Owaru no Sekai - Crossover Battle ( In Character )

Nozomi Yuri == Tsubaha Moriya

"I... still don't quite follow Sukimairu. But okay." Yuri replied with just a hint of dejection at her inability to figure it out herself.

Sukimairu and the others began to address the supposed ambusher, Alexis Davare. A spirit who had two pistols trained on their car. Despite being outnumbered by Yuri's party, she oddly enough was still talking in the position of one making demands. Considering the gross dufference in numbers, the party cautiously 'complied' to Alexis' demands.

From Alexis' point of view though, there was a distinct tone in these people's voice that they - Kiri and Tsubaha aside - were not taking her all too seriously. Likening her to some sort of hoodlum attempting to protect their turf. To be fair, that was true though - that was what this traffic stop basically amounted to.

Regardless, even if Alexis was the one who had stopped and pointed 'guns' at them, that didn't make her feel any less insulted either. But, she had to avoid any outbursts. Or the element of surprise would be lost.

The gun toting looked saw a summoner in Pajamas exit the car - the another summoner wearing some kind of Super Hero Outfit... was that a spirit?

The two of them addressed Alexis in turn.

"I'm coming around,"

"Is there anything else you feel like demanding as tribute for treading upon your unmarked territory? Maybe a carving for your totem pole, or how about a lighter to help keep your cave warm at night?"


"...Oh yeah. I was having a dandy time carving up a tree trunk until you punks arrived to interrupt me in the middle of the night. Bite me, you pajama wearing prick!"

Alexis did not seem to take kindly to Sukimairu's allusions to her being a tribal.

"You've never heard of the MIZUNOHARA unit? You know... the doomsday device trying to crush you and every other tribe here into a magical wishing-rock while you're busy protecting your squatting grounds?"

"Sukimairu...!" Yuri scolded her in a hushed tone.


"Mizunohara Unit... Huh." Alexis' demanor toned down a little bit at the mention of the Mizunohara unit. Could it be...?

"We got no time for this." Kyouko continued.
"We're going to save the World... s. Save Mizunohara Sagawa, one way or another. You can keep and stick your forest somewhere or whatever, nobody here really cares. Although if you keep throwing a tantrum there maybe won't be a forest anymore. So, stop wasting each others time and let us pass... in one piece."

"...You people actually know the MIZUNOHARA Unit's Original Name?" Alexis asked in a low tone of disbelief. Hearing Sagawa Mizunohara's name also seemed to have an effect on Alexis as well.

"Or are you perhaps a villain, too!?" Kyouko added.

"Alright. Enough messing around. Who the are you people and what do you know about Sagawa Mizunohara?"

Alexis demanded the information out of them. But she said so more forcefully. Her demand for them all to exit the car now seemed half hearted in comparison.

As the conversation went on, the [ Scans ] Done revealed some more information about the area. Kita's scan revealed that indeed, Alexis wasn't the only one there. In the immediate area, there were to other individuals aside from Alexis and Yuri's party. Kimiko's scan of the area spotted one of those individuals. Poised to ambush them from behind was... another girl. Her blonde hair was easy to lock onto in the darkness when noticed. But... what was this pressure? Even when hidden, the other potential opponent was giving off this... pressure?


Yes... right now Kimiko had just seen the wildcard of their foe in the circumstance in which they're forced to engage.

Probably, the moment things go south, this second individual was attack them from behind, inflicting them with a surprise attack.


Tsubaha nudged Kiri's shoulder.

"Kiri. Untie me."
"I know I've been saying to not untie me but... I just felt it. Someone with a strong will like Tsukaha is out here too."

Kiri remembered this Tsukaha.
It wasn't a pleasant memory though.
A euphoric smile and a face splashed with still warm death.
Even with a limb cut off it still took the whole party to defeat her.
There was a monster like that just nearby?

The scans of the area have revealed two additional entities. Possibly an extra spirit and the summoner which will prevent a sneak attack by Alexis' party. However, it seems like Alexis knows more about the Mizunohara Unit's Original Form as Sagawa Mizunohara. Is it worth continuing the exchange and preventing escalation?

[ Special Action : Untie Tsubaha ]
Untie Tsubaha Moriya's bindings. Allowing her to make attacks in the event a fight breaks out.

[ Special Action : Attack ]
Launch your attack with all spirits on the two identified spirits. Getting the first rolls in on them.

Sukimairu S. == Kiri Moriya


"Miss Saemonsaburou, according to my scan, there are statistically 2.4 hidden people.nearby."

