(OOC) Cast and Crew of the Circus

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Waiting for Wit
Original poster
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  1. Looking for partners
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  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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On fairly regularly, every day. I'll notice a PM almost immediately. Replies come randomly.
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  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
High fantasy is my personal favorite, followed closely by modern fantasy and post-apocalyptic, but I can happily play in any genre if the plot is good enough.

The thrill of the trapeze, the roaring of beasts, the arobatic feats. This is the circus.
In this adaption of the modern day world, there is a supernatural population hiding within the everyday world of humanity. These individuals possess a set of fast growing, supernatural cells, which appear on top of a normal human body, causing these individuals to look anything but human. In order to hide themselves from the rest of the world, these individuals must take a cheap potion called the Krymmeno, or Krym for short. This potion has the effect of destroying all supernatural cells, and preventing their regeneration until such a time as the potion wears off.

Dependent upon the Krym to protect them from persecution by humanity and live normal lives, no supernatural can live in the modern world without it. Therefore, special measures must be taken to protect and hide supernaturals who find themselves in a position where they can no longer obtain the Krym on a regular basis.

One such solution for minor criminals facing extended jail time was the creation of the Circus, traveling bands of criminal supernatural who must work in the circus under the supervision of a Ringmaster until they have completed the length of their sentence. Because these circuses cannot follow the strict safety and humanitarian guidelines required for regular circuses to present, they must act under the radar of the local and federal authorities, performing in secret in abandoned theaters and buildings, gaining an audience through word of mouth and careful distribution of tickets.

Luckily for these circus members, they are not acting entirely alone. Since the creation of the local country's government, there has always been highly placed supernatural individuals within the government, who are able to ensure that, while still prosecuted, the circuses will be able to continue their function as a prison and rehabilitation center.

This story follows one of many traveling supernatural circuses within the United States of America, whose members are about to find their everyday lives interrupted when a young human boy sneaks his way into their midst and ends up traveling along with the performers.



Ringleader: Gale Primas "The Ringmaster"

Backstage Act Manager: Nova Slade "The Alpha Dog"

Backstage Act Manager: Melinda Nakano "The Sweet Serpent"

Backstage Hand: Marcus Hunter "The Prankster"

Backstage Hand: Dorian Kosta "The Missing Man"

Backstage Hand: Zander Amberson "The Daredevil"

Backstage Hand: Sabella Coleman "The Golden Girl"

Costume: Gregor McCrae "The Gentle Giant"

Costume: Len Rundstrom "The Sober Drunkard"

Costume: Cosette Bordelon "The Sleepy Seamstress"

Makeup: Mabel Ackermann "The Nice Old Lady"

Makeup: Kala Tullius "Title Pending"

Trapeze: Elijah Graye "Title Pending"

Trapeze: Diana Graye "Title Pending"

Butterfly: Zinaida Mihaylova "Title Pending"

Moth: Mischa Mihaylova "Title Pending"

Trainer: Jacqueline Taylor "Title Pending"

Trainer: Quincy Morris "Title Pending"

Plant: Brian Lee "Title Pending"

Beast: Caleb Abarca "Title Pending"

Demon: Elena Dwire "The Demon Child"

Angel: Lucius Kester "Title Pending"

Dragon: Merindah Holden "Title Pending"

Fire Dancer: Zuhra Siddiqi "Title Pending"

Puppet Master: Donovan Rafferty "The Puppeteer"

Mime: Drew Ward "Title Pending"

Strongman: Eric Bolger "Title Pending"

Water Dancer: Marvin Moore "Title Pending"

Sword wielder: Mirabella Brockhouse "Title Pending"

Sword wielder: Stirling Vendler "Title Pending"

Sword wielder: Vita Thorburn "Title Pending"

Head of Floor Staff: Ruben Mullins "Title Pending"

Concessions: Micah Dempskey "Title Pending"

Concessions: Nina Ashcraft "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Andréas Mulero Baez "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Duke Dirksen"Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Emeline Sherril "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Ace Tranquilli "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Brenton Caller "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Ezra Jäger "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Carlotta Kaler "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Lucy Viano "Title Pending"

Floor Staff: Noah Turner "Title Pending"

The Ringmaster.png

N a m e
Gale Primas

A g e
34 years
Born Friday, February 6, 1981 in Charlottesville, Virginia
Aquarius ♒
Metal Rooster Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"This is my show. I've run it for 11 years. Don't question what I tell you to do."

After eleven years in charge of the circus that sees every sort except for hardened criminals, Gale has learned the necessity of being a strict task-master. He was trained under a man who had been running his own circus for well over forty years, and since then has designed every part of every act. He knows his business better than anyone. That is why, when it comes to matters of his show, it is obey his instructions without question, or suffer the consequences of the wrath of a man who has earned the loyalty of every other member of this circus. Everyone tests his determination to be obeyed once. Only once.​

"I mean what I say. Always."

When Gale makes a promise, he sticks to it. When he says something, he means it. Gale is a man of his word, both in promises and in threats. What he says should not ever be taken lightly. He is not one for exaggerations or distortions of the truth. To those who know him and are under his protection, this makes him incredibly trustworthy. To those who don't know him, or try to push the boundaries he set, this makes him nothing short of terrifying.​

"You are under my guard. No harm will come to you."

In a world where the supernatural population is forced to hide in plain sight to protect themselves from the wrath of a human people who hate anything they don't understand, Gale will book no threat to those who are under his protection. Should any member of his circus come under attack, be it from inside or outside, be it from supernatural or human, no matter what their relationship may be, he will go to any length to ensure their safety. More often than not, this can extend to protecting those under him from themselves, an act which is rarely recognized for what it is, and never appreciated.​

"This is a circus! It is supposed to bewitch the senses and dazzle the imagination."

When it comes time, Gale has a flare for the dramatic that seems completely opposite the no-nonsense attitude with which he handles the circus. He has an innate sense for what will awe, what will terrify, and what the breaking point is between a good thrill and a horrible experience. He knows how to bewitch the mind and get it so entangled in his stories that the real world just seems to fade away, leaving nothing but the rules and situations he creates. This is more than just through words, but also through lighting, sound, and atmosphere. Through careful work, he can manipulate a willing audience to any emotion at any point.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Gale is a tall man, standing a little more than 6'1", but has the lean muscle to make him look well proportioned without coming across as twig-like or generally huge. He has impeccable posture, and will never be seen standing or sitting slumped over. His skin is slightly tanned but still very clearly caucasian, but is almost entirely missing the freckles and moles that are standard, especially so on his face. Even without his supernatural traits in evidence, Gale still stands out in a crowd, with raven black hair, bright, tawny-gold eyes, long lashes, and full lips. His hair is slightly long for most males, brushing the tops of his shoulders, with a front-hanging fringe that frames his face. He keeps himself clean shaven, but would not grow much of a beard even if it was left to grow. Most of the time his height and good looks simply come across as attractive, but with the right necessity Gale can turn them around, going from pleasant to threatening in a heartbeat, and using his height and piercing gaze to his full advantage.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Gale is one of only a few supernaturals to posses two completely unrelated sets of supernatural cells, both external and internal.​

Gale's external cells give him the appearance of an Incubus straight from the pages of Christian mythology. He possesses a set of bat-like wings that rise from his shoulder blades, and are long enough to nearly drag on the ground. They are large enough to lift him into the air, although it takes a great deal of effort on his part. A single, rope-like tail emerges at the base of his spine, which would be long enough to drag on the ground if it was not curled up at the tip. The very end spreads out into a spade-like shape, before coming to a point. Two slightly curved demon horns emerge from his skull above his ears, coming forwards before rising straight up over his forehead.​

Gale also possesses a small second stomach, to which he can divert organic material and convert it into a rich, heavy smoke. He can then exhale this smoke at his will, forming it into any shape he chooses. It will then move through a short animation before dissipating. With the right preparation before hand he can create enough smoke to fill wherever the circus may be presenting. However, he almost always has enough smoke stored to create small pictures for his own and others entertainment. Because these cells are internal rather than external Krym has no effect on them, meaning that they do not vanish even when he is under the effect of the potion. For this reason he was briefly diagnosed with the eating disorder pica as a child.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Adrian Dumont || Mentor
Former Circus Ringmaster - Deceased

One of the few people Gale will openly admit to respecting over the course of his life, and a person for which he still holds no small amount of disdain, Adrian was the man under whom Gale was put when it was first decided he would become a Ringmaster. The few tales that Gale will tell of his erstwhile mentor paint the man as an even harder taskmaster than Gale himself has become, a man who forgave no mistakes in himself or others. Gale only holds a few good memories of Adrian, but he still respects the man for shaping him into someone who would be able to handle a circus of his own over the course of the two years training period Gale was given. One of the things he swears to himself is that, when the time comes, he will be a more forgiving mentor than his was.​

Sandra O'Connor || Executive
Former Supreme Court Justice - Retired

The woman under whom Gale interned before becoming a trainee for a Ringmaster, Sandra was the woman who "recommended" Gale for the position. At first Gale held a great deal of enmity towards her for the position, as being a ringmaster isn't something anyone really gets to turn down, and it ruined his chances at becoming a Supreme Court Justice himself. Now, however, he respects her wisdom and good judgement of people, and will still occasionally go to her when in need of advice on a particularly delicate or challenging matter.​

Eliza Hosford || Ex-wife
Former Circus Employee, Fashion Consultant - Estranged

One of the few people Gale will never speak about, not even when prompted, Eliza was a former member of the circus, back when Gale was still in his first couple years of being a ringmaster, who seduced the young man in hopes that he would be able to lighten her sentence. She maintained her attitude of a loving and caring individual, right up until the point Gale got her sentence commuted, when she left without a backwards glance and stole a good portion of the circus funds to boot. Gale has not been in a romantic relationship since, and it is well known that she is the reason Gale frowns upon relationships between circus members, even though he does not outright forbid it. He has not been in a romantic relationship since.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Head Honcho
"I'm the boss. That means I make all the important decisions."

Although he will often relegate tasks to his three managers, Gale is ultimately responsible for everything that happens within the circus and, more importantly, making sure everyone has a job. That means he has his fingers in nearly every aspect of the circus, from small day to day tasks to the larger management, including making sure that the circus will always have enough food and a venue to present in. When people have a question about the running of the circus that the managers can't answer, Gale will have one, even if he has to make up the answer on the spot.​

"Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages!'

When it comes time to start the show, Gale is at the front and center of it all, introducing every act, prepping the audience as only he can for the spectacular feats about to begin. Gale is by no means a traditional ringmaster, as no one would describe this as a traditional circus, but he still uses his abilities to the fullest extent to engage and maintain the interest of the audience, returning them to a neutral state of excitement before the next act. One of his favorite parts is when he gets to fill the entire room with smoke and create a brief movie, relying on the rest of his team to create the necessary sound and lighting effects. He says that is the closest he will ever come to having an act of his own, and he wants to take full advantage of it when he gets the opportunity.​

"Someone has to make sure we stay on the right course."

The path of the circus is never predictable. It can't be, or else the local authorities would be able to head it off before it, as an illegal performance, was able to enter the town. That means Gale is responsible for navigating the circus and coordinating with the other ringmasters, so that his folk will always have a place to perform without running afoul of either local authorities or another circus. It is one of his most demanding jobs, because the correct navigation is the difference between a spectacular performance and a mediocre one.​

"An illegal circus doesn't get to borrow money."

While every circus gets a small stipend from the government, Gale is responsible for seeing that the circus funds never run out, and are spent in the ways they need to be spent. Most of the time this revolves around basic necessities for the circus, although it also means making sure that there is always enough money left over from the performances to make sure that any unexpected costs will be covered. Things always break and people always somehow seem to manage to get themselves in trouble, despite Gale's best efforts. Sometimes, a little bit of cash is what is needed to fit it, be it as simple as buying a new part, or having the funds to grease the right palms.​

C r i m e
"I was too good of an intern."

When he is inevitably asked as to the nature of his crime, that is, invariably, Gale's response. He will then often explain the things the job of ringmaster entails, although sometimes, depending on his asker's attitude, he will act as though that is a legal crime for which he was imprisoned, and will hold to that statement for months.​

S e n t e n c e
"You think I'll leave you to run this place?"

While, legally, Gale has the right to leave the circus at any point, he will remain the Ringmaster until he is too old to work or, more probably, he passes away.​

O t h e r F a c t s
Dress Style
"It never hurts to look your best."

Gale has a strong sense of fashion, despite the fact that he never has the money to accommodate it. Despite that, he always seems to be well dressed and clean, be it in the full performance garb of the Ringmaster, or a dress shirt and slacks. He usually favors black pants and a pale top, although he will also dress in brown earth tones. It is rare to see him wearing very bright colors as anything more than an accent.​

"I don't smoke."

While it is true that Gale has never lit up a cigarette in his life, it is equally true that he is rarely to be seen without one. When asked, he will often respond that he likes the air it gives him. Cigarettes will be slowly chewed to a pulp and then swallowed, almost exclusively to be turned into smoke for later use. Gale has unpleasant things to say about the tobacco industry and anyone who really smokes, so all of his cigarettes are hand rolled and often filled with a sweet-smelling herb instead of tobacco. He takes very seriously any request from a circus member who wishes to quit smoking, and many come to regret asking him for help, even if they will inevitably end up broken of the habit.​
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N a m e
Nova Slade

A g e
25 years
Born Friday, April 13, 1990 in San Francisco, California
Aries ♈
Metal Horse Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"What's the rush? Stay and chat."

Nova is a rather social person. She's very extroverted and loves communication and conversation, whether it be casual or serious. Nova has a preference for casual conversations since they allow more obscenities and humorous remarks, but she can manage a serious conversation if it doesn't include a topic that fires her up. Nova will pretty much talk to practically anyone, despite their willingness to speak. Nova will never hesitate to speak her mind either, sharing her opinions whenever she pleases. She can be brutally honest. Nova also has a more dominant personality with lots of ambition, usually being the one to initiate or lead conversations.

"My gut knows exactly what to do. Act."

Nova relies heavily upon her instincts and what she feels is the correct thing to do in the moment. She will hardly hesitate before leaping into action, which can result in favorable and disastrous scenarios. Nova thinks on her feet and isn't one for strategic planning when it comes to solving a problem quickly. Her emotions can dictate her actions.​

Quick to Anger
"You have three seconds to get lost before I tear you to pieces."

It doesn't take much to set Nova off. If you poke a bear with a stick, you will usually get the fangs. The same is true with Nova. Sure she can take a joke or two, but if she's feeling attacked then she'll attack right back. When push comes to shove, she'll start throwing punches. Nova will attack practically anyone, verbally or usually physically. They could be two feet taller than her, but if they angered her then she'd fight all the same. Mixed with her impulsive behavior, this trait can prove to be dangerous. Nova has her own moral compass, meaning she usually believes that attacking potential threats is a wise idea. Her strong sense of pride also can factor into her attacks, since she can't stand to be put down in any way.​

"Lay a finger on my friend, or step onto our turf, and I'll break you."

Nova has a strong sense of family with the circus members and has close bonds with many of them. Therefore, she can get more stressed out and aggressive if someone threatens to tamper with one of her companions. She's like a mother hen, but if the hen had a skeletal head and very sharp claws. Nova also feels territorial over the circus in general, wanting it to be protected from rival circuses as well as the authorities.

Fun Loving
"What? Everyone loves a good card game, right?"

