Order (Mocking_Jayy and Desu Juice)

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[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]They went on like this for some time, and Koshi found himself having a great time planning their dream house as he munched on his slice of cake happily.

But all too soon May had to leave, so Koshi walked her to the station, making sure she would be all right. He gave her a hug, then smiled and waved. He was happy he had seen his friend again, and that feeling persisted, glowing in his heart all the way home.

It stopped when he hit the doorway. He was alone again.

Koshi locked the door for the first time in what felt like years. The first thing he did other than taking his shoes off was finding the wine bottle. He brought it to his trembling lips and drank again. Koshi wasn't proud of it, but it made him feel good. He didn't think about Health class, or anything like that. There were all kinds of other things were bouncing around in his mind- the worst of them was May's face when he told her about what he had done. Not even Shia's disappointment hurt as much. But he couldn't say that he expected a different reaction.
Koshi took another swig.

By the end of the night Koshi had already packed his bags- though none of them were neat. His clothes were jumbled... in utter disarray, madly thrown into his two small, navy blue suitcases. He was laying on his bed, staring blindly up at the ceiling. The bottle hung loosely from his hand. His ceiling fan was whirling- the nights were warm now, made warmer by his drinking. Lazily, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it somewhere near the foot of his bed, feeding the chaos in his room.

He laid back down, noticing how the roomed seemed to spin around him. Koshi looked at the bottle in his hand, and then started glaring. "I promised." But his drunk mind was whispering all kinds of other things to him- he felt mad, and it felt terribly bad.
In a rage, he sat up abruptly and threw the bottle over the piles of things on the floor. It exploded into tiny, green bits and spilled a few drops of watery red on the carpet, but that didn't make him feel any better. Koshi flopped back down and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes, feeling tears spill over again.

"What am I doing?" Koshi ground his palms into his skull until he saw stars and shapes beneath his eyelids. "This is..." The room jerked harshly and his stomach gave a lurch. "Ugh..."

He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. When his feet hit the floor, a burst of pain made him cry out and swear.

He lifted his legs and looked at his feet; saw red, wine-red. A three large bits of glass were poking out of the bottom of his foot, much to Koshi's horror. "This is what I get." He tentatively touched the shards... then yanked one out. Gritting his teeth, he followed with the other two, and then passed out.


The next morning was utter hell. He had never felt so terrible before, and Koshi realized that this was what he had only heard about before in Health class- a hangover.

He spent the morning hanging limply over the toilet, feeling as if his stomach was about to come out of his mouth. Security hadn't show up yet- which meant that this was probably normal, or even expected, and that made Koshi only feel worse. There would be no help this time, no medicine to make him feel better. He was alone with his own mistake, and he had no idea what to do.

The morning turned into the afternoon, and Koshi decided it was either get up and eat breakfast, or die of hunger and be found the next day with his head in the toilet, dead.
So he made the simplest breakfast he could think of- scrambled eggs, and spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the TV, crying, huddled under almost five fuzzy blankets.

When night fell, Koshi realized he hadn't done anything about his foot. He spent an hour bandaging it, an hour more laying in his bed feeling his face burning with shame for his actions the night before.


The morning of the move, Koshi had showered and dressed up nicely. Everything was in order, and the whole house was scrubbed clean (save the red stains on his bedroom carpet, there was no getting those out). Koshi limped outside, squinting at the bright sun.

The car was already parked outside, ready for him. The Andera driver, clad in smooth, shiny armor got out and opened the trunk for him. The two loaded up his bags, and then he was let into the car.

When he got in, his expression changed into one resembling a child that had gotten coal for Christmas.

"Goooooood morning Koshiiiii!~" Shia exclaimed. The lady Andera sat as perfectly straight as usual, with her pale pink hands folded neatly in her lap. Koshi mumbled a good morning, and looked out the window.

