Oriental Adventures


Boss Frost

Original poster
Oriental Adventures

People are rather frightened about all these numbers and strange words thrown about so callously in the C-Box. As the Rules System Guru for Iwaku... I'd like to give everyone a chance to enter the worlds and games linked to Dungeons and Dragons. I'm a patient individual, and more than happy to help... and that's why I've decided to make this thread, and the roleplay that will be attached to it. Those of you that are interested, I invite you to the world of Dungeons and Dragons...

Q: Why Oriental Adventures?
A: Most everyone here is familiar with Oriental-style fiction, and I've never actually been able to run an Oriental Adventures game. When interest in some of the monsters was mentioned, I jumped on the chance.

Q: Will you help me?
A: Yes, I will. I'm more than happy to act as your guide and help you through the character creation process.

Q: I'm completely unfamiliar with the ruleset, can I still play.
A: Yes. In fact, this game was made with you in mind.

Q: I'm familiar with D&D already... can I join?
A: Feel free to, if you're inclined to.

Table of Contents
1. Campaign Fluff
2. Character Creation Process
3. Races Available
4. Classes Available
5. Character Sheet
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Rokugan - Campaign Fluff
(There's a lot of this - but it is, after all, fluff. You don't need to read it to play, in fact, most of it will be explained in-game if you need it, anyway... If you play a Human, though, knowing about your Clan might be nice).
Rokugani Culture
In the social philosophy of Rokugan, the universe is an ordered place. From the heights of the Celestial Heavens (the loftiest region of the Spirit World) to the depths of Gakido (the infernal regions of the Spirit World), with the mortal realm squarely in between, all creatures and spirits are ordered in a hierarchy, from greatest to least. Human social order mirrors this cosmic order, from the Emperor at the top to the eta at the bottom. This concept of celestial order is the key to the culture of Rokugan, for it establishes a society based on law and order in which everything and everyone has a place.

At the pinnacle of the human social order is the Emperor, the absolute ruler of Rokugan. The Emperor owns all the land of the empire ; the clans pay taxes to the Emperor as payment forthe right to live and work on the land. just beneath the Emperor in status are the kuge, the highest rank of hereditary nobility. The kuge consist of the Imperial (Toturi) family, the Otomo and Seppun families, and the Champion of each clan with their
immediate families . While thousands of samurai in Rokugan bear the Doji family name, only a handful are members of the Doji noble house. They are members of vassal families, and may have their own family names, but they use the Doji family name in official matters. These vassal families, as well as the other great families of the clans, make up the buke, the hereditary military class.The buke are the bulk of the noble caste in Rokugan, andall
samurai and shugenja characters are assumed to be part of this social class. Below the buke are ji-samurai ("half-samurai"), lesser warriors from the vassal families and ronin.

The members of the noble class are defined best by the concept of loyalty. Each noble owes loyalty to another, from the lowliest petty samurai to the great daimyos (governor/generals) and the clan champions of the kuge . Anoble literally belongs to his lord : a samurai is not permitted to throw his life away-in battle, in a duel, or in suicide (seppuku)-without her lord's permission. Even the lowliest noble has rights that the lower classes can
never achieve, however, including the right to carry weapons (particularly the katana and the wakizashi).

The vast bottom of the Rokugani social order is the bonge, the lower-class commoners.The bonge includes heimins ("halfpeople")- the ordinary common folk, including farmers and merchants-and hinins ("nonpeople"). Criminals, entertainers (including actors, musicians, and geisha), gamblers, and eta (those whoinherit "dirty" jobs involving handling dead people or animals) make up the hinin class. Despite the apparently rigid structure of the classes, it is possible for heimins to move up into the ranks of the buke, usually by distinguishing themselves in battle or through marriage . Members of the bonge are not allowed to approach the Emperor or the members of the kuge under any circumstances, and always treat members of the buke with humility and respect. A heimin who compromises a samurai's honor by being rude or insubordinate can expect to be killed on the spot, and the samurai faces no legal consequences for preserving his honor in this way.

The Great Clans

Crab Clan, the Defenders of Rokugan
Staunch defenders of the great Kaiu Wall, ever vigilant against attacks from the Shadowlands, the samurai of the Crab clan are Rokugan's greatest defense against any external threat . Theirs is a grim existence, and the Crabs see little time in life for the courtly activities so enjoyed by other samurai-arts, diplomacy, etiquette, and the like . The other clans view the Crabs as crude, unwashed brutes, and that stereotype is often close to the truth. But few other samurai in Rokugan would accept the responsibility that the Crabs shoulder: to fight offthe fearsome goblins, ogres, and oni of the Shadowlands, preventing them from overrunning the empire.
Recent History
During the Spirit Wars, the Crab lands were ravaged by the spirit armies of Hantei XVI and his general, a ferocious Crab named Hida Tsuneo.The Crab champion, Hida O-Ushi, lost her husband on the field of battle, but her two sons, Kuon and Kuroda, remain. Toward the end of the Spirit Wars, a new twist of events sent the Crab clan into war: the death of Yasuki Taka, daimyo of the Yasuki family, with no heir. The scholars ofthe Seppun family
searched their records and located the nearest relative of the late Taka : Daidoji Hachi. Hachi's attempt to claim the lands he considers his have launched the Crabs and the Cranes into a fierce war over this valuable territory.
Crab Families
The Crab families, with the possible exception of the Yasuki, are defined by their opposition to the Shadowlands.
The Hidas are the leaders of the clan, strong defenders of the Kaiu Wall . The Hida defender prestige class is described below The Kaius are the engineers and artisans who build and maintain that wall . Kaiu engineers are usually experts, and occasionally samurai.
The Hirumas are scouts who venture into the twisted Shadowlands beyond the Kaiu Wall.
The Kuni represent some of the most feared shugenjas in Rokugan. People are scared of them because the Kuni would rather study evil than eliminate it outright. The Kuni are most famous for their witch hunters, who hunt down Tainted magic both outside the empire and within it .
The Yasuki family, now torn between the Crab and the Crane from which they originally came, are merchants famous throughout Rokugan for their shrewd business sense and gray ethics.
The Toritaka family (formerly the Falcon minor clan) was absorbed into the Crab clan sometime around 1121 . Its members often train as rangers.

Crane Clan, The Diplomats of Rokugan
The Crane clan has shaped the civilization of Rokugan from the beginning. Since the time ofthe first Hantei, a Crane has been the imperial Advisor, and until the last Hantei, a Doji has been every Emperor's bride. They are the masters of the political intrigue that surrounds the Imperial court-until very recently, the undisputed masters (the Scorpions now challenge that
claim) . They hold favors in store from nearly every family of every clan, and know how to call in favors at the right time and circumstance. The members of the Crane clan are noble in every sense of the word, refined, cultured, civilized, and graceful.
Recent History
Were it not for their war with the Crabs over the Yasuki lands, the Cranes would be on top of the world. Their former clan champion, Doji Kuwanan, became immortal and watches over the city of Volturnum to keep it free of Taint. Despite the rather unorthodox marriage of their headstrong new champion, Kuwanan's son Kurohito, to a Phoenix spirit, life for the Crane clan appears to be going well. The Cranes have not invested too much effort into their war with the Crabs, knowing that the right is on their side
and that the Crabs cannot afford to divert too many resources away from the defense of the Kaiu Wall. However, the Cranes do feel the loss of arable land after Oblivion's Gate, the Kumo, and the Spirit Wars when fields were flooded, salted, and burned.
When the Scorpions were blamed for Emperor Toturi's kidnapping and sent into exile some thirty-five years ago, the Cranes fostered their children, so the Scorpions and Cranes share some uncharacteristically close ties now that those children are grown. There are even some adult Cranes whose ancestry is Scorpion, whether they know it or not, since not all the exiled Scorpions returned alive.
Crane Families
The families ofthe Crane are all cultured, sophisticated, and noble, though individual members of those families naturally deviate from that ideal.
The Doji are the most recognized diplomats and courtiers in the empire.
The Daidoji, though still refined, are the more military arm of the Crane, often called the "Iron Crane."
The Kakitas are known for their artisans and their iaijutsu masters, duelists whose mastery of the katana is an art form in itself.
The Asahinas are the shugenjas of the Crane clan . Devoted to pacifism, they are also the greatest creators of magic items from talismans to magic arms and armor-in Rokugan.

Dragon Clan, the Wisest in Rokugan
The Dragon is the most enigmatic and secretive of the Great Clans. For a thousand years, Dragons have lived in virtual seclusion in the high mountains of the Great Wall of the North. They are best known for two things : the mysterious ise zumi order of tattooed monks, and the unusual fighting style of the Mirumoto school, which teaches the use of the katana in one hand and the wakizashi in the other. The ise zumi in particular, but all Dragons at times, are known for protracted silence, evading direct questions, and speaking in riddles.
Recent History
Early in the War Against the Shadow, the ancient shugenja family of the Dragon clan, the Agasha, seceded from the clan to join the Phoenix clan. Taking the Agasha library with them, the shugenjas of the family moved into the mountains of the Phoenix lands, establishing a new Shiro Agasha high in the mountain peaks. One leader of the family, Agasha Tamori, refused to join the Phoenix, arguing that the Dragon clan preserved an ancient practice of magic that was valuable in its own right and should not be subsumed into the Phoenix approach. Tamori founded a new shugenja school in the deserted Agasha castle, and launched the Dragon's new shugenja family, the Tamori. Although Tamori himself was a fire shugenja like most of the Agasha, his daughter, Tamori Shaitung, studied the ways of earth, and has steered the school in that direction since her father's death at Oblivion's Gate.
The departure of the Agasha seems to have fueled a growing arrogance among the Phoenix, and Tamori Shaitung in particular has no patience for the way they boast about their magical power. This tension has become exacerbated in recent years, as seismic activity has increased dramatically in the Dragon mountains. Many Dragon refugees have fled to the western
edge of the Phoenix lands, settling around the iron Rings Cascade and the Shrine of the Ki-Rin. Once the Phoenix were sure the Lion clan would support them, the situation escalated to outright warfare. The shugenjas of the Phoenix and the fledgling Tamori family are at the center of this conflict, while Mirumoto and Lion forces meet on the fields of battle . No end to then conflict is in sight, as Tamori Shaitung and Isawa Taeruko
both powerful earth shugenjas-seem to loathe each other both politically and personally.
Dragon Families
The Dragon is not a clan in the technical sense of the word, since the kami who founded the Dragon, Togashi, is not the physical ancestor of the Dragons. Mirumoto and Agasha were the first two monastic disciples ofTogashi, and the families that carry their names (including the Kitsuki and the Tamori, both formed from the Agasha) are the physical descendants of those two. The Togashi "family," however, is made up of members of other families and even other clans who choose to join the monastic order of the ise zumi (and likewise for Hitomi's kikage zumi). Only at the end of the Clan War was it revealed that Togashi (also known as Togashi Yokuni) still lived, and did in fact have a sonTogashi Hoshi, the dragon-man, current champion of the Dragon.
The Mirumoto are the samurai of the Dragon clan, distinguished from all the other samurai in Rokugan by their style of fighting with katana and wakizashi.
The Togashi "family" is actually a monastic order, whose members are the enigmatic ise zumi, or tattooed monks.
Before taking the place of the moon deity she helped destroy, Mirumoto Hitomi established her own order of tattooed monks, now called kikage zumi and carrying the Hitomi family name.
The Tamori are the shugenjas of the Dragon clan, the remnants of the Agasha family who did not join the Phoenix clan . While they are historically responsible for keeping the knowledge of the clan in their libraries, their conflict with the Phoenix shugenjas has now led the two clans into war.
The Kitsuki family serves as the Dragon clan's corps of diplomats and magistrates. They are distinguished by an uncanny ability to see through the veneer ofdeception that covers most social interaction in Rokugan and arrive at the truth of any matter .

