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Wade Von Doom

I'm like DB Cooper
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Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.


Worlds, kingdoms, countries, or empires that are involved with the story (must be more than three):

Civilizations and cultures (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.):

Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.):

Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.):

How would this fit into the story of Evrensel Conflict?:


Name: Guerra Continua

Summary: This universe is indeed an alternate one to ours. There's an earth, and like in many great sci-fi stories, we went to the stars, found aliens, and created a major empire... That didn't go far though. Our reach went to a very small section of the universe. Why is that? War of course.

It's believed the conflict began 300 years ago, when Earth made it's fourth colony. See, it's the classic revolution story: The fourth colony had found a unique resource on that planet called, 'Olverian.' It's a plant like substance that, when converted into liquid, could be used as a new type of fuel; making ships faster and travel longer. With this, humanity could go even further out into space. Problem was, the fourth colony wasn't happy since they were feeling mistreated. No money was being given back for producing the oil, and much of the planet's ecology like it's plants, animals, and even oceans were all poisonous to humans, and even created viruses that infected the populace.

While earth tried to supply as much food, water, and medicine as it could, the colony was beginning to riot. They were starving and quarantined, and couldn't leave the planet since many of the earth's ships began running on Olverian. The land they owed wasn't their own, they were sick, they were hungry, they were worked nonstop, they felt embarrassed by how Earth was treating them, and they were trapped. However, one man was willing to call for revolution. Ivan Tropski. He was a retired admiral of Earth's space navy, and was a former governor of the colony. Once the riots began, he quickly joined up as the leader of the revolts, believing both the land belonged to the colony, and that the colony should be treated as a colony, rather than a mining facility.

This uproar of people angered by how they were being treated by Earth quickly went violent, as earth began using force to stop the riots. In actuality, Earth was doing everything it could to help keep the colony alive, but thanks to propaganda by Tropski and other supporters, people were convinced Earth didn't care about them. To make things short, the colony quickly became a resistance, fighting in gorilla warfare against the Earth's military. And since the colonists knew the planet's terrain better, they were able to send the military off planet, but were embargoed by the ships orbiting the planet, hoping to starve the colony into submission. A deal was made by the colony to supply Olverian to Earth as long as it was seen as it's own country, and they agreed to it. Tropski was now considered a hero, and his ideals of what the colony should be quickly made word to all of humanity. Tropskism was created, and in to sum it up: It was like Communism. "all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." This was what Tropskism was, the colony owned the land of the planet, and wanted it for itself.

This ideology soon spread across all the colonized planets, and the third colony even revolted against Earth as well. To simplify everything even more, both the fourth and third planets were independent, the second still supported earth, but barely as Tropskism was also becoming a problem, and the first was actually bombarded by the navy, since they were also close to conforming to Tropskism themselves, and had the biggest military force out of the colonies, and earth was afraid of an invasion by them. The accounts of how the bombardment happened differ, Earth saying the colony fired upon them, while the colonies believe they simply wanted to kill the rioters.

The deaths of hundreds of thousands of colonists only made things worse with Earth and her former colonies. It got even more worse when the colonies went to war with each other. When Tropski died, others tried to go in his place, and the ideals of the colonies quickly were shifted to match that of its new leaders. None of whom lasted long, since there was a coup almost every 3-4 years. With this struggle of power, the colonies went to war with each other, and earth simply stayed back and tried not to interfere in fear of losing Olverian. The third attacked first, as the fourth was still suffering from famine and nearly out of food, as they still relied on the other colony for food and the planet was now dying from two hundred years of harvesting the planet, and soon all out war began. This conflict ended with the third winning, and there was unification between the colonies. A new leader was appointed seven years ago, Cassandra Duiji, and she is comparable to Stalin. The atrocities made by her were so unhuman, that Earth finally stepped in and tried to stop her. But with the Olverian trade stopped, Earth didn't last long; soon calling for peace.

But it doesn't end there. Remember when I said humans did meet aliens in this universe? Well, while they stayed back and let these human wars go on, they eventually also involved themselves in fear things for all the galactic empires would be worse with Tropskism influence spreading across the galaxy. Soon, the colonies went to war with different alien races, and earth even stepped back in once it was supplied with another resource it could use to travel through space.

If all of this seems really confusing, it was. This whole situation became complicated fast, and got even more deadly, as more wars began, and the conflict spread to even more empires not involved with Earth. Basically, Tropski set off a domino effect where by his actions.

Worlds that are involved with the story:
Olvania: The two colony planets merged into one major empire after they forced Earth's military out of their planetary orbits; calling themselves, 'Olvania' for ironic reasons. On one planet, the third colony, you have a giant city within it's center. The planet is mainly covered in major or small lakes, no oceans. In the middle there are large fields of green grass, while to the north are more forest areas with more animal life, and to the south are mountains.