Suki glanced over the mysterious gunslinger, carefully assessing the girl as best she could from her position.

"You could call us 'vigilantes' I guess. According to what I've heard from these two," she began, motioning to Yuri and Michio beside her, "Sagawa Mizunohara was a living example of why you don't implant connected technology into central nervous systems. Otherwise, she was just your average, introverted highschool student... whatever that means in their world."

If there were no groans audible, one could be sure they were internalized. Suki really did take every single opportunity to express how disturbed she was at those implanted computers. By now it was a running gag to see how long she could go without mentioning it.

"Personally, I think her unfortunate situation is tragic: if she hadn't become all wrapped up in this, she might've had a promising future. Maybe she still can, with a reset."


"I don't know..." Kiri considered, doubts echoing out through her soft, dreamy voice. "Did Yuri say it was okay...? Yuri...!"

Turning to the side, Kiri nudged Yuri and vaguely motioned toward Tsubaha as stealthily as a Kiri could. A small spike of earth had been formed just below her back, just waiting to leap out and rip the rope apart with its sharp edge. Any kind of 'okay' signal and she'd cut Tsubaha free.
Michio Kamijou == Argenta Salvare

Argenta felt very anxious when the group decided to make a retreat. It's true that they were in a disadvantage not just numerically but strategically as well. How was Kuuyari able to pinpointwhere they would be landing? The mere fact that she seems to have a plan for every move they made in that short skirmish was telling that forcing themselves to end the battle right then and there would be just falling into her trap.

That said, the fact that Tsubaha was not merely taken hold of by the enemy but was forced to fight her comrades against her will was what shaken her the most. She wouldn't exactly count that as betrayal but it still hurt clashing swords with someone you practically considered as family. What's worse, they probably wouldn't have had to go through such an ordeal if she had not failed so miserably during that time.

Noticing the anxious look his spirit was giving off, Michio placed his on Argenta's own and smiled reassuringly at her.

"You' re still thinking about that incident earlier, aren't you? Honestly, you're way too much of a perfectionist." Michio said in a calm voice. "None of us are perfect no matter how much we strive to be. In fact, it's guaranteed that we'd screw up at some point and the thing is we don't know when, where, and how. Some things just come down to simple luck and the proverbial dice won't always go our way, and you know what, that's okay! As long as we're alive, that means we can try again and again. " He added.

Argenta was dumbfounded by her Summoner's words. It was hard to imagine the perpetually gloomy boy being the optimist for a change, causing her to stifle her laughter, much to Michio's chagrin.

" Look at you, being the optimist for a change. I guess KyoHiru's rubbing off some of that optimism on you."

"Heh, don't get used to it. I'm just trying to see the situation for what it is, albeit in a more positive light."

Suddenly, the car lurched to a grinding halt, probably due to some engine trouble. If he had managed to read up on fixing cars, he would have tried a hand on it, but alas, for someone whose family was once indebted to the Yakuza, walking from home to school and vice versa was more economically viable than owning a vehicle.

It was then revealed that a sniper has its eyes trained on the group and most of them decided to comply to her demands. For some reason, she seems to be upset that the group wandered into her territory so she is much akin to a lioness defending her turf than one of Kuuyari's underlings.

"I'm sorry, Michio. If I have confidence in my abilities at the moment, I would attempt using my light magic to rush towards her and incapacitate her, but should I fail, it is much better to listen to what she has to say."

" Yeah, you're right. We can't risk anyone getting shot at right now. Tsubaha is already... Partially out of commission so it would be disastrous if we lose someone else." He agreed.

And so with both hands raised, Summoner and Spirit slowly exited the vehicle to not startle the gunslinger and trained their eyes on her. However, Michio was momentarily startled when it had seemed that hearing Sagawa's name had some sort of an effect on Alexis.

"Could it be that she is from another" Hisakawa Patchwork"? One different from Yuri's, and mine but still has its own Sagawa? " Michio wondered.

However, with such a tense situation, it was imperative that they maximizer the chances they have to take the diplomatic approach. For now, they needed to clarify their identities to Alexis.

" I'd like to believe that we know Sagawa Mizunohara pretty well. After all, me and Himura-san over there are her childhood friends." Michio said nonchalantly. "My name is Michio Kamijou and this party has sworn to defeat Kuuyari, Fatuita, and save the MIZUNOHARA UNIT known as Sagawa Mizunohara." He claimed with utmost confidence.