The Lion Clan, the True Warriors of Rokugan
More than any other clan, the Lion clan embodies the warrior ideal of bushido-the way of the warrior, the virtues and morals of the samurai. The Lion might be called the soul of the empire: The samurai of the Lion are the paragons ofwarrior virtue, while the shugenjas keep the voices of the past alive by speaking with the ancestors. The Lion also produces the empire's great historians, keeping Rokugan in touch with its past.
Recent History
During the Battle at Oblivion's Gate, the Shadow was finally defeated by virtue of being named. Its power derived from the fact that it had never been named, and thus it was never bound to a shape. When at last Hitomi gave it a name, she called it Akodo-a name that fit the Shadow, for like the Shadow the Akodo were nothing, but also a name that changed the Shadow, for the Akodo were always the most honorable family of the clans. Suddenly, the Shadow had a form and a nature, and its nature was the epitome of honor. The decimated ranks of the Akodo, disbanded after the Scorpion Clan Coup, were filled with all the shadow-walkers who had lost their previous identities, and the ronin Ginawa was made their daimyo, since he had pulled Toturi from Jigoku . The new Akodo family has not had
an easy time being reintegrated into the Lion clan, but they have proven themselves as honorable as their name and as valiant as their adoptive ancestors. Though refugees from the Dragon lands have avoided Lion lands so far, settling instead on the borders of the Phoenix, the Lions are wary of the steady stream of refugees and have agreed to an alliance with the Phoenix. Now that war has erupted, the Lions fight on the Phoenix side against the Dragons.
Lion Families
The families of the Lion are united by their dedication to the highest ideals of the empire-respect for the ancestors, adherence to the code of bushido, and strength of arms.
The Akodo are the nobility of the Lion clan-fiercely devoted to honor and the ideals of bushido, more than any other family in the empire.
The Ikoma family maintains the records of history for the Lion clan. Their "bards" are historians and storytellers, trained in war and law as well as history. Ikoma "bards" are often fighters, rogues, warriors, or experts; they do not possess the magical abilities of the bard class.
The Kitsu is one of the most unusual, enigmatic shugenja families in Rokugan, and the only school that forbids entry to members of other clans. To the Kitsus, the spirits of their ancestors are still a binding force upon Rokugan. Because of their unique relationship with the spirit world, certain members of the Kitsu family are able to commune with the lingering spirits that haunt Rokugan, as well as those that have passed on to Jigoku. They are known as spirit talkers, and they adopt the shaman class.
The Matsus are ferocious warriors with the strength of their lion namesake. Preferring large weapons like the greatsword (no-dachi) or the nagamaki, these bestial fighters often adopt the barbarian class.

Pheonix Clan, the Lords of Magic in Rokugan
If the Lion clan exemplifies the ideal of the samurai warrior, the Phoenix clan models the ideal shugenja : a master of magic whose devotion to the kami and attunement to their ways is as complete as mortal minds can attain .The Phoenix are the most pious clan in Rokugan, and enjoy many blessings of the kami as their reward. The clan has its samurai, of course, but they are sworn to protect the shugenjas above all else.
Recent History
The Phoenix study of history leads to only one possible conclusion : The Phoenix clan is preeminent among the clans of Rokugan. No other clan can claim as exalted a position . According to Phoenix legend, their glory predates the arrival of the kami, for their city GiseiToshi flourished in the time before time, the first example of human civilization . Magic was discovered in Gisei Toshi, the Phoenix claim, and it was Isawa shugenjas who taught magic to the other clans. In the centuries since, the Phoenix clan has produced countless masters of elemental magic and oracles incarnations of the divine dragons-to continue the glory of the clan . Phoenix inquisitors have guarded the empire from practitioners of maho and the heresies of the Bloodspeakers . The Agasha family's decision to leave the Dragon clan and join the Phoenix clearly shows the excellence ofthe Phoenix way. More recent history continues to affirm an outlook of Phoenix superiority. Isawa Hochiu is widely regarded as instrumental to victory over the Shadow, for he destroyed Goju Adorai at Oblivion's Gate . An ancient Phoenix champion, Shiba Mirabu, rode out from Jigoku to save the beleagured armies trapped in the Shadowlands after the Shadow's defeat, leading them back to safety behind the Kaiu Wall. Phoenix masters taught religion to Hantei Naseru, and all the shugenja's arts to Toturi Sezaruone of the most powerful shugenjas in recent history.
Jealous of this record of success, other clans view the Phoenix as insufferably proud. In contrast, the Phoenix feel they are the only ones who clearly understand the terrible burden they hold-shepherding the religious ideas of an empire. Seeing themselves as the only true practitioners ofmagic has not won them any friends among the shugenjas of the other clans. They tend to be quick to take insult, and Isawa Tetsuya's angry reaction to an impassioned Dragon remark ("We need room to live, not your protection") may have spurred the two clans into war without real cause . The blame for the poor relationship between Isawa Taeruko and Tamori Shaitung of the Dragon probably belongs to both women, but Taeruko is a very vocal proponent of the philosophy of Phoenix superiority.
Phoenix Families
The Phoenix clan revolves around its shugenjas and maintains two distinct schools for shugenjas : the Isawa and the Agasha. The Shiba school trains samurai to serve and protect the shugenjas, though now, for the first time, a Shiba (Shiba Ningen, Master of the Void) sits on the Council of Five-the Elemental Masters who rule the clan . The Asako are something of an anomaly in the Phoenix, for they are monks rather than shugenjas and stray rather far from the piety of the Isawa-and their enmity with the Isawa stretches back a thousand years .
The Isawas are arguably the greatest shugenjas of the empire, though their arrogance in such matters has led to great evils in the past . The Isawa school teaches all the elements, without focusing on any one. The school also teaches techniques relating to the element of Void.
The Phoenix clan has a second shugenja school, thanks to the Agasha family's secession from the Dragon clan. They are masters ofalchemy and herbalism and accomplished crafters of magic weapons.
The Shibas are the warriors ofthis scholarly and magical clan . The Shiba protector prestige class, the embodiment of the family oath to defend the Isawas, is described below.
To outsiders, the Asako appear to be nothing more than healers, librarians, and historians . In fact, they are the caretakers of a great secret, passed from Shinsei to Shiba to Asako: Humanity can aspire to godhood.

Scorpion Clan, the Shadows of Rokugan
Behind their ever-present masks, the members of the Scorpion clan fill a distasteful but necessary role within the empire . They are the keepers of secrets, walkers in shadows, assassins and spies. They care little for honor, but hold up loyalty as the pre-eminent virtue of the clan : loyalty to the clan and loyalty to the empire-loyalty that makes a Scorpion willing to
suffer death or dishonor, to pay any cost . Scorpions are usually seen as villains, often even as traitors-but from the Scorpion point of view, their worst deeds have all stemmed from their unswerving sense of loyalty.
Recent History
As the price for their loyalty, the Scorpions have suffered disgrace and persecution at the hands of the other clans. Bayushi Shoju instigated the Scorpion Clan Coup in an attempt to save the empire from a dreadful prophecy, and in the wake of the unsuccessful coup, the Scorpions were decimated and their lands razed. They were restored by the Emperor Toturi when he took the throne . Later blamed for kidnapping Emperor Toturi, the Scorpions were sent into exile and their children fostered by the Cranes until Toturi once again showed them mercy and reinstated them. In the Spirit Wars, the Scorpions played a decisive role by luring the spirit armies into Beiden Pass, where a group of shugenjas brought the pass itselfdown on them-though the treachery and deceit they used to set the trap won them no friends among the honorable samurai of the empire.
Now the Scorpions are back, with a vengeance. Three issues dominate the attention ofthe clan in the wake of Toturi's death. First, Toturi's death at the edge of their lands, in Shinomen Forest, has put the Scorpions on the defensive, and Scorpion teams patrol the edge of the forest in search of the oni that killed the Emperor. Second, with the Cranes engrossed in their war with the Crabs and the throne of the empire vacant,the Scorpions have their eye on the imperial Court. They would love to take the Cranes'
place as the ultimate manipulators of imperial politics . Finally, the Scorpion seek vengeance upon a traitor to their clan, Yoritomo (formerly Bayushi) Aramasu, champion of the Mantis.
Scorpion Families
The families of the Scorpion are more close knit than those of any other clan. Bayushi's love for Shosuro-who founded both the Soshi and I Shosuro families-was unbounded, and the fam ilies continue their close affiliation. The Soshi and Shosuro are united by their past connection to the Shadow, while the Yogo are both a sworn enemy of the Shadowlands and, all too often, allies to the darkness .
The Bayushi are the masters of secrets and lies . Honor, to them, is less important than loyalty, and in the name of loyalty the Bayushi are responsible for all manner of deeds that other samurai must consider
reprehensible .
The Shosuro have ancient ties to the Shadow that was finally defeated by the Great Clans at Oblivion's Gate. Even without its supernatural assistance, the Shosuro continue doing what they have always done: They are the spies and assassins of the empire .
The magic of the Soshi school owes much to the family's ancient connection to the Shadow. Despite the defeat of the Shadow at Oblivion's Gate, the Soshi shugenjas continue practicing their air magic.
The Yogo Shugenja school (like the Crab's Kuni school) is devoted to unraveling the secrets of the Taint. Currently, it seeks to answer the question : With Fu Leng dead, where does the Taint come from now? Yogo magic specializes in magical wards and protections against evil magic.

Unicorn Clan, the Cavalry of Rokugan
For eight hundred years, the ancestors of the Unicorn wandered the
lands outside Rokugan, learning from the barbarians and creating a culture uniquely their own, synthesizing elements of barbarian cultures with their native Rokugani heritage . In the three hundred years since the Unicorns
returned to Rokugan, they have left their mark on its history as the best cavalry in the empire, with a powerful commitment to diplomacy and justice.
Recent History
The Unicorns serve as the magistrates of the empire, enforcing the laws of the ideal Emperor even when the commands of the actual Emperor fall short of that ideal . Their "outsider" perspective- even after three hundred years of dwelling in Rokugangives them freedom from some of the strict mores that bind other clans, and a Unicorn magistrate is willing to report a truth that an Ikoma historian would never allow himself to speak, such as the deeds of an unjust Emperor or an embarrassment for their clan . The Unicorns are also excellent diplomats, and strive to keep the fracturing peace among the clans . Toward the end of the War Against the Shadow, the Unicorns were finally able to purge a dark blot from their clan's honor the corruption of the Moto by the Shadowlands . After hundreds of years of serving the Shadowlands' evil, the Dark Moto are gone, and the Moto family rides proudly once more. Still, the Moto have not forgotten their lost kin, and continue to ride into the Shadowlands and war against its evil . The fact that a member of the Unicorn clan, Iuchi Shahai, is now a mighty
power in the Shadowlands, the so-called "Dark Daughter of Fu Leng," leaves many in the Unicorn clan angry and ashamed. As a result, the Unicorns are rapidly becoming nearly as dedicated as the Crabs to fighting the Shadowlands .
Unicorn Families
Of the five families of the Unicorn, three are formed almost exclusively of mounted warriors . Cavalry is the backbone of any Unicorn army, and even the Iuchi shugenjas are often mounted .
The Moto are still driven to avenge their kin who first lost their souls and then died in the Shadowlands . They are known as the most powerful cavalry of the Unicorn, but their greatest fury is directed toward the Shadowlands.
The Shinjo are restless and unpredictable, leaning strongly toward a nomadic way of life and a focus on action over contemplation .
The Utakus are known for their determination, devotion, and straightforwardness-virtues exemplified in the Utaku battle maidens, who share a unique bond with their powerful horses.
The Iuchi are the Unicorn's shugenja family. Their style of spellcasting is a varied mix of prayers to the Seven Fortunes, petitions to the elements themselves, and the use of talismans with sacred words inscribed on them. (These talismans serve as divine focus items for some or all ofan Iuchi shugenja's spells, replacing the traditional ofudas . The spell is otherwise unchanged, though the Iuchi school teaches a number of spells that are unknown to other shugenjas.)
The Ide are the peacemakers and diplomats of the Unicorn, masters of what they call wabukan, "the peaceful path." They serve as a smooth buffer between the Unicorn-whose "barbaric" ways often grate on the nerves of other Rokugani-and the other clans, sensitive to social customs and level-headed in the most awkward situations .