Nova, like many, has a love for all things fun. She likes to mess around and take risks and what not to try to get an adrenaline high, or even just for the hell of it. Some may call her childish for this trait, but she can't deny how much she enjoys recreational activity. Nova has a love for things like dancing and reading comic books. More dangerous activity is seeing how high she can climb up a building or tossing knives around.

A p p e a r a n c e
Nova's human appearance is about 5'4" with a lean muscled build. She has subtle, feminine curves, but overall a more masculine body. Her jaw line is well defined and her face is more narrow and almost heart shaped. She keeps a mostly well groomed appearance, but if she gets dirty or disheveled looking then she won't really bat an eyelash.
She has olive toned skin and dark brown eyes. Nova's hair is brown as well, long, wavy, and usually unruly. She keeps it styled in a low pony tail. She doesn't wear makeup, but she does have the tendency to wear light red lipstick. Nova prefers to wear jeans and a muscle t-shirt. She'll also don combat boots and fingerless leather gloves, as well as a loose jacket upon occasion.It is not uncommon for her to wear a black choker collar, which is sort of dangerous since if the krym wore off too soon she'd grow and be strangled. Despite the risk, she still wears this accessory and many have jokingly likened it to a dog collar and have suggested getting her a tag. Nova has an intricate skull tattoo on the inside of her right wrist, having got it mostly out of impulse. She keeps her nails filed into points and painted black to try to make her feel more comfortable even with her lack of claws in this form.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Nova has a more beastly appearance caused by her supernatural growths, as the cells give her a more hellish look. She gains the appearance of a bipedal hellhound. Nova gains height, being 5'8" in this form thanks to the growth of more lean muscle as well as paw like feet that make her walk upon her toes. Short, black fur covers her body and a curving, flexible,meter long tail protrudes from the back of her narrow pelvis. Her feline like tail ends in a plume of silky fur. The fur covering her body is wiry except for longer, silkier strands around her neck, head, and the top of her chest. The longer pieces give her a mane of sorts. Nova's chest grows out and flattens and her shoulders become a tad bit broader, leaving no need for shirts in this form. Overall she has a more masculine appearance in this form with a lack of curves. Most noticeably, she has a canine skull instead of a human one. The flesh is stripped from it, leaving mostly milky white bone as well as minimal deep red muscle. The skull is complete with 42 sharp teeth that allow a wolf like scissor bite. Nova's skull is narrow and has an indention on the end where a wet, mushroom shaped nose should have been. Eight inch long, thin leathery ears grow out from the top of her head. They pivot easily in an almost rabbit like fashion, usually held in a relaxed position. Her once brown eyes become black orbs devoid of any whites or coloration. A tough, narrow pink tongue sits in her mouth. Nova's hands are mostly human like with five fingers and all, however, they are covered in short fur. Her palms are not covered in fur, exposing rough, dark skin. One and a half inch long claws protrude from her fingertips as well as her paw like feet. In this form she will usually wear pants, and nothing else since there is little need for shirts and hers are too small for this form anyways.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Arianna Slade || Mother
<Maternal Figure - Distant

Arianna Slade gave birth to Nova, but didn't do much as for the girl. She spends most of her life at work or out with her friends, never having been cut out for motherhood. Arianna provided money and food, but not much else for Nova. There was especially a lack of communication between her and her daughter and they rarely bonded. Despite her negligence of socializing with her child, she will claim to love and care for Nova if asked. Arianna was never cruel to her daughter, just neutral. It's safe to say she loves her husband way more than she'd ever love her daughter. She has mild distaste towards supernaturals, not feeling aggressive towards them, but just wishing they'd go elsewhere instead of hiding in society. Ironically, she had to hide her daughter's identity. Arianna was shocked to hear of her daughter's crime, but didn't seem to manage any false tears over it. Arianna blames it on what she called Nova's "supernatural urges."​

Robert Slade ||Father
Paternal Figure- Distant

Robert Slade was the one left to raise Nova when Arianna wasn't present, which was pretty often. A stay at home father, he was always in close contact with his daughter. He tried to be kind to her, but having no desire to have kids in general, it was hard to love his mistake. Robert at least made efforts to do fatherly things like take his child to school, little league football games, and to go get more krym of course. Well, the lat activity was more of a necessity than an act of kindness. Robert isn't a huge fan of supernatural beings and fears that they're hiding everywhere, but he still didn't kick Nova to the curb for her abnormalities. However, he would always force Nova to take her krym on time since the little girl had the tendency to try to skip taking it so she could be in her more natural form. Robert grew rather close to Nova and was upset to find that she had to serve time for murder, having thought his daughter was above such a thing.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Crew and Cast Management
"I'm the link between cast and crew. No communication, no show."

One of the jobs that the Ringleader gave her her was managing the relations between the cast and the backstage crew. She has to make sure that the cast members are all in order and ready to go on and perform their acts at the proper time. Nova often has to make sure that the makeup and costume crew have all of the needed supplies and can have the performers prepared in time. She has to make sure that the crew members are all in place and ready, though Melinda takes care of most of the tasks involving lighting and other effects. Nova usually does a head count once everyone is ready and delivers progress reports to the Ringleader. If there is a complication she must do everything in her power to make sure that everyone is still ready to perform on time. If it means sprinting across the lot to retrieve the proper glitter eyeshadow because the floor staff are occupied, then she must do what she has to do to keep order.​

Guard Dog
"Humans have no place in this circus and it's my job to chase 'em out if they get too cozy."'

While there are others assigned to making sure that the supernaturals stay in the circus, it is Nova's job to make sure that the humans stay out. After shows she has to make her rounds to make sure that no humans snuck in. on a few occasions she has had to push humans aside since a few of the braver, or stupider ones, have decided to take a closer peek at the performers. It falls upon Nova's shoulders to deal with any unruly human intruders.​

Peace Keeper
"If you keep a bunch of supernatural criminals in one location, they're bound to go at each other's throats eventually."

Nova usually has to try to settle disputes among circus members. Since tensions are high, it's not uncommon for there to be some conflict. While it's out of Nova's power to know everything about each member, she has been present long enough to know quite a bit about them. That means that she can keep an eye out on those that have a few social issues and is prepared to intervene if a dispute breaks out. Due to her impulsive and aggressive behavior, circus members would have another thing coming if they didn't believe Nova would break up their fights with force.​

C r i m e
Murder || San Francisco, California
"I've no regrets. What needed to be done has been done."

Nova was arrested for multiple charges of murder. When she was eighteen years old, she was assaulted and raped by three gang members in an alleyway in San Francisco. After the traumatizing ordeal, her krym potion wore off. Using her more beastly form, she slaughtered her assailants. Then a few days later she discovered the gang's hideout and murdered the remaining members. Her reason was that she wanted to prevent any more of them from hurting another innocent person like they had hurt her. To this day she claims that she has no regrets, though deep down she is a bit troubled with the fact that she managed to brutally kill seven people.​

S e n t e n c e
40 years
"Seems like Gale can't get rid of me. I'll be here for a while."

Nova is lucky not to have suffered the death penalty or at least a full life sentence. Instead she was given 40 years at the circus, which is still a lengthy sentence. She has 33 years left, having served 7 already.

O t h e r F a c t s
"I feel passionate about a lot of things. I can't help but be pissed off with the condition of our world."

Nova advocates for many causes, having strong opinions. She advocates for general equality, urging equal rights for those of different races, sexualities, and genders. Being female and a lesbian one at that, she is of course a feminist. She will challenge any bigoted people and will often go on rants about the inequality in society. Nova also has a distaste for authority and the legal system, so she'll go on about that as well.​

"If you dislike music, you don't deserve my time."

Nova has a passion for music. She loves all sorts of music, but has a preference towards rock or metal. Listening to music is one of her favorite activities. Nova loves to dance and isn't bad at it, enjoying the free feeling it allows. As for what kind of dance, she doesn't care and will move however she feels suits a song. She doesn't even care if she looks ridiculous doing so, but she will care if someone decides to make fun of her for it.​
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N a m e
Melinda Nakano
Nickname || Mi

A g e
42 years
Born Saturday, November 3, 1973 in Meridian, Idaho
Scorpio ♏
Water Buffalo Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"I've never been too good at… people."

Melinda spent the entirety of her childhood and most of her adult life as a hermit, living in seclusion in order to protect her snakes from being "killed" by the Krym. For this reason she is not very good in social situations, even when she is just talking to a single person. It is not uncommon for her to stumble over her words or cross her meanings, and she usually gets so embarrassed by the mistake that she ends up making more before she eventually falls into red-faced silence. While she is more than happy to listen to other people's conversations, absorbing the details and information about them, it is rare for her to actually add something to the conversation ,and it usually has to be something for which she holds a great passion.​

Detail Oriented
"Everything has an order. It is just a matter of figuring it out."

Organization has always been key in Melinda's life. Her house became her world, and she would often spend many hours of the day cleaning. She would straighten anything that had got mussed, reorganize anything that was out of place, and clean anything that had become dirty. On top of her becoming a person greatly concerned with organization and cleanliness, Melinda developed a great attention for detail, and a keen eye for spotting things that are out of place or aren't where they shouldn't be. This makes it very easy for her to figure out the various acts of the show, and is ultimately what led to her being promoted to a Backstage Manager, even though her people skills aren't the best.​

"Sometimes things just take a bit of time."

Melinda is never one to rush. Something will take as long as it needs to, nothing more and nothing less. She can focus on a single task for many hours on end without growing weary of it, until it reaches a level of quality with which she is satisfied. Likewise, she is very patient with those around her, willing to work with them the same way she would work on any task, with patience and dedication until she, and they, are satisfied with the results. It is very rare for Melinda to push others, even when it is necessary. The only time she becomes impatient with people is during the actual performances, when her attention to detail takes over her general nice attitude and complacence with things taking time.​

"Everybody is their own somebody."

Considering the fact that Melinda spends every day with 34 unique personalities, at least in her eyes, it isn't a surprise to those who know her to realize that she is just as understanding of the different traits and nuances of people as she is of her snakes. Melinda has never met someone with whom she could not empathise on some level, even if it takes a bit of a stretch. For that reason, she is willing to accept people as they are, without trying to change or improve them, because they are the way they are. And that is enough for her.​

Vain in a Good Way
"I… like to look my best."

To many people's surprise, Melinda is a person who is very concerned with maintaining a good appearance. Despite the fact that she never left her house unless she was absolutely certain no one would see her, Melinda would dress her best every morning, carefully and artfully applying makeup, and hand-creating stylish clothes. To this day she can be found every evening without fail caring for her snakes, grooming and cleaning each one with a great attention to detail for each individual. The ritual can often take her many hours. After she had served the mandatory 3 months as a member of the Floor Staff both Costume and Makeup desired to have her join their ranks, but she was ultimately chosen to be a part of makeup by her own preference.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Melinda is a woman of average height at 5'6"', but is quite petite in every other way. She has a thin waist and narrow arms. Most of her height seems to come from her torso rather than her legs, although no one knows this because they have never seen her without her snake tail in place of legs. She has rich, nutty skin and almond-shaped brown eyes, set in a round, sweet, and very classicly Japanese face. Her hair is black and is cut unevenly, cropped short whenever it grows long enough for her to get her scissors to it between the bodies of her snakes. Were she ever to take the Krym it would look very, very bad, but behind her snakes it is almost invisible. She has a small birthmark on the left side of her nose which she always tries to cover up with makeup, to varying success.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
In almost every respect, Melinda looks like a gorgon straight from Greek mythology. Coming from her hair are 34 snakes, each of a unique breed and possessing a unique personality. These snakes are quite long of body, with the shortest ones reaching her shoulders and the longest reaching all the way down to her hips. Some of the most notable are the cobra and black mamba framing the front of her face, the yellow ball python at the nape of her neck, the vine snake that comes right in the middle of her forehead, and the two milk snakes which come from right above her ears. From the hips down Melinda's lower body consists of that of a snake as well, raising her resting height from 5'6" to 5'10", but allowing her to lift herself to a towering 7' if needed. Her snake half is stunning in coloration, matching that of an iridescent shieldtail, generally considered to be one of the most beautiful snakes in the world. Her tail is covered in iridescent blue scales with a yellow underbelly.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Elaine Nakano || Younger Sister
Elementary School Teacher - Distant

Melinda's closest, and often only, friend for her childhood and young adult life, Elaine is in many ways the complete opposite of her sister. While Melinda was always reserved and polite, Elaine was outgoing and full of enthusiasm. For much of their middle school years Elaine hated her older sister, as Melinda's refusal to take the Krym meant that her family moved away from the city and both of the girls ended up home tutored by a supernatural teacher who often had to deal with difficult cases. Melinda was blissfully happy with the situation, but Elaine was furious at being ripped away from her friends and life. When high school came around Elaine was able to enter into the school, and something of a cordial relationship was rebuilt between the two sisters. Elaine was Melinda's only connection to the outside world after high school, as the young woman lived in seclusion in a small, distant house. During this time the two sisters became good friends again, although Elaine never understood her older sister's choices. When Melinda was finally arrested for refusing to take the Krym she severed many of her connections with her little sister because she knew that the two of them would rarely be able to talk. They still exchange occasional letters, but little more.​

Head of Makeup - Circus Employee

One of the only close relationships that Melinda has developed in her five years at the circus, NAMEPENDING was the one who took the gorgon under her wing when she first arrived at the circus, terrified of being surrounded by so many people. She was part of the reason that Melinda chose makeup over costume, and is still the only person that Melinda can small-talk with comfortably for an extended period of time. Despite the fact that Melinda now technically outranks her, NAMEPENDING still does her best to take care of Melinda in any way she can, and uses her position as one of the senior members of the circus to ease Melinda's duties if she can. She oftentimes convinces Melinda to help with makeup before a show, if she is not otherwise occupied.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Costume, Set, and Props Management
"I take care of things. Well, things that are actual things, not people things."

Melinda is responsible for keeping track of everything the circus requires to function that is not related to the cast and crew. She keeps her eye on all of the objects that go into the realization of an act. If anyone has lost, broken, or discovered something that they need, it is her job to make sure it is found or made before the next performance.​

Head Maid
"Travel gets messy sometimes."

Constantly on the road, it is easy to let general cleanliness fall to the side for other matters that seem to be of more importance. Such was certainly often the case before Melinda arrived. However, despite her timid nature, she was soon able to rally together a group of individuals who would keep the place neat and clean. Not only does this include such necessities as laundering the costumes and work clothes of the staff, but also cleaning up the new venues before the show, cleaning it up again afterwards for the next circus, making sure the various wards of the circus are packing relatively neatly and not leaving behind a mess when they leave, and occasionally getting NAMEPENDING to dump an unwilling individual into a horse trough filled with soap.​

Resource Checking
"I already know everything here. Might as well keep track of what needs replacing too."

While Melinda can never go out to pick up items because of her refusal to take the Krym, she is nonetheless responsible for making sure that the circus is not running low on any items, and making sure someone goes out to get them if they are. This ranges from cooking necessities to makeup and fabric for clothing to checking the various parts necessary to specific acts to make sure that nothing is broken or in need of minor repairs. When something breaks or needs replacing, Melinda notes it and passes the information to Gale, who will in turn get Nova or NAMEPENDING to send someone out into the city to retrieve it.​

C r i m e
Refusing to take the Krym || Seeley Lake, Montana
"It might not be for most people, but for me the Krym is murder."