The city itself self at first seems peaceful and full of life. People seem very patriotic about Olvania, and their moral for the war is high. The culture is rich, the economy booming, it all seems pretty nice. However, if you are tagged as an Earth supporter or happen to speak badly about the government, expect you to be on a list. I think you know where I'm going with this.

The other planet, the fourth colony, is not as cheery. The planet has three continents with oceans, red plant life and orange sky that turns purple at night, but the cities are... More depressing. Civilian life is one of routine. Men get ready to work in factories made to create the Olverian oil, while women work weapon factories. Children are not allowed on the planet, and any born are brought to the third colony. Whether they return to the fourth colony is up the third. Skies over the cities are covered in smoke, and everything is bogged down and dirty. Sanitary is almost non-existent here.

1st Colony: Ah, the first colony. The prime example of hatred between the colonies and Earth. To look at the city as it is, would be like looking at Dark Souls. The city is nothing but dust, ash, and even smoke that has blocked out the sky. from within the city. It's a depressing city, one that shows an omen of what was to come in the galaxy. Buildings have crumbled, and any landmarks destroyed by the ships in space firing down upon on the rioting city, and decayed by time. Bodies have turned to skeletons slowly eroding, and the only people who remain are pirates or bandits looking for a hideout.

Siva: The second human colony, AKA, Siva. This planet has one major continent, similar to that of Pangea. To the south are forests and fields, with the costs made of beaches. The north is nothing but one big giant desert, with swamps and oasis's spread out randomly through the region that are rare to find. The costs are nothing but giant hills that have major drops down to the water that are 10 to 50 miles high.

The cities are only two big one: Siva City, and La Genoa. Siva City is comparable to New York, and La Genoa is Los Angeles. Both are giant cities with tons of life and culture, but unlike Olvania, there isn't high moral. The cities have given up much of its youth for the war effort, and with many of them dying and losing battles in the war, fear has taken over what is usually fun and love.

Civilizations (Include history, military background, unique cultural differences, and whatever else.): It mainly has Earth and Olvania, the two colony planets that banded together to fight off earth. The history is above, but it's culture and military are based of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death.
Species (this includes their average appearance, history of their race, what world they originate from which doesn't need to be a planet you listed above, if they have any sort of special abilities or powers.): Guerra has nothing but humans.

Main Characters (What characters are involved in your story? Must have two, protagonist and antagonist.): Alec Duggan, a kind and caring guy who's a bit of a dude-bro. And Cassandra Van Duiji, a Stalin like leader of Olvania.

How would this fit into the story of Aces Conflict?: It's my creation.​

Name: Teorfinis Fructus


From the beginning, and even before then, three omnipotent beings existed. They didn't have names, they didn't have faces, they merely existed. With their power, they simply opened windows to other universes outside their control and observed to pass the eons. Eventually, they unanimously agreed that their own barren reality they had absolute control over was boring, and thus, decided to create an universe of their own. Fill it with life of their own creation, and see how said life would grow and evolve. That said, they knew it would be important for them to be recognizable should they need to intervene. So they sculpted a proper body for each other and exchanged names, further establishing their sense of equality. Erein, Agrivi and Omare.

From their Realm of Creation, Teorfinis, they gave shape to three other realms. The Realm of Life, Ormin, where their actual universe and its life would reside. The Realm of Death, Walgar, where the souls of the mortals who left Ormin would reside and rest for eternity. And the Realm of the Damned, Tagneus, a barren wasteland where evil souls and cursed creations suffer endlessly.

The Realms were done, but they were lifeless, so life seeds began to spread across Ormin. While also creating five immensely powerful lifeforms themselves, prepared to be tasked to put order in the three realms below. As for the rest of life however, most of the time they stayed as unicellular beings, perhaps going a step or three in the evolution ladder before stagnating. Only three planets evolved life to the point of sentience. Terupa, Aus and Mikirith.

Terupa was a complete disaster, there was only one sentient species, and yet, they found the smallest of reasons to argue and start wars. While they were by far the most technologically advanced, yet they only ever collaborated to stab each other in the back at the closest opportunity. They ended up completely destroying all life on Terupa in a chemical war.

Aus was a more peaceful version of Terupa. They had three sentient species, and while they had one terrible war, they recovered from it. Out of the three planets, the people of Aus were the least caring for their creators. Ignoring their calls and forgetting their names with time. The Gods respected that, and they let them be for the most part.

Mikirith was by far the most fascinating to Treuhs, The Omnipotent Trio. It was teeming with multiple sentient species, capable of evolving on their own lifetimes, and using the little knowledge the Gods left for the inhabitants of Ormin, they evolved further and invented magic, they discovered the truth of the Four Realms and had feats that simply had the Gods quite entertained.