Mantis Clan, the Sailors of Rokugan
When the children of the Sun and Moon fell to earth, they established seven clans-one for each of the children, excepting Fu Leng and Hantei. Each clan has its families, and on various occasions over the thousand-year history of the empire, families have split off from their parent clans to become clans in their own right, usually in recognition of a particular act in service to the empire . Only once has a minor clan risen to
become a great clan in its own right-the Mantis clan-but now the clan is in decline, and seems destined to lose that status within the next few years.
Recent History
Each minor clan has its own story, but the key story of recent years is the rise and fall of the Mantis clan. Under the leadership of Yoritomo, the Mantis clan grew in power during the Clan Wars. Under the banner of Yoritomo's Alliance, the Mantis, Centipede, Wasp, Fox, Tortoise, and Sparrow clans became a major force in the Clan Wars and beyond . Yoritomo, however, angered many samurai with his brash arrogance and
evident designs upon the throne of the empire itself. Shortly after achieving the goal for which the alliance was formed the recognition of the Mantis (with the Centipede and the Wasp) as a great clan-the Fox left the alliance and allied with the Crane . Yoritomo himself was killed during the Battle at Oblivion's Gate, provoking the dissolution of the alliance entirely.Though the Mantis clan remains an importantclan, led now by the Scorpion traitor Yoritomo (formerly Bayushi) Aramasu, the new daimyo's leadership is weak and he has made many powerful enemies. It seems clear that the days of the minor clans' glory are over.
Minor Clan Families
The Mantis clan managed to absorb two other minor clans during the Clan Wars, so the former Centipede and Wasp clans are nowMantis clan families. The other minor clans each consist of a single family.
The Mantis clan's Yoritomo family (the original Mantis clan) is made. up of seafaring traders and mercenaries. They are adept at fighting on the rolling decks of a ship, and they use weapons unfamiliar to the rest of Rokugan.
The Moshi family of the Mantis (the former Centipede clan) is a family of shugenja, specializing in fire and air magic.
The Tsuruchi family of the Mantis (the former Wasp clan) is recognized for producing the finest archers in the empire. Naturally, their samurai learn the Precise Shot feat and its related feats.
The Fox clan (Kitsune family) is the remnant of the ancient Ki- Rin clan that never left Rokugan. Located in the mysterious woodlands of the Kitsune Forest, the Foxes are peaceful scholars and powerful shugenjas, attuned to the forces of nature in their homeland . The Kitsune shugenja school teaches earth magic.
The Dragonfly clan (Tonbo family) is descended from a marriage between a Dragon and a Phoenix, and was decimated in one ofthe first clashes between those clans in 1158. Only a handful of Dragonfly clan members now exist, and theyhave no lands. Dragonfly shugenjas embrace a philosophy of change hardly welcome in a culture that reveres tradition so strongly. They use water magic, but also study air magic.
The Sparrow clan (Suzume family) is descended from a branch ofthe Doji family, but in stark contrast to the extravagant Crane is dedicated to an odd philosophy of honorable poverty. Members of the Sparrow clan are scholarly warriors, expert artists and crafters, and remarkable storytellers . The Sparrow samurai style teaches Expertise and its related feats.
The samurai of the Badger clan (Ichiro family) are the defenders of Rokugan's northern passes . Though no invasion from outside the empire has yet come through the Great Wall of the North, the Ichiro have been ready for ten centuries. Like the Crab (from whom they are descended), the Badger samurai emphasize strength, teaching Power Attack and its related feats.
The Tortoise clan is a minor mercantile clan that trades with the Yobanjin, barbarians who dwell far to the north, across the mountains ofthe Great Wall ofthe North. Their trade is questionable in legal terms, but continues under the blessing of the Emperor.
Character Creation Basics
Follow these steps to create a beginning, 1st-level character for Oriental Adventures. Also remember that the option is always open to call on me for assistance.

Do you want to play an honorable samurai? A cunning rogue? An attractive sorceress? A combination? There are a load of options... think one up and work with that idea.

Determine your character's six ability scores. You'll do this on this site: http://www.hackslash.net/?p=73 . Change the numbers to what you want, but the very bottom box, labeled 'points', must equal 36.
For an explanation of these ability scores, here:
-Strength measures your character's muscle and physical power.
-Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
-Constitution represents your character's health and stamina.
-Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons.
-Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.
-Charisma measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.

The classes in Oriental Adventures are barbarian, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, samurai, shaman, shugenja, sohei, sorcerer, and wu jen. The races in Oriental Adventures are human, hengeyokai, nezumi, and spirit folk. There are also elves, dwarves, halflings, and half-elves.

Your character's race and class grant him or her certain features .

Spend your Skill Points (determined by your class and Intelligence) on your Class Skills. For first-timers, it's recommended you get help on this step.

Choose one feat from the list of feats provided. Human characters get a bonus feat, but a Human character from one of the Clans gets this bonus feat selected for them.

Rokugani characters don't go tromping into dungeons wielding longswords and wearing half-plate armor. Think of what your character would wear (non-magical) and put it on your sheet.

Invent or choose a name for your character (make sure it fits the cultural background!), determine his or her sex, choose an alignment (and think about whether your character is honorable or dishonorable), decide how old he or she is and what he or she looks like, and so on.

Humans are the dominant race in Oriental Adventures. They rule the mighty Emerald Empire, though they are the youngest race of that young world.The humans of Rokugan group themselves into seven major clans, each tracing its ancestry to one of the kami (great spirits) who fell to earth, cast out by their father the moon. The members of these clans share a divine bloodline and a
strong sense of heritage and identity. Certain traits and tendencies, from physical characteristics to particular aptitudes and social roles, define each clan.
Clan designations, however, mean little to the masses of peasants and outcasts, lower-class humans whose only loyalty to the clans is in the form of the taxes they pay to the lords who rule and protect them. A heimin (peasant) farmer may live in Lion lands, send tithes of food to Lion castles, and rely on the Lion army for protection, but he is not a Lion-he is heimin . Criminals, actors, geisha ; gamblers, the eta, and others whose professions make them unclean are known as hinin (outcasts) . Like the heimins, hinins are not members of the great clans, though they or their ancestors might have been at one time. Ronins (samurai with no family and no clan), though they are technically members of the noble caste, also lie outside the clan structure.
If you want to play a noble sarriurai or spellcasting shugenja, you should play a human from the noble caste of the great clans. If you're interested in a different character type-an outland barbarian, a trained peasant soldier, a monk, a rogue, or a sorcerer-then a lower-caste character will work as well . If you play a human from the great clans, most options are open to you. if ou play a lower-caste human, the culture of Rokugan limits your options somewhat.
Humans in Rokugan share personality characteristics
with others of their clans, as detailed below.
Members of the Crab clan tend to be crude and violent, though they are strongly dedicated to their clan's sworn duty: protecting the empire from the Shadowlands. They believe in duty over honor and are always ready for a fight.
The Crane clan is made up of diplomats and courtiers. Graceful, elegant, and noble, they are masters of iaijutsu (the speed draw) and duels of honor.
Mysterious and reclusive, the scholars and warriors of the Dragon clan are devoted to exploring the secrets of the universe . All tend to speak in enigmatic riddles, though members of the mysterious order of tattooed monks are especially known for this .
Lions are the noble warriors of Rokugan. They are warlike and aggressive but devoted to the honor of the samurai.
The greatest shugenjas of Rokugan belong to the Phoenix clan . They have a deep love of magic and knowledge.
The members of the Scorpion clan are the manipulators of Rokugan, masters of secrets and lies . Never seen without their masks, they resemble their namesakes-unassuming but armed with a deadly sting.
Unicorns are the outsiders of Rokugan. Most of them are barbaric riders with aggressive dispositions . Mounted combat is their specialty, and their riding skills are second to none.
In Rokugan, humans without clan affiliation vary widely in personality, though in general they tend to be rude and uncouth by the standards of the noble caste. Bushido (a code of honor, loyalty, and obedience), with its dictates of honor, means nothing to these people . Heimins and hinins usually remain humble and unassuming in the presence of their betters, but ronins sometimes publicly flaunt social conventions.
Physical Description:
Physical characteristics, like personality traits, vary depending on clan affiliation for humans in Rokugan.
Members of the Crab clan are large and powerful, muscular and crude. They tend to be heavily scarred and lightly bathed . They have black hair and eyes, and their features are square .
Cranes tend to be tall and slender, with soft features. Many-particularly members of the Doji family-have white hair, and their eyes are usually blue or light gray. They exude an air of nobility and confidence .
The Dragons practice martial arts to keep their bodies as well as their spirits honed. Physically, they run the gamut from lean and wiry to large and muscular.
Lions are trained soldiers and look the part: well-developed muscles and a warrior's poise. They have wide facial features, with hair that ranges from black toward brown or reddish and brown to hazel eyes .
Members of the Phoenix clan are tall with fine features and a regal bearing. They share a certain avian grace, with long necks, angular features, and piercing stares.
Scorpions are tough and wiry, and they usually wear smug expressions behind their masks. Their skin tones are more olive than those of other Rokugan natives. Scorpions often wear their hair long and loose.
Unicorns are short and stocky, with harsh features. Males often sport goatees. Only members of this clan routinely wear goods made of fur, bone, and leather.

Human Racial Traits
Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Hengeyokai are intelligent, shapeshifting animals, able to shift freely between human and animal forms, as well as a bipedal, animalistic form. Several subraces exist, defined by the kind of animal form they take. They are typically found on the fringes of human lands, where they can mingle in human form but retreat back to solitude when they desire.
Hengeyokai tend to be secretive, reclusive, and solitary, dwelling alone or in small bands. They often display personality traits similar to their animal type - sp monkey hengeyokai are curious and inquisitive, hare hengeyokai are peaceful but easily startled, and so on.
Physical Description:
In animal form, hengeyokai are almost indistinguishable from normal animals save through magic. Naturally, their behavior often provides proof of their intelligence, so careful observation of a hengeyokai in animal form can reveal that it is not what it appears to be.
Hengeyokai can also assume a hybrid form. They stand on their hind legs to the height of their human form. The front paws, wings, or fins change into hands, capable of gripping and using normal equipment. The rest of the body retains the general appearance of the animal, including fur, feathers, wings, tail, and other characteristic features, but in the overall shape of a human.

Hengeyokai Racial Traits
-2 Wisdom. Hengeyokai tend to be flighty and weak-willed.
Base land speed is 30ft. in Human form.
Alternate Form: A Hengeyokai can assume the shape of a specific human, a specific animal, or a hybrid between the two.

Hengeyokai Animal Types:
Badger, Carp, Cat, Crab, Crane, Dog, Fox, Hare, Monkey, Raccoon Dog, Rat, Sparrow, Weasel.

The nezumi, or "ratlings" as they are often called by humans, are a race of bipedal ratlike humanoids. In Rokugan, they are an ancient race native to the Shadowlands. Before the fall of the seven kami, the ratlings ofRokugan lived in grand cities in a mighty empire. On an apocalyptic day nezumi legend dubs "The Terrible Day When Air Became Fire and Heaven Fell From Its Perch to Crush Our Glorious Home Beneath Its Blackened Corpse," the empire ofthe ratlings was destroyed and the Shadowlands was born. In the aftermath of that event, the ratlings have become hardy and wily scavengers, eking out a meager existence in the midst of Rokugan's greatest horrors.
Nezumi are wild, fierce, and primitive. They are survivalists in a grim terrain, and their outlook is colored by the harsh realities of their existence: barren land, hazardous natural features, and deadly predators, from ogres and goblins to terrible oni. For all the evil that surrounds them, the nezumi have somehow escaped the Shadowlands Taint, remaining uncorrupted by their surroundings .
Physical Description:
Nezumi look like nothing so much as humanoid rats . They stand upright, roughly as tall as a human (averaging about 5 1/2 feet tall and 155 pounds). They have long snouts, pink ears, and pronounced incisors, like ordinary rodents. Their bodies are covered with rough fur, ranging in shade from white through gray and brown to black, sometimes solid and sometimes patterned. Fur patterns tend to run in ratling families.
The nezumi have five-fingered hands, opposable thumbs, and sharp claws. Their long tails are mostly hairless and have the same pink coloration as their ears and palms. Their legs are bent like those of rats and have only three toes. Like human barbarians, nezumi often wear earrings in their pierced ears, necklaces made ofbone or teeth, and similar ornamentation that humans usually consider savage.Nezumi look like nothing so much as humanoid rats . They stand upright, roughly as tall as a human (averaging about 5 1/2 feet tall and 155 pounds). They have long snouts, pink ears, and pronounced incisors, like ordinary rodents. Their bodies are covered with rough fur, ranging in shade from white through gray and brown to black, sometimes solid and sometimes patterned. Fur patterns tend to run
in ratling families.
The nezumi have five-fingered hands, opposable thumbs, and sharp claws. Their long tails are mostly hairless and have the same pink coloration as their ears and palms. Their legs are bent like those of rats and have only three toes.
Like human barbarians, nezumi often wear earrings in their pierced ears, necklaces made ofbone or teeth, and similar ornamentation that humans usually consider savage.

Nezumi Racial Traits
+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Nezumi are hale and hardy but rather crude by human standards.
Nezumi are Medium-sized.
Nezumi base speed is 40 feet
Low-light Vision : Nezumi can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
+2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks . Nezumi are naturally stealthy.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison and disease: Nezumi are resistant to illness and toxins.
Immune to the Shadowlands Taint: Nezumi can never acquire a Taint score, and suffer no ill effects from exposure to the Shadowlands. Effects such as the cloud of Taint spell or the special attacks of Shadowlands creatures can still harm them, however.
A ratling's sharp claws and teeth deal 1d4 points of normal damage with a successful unarmed strike . A ratling can make only one unarmed attack per round, using either claw or a bite attack.

-Spirit Folk-
Spirit folk are the descendants of humans and various spirits of nature . Spirit folk have three distinct races-bamboo, river, and sea spirit folk . All tie very strongly to the natural world as well as to the society of humans.
Spirit folk tend to be serene and calm, attuned to their surroundings and at peace with the world. Their spirit ancestry gives them an awareness of the spirit world, and they show little desire to manipulate that world through magic. They manifest a love and enjoyment of life that many humans can only envy.
Physical Description:
Spirit folk look human. Their eyes are slender and their mouths are small. Their eyebrows are very thin and their complexions are very pale or golden . They have no facial or body hair, but the hair on their heads is thick and luxurious. They appear in all the diversity of humans, and many come close to the ideal of human beauty in their society.

