P.R.C.U.: An Institute For The Extraordinarily Gifted [CLOSED SIGNUPS]

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  • | NAME: |
    Emma Heleen Naaktgeboren​

    | ALIAS(ES): |

    Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL​


    | D.O.B. |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    | HEIGHT: |

    | BUILD: |

    | WEIGHT: |

    | EYES: |
    Light Blue​

    | HAIR: |
    Blonde, golden​

    | H-CLASS: |
  • | ABILITIES: |
    Borrowing items from a different time or space.
    Ever wondered where your phone suddenly went even though you swore it was 'right there' a minute ago, or how you can't find that one favorite CD even though you're quite certain you brought it home after that party? Only to find it right in that spot where you looked ten times a short while later? Or better yet, searching for that eraser, and after ten minutes of looking you find it right in your own hand? Then it's probably Emma's fault.
    When Emma concentrates on retrieving a certain item from a time or location, the item vanishes temporarily from that spot and appears in Emma's hands. She can then use it as she wishes till she sends it back or it fades after a while.​

    Everything she borrows from a different time or space will fade and disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. How quickly depends on the size of the object. Larger objects range between five to fifty minutes, while simple small items can range up to being in her possession for a few hours or a full day. That however is very rare.

    Items from the past or future are more difficult to summon. Objects brought in from a different time period do not fade faster than similar objects from the current flow of time.

    Larger items are more difficult to borrow. Not only do they fade faster, they also cost more energy to collect.

    In order to collect something from a location or time, she has to (roughly) know where the item was put. For small stuff like desk items it's enough to focus on a desk and collect from there. More complex and larger items and past/future items need a more specific focus point. If she were to want to borrow Hitler's gun she would have to know exactly where it was, when it was.
    Also, if an item is in the same room as where she is, she can not summon it to her hands. For that she will have to get up, and walk.

    Space-Time Continuum
    The same object can never exist in the same room at the same time. If she was borrowing someone's phone from the past, and the person walks in with their phone, the phone she is holding will disappear instantly.
    This also means she can not borrow an item that someone is holding right then and there in the same room.​

    Due to the amount of borrowing she does and can do, she constantly forgets to bring her own items, forgets where she puts them, or what really is hers to begin with.

    Physically it's quite straining to reach into a different location or time in order to take something. If she over exerts herself the item will not only not appear, but she could pass out as well. Chances are she could die from it, just as over exertion on sports could kill a person given the right circumstances.

    She can't send items to a different time or location, unless she is releasing an item back to where it came from.
    The effects of the borrowed item do stay when the item has faded/sent back. (e.g.: bullet hole (and bullet if that wasn't borrowed too), cleaned wounds, etc)​

    In a fighting situation Emma will be able to collect whatever she things will be of use. Guns, knives, bandages. She does have to keep in mind that things will eventually disappear again, so in the case of bandages, that it will only be considered a temporary fix till actual bandages are brought in.

    In class she's the go-to person for forgotten equipment. Need a pen? A new shirt till at least the end of class? A deck of cards to play poker that can disappear the moment a teacher walks in? Just ask Emma.
    Even though she doesn't cheat, in theory she could borrow the answers for a test, if she knew where they were kept. That however is a rule of ethics she will not break.
    Another application of her power she will not use is borrowing money, buying something, and letting the money fade after leaving. A strong moral code makes for her not doing things like that.

    Due to her powers' nature, she tends to be more support than offense in a team. Providing backup and materials whenever needed.
    Also, as she can repeatedly summon the same item if it fades (unless she is too tired) Emma makes for an excellent flow of (temporary!) supplies.

    (If for example Emma borrows a bandaid from the first aid kit, and the bandaid disappears after a time, the bandaid will appear back in its place as it was when she borrowed it. This is due to her not being able to send anything into a different location or time.)​
  • | HISTORY |
    Born in the fall, Emma was the only child Rick and Anne Naaktgeboren had. They were a moderate, average family living in the southern part of Rotterdam for a few years, then moving to the northern part.
    She was raised as a Christian, but in a community that didn't go all 'Hypes are the spawn of evil' like most other congregations did. Sure, there weren't many Hypes in that church, but she could name two that had been a part for as long as Emma could remember. She herself however didn't directly have contact with them.

