Our Little Secret

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Nicoli managed to remove the towel from the rack, but it was dropped to the floor as she stopped him from getting much farther. His brows knit together in confusion as he gave her a stare, clearly unfamiliar with the sudden attention she showered him with. Honestly, he didn't expect to be washed by another person until he was so old and so wealthy that he could retire, and hire somebody to take care of him.

Sasha was doing far more than he could ever imagined, though. In addition to getting him cleaned, she went the extra mile by rubbing into the sore spots her fingers found. Gradually, he was becoming more relaxed. This was noticeable as the puzzled expression eased into one of pleasure. His eyes were just barely open, and he vocalized his enjoyment through a low hum that vibrated in his throat like a purr.

When she washed his hair, that's when he got completely lost in Sasha. His eyes completely closed and he sighed with content. The sensation of her nails on his scalp was addicting, likely half the reason why he continued to see her every month for his haircut. Getting shampooed was the best part of the process. To think, he could have this more regularly. She must have known this was the quickest, simplest way to relax him. Hell, she didn't even need product for this. She could massage his head, or scratch it as if he were a dog... Either way, it would feel like heaven.

Once he was rinsed off, he opened his eyes with reluctance, shivering a bit when her lips touched the back of his neck. They sat quietly as they were for just a moment before he resumed his earlier task of reaching her a towel. Grunting softly--due to the slight pain in his legs--he rose up to his feet. He turned with the towel unfolded completely, inviting her to stand with him so he could wrap it around her. "If I may be so bold, I think you should go to bed as you are," he suggested with a sly grin. Besides, if she were to put on pajamas, he'd just get them off of her again at some point.
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Sasha grinned up at Nico, managing to get herself to her feet, trying to wring some of the water out of her hair gently as she did so- at the very least she wouldn't have to worry about that mess of shenanigans when she shaved all this damned mop off. Though she would be trading that for time spent on upkeep of a damned wig, though... she did have fun with those. Sleepiness was greatly affecting her at this point, but it was a much greater relief to be here than to know that sleep would come easy for the first time in three months. "Nope. I dare say that is crossing the line and I'll have to throw you out on the couch like a sitcom wife." She responded cheekily, then turned slightly more serious. "I sleep naked when I can anyways- more comfortable." She managed a shrug before snuggling up into the offered towel.

At least all the little lesions on her weren't hurting, and the gash in her leg from three weeks ago had turned into a line of a scab, A scar would be left, like all the damned rest of the past three damned weeks, but at the very least, out of all those lesions, she didn't cringe quite as much at the memory of it.

That was one skeleton out of her closet and put to rest for good. Mark was gone. Really gone- singed flesh did manage to smell worse than she thought it would- but honestly, he had deserved it, and more. She still had yet to feel regret- she was still burning through the events. She hadn't gone through this as easily as she had a few years back, especially since she hadn't been playing along like she had the first time. Thinking back that far made her instinctively try to disengage herself from the memories. She was done with that. It was over, that chapter of her life was done, no need to think on it. There were corners of those memories she didn't even delve into when she was safely drunk. Memories that haunted her nightmares from time to time. The reason she trembled when she held a pistol. The reason she cringed away from sudden touch. Past three weeks hadn't done that any favors, but at the very least, having Mark dead was sure to help her wake up with some ease.

Her eyes searched Nico's face for a moment inquisitively. She had tossed probably the most hurtful words she could at the guy three weeks ago, and somehow he still managed to show up and save her ass when she needed it- even after how put-off and irritated he seemed with her original pestering of him on the street... and the blow-dryer to the face.

"Sorry I.... er... blow-dyer.... ed... your face." She managed softly, sincerely contrite for the action. Sure it had been nothing but literal hot air, but she knew how hot her damned tools could get, and plus the fact that she had disrespected him... actually disrespected him in a number of ways... "Probably won't happen ever again." She followed it up with. "Provided I don't feel forced to shut you up in the middle of a haircut..."
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Sasha's initial response to his request actually got a chuckle out of him. "I would like to see you try," he challenged, his lips briefly twitching into a smirk. Once the towel was wrapped around her lovely form, he rubbed up and down, and all around to make sure she was nice and snug. Stepping out of the warm bubbly tub came with the consequence of uncomfortable chills.

Nicoli got the jacuzzi turned off, then drained before getting his own self dried off. The towel he picked up for himself was moved across his body in different directions, ridding him of the water for good. You could tell by the gooseflesh that he was on the frigid side, but there was no complaint to be heard. Most of the time, he just dealt with it. Nico felt no shame or shyness in standing there fully nude.

He wasn't quite expecting these belated apologies. Or, were they really that belated? Even though the events she referred to happened only hours ago, it felt like longer than that. Now he understood what it meant when a loved one told another that time stood still when they were with them. It was probably really late at night right now and he had no idea.

"It's...all right," he assured her. "You had your reasons." What else was he to say? As infuriating as her actions were, he understood why she did what she did. To Sasha, he was precious treasure that needed to stay buried. She made it clear how much she cared for him. That made it impossible to stay mad. "So as long as you don't burn my face, okay?" His hand smoothed along the stubble on his jaw to give emphasis to what he meant. Keeping his face in good shape was important to him. It was amazing that no one's scarred it yet.