Spirit Folk Racial Traits
Medium-size: As medium-size creatures, spirit folk have no special bonuses or penalties due to size .
Spirit folk base speed is 30 feet.
Low-light Vision : Spirit folk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination . They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Spirit Subtype: Spirit folk have the spirit subtype, which means they can be affected by spells that specifically target spirits, such as protection from spirits and invisibility to spirits. Their human ancestry makes them humanoids, however, so they are also affected by spells such as hold person and charm person.
-Bamboo Spirit Folk:
+2 racial bonus on Wilderness Lore checks .
+4 racial bonus on Hide checks when in woods or forest
Trackless Step : Bamboo spirit folk leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects with the words "earth," "rock," "stone," or "wood" in the name of the effect, shugenja spells of the earth element, and wu jen spells connected to earth or wood.
Once per day a bamboo spirit folk can use speak with animals to speak with any animal . This ability is innate to bamboo spirit folk . It has a duration of 1 minute.

-River Spirit Folk
Water Breathing: River spirit folk can breathe water as easily as they breathe air.
River spirit folk have a base swimming speed of 30 feet. They do not need to make Swim checks to swim normally.They gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard, and they can always choose to take 10 on these checks, even if rushed or threatened when swimming.
They can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line .
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spelllike effects with the word "water" in the name of the effect, shugenja spells of the water element, and wu jen spells connected to water.
Once per day a river spirit folk can use speak with animals to speak with any fish . This ability is innate to river spirit folk . It has a duration of 1 minute.

-Sea Spirit Folk
Water Breathing: Sea spirit folk can breathe water as easily as they breathe air.
Sea spirit folk have a base swimming speed of 30 feet . They do not need to make Swim checks to swim normally. They gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard, and they can always choose to take 10 on these checks, even if rushed or threatened when swimming. They can use the run action while swimming,
provided they swim in a straight line .
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects with the fire descriptor.
A sea spirit folk can make a Knowledge (nature) check (or an untrained intelligence check) with a +2 racial bonus to predict the weather for the next 24 hours. The DC is 15 .

Elves in the lands of oriental Adventures are found either in pristine woodlands, secluded from the warfare and politics of human realms, or else in the very thick of those politics, as diplomats and courtiers in the halls of the daimyos. They are usually either very barbaric or very civilized-sometimes different elf cultures represent both extremes in the same campaign.

Elf Racial Traits
+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
Immunity to magic sleep effects, +2 racial bonus against enchantments
Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Weapon Prof: No matter the class, all elves can wield a butterfly sword proficiently.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A high elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
An elf can never be a Shugenja, Wu Jen, or Shaman. An elf can only ever be a Wizard or Sorcerer.
Classes Available
Every character has a Character Class that determines what he or she does in combat or in their daily lives.

They are described as follows:
Barbarian : A ferocious warrior who uses fury and instinct to bring down foes .
Fighter: A warrior with exceptional combat capability and unequaled skill with weapons.
Monk: A martial artist whose unarmed strikes hit fast and hard-a master of exotic powers.
Ranger: A cunning, skilled warrior of the wilderness.
Rogue: A tricky, skillful scout and spy who wins the battle by stealth rather than brute force.
Samurai: A noble warrior sworn to a code of honor, obedience, and loyalty.
Shaman: An intermediary between the mortal world and the realm of the spirits, a master of divine magic.
Shugenja : A master of elemental forces, a religious figure who wields divine magic.
Sohei: A warrior monk, sworn to the defense of a temple or monastery.
Sorcerer : A spellcaster with inborn magical ability.
Wu Jen: A potent arcane spellcaster.

Barbarians are outsiders-and this is no less true in the lands of Oriental Adventures. Barbarian characters in Rokugan might include certain Unicorn clan warriors, Yabanjin from the cold northern steppes, Ujik-hai from the lands of the Burning Sands, or nezumi "bushi ." In other campaign settings, steppe nomads, jungle-dwelling tribes, and wild dwarves are all barbarians . Whatever their origins, barbarians are likely to use strange weapons, wear outlandish clothing and armor, speak foreign languages, and fumble through the rigid and ritualized formalities of "civilized" culture.
Adventures: Adventuring is the best way for a barbarian character-whatever his origin-to find a place in civilized society. Though few barbarians will ever earn the recognition of a daimyo or any kind of social status, with an adventuring party a barbarian can feel like an equal among samurai and shugenjas. For some barbarians, that is enough ; others quest after the impossible, hoping by the greatness of their deeds to win a place among the nobility.
Background: Barbarians, by definition, come from cultures outside the centers of civilization . Barbarian adventurers often find their way to the kingdoms and empires because of hard times in their home lands, such as famine or invasion . In Rokugan, Unicorn clan barbarians may wander the Empire simply because they love to travel, and find themselves drawn into adventure after adventure along the way.
Races: In Rokugan, humans of the Unicorn clan, humans from foreign lands, and nezumi are the most likely races to adopt the barbarian class. In addition to these barbarian peoples, goblins, ogres, and dwarves are often barbarians,
while most other barbarians are human.
Other Classes: In Rokugan, Unicorn clan barbarians consider themselves to be samurai, and view themselves with the same haughty pride that the samurai do, regarding only shugenjas as near-equals. Other barbarians, and all barbarians in other campaign settings, either look up to the noble samurai and shugenjas, or regard them as weaklings softened by the comforts of civilization . Barbarians are most comfortable with rangers, who often share their rough edges, or rogues . Though most barbarian societies include sorcerers, shamans, or adepts, barbarians generally mistrust shugenjas and other spellcasters until they've proven themselves worthy of trust
Barbarian Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 12
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +1
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +0
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Ride, Survival, Swim.
Special: Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Rage 1/day

Fighters in Oriental Adventures are experienced soldiers, bandit leaders, battle-hardened mercenaries, grasping warlords-any trained warrior who, for reasons of personal honor or lowly birth, does not live up to the high standards of the samurai. The code of bushido does not apply to ordinary fighters . Ronin are fighters, as are many professional soldiers . In Rokugan, even some clan samurai-particularly Scorpions who have no use for bushido-are fighters as well.
Adventures: Most fighters adventure for the sake of acquiring power and wealth . Afew hope to follow the example of the famous Rokugani ronin Ginawa (now Akodo Ginawa), who saved Emperor Toturi during the Battle at Oblivion's Gate and was rewarded with an honored place among the clans.
Background: Ronins fall into two categories : "Clan ronins" are members of the great clans who have fallen out of favor with their lord. The most common reason for this is somehow allowing the lord to die-either in battle or under an assassin's blade. Clan ronins cling to the hope of regaining their lost honor. "True ronins" have never belonged to one of the clans, usually coming from a ronin family. Other fighters in Rokugan include some Scorpion bushi, who usually do not meet the alignment restriction of the samurai class, and mercenaries, including many members of the Yoritomo family.
Races: In Rokugan, humans are the most common fighters, but nezumi and Shadowlands creatures can become fighters as well . A ratling fighter is unusually well trained for his species, and may have studied with a Crab samurai, for example.
Other Classes: While honorable samurai in Rokugan might look down upon ordinary fighters, fighters may share that disdain . Bushido is a crutch, some fighters believe, and they put little faith in those whose lives are dictated by its constraints. Fighters associate more often with rogues and sorcerers than with samurai and shugenjas.
Fighter Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 10
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +1
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +0
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Ride, Swim.
Special: Bonus Feat (From this list: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Fighter_Bonus_Feats )
Monasteries where monk characters are trained in the spiritual and martial arts are far more common in Oriental Adventures.
Adventures: Monk adventurers are common, since their beliefs and lifestyle lend themselves to activity in the world. While some monks devote their time and energy to training samurai in clan dojos, teaching the scriptures in secluded monasteries, or striving to perfect themselves in isolation, many others take their lessons and practice on the road, finding promising students among the ranks of adventurers and even ronin. After all, who has more need of the teachings of enlightenment than those who are on the front line of the battle against darkness? And what good is the perfection of discipline if it does not hold up when tested in the real world?
Background: As described in the Player's Handbook, monks usually receive their training either in a monastery or under the mentorship of an individual sensei . People from all walks of life may find training in monasteries-foundlings or orphans who are raised by the monks, heimin or hinin peasants, samurai nobles, retired generals, spirit folk and hengeyokai, and even the rare ratling, dwarf, or elf all may dedicate their lives to enlightenment and learn the spiritual and physical disciplines of a monk. Whatever their social or racial origin, monks devote their whole loyalty to the path of enlightenment, claiming kinship only with other monks, not with clan or family. In the Celestial Order of Rokugan's society, monks are equal to the farmer heimins, whatever their birth.
The monks of Rokugan are vigilant champions of enlightenment, opponents of the darkness-whether that darkness is manifested in the Shadowlands or in simple ignorance. Since the Battle of Oblivion's Gate, the monks of Rokugan have come to realize that their philosophy of withdrawal from the world was not sufficient to protect the world from darkness, and they have adopted a more aggressive strategy of teaching the clans the truths of the Tao. As a result, the ranks of the monks are swelling, and many samurai and shugenjas are learning at least the basic teachings of Shinsei.
Races: In Rokugan, most monks are human, and a large number are drawn from the Dragon clan . Nonhuman monks are extremely rare exceptions to the general rule that monasteries are a human establishment.
Other Classes: In Rokugan, although monks tend to have different goals and values than members of other classes, they believe that they have an obligation to teach and work among the broader population of the Empire . They may sometimes approach the task with condescension, but in general they recognize the importance of nonmonks in defending Rokugan from the evil that has nearly destroyed it in the past. They teach them so that all the people of Rokugan might become enlightened, the better to resist the darkness .
Monk Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 8
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +2
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Tumble.
Special (Whoa, monks get a lot of special stuff): Bonus Feat (Stunning Fist or Improved Grapple), Improved Unarmed Strike/Damage, Armor Bonus (Wisdom), Flurry of Blows (-2/-2).
Often called scouts or trackers, rangers in Oriental Adventures are warriors with an uncanny connection to the earth and an equally uncanny dedication to warfare against a chosen enemy. The archetypal ranger in Rokugan is the Hiruma scout: a Crab samurai who knows the Shadowlands like the back of his hand and fights its evil denizens with unmatched skill and ferocity.
Adventures: Rangers may be among the most "adventurous" characters in Oriental Adventures, at least as adventuring is generally understood in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Rangers are more likely than any other character to venture into the wilderness for the express purpose of killing monsters. Also, they work with armies of samurai and warriors, leading them through dangerous terrain and scouting out enemy positions.
Backgrounds: Among the Crab clan ofRokugan, the skills of rangers are taught in a formal school, which prides itself on being an integral part of the Empire's defense against the Shadowlands. Other rangers undergo more informal training,
often under the guidance of a mentor or parent.
Races: In Rokugan, rangers are most commonly found among the Crab(particularly the Hiruma family and its scoutschool), the Unicorn, and the nezumi.
Other Classes: In Rokugan, most human rangers view themselves as samurai, regarding other samurai as equals, shugenjas nearly that well, and other classes as somewhere far below their station. All rangers tend to be pragmatic enough, however, to value the contributions of any member of an adventuring party, no matter their station, and cooperate as equals in an adventuring party, even if social equality is out of the question .
Ranger Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 8
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +1
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +2
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +0
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Climb, Concentration, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope.
Special: Track, Wild Empathy, 1st Favored Enemy (Pick from this list: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Ranger#Table:_Ranger_Favored_Enemies )

From lower-class street thieves and highway bandits to scheming courtiers and nobles, rogues are common but often nearly invisible in Oriental Adventures . Some appear in far less roguish guises: as officials, diplomats, and envoys (most such characters, however, have the expert or aristocrat NPC classes). Rogues in Oriental Adventures are no easier to categorize than their standard counterparts, for they are at least as varied in their skills, roles, and backgrounds.
Adventures: Rogues adventure for a wide variety of reasons, but underlying them all is a common thread : Rogues adventure because it serves their personal goals. Whether those goals are as base as self-advancement and power or as complex as a Scorpion's web of loyalties, rogues' own desires usually spur them into adventure.
Background: Most rogues are self-taught or learn their skills under a shady mentor in a life on the street . The schools of the Scorpion clan of Rokugan, however-including the Bayushi samurai school and particularly the secretive Shosuro school specifically train their students in rogue abilities, skills, and techniques. Scorpion clan rogues, naturally, maintain a high degree of loyalty to each other, while other rogues typically do not trust other rogues any more than absolutely necessary.
Races: Scrounging nezumi are perhaps the quintessential rogues of Rokugan. Among humans, Scorpions and lower-class peasants and outcasts are the most common rogues . Rogues are common among the races of the Shadowlands as well . Hengeyokai rogues range from stealthy cat and rat burglars to brutish raccoon dog bandits. Spirit folk rogues are typically those who feel alienated from human society because of their spirit ancestry. Elf rogues are not usually criminally inclined, but their limitless curiosity often gets them into trouble.
Other Classes:
Rogues prefer to be in control of any given situation. At one extreme, this manifests as a desire to make their own decisions and not be accountable to a leader figure . Rogues with this philosophy work well with anyone who does not try to boss them around. At the other extreme are rogues who seek to manipulate others to their own advantage. Given that preference, these rogues are happy to work with members of other classes-as long as those others can be tricked or coerced into doing what the rogue wants them to do. Fanatical devotees of bushido, like most samurai, can be a problem if they are too smart or strong-willed, and monks with their rigid ways of thinking are difficult to manipulate as well . In general, rogues enjoy working with rangers, ronins, and even barbarians .
Rogue Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 6
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +0
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +2
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +0
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (local), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope.
Special: Sneak Attack +1d6 damage, Trapfinding.