"We may look like we were running with our tail between our legs but only a fool would press the attack knowing fully well that they're walking into a trap. "

@Ehb @Skyswimsky
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Himura = Kyouko = Hiruma


"An ambush!? How villainous evil!" Kyouko blurted out as she shifted her gaze behind the group for a moment, not intimidated by the 'pressure' at all.

Kyouko, in the mean-time, eyed Michio for a moment. 'Save' the Mizunohara Unit, heh. Giving it a few more seconds, and considering how no side seemed to move, Kyouko somewhat casually answered. "Sagawa Mizunohara is my best friend, and I'll save her. One way, or another. So, for the last time, move it!" There, simple as that. Of course, that didn't take out killing Sagawa out of the equation. They were immortal, after all... . Nonetheless, Kyouko grew impatient, taking a firm step closer towards the gun-wielding girl, trusting Kyouko fully to protect her.
Kimiko Ono &&& Ko (Shinji Kobe)

Well, Kimiko didn't like how this pressure was being exerted by the girl behind the lot of them.

"So, you can either hold us up here and just let this all blow up, kill Sagawa-whatever walk into Kuu-chan's trap,"
Kimiko said, yawning as she did so.

Kimiko let her hand fall and started to rub her neck. This was getting tiring. Back and forth back and forth and now there was this person in the bushes. How... irritating. Kimiko had better things to do.

"So, we're gonna cut to the chase. Are you on Kuu-chan's side or are you gonna help us go save Sagawa?"
Kimiko asked.

Ko yelled. "We really are running out of time to save everyone. I don't know about this Sagawa-san, but I know that someone is suffering. The longer we stay, the more sins she accrues. We either go or we get shot. At this point, I'm almost done negotiating myself."

Nozomi Yuri == Tsubaha Moriya

"Did Yuri say it was okay...? Yuri...!"
"Um..." Yuri Hesitated. "Maybe we should just see what happens?"

Tsubaha grunted with a mix of discontent and unease.

"You could call us 'vigilantes' I guess. According to what I've heard from these two, Sagawa Mizunohara was a living example of why you don't implant connected technology into central nervous systems. Otherwise, she was just your average, introverted highschool student... whatever that means in their world."

"How interesting. Somehow, I get the feeling we might not be talking about the same person."
Alexis replied. "Titling yourselves as vigilantes when your trying to take out the Mizunohara unit is pretty humble a statement to be making."

"Personally, I think her unfortunate situation is tragic: if she hadn't become all wrapped up in this, she might've had a promising future. Maybe she still can, with a reset."

"Hmph. Real optimistic pajamas. Really optomistic - that you could just solve things just by starting over. I've already seen what that sort of path that leads to."

Alexis reacted poorly to Sukimairu's suggestion that a restart would solve everything. Somehow, it felt like the reaction came from something very deep seated. At was at this point that Michio spoke up to try his approach.

"I'd like to believe that we know Sagawa Mizunohara pretty well. After all, me and Himura-san over there are her childhood friends."
"My name is Michio Kamijou and this party has sworn to defeat Kuuyari, Fatuita, and save the MIZUNOHARA UNIT known as Sagawa Mizunohara."

"That declaration sounds like you're quite certain of yourselves, for sure. Though, by the way your car looks it seems like that whole endeavor isn't going to well for you. I'd give up. What you are trying to do is hopeless"

"We may look like we were running with our tail between our legs but only a fool would press the attack knowing fully well that they're walking into a trap. "

"That would be true.
" Alexis agreed. Toning down her sarcasm.

"Sagawa Mizunohara is my best friend, and I'll save her. One way, or another. So, for the last time, move it!"

"Once upon a time she was something like that to me too."

Kyouko was moving forward. Seeming to challenge Alexis' standoff.

"So, you can either hold us up here and just let this all blow up, kill Sagawa-whatever walk into Kuu-chan's trap,"
"So, we're gonna cut to the chase. Are you on Kuu-chan's side or are you gonna help us go save Sagawa?"

"If you're talking about the Organization with the Mizunohara Unit then don't worry. Not my people. And, help you people? We just met."

"We really are running out of time to save everyone. I don't know about this Sagawa-san, but I know that someone is suffering. The longer we stay, the more sins she accrues. We either go or we get shot. At this point, I'm almost done negotiating myself."

"Sure! I've been getting bored this iteration. Why don't we dance!?"