An arm came around Sasha so he could lead them to the bedroom, where a bed with clean linens was awaiting them. The comforter was pulled back, then the top sheet so she could dive in with him. Snuggling was not something he took much of an interest in until Sasha stepped into his home. Though, before they could get cozy, he put his arms around her for a protective hug. "You're welcome to anything on this floor of my apartment, by the way. Just don't break into the booze without me. You shouldn't drink alone," he offered, kissing the top of her head. Should she ever feel the need for the comfort of alcohol, he would gladly mess himself up with her. Then, he walked around to the other side of the bed so he could get settled in for the night.
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Sasha smiled back at him sheepishly in return to his response. "I wouldn't burn your face- hell, I'd know how to fix something if I did. What do you take me for?...Sheesh, even if I couldn't, I could easily shove a gag in Britney's mouth and give you to her for half an hours and she'd be able to do what I couldn't."

Then his arms were around her and the blood was rushing in her ears again. The ways he affected her were many and varied- and to figure them all out would take a year for her, probably. It didn't matter to her, though, she didn't need to understand. For once it wasn't just pure drive of purpose carrying her forward, she had an emotional attachment that had grown to influence her so greatly that it had driven her to break that cycle she had been stuck in for years. Simple acts like hugging were more foreign to her to be received than one would think. The fact that he hugged her was worth more than he might have thought, honestly.

His words made her lips twitch into a small smile, and she nestled up with him as he got into the bed, honestly tired and relaxed for the first time in what felt like forever. "Sounds reasonable, but eventually I am going to wonder about the other floors." She cautioned slyly. "Curiosity is a weakness." She admitted. "A big one." Sasha practically needed to underline that five times. She'd probably last a week before she started really getting nosy. She snuggled up a little more to him, yawning contently. "Still can't believe I was aiming for his chest and got him in the foot... if you tell anyone about that, Nico, I swear, you really will need to find a new person to cut your hair.... actually.... no... I can't really let you go at this point- you kinda proved you're a shitty judge of stylists aside from me. No wonder you saved my ass..." She remarked. "There's at least twenty other styling joints around here. At the VERY least, you could have called my old work. Britney's passable." She added, settling down further, her head nestled up on his chest with an arm thrown over him, as if he were a stuffed toy. "G'night, Nic...." She murmured after kissing his cheek. His name was shortened more than usual, cut off by a yawn and then she was pretty dead asleep. Not having to worry about where you could lay your head at night had that effect.
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Adjusting to a new addition to his home would take some time. Fortunately, Sasha was easy to live with. He could satisfy her curiosity by guiding her through the other floors himself. She was trustworthy, he felt. Any sort of dishonest deed wouldn't go unpunished, after all. Anytime, she was welcome to use his personal gym. It was obvious that the man loved his exercise, and preferred to not share that with strangers in a public gym. The den of weaponry, and precious belongings kept in safes, was off limits, however. He did allow her to view it one time, and strictly said to not enter unless there was an emergency. In good time, when he warmed up to her company some more, he could come to trust her with freedom of access.

In the week he'd spent with her, both of them worked on getting their lives back on track. Nicoli was finally functioning like normal, running his business with as much finesse as everyone expected. He was sitting in his office, having to catch up with work that was put off during his phase of depression. To put it bluntly, the man was pissed about that. Not only did it mess with his usual routine, it set him back enough to make him have to work extra hours. Fortunately, he could trust Arturo and his crew to handle any messy business with non paying customers.

His icy gaze was glued to his computer screen, sorting through emails from employees who worked on the other floors of the building. There was a lot of junk to sort through, too. Well, to him it was junk--invites to birthday celebrations, reminders about an upcoming office party for Halloween... Generally, things he didn't care about. What sort of boss did they take him for? Was there ever a time when he actually made an appearance at these insignificant events? Perhaps the folks were just being hopeful. So few even got to see their big boss more than once.

Nicoli was tending to the stack of files on his desk when there was a knock at the double doors that divided him from the rest. "Yeah?" he called out, keeping his gaze on the paperwork. Arturo peeked in before walking past the doors, closing them quietly to not disturb his superior. Since he was working in his own office today, he was dressed in formal attire like the rest. A navy blue suit over a light grey shirt, then a stripe patterned tie of grey and blue to bring it all together. Art caught glimpse of Nico smirking to himself, clearly pleased to see his one and only best friend wearing this instead of his comfort clothes.

"How much longer you going to be, boss? I don't want to see you stay here with the janitors again. Need help with the work?"

Sighing, he looked up from his desk. "Thank you for your concern, but I've got it handled. Just give me half an hour, I'll be done by then." Nicoli waved a dismissive hand at Arturo, quick to remove him so there wouldn't be anymore distractions.

"Fine, but I'm not leaving until you leave first. I got to look out for you, because who else will?"

At that, Nic made a sarcastic chuckle. Arturo hadn't met Sasha yet, however he did know she existed. That was about all he knew, actually. His childhood friend fell in love with his hairdresser. He had yet to tell him anything more. Making a scoff, he left the room and took a seat outside of the doors to flip through one of the magazines sitting on the table. He could kill half an hour here. Longer had been spent in this very chair as he waited for the big man to leave the building with him.
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Sasha had been busy since she had been sprung from her cage. Mostly with the mental work of psyching herself back up to her goals. Wig in place to give her somewhat of a normal look for once in a sensible black and grey dress and some kitten-heels, concealer and a pale blue scarf covering scars and marks on her upper body, she was out and about in her old junker of a car again.