    Most of the rest of Emma's childhood was calm, uneventful. Both parents had a job, her mother worked part-time so she wouldn't come home to an empty house after school, went through school like everyone else following the 'basic-VMBO-MBO' route. Or well, she would have gone that way.
    Emma had been a bit of a late bloomer in terms of appearance, but once she did, she was a full bloomer. With that however, her powers awakened and she discovered she was part of the Hype people as well.
    Despite the openness that the church and their parents had about the new species, Emma was afraid that if she became one, the people around her would treat her differently. So she hid her powers, and avoided using them for as long as she could. It didn't really last long.

    Two years ago she was caught using her ability, an item she had summoned fading out of her hands right in the presence of her parents.
    Of course they were shocked, and they fell silent, but the damage was far less bad than Emma had initially thought. They didn't kick her out, disown her, call her a spawn of evil, or go announce it to all kinds of people. Instead they simply said that keeping her powers hidden would only increase her chances of getting caught by others, and it wouldn't be good for her to hide who she really was.
    So together they found the contact details of the school, told her friends she was going to study abroad instead of learning to become a secretary at the MBO level.
    As far as she is aware, her friends still don't know she has the ability to 'borrow' items.
    Right now she's starting her second year.​

  • As the sun was at its peak in the sky, Emma walked out of the building, sporting the school's standard uniform, with a skirt. With the sun so warm it was madness to be walking around in a pair of pants. She had her coat draped over one shoulder, holding it by the nape of the neck, while her other hand held on to a clearly fading book.

    Feeling how the weight in her other hand was getting lighter and lighter, Emma looked down. Oh right! The book would go back to the library any moment now. Where had that book come from again? She still had to read the last few chapters, so she had to remember. Darn it, she couldn't even remember which row it had been in, let alone the shelf and where in that row it was. Great, that's what you get for having a strainer of a memory, or whatever the English equivalent of that saying was. Writing down the title of the book on the back of her hand with a pen she borrowed from the teacher's desk, she sent the book back to where it belonged. She'd just have to go and find it in the library now.

    Turning on her heels Emma waded her way through the mass of people to head to the general direction of the library.
    "Em!" A voice called out. Turning her head to where the call came from she spotted a girl coming her way. What was that person's name again… Oh right, Rika.
    "Hey Rika." Emma said to the girl. Just as she was about to ask how she was doing, Rika blurted out her question.
    "Could you summon something for me?" Right. She could have known. She wasn't considered the… oh what was that word again in English. She knew the Dutch term, 'uitgifte post'. She wasn't considered the 'trading post' for nothing? nah didn't sound right. Either way; "What is it you need?" She asked.
    "There's this guy I want to ask out, but I seriously look like a train wreck." Emma disagreed on that part, that was not the look of a train wreck. "So could you maybe get me my make up? It's on the-"
    "Nightstand next to your bed, I know, you've requested this one before." She said with a smile and focussed her energy on creating a rift through space, and pulling the bag of make-up items into her hands. It had barely fully materialized, when Rika snatched it out of Emma's hands and darted off.
    "You're welcome." She mumbled before continuing her way to her library destination.​

  • *Emma hasn't told anyone the translation of her last name. In the Netherlands Naaktgeboren is a fairly common name, but it literally means 'Naked born'. Not really something you'd share with people unless you're drunk.

    *Due to having lived in the Netherlands, and only having had the basic minimum of English that was taught in middle/high school, she speaks with a Dutch accent, and often forgets the correct translation of the word.

    *It has happened at times that she accidentally spoke Dutch to someone, instead of English.

    *Kind of a scatter brain, and has a difficulty in figuring out what she wants to say at times. This isn't just because of the constant translation issues though.

    *Is a bit of a girly girl.

    *Hates mornings. Definitely a night owl.​
  • (Can be subjected to change over time due to developments in the roleplay.)

    | Kendall, Victoria | Kind/Neutral | Friendly - Gotta work on becoming friends |
    Victo- I mean Tory is a nice enough person, but we haven't really had any in-depth conversations or so, but I don't dislike her. I guess we could be friends, but as I said we haven't really talked much heart to heart. Not really sure what to talk about when I'm with her. I know the boys seem to have a thing going for her. Or at least one of them does. Actually, when do you define when someone is or isn't your friend yet? We're definitely not enemies, as far as I'm aware.

