to go out of control, hyped up on testosterone, angry and aggressive, and made it find and attack the closest person. Which had been Minnie. Man, she really hoped that whatev e r was i iin thha a at ssss-ti..nge r r r waan t t daan ge e...

She f felt goooo d. Good. Good. Good. Good. She felt really good. Oh, CHRIST she felt good, and the world was so vibrant! Colours, so many. She could see the colours but more than the colours she saw the bits that made the colours she saw the motes and mites and she saaawww...light. Sound. She saw the sound. The crash of the tree replayed and man that was an ugly sound, big and destructive, a cloud of red and black. Not like the purple she saw from the sound of her own thoughts, lazy strings drifting out of her ears and mouth and nose, wisps away on the wind. Ha! Maybe someone would catch them! Thought-fishing, what a good thought. That thought went too. Good! Someone else can have the idea! She thought more and laughed. So pretty. So pretty. Pretty thoughts flowing out...

...on a subconscious level, Minnie was aware of her surroundings. She was aware that the oozing substance in the bird-Monster's tails had turned out not to be acidic or toxic but in fact euphoric and hallucinogenic. She was aware that she was mindlessly wandering, not caring for danger or threats. She was aware that her altered mind-state had drawn her focus completely away from her power, and as a result had completely dropped all psychic connections. She was aware that the bird-Monster was writhing on the floor as its Inducement wore off, soon to be a small bird ready to fly away again. She was aware that Puggles, with two heads, a spiked tail, a barbed coat and roughly quintuple his regular size, was loose, set against whoever he saw first. She was aware that Puggles saw her first. She was aware that he started bounding toward her. She was aware - but she didn't care.

Jared did. He'd shaken himself out of the bruised stupor Puggles had forcefully put him in and seen Minnie's Monster sting her, seen the reaction it had garnered. Puggles had stopped and drawn still as the link was forgotten and then dropped, and then noticed the distinct change in demeanor - no longer the body language of a well-trained guard dog, but the bristling, growling stance of a wild animal perceiving a threat, perceiving prey. Jared watched as the beast hunkered down and then began to sprint. He acted quickly.

Puggles was tougher than he'd thought. Heavy, sure, but his hide was thick and Jared slammed into his side a lot harder than he'd braced himself for. The bone barbs bit into Jared's shoulder and drew blood - something Jared was impressed about rather than angry, not much broke his skin; but despite the toughness and the weight and the barbs, Puggles went over all the same, tackled to the ground by Jared fast and dirty. Jared followed up quickly, not wasting a second in putting the Monster out of comission and neutralising the threat - blows with his fists to the necks and underside of the belly made the beast whine and bark, snapping with its jaws, but it succumbed, falling unconscious for, Jared hoped, long enough to revert back. Minnie was next - but not with a plan quite so aggressive. Instead, Jared carefully scooped her up. He looked at her eyes and listened to her quiet mumbles. Drugged. No toxins, just high out of her skull. She would be fine, given her body was allowed the time to flush the shit out of her system by itself. Jared sighed. He knew Minnie was the wildcard on the field.

He began to gently walk into Blackjack territory, toward their flag, carrying Minnie in his arms like a sleeping child. The game, for him, could wait until she was being taken care of.
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avid looked around as he took in Emma's words. Noting where the fort was, he decided it would be best if Hunter and himself put some distance between themselves and Emma if only to avoid giving away the fort's location once the heat was on. Turning to talk to Hunter, David did a double take as Hunter was no longer nearby. Rapidly looking around, he quickly noted the young boy not too far away with his hood up. David frowned, he knew what that meant. Hunter had once again closed himself off to the world. Shaking his head, David decided he had no interest in bothering with Hunter and headed towards Emma's stockpile.