Samurai are professional warriors, members of the noble class who are trained in the arts of warfare. They are not only trained for their role in society, they are born for it-born into a system of allegiance, loyalty, and honor that influences every stage of their lives. A samurai cut loose from this system is no longer a samurai; he is an ordinary fighter, a ronin with no honor and no standing in society.
Adventures: A samurai's first responsibility is obedience to his lord, usually the head of his family. This is simultaneously an endless source of adventures and a potential hindrance to a life of adventure. Alow-level samurai's lord may command him to investigate a mysterious occurrence or subdue a gang of bandits . If he performs these duties well, his lord will call on him to deal with more significant problems. However, a samurai usually cannot simply disappear on an expedition into the Shadowlands without his lord's command or at least permission, and if a samurai's lord has an important mission for him, he must make that his top priority.
Background: Samurai learn their combat techniques and the principles of bushido in established, well-organized schools. In Rokugan, at least one family is responsible for training samurai within each clan . The Crab's Hida school, the Crane's Daidoji and Kakita schools, the Dragon's Mirumoto school, the Lion's Akodo and Matsu schools, the Phoenix's Shiba school, the Scorpion's Bayushi school, and the Unicorn's Moto and Shinjo schools are the samurai schools of Rokugan.
Races: Almost without exception, all samurai in Rokugan are humans from the major clans. Only humans and spirit folk usually become samurai, because the samurai is very much a characteristic of human society.
Other Classes: Samurai consider themselves the pinnacle of the Celestial Order that structures their society. Shugenjas are technically their equals in this order, but in a world where honor is virtually equated with battle prowess, shugenjas have a tenuous hold on that position . Samurai respect only other samurai-as well as other characters (Unicorn barbarians, Crab rangers) who wear the daisho and uphold the code of bushido. They are prone to treating members of other character classes as servants, or sidekicks at best, unless such characters are obviously well respected by the samurai's lord .
Samurai Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 10
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +1
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Iaijutsu Focus, Intimidate, Jump, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, and Swim.
Special: Ancestral Daisho (All samurai begin play with a katana and a wakizashi-two masterwork weapons.)

If a cleric's basic creed is that the handiwork of the deities is everywhere, a shamans simple assertion is that the deities themselves are everywhere . Shamans are intermediaries between the mortal world and the realm of spirits-the vast multitude of living beings that infuse the entire world with divine essence. Shamans play a vital role in the world of oriental Adventures- communicating with ancestor spirits, demons, nature spirits, and the most powerful of spirits, who might be considered deities. The shaman offers sacrifices, prayers, and services to the spirits, and in return gains the favor of patron spirits who bestow spells and other magical abilities upon him.
Adventures: Shamans often go on adventures not because of any desire of their own, but as a direct result of their unique relationship with the spirit world. Ancestor spirits often have their own agendas-deeds left undone or wrongs unavenged-and call on their shaman descendants to carry them out. Peasants and nobles alike often summon shamans if evil spirits or undead monsters cause trouble. Even nature spirits, normally unconcerned with the affairs of humanity, might request assistance from a shaman if an evil influence (such as a bajang or buso) troubles the natural world. Shamans who traffic with evil spirits are often driven to commit heinous deeds. Shamans are both blessed and burdened by their gifts, and may sometimes feel like pawns in the games and machinations of the spirit world.
Background: Individuals are often drawn to the shaman class because they possess a natural gift for dealing with spirits, rather than the other way around. As with sorcerers, this gift typically manifests at puberty, though sometimes even young children display an unusual ability to see and communicate with spirits. The transition from a gifted child or young adult to a powerful shaman, however, is not easy. Typically, a shaman-to-be spends months in the wilderness, fasting and communing with the spirits, until finding two spirits to serve as patrons in a formal and ritualized relationship. These two spirits grant the character his first spells, at which point he truly becomes a shaman .
Races: Shamans are typically found among all the races, although their approach to the spirits may vary. Most shamans are human, because the human race is less in tune with the spirit world and therefore most in need of intermediaries who an communicate with spirits. Hengeyokai and spirit folk consider themselves spirits, and sometimes see little need to venerate the spirits. Hengeyokai shamans, who are quite rare, form partnerships with spirits based more on equal respect than on service and veneration . Spirit folk shamans are somewhat more common, and revere both human ancestors and nature spirits. Elves are quite commonly shamans, because they hold the
spirit world in great respect. Nezumi shamans are rare, but quite similar to human shamans in their practices.
Other Classes: While no adventurer will begrudge a shaman's power to heal and otherwise help an adventuring party, most adventurers view shamans with at least a hint of fear, awe, or wonder. A shaman's powers are otherworldly, and the spirits that grant those powers often manifest in ways that make mundane-minded fighters and rogues more than a little uncomfortable . The shaman occupies a unique and sometimes dangerous position on the border between the spirit world and the mortal world, and many characters find that position unnerving. For their part, shamans tend to look kindly on members of most other classes, humbly offering their powers for the good of the party as a whole.
Shaman Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 6
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +0
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (spirits), Profession, Scry, Spellcraft.
Special: Unarmed Strike, Animal Companion (The shaman can cast animal friendship).
Spells: Wisdom determines how powerful a spell a shaman can cast, how many spells the shaman can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. Talk with Frost on these.

Shugenjas are divine spellcasters who cast spells by attuning themselves to the elements around them and focusing the power of the elements through their bodies to produce magical effects. Like samurai, they are members of Rokugan's noble class, though they are not as bound by honor and the code of bushido as their warrior counterparts.
Adventures: Shugenjas often adventure to increase their magical knowledge and personal power. They are particularly drawn to investigate disturbances in the natural harmony of the elements-particularly incursions of the Shadowlands or the activities of maho-tsukai within the Empire. Some shugenjas dedicate their lives to fighting the taint of maho (blood magic), while others crave the power that maho bestows. Still others are drawn to plumb the depths of magic for magic's own sake, hoping eventually to learn the mysteries ofVoid, the "fifth element" that binds the others together.
Backgrounds: Shugenjas are members of Rokugan's noble class. They learn the practice of magic in schools attached to each clan, like their samurai kin. The shugenja schools of Rokugan include the Kuni school of the Crab clan, the Asahina school of the Crane clan, the Tamori school of the Dragon clan, the Kitsu school of the Lion clan, the Agasha and Isawa schools of the Phoenix clan, the Soshi and Yogo schools of the Scorpion clan, and the Iuchi school ofthe Unicorn clan .
Races: Almost without exception, all shugenjas are humans from the major clans. In Rokugan, spellcasters from other races (and human peoples) are sorcerers.
Other Classes: Like samurai, shugenjas are set apartby their noble station and tend to look down upon members of other classes. Despite the prevailing view of society, shugenjas do not believe that martial prowess is the ultimate expression of honor-in fact, they look down on the samurai who settle any disagreement or matter of honor with a duel to the death. Shugenjas have little respect for members of other classes; however, shugenjas, especially adventurers, wisely understand that different classes have specialized skills and abilities often needed for success.
Shugenja Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 6
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +0
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Alchemy, Concentration, Craft Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Scry, Spellcraft.
Special: Element Focus (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, or Metal), Sense Elements
Spells: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a shugenja can cast, how many spells the shugenja can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. Talk with Frost on these.

Sohei are warrior monks, religious soldiers who protect large monasteries. Unlike shamans, sohei are more militant than holy, and receive very little religious instruction. Instead they are trained in the art of fighting. Sohei defend their monastery against attacks and advance its political claims in the outside world. They are subject to the leader of their temple.
Adventures: Like paladins, sohei think of their adventures as "quests" in the service of their religion . Like samurai, however, they are typically sent on these quests by a superior whose command is law to the sohei. Sohei are often charged with defending their temples in times of conflict, but they can also expect to strike against enemy temples, monks, or shamans, to hunt down evil monsters terrorizing the countryside, or to recover a relic that is sacred to their order. They welcome all challenges as tests of their prowess and, secondarily, their faith.
Background: Sohei come from all walks of life to train in, their temples and monasteries. Many join their orders as children, and become sohei when they demonstrate a strength of both body and mind that lends itself to the temple's defense. Often, though, young men and women who show little promise for the contemplative life of the monk are the ones selected to become sohei.
Races: As with monks, most sohei are human or near-human (hengeyokai or spirit folk). The monastic orders to which sohei belong are predominantly human, and dwarves, nezumi, and elves rarely join such orders.
Other Classes: Sohei hold shamans and monks in deep respect, and may even be assigned to serve as bodyguard to such a character. At the same time, they typically perceive themselves as spiritually inferior to such enlightened folk, and feel more kinship with samurai or "common" warriors (fighters, rangers, or even rogues).
Sohei Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 10
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +2
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Iaijutsu Focus, Knowledge (Religion), Profession.
Special: Ki Frenzy 1/day, Weapon Focus (weapon of your choice).
Sorcerer (Frost's recommendation for those wishing to play a caster and new to D&D)
Sorcerers in Rokugan are arcane spellcasters who cast nonelemental magic. These sorcerers include the feared and reviled blood sorcerers called maho-tsukai, as well as nezumi shamans and outlanders such as Yabanjin and Ujik-hai (see the barbarian class entry) . Like barbarians, most sorcerers are outsiders in Rokugan - though maho-tsukai may try to pass as normal shugenjas.
Adventures: Most sorcerers adventure in order to acquire greater magical power. A blood sorcerer might search for scrolls penned by the greatest maho-tsukai of history, the undead sorcerer Iuchiban. A nezumi or outlander sorcerer might adventure for the same reason a barbarian character does : to fit in, either with an adventuring party or in Rokugan's broader society.
Background: Like barbarians, sorcerers (even blood sorcerers) are outsiders in Kokugan, where magic is ritualized and controlled by the shugenjas. Outlander and nezumi sorcerers usually feel that their powers have chosen them, rather than the other way around, and feel a burden and responsibility to use them properly. Such characters are usually trained by older shamans and sorcerers
in their tribe or pack. Blood sorcerers, on the other hand, seek out magical power for power's sake, and corrupt their souls and bodies to acquire it . They learn the rituals of their power from banned scrolls and hidden texts, or even from the oni of the Shadowlands.
Races: Humans from foreign lands and nezumi are the most likely of the common races to become sorcerers . Blood sorcerers are always human, and they may come from any clan-particularly the Phoenix and Unicorn. Shadowlands creatures, including goblins and ogres, may also be sorcerers.
Other Classes: By reputation, sorcerers are feared and shunned by members of most other classes. Most sorcerers don't mind at all-they use the fear and respect of others to help them accomplish their own goals. Occasionally, a sorcerer may chose to associate with others and develop personal relationships with them.
Sorcerer Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 4
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +0
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Bluff, Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), Profession, Spellcraft.
Special: Summon Familiar
Spells: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a sorcerer can cast, how many spells the sorcerer can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. Talk with Frost on these.