    | Knight, David | Positive | Friends - Good friends maybe |
    He's cool. He's younger than I am, even though he started the same year as I did. Fun to be around I would say, easy to befriend. He's funny, and kind. Great person to hang around with and a really cool power I would say. I have no idea what kind of person Hunter'll be, but of the guys, David so far is definitely the nicest to be around. Kind of like feeling at home, but different... Oh how do you say that. Meh, I'm just rambling stuff now aren't I.

    | Ripole, Minavita | Positive | Friendly - Kind of a mixed feeling |
    I like hanging around with Minnie, though I'm still having issues with the dog. Although she has a troubling past, she seems to handle it and who she is in general really well. She discovered her heritage late, like I did. Well, she found out even later, but both of us were well in our teens by the time we figured it out. I guess that makes it a little easier somehow to talk to her. But sometimes I get a feeling like I did something to set her off. I would hope she'd simply right out tell me, because I'm honestly not really good at the guessing game. Or maybe it's just me, imagining things. I don't want to assume she's got an issue with me, only to find out that it was all in my head, and then upset her because she'd think I was thinking bad of her the entire time. Definitely wouldn't want that to happen.

    | Roth, Aiden | Positive/Neutral | Friendly - Could be worse |
    Aiden's kind enough, though I seem to have an issue getting a read on him. He's been here the longest, I think? Or was he of the same year as Tory. I'm sorry I keep forgetting the details. I guess that kind of sums up my impression? Sorry that probably was a very poor one. I do have a feeling he isn't really a fan of me. Not in that way, just that I'd probably be the last one he'd pick if he had to select a team out of team Blackjack. Doesn't matter really, I'll just have to work twice as hard to prove my worth in the field then.

    | Vostrum, Erika | Positive | Friendly - Hopefully a friend |
    How would I summarize my relation towards Erika? As friendly I suppose. She's outgoing, got a serious past, fights and strives hard to prove her worth, and I like that in a person. Just sitting back and hoping for the world to turn around just isn't really a good quality as far as I am concerned. Though I must admit, I am kind of intimidated by her most of the time. Maybe that's because she comes across feisty, but then again, that would describe four or five of the members. I wouldn't mind being able to call her my friend someday, but I have no idea if she considers me as one.

    | Welles, Hunter | Neutrally positive | Friendly - Still trying to figure it out |
    I wish I could say more about my relation towards Hunter, but he's kind of the new guy this year, like David and I were last year, so I don't really know him well. He seems like a nice enough fellow, kinda really distant to most people, but considering his powers, I wouldn't blame him. I sure hope I won't be too much of a bother to him, considering I think in a different language and have to translate the whole time. And that I'm constantly thinking of locations and items, that probably won't really be very good either. I'll just have to be careful I guess, for his sake. Especially since I'm not sure if he's made any friends in the group yet.
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I think it would be same year. He started at PRCU two years. I like what you have so far!
Associates all up-to-date. If anyone wants to change anything, as I've said before, just let me know!
Added a few notes, and PastaSentient, so he's in his second year then as well? Will edit it then that way :)
I'm curious (not applicable to my character) would it be possible to first be classified incorrectly? Or how do people figure out what type of classification they belong in?
Maybe you wrote it down somewhere and I missed it.. That could be it too.

I totally am making this up on the spot...

Classifiers are determined through a sort of Hyperhuman Aptitude Test, these tests are conducted through both demonstration of abilities as well as a the taking of a DNA and blood sample as the various classifiers each have individual indicators which set them apart from the others. As such, it's very hard to be mis-classified. The only reason for one to be 'mis-classified' is due to the fact certain powersets as they develop evolve into a different classifier due to the Hype-Gene being highly unstable. This is also the cause of various illnesses plaguing younger Hypes as their immune system often combats the Hype Gene prior to puberty when the body full accepts it and it begins to develop it's 'super human' abilities.

I'm considering doing something like that for my character, as he originally seems to be a regular pyrokinetic, but is eventually figured out to be a hearmanipulator.

Which in itself, could be called a sub-power of Vector manipulation, and that'd make him a Saturn. But I'm not gonna mess around with that.

No you're not. I still strongly believe your character should be a straight Neptune, I think you're seriously undervaluing what a pryokinetic could do.

Speaking of the devil, I realized I was done with this yesterday, but never posted it into the thread, good job, Hillan.

  • | NAME: |
    Warren "Casey" Graham​

    | ALIAS(ES): |
    CJ (Short for Casey Jones.)
    Brand - H.E.L.P alias.