The past week had been nothing short of interesting to her. It was kinda like riding a bike- only her past few weeks had added a ten strips of invisible spikes on the road here and there. She wanted to forget and move on past those times but loud noises and certain things would set her off a bit. She tried to keep this from being seen, and honestly it wasn't too big of a deal in the scheme of things, given everything else that was happening. She had made herself at home at Nico's, more than comfortable to grab the rest of her scattered possessions from here and there- not much, but the important stuff was retrieved.

He had sated most of her curiosity, and she was bemused with the gym and weapon stash. Explained a bit and at the same time, was completely expected. She would have been more surprised if he had no weapons at his place at all. She had been honest in agreeing that she wouldn't trespass where he drew the line. Curiosity had been sated, no other drive remained on a need to explore those areas.

Now was the issue of work, honestly- She couldn't go back to her old place. Not after what she did- though she did have a contingency plan in place... though she had never put much faith in it, until today.

She started that plan with a text to Britney, telling her to talk to the receptionist about possibly getting some leeway on her being able to come by and not have her old boss shove her out immediately. She just wanted to talk. If this went the way she wanted it to... she'd have a job again, and be into a what could easily turn into a very lucrative little project. All she needed now was to survey the space one more time.

It actually wasn't that far away from her old work, and maybe a block closer to Nico's work. Something that she hadn't planned on at all, unintended, but worked out all the same. The space still seemed up for grabs and she looked it over one more time before heading back over to her old work place.

And was then almost immediately led to the back of the salon by the owner, doors locked behind them as she steeled herself for any anger that might be thrown her way. She had made a pretty aggressive show of words and theatrics- but the man had just huffed at her and asked what the hell she wanted. Straight to the point, and not any time spent on the bullshit, great.

After she had said her piece though, he had turned a color that "red" didn't quite cover and he had spent a great deal of time trying to be civil when it was obvious he'd rather be yelling. It took a while, but he eventually went back to a normal skin color and calmed down.

Britney had come back to check on the two of them after thirty minutes and by that point, everything was figured out. Terse, but amicable for the situation. Sasha had made some claim that she'd have to catch up with the other stylist sometime soon and Britney seemed to brighten at that a bit. Good. Social relationships with that girl was easy, up and disappear for three or four weeks? offer a night out and some drinking and you're good again. Low maintenance. No hidden agendas. Britney was easy in that fashion.

There was more planning to do now, but at the very least, she had an idea of what to do now.

By that point, it was getting late, and Sasha had gone back to Nico's place, only to note that his... car wasn't there. He was still at his office? Seriously?

Sasha's lips tightened to a line and she exhaled slowly before turning around and driving straight back to Nico's office. It felt weird retracing steps she had taken nearly a month ago. A hand reached up to press against the scars on her neck and shoulders, as if the feeling of them were the only thing grounding her to this reality. She shook herself of that quickly, getting out of the car, wandering in, and getting onto the elevator. At least she didn't have the spunky colored-hair look going on today, she didn't feel so out of place.

Exiting the elevator, she noted a man sitting by his office and paused, noticeably puzzled. Like she hadn't expected anyone but Nico to ever be in that building- somehow other people hadn't ever factored in... The feeling in her wasn't so much shyness as it was an aversion for social situations at that moment. What was she supposed to do now? She could handle her old boss getting mad enough that she had been worried for his health- but this was something that she was uncertain about. Socializing outside of work was hard for her, and Nico was pretty understanding of her weird statements...but he was probably the first person to understand it on a rather personal level, given his verbal mistakes at times as well.

She was already out of the elevator, no turning back...

The closer she walked, the easier it was to verify the fact that, yeah, of course, Nico's office was closed up. So... now what? Knock on it? No... Well then... what was she supposed to do?... Just wait?...

"Errrm." The noise was grumbled from her lips as she looked to Nico's office and then she rubbed at her neck.
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Arturo had gotten so comfortable in that chair that he'd sunk down with his long legs stretched out across the carpet, his face hidden completely behind the magazine he was flipping through. It revealed unnecessary details on the lives of celebrities, mixed with some advertisements on various products and travel options. This was a guilty pleasure of his. Also, it didn't help that it annoyed Nicoli. Arturo would do almost anything to get his best friend to react as such.

The light above the elevator across the way was brightened suddenly, prompting the Italian man to straighten up with his right hand reaching into his jacket where a pistol was stashed. Most of security had gone home, so it would be easy for somebody to just walk in and try to disturb his boss, or hurt him. "They didn't lock the doors yet? Stupidasses," he mumbled to himself, glaring at the elevator doors until the unexpected walked through them...

A woman? A...familiar woman. The hair was what threw him off at first. As he remembered, the woman they rescued from that warehouse had a more punky style to it. The face was recognizable, though. Arturo rarely forgot a face. This must have been the fabled Sasha, the hairdresser who Nicoli was so infatuated with.