A staple of Mikirith's combat. Spells are categorized in natures that range from the regular such as Fire, Water, Light and Darkness to more peculiar ones such as Space-time, Animal, Demonic and Death. Some spells have common variants that gauge their effectiveness and power going from Minor, the regular spell, Grand and Superior. Magic natures can be combined, but such spells will be classified under the dominant nature, and are always split in ten fractions, of which there can be only one nature with the most spell fractions. People that are magically gifted tend to have an affinity towards one nature, which they'll be more inclined to learn faster.

Full spell nature list, a somewhat scientific overview of it, and a potential starting point:

- Earth: Control of solids. Rock hurls.

- Air: Control over atmospheric particles. Wind currents.

- Fire: Conversion of prana into heat. Heat waves.

- Water: Liquid manipulation. Water spurts.

- Lightning: Electromagnetic control. Sparks.

- Light: Conversion of prana into weaponized photons. Illuminating the surroundings.

- Darkness: Infusion of prana in light absence. Shadow form changes.

- Angelic: Neutralizing flows of energy with one's prana. Drive a nightmare away from someone.

- Demonic: Disrupting the prana flow to achieve an effect. Provoke disproportionate rage on someone.

- Animal: Using prana to connect oneself with the animal kingdom. Temporary claws or fangs.

- Nature: Using prana to connect oneself with the plants. Vine whips.

- Space-time: Prana fueled connection to the fabric of time and space. Hasten someone's perception of time.

- Life: Prana guided flow of Ormin's thriving life energy. Healing minor wounds.

- Death: Prana connections with Walgar or Tagneus' grim force on death. Life force drain.

- Inner Channeling: Raw prana manipulation through the body or its immediate surroundings. Prana enhanced physical strikes.

- Outer Channeling: Prana manipulation on foreign elements that do not qualify as any other nature. Alchemy.

Mages tend to follow a known pattern, and therefore, a name for their spells. But should they come across a new way of applying magic, their brains will instantly look for a fitting name for their discovered spell. There are three ways of casting spells. Pure, hybrid, and chant. Pure casting is simply making the spell work instantly, hybrid casting needs the name of the spell or at least a gesture of sorts, while chant casting requires a chant for the spell to be used. Magic users usually compare each other by telling each other their "TMN", two magic numbers. Their strongest spell level, and their highest pure casting level. Their nature is also sometimes considered.

There are less common variants that are mostly better than the regular form of the spell and are generally achieved by combining a spell with a skill. Magic is ranked in levels, gauging how difficult a spell is to learn and how strong or effective it is. 1 is something most beings in Mikirith could manage with some effort. 2-3 require hard work and prana to spare if wanted to be used consistently by average beings. 4-6 require extensive effort and affinity with the magic category used, this is territory of people trained in magic, such as clerics, warlocks and druids. 7-9 is where only exceptional magic users stand, a lifetime of training sometimes is not enough for a person to master a spell of these levels, let alone the fact prana consumption is extremely high at this point, so even if learned, they can be extremely exhausting. 10 is legendary territory, knowledge of this level of magic is extremely rare, let alone seen. There is an exception to this. Skills can raise the level of a spell up to 5 levels or lower it 3 levels, without increasing or decreasing the casting complexity. So regular spells can go up to level 15. This is, for standard magic.

Transcended magic is something mostly wielded by Ritual evolved creatures. It boosts the magic power of spells with affinity to the user by 10 levels, while reducing the cost of prana and casting difficulties. Finally, there's the rumor of something known as Teorfinic Magic. Simply put, a glimpse into the power of Treuhs or their children. It is not really known how powerful or how far are mortals from reaching it. Infinity is not possible to achieve, after all. At least for a mortal. That said, what little knowledge there is on Teorfinic magic leaves a lot to theory and speculation.


Unlike pure magic, skills can't quite be blocked, as they are more bodily functions enhanced by magic, rather than pure magic. Harder to deal with, but harder to come by. Occasionally some are acquired through evolution. They can also be inherited, absorbed, or even learned (though it is way more difficult than regular magic). These can also evolve under the right circumstances.

Worlds, kingdoms, countries, or empires that are involved with the story:

- Mikirith: A quite vast planet, roughly the size of Earth, held stable by a crystalline core which evolved magical properties just like the living beings on the surface. It has two satellites, a large cyan moon dubbed Teeris that orbits the planet regularly and gives light at night, and a smaller blood red moon known as Pandat which seems to be fixated on the North Pole of Mikirith.