He repiled in a similar mumble as Shia twittered excitedly the whole way to May's house. He only seemed to bright up somewhat when he her door. "Please save me May..." He whispered, and thankfully Shia didn't hear him.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

The rest of the night had gone pretty well, they spent it listing off what they would like to have in their new home while eating cake. Soon after, Koshi walked her tot eh station since it was quite late and she boarded the train before she arrived back to the area where she lived in. The sun had long since set yet she felt quite happy, so she took her time to get home, mostly because she didn't want to go in and feel that sense of loneliness. Out here she had the noise of the cars, signifying that she wasn't alone. Soon, much to her dismay, she found herself standing in front of the door to the apartment. Pulling out the key from her pocket, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. Immediately, the noise she would hear outside during her walk was muffled by the walls and she was engulfed by the silence. Biting her lip, she shut the door behind her and pulled off her cardigan before throwing it on her couch. Pulling out her phone, May tapped on the screen a couple of times before music started to play from the device. Raising the volume, she placed it in her back pocket and proceeded to pack up her things.

It had taken her far longer than usual since she had some of her things in the most random of places. Soon she found herself in her workroom, with a big box and she with reluctance put away her supplies. Slowly but surely clearing out the cluttered room. The only thing left after half an hour of packing was the painting on the wall; the remnants of her ever being there. May pulled out her phone and took one picture of it, before picking up the boxes and leaving the room.


The next day May had overslept since she had gone to sleep late. When she did wake up, she had went over to her living room and grabbed a sketchbook before sketching away to distract her mind for yesterday's events. though sketching didn't seem to work either since she had drawn Koshi, a few dark marks around his neck. She would need to watch him when they moved into their new apartment. Keep him company and make sure he didn't try anything like that ever again. Starring down at the drawing, May bit her lip before her mind took her elsewhere.

The rest of the day, she spent it sketching out random things and jotting down ideas for her next project that she would do in her new workroom.


May had dressed into some black shorts with a nice button up shirt and her ankle boots in place. She let her hair hang loose down her bag, a hairband around her wrist in case she would need it later.

THe minute she glanced out of the window, she spotted the car and she was quick to open the door and walked down with two suitcases in hand.

"I'm going to get the other two boxes." May blurted as she set down the suitcases, jogged back inside to the apartment and returned with two boxes stacked atop each other.
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Koshi quickly got out both to help May, andbecuase it was his only chance to escape from Shia.
It wasn't that he didn't like his Counselor... it was just that she was a little bit to cheery for how he felt today. His head still hurt, and her constant chatter wasn't helping.

The driver opened his door and peeked out, calling "Are you sure, sir?"

"Yeah." He shut the door behind him, and smiled brightly at May. "Good morning~ Let me help you with those." Koshi took a step forward... Ugh, he had forgotten about his foot. He hoped to God May wouldn't notice his limp- he had just promised that he wouldn't do anything harmful anymore, and here he was practically unable to walk. He didn't want to worry May anymore than he already had.

Koshi reached out to take the boxes. "I sent Shia the list yesterday. I hope they didn't forget anything..."

He struggled to hide his limp as he walked to the back of the car and carefully set the boxes down to open the door.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May's expression brightened upon seeing Koshi step out of car.

"Good morning! Aaa, yeah. Thank you." May handed him the boxes and was about to turn back around to pick up her suitcases when she noticed something strange about Koshi. His stride wasn't...Was he limping? May narrowed her eyes slight, but chose not to mention it given that Shia was there. "I hope they didn't..." Picking up the suitcases, she set them in the trunk of the car, rounded the car and took a seat in the back with Koshi.

"Morning Shia." May greeted their counselor before the car could set off down the street. "How far is our new apartment from here?"

Hopefully it wasn't a long car ride, because she already wanted to see their new residence and the initial excitement she had the moment she found out about the move, was coming back. "How are you feeling?" May's voice was nothing above a whisper as she leaned closer to Koshi.
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Koshi as grateful that he had gotten in after May, as she was sitting between him and Shia. He felt a million times better with her there. Shia started her usual banter, opening with, "It's only an hour to the city deary~ Oh, it'll be so much fun living there, you'll see! There're night clubs, and big stores... And all kinds of other things to do!" Koshi knew she would send them a million fliers for all those wonderful activities she described. He decided that any of them that ended up on his desk or near him would be shredded. He hated when Shia tried to make him do things.

Koshi ended up tuning out her chatter and gazing out of the tinted window, not really feeling to well to say anything. He heard the driver's communication device give a beep.