"Wait! Hold one a second!" Yuri finally chimed in. "What if she knows something more about this Mizunohara...? We might be able to find out something, right!?"

"Yuri! Get back in here!"

Finally, Yuri herself got out of the car to face Alexis.
As far as she felt, it wasn't right that everyone else was putting themselves into harms way.
Plus, there was something about Alexis here. Her knowing the Mizunohara Unit's original name meant that... there was a connection maybe? She wanted to explore that further.

"You finally decided to have the courage to fight?" Alexis said to Yuri, her voice getting pumped in anticipation of some kind of fight. "They pulled you back into the car, so I bet you're supposed be important, huh?!"

Yuri put her hand over her chest fervently.

"My Name's Yuri Nozomi. I'm with the Unification Ideology!"

"And I'm getting about tired of this exchange myself!"

"Please hear me out! We need to stop Fatuita who plans to use the MIZUNOHARA Unit in order to reenact a catastrophe that'll affect all of Limbo! It's super important!"

"Well aren't you a real well polished do-gooder. I couldn't give a damn about what happens to the rest of this universe!"
"What happens to this universe is something of great concern to me! That's why I must implore you to please cooperate so that my party will be better equipped with knownedge in order to better tackle the issue of-...."

"You weren't half as annoying before you opened your mouth!"

Alexis then pointed her guns at Yuri. Seemingly agitated.
This action potentially threw everyone into action. But Yuri motioned her arm for them to wait.

"Alexis... right? Please stand down. Let's talk!"

"Like hell I will!"

"Please put down your weapons!"

"Foolish ideologist. You don't realize just how helpless this situation is do you!? I'm just about ready to-!"


Alexis' guns dropped to the grass.
She was kneeling over, holding her head.

"Owww! My HEAD!"

Yuri blinked, as did everyone else in slight confusion.

"Hey, her head being in pain like that ...Isn't that a bit like a command-?"

A peice of metal plinked on the side of Kimiko's car. Upon closer inspection, that object thrown was a throwing knife.
It had been thrown by Alexis, seemingly in retaliation.

"....Tch! That wasn't Cheshire behind that. You - Yuri! I don't know how you're managing to give me a command migraine! But, whatever. My master says you can go. So... you know. That. Get out of here before I change my mind. Me and my partner have our eyes on you."

Alexis withdrew. The supposed ambusher also seemed to back off as well, now that it was obvious they were there.
Both Tsubaha and Yuri sighed in unison. A sigh of relief that things didn't have to spiral out of control for once.

But now. There was the matter of the car that was sputtering in a very pitiful manner.

"...I'm starting to get really annoyed with these ropes, and my arms are starting to hurt. I am ready to admit this was not a good idea, Kiri so I politely demand I be untied immediately."

Looking past Alexis throwing the knife the party seems to have managed to get what they were looking for. Clearance to get past Alexis the guard. Still, there's an issue with the car being broken down. The party was going to have to come up with a way to fix it, or face walking.

[ Special Action : Fix The Car ]
'Fix' the car in any way you can come up with. Though it's probably only going to be a temporary fix. The thought comes up that the car will be very visible to Fatuita's allies in the town on approach. This action will require at least [ 2 ] consecutive posts of attempts to succeed.

[ Special Action : Start Walking ]

Leave Kimiko's care behind and continue on foot. You'll be a bit more stealthier going into town but there might be a chance of getting intercepted by Kuuyari.

[ Special Action : Talk about Summon Migraine ]
Alexis is definitely a spirit. And she's a spirit who knows about Sagawa Mizunohara. Yuri was able to somehow force a command migraine on Alexis. is there some sort of connection going on?
Kimiko Ono &&& Ko (Shinji Kobe)

@Luma @Skyswimsky
"If you're talking about the Organization with the Mizunohara Unit then don't worry. Not my people. And, help you people? We just met."

"Ah, sorry. I thought that 'help' meant more letting us go. But we're going in circles, aren't we?" Kimiko said, sighing at the damage to her car.

"Sure! I've been getting bored this iteration. Why don't we dance!?"

Kimiko ducked down and covered her head. This was going to get ugly, and sorry Yuri, but it was better to let her act the part of human shield. Kimiko had priorities and one of which was not to get reset.

However, the resounding shot never rang out, but rather, a cry of pain did.

Kimiko snuck a peek through her fingers, and was relieved to see that the cry was not Yuri, but it looked like a... Command Migraine? That's odd, indeed. What if this spirit was connected through an alternate Yuri? Yuri and Ko, and Michio were from different Hisakawa centered universes, it was possible.