Overall, Mikirith is a very standard medieval-esque world, with the particular addition of magic to enhance lifestyle. The big cities are few and far between, they are fortified, people mostly hunt, gather or have small crops outside of them, and so on. It has fourteen main territories:

- Ipjan Kingdom

- Theocracy of Zassugash

- Barrizora Kingdom

- Island of Par'adis

- Khuruash Kingdom

- Kandaindoria's Territory

- Gargaron Empire

- Theocracy of Blokkafsos

- Lengikland Kingdom

- Sirdhem Republic

- Aramaj Kingdom

- Klashaqoh Free Territory

- Darchrara Kingdom

- Bauir Confederation

Civilizations and cultures:

- Ipjan Kingdom: The mining haven. Ipjan's complex and vast mountains are filled with minerals with plenty of uses. While there are towns at lower altitudes, Ipjanis prefer their towns to be in the mountains, near their income sources, and well protected by their environment. Their capital is Orsbakvik, and their leader is Queen Eva Rogbard.

- Theocracy of Zassugash: The birthplace of Teorfinism, the belief in the dwellers of that realm and their supreme authority over creation. The most widespread religion in Mikirith. Zassugashians are good hearted folk. They don't conspire or make elaborate witch hunts. They simply act as best as they can to show their creators that they did good in making them. Any decent Teorfinist would follow that as well, but the people of Zassugash are the best example, which explains why most of the good hearted Saints hail from here. The capital is Tri'inis, and their leader is Bishop Riviel Anakim.

- Barrizora Kingdom: The desert land. Scorching sands during the day, freezing winds during the night. Cities in Barrizora are few and far between, so the bulk of the population is nomadic and relies on sheer survival skill and an occasional oasis. The capital, Sahdaq, is one of three big cities in the whole kingdom. Alaya Hannum is their queen.

- Island of Par'adis: A mysterious land. Not much is known about it by the public, other than its ruler. Its population consists mostly of dragniars and dragons, who feed on the crystals of energy carved from Mount Perevus, on which they have carved their homes as well. The tallest mountain in Mikirith, standing at 9733 meters. At the very top, is the roost of Rezoth, Par'adis' ruler and guardian. Par'adis is a land of power, the stronger you are, the higher you are allowed to live. There are a couple of regular settlements near the shores, from where dragniars run relationships with other territories.

- Khuruash Kingdom: The Kingdom of magic. Of a very multicultural nature, as plenty of people gather from around Mikirith, or are gathered by talent scouts, to learn of and improve magic as a whole. It has the single most prestigious magic academy in the world. The Magic Academy of Uruk (MAOU). MAOU also doubles as a military academy, as while there are several aspects of magic students can focus on, they do have a military magic branch and everyone is taught some degree of combat magic. Despite its label as a kingdom, Monarchy rule has been set aside and replaced by a council of mages, which make the choices of the country as a group. Its capital is Uruk and its leader figure is Grand Sorcerer Cadmus Cadai.

- Kandaindoria's Territory: An island between the two main continents where the Earth Titan resides. While not necessarily protected by Kandaindoria, as he just does as he wants, some people have established themselves there. As most people know better than to mess with a Domerus. In exchange for letting them live with him, they give him offerings every so often, and named their settlement Kandain.

- Gargaron Empire: Once the first three Dread Lords were born, thousands of years ago. One of them decided he wasn't really interested in interacting with the rest of the world. They bored him. He made his way to the Southern Continent with his following, going past the countless terrifying creatures living there, having a much more terrifying aura backing him up. In a flatland near the South Pole, he built an immense fortress, Garonnis, for him and his people. This Dread Lord, Garon Trimulti, and the rest of the people in that fortress, are the sole inhabitants of Gargaron.

- Theocracy of Blokkafsos: Formerly a part of Lengikland, the founders of Blokkafsos are firm believers of Gattism, adoration for the judge of the underworld. Originally, they planned a coup d'ètat against their rulers. But not everyone agreed to it, this turned a quick skirmish for control, into a drawn out war for beliefs. In the end, they ended the war with a treaty that conceded a fraction of their territory to each part. Being the cause of such a conflict, and the reason they caused it, has made them not look very good in most other countries' eyes. Which want nothing to do with them, making them a perfect hiding spot for wanted criminals, should they want to endure the local customs that one can surely imagine from a borderline cult that idolizes death. Its capital is Zarzagattis, and it's led by Grand Priest N'Dese Maramu.

- Lengikland Kingdom: A land that gracefully recovered from a bloody war. After the treaty was signed, they focused on rebuilding their damaged cities and lands. In a short span, they were back on their feet, as a simple, yet successful nation. Their foods are the best Mikirith has to offer in almost every department. Through a recent diplomatic relationship with Aramaj, their efforts on their products were enhanced, since they are protected now. Its capital is Caless, and they are led by Prince Thomas Harlak.

