- Posting Speed
- Speed of Light
- Multiple posts per day
- Writing Levels
- Advanced
- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Female
- Genres
- Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
Worlds, kingdoms, countries, or empires that are involved with the story (must be more than three):
Civilizations and cultures (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.):
Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.):
Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.):
How would this fit into the story of Evrensel Conflict?:
Name: Guerra Continua
Summary: This universe is indeed an alternate one to ours. There's an earth, and like in many great sci-fi stories, we went to the stars, found aliens, and created a major empire... That didn't go far though. Our reach went to a very small section of the universe. Why is that? War of course.
It's believed the conflict began 300 years ago, when Earth made it's fourth colony. See, it's the classic revolution story: The fourth colony had found a unique resource on that planet called, 'Olverian.' It's a plant like substance that, when converted into liquid, could be used as a new type of fuel; making ships faster and travel longer. With this, humanity could go even further out into space. Problem was, the fourth colony wasn't happy since they were feeling mistreated. No money was being given back for producing the oil, and much of the planet's ecology like it's plants, animals, and even oceans were all poisonous to humans, and even created viruses that infected the populace.
While earth tried to supply as much food, water, and medicine as it could, the colony was beginning to riot. They were starving and quarantined, and couldn't leave the planet since many of the earth's ships began running on Olverian. The land they owed wasn't their own, they were sick, they were hungry, they were worked nonstop, they felt embarrassed by how Earth was treating them, and they were trapped. However, one man was willing to call for revolution. Ivan Tropski. He was a retired admiral of Earth's space navy, and was a former governor of the colony. Once the riots began, he quickly joined up as the leader of the revolts, believing both the land belonged to the colony, and that the colony should be treated as a colony, rather than a mining facility.
This uproar of people angered by how they were being treated by Earth quickly went violent, as earth began using force to stop the riots. In actuality, Earth was doing everything it could to help keep the colony alive, but thanks to propaganda by Tropski and other supporters, people were convinced Earth didn't care about them. To make things short, the colony quickly became a resistance, fighting in gorilla warfare against the Earth's military. And since the colonists knew the planet's terrain better, they were able to send the military off planet, but were embargoed by the ships orbiting the planet, hoping to starve the colony into submission. A deal was made by the colony to supply Olverian to Earth as long as it was seen as it's own country, and they agreed to it. Tropski was now considered a hero, and his ideals of what the colony should be quickly made word to all of humanity. Tropskism was created, and in to sum it up: It was like Communism. "all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." This was what Tropskism was, the colony owned the land of the planet, and wanted it for itself.
This ideology soon spread across all the colonized planets, and the third colony even revolted against Earth as well. To simplify everything even more, both the fourth and third planets were independent, the second still supported earth, but barely as Tropskism was also becoming a problem, and the first was actually bombarded by the navy, since they were also close to conforming to Tropskism themselves, and had the biggest military force out of the colonies, and earth was afraid of an invasion by them. The accounts of how the bombardment happened differ, Earth saying the colony fired upon them, while the colonies believe they simply wanted to kill the rioters.
The deaths of hundreds of thousands of colonists only made things worse with Earth and her former colonies. It got even more worse when the colonies went to war with each other. When Tropski died, others tried to go in his place, and the ideals of the colonies quickly were shifted to match that of its new leaders. None of whom lasted long, since there was a coup almost every 3-4 years. With this struggle of power, the colonies went to war with each other, and earth simply stayed back and tried not to interfere in fear of losing Olverian. The third attacked first, as the fourth was still suffering from famine and nearly out of food, as they still relied on the other colony for food and the planet was now dying from two hundred years of harvesting the planet, and soon all out war began. This conflict ended with the third winning, and there was unification between the colonies. A new leader was appointed seven years ago, Cassandra Duiji, and she is comparable to Stalin. The atrocities made by her were so unhuman, that Earth finally stepped in and tried to stop her. But with the Olverian trade stopped, Earth didn't last long; soon calling for peace.
But it doesn't end there. Remember when I said humans did meet aliens in this universe? Well, while they stayed back and let these human wars go on, they eventually also involved themselves in fear things for all the galactic empires would be worse with Tropskism influence spreading across the galaxy. Soon, the colonies went to war with different alien races, and earth even stepped back in once it was supplied with another resource it could use to travel through space.
If all of this seems really confusing, it was. This whole situation became complicated fast, and got even more deadly, as more wars began, and the conflict spread to even more empires not involved with Earth. Basically, Tropski set off a domino effect where by his actions.
Worlds that are involved with the story:
Olvania: The two colony planets merged into one major empire after they forced Earth's military out of their planetary orbits; calling themselves, 'Olvania' for ironic reasons. On one planet, the third colony, you have a giant city within it's center. The planet is mainly covered in major or small lakes, no oceans. In the middle there are large fields of green grass, while to the north are more forest areas with more animal life, and to the south are mountains.