But Kimiko wasn't going to push their luck.

"All right kiddies, time to get going. I say we fix the car. But, you all probably guessed that already. So, if someone lends me a hand we can get going quicker than on foot." Kimiko gestured to her car.

"I say... Suki-chan there. You know tech or one of the Kyoukos. I just need an extra hand. If what I think popped, popped then I'll need it."

Without a second glance, Kimiko started towards the car, lifting up the hood and examining the inside.

[Used Special Action: Fix The Car]

Sukimairu S. == Kiri Moriya


Suki's eyes narrowed as the exchange continued until they were nearly closed. The others in the party recognized the attack signal Suki was about to give: her hand slowly morphing into a pointing gesture. Kiri noticied quickly and focused her full attention on Alexis, ready to pounce, but they both froze mid-way into the command.

"What the..." Suki murmured in bewilderment as the situation took a turn, hands slowly lowering back to a casual position. Both Suki and Kiri glanced numerous times between Yuri and Alexis, as if they could somehow notice a string tying the two together into existence.

"I say... Suki-chan there. You know tech or one of the Kyoukos. I just need an extra hand. If what I think popped, popped then I'll need it."

"Okay," she agreed, turning around to assist with the car. However, as she passed by the flustered Yuri, Suki pulled her to the side to whisper something in her ear.

"Yuri, when we get the car fixed, command Alexis to get in and keep still," Suki aggressively suggested with only a slight hint of compassion. "She clearly knows something important she's not telling us. If we can drive fast enough and neutralize her, we can use Dreamstreak to find out what she knows."

Dreamstreak: it was an infamous word among the party. The last time Suki had suspected a contact of lying to her, she'd whipped out her monstrous laptop, attached several needle-like cords to the man's head, and used a program called Dreamstreak. Although she'd insisted dozens of times that it was a completely harmless way to extract information, the man that came out of it was a nervous wreck for several hours. Something so pitiful to see it was downright terrifying.

That, in essence, was what Suki was asking for Yuri to do.

"For the last time: it's harmless. No one's ever died from a nightmare," Suki 'reassured' Yuri as she continued on to assist Kimiko with the car.

[Special Action: Fix the Car]
[...and sorta talk about the migraine...]


"Is it possibly a problem with the electromagical conversion engine? Perhaps the algorithmic piloting controller? That might do it..."

"...I'm starting to get really annoyed with these ropes, and my arms are starting to hurt. I am ready to admit this was not a good idea, Kiri so I politely demand I be untied immediately."

"But you said not to let you go no matter how much you begged and pleaded and cried...!" Kiri answered.
"Tsubaha said that!?" Suki exclaimed from behind the car's hood.
"Mhm, you certainly did! We were on that beach, and there was the giant clam riding a seaho-- wait.... ooohhh, that was the dream I had while I was napping in the car..." Kiri realized in shock. "Hm... it seems obvious now, but at the time it was so realistic looking..."
"You're impossible..."
"Well okay, then I guess it's fine," Kiri concluded without giving it a second thought.

The earth spike shot up from the ground, piercing through the ropes and slicing them clean through.

Nozomi Yuri == Tsubaha Moriya


"Whew. That was super uncomfortable. Thanks Kiri!"

Tsubaha nursed the welts on her wrists from the bindings. Before delivering a completely uncalled for, soft chop to Kiri's forehead.

"You lack discipline however. Didn't I tell you 'no matter what?'"

Cruel! Completely heartless!!!

Somehow, the situation was... defused? Yuri blinked as she processed what happened - or rather, the implications of what just happened. Behind her, Kimiko was already trying to get the car running again. Highlighting her return to being helpless in this situation. At least until Sukimairu made a suprising suggestion to her.

"Yuri, when we get the car fixed, command Alexis to get in and keep still,"
"She clearly knows something important she's not telling us. If we can drive fast enough and neutralize her, we can use Dreamstreak to find out what she knows."

Yuri looked at Sukimairu disapprovingly.

"That's a very rude thing to do to someone, Sukimairu! Especially after we just met!"

"Yuri. Threatening to shoot someone like that girl is not particularly courteous or polite either. Gloves are off at this point I would say."


Yuri let out a sigh. Part of it was exasperation at Sukimairu's ethically questionable methods of extracting information out of people, and just feeling the tension of the situation just now resolve. But more importantly, she wasn't sure if what she did just now as a fluke or not.