"Media reporters on Route 12, recommending transfer to route 15. 20 minute delay." He sighed. This would be a long ride. At least May was with him... but they certainly weren't going to be able to talk much with Shia there.

She suddenly leaned towards him. He stammered and blushed awkwardly before mumbling, "Y-yeah. I'm fine." She noticed his limp... He was sure she did. His heart rate spiked and he started panicking before he realized that he could just make something up... he didn't have to tell her the truth.

But then... Shia suddenly leaned forward in her seat, and her features took on an appearance similar to a hawk. She looked directly at Koshi, smiling as kindly as she could.

'Oh God, please don't Shia... Please, not in front of May.' He thought, and balled his hands into fists in his lap.

"Koshi, I thought you understood the effects of alcohol... I understand that it is common for humans to abuse such substances at least once in their short lives, but it is terribly unhealthy, and I would ask if you refrain from drinking yourself to oblivion again. I hope you injuring yourself while in such a state will teach you a lesson."

He almost died of embarrassment and terror right then and there. His heartbeat flooded his ears and he glanced at May with uncertainty.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May arched a brow when Shia mentioned nigh clubs. Night clubs weren't the safest places on Earth, so why was Shia mentioning them...? Perhaps she just wanted them to have some sort of experience in them. At the mention of providing them with flyers, May gave their counselor a nod. Usually May read them through and held on to the ones that actually appealed to her.

Looking back to Koshi, May gave him an expectant look, not exactly conformed with his answer. Suddenly Shia started speaking again and May's eyes widened after the whole thing. "You drank to oblivion?" May questioned so lowly, it would be a surprise if he heard it. He injured himself...that would explain the limp.

"Koshi, you promised you wouldn't hurt yourself." May said quietly as she looked up at him, her gaze was filled with concern and she frankly felt useless. She didn't know what to do to help Koshi, to get him to not do this-to not inflict any more danger onto himself. "How did you hurt yourself? Are you okay?"
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Koshi turned his gaze to glare at his Counselor.

"I..." He wasn't able to speak. The pink robot nodded, trying to urge him on.

"Yeah. I learned my lesson." He quickly turned to look out the window, unable to look at May. "I broke the bottle and stepped in the glass." He said, then pressed his forehead against the window and gave a defeated sigh.

"We have security watching him very closely but.." The Counselor whispered into the girl's ear, minding her tone as not to sound too worried. "I want to prevent anything bad from happening, not stop it while it's already happening..." Shia glanced over to Koshi, and stared at the place on his neck where his collar was a bit lower, displaying the ugly purple line. "I just don't know how to do that..."[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May quietly watched as Koshi turned to glare at Shia, clearly not happy that their counselor just made him admit to his doing. Her gaze lingered on the male, even as Shia whispered in her ear. She understood what she was saying, it was better to prevent something from happening than to stop it when its already happening-else the damage could be great. Her emerald orbs moved down to his neck when she could see a small part of the bruise on his next.

"I understand. Maybe if I'm with him the majority of the time in the apartment, he won't do anything." May whispered back to Shia as she turned to look at her. "If he does attempt something I can attempt to stop him and hopefully I'm successful at that." She would do anything to make sure he stayed safe and unharmed. May wouldn't allow him to get hurt, especially when she was there to prevent it.

[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]"But its important to note that you have to avoid suffocating him as well." Shia added after a second of thought. "Remember... you might not be able to be with him all the time on Earth..."

The rest of the car ride passed uneventfully. Koshi seemed to be content with moping, and ignored Shia's attempt to make him speak.

When they drove into the city, the change was so startling that Koshi ended up gaping, open-mouthed like a fish at his window. It was massive. The buildings around them were all pretty much skyscrapers, a stark contrast to the residential area they had just come from. Andera littered the streets in a multi-color rainbow, the majority of them were rushing to wherever they needed to be, and some were stopped, staring at the crowd and gawking like Koshi was.

There were lots of neon, glowing sign to point out cafés and clubs- Shia was right, there were plenty of places to go in the city.


Finally, the driver stopped in front of a six-floor building. Each floor was accessed from an outside landing, thus avoiding the need for a lobby of any kind. Every single door had an over-head light of some kind, and each had a runic little number printed in cursive. From in the car, Koshi could see that their building was the only one with a keyhole. The rest all had these sort of scanners that would pick up on their owner Andera to let them inside, and even lock the door if they wanted to. Overall, that mechanism was intended to only ever be used in case of an emergency, meaning- they were never used.
Overall, it was a nice, unassuming little building and Koshi was pleased with it.