The city itself self at first seems peaceful and full of life. People seem very patriotic about Olvania, and their moral for the war is high. The culture is rich, the economy booming, it all seems pretty nice. However, if you are tagged as an Earth supporter or happen to speak badly about the government, expect you to be on a list. I think you know where I'm going with this.
The other planet, the fourth colony, is not as cheery. The planet has three continents with oceans, red plant life and orange sky that turns purple at night, but the cities are... More depressing. Civilian life is one of routine. Men get ready to work in factories made to create the Olverian oil, while women work weapon factories. Children are not allowed on the planet, and any born are brought to the third colony. Whether they return to the fourth colony is up the third. Skies over the cities are covered in smoke, and everything is bogged down and dirty. Sanitary is almost non-existent here.
1st Colony: Ah, the first colony. The prime example of hatred between the colonies and Earth. To look at the city as it is, would be like looking at Dark Souls. The city is nothing but dust, ash, and even smoke that has blocked out the sky. from within the city. It's a depressing city, one that shows an omen of what was to come in the galaxy. Buildings have crumbled, and any landmarks destroyed by the ships in space firing down upon on the rioting city, and decayed by time. Bodies have turned to skeletons slowly eroding, and the only people who remain are pirates or bandits looking for a hideout.
Siva: The second human colony, AKA, Siva. This planet has one major continent, similar to that of Pangea. To the south are forests and fields, with the costs made of beaches. The north is nothing but one big giant desert, with swamps and oasis's spread out randomly through the region that are rare to find. The costs are nothing but giant hills that have major drops down to the water that are 10 to 50 miles high.
The cities are only two big one: Siva City, and La Genoa. Siva City is comparable to New York, and La Genoa is Los Angeles. Both are giant cities with tons of life and culture, but unlike Olvania, there isn't high moral. The cities have given up much of its youth for the war effort, and with many of them dying and losing battles in the war, fear has taken over what is usually fun and love.
Civilizations (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.): It mainly has Earth and Olvania, the two colony planets that banded together to fight off earth. The history is above, but it's culture and military are based of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death.
Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.): Guerra has nothing but humans.
Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.): Alec Duggan, a kind and caring guy who's a bit of a dude-bro. And Cassandra Van Duiji, a Stalin like leader of Olvania.
How would this fit into the story of Aces Conflict?: It's my creation.
Worlds, kingdoms, countries, or empires that are involved with the story (must be more than three):
Civilizations and cultures (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.):
Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.):
Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.):
How would this fit into the story of Evrensel Conflict?:
Name: Guerra Continua
Summary: This universe is indeed an alternate one to ours. There's an earth, and like in many great sci-fi stories, we went to the stars, found aliens, and created a major empire... That didn't go far though. Our reach went to a very small section of the universe. Why is that? War of course.
It's believed the conflict began 300 years ago, when Earth made it's fourth colony. See, it's the classic revolution story: The fourth colony had found a unique resource on that planet called, 'Olverian.' It's a plant like substance that, when converted into liquid, could be used as a new type of fuel; making ships faster and travel longer. With this, humanity could go even further out into space. Problem was, the fourth colony wasn't happy since they were feeling mistreated. No money was being given back for producing the oil, and much of the planet's ecology like it's plants, animals, and even oceans were all poisonous to humans, and even created viruses that infected the populace.
While earth tried to supply as much food, water, and medicine as it could, the colony was beginning to riot. They were starving and quarantined, and couldn't leave the planet since many of the earth's ships began running on Olverian. The land they owed wasn't their own, they were sick, they were hungry, they were worked nonstop, they felt embarrassed by how Earth was treating them, and they were trapped. However, one man was willing to call for revolution. Ivan Tropski. He was a retired admiral of Earth's space navy, and was a former governor of the colony. Once the riots began, he quickly joined up as the leader of the revolts, believing both the land belonged to the colony, and that the colony should be treated as a colony, rather than a mining facility.
This uproar of people angered by how they were being treated by Earth quickly went violent, as earth began using force to stop the riots. In actuality, Earth was doing everything it could to help keep the colony alive, but thanks to propaganda by Tropski and other supporters, people were convinced Earth didn't care about them. To make things short, the colony quickly became a resistance, fighting in gorilla warfare against the Earth's military. And since the colonists knew the planet's terrain better, they were able to send the military off planet, but were embargoed by the ships orbiting the planet, hoping to starve the colony into submission. A deal was made by the colony to supply Olverian to Earth as long as it was seen as it's own country, and they agreed to it. Tropski was now considered a hero, and his ideals of what the colony should be quickly made word to all of humanity. Tropskism was created, and in to sum it up: It was like Communism. "all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." This was what Tropskism was, the colony owned the land of the planet, and wanted it for itself.