- Sirdhem Republic: A republic which has prospered through questionable methods. A nation that lives off war. Soldiers are trained from an early age and sold as mercenaries to the highest bidder. This corrupt system has been working for them very well for decades, as Mikirith is no stranger to war. It's led by the M5 Council from Toubkal on the surface level, five wealthy individuals who fill their pockets even more with blood money. This is a mere front though, as the real head of the table in Sirdhem is Gognaz Hunn.

- Aramaj Kingdom: Be it coincidence, or fate, this kingdom is almost exclusively inhabited by monsors. Up until recently, they were ruled by a cruel dragon by the name of Omor. In an unexpected twist, a devourer confronted him and defeated him. Having helped many along the way, the devourer had built a following, which supported the idea of him becoming the new king of Aramaj. And so it was. Since then, Aramaj has been slowly building better relationships with other territories. They specialize in service providing. Farming, building, smithing, you name it. The capital is Alexes, and they are led by King Alexandrius.

- Klashaqoh Free Territory: A place very attuned with nature. With treetop cities amidst a natural fortress of wood. Their magic specializes in bonding and getting closer to nature, and even Teorfinis for some, though the latter is debatable for outsiders. Like Barrizorans, they are pretty self-sufficient. Their capital is Martere.

- Darchrara Kingdom: Probably the worst standing nation at the moment. They have been having a civil war at the moment. It used to be a great commerce hub for the main continents. But the assasination of their former leader through mysterious circumstances sparked a raging battle. This was all a courtesy of Valaine Jommar, and the Cardinal Shadows' quest for domination. There is no de facto leader on either side yet. And the fight for Tagul, the capital, is a constant struggle.

- Bauir Confederation: The Bauir Archipelago is a peaceful place. Inhabited by a bunch of tribes of various species who don't interact much with the outside world. They are not as closed out to the world as Paradis is, but they do enjoy not being involved in external matters.Their faith to the Four Heavenly Dragons, four fifths of the living Domerus, happened to convince Alymurh to be their protector. They don't have a direct leader, the leader of each island reunites in the allotted capital island of Cororai.

Species:As a preface, it is known quite well that in Mikirith, your body can evolve as you live. Turning you into a better version of your base species in aspects that vary from race to race. Physical prowess, magical ability, prana pool, and intelligence are the more general examples of potential upgrades after evolving, but the list is long. There are three types of evolution in Mikirith:

- Natural: Two things can occur for a being to be born evolved. Either they are a mixed breed of compatible parents' species, or they flat out got lucky. The environmental conditions and setting were just right for a more powerful member of the species to be born. Depending on the species, this may be common, or extremely rare. Humans are born evolved with regularity, while birth evolved demons are one of the rarest to see, as an example.

- Endurance: Regardless of the species, if a being trains and works their body hard enough, they will eventually evolve. This is by far the most common type of evolution. The amount of training required is proportional to the lifespan of the species.

- Ritual: The pinnacle of evolutions in Mikirith, by far the hardest and rarest to see. The being who wishes to evolve through a ritual has three options. Holy Selection, where their deeds are deemed as extremely notable to the common folk. All those thoughts are materialized in the form of Treuhs granting them the chance to evolve, beings evolved with this ritual are called Saints. Soul Reaping, is where the form in which the energy of the soul will stay with the person who killed them is exploited. Killing many beings, mostly sentient ones, as those have a lot more soul energy, will eventually crystallize the killer's heart and permanently reinforcing their soul, beings evolved with this ritual are called Dread Lords. The more Dread Lords alive at a time, the more soul energy is required for another one to appear. Finally, there's Elemental Domination, where the being must spend an extremely long time gathering elemental energy, once that's done, they must assimilate it all in their bodies in one go. If they survive the excruciating experience, they are called Domerus. There can only be one Domerus of a magical nature alive at a time.

Sentient species are split in three categories based on their evolutionary roots. In order of how many there are from least to most, they are named Mireis, Umers, and Monsors.

Umers: The most established group of species in Mikirith society wise, and the second most prevalent in terms of population. They all can have offspring with each other.

- Humans: Very much like their Earth counterparts. Varied in skin tone, complexion, eye color, hair color, and so on. Their height range is 150- 210 centimeters. A human that takes care of themselves can live healthily up to around 80 years. If a human goes through endurance evolution, they are called Eruos. Conversely, a naturally evolved human is called Magto, and if they undergo endurance evolution, they turn into Magruos. Evolved humans don't change much in appearance, though they do have the tendency of having exotic hair and eye colors. As for evolutionary changes, humans can change in a plethora of ways that change from case to case, human evolution is the most versatile out of all the species.