For most of her adult life, Melinda lived in complete seclusion, hiding herself away from the world so that she wouldn't have to take the Krym, which she believed was the same as killing her snakes. However, one day she dropped a vase as the delivery boy was near, bringing her the groceries she needed. Worried that the woman had hurt herself, the boy entered the house without permission and saw Melinda in full supernatural form. Panicked he fled, and when word made it back to the local supernatural authority Melinda was ordered to take the Krym. When she refused, she was sent to the circus until she obliged.​

S e n t e n c e
"If my freedom is the cost for 34 lives, so be it."

As soon as Melinda is willing to take the Krym, she can return to her previous life. However, Melinda made it very clear to both the person sending her to the circus and to Gale himself that she had no intention of ever taking the Krym. It is therefore probable she will remain at the circus for the rest of her life.​

O t h e r F a c t s
"No living thing should be subject to the whims of another."

Although she'd never tell anyone off for it most people know that Melinda doesn't think much of people who keep pets. She doesn't like seeing another living thing whose very survival is dependant upon an individual who sees it as a form of a possession. There is little doubt that this belief originates from her own snakes, who she wishes weren't trapped to her so that they would be able to live their own lives. Luckily for her, the circus does not allow its members to keep pets, and there are no true animals in this circus.​

Sleeps Upright
"Don't worry. I'm awake, promise."

To the alarm of many new circus members who come upon her in the middle of the night, Melinda sleeps upright, as the strength of the muscles in her supernatural cells make it easy for her to remain in a vertical position and the snakes on her head will often coil through the poles of her tent, keeping her neck upright. This can make it hard to tell whether or not she is awake or asleep at times.​
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N a m e
Marcus Hunter

A g e
23 years
Born Tuesday, May 19 , 1992 in Albany, New York
Taurus ♉
Water Monkey Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"Let's see how many times can I poke this person's shoulder before they yell at me."

Marcus has the tendency to make it his goal to annoy others. He feels enjoyment in the form of making others upset or angered. He has little restraint when it comes to messing with others and can be unrelentless. It is not uncommon for Marcus to go around poking or tripping other circus members for the hell of it.​

"Everyone fucking loves slapstick gags. Everyone."

Marcus is quite childish. He enjoys immature or inappropriate humor and curses like a sailor. He loves pulling pranks and practical jokes, always striving to elicit a laugh from others or himself. Marcus has little self control or a filter for the things he says. He has crude humor and a big mouth, both literally and figuratively. Marcus hardly acts his age, still having the mentality of a high school boy.​

"Of course I didn't rig the makeup room with traps. Why the hell would someone as innocent as me ever do such a thing?"

Marcus always seems to have a trick or two up his sleeves. He loves pulling pranks on others and takes great pride in his ability to piss people through more elaborate schemes. Marcus has pulled various pranks on others. He has ensnared various crew members in makeshift traps and has also mimicked people's voices to annoy them or confuse others. Him mimicking voices and saying awful things about other members has led to many disputes and very confused members that claim they never said such awful things.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Marcus is of average height, reaching 5' 8". He has a more wiry frame and a lack of bulky muscles. His facial features are very angular and he has almost unnaturally pale skin. Marcus has crazy looking eyes, one being blue and the other a pale green. His head is bald except for a strip of black hair across the top of his head in a short mohawk style. Marcus has a thin black beard along his sharp jawline His earlobes are pierced with large circular gauges. His teeth are white and uniform and his peach colored lips are rather thick. He usually wears baggy shorts, a random muscle t-shirt, and well worn tennis shoes.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
The growth of supernatural cells allows Marcus to have a much wider mouth. His lips are more flexible and his tongue is longer, allowing him to more easily manipulate the sounds he makes.​

Marcus has additional cells in his throat that grant him the ability to use his abnormalities to better mimic sounds. He can produce a very large variety of sounds and can learn to create new ones just by hearing them. For example, if he wanted to learn to make a blender sound he would listen to one for a few minutes and then could learn to produce the same sound.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Nova Slade || Enemy
Current Backstage Act Manager at the Circus-Very Much Alive

Nova Slade is one of Marcus' favorite people to torment since she is so easy to anger. He loves to annoy her in any way possible, whether it be tampering with the progress of her tasks or even yanking on her tail. Sometimes Marcus will creep up behind her and knock on her canine skull. Marcus has also managed to warrant hatred from the backstage manager because he has made rude comments about women and loves sexist jokes.Nova really dislikes Marcus and they have been referred to as enemies since they are always after one another. It all started the first time Marcus worked behind the scenes and he made a vulgar noise during one of the acts. Melinda, the backstage manager who dealt with lighting, sounds, and tech, even showed some dissent despite her reserved manner. Nova on the other hand, nearly flayed him.​

Bennett Hunter || Brother
Linked by Blood - Alive

Bennett Hunter is Marcus' older brother and best friend. He would always smile at the silly noises Marcus created. When Marcus was ten, his parents disowned him for being disrespectful and supernatural. Bennett took it upon himself to raise his younger brother in his apartment, balancing college and caring for a young child. He had a good relationship with Marcus, but also influenced him so that he became pretty mischievous and childish. Bennett was no more mature than his brother and therefore had little regret for allowing his brother to be annoying. He was surprised that his brother had been annoying enough to be arrested though.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Noise Maker
"It's my job to be overly annoy-er, I mean that I make the god damned noises."

Marcus creates the sound effects for different acts or the transitions in between them. He has learned to follow cues so that he can create the appropriate noise at the correct time. After his experience with making the incorrect sound before, he has learned to save his shenanigans for after the show. He has the most influence in the Ringleader's storytelling act since he creates the noises that correspond with the events in the stories.​

Morale Managing
"You gotta turn that frown upside down, motherfucker."

Marcus' obnoxious nature can also serve some good. Despite his love to annoy people, he can manage to try to lift the mood if it means telling jokes or performing some act of folly. The circus can prove to be stressful, especially for those adapting to this life, and he tries to bring a smile to the people's faces.​

C r i m e
Disturbing the Peace || New York City, New York
"People are too uptight and bitchy. Can't they take a joke? Or maybe a million?"

Marcus had received many complaints from making vulgar or offensive noises in public. He has also made fire alarm sounds to clear out rooms and car honking noises to frighten others. However, the crime that finally led to his arrest was when he made a gunshot noise on a crowded subway car in New York City during rush hour. A panic ensued and gave someone a heart attack in result. This led to his arrest and many people stepped forth to press charges.​

S e n t e n c e
3 Years
"Not too long and not to bad so long as I get to annoy the shit out of people."

Usually disturbing the peace doesn't receive this long of a sentence, but he made gun shot sounds in a crowded New York subway during rush hour. This had resulted in lots of panic and even violence when people tried to claw open the doors to escape what they thought was a shooter. The huge disturbance resulted in Marcus' arrest. He has served for a half of a year now and has two and half left.​

O t h e r F a c t s
"Spiders creep me the fuck out"

Marcus has arachnophobia and is easily deterred by spiders. He avoids the woman with spider legs like the plague, never daring to annoy her. He is also frightened of water due to his inability to swim. In turn, boats are not his favorite and he refuses to go on one.​

"Shit. Fuck. Cunt. Aren't swear words fun?"

On top of everything else, Marcus has a really foul mouth, and he loves to put it to use. He refers to people as "motherfuckers," or simply "fuckers." He is incapable of endearing nicknames. Sometimes he'll swear just for the fun of it.​
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N a m e
Dorian Kosta

A g e
36 years
Born Wednesday, June 20, 1979 in Brooklyn, New York
Gemini ♊
Earth Sheep Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"I think I'm adorable."

No matter the situation, Dorian always manages to come across as confident, stylish, and utterly charming. No one is quite certain how he pulls this off, because there is no doubt that Dorian has been put into many situations, both before and after his arrest, that were anything but flattering, but there is no doubt he does. He is more than willing to turn this to his advantage at any point, although most of the time he seems to do it just because he can.​

"The ends often justify the means."

When Dorian sets his mind on achieving something, there is nothing that will get in his way. He is completely willing to do whatever it will take to complete his objective, be it lying, manipulating, or even putting other people into dangerous or deadly situations if required. Some have likened this to Gale's oath-bound nature, except where Gale is protective and determined Dorian is simply downright scary, and nowhere near as predictable. He does whatever he must to get what he wants. Sometimes it is subtle. Sometimes it undoubtedly isn't.​

"My words are my most dangerous weapon."

On top of other, more hands on crime he has committed in the past, Dorian was predominantly a conman. It is speculated that, given the right time, Dorian could con a miser out of his life's fortune. No matter how impromptu a verbal strike against him, Dorian is always capable of coming up with a prompt, sophisticated, and appropriate comeback. He is always capable of finding the right words in any given situation, and can disarm almost any argument with a few carefully placed comments. The members of the circus have gotten very callous to his smooth words. They've had to; he is the only known individual who, within his first week at the circus, was able to get Gale to reveal their next location and convince both NAMEPENDING and NAMEPENDING to take the evening off of guard duty at the same time. He made it halfway across the state before they were able to catch him again.​

"People are fascinating."

No one is quite certain whether it is an attempt to learn about his fellow circus members and find ways to con them, or simply because he honestly enjoys conversing with others, but Dorian is quite the socialite. Using his other talents, there is no one in the circus that Dorian hasn't managed to engage in conversation, even those who typically don't talk to other people. Most of them will be able to say that they honestly enjoyed the conversation and would gladly speak to him again, even if they don't trust his reasons and have to keep a careful eye on what they say lest they let something important slip at his subtle probes.​

A p p e a r a n c e
A man of average height but stunning good looks, Dorian is tall and well-built. While he lacks the finely sculpted muscles of some men he is not thin or overweight in the slightest. He has golden skin which can darken to a deep tan in long exposure to sunlight, and very dark, curly hair which frames chocolate brown eyes. Many would go so far as to describe him as adonic in his looks, with a finely shaped nose and a strong chin, narrow, piercing eyes, and cupid lips. Dorian is easily able to pull off stubble or a beard, although he commonly keeps himself cleanly shaven.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Dorian's external cells are limited exclusively to a thin layer over the entirety of his skin, creating an iridescent gleam over his features. Under the right lighting this iridescence changes to full opaline reflection.​

Dorian's skin is able to secrete a substance that causes the light to warp around an object, rendering it invisible to both the human and camera eye. This substance will remain on an object or person until Dorian brushes it away, and will even remain in place after repeated washings. It is, however, naturally shed between a couple days and a week later, depending on how much of the substance Dorian was able to coat on. The substance must be placed on both sides of the object and be in contact with itself for the invisibility to work properly. If Dorian were to simply coat it on a wall the wall would simply appear to be coated in a shiny oil and may occasionally reflect the surroundings.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Gale Primas || Boss
Circus Ringmaster - Active

Most likely the only person in the circus that Dorian truly respects as a superior, Dorian has often been heard to say that, under different circumstances, he and Gale would not have only been best friends, but they would have become known as the greatest criminal pair in the world. Most people in the circus are wont to notice some of the similarities between the conman and the ringmaster. Both are good looking men who are talented speakers and manipulators and willing to do whatever needs to be done. However, even Dorian is willing to admit that the two are simply different sides of the same coin. Dorian is one of the few people who recognized Gale's skills right from the onset, and he has never overtly crossed the man. Subversively, certainly, but never overtly

NAMEPENDING || Prison Guard
Mime for the Circus - Active

The only person who is able to contain Dorian, NAMEPENDING, even more than her boyfriend NAMEPENDING is responsible for ensuring that Dorian does not successfully escape before his sentence is served. Every evening, or whenever someone responsible will not have Dorian under observation for a period of time, NAMEPENDING builds a wall around Dorian, often only just leaving him enough room to sit down. Despite the fact that NAMEPENDING has thwarted Dorian's attempts to escpe hundreds, if not thousands, of times, Dorian does not hold any enmity towards her. Rather he seems to respect her skill at keeping him contained, and they have even struck up something of a friendly relationship, often interrupted by the fact that Dorian will use any advantage over her that he can.​

The Media || Eager Trackers
News Companies Nation Wide

Much to Gale's irritation, Dorian's capture and subsequent sentencing was made very prominent the country wide. He became even more popular across the media when the jail he was sent to was not released, and many reporters, freelance and contracted, still see Dorian as the perfect conspiracy skapegoat and amazing news story. Dorian is quite amused by the whole affair and, just when things are starting to slow down, he will often find a way to get his picture back out into the world again, starting up the whole fiasco over again. Seeing as his face has become public enough that he can no longer work as a conman in America, this seems to be his primary source of entertainment. This is one of the main reasons he is never, under any circumstances, allowed on stage or in the audience during a performance.​

Thomas Wane || Enemy
FBI Agent - Promoted

The man finally responsible for catching Dorian, and the man from whom Dorian escaped using his unique ability, Wane is one of the limited numbers of humans who is aware of the supernatural population, and this is because of Dorian. Unlike NAMEPENDING, for whom Dorian feels a measure of respect, the conman feels nothing but loathing for this cop, and the feeling is mutual. Wane does not trust the circus to keep Dorian contained, and will often make impromptu visits to inspect the facilities that no one is particularly fond of.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Prop Placement and Effects
"People get quite impressed when things vanish and appear before their eyes."

Throughout the performances, Dorian is responsible for using his unique ability to render wide varieties of objects invisible, and put them to use throughout the performance. This often requires him to walk out onstage completely invisible, or get into places where he will be able to properly trigger the invisibility. There are very few acts to which his particular talents are not put to use in some way, large or small. Despite Dorian's obvious desire to escape the circus he takes great pride in making sure he does his job right, as he sees the circus, in many ways, as one giant con.​

Impromptu Councilor
"Getting people to talk again is just a matter of finding the right words."

In a large group of people there are always going to be moments when things go drastically wrong, and someone is going to come out of it hurt. While it is NAMEPENDING's job to see to any physical injuries, when all else fails Dorian is put to use as a councilor for psychological injuries. While it is NAMEPENDING's duty to see to such emotional wounds officially, many people refuse to speak to him because they see him as a doctor. This is the point where Dorian can step in, getting people to open up enough to accept NAMEPENDING's help. This is not a job Dorian is particularly fond of, but the one time he was forced into the situation, in order to prevent an ex-member from committing suicide, he did such an admirable job that he was expected to do it again if it ever became necessary.​

C r i m e
Grand Larceny of the 1st Degree, Escaping Lawful Custody, and other White Collar Crimes || New York City, New York
"I got caught."

Before his arrest Dorian was a skilled conman, who had run away with millions from nearly a hundred individuals. Some of these thefts required him to get up close and personal, while others simply involved breaking and entering. When he was finally caught because the FBI agent hunting him was told about Dorian's probable abilities he was able to escape after arrest while he was being held in the county jail. Unfortunately for him, he was caught sneaking aboard a plane when a late arriver took the last unoccupied seat.​

S e n t e n c e
16 years
"My sentence lasts until I escape again."

One year was added to his sentence of 14 years after his nearly successful attempt to escape federal custody, and another year was added after he temporarily escaped the circus. He has already served three years.​

O t h e r F a c t s
"A hat is by far the best accessory."

No one is quite sure how he obtained them, but Dorian has a small collection of high-quality fedoras, which he is rarely seen without. He is able to perform many entertaining and amusing tricks with his hats, which double as a wonderful distraction for slight of hand tricks. Surprisingly Dorian is not possessive of his hats, and will happily hand them out for periods of time to people interested in trying them on. Many people will find that they did have to pay something for the privilege, even if they weren't aware of it at the time.​
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N a m e
Zander Amberson

A g e
26 years
Born Friday, January 17, 1989 in Chicago, Illinois
Capricorn ♑
Earth Dragon Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"What's life without a bit of adventure?"