The driver helped the two remove their luggage from the car and brought all of it inside with them. Shia called goodbye- Koshi stood outside and gave her a weak wave as she drove away.

"Phew... Finally." Whether he meant that he was glad Shia was gone, or that he was finally home, was unclear. Koshi knew it was the former- he couldn't wait to get inside and see where they would be living.

He opened the door for May, and helped her carry in her things.
Koshi then made sure the door was locked. Somehow, stories about human cities made him feel a little strange about leaving the door open like he usually did.

He didn't take his shoes off.

The inside corridor opened to the livingroom and a connected kitchen. There was a normal table, and next to that was also a corner-bar that would allow someone to eat facing the chef. Indeed, they heeded Koshi's request for a larger fridge (it was a massive, silver beast of a thing) and a fish-grill. Across from that was (he smiled brightly at this-) a large TV, a massive bookshelf, and a comfy-looking couch.

Traveling down the hallway past the living room, Koshi found the area where their bedrooms were located- the first thing he noticed was a glowing sign with May's name on the right. Just a step further and facing May's room was the entrance to his room.

"Cool, we get to stay pretty close." He smiled sheepishly.

At the end of the hallway was the bathroom. Koshi peeked inside, curious. "Woah, the bathroom is huge." Indeed, the bathroom was rather large. In the very back on a raised step was a bathtub/shower. It seemed to have hot tub capabilities. To the left of the tub was the toilet.
To the right of the door was a nice looking sink with other cabinets and plenty of surface space for Koshi to clean when he's bored. There was a large mirror spanning the length of the sink.

To the left was a small laundromat- a washer and a dryer, and a laundry basket.

Koshi retreated back into the hallway, pleased with what he saw.

"This is awesome! This place is so big... Oh yeah, I can make dinner when we unpack our stuff. I came prepared." He laughed.
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

Shia had a point, suffocating him wouldn't do him much good. It could probably do the opposite of helping him. "Well, I'll try my best to help him, but I'll refrain from going overboard." After that, May leaned back in her seat, glanced at Koshi and considered reaching out and hugging the male, but she decided against it. He probably needed space for right now. So she made herself comfortable and her gaze moved to look at the scenery pass by.

After a while, they entered the city and May was rather shocked at how different everything looked. The city emitted a different vibe-more energy. The excitement she felt, few grew.


Upon their arrival to the apartment, May was quick to get out of the car, her eyes moved quickly, trying to get in her surroundings. It was indeed different but she liked it. With the help of the driver, they got all of their stuff out from the car and May joined Koshi as he waved goodbye to Shia. THey brought in their things to the apartment-with Koshi helping her bring in her extra boxes which she thanked him for. Then they set out to explore their apartment and she was practically bouncing with joy.

The hallway led off to their rooms and a grin settled onto her lips when they had already assigned which bedroom they would get. "Heh, you're right." May agreed as she looked at her bedroom door then his before following him to the bathroom. "Oh my..." She breathed as her eyes widened. The bathtub was what mostly caught her attention since, she had read about the bubble baths and she certainly wanted to try that out.

"Alright do you want me to help cook?" She questioned before making her way back up the hallway and towards the living room. Did they get the small room she wanted for her work space? Glancing around, May wandered into the kitchen and a small frown settled onto her lips. "Koshi did you include a small room for my art stuff in the list?" SHe walked back into the living room and glanced at her boxes. If they didn't provide one then where would she keep all this. Her room could work, but then again she wanted to keep her stuff separated.
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Koshi crouched down over his luggage and unzipped it. He started removing the foodstuff he had packed, taking his time to also sort it out. "I'd love your help... if you could find a pot and set some water to boil, that'd be great." When he looked up at May, he saw she was frowning.

"I'm sure I wrote it down... Have you seen your room yet? I didn't go into mine since I thought I might as well take these out..." He gestured to the ingredients, which were really just a bag of spaghetti noodles, frozen meatballs in a special thermos-looking container, spices, and a jar of tomato sauce. "Maybe it's connected to your room..." He muttered, hoping Shia hadn't forgotten what he had wrote.

