OOC - Lux Tenebris (The Light of Darkness)

Effort: Oh it's alright. I understand how RL can get in the way.
Name: Jarl'eth
Gender: Male
Race: Elynian
Age: Looks around 14 years old
Nation of Origin: Sol
Type: Dawn
Job/Role: Scientist/Scholar

Appearance: He's small, because he's a Dawn and all purple and stuff.

Naturally inquisitive, with a thirst for knowledge that has lead him to learn some jarring things. Jarl'eth's enthusiasm for learning gave him an increased assimilativity and his capacity for patience made him ideal for long and tedious scientific processes.
He's not the most brilliant Dawn but he has proven to be one of the most cunning. With his extensive study in the animal kingdom and the natural world Jarl'eth discovered the beauty of nature as well as it's brutaility.
Being of a highly active mind, Jarl'eth has dabbled in many kinds of things; he's a fair singer, a decent musician, a capable carpenter, just to name a few areas he's studied. Often times Jarl'eth will find himself fidgeting, his hands needing something to do to placate his active brain. Other times he will be able to sit for hours on end doing nothing at all except for exploring the deepest reaches of his innerself or watching insects crawl upon the ground.
Before the Tenebra arrived he was slightly reserved, foregoing social activities if he had come up with a new theory or formula to try out. Now that everything is in ruins Jarl'eth has become withdrawn and occasionaly having being picked on by the larger Elynian he has already known to be wary and watchful, sneaking around and remaining out of sight whenever possible has been one key factor in his survival. On more than one ocassion staying hidden has allowed him to kill and consume an animal, or an Elynian who had slain another. Although small, he cane surprise people with his strength and has become very fit. While society deteriorated he realized it would soon be survival of the fittest and focused on becoming just that. Where what direct physical strength he has fails him, his endurance, agility, and intelligence may be utilized to pull him through.

General History:
Science and discovery was Jarl'eth's passion. Strengthening of one's innerself, solidarity in one's being, knowledge, and the persuit of answers drove his days at the academy where he was stationed. He had a team of researchers who became his friends and it was their duty to investigate what ever issues were brought to them along with side projects and furthering the advancements of comfortable living. It was great fun and Jarl'eth began getting close with one of the researchers. At first he didn't notice her warming feelings toward him, or even his toward her, always emersed in projects and work. He oftend stayed indoors during most concerts and some festivals, excited about advancements he had made and it wasn't until another friend pointed out certain things did he notice. But before Jarl'eth could make a move the Tenebra arrived. The work load increased, the worry about the Tenebra was sloughed off to scientists and scholars while the rest of the city partied heedlessly. Things escilated quickly, people went missing, some were looking at each other hungrily. When hell broke loose the scholars were amongst the first targets, being blamed for not being able to solve the problem. Chaos reigned as the city dwellers consumed each other and some came for the scholars. Jarl'eth witnessed some of his closest friends be consumed and as he looked around he could not find the girl he loved. Something burned inside Jarl'eth that he had never felt before, it drove him to rage. He killed several Sol's who understimated him for his size and on his way out of the city he inadvertantly consumed a young arrogant Radiant who was larger but less experienced than himself. Jarl'eth, horrified with what just happened, continued fleeing into the wilderness.
Effort: Your charrie is accepted. :D
Squirrel: Approved! I'll have the IC up in a few hours.
Corvus reminds me of Corvus the crow from The Knife of the Traitor VN. xD

Let me know what I need to fix if anything. Just throwing a shot in the dark...an informed shot in the dark.

Name: Sie
Gender: Appears Female
Race: Tenebra
Age: Unknown

ArcheType: Abyss
Sub-type: Tenebra (not sure what to put here)

Appearance: Her basic body. The top half is in severe shadow, while the bottom half is more misty like it is fading away. The arm is muscle, not robotic parts.

She has two dog like and two bird like shadows on either side of her. They are actually a part of her body, and can only stretch ten feet before snapping back to her. (Pay no heed to the girl in the picture)

Personality: Sie is lifeless, like a ghost that has lost its home...a relatively justified personality. She speaks next to nothing, but her intelligence is superior. She knows how to learn from what she observes, and takes great care to learn the patterns of Elynian and Tenebra alike before manipulating those patterns to create the most food for her. She prefers the taste of Tenebra and enjoys learning about them before feeding from them. It's like a game of intellect to her, though the game can be outshadowed by her high survival instinct.

General History: Like many, many other Tenebra, Sie lost her mind upon arriving in this strange new place. She was so traumatized, so confused, that all of her former self was sucked out and replaced by an animalistic personality focused on survival alone. She can remember anything about the travel, or her old self, nothing. For the first few days, she spent her time curled up in ball, thinking and resting. Once more Tenebra appeared, she decided to follow them and see what they did. That was when she began to copy their eating habits and techniques.

Yet, she hated the taste of Elynian...and quickly switched from learning how to devour Elynian light, to how to devour her fellow Tenebra. Their taste was delectable. Their taste became an addiction. To her, all the hard work of learning their habits in an effort to thwart them pays off wonderfully. Several strange things have grown off of the shadow at her feet, such as the two dogs with smaller bug or bird-like shadows riding on them, and she believes they are the cast off bodies of the other Tenebra she has devoured.