This ideology soon spread across all the colonized planets, and the third colony even revolted against Earth as well. To simplify everything even more, both the fourth and third planets were independent, the second still supported earth, but barely as Tropskism was also becoming a problem, and the first was actually bombarded by the navy, since they were also close to conforming to Tropskism themselves, and had the biggest military force out of the colonies, and earth was afraid of an invasion by them. The accounts of how the bombardment happened differ, Earth saying the colony fired upon them, while the colonies believe they simply wanted to kill the rioters.
The deaths of hundreds of thousands of colonists only made things worse with Earth and her former colonies. It got even more worse when the colonies went to war with each other. When Tropski died, others tried to go in his place, and the ideals of the colonies quickly were shifted to match that of its new leaders. None of whom lasted long, since there was a coup almost every 3-4 years. With this struggle of power, the colonies went to war with each other, and earth simply stayed back and tried not to interfere in fear of losing Olverian. The third attacked first, as the fourth was still suffering from famine and nearly out of food, as they still relied on the other colony for food and the planet was now dying from two hundred years of harvesting the planet, and soon all out war began. This conflict ended with the third winning, and there was unification between the colonies. A new leader was appointed seven years ago, Cassandra Duiji, and she is comparable to Stalin. The atrocities made by her were so unhuman, that Earth finally stepped in and tried to stop her. But with the Olverian trade stopped, Earth didn't last long; soon calling for peace.
But it doesn't end there. Remember when I said humans did meet aliens in this universe? Well, while they stayed back and let these human wars go on, they eventually also involved themselves in fear things for all the galactic empires would be worse with Tropskism influence spreading across the galaxy. Soon, the colonies went to war with different alien races, and earth even stepped back in once it was supplied with another resource it could use to travel through space.
If all of this seems really confusing, it was. This whole situation became complicated fast, and got even more deadly, as more wars began, and the conflict spread to even more empires not involved with Earth. Basically, Tropski set off a domino effect where by his actions.
Worlds that are involved with the story:
Olvania: The two colony planets merged into one major empire after they forced Earth's military out of their planetary orbits; calling themselves, 'Olvania' for ironic reasons. On one planet, the third colony, you have a giant city within it's center. The planet is mainly covered in major or small lakes, no oceans. In the middle there are large fields of green grass, while to the north are more forest areas with more animal life, and to the south are mountains.
The city itself self at first seems peaceful and full of life. People seem very patriotic about Olvania, and their moral for the war is high. The culture is rich, the economy booming, it all seems pretty nice. However, if you are tagged as an Earth supporter or happen to speak badly about the government, expect you to be on a list. I think you know where I'm going with this.
The other planet, the fourth colony, is not as cheery. The planet has three continents with oceans, red plant life and orange sky that turns purple at night, but the cities are... More depressing. Civilian life is one of routine. Men get ready to work in factories made to create the Olverian oil, while women work weapon factories. Children are not allowed on the planet, and any born are brought to the third colony. Whether they return to the fourth colony is up the third. Skies over the cities are covered in smoke, and everything is bogged down and dirty. Sanitary is almost non-existent here.
1st Colony: Ah, the first colony. The prime example of hatred between the colonies and Earth. To look at the city as it is, would be like looking at Dark Souls. The city is nothing but dust, ash, and even smoke that has blocked out the sky. from within the city. It's a depressing city, one that shows an omen of what was to come in the galaxy. Buildings have crumbled, and any landmarks destroyed by the ships in space firing down upon on the rioting city, and decayed by time. Bodies have turned to skeletons slowly eroding, and the only people who remain are pirates or bandits looking for a hideout.
Siva: The second human colony, AKA, Siva. This planet has one major continent, similar to that of Pangea. To the south are forests and fields, with the costs made of beaches. The north is nothing but one big giant desert, with swamps and oasis's spread out randomly through the region that are rare to find. The costs are nothing but giant hills that have major drops down to the water that are 10 to 50 miles high.
The cities are only two big one: Siva City, and La Genoa. Siva City is comparable to New York, and La Genoa is Los Angeles. Both are giant cities with tons of life and culture, but unlike Olvania, there isn't high moral. The cities have given up much of its youth for the war effort, and with many of them dying and losing battles in the war, fear has taken over what is usually fun and love.
Civilizations (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.): It mainly has Earth and Olvania, the two colony planets that banded together to fight off earth. The history is above, but it's culture and military are based of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death.
Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.): Guerra has nothing but humans.
Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.): Alec Duggan, a kind and caring guy who's a bit of a dude-bro. And Cassandra Van Duiji, a Stalin like leader of Olvania.
How would this fit into the story of Aces Conflict?: It's my creation.