"You're Sasha!" he pointed out in a friendly voice. Clearly, she was lost. To remedy this, he stepped away from the chair to stand in front of her. Might be best to keep her occupied until the boss was finished with his work. Stroking the hair on his chin thoughtfully, a smile formed after he spent a quick moment looking her over with his chocolatey eyes. Not so much to be creepy, but to better remember what she looked like for the future. Nic had so few people who were close to him, Arturo wanted to get to know anybody who managed to reach the soft side of the big grump.

One hand went into a pants pocket while the other was offered to her for a shake. "Don't worry, he'll be out soon. My names Arturo. We've met before, sort of." He chuckled a bit sheepishly, recalling that their first 'meeting' was the day she was kidnapped. There was never a chance to properly greet her, so now seemed like as good a time as any.
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Ok, ok, so the man was standing up and... he knew her name? They had met?

Oh... OH.

"Gotcha... "Arturo", got it." She responded softly at first, shaking his hand firmly, still processing the conversation that was happening. He must have been one of the guys that... Yeah, hadn't Nico.... Arturo.... Art... Nico.... Her memories were all jumbled up for a moment.

"That's right.... got kidnapped... Regis.... Regus... Rob?.... Fuck." The name, the fucking name, why could she NEVER REMEMBER THE NAME? Her eyes went to the ground as she tried to remember what exactly happened when she got kidnapped. "Sorry, lot's happened since then. Shitty memory to start, doubt the crowbar helped... I jumped out of a window, still got kidnapped... was ransomed..."

Her memories were taking a while. Everything of recent kinda jumbled it up further. "Found out my client could actually talk... demanded dinner in return for all the trouble... yelled at him... got fired...three weeks in a hell hole... was rude to him again... he saved my ass again...broken blow dryer.....crab legs...." She muttered through everything, then looked back up at Arturo. "That's right. Driver. You weren't dressed like a stiff... I could barely focus, I was freaking out over the glass in my leg." She chuckled at that. "Yeah, I'm Sasha... Er... Sorry for that- I just kinda sealed a deal a bit ago. Excited." She explained. "Surprised you recognized me without the black 'n blue in my hair. It was still black and blue at that point... right? I hadn't changed to black and purple at that point yet..." She shook her head slightly. "Doesn't matter... Nico wasn't home yet... figured I'd come here. Should I not have?" She questioned lightly, raising a brow. She sure as fuck did not want to intrude on something, she was curious, not an asshole. She respected boundaries... most times. "I... can leave if needed. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't lost in a stack of papers or something..." Sasha offered up, shrugging lightly, wincing at the movement. it was making her remember that some of those healing burns still itched like hell.
Arturo was genuinely delighted to be meeting her properly. They had their handshake, then his hand retreated to the available pocket. He was expecting to be told what brought her here, but instead she started talking about... Well, he wasn't entirely sure at first. After the mention of kidnapping, she listed off a few names that spurred a puzzled expression on his face. 'Rodrigo?' he wondered privately. That had to be who she meant.

The confusion lingered in his brows, but his lips morphed into a lopsided smile. A fairly charming one that reflected the youthful spirit living inside a tough shell. "It's all right," he assured her. Art couldn't blame her for having an unreliable memory right now. From what he'd seen, and from what little he'd heard, she'd gone through a lot like Nicoli had. This suspicion was quickly confirmed as she spilled a few details on what's been going on.

Initially, Arturo was looking at her like she was crazy. While rolling his head back a scoch, he openly expressed his disbelief. For some reason, he was expecting her to be as closed off as Nicoli. Yet, here she was, saying something about a broken hair dryer and crab legs. The significance was lost on him, but at least he had some clues. He didn't take long relax in her presence, a hand moving thoughtfully along his fuzzy jawline as he listened to the rest of Sasha's words.

"I'm good with faces." He smiled briefly, and returned his hand to his pocket. Hairstyle could slow down the identification process, but he would still know it's her. His detective skills spawned from the short time he and Nico actually had fun together. Back when the big boss had a real childhood; until his mother died. "Oh, no, you're fine," Art swiftly assured so she wouldn't feel like she had to leave. "He actually is swamped. But he promised to be done in just a bit." Punctuating with a light sigh, he looked over his shoulder at the door, then back to Sasha.

So this was the woman who sent Nicoli's life into such a dark spiral. He truly, truly cared for her. That much was clear to Arturo. Nicoli would never spend so much time on one person like this, usually he'd call it a waste of time after a while. The silence was short, but meaningful. You could see that he was judging with his eyes, much like any protective sibling would. Seeing Nico suffer the way he did made Art think negatively of her. Until now. She cared about him, too. This inspired his lips to curl into a smile, a hand coming out of his pocket with a business card held between two fingers. The card was offered to her, and he said: "You should keep this on you at all times. Top number is my work phone, bottom number is my personal phone. I don't give these particular ones to just anybody."

Maybe Sasha would be confused as to why he was insisting she take this. But she needed to trust him. It would be the most handy tool she ever had.
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Sasha relaxed a bit as Arturo assured her she didn't have to leave, her hand coming up to her neck, the heel of her palm rubbing at the skin. This cover-up was uncomfortable, and she should have just gone with a jacket. Least she had learned something today. Don't bathe in the concealer. "I see." She spoke, a small smile on her lips at that point, a little less nervous about the social situation she was in.