- Elves: Somewhat similar to humans, with a few key differences. They are more often than not slimmer, have clear colored hair and eyes (said eyes are very sharp), pointed ears, and generally look quite graceful and elegant as they move. Their height averages 180- 245 centimeters. A well cared elf can live healthily around 350 years. Endurance evolved elves are known as Erihns. Naturally evolved elves are known as Seiris, while after endurance evolution they are named Syndaris. Erihns and Seiris have longer ears, while Syndaris have even longer ears and their irises have a slight, but constant glow. Elves' evolutions boost mostly two things, their sight, and their magic affinity.

- Dwarves: Stout and gruff humanoids with legendary livers, the adult males always have rich and long beards, their skin is always lightly tanned, their eyes (which can also see with ease in the dark) and hair are either a dark brown or black. Their height averages 120-145 centimeters. A well cared dwarf can live around 160 years. Endurance evolved dwarves are called Valinns. Naturally evolved dwarves are called Austris, and after endurance evolution they become Vestris. As a rule of thumb, the more evolved a dwarf is, the taller he becomes, with Vestris being massive towers of muscle that can reach the height of an elf with ease. Additionally, Austri and Vestri eyes are either light blue or silver. Evolutions cause Dwarves to become physically stronger and improve their dexterity.

-Orcs: Green, tall, and muscular. Mostly simple minded beings who don't enjoy mentally taxing activities. Their skin can be various shades of green depending on their environment and they all have black eyes. The tallest Umers, averaging from 210-320 centimeters in height. They could live up to 130 years, but their reckless and aggressive behavior culls them and averages their max age at 45 years. Endurance evolved orcs are known as Kurrs. Naturally evolved ones are Arus, while endurance evolution makes them Argans. Two things are the norm in terms of orc evolution. More strength, and less commonly, heightened intelligence.

Monsors: The most populous bunch of species, though not as far spread as Umers. Most have a knack for magic. They can sometimes cross breed, but it's not as common as with Umer folk. They branch off into subcategories from three main ones. Beastkin, Demonic, and Angelic.

Beastkin: A blanket term for all subspecies of humanoid beasts that roam Mikirith.

- Vast as there are animals in Mikirith, Beastkin can come in plenty of shapes, sizes and mindsets. From the common sea and feline beastkin, to rare finds such as baranta (Barans), chimeric (A successful mix of two subspecies of beastkin that managed to conserve traits from both parents), or even dragon beastkin (Dragniars). Usually, beastkin endurance evolved are named Kro [animal] Kin. Aokai [animal] Kin are naturally born beastkin, and they are named Ragn [animal] Kin after their endurance evolution. Given their variety, beastkin evolution rivals human's in terms of potential versatility. They are also the only current species that can breed with other species while conserving some traits from both.


- Demons: They are by far the most common of the three demonic species, hence the name. Their skin has at least a slight red tone to it, and they tend to have black horns and tails of diverse shapes. They can live up to 500 years or so. Endurance evolution makes Kath Demons. Archdemons come from natural evolution, and Kath Archdemons are endurance evolved archdemons. Evolution makes the red tone in a demon's skin intensify or mild down, and endurance evolution specifically makes their horns white. Horns and tails tend to morph with evolution. Magical aspect enhancements, and strength and endurance increments tend to be the norm for demon evolution.

- Shadows: They are pitch black blurs of dubious shape, which becomes more defined the more evolved they are. They can live up to 60 years. Endurance evolution turns them into Nogars. Falis are naturally evolved shadows, while Per Falis is what they become if they endurance evolve after. Nogars and Falis usually are still black figures with a more defined shape, while a Per Falis can take most shapes they desire. Shapeshifting, possession, and regeneration become simpler the more evolved a shadow is. The more evolved the shadow, the more prolonged life span it has.

- Dakis: They resemble humans of fair or clearer skin, which tend to be conceived as very beautiful. Dakis feed mainly off sentient life vital force, with bodily fluids being their favorite meal due to the ease it grants to plenty of vital force. They average 300 years as a living cap. Endurance evolved dakis are Vamakis. Vampires are naturally evolved dakis, which turn to Silver Vampires if they endurance evolve. The more evolved the daki, the more beauty it irradiates. They also tend to lighten in skin tone, and their hair color intensifies. Silver vampire blood is the color their name implies. Evolution makes them more effective drainers of life force, greater hypnotists, and overall more magically adept. All dakis have wings of some sort that enable flight. Their life-draining meals could make them potentially immortal, but the longer time passses, more life force they will need to sustain themselves.