Zander certainly loves a good adventure. He always seeks challenges and dangerous tasks to fulfill, never being the boring type. Zander isn't one to want a boring, normal life and always hungers for excitement and danger. He thinks life is bland without the presence of danger or risk and is one to hunt for an opportunities for adventure. Zander goes wherever life takes him so long as he is always being challenged and is able to mess around. He seems to have a lot of energy that fuels his desires for adventure.​

Adrenaline Junkie
"I'll do anything for an adrenaline high. Jump off of a building? Sure. Bull fighting? Sign me up."

Zander loves taking risks and the adrenaline that it allows. He practically runs on adrenaline, fueled by the strong flight of fight sensation. He is prone to make poor decisions since he will do a lot to get an adrenaline high. Zander prefers climbing very high or complex structures, being a former rock climber. He also enjoys parkour, being experienced and skilled with that dangerous hobby as well. Such activities allow such a great burst of adrenaline so he performs them quite often.​

"Of course I know I'm talented. If I didn't believe that, I'd certainly be lying."

Zander has a very high level of self esteem. He isn't necessarily vain, but he is far from being insecure. Zander prides himself in his ability to climb and perform feats of parkour. He carries himself with a lot of confidence and swagger, not unlike a rock star. Sometimes Zander's confidence gets the best of himself and he boasts, but usually his girlfriend can keep him in check. It's nearly impossible to put him down, as he will just offer a laugh and know that the negative comments aimed at him are not true.​

"Me? Promiscuous? Nah."

Zander is very loyal to his girlfriend, Sabella. Despite his confident nature and his belief that he is handsome enough to snag just about any girl, he remains firmly loyal to his girlfriend. He couldn't dream of loving someone else, being very attached to the young woman. Zander can't be swayed by any other woman or even tempted.If flirted with, he will laugh it off and politely decline their advances, claiming that there is only one woman for him. He is very caring and protective of Sabella, finding her to be a very important person in his life.

"Sure I treat people kindly. What's the point of being a jerk?"

While Zander is full of confidence and energy, he is not one to seek the suffering of others even if that would provide some adrenaline. He prefers to avoid bothering others, instead having the desire to try to be nice to others. Zander also finds that being caring and considerate makes people more likely to allow him to commit risky feats when he isn't supposed to do so.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Zander is about 5'7" and sports a very athletic build thanks to his years of climbing, parkour, and general training. He has well defined, lean muscles and lightly tanned skin. Zander is clearly built for exercise and action. He has loosely curled, brown hair that is usually rather unkempt. It is relatively short, the longest pieces reaching only to the middle of the back of his neck. His eyes are a deep green color and have a soft appearance. He has a well defined jaw line with a light stubble and a square shaped head. Zander usually wears dark colored cargo pants and well worn tennis shoes. He prefers wearing hooded jackets of varying bright colors, usually a vibrant red color. Zander has many old scars, cuts, and bruises from any parkour of climbing blunders. His nose is slightly crooked since he broke it a few years ago in a failed front flip that ended in a collision with concrete. Zander is also missing a few teeth for the same reason, giving him an amusing grin thanks to the few gaps.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Zander's supernatural cells elongate his fingers and changes them in general. They gain small, circular tips on the end. He also gains a slimy coating on the palms of his hands and on his fingers in general as well as a deep green coloration. Zander's feet also change, making them sticky, green, and longer. There is small change to his legs, his muscles in this area reinforced to allow a slight improvement to jumping. Zander's slimy hands and feet allow him to cling to surfaces that he would be unable to climb otherwise, providing extra grip.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Sabella Coleman || Girlfriend
Lover-Fellow Circus Member

Zander has a close relationship with Sabella. Sabella, or Bella, as she prefers, is a fellow circus member and supernatural, having monkey like traits. They had been dating since they were in the ninth grade, the two having known each other for a very long time. They met in a school, soon becoming quite close to each other. After Zander was arrested and sent to the circus, Bella managed to track him down across different states and found the circus. Upon her request, Bella was allowed to stay with the circus. The two are still very close and loyal to one another, still highly enjoying each other's company despite Zander being stuck in the circus for a while.Having been together for a very long time, they know each other well and are very loyal.​

Bradley Baden || Ex Companion

Bradley Baden was Zander's childhood friend. They grew up in the same community and attended the same school. Both were natural thrill seekers, giving them something in common. They became friends and maintained a great relationship for many years, often pulling off many different stunts with each other. Among them were base jumping, learning parkour, and climbing different mountains and surfaces. Their final stunt was trying to be drug mules. They mostly took on this task to achieve some sort of rush, but also wished to gain some more cash as well so that they could afford more climbing gear and such. Being persuasive, Bradley easily convinced Zander to distribute cocaine. It went well for a while, but soon Zander began to become more distant with Bradley and spent way more time with Sabella. Angry with the fact that he was losing his closest friend to someone else, Bradley snitched to the cops and told them that Zander was distributing cocaine. Their friendship abruptly ended when Zander discovered his friend had sold him out in a jealous rage.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"You'll see me strutting the catwalk. Not the model one, the lighting one. "

Zander works with the tech group and the backstage managers. It is his job to climb up and manage lighting and other settings that are placed higher up. He works with angling the lights so that the point at the proper location. He spends his time up within the rigging situating the lights when needed, having memorized all of the needed cues. Zander doesn't mind his job, enjoying the climbing aspect of it and the potential risk of falling that fuels him.​

Prop Maneuverer
"Normal people are not able to climb up and situate props many meters off the ground, leaving me to be the one to do so. I don't mind though, since it allows me to show off some of my sweet climbing skills."'

Another one of Zander's jobs as a backstage hand is situating props that need to be placed up high. Since it is not easy to carry around a very tall ladder when traveling often, that leaves him to be the one to climb upwards and place the needed props or decorations.​

"Well someone has to make sure that we're all fit and happy.."

Zander is an enthusiast for exercise, resulting in a desire to keep others around him in good health. He stresses the importance of exercise and also encourages others to set goals and take risks. Zander leads small, casual workout classes between shows to try to help others stay in shape. He also believes that it can help boost confidence and relieve stress. Other circus goers attend his little classes to either stay in shape for their acts, or just for fun.​

C r i m e
Drug Distribution || Chicago, Illinois
"The rush it allowed was great, but looking back there were other things I could have done to gain a good rush. "

Zander was arrested for distributing cocaine. He did this out of an attempt to gain adrenaline, partnered with his friend. Zander delivered drugs to select homes in exchange for a lofty price that allowed him to pay rent, afford other commodities, and also purchase climbing gear or parkour classes. His friend Bradley turned him in out of jealously over the attention Zander was giving his girlfriend. Zander actually regrets disturbing drugs, since he nearly lost his girlfriend when he was arrested and her reaction to his deed was enough to make him feel terrible. Now he seeks better ways to achieve adrenaline rushes.​

S e n t e n c e
6 years
"Looking back, that was actually quite a lot of cocaine that I handled..."

Zander was found to have distributed about 300 grams of cocaine. The amount makes it a Class F felony in the4 eyes of the law, giving him 6 years for his sentence. He has served one and a half years so far, still having four and a half left.

O t h e r F a c t s
"You know, you should really let me do a backflip from that building. It would be really awesome."

Zander has a way with convincing others to allow him to take dangerous risks. While he will not physically manipulate anyone, he tries to do so verbally. He isn't the most convincing of people, but on quite a few occasions he has managed to convince others to allow him to do some pretty risky stuff.​

"Pretty awful stuff, but damn, it can be so good."

In the past when Zander had been distributing cocaine, he began to do some for himself. This led him to trying other dangerous drugs and he is lucky he has not been killed by them. He had been hooked on cocaine for a while, loving the rush it gave him. After he met Sabella, he found the urge to quit since she had voiced her displeasure with those that used drugs. Through a rather short and aggressive bout of rehabilitation, he managed to drop the addiction. Still, there are times when he yearns for the high it had given him in the past.​

"I wouldn't say I'm an angry person."

Zander isn't huge on violence, preferring not to engage in physical combat. He doesn't wish to aggravate others, but he has enough self respect to not be a doormat. If someone is rude to him, he is most likely to offer a few sharp remarks and back off. Overall, Zander believes in keeping peace. However, if you come between him and his girlfriend, or him and his hobbies, he's bound to get a bit irritated. Zander expresses anger through short quips and answers in general. He can get cranky when he's hungry.​
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N a m e
Sabella Coleman
Nickname || Bella

A g e
26 years
Born Thursday, August 10, 1989 in Miami, Florida
Leo ♌
Earth Snake Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"The world is such an amazing place!"

Everyone who knows Bella knows of her great enthusiasm and brightness, no matter the situation. She is one of those people who can always find something to exclaim over, even in the most mundane of tasks. She is easily distracted by the simplest of things, and is never afraid to share the joy these things bring with those around her, whether they really want it or not. Some might call these tendencies almost childlike, for they are undoubtedly innocent and seemingly uncontrolled, but such behaviors are often a conscious choice for Bella. It is easy to tell when she is not in a good mood or is struggling somehow, because she will forget to share these things with the people around her.​

"I want to see everything."

Bella has long declared a desire to see everything in the entire world, despite the obvious impossibility of such a thing. Because of this, there is nothing that can get in the way of her desire to do her best to fulfill her wish, be they laws, other people, or physical barriers. She is willing to do just about anything to find a new sight or experience a new feat. This is part of what originally bonded her so closely with Zander, although their love has since grown to be something much deeper. This desire to see as much as possible is also what led her to become an avid sky scraper climber, as the views of the surrounding land are unparalleled.​

"The world would be a much better place if people treated everything like a giant party."

Nothing gets on Bella's nerves so much as a group of sad or morose people. Bella is a party girl, someone who loves to simply have fun and celebrate, no matter the situation. She has proclaimed a love of getting "high on life," and has also declared that part of being high is being upbeat and having a good time. Bella will undoubtedly seek out such things if given the opportunity, and seems to never get her fill of spending time with people she likes, laughing and having fun, no matter the reason.​

"I think it's cute that people call me adorable."

"Nice" "cute" "sweet" and "adorable" are all words that are commonly associated with Bella, especially when she is around Zander, and it is easy to see why. Bella is one of the few people at the circus who can truly be considered nice, simply by her nature. She is kind to people she meets, simply on principle, and it takes a lot to get her truly mad at a person. She is very affectionate, both physically and psychologically, and enjoys holding hands with Zander when they aren't working on something else.

A p p e a r a n c e
Bella is a relatively short girl, standing at just over 5'5". She is lean and strong, with a gymnasts body. Most of her height is in her legs, which makes her appear even shorter when sitting down. Bella was born with really pale skin, but her love of the outdoors and her distaste for sunscreen has granted her tanner skin than would otherwise be expected in people of her complexion. Despite the paleness of her skin she has no freckles. Her hair is a shade of gold that bleaches out to nearly white at the tips from exposure to the sun. It is quite long, reaching to mid-back when left loose, but she braids it up every morning, having a french braid that runs along both sides of her head to come together at the top back of her head, and then hanging down loose to the top of her shoulders. On the left side of her hair she has died streaks of her hair in the colors of the rainbow. Her hair is actually somewhat curly, meaning that there is a definite wave to the loose part when she does not take the time to straighten it. Her eyes are a light hazel with touches of blue around the edge. Bella's nose is too thin and her lips too wide for traditionally beautiful looks, but she is very cute, especially because of the smile that always touches the corners of her lips.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Bella's appearance when her supernatural cells are present is strongly reminiscent of a monkey. She gets covered in a fuzz of golden fur, running all the way around her face, down her neck, over the front of her chest, and along her back. She grows a long tail that is also covered in golden fur, which is extremely strong considering its small size. Bella is able to hang suspended from her tail without trouble, although she does not do so often, and it is able to double as another limb on top of being used for improved balance. Her toes also extend another joint, giving her a nearly prehensile grip. Despite the fuzz that covers her body she still undoubtedly needs to wear clothes.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Zander Amberson ||Boyfriend
Lover-Fellow Circus Member

Bella is in a very close relationship with Zander, the young man who works in the rigging during shows. She is highly devoted to him, having left her home to track him down after he was arrested. She is very obviously in love. She and Zander have been in a relationship since the ninth grade, and have had many adventures together, their bond seeming to only grow stronger the more time they spend with each other.​

Thomas Coleman || Father
Retail Buyer - Very Close

Bella always had a very close relationship with her father, born from the months they spent traveling together all through Bella's life. While these trips often involved the whole family, just as often they would be short notice or quick, and Tom would only take along his daughter. When Bell realized what had happened to Zander her father was the only one who supported her decision to go after him. He promised her any aid he could give, which ultimately ended up being about 300 dollars in cash, and promised her she could always come home if she needed to. Bella misses her father desperately and often wishes she could see him again, however the few times the circus has been in Chicago Bella did not leave the circus because she feared running into her mother, knew her father wouldn't be around, and had to set a good example so that Zander wouldn't go after Brad.​

Dianne Coleman || Mother
Book Translator - Estranged

Despite the fact that Bella spent more time with her mother than she did with her father, mother and daughter never really developed the kind of relationship that Bella and Tom shared. Dianne was always a very independent woman, and though she undoubtedly loved Tom she was just as glad to have him away from the house most of the time, leaving her free to live her own life. Unfortunately, this didn't leave as much room for her two children as it should have, leading Bella to distance herself from her mother. It came as quite a shock to Bella when her mother forbade her from going after Zander and abandoning her life in Chicago, which caused their relationship to deteriorate even further.​

Kaden Coleman ||Younger Brother
High school Senior - Mad at his sister

Bella's younger brother Kaden was seven years younger than Bella, and born with severe ADHD. Bella took care of Kaden almost more than her parents did, and she always tolerated her brother's many quirks. When Kaden struggled with school Bella was always there to help him, even after she had left the house. Kaden and Bella parted with some very harsh words, because Bella had always promised that she would see Kaden graduate from high school, a feat which had seemed uncertain at points in his life. When she "broke" this promise to go find Zander Kaden grew furious with her. Bella hopes that their relationship will repair again when Zander is released, but does her best not to talk about the young man anymore.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Rigging Assistant
"I'm up top with Zander."

Being a monkeygirl and a building freeclimber, Bella is very familiar with spending her time in high places where most other people would fall. That, combined with her strong familiarity with Zander, makes her the perfect assistant for up in the rigging. Her familiarity with the young man and confidence in her own climbing ability allows the two of them to quickly cross the entire ceiling, allowing them to perform seemingly impossible feats in the rigging that goes completely unnoticed by the crowd below.​

Rope and Pulley Management
"I'm used to climbing with ropes."'

Bella's familiarity with climbing equipment allows her to be in position in the catwalk while Zander works below her to tie props that need to be placed above. When given the all clear, Bella hoists up the props. She is also there to set up and take down the intricate rope and pulley system that needs to be built and disassembled at every new location the circus visits.​

Event Planner
"Everyone here can do something cool. I like to make sure other people hear about it."

Although she cannot often follow the full desire of her tendencies to set up grand events in town because the members of the circus are forbidden from leaving, Bella still manages to find ways to gather people together for a good time. This is most commonly put to use for her boyfriend Zander's exercise routines, but in some sense Bella is like a walking billboard, always knowing what people are doing and when, and trying to convince as many people as possible to come to these things. This makes it nearly impossible to hide something that is going on from Bella, and even a supposedly "secret" event will inevitably reach her ears. Luckily, Bella is always up for a spot of rule-breaking if it means getting to go somewhere cool, and she has never told Gale or any of the other enforcers when someone was planning to attempt a temporary break-out.​

C r i m e
"They tried to take Zander away from me, but I'm now allowing it."