Then he was handing her a card and she blinked a few times, confusion on her face before she smiled and pocketed the card after glancing it over. "Understood." She stated softly. Now that she was thinking more calmly, she wasn't prone to her mouth running off without her. "The past whole month's been one surprise after another.... Still feel bad about the ten grand... and worse about...." She trailed off for a moment, then looked to Arturo. Uncertain. "He's behind on work because of me... isn't he..." Sasha started, setting her jaw at an angle before continuing. "I screwed the pooch with that decision I made." She remarked lowly, then sighed. She did feel guilty over the whole damned thing still- figuring out that her decision to try and protect Nico was unnecessary and what's more, it had hurt the two of them- it had been very surprising to her, to say the least.

"Doesn't matter, what's done is done." She decided, then looked to the other man, eyes scanning him and then coming to a frown. She couldn't really ignore it, now- the left side of Arturo's hair had a few places where the hair was left too long. She reached into her purse and pulled out a card of her own to him, grinning. "Ignore the work number, that's about to be changed, call my cell some time. I know a lot of people don't like changing stylists, but... you really should consider it." She stated softly, she wasn't about to start reaming a guy about his haircut. That was rude. "I'd give the discount of "free" since you're with him." Sasha added, thumbing at Nico's office with her other hand.

Good thing the new place was going to be so close by, it would probably prove to be useful. So she didn't have the location down as hers yet,but she had the employees she needed to start out with. Favors would be called in for everything else.
Arturo was relieved that she accepted the card with no questions or fuss. Perhaps she knew already how things worked around here. The less you ask about, the better. However, it wouldn't surprise him if she was just too exhausted from the past month to be curious. After what she'd gone through, he'd understand if she wanted to play it safe for a while longer. He really did sympathize with her.

A dismissive hand gesture came out of his pocket as she explained her guilt. As much of a grouch as Nicoli was, Art could tell that he was willingly taking on these burdens. He was toughing through it without a single complaint. "He's almost caught up, from what I've heard." he commented with a positive tone. His boss was an efficient worker. Just another day or two, then he'll be back on track.

The brief silence between them was awkward. What was he looking him over for? Before he knew it, she had given him a business card of her own. His dark eyes scanned the information, with confusion at first. Then he pressed his lips together to keep back a chuckle. Much as he appreciated this, Arturo didn't care enough about his hair to look into an improvement. Nicoli gave up trying to tell him he should look better groomed. The suit was where he drew the line.

"That's a generous offer," Arturo said with a grin, tucking the card away into his pocket. You couldn't argue with free. Perhaps he would give her a call one day to see what she could do. Who knows, maybe she'd totally change his mind about his hair. "I'll be in touch with you, then. And I suggest you do the same. In case, y'know, you're kidnapped again or something. Also... I know everything about Nicoli." Pausing, he made a nervous glance over his shoulder to be sure Nico wasn't somehow hearing what he was saying. Then he continued speaking in a hushed voice. "Seriously." If she was really going to keep this relationship going, she should accept his advice. He wasn't going to reveal all of his friend's darkest secrets, but there were plenty of helpful tips he could offer when it came to understanding Nicoli Zangari.

Speaking of which... The doors opened not too long after Arturo finished speaking. Nicoli was standing there with a briefcase in one hand, his other hand rubbing all over his face in an effort to clear out the tiredness. When his vision focused, he saw Sasha standing there with Arturo. He blinked and stared for a moment before getting to locking up his office. Since Art's back was facing him, he cast a smug look in Sasha's direction, basically teasing that she couldn't wait for him any longer so she just had to come see him. It almost made him want to unlock these doors and satisfy her on his desk. The fantasy was as thrilling as it was shameless.

"Go home, Arturo." Nicoli demanded in a toneless voice, earning him a scoff. "Well I had to introduce myself to your ladyfriend sometime, you lovable idiot. Awww, Nicoliiii~" Art posed effeminately while batting his lashes at his boss. Nicoli shoved Arturo in the chest as he walked past him, causing the friendly man to laugh loudly after he caught himself from falling. "Fine, fine. It was nice to meet you, Sasha." Nico's second-in-command nodded politely before making his exit. "Sorry about him." Nicoli mumbled to Sasha.
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Sasha found herself grinning at the friendly man, a little bit less apprehensive of the social situation that she had walked into. He was nice enough, and she found herself chuckling over the prospect of getting kidnapped again. "Essentially that would be my third time, not keen on doing that again." She admitted, raising a brow at his next words.

Holy fucking shit, Nicoli DID come with a user manual from what this was sounding like. She'd definitely keep that in mind. "I'll probably be calling you sometime soon then." She managed.

Nico left his office not that soon afterwords, and seeing him made her both excited and apprehensive- excited because of the relationship they were now in, and apparently with that came the unavoidable emotional roller-coaster of being sad when apart from him and happy when he was nearby. She was still getting used to that. And then she was apprehensive due to the situation today. He had offered his help weeks ago, but that required her actually asking for that help- and that probably would take her a while.