What if it didn't work the next time around? Wouldn't that just antagonize Alexis to go guns blazing?

She shuddered at the thought as the rest of the party worked to get the car running again. Through the power of the Kimiko and co inspecting the car over, it began to sputter back to life. Though the sounds it was making were not very encouraging, Kimiko was able to apply gas and get the wheels to move.

In any case, it was time to go.
But of course it would not go easy.

"Someone in the bushes again!" Tsubaha drew her blades. "Show yourself!"

Out of the bushes, was another girl. It wasn't Alexis this time around though.
Most importantly, her hands were raised.

"Calm down. If I was going to ambush you people I would've done it already."

Yuri turned to look this newcomer over. She didn't look or feel like a spirit.

"...You are perhaps, Alexis' summoner?"

"Yes. I am... sorta. I was pretty certain until I saw what you did back there just now. Forcing Alexis to have a command Migraine. That's something that only someone who formed a contract with a Great Spirit is able to do."

Instinctively Yuri bowed apologetically.

"S-sorry! I really didn't mean to." Yuri stuttered out, Tsubaha visibly sighing on beside her.

"...I'd like to skip the formalities and get to the point. You people say that you're here to destroy Sagawa Mizunohara, also known as the Mizunohara Unit. You." She said, directed to Yuri. "What's your relation to her?"

"Me? Um... Mizunohara-san is... someone we need to free from what she's been turned into. I suppose." Yuri paused a moment before shaking her head. "No. I will do it. I came here after deciding that I would destroy the Mizunohara Unit. There's no doubt in my mind!"

"You're not a relative or anything?"

"No. I was an only child in my family. I knew my relatives too even so I'm sure. You see, I did a family tree once as a project and-..."

"OK. I believe you. You can stop right here."

"So what then, Summoner. You picking a fight or what?"

"I'd rather not at this point. Rather I have something like a proposal. You see: You're saying that you're sending yourself on some kind of death mission to take down the Organization with the Mizunohara Unit. That's just fine. You're free to try... but then I find that you somehow have a Link to one of Sagawa's spirits. If I didn't see you do that I would not have cared what you guys did. But as it stands now, I can't have you go off getting yourself obliterated after showing me you can do something like that."

"I'm going to politely ask for you to not go off and fight those people at this time. On account that you have something about you that I've yet to see from a summoner coming through here - and I'd rather not have you get erased before I can figure it out."

Yuri shook her head.

"Fatuita is going to execute her plans in order to try the Paradox Method again and we have to stop it before something goes wrong again!"

"Yes. That's true. But as far as I can see your efforts will amount to nothing. Especially since your sword toting spirit there is already infected with an antibody. Your spirit will cut you all to pieces before you even get close to the Mizunohara Unit."

Yuri's demeanor changed completely. Realizing this girl knew about the antibody 'infection'.

"You know about those? Then... you know a way to get rid of it then!?"

"Maybe I do. Though it would be pointless for me to tell you anything more if you've really decided to just go and fight them by rushing in headlong. There would be no point if that was the case."

"Everyone! I'll... Just talk with her for a second! I can't have Tsubaha be infected by one of those antibodies..."

The yet-to-be named summoner looked over the rest of the party. Her catlike eyes scanned over all of them. Her mouth opened to say something, but she relented. She felt something familiar. About this grossly naiive girl and her entourage of allies who looked more capable on their own.

The similarities here were bugging her. Not to mention Alexis' reaction to this girl's 'command' to stop.

"Oh. I never introduced myself-"

Without warning, and against the summoner girl's wishes, Yuri went back to formalities.

@Karyra @Accelerator @Skyswimsky @LowDefinition

"My Name is Yuri Nozomi, My Partner, Moriya Tsubaha. The angry looking one over there is Ono Kimiko-san, her Spirit Ko-kun is hiding there. The talkative one is Kamijou Michio-san, his steady looking spirit Salvare Argenta-san. And those two are both Kyouko-"


"-but the one with the eyepatch is the summoner and the really childish looking one is her spirit. And the two passed out and piled up in the back are Tatsumi Haruka-chan and Verde Yulia-san."

Everyone looked at Yuri with varying levels of... well that was up to them to decide. Also Yuri definitively left Sukimairu out just now.

But for the Summoner girl who just appeared, the only thing on her mind was just the thought of who was this girl - Yuri Nozomi?