When Zander was arrested for distributing cocaine he was quickly tried, and just as quickly dropped completely off the face of the earth when it became clear he was a supernatural. When Zander failed to make his rendezvous with Bella, something that had never happened in the entire time that they had been dating, she instantly knew something was wrong. When Zander's family told her that he had been arrested and sent to the circus she immediately set out to find him. Bella traversed nearly three quarters of the country by foot, hopping onto freight trains, and hitchhiking before locating the circus Zander had been sent to. For a while she tailed the circus covertly, meeting up with her love at night, but it wasn't long before she was discovered. Rather than send her away, a task which Bella made it very clear would be damn near impossible, Gale agreed to allow her to stay as a hand at the circus.​

S e n t e n c e
"I will be here for about another four and a half years."

Bella has made it very clear that she will be at this circus as long as Zander is here, and she will not be leaving until he is done with his sentence. When he is allowed to leave she will leave as well. Although she is technically allowed to leave at any time, when asked she will tell people that her sentence is the same length as Zander's, not making it clear she is here of her own free will.

O t h e r F a c t s
"Bright colors are the best!"

Bella is absolutely obsessed with bright and colorful things, especially in clothing. She is never to be seen wearing black, grey, or dark shades in her clothes, and will often have headbands, bows, or clips adorning her hair, as long as they are small enough to stay out of the way. Her room on the train is adorned with many bright, colorful objects, and she is always fond of painting in a shade she likes, and getting it all over herself in the process. She is prone to wearing very colorful makeup when given the opportunity, and is very, very fond of nail polish.​

"Me and mustard don't get along."

Bella has a moderately strong allergy to mustard. While it is not severe enough that she needs to carry an anti-allergen in fear of cross contamination, ingesting mustard will give Bella a very unpleasant night to come, and will often lead to her throwing up.

"I'd been to every state in the country before I turned 10. Yes, Hawaii and Alaska too."

Bella's father had to travel all over the country for his job. For the first ten years of her life Bella's family was based in Miami, Florida, until they moved to Chicago in her 11th year of life. Despite the fact that her family had a house, Bella's father would often take along the entire family on his travels, enjoying the company and wanting to encourage his daughter's desire to explore.​
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N a m e
Gregor McCrae

A g e
35 Years
Born Thursday, July 03, 1980 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Cancer ♋
Metal Monkey Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"I am not real fond of bein' in the spotlight all the time, ye know? "

Gregor is not an outgoing person at all. He prefers to keep to himself or seek the company of close and trusted friends. Rowdy, attention stealing conversations are not his thing. Gregor becomes nervous when speaking to strangers or when being among a large group of people. Public speaking has always left him terrified and he is not great with presenting any ideas to a large audience. Gregor doesn't like to stand out and prefers to just blend in most times to avoid drawing unwanted attention.​

"There's no point in 'ver bein' rude."

Gregor has a very kind nature. His instinct is to be nice to others, whether it be attempting to comfort them or performing favors such as opening doors or helping others cross the street. Acting rude is something others very rarely witness since he almost never outwardly expresses any more of hatred or bitterness. Gregor is quite patient and has a habit of apologizing often for small blunders very often. He enjoys warm hugs and smiling.​

"Oh dear!I''I'll be leaving now."

Gregor certainly isn't courageous. He is more willing to wiggle underneath something than face the potential danger. When it comes to fight or flight, he chooses flight in a heart beat. Squeamish and easy to startle, Gregor isn't the brave type. He shies away from conflict and whimpers if threatened. It doesn't take much to scare him either.​

"Why would I 'ver want to hurt someone?"

Gregor is against any form of violence, especially the physical kind. if push comes to shove, he'd most likely run. You won't see Gregor running around and picking brawls, that's for sure. In his opinion, violence is pointless and isn't the proper way to handle things. He frowns upon the fights that break out in the circus, not wanting to intervene or even watch. Gregor is not violent or very beast like at all. He refused the offer of taking a part in the beast act, unable to be aggressive.​

"I suppose I'm decent at this kind of stuff."

While he is often too insecure to admit it, Gregor has an artistic nature and excels in various mediums. He takes enjoyment in composing poetry and creating costumes of sort. Sewing and piecing together fabrics for the show is never a burden for him, as he takes joy in his job. he doesn't even mind mending and will always cheerfully accept any ripped clothing and have them fixed in a jiffy. Art always manages to calm him.​

A p p e a r a n c e
A beast of a man, Gregor reaches an impressive height of about 6'3". Built like a bear, he has a barrel chest and thick arms that are covered in short, brown hairs. A square jaw and boxy head attaches to broad shoulders. Due to his nationality, he has bright green eyes and his skin is very fair, offering stark contrast with his long, brown hair. Gregor's hair is usually styled up into a bun. In addition to his head of straight hair, he has a large, bushy beard. Straight, white teeth are exposed when he offers his signature, wide smile. While one would assume a man this large would have shorter, stubbier fingers, his fingers are surprising narrower and nimble and help when he's sewing. Gregor usually wears blue jeans, brown loafers, sweaters, and the occasional scarf.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Gregor's supernatural cells give him the appearance of an anthropomorphic wolf creature. Light brown fur covers his body and he appears to have the bulky head of a wolf. A bushy tail also sprouts from the back of his pelvis. Feet grow into paws and allow him to walk upon his toes. Due to the growth, he maintains a height of about 6'7" instead of 6' 3". His fingers end in short claws, as do his toes. Short, rounded ears poke out from his head. Clothing rarely fits him in this form so he had to tailor attire suitable for himself. He insists on wearing pants and a sweater since he is still modest even when covered in fur.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Sandra Marksman || Ex-Wife
Divorced-Former Lover

Having moved from his home in Scotland to the Americas when he was 20, Gregor attended college in Colorado. When in college, Grego became acquainted with Sandra Marksman. Both were in the field of Wildlife Studies and Management. Sharing a common love for nature and sharing close proximity, the two soon fell in love. They enjoyed spending time taking long hikes or finding the best scenery to paint when in their free time, nearly perfect for one another. When they graduated, Gregor was 25 years old. After two more years of dating, Sandra and Gregor got married. After another happy year, Gregor managed to score a job studying the flora and fauna of Montana, while Sandra had not. While Gregor insisted on moving for his job, Sandra still had her own occupation in Colorado. So Gregor left to Montana himself and vowed to maintain a long distance relationship. Although they spoke and saw each other often, their close bond began to dwindle. When Gregor was 32 years old, he returned to Sandra to find her sleeping with another man. Truly saddened by this discovery, he divorced Sandra with a heavy heart. After signing over the papers, Gregor did something he had yet to do. Get drunk. Heavily intoxicated and unable to keep his emotions in check, he assaulted a group of young men after they had verbally mocked him. His anger had truly bested him since he had done severe damage to these people, resulting in his arrest.​

Angus McCrae || Father
Paternal Figure-Alive

Angus McCrae had always taken pride in his sons and Gregor was no exception, even though he happened to be a supernatural. Angus loved him the same as his other son, Clyde. Angus raised his sons by himself in a quaint town in Scotland. Here he managed an art studio with his two boys, making a living by selling his paintings, sculptures, and other art pieces. While not poor, Angus' family was still just scraping by. Still, he made sure his sons were well fed and taught them to help out with art in order to try to secure them future occupations. While Gregor excelled, Clyde had always struggled a bit with art. Still, peace was maintained. Angus enjoyed the outdoors and often spent a good deal of time in it, fueling Gregor and clyde's own passions for nature. he raised his sons well and with respect despite the lack of a motherly figure to help out. Angus had always loved Gregor and was sad to see him leave to America and even more crestfallen when his son was divorced and arrested.​

Clyde McCrae || Brother

Clyde McCrae was born seven years before Gregor was, having been alive when his mother grew ill and passed away. This resulted in abandonment issues at an early age, making him especially clingy towards Gregor. His loyalty to his younger brother resulted in his father jokingly comparing him to a sheepdog, though the comparison held true. Clyde was also a supernatural, being more dog like than wolf like. Clyde was always eager to help and even managed to help Angus raise Gregor by watching the child while his father was working. Clyde held a great relationship with his brother, though was heart broken enough after Gregor's move to also move to the United States. He visited Gregor when he could and lived through his brother's ups and downs. After Gregor's arrest, he has been searching the country for him. He didn't locate his brother, but did manage to get arrested for multiple cases of trespassing during his searches. In result, Clyde was sent to a different corrective circus, still longing to find his missing sibling.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"Creating outfits is sort of my forte. "

Creating and mending the clothing needed for the show is Gregor's job. He creates and edits sewing patterns, measures and cuts fabrics, and much more. Gregor also helps fit performers for their costumes and takes their measurements carefully. In exchange for small gifts(mostly buttons, flowers, or candy) he will even mend the circus member's personal attire.​

"You've got to keep track of the stock or ye might run out of material."'

Part of Gregor's job is making sure there are the proper materials for the tasks at hand. He constantly counts needles and pins and checks storage for fabric, buttons, and trimming. All of the resources are managed in a weathered pocket sized notebook he keeps at all time to take any notes, whether it be job related or merely phrases he'd like to use when writing poetry.​

C r i m e
Aggravated Assault || Boulder, Colorado
"I..I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Being heavily intoxicated after the grief of divorce, Gregor had assaulted a group of young men. After he had stumbled out of the Coloradan bar, clearly drunk, the young men proceeded to laugh and mock him. they even threw stones at his stumbling figure. Since in a drunk state he couldn't remember to consume krym, he began to transform in front of them. Their laughter turned to screams and they fled and hid in an alleyway. Gregor had located them by scent and was immediately pelted with rocks, bottles, and other objects as he was verbally accused of being a beast. Thrown over the edge, he attacked the men. They lived, but Gregor was soon arrested. His assault was considered aggravated and he received a much longer sentence due to the fact that others not meant to see his supernatural form had witnessed it.​

S e n t e n c e
7 years
"I just had to be drunk, didn't I?"

Since he had been in his supernatural state, his sentence had been above the usual length. He regrets his blunder since his lack of krym potion had resulted in worse consequences than he would have had if just in his human state. Gregor has served three years so far.​

O t h e r F a c t s

"You can probably tell where I'm from, can't ye?"

Since Gregor was born and raised in Scotland, naturally, he has an accent. Although it is milder since he had lived in America for many years, it is still present. Quite often he slips up and says, 'ye' as opposed to 'you.' His 'r's have a subtle, rolled sound and his 'o' sounds are more drawn out. one can clearly guess his origin from his dialect. On occasion, either joking or not, he'll refer to small things as 'wee.'

"I've been told I'm scared of just about everything."

Being an easily frightened person, he has his fair share of phobias or fears. He fears public speaking, snakes, alcohol(due to his experience with it), anything sharp, large birds, loud noises, airplanes, thunderstorms, and many other things. However, unlike most he doesn't mind insects of heights since he loves nature.​
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N a m e
Len Rundstrom

A g e
53 years
Born Wednesday, September 19, 1962 in St. Paul, Minnesota
Virgo ♍
Water Tiger Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"Literature is the only thing that reveals the true depth of humanity. "

Len has always loved to read, even from a very early age. While he was ridiculed for it in grade school it became cool in college, when he found other people and a professor who had a deep love for classic and epic tales. At this point Len embraces his love of books fully, and it is one of the few things that he still cares about. It is not uncommon to find him in a corner on a nice chair, reading a book he has undoubtedly already read five times. Although he most commonly reads epic and classic literature he will try any book once, as long as it isn't teen fiction. This often leads to him reading biographical and historical stories.​

"I have nothing to say on that subject."

At this point in his life, Len has nothing good to say for himself anymore. No one in the circus had ever seen him at the point in his life where he seemed a bubble of perpetual enthusiasm, and his self-deprecation often ends up quite wearing on others. Although he does not make it known obviously, he is still undoubtedly pitiful for it. The only time this trait goes away is when he is drunk, something that happens rare enough these days.​

"Everyone's life goes to hell. It's just a matter of when."

Len has come to accept that everything in this life will ultimately let him down, no matter how much effort he puts into it. Although he is not blatant about it, and tends to keep his pessimistic comments to himself, it isn't hard to see that Len never approaches anything expecting it to work out well, and that the usual catchphrase of "better to be pleasantly surprised than let down" does not apply in the least. When things go right, which they do fairly often, Len doesn't take it as a good sign, but simply moves on and waits for the next thing to go wrong.​

"Everything we know we learned from history."

Although he has mostly focused on Ancient European history, Len seems to know every name, date, and fact about the entirety of recorded human history. Much of this information comes from the novels he reads, but some of it seems to simply spring fully formed from his mind, even though it is something that even a well-educated person wouldn't know. No one ever seems to question how Len knows all this stuff, mostly because, if pressured, Len will not give a satisfactory answer, and will leave people more curious than ever. This also includes a surprising knowledge of historical artistic works.​

"Watch the masters long enough and you'll pick something up too."

It comes as a surprise to many, but Len has a strong talent for the artistic. There are very few who can ever get him to execute it except in building a costume, but Len can create some amazing things if given time and a reason to care. This is especially true of poetry and song lyrics, but also includes almost anything else that can be considered "artistic" in nature including, amazingly, dance.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Len is a thin and lean man, standing about 5'10", with surprisingly few traces hinting at his real age. Despite the fact that he is over 50 years old, Len only has faint traces of silver streaking his beard, while his hair is still the long, full, pale blonde it has always been. Other than that, the only obvious sign of his age is the permanent wrinkles around the corners of his blue-grey eyes, and his deepening nasolabial fold. Those who look close will find the remains of his laugh lines, which give him a deceptively friendly appearance for his personality. Len could easily pass for a man fifteen years younger than he is if a person didn't look at his hands. Len's ancestry is fairly obviously Nordic in origin, with a long, thin face, straight nose, and very sharp jaw. He was incredibly handsome in his mid-twenties, although only a few traces of his good looks remain under the weight of years of stress.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Len has a truly astonishing set of supernatural cells, although he rarely, if ever, lets them emerge. His traits strongly resemble that of a griffon, with large, dark brown, feathered wings emerging from his back, and a lion's tail, blonde mane, and legs. While his wings have a nearly twelve foot wingspan they are not enough to actually allow him to fly, and are only useful in keeping him from crashing into the ground at high speed should he fall. The bulk of his wings is what often leads him to take the Krym, even when it is not strictly necessary.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Lynna Rundstrom || Daughter
Freshman - Deceased

The pride and joy of his life and Len's only child, Lynna was fifteen years old when she died in a car accident, caused by the fact that she was in the car while her father was drunk and driving. Len was sent to jail for eight years after killing his daughter, while he fell apart. When he returned to the outside world, he had lost his job as a professor, his wife had divorced him and remarried, and a restraining order had been placed on him for both his wife and, unfairly, the grave of his daughter. Lynna was obsessed with movies and theater, and wanted to be an actor as an adult. It wasn't uncommon for the two of them to stay up late into the night analyzing the scripts of movies and plays. For this reason, Len will never discuss plays written by Sophocles or Shakespeare. It has been almost 12 years since Lynna's death.