For now, though, she glanced back at him with a raised brow at his smirk, then watched the exchange between the two men, stifling a bit of another chuckle. She nodded in Arturo's direction, smiling in earnest. "Likewise." The man was pleasant and was definitely a person she wouldn't mind conversing with in the future. Especially given the antics she just watched. Maybe she should stop by Nico's office more.

At Nico's words, she smiled slightly, shrugging. "He's fine. Aside from the glaring mistake on the left side of his noggin that I desperately want to fix, I quite enjoyed the talk." She explained, "I need to just start carrying my supplies along with me everywhere so I can just take care of any mistakes I see on people. Drives me nuts." She shrugged again, then found herself licking her lips. It had been only a week since they had reunited. The feelings were still fresh and she was still very much getting used to their relationship, and the physical benefits of it. "Are you sure you didn't forget anything in there?" She asked, the look in her eyes was lustful. The stockings and garter belt she was wearing under the dress weren't there just for practicality anyways. After a few day of getting proper meals and sleep, she had been more than capable of keeping up with any needs at this point. "I think... You did." She started, walking to him slowly, hips swaying slightly. Her hand was on his cheek and she smiled up at him before getting up on her toes and kissing his lips. "Missed you." Was murmured after she pulled away.
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Nicoli wasn't sure she should be modifying peoples' haircuts as she passed them by. He would be powerless to stop her though, so he kept the comments to himself. Besides, it only meant she'd make his people look more tidy. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that, and they'd have no choice but to put up with it.

Initially, he thought she really was asking if he forgot something. He made a couple pats over his pockets, gave his briefcase a shake, then belatedly caught sight of the look she was giving. Women had gone to great lengths in the past, to seduce him at his own office. Sasha had to put only minimal effort into it, though. Simply being aware of how much she missed him could ignite a spark within him.

The while time he watched her, he looked hypnotized. Nicoli felt so weak around this woman, yet at the same time she gave him strength. Though confusing, it was uniquely beautiful to him. When their lips met, it felt as though the stress of his work was melting. It was sublime to be so close to her again. Right then and there, he used his unoccupied hand to hook around her waist while they shared the kiss.

Adoration lit up his eyes suddenly, his silent way of saying that he missed her too. He'd forgotten about going home to dress comfortably, have dinner, and laze about for the rest of the night. Instead, he was getting lost in this woman all over again. Slowly, his arm unwrapped from her so he could fish his keys from his pocket. "You're right. I think I left my favorite pen on my desk." Nicoli played along while getting the doors unlocked. Once they were opened, he snatched up Sasha's wrist so he could yank her inside. They were locked into his office after the briefcase landed on the floor with a thud.

The area was spacious, complete with his personal bathroom, a little section where he could lounge, and a large desk where he did his work. Several paintings of different themes were on the walls, but it was hard to see them due to the lack of light. Nico let up one of the shades that covered a large window, bringing in enough light from the setting sun so they wouldn't be wandering blindly. Besides that, he was curious to see how lovely she looked in the dim orangeness. Combined with the shadows of the room, he thought the sight to be quite breath taking.
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Sasha was smirking devilishly as he led her back into his office, watching as he immediately closed and locked it behind himself, then went to open one of the blinds.

Her eyes watched him as she quickly tossed the purse and scarf aside. She licked her lips again as she looked to him, then her hands were on him, guiding him back towards his chair, nothing but lust and love in her eyes as she got him sitting right where she wanted him. Honestly she hadn't been intending to do anything in his office today, but him working late definitely had presented other plans. She had been expecting to greet him eagerly at home, but this was just as well.

Her hands went to the back of her dress, pulling the zipper down and then pulled it up and off of herself, the wig staying in place perfectly- she had her tools to keep hair in place. Underneath the dress was a black and red over-bust corset with a matching garter belt and stockings- only one thing was missing.

She had gone the entire day without wearing any goddamned underwear.

That done, she approached Nico again, her hand on his cheek, grinning smugly, more than eager to get him out of his clothes. "I think I should come by more often." She remarked as her fingertips traced down his jaw and throat, then to the collar of his shirt, suddenly grabbing it gently, mindful that he wouldn't be keen on damaging his clothes, pulling him towards her as she kissed him again deeply, her tongue seeking his. She needed this... she needed him. The hand holding his shirt slowly loosened, and instead moved with her other hand in working on getting him out of the damned suit while she straddled his lap, the heels had been kicked off and toed next to her purse a while ago. Her mouth parted from his after a time and she looked up at him, panting lightly.

"Eager" didn't even begin to describe the woman right now.
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Nicoli showed no resistance as she guided him to his comfortable desk chair. He was watching with pulse pounding anticipation while she peeled the dress off, revealing a red and black set of lingerie that he wasn't at all expecting. The neutral expression on his face was starting to break already. He bit at his lower lip, eyes looking the seductress over until he noticed the absence of panties. Red rushed to his cheeks then; did she go all day like this?

His breathing became heavy to keep up with the rapid beating of his heart. They met eyes when her hand met with his cheek, his fingers gripping at the arms of his chair to help keep his savage desires under control. "You really should," he agreed with her in a hushed voice, unable to resist smirking as she loosely grabbed him by the collar. They shared a deep kiss, his tongue energetically wrestling with hers with an over-eagerness to match hers. Her hands were focused on undressing him while his were focused on feeling her up. His palms smoothed along as much of Sasha as possible, only stopping when their kiss came to an end.

