Other world.

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"Alex. I new that." The girl said with a smile. "Are you thinking of some thing? What as it?" She asked as she was a more hyper then the last time they meet.
Alex looked a little confused. "What do you mean thinking of the same thing?" She asked quietly.
"So, you were in deep thought. I did not say same thing. I said something." The girl smiled at Alex. "So, what is on your mind?"
Alex paused. Yeah... She really needed to pay attention. "Just thinking about why I was dragged here." She shrugged slightly.
"Oh. Well I had a hand in that." She said as she walked closer to her. "And in all truth. Me and the other two are the reason that Sam is here as well."
"But Sam's apparently been here before... Why am I here?" Alex frowned slightly.
"I know. I have read the bio of the old folders. And for you. You will be the strongest one here when you can full unlock your powers." She said with a smile.
Alex paused. "Powers? What are you talking about?" She asked, still frowning.
"You will see when it come to you." The girl said as she skipped away.

Sam walked pass the skipping girl. He looked at Alex and walk to her. "Hello."
"But wait-" Alex sighed as the girl skipped away. She jumped slightly as Sam came up. "Oh, hey." She smiled faintly.
Sam smiled at Alex. "So, what are you up too?" He asked as he looked around as the girl that left.
"Just wandering." Alex shrugged. "What about you?" She uncrossed her arms and stuck her hands in her pockets.
Sam though for a second. "A why to go back home. He shut off the gate. Well there is still that door. Maybe." He said as he looked at Alex. "So, what are you think of?" He asked as he looked around the hall they where in.
Alex hesitated, but figured Sam might give her more information than the strange girl. "Just trying to figure out why I'm here." She said with a shrug, glancing behind her. She wondered how far she was from her room. She remembered how many steps, but how long had she been gone?
Sam looked at Alex. "Well, this is what I know. They look at you power level, how light you are, And if they can use you. The last one is why I am a freelancer. But, after that. No, I do not know why you are here. I am sorry." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Still trying to get use to the place?"
Alex sighed. She'd have to find that girl again... She seemed to know a lot more. "Yeah... It's kinda confusing." Alex said as she reached out, gently touching a wall.
"Hay. Well, all are here to fight the evil. And right now, you are some one that can help others to do so. I know that you what to know more. But...." Sam stopped for a second. "We need to got to my room now." He said as he grabbed Alex hand softly.
Alex flinched when he took her hand, remembering last time with the fake Sam, but she nodded. "Why?" She asked, ready to follow him.
"There is something wrong." Sam said as he looked at Alex. He then pick her up and ran even faster then before. A few minutes later, they got to Sam's room and he put her down. "Sorry about that." He said as he open the door.
Alex tensed as he picked her up, but he just set her down outside his room. She only relaxed slightly, looking around the walls. She was confused, but silent for now.
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