Theresa Forsberg ||Ex-Wife
Pharmacist - Divorced

Len and Tess met in their Sophomore year at college, and their tale was one of love at first sight. They were married before they both graduated, and neither regretted it through nearly twenty years of marriage. Tess had always been a remarkably understanding individual, especially about her husband's love of alcohol. The one thing she made him absolutely promise was that he would never drink when he was supposed to be looking after Lynna. When Len broke this promise Tess could not bear it, there having been an incredibly close bond between mother and daughter, and she filed for divorce within the first month of Len's imprisonment at Gale's circus. When it came time for him to be released, in one last fit of revenge, Tess insured there was a restraining order put against him for his daughter's grave. Tess has since remarried, although she has not had any other children, and has moved to Florida with her new husband. Upon being informed that her ex-husband had once more been caught drunk driving after his release, her only comment was "Did the bastard die this time?"

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"They had no choice but to fit me in somewhere. "

For a long time Len worked as a backstage hand, but when he completed his sentence and was released his position was filled. When he ended up back in Gale's circus he skipped the requisite time as a part of floor staff, as he already knew the circus well, and was put directly into costume. To many peoples' surprise, he took to the change well. When Len first came to the circus he had tried to get away with doing nothing, which Gale quickly put a stop to. Although Len will work on costumes he is never a part of the costume crew right before the start of the show. For that reason he is often given more of the work during the down-time periods of the circus. He does not object.

"At least they kept my books."'

During his first stay at Gale's circus, before his release and subsequent re-arrest, Len managed to collect a massive assortment of books. When he returned to the circus he found with some surprise that Gale and the rest of the staff had kept the books, although they had fallen into massive disarray. He quickly set about reorganizing the books, and ended up creating an accidental library for the circus, where people would "check out" and "return" the books. In many respects, Len considers this more of his real job than his work in costumes.

C r i m e
Third Offense DWI || New Haven, Conneticut
"...I wish it had been me."

Sixteen years ago, Len got his first offense for DWI, driving at a blood toxicity of nearly 0.1. Twelve years ago, he killed his daughter wrecking with another car, and was sentenced to an eight year sentence. When he emerged from jail Len had no way to function with his new life, and spent the few funds he had earned from working in the circus getting piss drunk. He didn't care when he ended up pulled over once more and arrested for his third offense, to be sent immediately back to jail. He made it very clear to his prosecutors that, when they let him go again, he would likely do the exact same thing.

S e n t e n c e
"They gave this sentence to me long ago. They just didn't know it at the time."

While this is undoubtedly an unusual punishment for drunk driving, after killing his daughter on his second offense, and then getting caught drunk driving again within days of his release from his eight year sentence, the supernatural authorities decided he was too much of a risk to ever leave the circus. He was placed back under Gale's care. He has served just under four years on this sentence, although he only keeps track because his sentence started over on the day of his daughter's birthday, October 13th.

O t h e r F a c t s

"The one thing I hate about this place is that there's nowhere to get booze."

Although he can rarely get his hands on it, Len is constantly seeking alcohol. Although he hates himself for drinking, the alcohol is also the only thing he has found that will numb him to the world, as anything but hardcore drugs has very little effect other than making him irritable. Luckily, Len is an incredibly happy drunk, which is part of the reason he enjoyed it so much. When he is drunk is about the only time that people will hear him saying positive things about himself, or expressing hope for the future.

" 'Fear? What has a man to do with fear? Chance rules our lives, and the future is all unknown.' "

From well over 40 years of reading epic poetry and classic novels of all sort, Len is full of poignant and appropriate quotes for any moment. Very few of them are particularly happy quotes, as fits his general demeanor, but, when prompted by others, he will come up with quotes for things completely unrelated to matters at hand. There have been many members of the circus who have tried to turn it into a game, but Len has always stopped coming up with quotations the moment he realized what these people were trying to do.

Former Teacher
"Once a teacher always a teacher, I guess."

Although it is quite rare, there are still moments when Len's past as a teacher shines through. Before the death of his daughter Len was a much loved and much respected teacher at Yale University in Connecticut, despite the fact that everyone knew he carried a flask of vodka in his bag. He was teaching, among other things, Ancient Greek Literature, and all those who took his classes, even if they did not like the material, could not deny that he was a very talented and engaging professor. It is very rare for Len to take the time to teach anything now, but he still retains the gift, even if it is never put to use.​
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N a m e
Cosette Bordelon

A g e
33 Years
Born Friday, October 15, 1982 in Aroostook, Maine
Libra, ♎
Water Dog Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"Imagination has no limits, so what's holding you back, darling? "

Cosette has a very vivid imagination and sense of creativity. Brilliant ideas always seem to come to mind to her, even if others can't appreciate them as she does. Loving the joy of creating new ideas or projects, often times Cosette tries new art forms. Although sewing is her specialty, it hasn't prevented her from branching out to try new techniques in order to see what works best for her. She encourages creativity in others.​

"It's a wonderful world we live in and you can't convince me otherwise."

A positive outlook has always managed to keep Cosette going. Always looking for the positive characteristics of life, it is not easy to hinder Cosette's mood. Even when things seem to be going terribly, she makes an effort to find something that isn't negative. She pricked her finger? Well, the weather is nice and she can fix her mistake so there is nothing to worry about. The costume she made didn't fit the right person? Oh well, someone else gets a nice costume. It's not that Cosette can't feel unhappy, she just finds ways to cheer herself and others up to rid herself of more unsavory emotions.​

Quick to Trust
"I can imagine we'll get along just fine, darling."

Always trying to view others in a good light, Cosette is quick to trust others. Placing trust in others is her default action, making her easily subjected to being used or abused. She simply can't realize if someone is toxic to her or not, her eagerness to be an optimist ruining her ability to be deterred any harmful flaws in a person. Of course Cosette can recognize the flaws in others since she isn't oblivious, she will just refuse to acknowledge them or point them out.​

"Of course I have time to chat."

Cosette loves a good conversation with another, enjoying the connections she can make with people. Always yearning to find out more about another, she is prone to ask questions to further continue conversations. Generally having a more relaxed and casual mood, Cosette prefers to speak of lighter topics. Anything controversial that may hurt the feelings of another is not something she is usually comfortable with delving into.​

"I think I may need another nap."

Since Cosette was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a teen, since then she has had all of the expected symptoms. One is bouts of acute tiredness that occur throughout the day. While she can be tired at any given time, Cosette still tries to hide it through her optimism. Despite this, one can usually see her eyes drooping even when she still smiles widely. It doesn't help that her disorder has messed up her sleep schedule, leaving her to be exhausted after particularly poor nights.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Of a rather short height, Cosette only reaches 5'1". Slim waisted with more subtle and almost non existent curves has led some to mistake her as a child at a glance. Narrow shoulders and nimble fingers offer further characteristics that show she's a petite woman. Cosette has a heart shaped face, high cheekbones, and dimples. A small stud pierces her narrow nose and a matching ring is attached to her full,pink lips. Her eyes are a soft brown and she wears winged eyeliner. Freckles dot her fair skin, the majority running across the bridge of her nose. Cosette has thin, loosely curled chocolate brown hair that is cut into a short bob. A purple dyed streak runs through her hair. Often times she is seen wearing a solid colored beanie hat. Cosette wears what she wishes, but her most common outfit is jeans, short heeled knee high boots, and a loose shirt. the patterns and style of her shirt vary depending on the day. Most all of the clothing she wears is made by her.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Cosette's supernatural cells give her the appearance of a doll. A light purple fabric grows over the entirety of her skin. The fabric is smooth and cloth like, not a single hole present. In addition to this, black buttons grow over her each eye. Both buttons have four moderately sized holes organized in a square. The buttons restrict her vision, but over the years she has adapted to the limited viewpoint.Thread grows from her skin and attaches these buttons. The buttons can't be cut off since cutting the thread causes immense pain. Also, they regrow fast enough for it to not make much of a difference. Cosette's hair grows thicker, but otherwise remains unchanged. A thin, black plastic film grows over her finger and toenails.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Elise Gosse ||Best Friend
Alive-Close Companion

Elise gosse met Cosette in grade school. the two hit it off, both being artists. Elise preferred knitting and ceramics, but that didn't stop her from learning how to sew by watching Cosette. They found comfort in each other's company and were inseparable, almost living at each others houses. When Elise accidently discovered that Cosette was a supernatural, even at a young age she had the wisdom not to tell anything and to keep the secret. In fact, elise found it to be fascinating. When Cosette began to develop the symptoms of narcolepsy, Elise was there to help her. Elise learned to be a light sleeper so that she could comfort Cosette when she suffered from sleep paralysis, one of the warning signs of the disorder. In the tenth grade, it was Elise who drove Cosette to the hospital when she had her first bout of cataplexy, or the sudden loss of muscle control that causes collapsing. From that point on, Elise made sure to help Cosette through the disorder. They attended the same college, both having art majors. Both sharing an apartment, Elise remained attentive to Cosette's health. Cosette fell for Elise, although being asexual, she yearned for a platonic sort of bond. Elise didn't mind this and went along with it, although deep down she was a closeted lesbian and yearned for a different relationship with her friend. So the two were a couple of sorts,living together even after college and making their apartment into an art studio. Elise was heartbroken when Cosette was arrested. Ever since then she has tried to find Cosette, having no positive results.

Francois Bordelon ||Father
In Jail-Enemy

A father is expected to love and cherish his daughter, but Francois wasn't one to follow this expectation. Ever since he allowed himself to sleep with his wife when she had forgotten her birth control, he has regretted it. Cosette was his mistake and Francois had hated her for that. While Manu,Fancois's wife had been delighted, Francois had not. In fact, he had at first wished to have Cosette adopted, but Manu refused. Ever since then his relationship with his wife had deteriorated now that a child was a priority. They could no longer travel or maintain an adventurous life, forcing them to do something Francois had never wished to do, settle down. Cosette was five years old when her father first slapped her across the face. It had taken her mother aback and led to a fight, postponing the next time of abuse. While Manu taught Cosette to be happy, she herself was suffering from the wrath of her husband. Francois had taken to hitting her instead of the child. Eventually, Francois began to hit Cosette as well. Elise would always ask why Cosette was bruised and for a while, Cosette covered it up with stupid lies. Francois made life terrible for Manu and his child, always yelling or throwing things. Manu felt as if she were locked in this relationship, unable to support herself without him and not having the funds to move away with Cosette. After Cosette came to Elise's home with a bruise dominating the whole left side of her face, elise's parents made a report to the police. The case was investigated and Francois was arrested, swearing to tear Cosette to pieces before he was taken away by the cops. Although Cosette hides her past of being abused with smiles as her mother taught her, the subject is still a touchy one.​

Octave Chastain ||Enemy

Octave Chastain had always made it a goal to make Cosette's life hell ever since they met in grade school. Being a fellow artist, he was always angry that Cosette managed to outshine him. Octave was also jealous that Cosette was close to Elise since he had a crush on Elise, giving further incentive for him to torment the girl. Octave enjoyed tripping Cosette in the hallway or trying to sabotage her art. Cosette learned to step over his outstretched leg and even managed to incorporate the splashes of off colored pain or wrong type of stitch into her artwork to make it better. Octave found that he had lost ways to get under Cosette's skin and this further upset him. He took to doing worse things like stealing her art supplies and trying to frame her for bad activities she didn't commit. When he didn't receive a college scholarship as Cosette had, Octave was further angered and vowed to make her pay one day. A few years went by where he didn't see her, but after spotting her on the street laughing and holding hands with Elise, his fury returned. When Elise was walking alone from her job one day, Octave stole her purse and with that the funds meant to pay the bills. If Elise didn't have the money that day than she and Cosette would be evicted. To prevent this, she forged the checks.​

NAMEPENDING ||Puppertmaster

Although never being violent or rude, NAMEPENDING has an obvious infatuation for Cosette based on her doll like appearance. It is clear that NAMEPENDING may have an attraction or at least a deep fascination with her. It is not uncommon for him to take time out of his day to speak with her. He seems to care deeply for her though and since Cosette trusts very easily and no harm is being done, she does not fend him off. Sometimes NAMEPENDING'S devotion irks her, but they've formed an odd friendship of sorts. Oftentimes Cosette will repair or create new puppets for NAMEPENDING'S act. He keeps her mind occupied, which is always appreciated. Many others find NAMEPENDING'S obsession as unhealthy, but Cosette always passes the action off as well intended. This may lead NAMEPENDING to believe that Cosette reciprocates the attraction, making backing off most likely much more difficult.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"It's great that I still have an opportunity to use my skills in this place. "

While Cosette was inconvenienced by her arrest, she was quick to leave the floor staff and become one of the costume creators after her talent with a needle and thread was noticed. Despite her initial sadness, Cosette naturally learned to find something positive. Sewing still allowed her great pride and joy and so she spent most of her time either planning or creating costumes. Although fellow costume worker, Gregor, possesses great skill in sewing, Cosette has taught him a lot of the craft along with other tips and tricks. While off put by Len's pessimistic attitude, that doesn't stop her from trying to offer him with tips and much kindness as well.​

General Aid
"Sure I have my own job, but others may need a bit of help as well."'

Cosette makes a point to help others along with their tasks since it makes her feel more productive and often distracts her from any nagging exhaustion she may feel. Since she doesn't allow herself to sit still for very long, it is harder for her to notice how much she yearns to curl up and sleep. Even if she doesn't excel at the task another is doing, she is prone to offering to help. This has led others to using her so that she does their work while they ditch. On many occasions Nova, Melinda, or even Gale has had to ensure that others were doing their work instead of burdening the ever eager to please Cosette with it.​

C r i m e
"It wasn't me, I assure you."

After hearing wind that the police were on their way to Elise and Cosette's home, Elise broke down and told Cosette what she had done. Although horrified, Cosette knew that Elise wouldn't fare well and jail and didn't want to see that happen to her partner. So when the police arrived speaking of forged checks, Cosette took the blame and was arrested for it despite Elise's anguished protests.​

S e n t e n c e
3 years
"I don't regret my decision."

Cosette is sentence her sentence diligently, still not regretting her decision. Although she was horribly saddened since she was without Elise, she knew it was better that her friend was free. Cosette has already served for a year, leaving her with only two remaining.​

O t h e r F a c t s

"I apologize if I collapse mid speech, darling, it happens. "

Cosette's disorder has resulted in many instances of suddenly collapsing(cataplexy), although in this state she is still conscious. It causes her muscles to go limp and can be either severe or minor. Severe would be her collapsing, but minor would be something like her head lolling over or her eyelids drooping. Cataplexy for her is mostly caused for no reason, but sometimes it can be triggered if someone scares her suddenly or if there is a loud noise that occurs with little warning. She is prone to acute tiredness and tries to avoid letting herself sleep, though sometimes avoiding this had made her collapse as well. She usually wakes up after hitting the ground, allowing others to know she hadn't collapsed out of cataplexy. Narcolepsy has also hindered her sleep since it causes vivid dreams that wake her up. When waking up suddenly, Cosette can suffer from sleep paralysis that leaves her unable to move. While this happens, her mind still may be confused enough to continue dreaming, leading to hallucinations.

"It's perfectly normal to not experience sexual attraction, darling. No need to blow it out of proportions since I'm still human..well, mostly."

Cosette is asexual, meaning she feels no sexual attraction. She doesn't enjoy or yearn for intercourse, although she loves more platonic gestures such as hugs, pats, and light kisses. Any romantic feelings Cosette has are platonic based. her platonic love has no boundaries, not binding her to preferring a specific gender.

Pet Names
"Darling is my preferred way of addressing others, but if it makes you uncomfortable I can stop."