    Dual Nationality
    Ecuadorian - American.
    His heritage is Scandinavian.​

    | D.O.B. |
    September 4th, 1996​

    | AGE: |
    18 years Old​

    | SEX: |
    1-3 times a week.​

    | SEXUALITY: |

    | HEIGHT: |
    186 CM​

    | BUILD: |
    Muscular, but not cut.​

    | WEIGHT: |
    79 KG.​

    | EYES: |
    Navy blue.​

    | HAIR: |
    Dirty Blonde​

    | H-CLASS: |
    Neptune, while there are still those that argue he's a Mars-type.​
  • | ABILITIES: |

    Heat Manipulation:
    His body stores energy from various sources of heat, the sun, being the greatest source of energy for him. But he could use other sources as well, fuse boxes, bonfires, burning buildings, all work as energy sources.

    He manipulates short waves of energy that increase the friction and alters the direction of molecules. Currently, rubbing air together won't make much happen except a little bit of smoke, so he cannot make fire out of nothing. As such, he relies on having some sort of surface to generate fire on. He's infamous for ruining his own jackets and shirts with his powers. He's largely immune to heat and fire.​

    His powers are weakened during the night, or deep underground where he cannot use energy from sunlight. He can extinguish flames without any problem, but smoke still gets him as cooling down smoke can be more dangerous than leaving it be in gas-form.
    As previously stated, smoke is something he cannot control. Water extinguishes flames, and frigid cold renders his powers all but useless.
    His powers comes in a neat little package. Warren is capable of altering the temperature around him, put things on fire, extinguish fires. He could possibly use his powers to allow for such things as self-combustion and flight. Potentially grow to be able to alter the weather, and even generate and manipulate lightning. The applications of his powers are almost unending, depending how far Warren would be able to develop them.​
  • | HISTORY |

    Warren was born in Ecuador, in South America. His mother was a native, her family's rich history stretching all the way back to the native tribes of the land. Her name was Maria Esmerelda Graham. His father, was a man named John. He came form America, but was born and raised in Denmark, the Europe. John was blonde and blue eyed, in great contrast to Maria's dark eyes and, albeit light hue, still rather dark skin. John was a traveler, he had seemingly infinite amounts of money, yet, he didn't spoil Maria. John was seeing the world, coming to see Maria once or twice per year, but three years into their relationship, John found Maria with child, his child. She was in her third month of pregnancy when John stayed in Ecuador for over a year. But by the time his son was big enough to walk, at a mere 7 months, John was traveling the world again.

    Warren spent his early childhood without his father, mostly. His father came by once or twice a year, bearing exotic gifts and stories, staying for roughly a month per year, where Warren got to know his father. Fifteen years ago, their relationship changed, when Warren was five. John came to Ecuador in the middle of August, as usual, but this time, it was unlike any other. He found his love, Maria, to be gone. Her funeral been had almost a month beforehand. She had died from complications during a surgery.

    John took Warren, and set out to travel the world with his son, as he didn't want to be cut out of Warren's life, like Maria's parents would have seen to. That's the night Warren will never forget. Driving into the barrens in Ecuador, and see his father step out of the car, get him out of his seat, and hold his hand, as he walked towards the edge of a cliff. His father hunching down, holding his fingers as if he grabbed onto a zipper in the air, and then pull the zipper upwards, revealing a window where it blew a chilly wind, and where green lights, the northern lights shone over them. The two walked through the rift, and Warren felt cold. John giving him a jacket. And the words he heard after that, he'd never forget.

    "Welcome to Denmark, son."

    John Borgsen raised his son in Denmark for the majority of his childhood, during the winters, they would go to America, live in John's house on Long Island. Life was a dream for Warren, he had a lot of friends, he was happy, and his father was always there for him. Until one day. Warren came home from his football practice, and he'd find the house on Long Island to be.. Empty. His father was nowhere to be found. Without a trace. John did vanish once in a while, but not like that.

    Warren last saw his father when he was twelve years old. And from then on, his life would turn darker and grim. Not even six months after his father had left, he had run out of whatever money he had, he had all but sold everything in their house on long island, knowing no family in Denmark, or America, nor could he remember anyone in Ecuador, the boy was alone. Left to fend for himself. He was put in public school, where he would meet new people, he wouldn't call them friends, but they made sure he didn't get hurt. Well, by anyone but them.