The shadow dogs and birds are attached to the shadow at her feet, and can only stretch ten feet before snapping back closer to her, but she has full control of them like they are another set of arms.

She is a very young Abyss, with only a few Tenebra to her name, but she is learning fast, and has set her sights on bigger and bigger Tenebra as a worthy, delicious challenge.
Looks great, Ekaetriana. :D
Alright guys, the beginning of the RP would be 4 days after the bulk of the Tenebrae arrive. By now, Elynian populations should have significantly dwindled due to infighting and also falling prey to the Tenebra.

Elynian characters: Once your characters have had the time to think and take a breath, some of them would probably begin to head for Sol, which is, after all, the brightest city, and would probably hold the most survivors. Once there, it's time to formulate a plan of action. Is it worth it to destroy the Tenebrae, which would be nothing more than an extremely Pyrrhic victory if it is pulled off, or is it worth the effort to try and coexist with the Tenebra?

Tenebrae: The hunt is on. Prey are diminishing and whatever little remains of Elynian civilization is moving towards Sol. Characters capable of rational thought should begin to understand that at this time, if they devour all Elynians, there would be little food left for the remaining Tenebrae. Abysses would run rampant across the land, devouring weakened Tenebrae and eventually each other, causing more chaos. Perhaps it's possible to try and eke out a meager co-existence with the equivalent of cattle in the eyes of Tenebrae.
Okay, you've caught my interest ^^

Name: Sharv

Gender: Male

Race: Tenebra

Age: Unknown (though young in respect to most Tenebras)

ArcheType: Wisp

Sub-type: Halo

Appearance: Sharv's appearance varies wildly, depending on the situation around him. He can go from being mistaken for the last spurts of smoke from a dying fire, to a cloud of darkness, shadowy claw reaching out to snag at the light that the Elynian's hold dear. However, even in his most condense form, one can still see through him, and at his thinnest, nothing more than a fading fire. While hunting, he prefers to use intimidating and scary forms in order to place terror in his prey, though in a normal setting, he has no definite shape, just a traveling cloud of smoke.

Personality: Cowardly, reserved, sympathetic.

General History: In the world of Sylfe, Sharv led his life quietly and in relative happiness. He had served under Noundele, becoming a keeper of lore for their people and making sure that the old ways weren't forgotten. It was work that he found immensely satisfying, and it brought him both joy and peace: two things he loved dearly.

When the evil began to spread through his world, Sharv was reluctant to leave, desperately clinging to his old way of life. However, as the danger grew, it became apparent that his old ways were dead, and that it was either flee or die. So, like countless others, he fled into the world of Elyne. However, the arrival there proved to be a shock to Sharv. The peaceful existance he had known was irreplacable in this foreign land, his surroundings filled with his bretheren devouring these seemingly peaceful entities of light. Their screams haunted him, and he quickly fled into the wild, doing anything possible to get away from the noise.

However, no matter the coward, the instinct of survival is nigh impossible to ignore, and even Sharv too began to hunger for their light, that delicious radiance that make up their being. However, even given the apparent advantage, he quickly realized that the brighter of the Elynians could repel him easily, and had the power to kill him, given his smoke-like constitution. So he had to hunt smarter, finding the weaker of them and using his sneaky tactics to steal portions of their light. It was never enough to kill them, but many of his victims were left scarred, and several fell prey to his more powerful brothers.

He soon developed a particular taste for the Halo Elynians, as their light he found comforting as he devoured it, but the screams that accompanied his feedings were almost too much for him. After each attack, he made it a point to apologize, though it was apparent that this fell on the deaf ears of his screaming or sobbing prey. They viewed him as nothing more than a monster, but Sharv knew that he was nothing compared to others. It was those dastardly abyss Tenebra's that made it risky to even encounter another Tenebra. You never knew when he would grow tired of the light and try the dark on for a taste. Sharv had lived this long by staying hidden and unnoticed; he wasn't about to change that strategy now.

Let me know if any changes need to be made.
Alright, the only thing I find issue with is the whole clergyman of sorts thing, because the first thing you have to know is that the religion of the Tenebrae was anything -but- organized and ritualistic.

I guess that's my fault for not elaborating in the first post, which I will amend. But other than that, I think you have a pretty good character here.
You're approved Kaze.

The IC is up. Link is at the top of the first post.
Everyone, don't hesitate to ask questions here in the OOC. Communication here is important for the roleplay.
Yeah it's like math class, or whatever. Don't ask questions when you don't understand something and you'll suck.
Exactly. It is especially important because interaction between people IC can have fatal consequences. Communication will prevent any misunderstandings.
'tis alright Ekaetriana. Great posts so far guys. Keep 'em coming. I'm just waiting for everyone to post before I post again.
Guys, if you have any questions, do ask them here on the thread. That is, unless they're on something you really, really don't want the other roleplayers to know it.
Here's a question: How are we going to bring all the characters together? As of right now, we're kind of scattered, with only a couple of us having interacted. Any plan for that?