- Angels: are beings of extreme beauty and elegance. Orderly, calm, and righteous by nature. Always with light tones of hair, and white wings of some sort, mostly solid light or bird like ones. Extremely empathic and with an added sense for feeling others' emotions that enforces it. They average a height range from 190-250 centimeters. Their lifespan averages 900 years. Endurance evolved angels are denoted as Cherubims. Natural evolution gives place to Archangels, which turn to Seraphims upon endurance evolving. Upon evolving once, angels develop a halo, which is a great magic conductor. The already strong angels become stronger in every conceivable aspect with every evolution. This usually makes seraphims creatures of extreme wisdom and power, which are also known as "Light Walkers" due to their imposing, yet calming auras of light. They are not perfect beings, however. An angel which is too mentally distressed for too long can "fall". A fallen angel's wings are jet black, and if they have a halo or a visible aura, they will darken. Falling is a wildcard in terms of what it does to the angel. It could empower them, it could weaken them, it could motivate them, it could drive them to despair. The one truth about a fallen angel, is that they are not who they once were, and they will never return to their previous selves.

- Devas: Sentient bundles of magic that act on whims 99% of the time would be an accurate description for devas. Floating spheres of light that come in a myriad of colors. 13.73 centimeters wide, unequivocally. Their lifespan averages 1000 years. Endurance evolved devas are known as Pixies. Naturally evolved devas are Fairies, and those turn into Alafis once endurance evolved. Once they evolve once, devas take on several forms. Most commonly humanoid figures, no smaller than their base form, but not surpassing 50 centimeters. They also gain one to three pairs of translucent wings, and very colorful hair as more distinctive traits. Though physically frail, they more than make up for it by their immense magical abilities which amplify with each evolution. They can also overcome their weakness by binding with another being and becoming an object bound to them.

Mireis: By far, the most scarce sentient kind of the three. All are considered naturally evolved non-sapient creatures, even the offspring of two Mireis. One Mirei can't have Mirei offspring with non-evolved versions of their race. It is theorized by some that any non-sapient being can give birth to a Mirei, though given their rarity, that is difficult to prove, or even test. One known fact, is that upon birth, they have the urging instinct to run away from their conceivers

- Dragons: Naturally evolved drachs. They come in plenty of shapes, colors and sizes, though they are never smaller than 5 meters tall. They may or may not have wings, tails, some limbs, and so on. Their lifespans vary drastically from dragon to dragon, but living a millennium or two isn't all that difficult for them. Their Endurance evolution is known as Elder Dragon. Elder dragons grow quite a bit in size when they evolve, and like angels, their already immense strengths are boosted.

- Giants: Naturally evolved ogres. Giants are massive humanoids, which have shed their primitive lifestyle and appearance. Ranging from 4-10 meters in height. They tend to live for around 700 years. Generally, they gain a skill unique to them which influences their appearances. Endurance evolved giants are known as Titans. Just their height range of 15-50 meters makes them a huge danger. But their evolved skills tend to make them walking natural disasters.

- Devourers: Naturally evolved slimes. Though not changing much in appearance, devourers gain the ability to consume and learn from said consumption. Consumption increases slightly their lifespan. Not much is known about them, as there is only a single devourer alive at the moment. Endurance evolution makes them Annihilators. Their absorption ability greatly increases, and all their known skills and prowess is heightened.

- Dullahan: The ultimate undead. Although not alive, they are considered a natural evolution of sorts. They live forever in their undeath, but can still be killed. Headless creatures that command the undead on a whim. Servants of Zarzagat and Tyrak, though most importantly, the leader of their kin, which inherits the title of Death. Tasked with taking out living who have overstayed their welcome on Ormin, or even Walgar. An endurance evolved dullahan is known as a Reaper.


Non-sapient Species aren't all that different from what one would imagine on a magicless planet, aside from giant or slightly modified for the environment variants of several species. There are some exceptions to this rule, however:

- Slimes: Unintelligent versions of devas. blobs of magical energy, which change in color and size according to their magical energy nature and amount respectively. They don't grow past a meter. Should they consume enough to grow more than that, they explode.

- Ogres: Hulking brutes towering at heights from 3-6 meters, with a lightly gray skin. Lacking any and all self awareness, they wander across the wild eating anything that looks or smells tasty enough, or charging wildly at anything they deem a threat. They are sometimes used as heavy duty tool replacements.

- Drachs: An umbrella term for lizard-like creatures of various shapes and sizes. Far stronger than even the mightiest of average lizards, however. Capable of having skills and use them effectively. They may not be sapient, but they are deadly hunters.

- Barantas: Giant apes with four arms, standing at 5 meters when on their hind legs. Extremely territorial, violent, and strong to boot. capable of secreting an extremely sticky substance off their mouths, which they use to trap victims. Their roars can be deafeningly loud and their skin is brutally durable.