    Warren got into the gang activities in New York when he was 13, being a quick runner and, thanks to his pretty big frame, able to throw a punch. His Hyperhuman abilities would show the same year, when he made a police cruiser's wheel explode by making the rubber in it's tires too hot after intense concentration. He took abuse by his fellow gang members, but soon, they'd find usage for his abilities, and encourage him into becoming more powerful with them.

    By the time he was 16, Warren had become one of the most feared teenagers in all of New York. They had dubbed him "Casey Jones" because Warren wore a Hockey mask over his face to seem more intimidating, and because he was a gigantic Leatherface fanboy. Warren was approached by a SWAT-Squad, they opted to take him out, but when that proved difficult, they realized Warren had come to care for the people that had once abused and used him, his fellow gang members were his family, so instead of fighting the at the time believed to be-Neptune, they chased after his human friends.

    Warren surrendered into their captivity, despite wanting to fight, because he realized that the people under his care would get hurt, and put in prison, so as such, he surrendered to the authorities. His valiant actions didn't put him in a hole where he'd never see the sun again, but instead, after insisting by the H.E.L.P be allowed into P.R.C.U. This meant moving to Canada and leaving his life behind, which was hard for him. His first few months, as a Junior in the High School part of the academy was rough. He caused quite a lot of trouble, a few fires, a fight or two, but he would start to get a bit comfortable, he'd also grow quite adept at Hyperball, apparently, people tend to hesitate to tackle a guy who's on fire, most of the times.

    However, after his first year, Warren began to grow into the academy. He calmed down, he stopped being so hotheaded, he realized he wasn't the strongest guy on campus, and he should stop trying to be that person. He learned that this isn't the streets anymore, he didn't have to fight or flee everyday, he could relax. He could start to break down his mental walls, and start to let people into his life, make friends, friends who didn't fear him, or envy him. But people who could relate to him, like his father used to.

    Now, in his fourth year at the academy, he's learned a lot about what it means to be a Hyperhuman, and he's come to be able to relate to his father, since his father knew about all of this Hyperhuman business, and was one himself. Though, his father had never actually attended the academy, nor been in contact with H.E.L.P. Now Warren is a respected member of Team Blackjack, one of the oldest in the team, having made many friends, but also grown a lot as, both a Hyperhuman, and as a person. Growing into a caring, mature young man, with a slight temper problem and a knack for sarcasm.

  • Leaning to his right, he manipulated the flame on his side into a blast in front of him, knocking the aluminium ball that was coming towards him out of it's path. Warren dodged a second ball that came at him, as fast as a baseball, and then twirled his hand as a flame shot out from behind him and deflected a third ball. The trail of gasoline under him lit up as two more balls came a few meters apart, Warren took in a deep breath, as he opened his palm, the gasoline under him burst into a violent flame, knocking the first ball a few inches into the air, and then it fell down, hitting the second ball perfectly, knocking both of them out of the air and away from hitting him.

    Warren waved his hand to end the exercise, the modified baseball-shooter stopping it's fire. Warren puffed slightly, turning around "Morning exercise done. Classes in twenty five minutes.. Cool." He mumbled to himself, leaving the exercise hall, as he left, the cleaners came to take care of the burnt gasoline on the ground and the smell of the fire Warren had created. Warren walked into the changing room and got out of his exercise clothes, his burnt leather jacket being hung up on it's place, and then he got into the shower, coming out five minutes later, putting on his school uniform, sort of lazily tying his tie, he noticed his left knee had a burn mark, and he just couldn't wait to hear his Professors complain about his clothes, for the 1086th time during his stay at the P.R.C.U.

  • He tends to smell like gasoline when not in his school uniform. His A.R.C suit's made out of a highly durable, yet flammable material, allowing him to use his own clothes as fuel for his powers.
    He practices martial arts with the SHIFT-students three times a week, and is adept at Systema and Judo.

  • | NAME: |

"...since his father knew about all of this Hyperhuman business, and was one himself. Though, his father had never actually attended the academy, nor been in contact with H.E.L.P."

This line feels unnecessary to me. What is this 'Hyperhuman Business' his father knew of? And if he had never been in contact with H.E.L.P. or the Academy then I doubt he'd know the business of an organization which while open to Hyperhumans has to remain private due to the prejudice behaviors of the world towards them.

"His A.R.C suit's made out of a highly durable, yet flammable material, allowing him to use his own clothes as fuel for his powers."