Cosette has the habit of referring to others as "darling." It was always her go to nickname to call others since it was what her mother had referred to her as. She finds it cute and casual and usually thinks nothing of it, but sometimes it has made others uncomfortable.​
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N a m e
Mabel Ackermann

A g e
68 years
Born Monday, September 8, 1947 in Baltimore, Maryland
Virgo ♍
Fire Pig Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"All things long to be cared for. It is only natural. "

Even from early childhood, Mabel has identified herself as a caregiver. During her childhood and teenage years, Mabel helped care for her four younger siblings and her mother, who developed a very weak immune system. She got married immediately out of high school to a childhood friend of the family, and was a stay-at-home housewife, caring for her mother, husband, and eventually her only son. Although she will not force herself on those who do not want her attention, she will gladly care for anyone who wishes for it. Mabel's natural instinct for care is based on supporting others in their goals and actions, rather than directly protecting them or solving problems for them, so many people do not notice that she has chosen to care for them.​

"If you decide to care for something, it becomes your responsibility. Forever."

When Mabel decides to protect or care for an individual or thing, she considers it under her protection indefinitely. While there are a few exceptions in this matter if a person or thing truly no longer needs her care, for the most part Mabel will never give up caring for a person, no matter the consequences. Mabel will persist in care even if the person comes to hate her, or if caring for another person would ultimately end up being damaging to her. It is impossible for Mabel to understand how a person, especially a parent, could abandon someone who they are supposed to care for. She also believes that all people should hold to implicit contracts of care, like the relationship between an employer and employee, or a leader or chairman and their subordinates.​

"You can't accomplish anything if you approach it half-hearted."

Mabel's instinct to hold to her decisions is not limited just to her desire to care for others. When Mabel sets her mind to something, there is nothing in the world that will stop her from completing it. Normally this only relates to very simple tasks and pushing her own limits to complete a job, but it will also apply if Mabel sets her mind to completing something big. In this matter, legality or morality holds no impact to her, and she will do whatever she deems necessary to best complete her objective. All the same, Mabel is still a very good person at heart, and will never harm innocents or people not involved if her decision results in a vendetta.​

"I don't really care what the feminists say. There are certain things women are suited to."

Mabel has always enjoyed the duties of a housewife. She is an avid cook, often helping NAMEPENDING and the floor staff prepare meals, aiding Mi in any cleaning duties, caring for people who have come down sick, patching and darning holes in clothes, and generally ensuring that everyone in the circus is cared for. She has no problem with being expected to take care of such tasks, and often seeks them out when she has spare time. Having raised a rambunctious son and made all his clothes, Mabel is very familiar with creating clothes, and she will often make outfits for people at their request for times outside of the performances, and enjoys creating custom clothes for people who have non-human supernatural cells.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Mabel has always been a woman of very average looks. She is fairly short, standing at 5' 6", and is quite thin, especially for a woman of her age. She has a narrow face, long chin, and wide mouth. Her eyes are a light brown. In her youth she had honey brown hair, but this has since turned nearly pure white with age, except for pale traces of yellow it is possible to make out in bright sunlight. Her entire face is liberally dusted with freckles, many of which have darkened with age, especially on her forehead. She always dresses rather old-fahsioned, and is usually wearing a skirt. Mabel is rarely even seen without an artful application of makeup.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Despite her sweet face, there are many who consider Mabel's supernatural cells rather disturbing. She has two hands growing from her forehead, with the palms facing backwards, a long, fleshy tail ending in another hand, and hands for feet. All of her hands have eyes on both the palm and back of her hand, leading her to often walk about with the eyes on her face closed. Unlike her regular eyes, the eyes on her hands are all sorts of exotic colors, and seem to change rather randomly. For several days after starting to take the Krym Mabel can be very, very clumsy, because her depth perception and field of vision is thrown off so much.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Thomas Hecker || Son
Factory Worker - Deceased

Mabel gave birth to her first and only child when she was twenty-one, but a complication with Thomas' birth meant that the doctors had to perform a surgery and Mabel was unable to have any more children. As her only child, when she had planned to have many, Mabel devoted her entire self to being the perfect mother to Thomas, and the two of them had an incredibly close relationship for his whole life. Thomas became an engineer, and went to work at a factory in New York. However, a complication in the factory exposed Thomas to fatal levels of a toxic chemical over the course of five years of working there. When Thomas and several other workers first became ill he and several other workers complained to the factory owner, who claimed to have fixed the issue. It was only after Thomas' death, as well as 8 other men from the factory, that it was revealed the problem in the factory hadn't been taken care of after all. Thomas died on Sunday, April 14, 1996 at 28 years of age. Mabel often says that was the worst day of her entire life.

Alfred Hecker || Husband
Businessman - Deceased

Alfred Hecker's father was a childhood friend of the Ackermann family, and became Mabel's closest companion for her early years in life. Despite the fact that he always tormented her as a child, Alfred always was smitten with Mabel, and they started dating in high school, only to get married shortly after graduation. Alfred went to work as a businessman, only to start his own company to help struggling businesses regain a solid footing. He earned fairly steady income, and although he was often away from the house on business he was always very loving and faithful to Mabel. He was the one who was there to comfort Mabel after the death of their son, and was the only one to keep her from falling into a depression. Unfortunately, four years after Thomas' death, Alfred suffered a massive heart attack, and was kept on life support in the hospital for a month before finally passing away. After her husband's death Mabel seriously contemplated suicide, only to ultimately resolve that she would get vengeance for the death of her son.

Ronald Parker || Victim
Former Employer - Deceased

Ronald Parker was a small-time businessman who struck it rich at the turn of the century with a well-placed investment. Few remembered him as the man who had once owned a single factory and, after cutting costs in the wrong place, killed nine men who worked for him, among them a man named Thomas Hecker. In 2001, just under a year after the death of her husband, Mabel applied to become employed by the Parker family, Ronald, his trophy wife Bethany, and their eight year old son Ron. Through long hours and a flawless work ethic she quickly became the head maid of the place, and was in charge of the kitchen, house staff, as well as being Ron's personal caretaker. While it gave Mabel real joy to take care of the young boy she never forgave Ronald for his careless actions, and over the course of the five years she worked there Mabel slowly but surely poisoned Ronald, until a final dose in the hospital pushed him over the edge. The final dose was caught on camera, and Mabel confessed to the crime without qualm. Her only regret was what Ron came to think of her afterwards, but she did not wish to take back her actions.

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Head of Costume and Makeup
"It's like helping a girl get ready for prom night. "

Over the nine years Mabel has worked at the circus she had worked many jobs, but it comes as a surprise to none to learn that she is in charge of the Makeup and Costume department at the circus. While Mabel works makeup herself on show nights, usually on the performer's hair, she is often seen helping out with costume, or even with building props with the stage workers. On top of these duties, Mabel is in charge of the others who work in costume and makeup, and handles any quarrels that may arise, and the training of any new members. Before Mi arrived at the circus, Mabel was offered the job of one of the stage managers, but she declined, preferring to stay in costume and makeup.

"Someone's got to help everyone fight the common cold."'

While an serious injuries at the circus will prompt Gale to call in a proper doctor, for minor wounds and illnesses, the job of nurse goes to Mabel. On top of being skilled in general medicine from having raised a rambunctious son, Mabel is a firm believer in homeopathic and herbal medicine. Through collections of herbs and cooking, Mabel helps those who are starting to show signs of getting sick heal before they can be completely taken out of the show.

C r i m e
Murder by Poison || Hamptons, New York
"I have no sympathy for the cruel."

After the death of her son and husband, Mabel dedicated the remainder of her existence to punishing the man who was responsible for the death of her son and his coworkers. While serving as his maid Mabel poisoned his morning and evening tea, slowly rendering him more and more ill over the course of five years. In 2006, Mabel finally administered the fatal dose of poison while Ronald was unconscious in the hospital, which directly led to her arrest.

S e n t e n c e
50 years
"Isn't it funny how courts give longer sentences than people can serve? Oh, well. I've accomplished what I wanted done."

Mabel was sentenced to 50 years for the death of Ronald Parker by poisoning. She is not shy about telling new members her story, and finds it especially humorous to tell the story while said person is eating a meal that she cooked. It is obvious that Mabel holds no regrets for her actions, although it is equally clear she doesn't like to think about what Ronald Parker II, the young boy she cared for, thinks of her. She has served nine years on her sentence. Gale has offered on a few occasions to get Mabel transferred to a "circus" for the retired, but she has politely declined each time. While she says she may accept some day, for now she is still fit enough that she does not wish to leave.

O t h e r F a c t s
"Plants are wonderful things."

Although it is impossible for Mabel to have a garden since the circus is constantly on the move, she does have a large collection of potted plants that travels with her on the train. While a number of these are herbs for cooking, just as many are for medical purposes. Gale often goes to Mabel to get some dried herbs for his cigarettes. She often gets the people who head out shopping to get her herbs to make homemade tea bags.​
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N a m e
Kala Tullius

A g e
29 years
Born Monday,August 25, 1986 in Detroit, Michigan
Virgo, ♍
Fire Tiger Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There's no such thing as 'biting off more than you can chew.'"

Kala always strives to improve and advance in any skill or task. Even if she is overwhelmed by the tasks she has gone and buried herself in, she will suck it up and press onwards. Nothing can easily get between her and her goals. Every accomplishment and even every failure drives Kala to keep improving and reaching for more. Sure this is an admirable trait, but has landed her in deep waters more than once.​

"Everything has a proper place and I'm willing to put it there."

When Kala formulates ideas, she will stick to them with an iron fist unless a better idea proves otherwise. In her mind everything must be arranged as she deems fit, especially her makeup. It all has a certain place and if another moves a single tube of lipstick or mascara wand she is bound to know and is bound to hunt them down. Most have learned not to trifle with her plans since her cold sense of anger serves as a great deterrent. There's always a method to her madness.​

"Trusting others is certainly not my forte."

From past experiences Kala has grown to be mistrustful of the motives of others. Sometimes it is difficult for her to understand that some people do nice things and expect nothing in return. This distrust has led her to only accept gifts or favors when necessary in order to prevent herself from paying any debts. To her it's a dog eat dog world and others have to prove themselves well to earn a scrap of her trust. It took her months or even years to come around to some of her closest friends. This is because in Kala's mind people don't usually mean well.​

"Not this topic again. Just leave me alone."

Even though Kala possesses great skill in art, she will never truly believe that. The compliments that are given to her fall on deaf ears. No one can seem to convince Kala that she has every right to feel proud of herself. Her insecurities are what drive her to try to be perfect and to always strive for more opportunities in an attempt to better or prove herself. Everyone knows she is pretty good at her craft though so she is only trying to prove her worth to herself. The cynical attitude Kala also possesses is also what fuels her insecurities since she feels that others are always going to be judging her.​

"Quit pulling my leg. I know I'm not that smart."

Although her insecurities prevent her from fully acknowledging this, Kala is rather bright both in her supernatural appearance and her intelligence level. She particularly excels in science and had graduated college with a degree in the chemistry and its direct relation to cosmetics. Despite her specialization, she has a well rounded appreciation and knowledge of chemistry. Since she is great at chemistry Kala is also knows much about math.​

A p p e a r a n c e
The first thing people usually notice about Kala is her beautiful ebony skin. The second thing people notice is that she stands at an impressive height of 5' 8". Slim and lanky, Kala looks like she could be a basketball player. Deep blue colored hair also stands out, cut short in a mohawk of sorts. A more triangular shaped face completes her sleek appearance. Another notable feature is that she is missing her right foot, as it was lost in an accident. Instead of flesh she has a prosthetic that is usually hidden in her short heeled knee high boots. With her boots she will either wear a long skirt or well cleaned and unripped jeans. In addition Kala prefers loose, solid colored t shirts of any color. In the colder seasons she will wear a scarf. To complete her look, Kala is almost never seen without makeup. Her makeup is also always interchanging. The color of her eyeshadow, the length and location of her eyeliner, her lipstick color, and the amount of mascara are never consistent and change day by day. It is clear she takes great care with her makeup no matter her condition. Rain or shine, in sickness or in health, her makeup is done nicely.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
The supernatural cells Kala possesses cause color to develop on her skin in little rivers. The colors vary, mingle, and cross over another in some locations. They are mostly vibrant hues of sharp red, electric green, bright yellow, deep blue, vivid orange, as well as a purple color that is far from subtle. They glow brightly, being luminescent in nature. The streaks of color spread across Kala's body in vein like patterns, offering stark contrast between the different bright pigments and the darkness of her skin.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Dion Tullius ||Father

Dion was one of the only people that genuinely cared for Kala. Most of the responsibility of raising kala was placed on Dion's shoulders. Even though Dion was only 18 years old when Kala was born, he had always tried to be the best father he could be. It was him who came to her room to scare the monsters away, it was him who took time out of his day to teach her how to read, and it was him who held her in his arms late at night when gunshots rang out in nearby alleys. From a young age Dion taught Kala much of what was going on the world. Part of why Kala grew to love him so much was because unlike other adults, he never pulled the veil over her eyes, never censored the horrors of the world. It would have been impossible anyways to shield Kala from seeing cars get jacked, seeing gang bangers duck into alleyways, and for witnessing police officers dragging people from their homes and beating them bloody. Adapting quickly, it didn't take Kala long to learn to protect herself, her belongings, and those she held dear as best as she could. Dion eventually saved up enough money from working multiple jobs to send Kala off to live with one of her distant cousins, who lived in a much better environment. Although sad to part, at age 14 Kala left Detroit. She still visited Dion as much as her school and life allowed though, spending time in his little apartment and sometimes he would allow her to display her makeup skills on him. Dion was disappointed when Kala was arrested, but was allowed to bid her farewell before she was hauled off. Deep inside he knew the crime was not as bad as it could have been, considering she had done it out of love and didn't hurt anyone.
Tia Tullius ||Mother

Tia had never been one of Kala's favorite people, or even one that she liked. From day one they had never gotten along. Tia would always remind Kala of how she was a stupid mistake and how she ruined her life. They communicated mostly through hollering at each other until Dion settled the conflict with some choice words. Although Kala begged Dion to get rid of Tia, Dion always claimed that even though she was unpleasant she deserved to be cared for. Also, Tia was always kind to Dion since she still loved him. However, Tia refused to formally marry him and was still bitter about Dion convincing Tia not to get an abortion. Even though Tia was always rude to Kala, she still put food on the table and didn't kick Kala out. A few slaps were common, but Dion prevented Tia from making lasting damage on Kala. So long as Kala and Tia were in different rooms, there was peace.​

Kerrel Marduke ||Ex-Boyfriend
Ex Lover-Alive

Kerrel was everything Kala wished a guy to be. He was witty, caring, protective, and intelligent. Of course he easily managed to rope Kala into a relationship and she fell head over heels. At first no dangerous signs presented themselves and they were in their honeymoon phase. Then Kerrel began to participate in minor infractions. These included swindling a few items from the grocery store, using a coat hanger to snatch objects from vending machines, and mild acts of graffiti. While a bit irked, Kala was able to look past Kerrel's flaws in the hopes that he would change. Where they lived wasn't half as bad as Detroit, but still had its decent share of crime. Kerrel joined of the sparse gangs and began to spend more time with them than he did with Kala. Not yet convinced Kerrel was a terrible person, Kala stuck around and even tried to hang out with the gang members despite their lewd comments and minor forms of sexula harassment. Then just as Kala was beginning to realize Kerrel's abundance of flaws, he guilted her back into a relationship and asked of one more favor. Kerrel asked Kala to create something special using the chemistry skills she knew. He had asked for a certain type of explosive, which was granted. This was then used to burst a vault in the local bank. When Kerrel and the rest of his gang members were caught, Kerrel told the police who had made the explosives. Kala was arrested for aiding in robbery and learned that love had made her blind. All of her memories of Kerrel will tainted and Kala would hate him until her last breath.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"This job was meant for me."