Wu Jen
Wu jen are spellcasters with mysterious powers . They command the elements, spirit forces, and the very powers of nature. They are seldom found living with the rest of human society. Instead, they live as hermits in the wilderness, purifying their bodies and minds in order to contact the various natural and supernatural powers of the world. From these entities they learn their spells- magical means to control the invisible forces of the world.
Adventures: Wu jen typically adventure to expand their knowledge of the world, both magical and mundane. Like wizards, they tend to approach adventures with careful planning, since their daily spell selection is vitally important.
Background: Wu jen crave magical power in a world where no organized colleges of wizardry exist. Their thirst drives them to seek out others like themselves, hermits, recluses, or exiles who have gained the secrets they seek . Nearly all wu jen are trained by a single mentor in this fashion, outcast from proper society and set apart by their fearsome supernatural powers.
Races: Most wu jen are humans or hengeyokai, though members of all the common races of Oriental Adventures can learn the wu jen's craft.
Other Classes: Wu jen generally don't like members of any other class. At the same time, however, a wu jen is painfully aware that without fighters and samurai to block enemy soldiers, a shaman to heal her wounds, and perhaps a rogue to deal with locks and traps, her path to the knowledge she seeks may be blocked by insurmountable and possibly fatal obstacles. This realization of her reliance on other classes might make her accept them or might make her resent them.
Wu Jen Class Abilities:
Hit Die (The amount of HP you get every level): 4
Base Attack Bonus (Your bonus to hit something): +0
Fortitude Save (your ability to stand up to physical punishment): +0
Reflex (your ability to dodge area attacks): +0
Will (your resistance to mental influence): +2
Skill Points (How many skill points you get per level): 2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level.
Class Skills (What you spend your Skill Points on, max number in each is 4): Alchemy, Concentration, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Scry, Spellcraft.
Special: Sudden Action, Bonus Feat (from this list: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Metamagic_Feats#List_of_Metamagic_Feats )
Spells: Intelligence determines how powerful a spell a shaman can cast, how many spells the shaman can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. Talk with Frost on these.
Character Sheet

Name: (Character's name goes here)
Race: (Character's race goes here)
Class: (Character's class goes here)
Level: 1

Str: 8 | -1
Dex: 8 | -1
Con: 8 | -1
Int: 8 | -1
Wis: 8 | -1
Cha: 8 | -1
(The stats listed above are for example only - they are how your stats should be set up. The number on the other side of the line is called your 'Ability Modifier'... to put it simply, it's what you add to certain rolls. The higher, the better. As listed, an '8' in a stat actually takes one point AWAY from your rolls. a '10' in a stat does nothing for or against, a '12' in a stat gives a +1, a '14' in a stat gives +2, a '16' in a stat gives +3, an '18' in a stat gives +4, and finally, a '20' in a stat gives a whopping +5 to rolls attached to that ability.
To determine your character's six ability scores: You'll do this on this site: http://www.hackslash.net/?p=73 . Change the numbers to what you want, but the very bottom box, labeled 'points', must equal 36. The human average in a stat is '10'.)

HP: (Record your character's HP here - the number listed under your class, plus your Constitution "ability modifier" (see above).)
Fort: +0 | 0 | 0 | 0
Ref: +0 | 0 | 0 | 0
Will: +0 | 0 | 0 | 0
(The first line of zeros are the 'total' - you add up all the other numbers and place it here. The second line is from your 'Ability Modifer'... Add your Con modifier to your Fort (Fortitude), add your Dex modifer to your Ref (Reflexes), and add your Wis modifer to your Will. The third column, place your Class skills (found under your class abilities)... the final is a catch-all for anything else, like from a Feat (see below) or a magic item, later on. )

Hair: (Character's hair color)
Eyes: (Character's eye color)
Skin: (Character's skin or fur color)
Height: (Character's height)
Weight: (Character's weight)

Racial Traits:
(Record your character's racial traits here)

Class Features:
(Record your character's class features here)

(Feats are abilities outside your character's class features that represent personal training or special abilities beyond the norm. You can find them here: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:General_Feats . Your character receives only one (1) feat at first level, though gets an extra feat if they are human. If your character is a Clan human, talk to Frost via PM with the title 'Ancestor'.)

(List your character's class skills here, and add skill ranks to them in this manner:

Appraise (4)

This shows that whoever has this skill has a total of four ranks spent in the Appraise skill. Four is the max amount of points you may have in a skill. To find the descriptions of (nearly) every skill, go here: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Skills_by_Type . From here, you can also see which Ability governs which Skill.)

(Each character starts with 100 gold to spend on equipment. It's probably smart to at least have your character's weapon of choice and some armor. Other items your character might have are also listed here - if you cannot find an item you wish on these, just list it under your equipment anyway. You may not have magical items. The weapon you choose may be altered to fit the setting. Samurai need not pay for their Ancestral Weapons.
Weapons: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Weapons#Weapon_Descriptions
Armor: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Armor#Armor_Descriptions
Misc.: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Adventuring_Gear )

(Your character's past exploits, and what has lead it to the road where the characters will be starting.)

(Character's appearance. Description or picture.)

Theme Song:
(Mostly for fun.)

Oriental adventures?

Haven't had a chance to play this in years!

Count me in...just need to tinker with character sheets.
Name: Bei
Race: Hengeyokai, Fox
Class: Monk
Level: 2

Str: 16 | +3
Dex: 16 | +3
Con: 14 | +2
Int: 8 | -1
Wis: 14 | +2
Cha: 12 | +1

(Dex: 14 | +2 if in Human form)

HP: 20
BAB: +1
AC: 15 | 10 | 2 | 3
Fort: +5 | 3 | 2 | 0

Ref: +6 | 3 | 3 | 0
Will: +5 | 3 | 2 | 0

Hair: Red
Eyes: Emerald
Skin: Red Fur
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 139lbs.

Racial Traits:
-2 Wisdom
30ft land speed
Alternate Form: Human, Animal, Hybrid
Shapechanger Type
In Hybrid Form: +2 Dex, +4 Escape Artist

Class Features:
Bonus Feat: Improved Grapple
Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
Unarmed Strike: 1d6
AC Bonus (Wisdom)
Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes

Earth's Embrace (Found in Oriental Adventures book): While grappling, if you pin your opponent, you deal critical damage (double normal unarmed damage) each round that you maintain the pin. You hold your opponent immobile as normal, but you must also remain completely immobile, giving opponents (other than the one you're pinning) a +4 bonus on attack rolls against you (but you are not helpless).

Balance: (2)
Climb: (2)
Escape Artist: (3 + 4)
Jump: (5)
Knowledge (arcana):
Knowledge (religion):
Move Silently:
Sense Motive:
Tumble: (3)

Equipment: 5 gold (Bei willingly gives up the rest of his gold)
Monk's Clothing
Scroll - Map of Rokugan
Signet Ring of the Togashi family
Empty Sack

It was years ago when he found the dragon monastery. It was an interesting group of humans - all shaven bald, tattooed and all mimicking the same punching motions. He had found it terribly amusing, like a setup of birds all singing the same song... he was amused enough to stay, and keep watching. They didn't chase him away, or glare at him... or even look at him. He supposed it was because he was in his fox form, and that he was being sneaky... this was not the case. He had given away his true self immediately to the sharp-eyed monks... and so he continued to watch... for hours... days... months... all the while, he envied the one who taught them... respected and strong, with all these little humans to do what he wanted... there were no riches involved, but the young fox had assumed that meant it'd be easier to rise up in the ranks, here.

At night, the young fox snuck into the Teacher's chambers... and, turning into his hybrid from, challenged him to a fight. It was no contest - soundly thrashed by the old monk, the young fox lay on the ground - bruised, bloodied, and expecting a final death blow... it never came.

Bei fled, and did the same thing, every night for a week - each time, the old man easily besting him. Finally defeated, in body and in spirit, the fox offered his servitude to the man.

Instead, the monk offered a different sort of punishment... to train at the monastery as one of his pupils. At first, the young fox laughed at it... but... slowly, he realized the strength he could gain... and accepted. It was not easy doing, as the order of the monastery rankled against his very nature... and yet... somehow, slowly... he came to enjoy it.

Naming the fox 'Bei', the old master gave him no special treatment - he was like every other monk there... save that the teacher forbade Bei from turning human, telling him that it was dishonest. Coming to respect the old man, Bei agreed to these terms. Soon, however, wanderlust began to creep into the foxes' heart - as the old teacher reached the end of his long life. Instructing his students to go out into the world and learn, so that they might pass on his teachings, each went off in search of their destiny.

Bei went last, caring for his mentor until the old man passed away.

Name: Matsu Kiyoshi
Race: Human
Class: Samurai
Level: 2

Str: 16 | +3
Dex: 14 | +2
Con: 12 | +1
Int: 14 | +2
Wis: 14 | +2
Cha: 12 | +1

BAB: +2
HP: 23
AC: 17 | 10 | 4 | 3
Fort: +5 | +3 | +2 | 0
Ref: +3 | +3 | 0 | 0
Will: +6 | +3 | +2 | 0

Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: White
Height: 6'1
Weight: 211lbs

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:

Ancestral Daisho (All samurai begin play with a katana and a wakizashi-two masterwork weapons.)


"Warrior Instinct": +2 bonus on Initiative and Spot checks
Endurance [General]
Weapon Focus: Katana


Iaijustsu Focus:6
Sense motive(WIS):4
Craft (Calligraphy, INT):5


Ancestral Daisho (All samurai begin play with a katana and a wakizashi-two masterwork weapons.)
Partial Armour - 50gp
Backpack – 2gp
Winter Balnket – 5sp
Whetstone – 2cp
7 Day ration packs – 35sp
2 Ink vials - 16gp
20 Paper sheets - 8gp
caligraphy blush


19gp 9sp 8 cp

Kiyohi, who in an indirect decendent of the great Matsu Hitomi was in the service of one of the lord's of the loin clan, the castle was attacked by unknown ninjas who slaughtered almost everyone including lord Hakoda, their bodies covered in spider's web. Kiyoshi, dishonored by his failure and shamed by his survival was summoned to the clan stronghold where he was honored for his bravery, and for following Hakoda's edicts even after the lord's death. Without his lord's permission to die he seeks to redeem himself by following the wishes left to him in a letter by his lord.

His wooden sandals clacked loudly on the wooden floor of the walkway. Plain white kimono, broken only by a golden belt and black armband was bright in the night under the coloured lanterns making the bright fabric glow as he walked. He stopped outside one of the doors and slipped off his sandals as the screen slid open, the muffed music growing a little louder as the area was flooded in light and he walked through to the bowing of a servant.

The room that greeted him was noisy, two geisha played a tune while another danced, her movements accented by two fans, several men sat in a semi circle and the oldest gestured for the newcomer to sit on the free mat next to him.

"Honored greetings, thank you for invi....." he was silenced as the older samurai raised a hand.

"I did not invite you for idly conversation..... I have known you to long to not see the change. You are troubled Kiyoshi." he paused as one of the geisha poured the younger samurai sweet smelling tea. "Remember what they taught you at Akodo." he turned away "Now I won't talk about this anymore, for now try to enjoy yourself." he indicated the tea and turned to talk to the person sitting on the other side of him.

Kiyoshi sighed taking the tea in both hands and blowed across it before taking a sip.

"We... didn't see them..."

A shadow moved, the group of samurai turned..... a scream behind them as a samurai fell....

"There was no way to tell who they were, or how many, they were everywhere at once."

The two samurai stood back to back, a sound made then turn. The other fell to his knees, a shurinken in the back of his neck....

Kiyoshi was alone, turning at every sound... fear gripped his heart.... a sound behind him,... a silhouette on a screen...... he thrust the point of his sword through the paper, a body fell through, Kiyoshi's sword still embedded.....

"JUNEKO!" he cried out at the memory.

"He sat holding the body of the female samurai..... here eyes glassed over, staring into his, he stood and moved, the castle oddly silent..

"Juneko......" he sobbed, alone in the night.
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Character Sheet

Name: Moto Ryoko
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 1

Str: 16 | +3
Dex: 16 | +3
Con: 12 | +1
Int: 10 | +0
Wis: 8 | -1
Cha: 16 | +3

HP: 13
Fort: +3 | 2 | 1 | 0
Ref: +3 | 0 | 3 | 0
Will: -1 | 0 | -1 | 0

Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs.

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:
Fast Movement
Rage 1/day

-Saddleback: +3 bonus on all Ride checks.
-Mounted Combat: Once per roundwhen your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll. (Essentially, the Ride check result becomes the mount's Armor Classif it's higher than the mount's regular AC.

Skills: 16
Climb (2)
Handle Animal (3)
Intimidate (2)
Jump (2)
Ride (3)
Survival (2)
Swim (2)

Halberd (10 gold)
Leather armor (10 gold)
Bedroll (1 gold)
Sack (empty) (1 gold)
Waterskin (1 gold)
Pouch (1 gold)
76 gold left

Backstory: For as long as she can remember, Ryoko has loved being an Utaku. She loved the horses, the hard life, the work, the training. She trained hard, she fought hard, and she vowed to become the greatest Utaku battle maiden who had ever lived. This was no small feat, of course, but for one as spirited as she, she would accept no easier task.

When the time came, the young Utaku packed up her things and her gold and left. It was time for adventure and to show Rokugan what she was made of!

Ryoko is headstrong, proud, and not afraid to show her strength. She is, for the most part, friendly and easy to like, provided you get past her odd sense of humor and method of "kill first and let the Kami sort it out."