All A.R.C. suits are the same, there aren't customized since all manner of students use them. S.H.I.F.T. Agents have access to Hyperhuman Combat Suits which individual agents can customize however students aren't given this luxury.

"He practices martial arts with the SHIFT-students three times a week, and is adept at Systema and Judo."

Likewise, there's also no "S.H.I.F.T." students, a member of S.H.I.F.T. is a fully trained agent of H.E.L.P.'s Protection and Enforcement division. Students in the H.E.A.T. program however are on a fast track to become S.H.I.F.T. agents and they would be given the option to participate in advanced martial arts as listed above. Additionally, your application and weakness section both seem to be lacking. Especially unnerving is the fact you state that "The applications of his powers are almost unending, depending how far Warren would be able to develop them." It's explicitly stated in the OP your character should be lacking in some regard, it seems to me you've developed more of a solo character than a team player.

All in all, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed in this sheet since you've pushed your luck consistently while creating it. Whether it was trying to have a cross classifier or having your character's father as a Hyperhuman criminal, I've tried to be lenient but I'm not sure I like the end result. I'm going to allow you have the chance to fix anything mentioned above, and cut back your abilities and apply proper weaknesses to it as well as actually applications and not a blurb on further developments.

  • | NAME: |
    Emma Heleen Naaktgeboren​

    | ALIAS(ES): |

    Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL​


    | D.O.B. |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    | HEIGHT: |

    | BUILD: |

    | WEIGHT: |

    | EYES: |
    Light Blue​

    | HAIR: |
    Blonde, golden​

    | H-CLASS: |
  • | ABILITIES: |
    Borrowing items from a different time or space.
    Ever wondered where your phone suddenly went even though you swore it was 'right there' a minute ago, or how you can't find that one favorite CD even though you're quite certain you brought it home after that party? Only to find it right in that spot where you looked ten times a short while later? Or better yet, searching for that eraser, and after ten minutes of looking you find it right in your own hand? Then it's probably Emma's fault.
    When Emma concentrates on retrieving a certain item from a time or location, the item vanishes temporarily from that spot and appears in Emma's hands. She can then use it as she wishes till she sends it back or it fades after a while.​

    Everything she borrows from a different time or space will fade and disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. How quickly depends on the size of the object. Larger objects range between five to fifty minutes, while simple small items can range up to being in her possession for a few hours or a full day. That however is very rare.

    Items from the past or future are more difficult to summon. Objects brought in from a different time period do not fade faster than similar objects from the current flow of time.

    Larger items are more difficult to borrow. Not only do they fade faster, they also cost more energy to collect.

    In order to collect something from a location or time, she has to (roughly) know where the item was put. For small stuff like desk items it's enough to focus on a desk and collect from there. More complex and larger items and past/future items need a more specific focus point. If she were to want to borrow Hitler's gun she would have to know exactly where it was, when it was.
    Also, if an item is in the same room as where she is, she can not summon it to her hands. For that she will have to get up, and walk.

    Space-Time Continuum
    The same object can never exist in the same room at the same time. If she was borrowing someone's phone from the past, and the person walks in with their phone, the phone she is holding will disappear instantly.
    This also means she can not borrow an item that someone is holding right then and there in the same room.​

    Due to the amount of borrowing she does and can do, she constantly forgets to bring her own items, forgets where she puts them, or what really is hers to begin with.

    Physically it's quite straining to reach into a different location or time in order to take something. If she over exerts herself the item will not only not appear, but she could pass out as well. Chances are she could die from it, just as over exertion on sports could kill a person given the right circumstances.

    She can't send items to a different time or location, unless she is releasing an item back to where it came from.
    The effects of the borrowed item do stay when the item has faded/sent back. (e.g.: bullet hole (and bullet if that wasn't borrowed too), cleaned wounds, written ink (if the paper wasn't borrowed too), etc)​

    In a fighting situation Emma will be able to collect whatever she things will be of use. Guns, knives, bandages. She does have to keep in mind that things will eventually disappear again, so in the case of bandages, that it will only be considered a temporary fix till actual bandages are brought in.

    In class she's the go-to person for forgotten equipment. Need a pen? A new shirt till at least the end of class? A deck of cards to play poker that can disappear the moment a teacher walks in? Just ask Emma.
    Even though she doesn't cheat, in theory she could borrow the answers for a test, if she knew where they were kept. That however is a rule of ethics she will not break.
    Another application of her power she will not use is borrowing money, buying something, and letting the money fade after leaving. A strong moral code makes for her not doing things like that.