- Cuiros: 2 meter tall felines of black fur, with muscular legs and brutally sharp and hard claws and fangs, which can cut through most common metals. Their tails are akin to a scorpion's, capable of injecting a paralyzing venom. Cuiros in cold areas have developed white fur, and changed the stinger at the end of their tail for a long and sharp blade like appendage. They have been known to tear through many speedy adventurer's fastest attacks.

- Shijus: Gray toned bears, 4 meters tall on their hind legs. They have metallic skeletons, and have skills that enable them to perform some degree of geomancy. Capable of creating entire cave systems for the protection of their cubs.

- Alastas: The average giant scorpion is around 1 meter long. Alastas can be up to 20 meters long. Their exoskeletons are the hardest natural thing belonging to a regular animal. Their stingers secrete a liquid that combusts upon touching air, which they can spray or inject. Cold variants have no stinger, but stronger pincers and legs, as well as the ability to produce ultra strong threads of silk that can trap victims.

- Yamigaras: 1 meter tall crow lookalikes. They travel in small groups and are usually pretty calm, and even kind. Anger them, however, and you'll be torn to shreds by razor sharp claws and serrated beaks.

- Apukens: Immense squids. The smallest record of one was estimated to be 42 meters long. Their tentacles are able to bring down a large ship in seconds. And unlike regular squids with a beak, they have rows upon rows of massive serrated teeth.

- Itunin: The smarts and brutality of an orca, with more teeth than a white shark, plated in a thick dark blue skin that makes them extremely resilient.

- Eterrens: Similar to ogres in height, if not taller, eterrens resemble leafless trees with limbs. These trees however, move. While not always aggressive, their strength is something to be considered.

- Undead: This ecompasses all undead roaming the land, from simple skeletons and zombies, to mighty phantoms and liches.

- Unclassified: This world is filled with mysteries, there are uncharted places that might harbor unknown creatures of unknown capabilities.

Relevant Characters:

- The leaders of each nation, of course.

Dread Lords:

- Garon Trimulti: The strongest and one of the three original Dread Lords, Emperor of an entire continent which he renamed after himself. A Dread Kath Archdemon.

- Parimin Aimer: Another of the three original Dread Lords. Mostly keeping to her remote castle in the north of Ipjan. A Dread Ragn Dragniar.

- Valaine Jommar: The last of the three original Dread Lords, and leader of the former three Cardinal Shadows. A Dread Silver Vampire

- Rigel Unnis: As the former Deva Queen, she waged a war for her race. Many were lost, but that loss made her a Dread Lord.

- Gognaz Hunn: One of the former three Cardinal Shadows, a cruel warlord. A Dread Argan

- Juniel Hikai: A silent assassin who suddenly found herself a Dread Lord. She now wanders the east continent aimlessly. A Dread Fallen Cherubim

- Alexandrius: The young slime king of the Aramaj Kingdom, the most recent addition to the Dread Lords after fighting to the death with a now former Cardinal Shadow. A Dread Annihilator


- Nedrys: The Water Domerus. She lives in the depths of the North Ocean. An Elder Dragon.

- Rezoth: The Fire Domerus. This Elder Dragon is the guardian of Paradis.

- Heren: The Air Domerus. She has a relationship with Garon, and lives with him. Another Elder Dragon.

- Kandaindoria: The Earth Domerus. He made his own territory on an island between the continents. The Titan has a following that lives within his domain.

- Alymurh: The Lightning Domerus. This Elder Dragon roams the Bauir Islands.

- Ryan Nazaire: The Space-time Domerus. By far, the youngest Domerus. With some years spent between Khuruash and Aramaj before his journey to become a Domerus. He is the direct servant of Nangarvat.

Saints (The most famous):

- Lorelei Agaris: The Arrow Saint. Lorelei is an Ipjani famous for slaying a rampaging dragon with the skilled shots of her bow.

- Karel Jaffari: The Sword Saint. Karel is the single strongest duelist of the last two centuries. In a fight without magic, he is unmatched, or so say the tales.

- Hector Emerson: The Shield Saint. Using a massive shielding technique, saved a town from Sirdhem of a flood.

The True Children of Treuhs:

- Nangarvat: Treuhs' personal herald. He stays in Teorfinis and helps observe all of creation, ready to intervene at any second should it be needed.

- Egfas: Tasked to roam Terupa, making sure to either protect or destroy whatever technology was left usable, in order to avoid it falling into the wrong hands.

- Zarzagat: The one tasked to be the judge of the lower realms. Deciding who goes to either Walgar or Tagneus.

- Tyrak: The head torturer of Tagneus. He supervises that all souls there have as much of a miserable time as they can, and prevents any clever folk from attempting to escape punishment.

- Uurvis: The silent overseer of Aus. He sits in their moon and silently watches that they don't get out of control.

There may or may not be other relevant characters, but for the sake of understanding the world, that should do.
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