"I'll take these," He stated while picking up a rope and the net with a mischievous smile. Looking up at the trees, he spotted an old oak with large strong branches as he began to lay out the net beneath it. Running back to the pile, he grabbed the shovel and quickly used it to cover the net with leaves and brush laying around before he looked for a way to scale the tree. Out of the corner of his eye, David watched a squirrel scale another tree with relative ease. A lightbulb went off in his head as he studied the small animal's movements, before running towards a tree himself and began to mimic them. Despite a rough start, David eventually got the hang of it and within minutes was up the tree and hidden in the leafy canopy. Securing the rope, David finished his trap and not a moment too soon as the snap of a twig alerted him to the presence of another team within their territory.

earing Tory's desperate cry, Aiden turned around and booked it double time towards the girl. Rounding the trunk of a large maple, Aiden was suddenly winded by a sizeable lump of clay as he toppled backwards before catching himself and transitioning the fall into a backflip. Landing on his feet, Aiden widened his eyes as a wide crimson blast obliterated the next piece of earth into nothing but dust as he charged forward. Tara cartwheeled out of the way of his charge as she landed on her feet and hopped onto a pillar of earth rising up before leaping down towards Aiden. Turning to intercept her blow, Aiden caught elbow before sending Tara flying with a point blank concussive blast.

"You've gotten better. You're in control this year." Tara smirked as Aiden grimaced. Over the years Tara had witnessed first hand how Aiden had lost control of his abilities and to an extent she knew how to manipulate that. Something that wasn't one of Aiden's preferences when facing an opponent who had trained two years longer than he had. Additionally Tara had been rather adept at Muay Thai even before joining the school, her father having been an instructor in Montreal.

"Now Des!" Tara shouted as suddenly her clothes appeared to fall off and she was flanked at either side by a nude Desiree and Phoebe.

"It's not real! You're only going to get hurt if you do this Tara!" Aiden yelled as he closed his eyes but not before the image had burned into his mind. Supple and toned, there was nothing to complain about any of their bodies, or at least the illusion of their bodies that Desiree had created. Heat leaked between his eyelids as Aiden struggled before suddenly the sensation of a hand reaching under his shirt snapped his eyes open, coming face to face with Tory. It was too much for Aiden as a scorching beam of heat erupted from his eyes, leaves, branches, ferns and any other flora in its path igniting almost instantly as the 'Tory' in front of him fell to the ground, her hair on fire, the skin melted off her face as the illusion lay there dying.

"Get... OUT OF MY HEAD!" Aiden yelled as he focussed all his willpower into his eyes and shot forth a wide concussive beam. Desiree and Tara were suddenly knocked off their feet, hitting the ground hard as Tara's skull echoed with a 'THUD' off a rock while Desiree was merely winded. Blood began to spill out of the back of Tara's head as Desiree scrambled to her feet.

"Call for help!" Desiree screeched at Aiden who looked skyward and released three consecutive beams towards the sky. Strum would recognize the signal as would the rest of Blackjack. Jumping to his feet, Aiden ignored Desiree and Tara as Phoebe emerged into the clearing to see what was going on. Running through the woods, Aiden found Tory nearly huddle up on the ground as he tried to break the illusion off of her.

"Hey! Snap out of it! It's not real Victory! It's not real!"

Struggling as he went toe to toe with John, David was doing his best to protect Blackjack's flag as the Gruesome Twosome struggled to free themselves from the military grade net as they hung suspended above the ground. Strangely though, no one from Bulltrue had showed up in their territory, Erika and Minnie must of headed them off. Three red flashes suddenly lit up the late afternoon sky as David froze, realizing that was Aiden's signal for something serious. John however had no reservation about taking advantage of the situation as he caught David's hesitation and used it to lift the other boy off his feet and chuck him. Searching for the flag, John was about to take another step before he was suddenly dropped by a dart. Three loud rumbles of thunder overhead signaled the end of the game as David dusted himself off. Whatever Aiden's signal had meant it was serious enough for the game to be called to an end.

The canopy above the forest suddenly began to shake as leaves were whipped around the whirling blades of the infirmary's helicopter flying overhead. Rushing towards the neutral zone, David arrived just in time to see both Minnie and Tara loaded up into the helicopter. Aiden and Tory stood nearby as the rest of the other teams slowly congregated into the area.