Theme Song: "Hero" Skillet
Name: Jing
Race: Cat Hengeyokai
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 1

Str: 7 (-2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 7 (-2)
Int: 15 (+2)
Wis: 15 (17-2) (+2)
Cha: 18 (+4)

HP: 2
Fort: -2 | -2 | 0 | 0
Ref: +1 | 1 | 0 | 0
Will: +4 | 2 | 2 | 0

Hair: Black
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Black
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 pounds

Racial Traits:
-2 wisdom
30 feet land speed
Alternate form: cat/human
When in hybrid form:
+2 dexterity
+4 balance skill
When in cat form:
strength = 3
dexterity = 15
constitution = 10

Class Features:
Summon familiar

Diligent (+2 appraise, decipher script)

Appraise (2)
Bluff (4)
Concentration (4)
Knowledge (arcana) (4)
Profession (2)
Spellcraft (2)
Decipher script (2)


Alignment: Neutral Evil

Jing was raised on a small farm, isolated from the rest of civilization. His "owners" were kind, if simple, people, and he was treated well. Under their care, Jing grew old, and large, and as his size grew, so did his intelligence. One day, the farm was raided by bandits, and Jing's family, old and defenseless, was slain. Jing fled the scene, retreating to a graveyard not far from Renga Murai, where he has stayed to this day. He has spent his days at the graveyard plotting, and developing his powers.

His life with his previous "family" was a spoiled one, making Jing a rather lazy and arrogant individual. The demise of said family had maid him bitter towards others, but his lack of experience with the outside world makes him curious, perhaps even naive.


Jing has two tails, and is also quite larger in cat form.

Theme Song:
The Devil's Workday
Name: Doji Kuroma
Race: Human
Class: Samurai
Clan: Crane
Level: 2
Alignment: Honorable Thought
Str: 16 | +3
Dex: 12 | +1
Con: 16 | +3
Int: 10 | +0
Wis: 12 | +1
Cha: 14 | +2
HP: 26
AC: 15
BAB: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +5
Ranged Attack Bonus: +3
Katana Attack Bonus: +7
Fort: +6 | 3 | 3 | 0
Ref:  +1 | 0 | 1 | 0
Will: +4 | 3 | 1 | 0
Age: 20 
Hair: White, straight, middle back length
Eyes: Light Gray
Skin: Pale, fair skin
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 168lbs.
Racial Traits:
Base Movement-30 feet, reduced to 20 feet.
Medium Size
Extra Skill Points
Extra Feat
Class Features:
Ancestral Daisho
Bonus Feat[Weapon Focus(Katana)]
Iaijutsu Master
Quick Draw
Weapon Focus(Katana)
Skills: (25/25)
Climb(Str)                  (3)[0]{-3}=0
Craft(Painting)(Int)        (0)[2]{0}=2
Diplomacy(Cha)              (2)[5]{0}=7
Iaijutsu Focus(Cha)         (2)[5]{0}=7
Intimidate(Cha)             (2)[5]{0}=7
Jump(Str)                   (3)[0]{-3}=0
Perform(Tea Ceremony)(Cha)  (2)[0]{0}=2
Profession(Courtier)(Wis)   (1)[2]{0}=3
Ride(Dex)                   (0)[1]{0}=1
Sense Motive(Wis)           (1)[5]{0}=6
Swim(Str)                   (3)[0]{-6}=-3
Languages: Rokugani 
Ancestral Masterwork Katana
Ancestral Masterwork Wakizashi
Partial Armor(+4 AC, +4 Dex, -3 Penalty Check)
Furoshiki Sack
Courtier's Outfit
14 Days Worth of Trail Rations
[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_(east_Asia)#Japanese_usage"]Inkan and Hanko, with red ink[/URL]
Doji Kuroma is what some might call the epitome of Crane dignity.  His father is the head of the Doji family, while his mother is the sister of the head of the Daidoji family.  Heralded as the next great leader of the Crane Clan, destined to lead the Crane to the throne, he was enrolled in both the Daidoji school and Kakita school, to learn the art of kendo and iaijutsu.  He was also taught diplomacy by his father.  He now roams the land as a samurai in the service of his father, tasked with three missions: Gather as much knowledge as possible, make a name for himself as a samurai, and find a wife to continue the family line.  Unexpectedly though, his father does not mind this.  He sees it as a dedication to the clan and his family above all else, which is the pinnacle of honor.  Kuroma can often be seen wearing his courtier outfit, as opposed to his samurai armor, as it is easier to travel simply carrying the armor.
Theme Song:
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmpmjsq8Z70&feature=fvw"]Mr. Pinstripe Suit[/URL]
Character Sheet >: [

<DIR>Name: Tae
Race: Hengeyokai, Fox
Class: Rouge
Level: 1

Str: 10 | -0
Dex: 18 | +4
Con: 12 | +1
Int: 14 | +2
Wis: 8 | -1
Cha: 14 | +2

HP: 7
Fort: +1 | 1 | 0 | 0
Ref: +6 | 4 | 2 | 0
Will: -1 | -1 | 0 | 0

Hair: White
Eyes: Light brown
Skin: White fur
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 93 lbs.

Racial Traits:
Alternate Form (Fox) A Hengeyokai can assume the shape of a specific human, a specific animal, or a hybrid between the two.

Class Features:
Sneak Attack +1d6 damage, Trap finding.

Weapon Finesse

Appraise, (1) 3
Balance, (2) 6
Bluff, (2) 4
Climb, (3) 3
Decipher Script, (1) 3
Diplomacy, (2) 4
Disable Device, (1) 3
Disguise, (4) 6
Escape Artist, (1) 5
Forgery, (1) 3
Gather Information, (3) 5
Hide, (2) 6
Intimidate: (1) 3
Jump, (4)
Knowledge (local), (1)
Listen, (3) 2
Move Silently, (3) 7
Open Lock, (1) 5
Search, (1) 3
Sense Motive, (1) 0
Sleight of Hand, (1) 5
Spot, (1) 0
Tumble, (1) 5
Use Magic Device, (1) 3

dagger, leather armor,
Plain black kimono

Back-story: Tae was born and raised in the Scorpion clan. When she was born she had the misfortune to be born as the third and last in a set of triplets, her father who had fought tooth and nail to gain his current status would not have this tagged to his name. That very night the poor newborn was sold to a sensei with questionable tastes, being raised by him and held captive in ways. Not held to him in fear, but by the fact of that she had nowhere to go. The highest reason was that he held her dear mask close to him, not letting her have or wear it until she was to venture out with him. Tae is innocent or even ignorant in many things, everything she knows she was taught in order to not make her 'master' look bad. Everyone that knew the man praised him for being kind and taking in the babe had been 'abandoned.' Sadly his specialty was in stealth and suppression/restraint so Tae had no luck in escaping his lecherous hands when his small mind games turned into a sick and twisted affection.
This all changed a few days ago when she snapped, defending herself, and bit his throat out when he was trying to force her yet again.

Maybe it had been a mistake on the sensei's part to use his captive for practice in his daily warm ups, yes, maybe.

</DIR> Appearance:

Theme song: Lights out, Breaking benjamin.
Name: Mirumoto Rhyodotsu
Race: Human
Class: Samurai
Level: 1

Str: 14 | +2
Dex: 15 | +2
Con 12 | +1
Int: 15 | +2
Wis 15 | +2
Cha 10 | 0

HP: 11
Fort: +3 | +1 | +2 | 0
Ref: +2 | +2 | 0 | 0
Will: +4 | +2 | +2 | 0

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin : Slightly Tanned
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:
Ancestral Daisho

Two-Weapon Fighting
Soul of Loyalty

Climb (4) 6
Iaijutsu Focus (4) 4
Intimidate (4) 4
Jump (4) 6
Profession - Yojimbo (4) 4
Ride (4) 6
Sense Motive (4) 6

Masterwork Katana
Masterwork Wakizashi
Scale Mail - 50 gp
Backpack - 2 gp
Blanket, winter - 5 sp
Map - 1 gp
Flint and Steel - 1 gp
Hooded Lanturn - 7 gp
Weeks worth of rations - 35 sp
Whetstone - 2 cp
Leftover money - 34 gp 9 sp 8 cp

Rhyodotsu was born into the Mirumoto school, learning from a young age their particular form of the Samurai. He studied hard, but tended to lean towards more of the spiritual and mental teachings the school had to offer, rather than the combative side of things. This, while making him not as physically powerful as his peers, enabled him to in essence become more intelligent than they were.

However, as Rhyodotsu grew older, he felt an urge to explore the lands, feeling that the teachings here were becoming mundane and repetitive. He longed for the outside world, feeling that wisdom and true enlightenment can only be obtained after looking at a problem from every possible point of view. To do that, he would have to leave the school and mingle with people from different life styles.

After appealing to his lord and explaining the way he felt, his lord sent him on a Musha Shugyo, marking him to the rest of the world as a ronin, but vowing to return once his quest for knowledge and overall self-embetterment was complete. After grabbing some supplies, Rhyodotsu set out upon his journey, leaving behind his familiar life in seek of adventure.

Name: Shosuro Tokito
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 2

Str: 12 | +1
Dex: 16 | +3
Con: 16 | +3
Int: 14 | +2
Wis: 12 | +1
Cha: 14 | +2

BAB: +1
HP: 18
Fort: +3 | +3 | 0 | 0
Ref: +6 | +3 | +3 | 0
Will: +1 | +1 | 0 | 0

Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: White
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 149lbs

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:
Sneak attack +1d6
Trap finding

Quick Draw (general)
Many Masks: You are descended from Shosuro Furuyari, an important Scorpion Playright
+2 Bonus to disguise and perform checks

Bluff: (4)
Climb: (4)
Decipher script
Disable device
Disguise: (4)
Escape artist: (3)
Forgery (2)
Gather information: (3)
Hide: (4)
Jump: (3)
Knowledge (local)
Listen (4)
Move Silently (4)
Open lock: (4)
Perform (act, 5)
Search: (4)
Sense Motive
Sleight of hand
Tumble: (2)
Use magic device
Use rope: (4)

Ninja-to (10gp)
Shurikens (10, 2gp)
Rope, silk (50ft, 10gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Traveler's outfit (unicorn, 1gp)
Monk's outfit (Crane, 3gp)
Entertainer's outfit (Phoenix, 3gp)
Entertainer's outfit (scorpion, 3gp)
Scorpion clan mask (0gp)

65 gp

In service to his family Tokito has decided to travel the lands of their clan's rival go gain skills as a
spy/assassin. Disguised as an actor from the Phoenix clan he entered Lion clan territory and has been traveling, under several guises for the past few weeks.

Slightly on the short side with the usual build for someone from the scorpion clan, along with the usual black eyes and hair mean that withing scorpion lands you wouldn't look twice at what appeared to be an entertainer, and in other clans' lands he isn't much more noticeable. none of his outsite bear any family banners, only his mark reviles something of his relation to Shosuro Furuyari. No matter what hes disguised as he keeps all weapons hidden knowing that the Ninja-to,if seen would arouse suspicion.
Theme Song:
Name: Ropp'tch'tch of the Tattered Ear Tribe ("Roppu")
Race: Nezumi
Class: Shaman
Gender: Female
Level: 2

Str: 10 | +0
Dex: 16 | +3
Con: 14 | +2
Int: 12 | +1
Wis: 16 | +3
Cha: 12 | +1

HP: 16
BAB: +1
AC: 15 | 10 | 3 | 2
Fort: +2 | 0 | 2 | 0
Ref: +3 | 0 | 3 | 0
Will: +6 | 3 | 3 | 0

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Emerald
Skin: Tan Fur
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 89lbs.

Racial Traits:
+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Nezumi are hale and hardy but rather crude by human standards.
Nezumi are Medium-sized.
Nezumi base speed is 40 feet
Low-light Vision : Nezumi can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
+2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks . Nezumi are naturally stealthy.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison and disease: Nezumi are resistant to illness and toxins.
Immune to the Shadowlands Taint: Nezumi can never acquire a Taint score, and suffer no ill effects from exposure to the Shadowlands. Effects such as the cloud of Taint spell or the special attacks of Shadowlands creatures can still harm them, however.
A ratling's sharp claws and teeth deal 1d4 points of normal damage with a successful unarmed strike . A ratling can make only one unarmed attack per round, using either claw or a bite attack.

Class Features:
Unarmed Strike: Gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Animal Companion
Domain 1: Trickery Domain (Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills)
Domain 2: Guardian Domain (Once per day, add your shaman level to a single saving throw you make)
Spirit Sight

Run: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load). If you make a jump after a running start (see the Jump skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Jump check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC.