"...My name is Cheshire." The summoner girl finally responded. Seeming to do so out of secondhand embarrassment. "You can just call me that. Sorry about earlier. When it comes down to it it's unlikely that I'll be able to win a battle against multiple summoners. I won't stop you. But if you can believe that I used to know Mizunohara Sagawa once then please hear me out, about who I think your friend 'Yuri' here is."


Somehow there was something dehumanizing about the way Cheshire referred to Yuri at that moment.
That subtlety was enough to arouse suspicion. But, was it worth hearing her out? Somehow, it felt like this wasn't just about curing Tsubaha of her antibody infection. This 'uncertainty' could've been making them anxious about the Summoner girl Cheshire's intentions even.

[ Special Action - This can go all sorts of ways so do as you like. ]

Nozomi Yuri == Tsubaha Moriya

Before anyone else can speak out. Yuri asked first.

"I know exactly who I am. This journey's helped my find that out. More importantly, why do you need to be so cryptic all of a sudden, Cheshire?"

Cheshire waited for an answer from one of the others. But, after a few moments, she finally responded back.

"Yuri. I think you're a copy." The Summoner said plainly.

"A copy? A copy of what?" For once, Yuri sounded a little irritated.

"A copy of the thing that you've all set out to destroy."

In other words, a copy of the Mizunohara unit. Or, maybe more specifically, Mizunohara...
It was when something like this was said that someone would blurt out how ridiculous of a proposition that was. More than likely, someone like Tsubaha.

"Yuri. Let's kill this person."

Yuri looked to her Spirit with a mix of dismay and suprise. Tsubaha was rambunctious for fights certainly. But, the tone in Tsubaha's voice had a sort of urgency in it. Like a genuine concern for whatever Cheshire was saying.

"Tsubaha, you can't be seriou-"
"Yuri! Order me to kill this person!"
"Tsubaha we can't just do that!"
"Yes we can! Just this once Yuri...just do as I say! You can't-"

Tsubaha's sentence was cut short. The little empress held her head. Influenced by the command migraine.

"I'm guessing that your little sword girl understands what I'm getting at. Though being a spirit she would be able to see things about you in the recesses of your mind. It's a little extreme to want to kill me over it, though."

Cheshire said looking down on Tsubaha reeling from pain on the ground.

"You never felt it Yuri. A connection to the Mizunohara unit?"

Yuri remained silent.

"Of course not. You never realized it. If you had, we wouldn't be in this situation now, would we? But, at this point, it's already too late. You already made an irreversible mistake the moment that you walked into this world. A world that is under the complete influence of the Mizunohara Unit."

Yuri remained silent. Realizing the girls sudden silence, Cheshire took a step backwards.

"So it's already began? Yes... Tsubaha was infected with the antibody. Invoking that command migraine just now. The Mizunohara Unit would've been able to..."

Yuri remained silent.

"Shit." Cheshire spat out.

A dark void.
Yuri was suddenly in this dark void. She tried to speak out, but she had no control over any sort of 'body'. There was no mouth or voice to speak. Only her thoughts. In her thoughts, she could only ponder with some urgency as to how she had gotten there. She had been having some kind of conversation just now with someone they had just met.
"I'm guessing that your little sword girl understands what I'm getting at."
But now she was here on her own.
"Though being a spirit she would be able to see things about you in the recesses of your mind."
No, actually someone was here. It was a short statured girl with black hair tried into a petite ponytail. She had her back turned to her but was otherwise just standing there idly.
"You never felt it Yuri. A connection to the Mizunohara unit?"
Yuri was hesitant to reach out to her. As she a distinct pull emenating from this person. It was as if it was trying to draw her in like a magnet. At this distance though though all she felt was the sensation of it. She was safe where she was.
"Of course not. You never realized it."
Everything would've remained the same... until the girl turned around to look at Yuri. Yuri had never... seen the face of this person before. No, wait, she had. This was the face of the girl found in those documents about the Paradox Incident that the party got from the Ideology Offices. This person was... Sagawa Mizunohara?
Wait. Yuri had never met this girl before. This was the same girl who was at the core of that disaster? Why did she know this all of a sudden?
"Alexis, Youoh! Attack! We have to stop her now!"
"You came back. Finally."
"She's taking control of them...! What are you people doing, attack her too!"
"Did you find it out? The answer to my question?"
"We need to get out of here, now!"
What qustion?
"Sagawa... Mizunohara... Damn it!!!!"

"You didn't forget did you? That's why you were made after all."
"You and your whole world? I made all of it so I could find out for myself."
"Did you really, really forget it?"