    Due to her powers' nature, she tends to be more support than offense in a team. Providing backup and materials whenever needed.
    Also, as she can repeatedly summon the same item if it fades (unless she is too tired) Emma makes for an excellent flow of (temporary!) supplies.

    (If for example Emma borrows a bandaid from the first aid kit, and the bandaid disappears after a time, the bandaid will appear back in its place as it was when she borrowed it. This is due to her not being able to send anything into a different location or time.)​
  • | HISTORY |
    Born in the fall, Emma was the only child Rick and Anne Naaktgeboren had. They were a moderate, average family living in the southern part of Rotterdam for a few years, then moving to the northern part.
    She was raised as a Christian, but in a community that didn't go all 'Hypes are the spawn of evil' like most other congregations did. Sure, there weren't many Hypes in that church, but she could name two that had been a part for as long as Emma could remember. She herself however didn't directly have contact with them.

    Most of the rest of Emma's childhood was calm, uneventful. Both parents had a job, her mother worked part-time so she wouldn't come home to an empty house after school, went through school like everyone else following the 'basic-VMBO-MBO' route. Or well, she would have gone that way.
    Emma had been a bit of a late bloomer in terms of appearance, but once she did, she was a full bloomer. With that however, her powers awakened and she discovered she was part of the Hype people as well.
    Despite the openness that the church and their parents had about the new species, Emma was afraid that if she became one, the people around her would treat her differently. So she hid her powers, and avoided using them for as long as she could. It didn't really last long.

    Two years ago she was caught using her ability, an item she had summoned fading out of her hands right in the presence of her parents.
    Of course they were shocked, and they fell silent, but the damage was far less bad than Emma had initially thought. They didn't kick her out, disown her, call her a spawn of evil, or go announce it to all kinds of people. Instead they simply said that keeping her powers hidden would only increase her chances of getting caught by others, and it wouldn't be good for her to hide who she really was.
    So together they found the contact details of the school, told her friends she was going to study abroad instead of learning to become a secretary at the MBO level.
    As far as she is aware, her friends still don't know she has the ability to 'borrow' items.
    Right now she's starting her second year.​

  • As the sun was at its peak in the sky, Emma walked out of the building, sporting the school's standard uniform, with a skirt. With the sun so warm it was madness to be walking around in a pair of pants. She had her coat draped over one shoulder, holding it by the nape of the neck, while her other hand held on to a clearly fading book.

    Feeling how the weight in her other hand was getting lighter and lighter, Emma looked down. Oh right! The book would go back to the library any moment now. Where had that book come from again? She still had to read the last few chapters, so she had to remember. Darn it, she couldn't even remember which row it had been in, let alone the shelf and where in that row it was. Great, that's what you get for having a strainer of a memory, or whatever the English equivalent of that saying was. Writing down the title of the book on the back of her hand with a pen she borrowed from the teacher's desk, she sent the book back to where it belonged. She'd just have to go and find it in the library now.

    Turning on her heels Emma waded her way through the mass of people to head to the general direction of the library.
    "Em!" A voice called out. Turning her head to where the call came from she spotted a girl coming her way. What was that person's name again… Oh right, Rika.
    "Hey Rika." Emma said to the girl. Just as she was about to ask how she was doing, Rika blurted out her question.
    "Could you summon something for me?" Right. She could have known. She wasn't considered the… oh what was that word again in English. She knew the Dutch term, 'uitgifte post'. She wasn't considered the 'trading post' for nothing? nah didn't sound right. Either way; "What is it you need?" She asked.
    "There's this guy I want to ask out, but I seriously look like a train wreck." Emma disagreed on that part, that was not the look of a train wreck. "So could you maybe get me my make up? It's on the-"
    "Nightstand next to your bed, I know, you've requested this one before." She said with a smile and focussed her energy on creating a rift through space, and pulling the bag of make-up items into her hands. It had barely fully materialized, when Rika snatched it out of Emma's hands and darted off.
    "You're welcome." She mumbled before continuing her way to her library destination.​

  • *will fill this in as things pop up.

    *Emma hasn't told anyone the translation of her last name. In the Netherlands Naaktgeboren is a fairly common name, but it literally means 'Naked born'. Not really something you'd share with people unless you're drunk.