"I bet Levy and the group are going to show up any minute now... Everybody here probably knows about our move. I heard that there was a media van on the road while we were driving."

The two humans receive media attention only sometimes, during really important events (such as moving). Koshi had heard that on Earth, reporters were intrusive and annoying. Here, the Andera seemed to largely respect their privacy, and never really falsified information. If they did, and Koshi or May ended up in harm's way because of it... well, it was considered indirect harm, and had the same terrible consequences as directly hurting on of them. Anyway, Andera did care about their 'celebrities-' Shia being one of them, and tried to stay up-to-date on what was happening to them. It gave them something to read.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May took his words into consideration and they was a probablity that he workroom was connected to her bedroom. She would need to check later. For now, helping Koshi was her top priority at the moment.

"Hopefully it is. I'll go get you that pot ready." May said while pointing over her shoulder to the kitchen, though paused at the mention of Levy and the group. "Really? It'll be great to see them again." May smiled before heading to the kitchen. The council normally provided them with all types of furniture and necessary things to live with. In this instance: pots. Opening up some of the cabinets, she found some pans and eventually a pot. Filling it with water, May placed it on the stove before turning the little knob and setting the heat at a medium, more close to high.

May returned to the living room and gave Koshi a small smile. "The pot is all set. I'm going to go take my things over to my room and I'll be back to finish helping you with the food." Picking up her two suitcases, she went to go place them besides her door before returning for her art supplies. Upon opening the door, May's eyes widened and she stepped into the room. It was far bigger than her previous room and the huge windows on the opposite wall of the door allowed for sunlight to stream in. A natural light source. There was even a balcony. Her bed was on the left corner, near the door with a nightstand besides it. opposite of that wall was a wardrobe. What caught her attention though, was the wooden door on the right wall besides the wardrobe. May walked over and pulled the door open and a smile settled onto her lips. It was a small room, clearly made for her art room. She would surely need tot hank Shia for all of this.

"Koshi!" May called as she jogged out excitedly from her room and over to the kitchen. "You were right, my art room is connected to my bedroom!"
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]"Thanks, May!" He said, and zipped up his bag to get it ready to go to his room.
He picked up an armful of the supplies and took them to the kitchen, laying them out besides the pot. He had a few minutes before the water would boil, so Koshi decided to move his luggage into his room.

As he entered the hallway, he could hear May calling him. "That's great! I'm glad Shia didn't forget." He opened the door to his room and warily peeked inside.

It was of medium size. He could see his bed to the right, with a small nightstand sitting beside it. On top of the stand was a lamp, and Koshi breathed a sign of relief that the Andera had good taste in lamps. He would have hated it if they had gotten him one of those tasteless, multi-color things he had seen in human magazines. In the space left over by the bed was a massive bookshelf. Koshi gave a silent cheer that his love of books was taken into account.
To his left was a plain wardrobe. He wheeled his luggage up to it, and left them there for later. He didn't really feel like unpacking now.

Then, Koshi noticed the balcony. It was the first time he had ever had one, so naturally he decided to see what kind of view it offered. He opened the door and glanced outside, offering a breathy, "Wow..." The building they lived in wasn't really tall- they were on the third floor, but Koshi had a view of the busy neon streets below and he loved it.

Koshi stood there a moment, taking in the view and feeling the whisper of wind blowing through his hair, then went back inside, and rushed to the kitchen to find the water had just started to boil. He hummed as he carefully opened the package of spaghetti- and then there was a knock on the door. "Darn..." He lowered the heat to keep the water from boiling over as he approached the door and opened it...


And then Koshi was promptly tackled to the floor by something red, and something yellow. He grinned, realizing what those two things were. "Levi, Red?"

Then Pop popped up behind them, giggling. "Hi Koshi~ Where's May?"

Sejour also stepped in (ducking under the door frame), and nodded in greeting. "Nice place you have here."[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

The apartment was far better than she had anticipated, they could just add their own personal touches to make it feel more cozy. Taking a seat on a stool, May's gaze swept across the living room and she considered placing a couple of her paintings around. A splash of color could really change how a place looks.