"Tsubaha. Alexis. Youoh. Attack."
Yuri internally apologized. She felt that if she couldn't remember the question then it was impossible to answer Mizunohara's question.
"Yuri! Snap out of it!"
"It's okay if you forgot your question, though. It wasn't a question that you could answer when you were brand new after all. But now that you've grown an experienced things, lived through things, met and did things with people... I think you can answer it for me when I ask you this time."
"This isn't you! Yuri! Stop!"
"My question: Are the bonds between people truly arbitrary?"
"Tch...! Damn it! Forgive me...! Kiri!!!!"
If only I was more perfect.
If I was more perfect then I'd be able to save everyone.
I want to be saved too.
But I can't force other people to do that.

If I was just more perfect...
Maybe I can find that person someday. If was like that.

I'll do it.
I'll make myself perfect.
And a good name?

'Yuri' sounds nice....

You can do the things that I couldn't, maybe.
You'll be perfect. And in doing so, I want to ask you:

Are the bonds between people truly arbitrary?

[ General Directive: ]
[ Act out as a stand in for Mizunohara Sagawa in a regular setting. And forge strong enough bonds with others. ]

[ Return of Unit Confirmed. ]

Sagawa took a step towards Yuri. With that one single step, Yuri began to feel a part of her existence being ripped out. And adsorbed back into Mizunohara.

On command, silhouettes countless filled the void all around them.

"So that's it. The bonds. So this is what managed to hold you together all of this time. Amazing. Those bonds... if I take you back, they'll be mine."


"I'll be able to find out the answer myself now... Hajime Sakurazaki and Sakura Okubo's meddling was only a minor setback in the end I see..."

Mizunohara took a step forward once more. Again, Yuri felt a part of herself get ripped away.



@Leo=Kane @Shinji=Kobe _Chiyo Imada @Ren=Fujibayashi @Kyouko=Asakura @Hajime=Sakurazaki @Totohaku=Wakahisa @Roze=Nakahara _Ai Nishiyama @Hiro=Takayama @Mika=Tsubasa @Haruka=Fujiyama _Markujs Yoritaka @Johann=Harisson _Hilda Narina @Katsumi=Yukimura _Toshi Hamasaki @Aoi=Shimizu _Ai Tsubaki _Robert West @Mizuki=Ishida @Jae=won=Gyo _Nao Morita @Hibiki=Koigishi @Hayata=Umeko

Again, a step forward.


@Yuuki=Iwasawa @Michio=Kamijou @Rei=Saionji @Taigi=Narita _Ayame Sayato @Kyouko=Himura @Mana=Kamei _Sayuri Alexander _Amaya Fujimoto _Ishida Naomasa _Annashi Koriumi _Vitri Andromedus Steele _Ishida Naomasa _Lisa Yamagawa _Yuri Yukitani _Noxi Keoni _Hinomari Tanarai _Mosheru Tachibana _Kiyoko Minami _Mika Tubasa _Abe Kuroya _Yuuki Kimura _Ganzo Hayabusa @Lori=Nishimura _Pratt Rikuto _Nyoko Morita _Kira Oshiro _Ryuu Miyamoto @Kokoro=Amane

The 'bonds' around the two of them shuddered.

@Tsubaha=Mori @Kimiko=Ono @Sukimairu=Saemonsaburou @Kiri=Moriya @Kyouko=Himura @Kyouko=Hiruma @Haruka=Tatsumi @Yulia=Verde @Michio=JKamijou @Argenta=Chevallier

@Karyra @Skyswimsky @LowDefinition @Accelerator @Luma

They attempted to manifest the people from Yuri's memory. But... were those bonds even strong enough to do so?

[ Initializing Decryption and Decompilation by ADMIN_USER @Sagawa=Mizunohara... ]

[ Awaiting Input... ]
[ ... ]

[ Process Complete. ]

"It looks like a massive spirit battle happened here, Fatuita. The amount of decapitated parts is quite unsightly."

"That over there was the vehicle they supposed escaped out of, right?"
"Yes. The very same. Though I think it was about as damaged as it looks when they retreated earlier."

"...Here kneeling on the ground would be the girl that the Mizunohara Unit Interfaced with? She still has her spirits out. They are about just as unresponsive as their summoner here."
"I suppose they will not - See that look in Yuri Nozomi's eyes? ...there's nothing in there anymore."

Sekai To Owari
The World Has Ended.
The Bonds Between People Are Arbitrary.
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