"Due to injuries, this game has been cut short. By default, Team 69 'Libra' are the winners." Theron's augmented voice boomed out over the helicopter as he took off back towards the school. Anthony waved his farewells to the other mentors as he headed over to Blackjack.

"Unfortunately our game got a little too competitive it seems. Since one of our own was also injured, it seems only right we pack up and head back to the school. I imagine Minnie would appreciate her team checking in on her, not going forward with camping."

Aiden nodded solemnly towards Strum as he motioned for everyone else to follow him back to their tents. Not a sound came from any of the team as their defeat and the student injuries weighed heavily upon their minds. Aiden especially was quiet, he had nearly killed one of their friends and rivals today. Perhaps it was time to consider minimizing the use of his abilities. Finishing with his packing, Aiden slung as gear onto his back and went to see if he could help any of the others.

rekking back to the school had never seemed to take so long as it did this particular night. After dropping his bags off at his dorm, Aiden laid down on his bed. Tossing and turning, he decided to forgo sleep and wandered towards the cafeteria. Ordering himself a piece of Key Lime Pie, he tried to eat up but only found himself being eaten by the guilt inside as he sat alone in the empty mess hall poking away at the dessert.
Tory lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She was still a little bitter about the match, if she was perfectly honest. She was going to kick Desiree's ass at some point, and she was looking forward to it. She understood why the game had to be called off- but that didn't mean she had to be happy about it. Her roommates hadn't said anything to her when she'd stormed in, clearly annoyed. She had been trying to sleep for the past hour or so, but to no avail. She sighed and got to her feet, pulling on a hoodie over her pyjama top. She knew that she was probably some sight, with her Minnie Mouse pyjama bottoms, baggy grey hoodie and more than likely messy hair, but she didn't care. She didn't think that anyone was going to be around.

She found herself wandering to the cafeteria in search of hot chocolate. She ordered one and carried it over to the table where a familiar figure was sitting, playing with his food. "Hey." She sat down in front of Aiden, smiling slightly. "Couldn't sleep either, huh?"
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After returning from the failed camping trip, team Blackjack went their separate ways, with Hunter heading off to his room to enjoy the silence the nearly empty school would offer him. Without his roommates, Kyle and James around, let alone almost the entire school still off on the trip, Hunter figured he'd finally be able to have a night of rest without being bombarded by the constant thoughts of those around him. But, as he tried to close his eyes and rest, he was still haunted by those thoughts, even if he couldn't hear them now.

All during the walk back from the woods, Hunter could hear the collective worry from the team as they thought of Minnie's condition, as well as the varying negative emotions that arose from their technical defeat. But worst of all were the thoughts of Aiden, his anguish and internal strife over his actions pouring off of him in waves; thoughts too strong and loud for Hunter to shut out as close as he was. And now, with the silence he was finally afforded, those pained thoughts echoed back to him. Out of anyone on Team Blackjack, and probably out of the student body, Hunter understood the fear Aiden now held about his powers, and his guilt for using them so recklessly on a friend. Even though he hadn't seriously injured Tara, the fear of possibly doing so unintentionally can be crippling, as Hunter was well aware of.

Maybe I should go talk to him. Try to relate and... I don't know, calm him down or something.

Although he wasn't completely sure why he cared enough to bother, Hunter soon found himself in Aiden's dormitory, knocking on his door. There was no answer, and Hunter couldn't detect any conscious mind on the other side. Either he was out, or sleeping, but Hunter had no intention of bothering him regardless of which.

Well, that was a waste of time. He thought. I'm near the infirmary, I think. Maybe I should give Minnie a visit... she's always been nice to me... as nice as someone who barely knows me can be.

He went back and forth, both literally and figuratively, as he debated on whether to go, taking a few steps in the direction of the infirmary before spinning around heading back towards his own dorm. After several full circles, Hunter finally decided on what he would do.