Suddenly Koshi returned to the kitchen and May watched him for a second before standing up and heading to her room to find a painting she had done on some flowers. From what she could recall they were called roses and commonly known among humans. May pulled out the door and moved over to the box that contained her paintings and sketchbooks. Right when she was pulling the box open, she heard some faint noise come from the living room. It was probably Koshi so she just shrugged it off. After a few seconds, a couple of canvases were strewn across the wooden paneled floor.

"Ah! here we go." May grinned when she found exactly what she was looking for. Picking up the 22' by 26' canvas, May stepped out of her room and walked down the hallway. Suddenly her ears caught on to other voices. With eyebrows furrowed May looked over to the door and immediately saw Red, Levi, and Sejour. A smile from ear to ear settled onto her lips and she discarded her painting on the couch and rushed over. "Hey you guys!" She called out.

[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Levy helped Koshi off the floor once Red got up and stopped squishing him.


The two then went over to May and gave her a tackle-hug (as gently as they could)- the Pop tried to get in on the hugging action as well.

Sejour smiled at their antics from the doorway.

Red then held up a plastic bag, and Koshi could see the faint outline of a bottle throught the pale white bottom.

"Hey hey hey~ guess what I got? Didn't know if you bough any already... But..." He opened the bag and triumphantly held up its contents- a bottle of vodka. "I've always wanted to see a drunk human! I heard it's hilarious!"

Koshi backed away, laughing nervously. There was no way he'd be forgetting his adventures with alcohol anytime soon.

"Koshi get your glasses!"

"Nononono-" He held up his hands, "There's no way I'm... I mean, ehehe... It's fine. I can't... Digest alcohol." He trailed off, offering a weak excuse, but Red shrugged and laughed it off. Levi piped up: "Fine. But in that case, you two..." He glanced from Koshi to May, "Are coming with us to the nightclub. We gotta celebrate you finally getting here

"Yeah~!" Pop cheered excitedly.

Koshi sighed. He was glad to see his friends, he really was... But... "Guuuuuuuys.." Koshi whined. "I just got here. I still have to go shopping and clean the house and iron..." He looked at the ground. Koshi wasn't really good a social gatherings. "I just don't have the time." He also couldnt imagine walking to the club on his bad foot. He could barely get around the house without it aching terribly in the confines of his shoe.

Sejour sighed. "I told you guys not to get your hopes up with this kid. Fine, then we're kidnapping May- and don't you dare say no."

Koshi turned to May and gave her a smile, trying to tell her that it was fine if she wanted to go.
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May laughed when they tackled her into a hug. It was always a joy to have them around and now they would surely be seeing each other more often. Her amusement died down though, when Red mentioned bringing alcohol for them. A replay of what Shia said in the car earlier, played in her head. Biting her lip, she reached out and took a hold of the bottle. "Maybe a different day." She suggested, before placing the bottle back in the clear plastic bag. Hopefully they didn't encounter alcohol for a while.

At the mention of going to a nightclub, May raised an eyebrow and looked over to Koshi, who clearly didn't want to partake in their plans. May wanted to go, but she didn't just want to abandon Koshi here. It didn't feel right, especially after the incidents that have occurred. She didn't want him to hurt himself again.

"Wait, let me just...ask Koshi something." May sent them a smile before going over towards Koshi.

"Are you sure you're alright here by yourself? You should come along, I'll have Red carry you." May suggested in a whisper though her tone held enthusiasm.
[fieldbox="Koshi, white, dashed, 10"]Koshi appreciated May's concern, but he really didn't feel like going anywhere. He wouldn't even be able to dance (not that he wanted to) or walk around once he got there, he'd just have to sit around and be a burden to everyone else. Plus, Koshi really didn't want the rest of the Andera to ask was was wrong with his leg. The boy had never been a good liar, and they'd easily be able to see through what ever story he made up.
But, Koshi also didn't want to be a party-pooper, so he insisted on May going, "I'll be fine, really. You go have fun, you deserve to unwind. Me, on the other hand, I have a lot of other things that I would rather do."

For the first time in a while, Koshi felt like it was alright to be alone since he lived with May now, and she'd probably be back in a few hours.