    *Due to having lived in the Netherlands, and only having had the basic minimum of English that was taught in middle/high school, she speaks with a Dutch accent, and often forgets the correct translation of the word.

    *It has happened at times that she accidentally spoke Dutch to someone, instead of English.

    *Kind of a scatter brain, and has a difficulty in figuring out what she wants to say at times. This isn't just because of the constant translation issues though.

    *Is a bit of a girly girl.

    *Hates mornings. Definitely a night owl.​

  • (can be adjusted upon request)
    | Kendall, Victoria | Kind/Neutral | Friendly |
    Victo- I mean Tory is a nice enough person, but we haven't really had any in-depth conversations or so, but I don't dislike her. I guess we could be friends, but as I said we haven't really talked much heart to heart. Not really sure what to talk about when I'm with her. I know the boys seem to have a thing going for her. Or at least one of them does. Actually, when do you define when someone is or isn't your friend yet? We're definitely not enemies, as far as I'm aware.

    | Knight, David | Positive | Friends |
    He's cool. He's younger than I am, even though he started a year earlier(or same year?<-need info for this) than I did. Fun to be around I would say, easy to befriend. Meh, I'm just rambling stuff now aren't I.

    | Ripole, Minavita | Positive | Friends |
    I like hanging around with Minnie. Although she has a troubling past, she seems to handle it and who she is in general really well. She discovered her heritage late, like I did. Well, she found out even later, but both of us were well in our teens by the time we figured it out. I guess that makes it a little easier somehow to talk to her. And that both of us have good contact with our parents.

    | Roth, Aiden | Positive/Neutral | Friendly |
    Aiden's kind enough, though I seem to have an issue getting a read on him. He's been here the longest, I think? Or was he of the same year as Tory. I'm sorry I keep forgetting the details. I guess that kind of sums up my impression? Sorry that probably was a very poor one.

    | Vostrum, Erika | Positive | Friendly |
    How would I summarize my relation towards Erika? As friendly I suppose. She's outgoing, got a serious past, fights and strives hard to prove her worth, and I like that in a person. Just sitting back and hoping for the world to turn around just isn't really a good quality as far as I am concerned. Though I must admit, I am kind of intimidated by her most of the time.

Unique powers, well limited and thought out. Impressive use a of Saturn classifier, accepted!

I'll be bringing both the OP and my own CS impressions up to date hopefully today.
  • Thank You
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I'm not sure, but if that means that your powers are freaking cool and impressively original, then I agree wholeheartedly with Stein.
I'm with the others on that. I legitimately could not thought of anything that original!
Haha Stein, I take it that's a good thing? ;)
But thanks, I think haha. I'm trying to recall now how I even came up with this idea o.o' Oh well. I feel honored that people like it. *Is honestly blushing here* XD

And yay thanks for accepting the character Wraith ^-^
I'll jump on the 'hype'-train (See what I did there!) and agree. It makes me wonder if as she grows what could happen. Could she eventually take the big red button from the Oval Office? How about a crate of grenades from an army depot? Justin Bieber's tooth brush? :P

Anyways, added Emma to David's associates. :)
  • Love
Reactions: Olissa
Puns. Puns everywhere. haha
But honestly, no idea what all she'd be capable of when she gets older/stronger... Though stealing that toothbrush would be hilarious, if she knew where he kept it exactly XD
Can you imagine if she'd be able to summon(borrow) a tank? That would be frightening. Thank goodness she's nowhere near capable of doing that.

And d'aww at David's impression of Emma.
Man, everyone is 18 and older. Is my charrie going to be the only minor?

Speaking of which, CS should be up later today.
Pfft, if he's much younger than 17 he shouldn't be feeling up any of the ladies. :P

Would make for an interesting relationship though. Any of the female characters a sugar momma? I kid I kid. lol
At first I was planning on having Emma be 16, but I opted out of it in the end. Wonder why I did that... XD
Pfft, if he's much younger than 17 he shouldn't be feeling up any of the ladies. :P

Would make for an interesting relationship though. Any of the female characters a sugar momma? I kid I kid. lol

He'll be 16. Plenty old enough to woo some pretty girls, and get a little/lot handsy.

At first I was planning on having Emma be 16, but I opted out of it in the end. Wonder why I did that... XD

Ah, so I have you to blame for ruining his chance at love. How rude.
Sorry! XD Didn't mean any harm.
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