With her help, he was able to throw his jacket off, then he slipped off the shirt once all the buttons were undone. After, his hands fell to his lap where he got the belt buckle, button and zipper of his pants undone, allowing his arousal to spring past the fabric. "Such a--a bad girl," he said in between his panting, staring her down lustfully. Nicoli was incredibly turned on by her; by this whole situation really. It was making him glad he worked a few extra hours, just so it could lead up to this. He was sure the additional stress created pent up aggression he could get rid of through ravaging her body, too.

Nicoli attacked her jawline with an assortment of love bites and kisses, his fingers groping her breasts, followed with pinching outside the fabric where he expected her nipples to be. Being near her, breathing in her scent, touching her... This was as heavenly as he remembered it. He sighed against her skin with content, the need to be inside her growing with every second. His fingers moved along her thighs curiously, feeling along the stockings until he gripped her legs. She was held close and firm so that when he stood, she would not have to be fearful of falling.

Sasha was sat down on a vacant section of his desk, giving him the chance to sweep at the space behind her. Papers, writing utensil, and his wireless mouse went to the floor. He stood between her legs with only his boxers on, his pants having fallen to his ankles. Dipping his head, he claimed her mouth for another kiss, and slowly started leaning in so as to force her to lay on her back.
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Sasha grinned up at Nico wantonly. Oh, he thought she was bad? This was her being relatively reasonable. Watching his reaction to her though, was beyond satisfying. Forgoing the panties was a good idea. Plus the fact that she was rather short meant that there was less chance of anyone finding out she was sans underwear- plus the dress being a bit longer helped. It was a relative non-risk to take, and a simple detail to nix, but she was pleased by the response it drew.

She whimpered slightly at the attention given to her jawline and breasts, her breathing quickening, a gasp or two was given at the pinching. Then he was moving and she was too and she didn't care. As long as they ended up getting it on, she couldn't care about anything else. He had her on his desk and everything was being pushed aside, then he was kissing her again as she was forced to lay back against his advances. In response, her legs locked around his hips and her back arched up, her chest pressing against his as she eagerly returned the kiss.

She was flushed with excitement and need, her hips twitching up against his, searching for attention as her fingers found purchase on his back, nails digging into his skin lightly as she broke off the kiss, her breathing now entirely erratic at that point, eyes flashing with lust as she stared up at him, her mouth slightly agape as she panted, her chest rising and falling quickly as she pulled him closer and nibbled on the side of his neck and his earlobe. "Please, sir..." She murmured smoothly in his ear, a wicked smirk on her face as she twitched her hips up against him again. "I need you so badly." She added softly, then nipped at his neck, careful not to leave marks- though she was quickly reaching the limit of thinking clearly. "I'm a very bad girl... and I'll do anything to have you."
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Nicoli stood comfortably in the lock of her lovely legs, intrigued by the way the socks felt against his bare flesh. He wouldn't be able to tell you what his kinks were because it was a world he never explored. One thing for certain was that he was drawn to this outfit. He was sure she could walk in wearing a potato sack and he'd still want to lavish her with attention. That stemmed from the genuine feelings he had for her.

Like her, he was trying to catch his breath. This was difficult as she teased him with the exciting motions of her hips. The words she whispered sent a chill up his spine, and the attention she gave his neck was driving him crazy. "Anything?" he crooned, his hands going to his hips so he could shuffle out of his shorts. Once he was free of them, his pelvis moved forward, the head of his member kissing her entrance. Nico was purposely fighting the grip of her thighs so he wouldn't penetrate just yet.

A single kiss was placed on her forehead, then he adjusted his posture so he was standing straight. He had a magnificent view of her laying down on his work desk with her rear nearly hanging off the edge. Nicoli showed a wolfish smile while his hands moved to hook around her hips. "Tell me how good my cock feels. How much you've missed it; missed me." he demanded in a velvety voice, with a dramatic flair you would expect from a passionate Italian. Right after, he pushed his hips forward, making his way into her silken depths. He was in awe of how wet and ready she was, drawing a quiet moan out of him. His head tilted back for a little while as the thrill of the moment seduced him. Now that he was inside of her, his greediness climbed a whole new height. He didn't wait any longer to start a rhythmic thrusting, his digits squeezing her hips tighter so as to give him better control.
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Sasha's panting quickened as soon as she had felt Nico's length touch her- like blood in the water for a shark, she was in a frenzy now. All bets were off, nothing was held back at this point. She was writhing under him, legs doing everything they could to bring him closer, anything to get him inside. "Yes. Anything." She repeated quickly, her voice dripping with need. His kiss to her forehead was pleasant- she was sure to reflect on the sweetness of that act later. Right now, everything else took a backseat to the need growing inside her.