I'll just check and make sure she's alright. It doesn't mean I consider her a friend...
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From Emma's perspective it had been difficult to see the warning shots that Aiden had fired, though she could see the glow reflect off of the people and objects. The only other thing beside Aiden that could let off a red flash signal like that was if someone was throwing the red flag back and forth between a member and non member of the team. As that scenario seemed unlikely, she figured it was Aiden.
Though it was lucky she had kept her eyes on the egg as she had been thinking about the origin of the flashes, as someone decided to go for it. She had shot him down, well on time, but by then the game was cut short.

Having to crawl out of her bunker, Emma wasn't there to see who were taken away, but talk of the others soon had made clear what had roughly happened. Her stomach had twisted around, leaving that bad feeling in her gut. Quickly she had sent everything back to where it came from. No point packing things that had she didn't need to carry.
Perhaps in a way it was a good thing that the game had ended earlier. Things were going very rough, and even though their egg had been in no real danger at all, she had a feeling she was going to reach her limit soon. And that was something she didn't want to have happen.

Back in her room, even in the entire dorm it was quiet. Too quiet. It was almost like the silence was screaming. She knew various members of the team felt very conflicted, they had wanted to win, herself included, but to have one of your own team go down was just awful.
Being the night owl she was, she didn't even attempt to sleep when she came to her room, she had wondered if anyone would be with Minnie right now. Maybe the rest of the crew was there too. It would be kind of weird if she then didn't go, right?
And if no one had gone, all the more reason to sit by the bed in case their teammate woke up and needed someone to be near. Having a massive trip like that could sometimes mess someone up really bad mentally for the first few hours after the effects wore off.

Once Emma was inside the infirmary she saw no one else was there. Not that it really mattered, but at least she now felt a little less like a bad friend for having been the last one to want to stand guard. The nurse had assured her she was asleep, so quietly Emma had entered, taken a chair that was in the corner, and sat down by the side of the bed. She didn't feel sleepy, or worried, but she now felt a tad bored. She should have brought something with her to do. Or just borrow.
Summoning a deck of cards Emma started to practice her card tricks. Her hands were a little too small for some of the movements, but some she could do.

Oh crap, she had forgotten to undo the borrowing of the egg. Great, now she'd have to go and get it tomorrow after the borrow wore off. Great.
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Minnie awoke sluggishly, feeling heavy, bruised, ill, and drowsy. She drank a lot in her Ripper days and had gotten quite adept at the mental battle of a hangover - but this was not a hangover. This was a comedown. This was a crash. This was horrific, and Minnie was going to be sick. She braced herself for the incoming flood of information to her mind, and opened her eyes.

The light was blinding. There was an en-suite toilet only steps away, but from Minnie's position, prone on her back in bed with the sun erupting from inside her corneas, it may as well have been walking to Pluto. She flung her arm out of her covers and dangled it over the side, wriggling her fingers as she searched for the desired recepticle. She found it, seized it, and in one smooth motion, sat up straight, wrenched the bucket to below her chin, and then folded at the waist and heaved into it, emptying nearly everything she'd had to eat the previous few years into the plastic tub. She heaved a couple more times, and then dry-retched, before spitting and stopping, breathing heavily. Her stomach felt less like a punctured dinghy sailing the Bermuda Triangle, but her head still pounded.

A short, sharp f-nap pierced through her skull, invading her mind and shunting aside all other sensory inputs and interferences to bounce around her brain. She winced, and it happened again. She looked up from the bucket. Emma was sat beside her bed, quiet among herself and playing cards to pass the time. Minnie scowled as a third f-nap rocked her mind, and then Emma put the cards down. Minnie rubbed the scowl off from her eyes with the back of her hand and replaced it with a weary half-smile. After all, Emma was alone - the only one to come and visit her, or at least the first, unless others had been and gone while she'd been asleep. Minnie took a long look at Emma, and put the bucket back on the floor, being careful not to catch a glance at the sloshing contents.

She laid back down, staring at the ceiling. No spinning in her vision, but her head throbbed still.
"I definitely need to go back to therapy." She mused, half-audible, smirking wistfully. She turned her head to look at Emma. "I didn't say anything while I was out, did I? I can't remember much but a vague good feeling and bright lights."
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