Concentration: +4 | 2 | 2 | 0
Craft: +0 | 1 | 0 | 0
Diplomacy: +3 | 1 | 2 | 0
Heal: +7 | 3 | 4 | 0
Knowledge (arcana): +2 | 1 | 1 | 0
Knowledge (religion): +2 | 1 | 1 | 0
Knowledge (shadowlands): +2 | 1 | 1 | 0
Profession: +3 | 3 | 0 | 0
Scry: +0 | 1 | 0 | 0
Spellcraft: +1 | 1 | 0 | 0
Bluff: +5 | 1 | 4 | 0
Disguise: +6 | 1 |5 | 0
Hide: +10 | 3 | 5 | 2

Dagger (2gp)
Leather Armor (10gp)
Entertainer's Outfit (3gp)
Pouch, Belt (1gp)
Silk Rope, 50ft (10gp)
Backpack (1gp)
Small Steel Mirror (10gp)
Flint and Steel (1gp)
Ruby Ring (5gp)
4 small pearls (1gp each)
Jade Idol of Fukurokujin, Fortune of Wisdom (50gp)
Necklace of Bones (No Worth)

Leftover Gold: 3gp

Spells: 4/3+1
Inori: Guidance**, Cure Minor Wounds**
1st-level: Disguise Self*, Shield of Faith*, Cure Light Wounds**

The world was just fine for Ropp'tch'tch when she was young. Extraordinarily pretty, she was one of the more popular little gatherers, taking from the humans with her brothers and sisters, providing a great deal of wealth and food for the small offshoot of the tribe that she belonged to.

The humans did not like that. The humans did not understand, they had so much food, what little the Nezumi took was meaningless! However, the greedy humans got the larger humans with the frightening armor and glinting, giant knives to come - the Samurai. The family of ratlings was easily killed off.

However, several spirits smiled on the young Ropp'tch'tch. The spirits guarded her, and cloaked her - making her appear human to the samurai... she was not aware, and huddled in the corner... crying and waiting for the blades to fall upon her. The samurai, seeing only a frightened human girl, lifted her up... 'rescuing' her from the fate that they had intended for all ratlings.

She was given over into foster care... but a few moments after the samurai left, her form wavered, and she was, once more, a ratling - and fled. She has been making a meager living off of the humans, vengence already slaked from the death of her family as she stole and made horrible deals with the humans, shattering their economy. Her reverence to the spirits of Trickery and her own Guardians has given her some incredible spirit allies... and her ability to appear human for a good deal of time helps, too.


Bungle in the Jungle, Jethro Tull

(Planned prestige class: )
Character Sheet

Character Name: Agasha Jinzaburo AKA Jin
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Clan: Phoenix
Class: Monk
Level: 1

STR: 16|+3
DEX: 14|+2
CON: 14| +2
INT: 10|+0
WIS: 16|+3
CHA: 10|+0

Hair: Bald, but if not waxed and shaved, long and black
Eyes: Gray
Skin: White, but dark tan
Height: 6'2
Weight: 160 lbs

HP: 10
AC: (10+ Dex Mod + Wis Mod) 15

Fort: +4 | 2 | 2 | 0
Ref: +4 | 2 | 2 | 0
Will: +5 | 2 | 3 | 0

Racial Traits:
Bonus Feat
Extra Skill Points

Class Features:
Bonus Feat
Flurry of Blows -2/-2
Unarmed Strike 1d6

Stunning Fist
Keen Intellect
Weapon Focus (Unarmed)

Balance: (3)
Climb: (2)
Escape Artist: (2)
Jump: (3)
Knowledge (arcana):
Knowledge (religion): (1)
Move Silently:
Sense Motive:
Spot: (2)
Tumble: (3)

Equipment: (GP 93;SP 99 , weight 13lbs)
Monk's Outfit
Flint & Steel
Waterskin (strong red wine)



Background: Jin was the son of the Master of the School of Henshin Mystics, those who studied how to become gods. He was taught very early on, that studying on how to become a god was the most important thing in his life, but he felt otherwise. He did, however, think it was important, but nowhere near as important as his true calling: adventure. He loved to travel, learn, discover and meet new people. He escaped from the temple many times, just to wander aimlessly, and see what new things awaited for him. And, of course, with wandering, he walked upon danger constantly. These adventures honed his fighting skills, along with the arduous monk training at the school, trying to make his body into the ultimate weapon, an unshakeable fortress.

Of course, his setting and strict rules proved too much, and at a young age, he left the academy, vowing to return one day, and continue his father's wishes of becoming a Henshin Mystic, but on his own path of self discovery.
Character Sheet

Name: Yue
Race: Spirit folk - River
Class: Shaman
Level: 1

Str: 8 | -1
Dex: 10 | 0
Con: 14 | +2
Int: 14 | +2
Wis: 18 | +4
Cha: 14 | +2

HP: 8
Fort: +2 | 0 | 2 | 0
Ref: +0 | 0 | 0 | 0
Will: +6 | 2 | 4 | 0

Hair: Light blue, not to be mistaken with black, very long and thick and kept in a braid down her back
Eyes: Dark red eyes
Skin: Pale, with patches of white scales on the backs of her arms and legs, her neck, her torso; only noticeable in sunlight when the light makes rainbow ribbons flash across
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173 lbs.

Racial Traits:
Medium-size: As medium-size creatures, spirit folk have no special bonuses or penalties due to size .
Spirit folk base speed is 30 feet.
Low-light Vision : Spirit folk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination . They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Spirit Subtype: Spirit folk have the spirit subtype, which means they can be affected by spells that specifically target spirits, such as protection from spirits and invisibility to spirits. Their human ancestry makes them humanoids, however, so they are also affected by spells such as hold person and charm person.

-River Spirit Folk
Water Breathing: River spirit folk can breathe water as easily as they breathe air.
River spirit folk have a base swimming speed of 30 feet. They do not need to make Swim checks to swim normally.They gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard, and they can always choose to take 10 on these checks, even if rushed or threatened when swimming.
They can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line .
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spelllike effects with the word "water" in the name of the effect, shugenja spells of the water element, and wu jen spells connected to water.
Once per day a river spirit folk can use speak with animals to speak with any fish . This ability is innate to river spirit folk . It has a duration of 1 minute.

Class Features:

Unarmed Strike,
Animal Companion (The shaman can cast animal friendship).

-Athletic [General]
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Climb checks and Swim checks.

Skills: 24

Concentration: 2
Craft: 3
Diplomacy: 3
Heal: 4
Knowledge (arcana): 4
Knowledge (religion): 4
Knowledge (spirits): 4

Quarterstaff/Staff - [Gift from someone she helped]
Clothes on her back - [Mother's clothes]
Small knife - [Gift from someone she helped]
Waterskin - 1 gp
Backpack - 2 gp
A transluscent scale on a leather string - [Gift from her father]
Pipa - [Gift from her father]
*Any other gold she gave away to needy families during her travels



Cure Light Wounds.**
Obscuring Mist.

[0-Level Spells]

Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Disease
Detect Magic.
Detect Poison.
Inflict Minor Wounds.
Purify Food and Drink.
Read Magic.

[1-Level Spells]
Animal Friendship.
Bless Water.
Calm Animals.**
Cure Light Wounds.
Curse Water.
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law.
Detect Undead.
Endure Elements.
Entropic Shield.**
Inflict Light Wounds.
Invisibility to Undead.
Obscuring Mist.
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law.
Shield of Faith.
Speak with Animals.
Summon Nature's Ally I.**
Weapon Bless.

Yue's father is a Chiang Lung, a river dragon, and her mother was a human who accompanied her scholar of a father visited by the Chiang Lung. The dragon and the mortal fell in love and despite the risks, Yue's mother wanted more than anything to have his child. The Chiang Lung was there for the birth of his daughter ... and for the mother's death. He was saddened by this but he took the child and gave her her mother's name so she would always remember her.

As Yue matured, it was discovered she had a gift for communicating with spirits and often prays and blesses them, be they nature spirits or her human ancestors. She grew to be calm and benevolent and a firm believer in the good of people, a shaman who dealt better with the Healing and River spirits than the others. She travels on a mission to help wherever she can but often finds the time to visit her father.

Yue is a very modest individual, prone to keeping opinions to herself and talking in the third person. She often calls people "honored" followed by a title such as "brother" or "sister" and refers to her father as "most honored father". She doesn't like to meet people's eyes and has an odd way of bowing. She doesn't bend forward but rather bends her knees until they nearly touch the ground and then slowly rising.


Theme Song: "Anthem for the Underdog" 12 Stones
Name: Endo
Race: Human
Class: Wu Jen
Level: 1

Str: 8 | -1
Dex: 14 | +2
Con: 12 | +1
Int: 16 | +3
Wis: 14 | +2
Cha: 16 | +3

HP: 6
Fort: +1 | +1 | 0 | 0
Ref: +2 | +2 | 0 | 0
Will: +4 | +2 | +2 | 0
(The first line of zeros are the 'total' - you add up all the other numbers and place it here. The second line is from your 'Ability Modifer'... Add your Con modifier to your Fort (Fortitude), add your Dex modifer to your Ref (Reflexes), and add your Wis modifer to your Will. The third column, place your Class skills (found under your class abilities)... the final is a catch-all for anything else, like from a Feat (see below) or a magic item, later on. )

Hair: Purple
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:
Special: Sudden Action, Still Spell

Oni's Bane
Improved Counterspell

Craft: Alchemy(4)
Concentration (4)
Knowledge: Arcana (4)
Knowledge: Nature (4)
Scry (4)

Dagger - 2 gp
Backpack - 2 gp
Blanket, winter - 5 sp
Chalk, 2 pieces - 2 cp
Lantern, bullseye - 12 gp
Mirror, small steel - 10 gp
5 days rations - 2 gp 5 sp

0 Level Spells:
Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Detect Poison*
Disrupt Undead
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Read Magic*
1 Level Spells:
Fiery Eyes
Cobra's Breath
Comprehend Languages
Magic Missile*
True Strike

Endo was initially born into the phoenix clan, however, around the age of 17, felt restricted by the rules that surrounded him. So he left the clan, going into the wilderness to look for the knowledge in nature itself and hopefully find the knowledge he was seeking.

It has been 10 years since that day, most of the phoenix clan having forgotten about him. Endo, having improved his skills while in nature, had his small home stumbled upon by a river spirit folk. Because both were outsiders to the Rokugan society, he welcomed her into his home for a while. Upon her preparing to leave, he asked to accompany her on her journey, feeling as his learning here was completed, and having the desire to explore the rest of the world and that this was an opportunity to do it with someone. Yue said yes and they have been traveling ever since.

Endo is a smart person, if not a bit of a klutz. He's friendly and very accepting of others, because he feels that the way society is currently doesn't give those born differently a chance to succeed. Despite living alone for so long, he handles quite well in social situations, but prefers to be in small company. He has great patience, but even his comes to an end.


Theme Song:
(Mostly for fun.)
Character Sheet

Name: Japik of Eagle's Reach
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 1

Str: 17 | +3
Dex: 14 | +2
Con: 14 | +2
Int: 12 | +1
Wis: 10 | +0
Cha: 13 | +1

HP: 12
Fort: +4 | +2 | +2 | 0
Ref: +2 | +2 | 0 | 0
Will: +0 | 0 | 0 | 0

Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Light
Age: 23
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 215 Lbs

Racial Traits:

Class Features:
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
At 1st level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

EWP: Bastard Sword
Quick Draw
Reckless Offense

Climb (Str) 5 | 2 | +3 | 0
Craft (Int) 0 | 0 | +1| 0
Handle Animal (Cha) 0 | 0 | +1 | 0
Intimidate (Cha) 5 | 4 | +1 | 0
Jump (Str) 0 | 0 | +3 | 0
Ride (Dex) 6 | 4 | +2 | 0
Swim (Str) 5 | 2 | +3 | 0

Each character starts with 100 gold to spend on equipment.
Bastard Sword (Back Sheath)
Heavy Shield (wood)
Scale Mail

Japik is the "Soldier Son" of a minor noble from Eagle's Reach, a pissant keep in the middle of a decidedly nasty mountain range. He was on board the Army transport Emerald Sword when their weather mage made a "minor" miscalculation and sent them several dozen leagues in the wrong direction. That put them in unfamiliar waters. A sudden squall rose - he later learned it was probably caused by a jealous Rokugani dragon - and further sent the ship off course, eventually gutting and destroying it. Japik washed up on a rocky shoreline along with considerable flotsam, apparently the only survivor.

As he walked along the coastline to find the nearest port, he stumbled into a Lion-Crane skirmish. Not one to shy away from a good fight - even tired and bedraggled as he was - he joined in, fighting on the side of the Lions.

Japik is a tall, solidly built mountain man. His black hair falls just below his shoulders, and is tied back in a loose tail. His shield and armor bear the image of a black eagle with wings outstretched on a blue field, though the image has been somewhat worn by the violence of his arrival in Rokugan.

Theme Song: Lai Lai Hei - Ensiferum