"May, please come with us if Koshi isn't going... It would totally suck to go alone. After all, we are celebrating your guises arrival..." Pop pleaded eagerly.
Sejour watched Koshi for a moment, bearing a strange posture. "Koshi's never been this mopey..."

Levy sensed that they were just about to succeed in their request, so he went to open the door and activated and unlocked his new car through his neural interface. "Last chance... Come on. He teased playfully, sounding like he was smirking.[/fieldbox]
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May watched him for a second before giving him a nod. "Alright, but if you need anything just message or call me." She would only be gone for a few hours, surely nothing bad could occur during that small time frame.

Turning to look at Pop with a grin, May paused to look over at Levi, who was opening the door. "Okay, okay. I'm going." May chuckled before walking over and she looked towards Koshi. "Bye Koshi, try to relax." She said and she hoped that he understood that she actually meant to rest his injured foot. She still had no idea how bad it was, but for him to limo like that, then it must hurt.

May stepped out and glance down at the ca. "Is that your car?" May looked up at Levi, clearly surprised by it.
[fieldbox="The Ourdos Group, white, dashed, 10"]Pop gave a cheer and hopped to the door, running outside with a, "Bye Koshiiiiii~" Sejour sighed and chuckled, then followed her out. Koshi smiled gently and nodded at May as she began to follow them, mumbling a quick "Thanks, I will." Before she could leave though, he quickly reached out and grabbed her by the wrist, and held on tightly. "May... Uh, you be careful, ok? Don't get lost or anything..." Koshi released her after a moment, and shyly stared at the ground.

Levi glanced down at May and chuckled. "Yeah, I just bought it." He was the wealthiest of the group, since his job payed the most. Overall, no Andera are poor, but some do end up being wealthier if their jobs are riskier. "I haven't payed it off completely yet. Ugh, now I have to drive this dork around." He gestured to Red, who's face plates relaxed to make him look like he was grinning. "Oh come on, you know you love meeee~"

"I love you just as much as Sejour loves dirt."

"I know you don't mean that." Red laughed, and a glowing, neon heart appeared on one of his display panels. "Oh yeah, and I CALL SHOTGUN." He dashed to the front of the car and Sejour growled angrily behind him, "NO FAIR."

Pop was already in the back seat of the black, shiny vehicle. She had left the door open for May, and soon, everyone had clambered inside and were ready to go. Levy sat up front, and something from what looked like a headrest lifted up and connected to the back of his head. Glowing icons appeared on the windshield, depicting various important things such as energy levels, estimated travel time, et cetera. Levy didn't seem to be concerned with any of them.
He opened the window remotely and waved at Koshi, who was standing in the doorway, and then drove off.

Levi drove responsibly, ignoring Red's constant begging to go faster. In only ten minutes, they reached their destination and Levi pulled up and unlocked the doors. Tonight, the club (simply called "Club Limelight") was particularly busy. Several Andera were gathered outside, crowded under the bright signs, but it seemed they were just talking and not waiting in an kind of line.
The huge doorway was lit up in bright neon green, and an elegant, dainty green Andera greeted the group as they approached. "Greetings, welcome to Club Limelight." The bouncer opened to doors for them, and Pop grabbed onto May in her excitement. "Oooooh, this is going to be fun!"
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]

May was ready to go, however, Koshi stopped her and whispered for her be careful. A reassuring smile settled onto her lips and she gave him a nod. "I'll be careful."

"Mm, well it's really nice." May complimented his car before Red came over and a chuckle couldn't help but to leave her lips when they had their little interaction. The heart was a really nice touch. May had forgotten how much fun it was to be with them. They never failed to make her laugh.

Making her way to the car, May slid in besides Pop and shut the door. Soon enough something connected to Levi and she watched as the screen of the car came to life. IT was actually very interesting to see, but her attention was drawn to the buildings they passed by. The city was far different than Enden, yet she welcomed this change.

Once they arrived at the nightclub, May's eyes glanced at all the Andera who were chatting among one another before slipping to the green Ander, who greeted and welcomed them. "I know!" May grinned as she looked up at Pop, an expression of pure excitement on May's face. "What're we going to do first?" She questioned as her gaze moved around the club. Neon lights were practically everywhere, emitting this glow. Ander were seated and some were chatting away.
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