His voice gave way to a simple command and she looked up at him, licking her lips. Then he was inside her and she trembled and her panting gave way to cries, whimpers, and throaty moans. Right, he had asked her to do something- and there was a chance that if she didn't, he might stop. Can't risk it. Start talking. "F-fuck." Great start, go Sasha, go. "You make it really.... really hard to think straight... feels too good." Well, it was true. Every movement he was making was answered with a twitch of her hips or a tremble. "I missed it so fucking much... I need it like air to breathe... I missed you like hell. I hate being apart from you." Again, all true, though the last part she might not have mentioned if she was in a better state of mind- sounded clingy. Her hands were at the zipper on the front of her corset, she had paused to lick her lips again, then pulled the zipper down, exposing her chest to Nico before that article of clothing was tossed aside. "I've never felt anything ....like what I feel for you.... You own me in ways no.... one else can ever claim to... You're the only one... I want. I'd willingly do.... anything you asked..... I want all of you.... The good, the bad, the shit ...no one else is allowed to see." She whimpered out wantonly. "I don't care... how far down... the rabbit hole goes... I'm following you... I couldn't stand to leave your side again." She murmured. If he wanted devotion, he had it in full.

Her eyes shut tight for a moment, her body trembling and shuddering as she moaned and whimpered. She was only getting more turned on as they went. "I need you so fucking badly. You can be as rough as you want- I need it." She spoke silkenly. She could handle a two story drop, cigarette burns, nights of pain intense enough to make it hard to sleep, the pain of removing a shard of glass. Bring it on. "I need you, Nicoli." Sasha cried out softly. Her eyes were glazed over with lust as she looked up at him, panting and moaning, desperate for anything and everything he had to give.
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There was no absence of smugness as Sasha struggled to speak. He went no slower or faster, keeping a firm grip around each leg. After hearing how much she missed him, his lips twitched into a crooked smile. A sigh of content followed as he tilted his head back for just a moment, getting lost in the blissful heat that was embracing him. These feelings only Sasha could give him were already an addiction for him. He would take as much as he could get, then suffer through the withdrawals until he could have another fix. She just made him feel so amazing, physically and emotionally.

Nicoli straightened his neck again, bringing forth an eyeful of his beloved's bare chest. The very sight of this made his blood rush even quicker, his left hand straying from her thigh so he could caress her chest. All five fingers closed around her breast, keeping the pressure light since she was talking again. She was telling him a lot more than he was expecting. Nico was fond of each word she managed to moan and whimper for him, though. Adoration had successfully melted the ice of his stare, locking onto the gorgeous woman below him.

The hand on her chest then squeezed tighter, before letting go. "We can be together as much as you want, baby." Nicoli took a strong hold of her hips and put more power to his thrusts. His breathing became more rapid, interrupting his words here and there: "Just say the word. Any time, any place." His voice was dripping with saccharine, his hips grinding against hers while he himself as deep as he could. "You're mine to protect," Nico pulled back slowly, almost completely withdrawing, then slammed forward, sliding in as far as he could go. "To love," he did it again, only a little bit faster; harder. "To fuck." He made a low moan and pulled back, only to ram back into her with far more speed and strength than before.

At this point, he was too consumed in his lust for her to speak anymore. It felt as though he just unlocked the cage to his inner savage, bringing forth a renewed energy that could be felt in his rougher moving hips. His hands jumped from her hips to hook under her knees, allowing him to force her legs farther apart and hold them in place. He would give her everything she needed and wanted.
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Sasha was getting lost in the haze of her need at this point, his hand on her breast, his hips against hers... his body left a mark on her, unseen, but definitely there, felt as an aching need for later. Her eyes were watching him, mouth parted as she continued to pant and moan softly.

His words excited her further, and then that first change to his thrusts had her jolting against him. "F-fuck, Nico." She whimpered out, And then he was speaking again. She was whimpering with every move he made, and was working hard to listen to him, one eye managing to focus on him as his hips slammed against hers. She was completely fine with the claim he was laying to her, and in fact it was something she was pleased to hear. By the time he was done talking, she was trembling on his desk, crying out for more as his hold on her changed and she was getting exactly what she wanted. She was eager for it, for him.

She was a grab-bag of moans and speech that consisted mostly of swears and Nico's name at that point. She was probably going to be feeling this tomorrow- and she couldn't bother to care. She was too lost to his motions. "Nico!" She mewled out, her voice going into a higher pitch, her hips were were twitching and trembling against him desperately, "F....Ffffff....Fuck.... " She murmured lowly, trying to keep a hold of her senses while his body made her acutely aware of just how well they fit together. He felt amazing to her, every thrust was pushing her to the edge. "N-Nico... I...I...." Her voice was trembling with need as she looked up at him. "Please.... Don't stop..." Her tone was desperate, pleading.

She had never felt so needing- she had never even felt this extent of pleasure before. Her eyes struggled to focus on Nico, too lost in the movements- too lost in what he was doing to her. Her body was writhing against him as much as she could manage, anything to further the impact, deepen his strikes, let him get further inside. It was obvious to her at that point that this was a much more serious relationship than she had ever been in, which would be punctuated with her next words: "I'd... I would... willing... walk into hell with you.... like it ... was a walk... in the park. The devil.... himself would.... have to struggle... to pry you...r soul and...heart... from my.... cold dead hands." Morbid, but got the point across. She was still getting used to this, this feeling she got around him, only deepened by acts like this, and tests of their relationship.

Her body was now constantly moving, writhing on his desk as she struggled to hold out for just a little bit longer. At this point, she was now positive that she'd definitely be feeling this tomorrow, and she still couldn't manage to give a damn. It felt too damned good right now.
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