Having much experience with cosmetics Kala believes this task best falls on her shoulders. It was much preferred over performing in some sort of act since she refused to do tricks to appease strangers. No longer would she easily help others. In fact, it had taken her a few days to even come around to doing makeup for others since she felt as if they were ungrateful or if they were judging her work. Now Kala embraces her occupation and feigns a sense of pride, silently hating herself all the while. However, compared to other tasks, she felt a bit more secure in this job.​

Reporting Conflict
"Listening to others conversations often yields some helpful information."'

Since Kala prefers to remain out of the circus gossip, she is in the perfect neutral position to absorb information from others. Kala doesn't take sides so it is not very difficult for her to provide Nova or another peacekeeper with intel regarding a proposition for a brawl or another scheme that could be prevented. Although she will provide such information to authority figures, if asked she will just as easily provide information for others. Even though she knows much of the drama, Kala will not share such information unless asked otherwise.​

C r i m e
Abetting Robbery
"Stupid, stupid me. This is why you shouldn't trust another."

Kala regrets having trusted Kerrel enough to provide him with the proper material for the crimes he had been committing. Guilt always falls to herself since she knows she should have been aware of the consequences. Beating herself up, Kala believes that she should have heeded Dion's warning that people could and would be cruel.​

S e n t e n c e
6 years
"Too damn long. Not that I have anywhere better to be."

Since the robbery was a more serious offence on federal property, the sentence for abetting such a crime is pretty lengthy compared to a abetting the robbery of a convenience store or such. Kala has already served for a little over three years.​

O t h e r F a c t s

"I don't do very well with many people. "

Kala can only tolerate small groups of people that she can somewhat trust. Of course now that she is away from Dion there is no one that she fully trusts. Large groups of buzzing people irk her and will force her away. Friends are not easy to acquire for her, but she can certainly manage conversing.​
N a m e
Elijah Graye

A g e
19 years
Born Friday, February 9, 1996 in Miami, Florida
Aquarius ♒
Wood Pig Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"I'm not very good at hiding what I think."

It is never hard for people to tell what Elijah is thinking, as he wears his emotions and thoughts on his sleeves. It is easy to tell when he has had a bad day, and even more easy to tell when he doesn't like someone or something. He has the tendency to say exactly what is on his mind, even if it isn't the most appropriate thing for the situation. The only thing that Elijah can hide from others is when he's been getting into some kind of trouble, although this is more from practice than out of any innate skill. Elijah is very aware that he is incapable of keeping his thoughts to himself, and can occasionally turn this to his advantage.​

"I'll never say no to a friend in need."

Despite the fact that he was arrested for frequent petty theft, Elijah is actually an incredible charitable person, and instinctively helps others in need. He'll do anything in his power to help those people he cares about, and is often more motivated when he is working to help someone else than when he is working to help himself. He is very accommodating to other people, and can be swayed to sympathy with almost any sad story. He is rarely able to recognize when people are taking advantage of him, and relies upon his sister to point it out. However, even when it is pointed out to him, Elijah may allow himself to be taken advantage of anyways.​

"I think people prefer to tell the truth."

Elijah tends to take people at face value. He doesn't always understand when people are trying to deceive him, and believes people are telling the truth until very obvious evidence is presented to the contrary. Once a person earns his trust, they will hold it forever. This is especially true when it comes to his sister Diana, as Elijah trusts anything she says without question. Elijah has a hard time understanding why certain people, like Dorian, are always telling lies.​

"What animal would I want to be? I think I'm part lion, part bear, because I'm a monster on the football field."

Although it is almost undoubtedly unintentional, Elijah is remarkably entertaining. When he is asked a question his answers will usually be only partially relevant, but highly appropriate, and undoubtedly amusing. Although Elijah doesn't always understand why people find what he says so funny, he does enjoy seeing people smile in response to his words. This is likely a part of the reason that Elijah says to say whatever comes to mind, because most often it provokes this kind of reaction from people.​

"There's no point staying still for too long."

Elijah is highly active, and is unable to stay still for extended periods of time. Even outside of his standard practice for the trapeze performance with his sister, Elijah can be seen practicing his routines, or even participating in other activities. Both he and his sister were very into parkour before coming to the circus, and he can still often be seen running from place to place, especially over the train that the circus uses to travel. He is one of the few to regularly participate in Zander's workout classes.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Shorter and stockier in build, especially in comparison to his sister, Elijah stands at 5'7". What he lacks in height he makes up in an incredibly muscular build, far more appropriate for a body-builder than a teenage boy. He has a very square face with a heavy jaw, but a surprisingly thin nose. His ears stick out somewhat. His eyes are a surprisingly light brown, with touches of green around the edges. His hair is dark, but he likes to keep it in a buzz cut, so it is hard to tell exactly what shade it is.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Fire Hands
Elijah's supernatural cells are quite small, consisting of a thick, bright red coating over his hands and lower forearms that looks surprisingly similar to leather gloves. These cells are completely resistant to heat, and are able to conjure fire at Elijah's will. For this reason, he almost never takes Krym. Because of the thickness of the cells Elijah has very little tactile sensation in his hands, and can end up hurting himself for that reason.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Diana Graye || Older Sister
Compatriot in Crime - Arrested

For as long as Elijah can remember, he has idolized his older sister. When they were young, she taught him how to defend himself from the cruel words of people who would torment him because of his mental disability, rather than simply protecting him from others. Although Diana has at times taken advantage of Elijah's faith in her and extreme love for her, she has never actually abused him, either verbally or emotionally. Very few are aware of the fact that Elijah is, in fact, aware of the fact that his sister does sometimes take advantage of him, as he always professes to not see it, and refuse to understand if anyone tries to point it out. He simply loves her so much that he doesn't care, and he considers anything she does to take advantage of him her just reward for having always taken care of him, protected him, and allowed him to follow after her. Elijah would do anything for his sister, up to and including sacrificing himself for her good.

Edward Morrison || "Big Brother"
Gang Senior – At Large

A non-supernatural that Diana dated in high school, Edward was two years ahead of her, and had a reputation as a bad boy. He was a part of a petty gang, which happily recruited both Diana and Elijah when they started dating. Although Diana and Edward's relationship didn't last all that long, all three remained close friends and members of the gang. Edward was the one who would always give Diana and Elijah their targets for robbery, and he was the one who would always handle fencing the goods and distributing the money. Elijah was the one who got Edward into parkour, and showing him how it could be remarkably useful in both theft and general life. Elijah always liked Edward, who was an enthusiastic young man who never abused Elijah for his mental disabilities, and Elijah took the fall for Edward several times while he was still a minor. Unfortunately, this meant that, when both he and Diana were caught while tag-teaming a perfume store, he had a lot of marks on his record, and was immediately arrested. Edward never knew that Elijah and Diana were supernaturals.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Trapeze Artist
"Don't worry. I'll never let you go. Your job is really important!"

Elijah, along with his sister Diana, performs in a trapeze event within the circus. After serving six months he and his sister were going to be sent backstage to help with the rigging, but Diana and Elijah, in secret, made plans to set up a trapeze event. Although at first the act was quite small, the extreme trust between the two caused the tricks to quickly grow in both intrigue and danger. When the two of them decided to set some of the bars aflame to cater to Elijah's supernatural cells Gale finally grew so impressed with their continued attempts to get a show that he gave them a small slot, while working other duties behind scenes on the frequent nights they weren't working. However, during one of their performances, Diana had persuaded NAMEPENDING to give her a short-acting Krym potion so that her wings could emerge towards the end of the show, and she and her brother timed it so that she grabbed a flaming bar and "let go", only for her wings to emerge and she to catch her and her brother before they could hit the ground. She and Elijah had practiced this a few times in secret before the event, and the first time they did this Elijah ended up twisting his ankle and nearly breaking his wrist. He told Mabel it was from a parkour accident. If asked, he'll say it was well worth it to see Gale's face when they pulled this stunt, even though they both got sent to kitchen duties for a week because of it. Now it is a choreographed part of the show, along with the flame and acts of daring do.​

Fall Man
"It's the best way I have to help people out."

Although it happens rarely enough, the members of the circus to occasionally make plans to temporarily sneak out into whatever city they plan on visiting. Whenever this happens, the group that wants to sneak away is inevitably going to have to find a way to get around Gale, Nova, NAMPENDING, and NAMEPENDING. Therefore, it often becomes Elijah's duty to be the one to "take it for the team", and allow himself to get caught to distract "security" for the others. Nearly every adventurous spirit owes one to Elijah, so he always has someone to call if the circus ends up somewhere with a great parkour area. On a smaller scale, Elijah also usually willingly takes the blame if someone makes a stupid mistake they are too ashamed to admit. Although everyone knows that Elijah didn't really do it when he "admits" to doing something wrong, they've never been able to get him to give up who really did it, or stop taking the blame.​

C r i m e
Petty Theft
"Stupid bottles of smelly stuff."

Elijah and his sister had been shoplifting from stores since they were both in high school. Both racked up a number of juvenile charges, but were never sent to jail. When Diana turned 18, Elijah took most of the blame for her and Edward's thefts. However, a month and a half after Elijah's 18th birthday, Edward persuaded them to hit a chain of high-end perfume stores. The two pulled off three successful thefts, but their information had unknowingly been passed along to the remainder of the chains, and they were both caught on the fourth robbery. Elijah tried to take all the blame for his sister, but there was no getting out of the arrest. Due to their extensive history of such robberies, the sentence for both of them was greatly increased over what was standard.​

S e n t e n c e
4 years
"I got more time than Diana..."

Because Elijah already had many charges of petty theft on his record, having taken the fall for both Diana and Edward at times, his first adult sentence got him saddled with a whopping four years. This was definitely excessive for the crime he had committed, but Elijah made a deal to lengthen his sentence if some of the time would get taken off Diana's sentence. She is unaware that her brother did this. Elijah has served 9 months.​

O t h e r F a c t s
Mentally Disabled
"I know I'm not all that smart."

It doesn't take very long for people talking to Elijah to figure this out, but he suffers from a mental disability that greatly slows his processing speed. Elijah is not stupid, but it takes him two to three times as long to understand information when it is presented to him and then find a way to apply the information. For this reason, it may take several seconds for Elijah to respond after someone asks him a question. People often think that Elijah is stupid because he tends to speak slowly and precisely, and he doesn't like to use big words, but he is actually fairly intelligent.

"Why am I running, jumping, and rolling everywhere? That's just how I roll."

Elijah is a very enthusiastic parkour artist, even outside of the tricks he does on the trapeze. It is not uncommon for him to set aside several hours in the morning for such an activity, and he can turn almost any environment into his advantage. His most common platform, however, is the train, and he is so comfortable on it that he is one of the few people who moves from carriage to carriage when the train is actually in motion. When they are staying in a single place for a few days Elijah will often set up blocks in the circus arena for practice, and some people occasionally come to watch, because he is really impressive. He is so impressive that Gale has even scheduled a couple of field trips to take Elijah and a carefully monitored group to some locations for him to run a course.​
N a m e
Diana Graye

A g e
21 Years
Born Thursday,July 15, 1994 in Miami, Florida
Cancer, ♋
Wood Dog Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"So what if you think I'm acting like a 'mom,' mother or not it's only in my nature to care for anyone and anything. God, you act like it's a bad thing.'"

For many reasons Diana has been described as "motherly." Many have made this claim since she has always had a tendency to care for others. At a young age she had carried around dolls and pretended to care for them, always craving that responsibility and relationship centered on concern. The same desire affects Diana now and she finds herself making sure her loved ones are doing well. This is shown when she always asks if people have eaten yet and will cook for them if not. Diana is also one to chastise others for not bringing a jacket before offering her own. While this trait has made many others view her as kind and selfless, it is a bit bothersome when she possesses the same worry a mother has in regards to her children. When someone Diana cares about is doing anything risky she'll be chomping at the bit to swoop in and try to prevent them from harm. Although protective, just like a motherbird she knows her babies must learn to fly on their own. This is why she merely offered advice when her younger brother was being bullied rather than fend them off, knowing that however painful it may be it would help him in the long run.​

"You know what they say, after you fall off a horse you have to get right back up again."

Diana believes firmly in positive reinforcement and will verbally reward others for their attempts or successes. Like a true team player she will coach others to do well and offer her advice. Advice is something Diana gives out like candy, always seeming to have an abundance whether it is good or not. Support is something she is well versed in, learning from the times she had to console her brother Elijah when he was picked on or kicked around. It was common for her to urge him to push forwards and forget about those that had physically or emotionally pushed him down. To her everything was an adventure and challenges were bound to happen and should therefore be conquered.​

"Me? Manipulate someone? Now that's just crazy talk. "

While Diana may not be well aware of it, she does tend to manipulate others if she deems such an action fit. Of course she wouldn't intentionally want to harm another, but manipulating them has a certain risk. From day one she was able to manipulate others, staring with her parents. Since they were not actively parenting her or elijah she had found loopholes to get what she wanted. Through guilt or leaving out some of the truth Diana found she could influence the actions of others to her advantage. Many times she had manipulated Elijah by making him help out with criminal activity. Although she manipulated others, Diana did it in a more charming way when it came to Elijah by convincing him what they were doing was acceptable. She'd also compliment his work often, using praise to encourage him to stick around to help.​

"You'd be impressed by the amount of silly facial expressions I've mastered. It's truly an art."

Horsing around is one of Diana's favorite past times and always has been. She especially loved being silly with elijah since his great imagination would always prove to make interesting conversations. Both of them could go on and on exhausting more jovial and immature theories and ideas. Many of Diana's friends have known her to have a whole repertoire of amusing facial expressions she could make. It seems that she has no shame when pulling funny faces and often makes herself laugh with how ridiculous she looks. In general her facial features can be rather exaggerated for the sake of humor.​

"Plans aren't really my shtick, you see. Macgyver is my inspiration."

Having organized plans is never a necessity for Diana and often times she functions much better without one. Sure some general goals would be put into motion, but overall she prefers working in the thrill of the moment and thinking or acting as she went. Most of the time things work out for Diana despite such a way of thinking and doing, but there are times where a plan should have been used to ensure any success.​

A p p e a r a n c e
For a female Diana is very tall, reaching a height of 5'10". Fitting for her current task at the circus Diana has the body type of an acrobat. Trim muscle and narrower features allows for better aerodynamics. Even her face is sharper with a heart shape and a more pointed chin. Although Diana has an average bust size it is often made out to be smaller since she wears more constricting attire during her act and will bind her chest. Long, poker straight dark brown hair is often tied up into a neat bun. To match Diana has soft brown eyes. Medium sized lips are often pulled into a smile that exposes almost uniform teeth. Typically Diana wears sweatpants and any sort of short sleeved or sleeveless shirt, appearing casual.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Angel Wings
Diana's supernatural cells cause her to grow a pair of feathered angel wings out from above her shoulder blades. The feathers are a bright white with particularly long feathers. When fully extended they reach a wingspan of 14 feet. To allow flight the muscles along her chest and back grow and become much stronger. When not in use they fold inwards so that they are positioned on either side of Diana, resting against each arm. Their sheer size make folding them a bit awkward and it hinders the mobility of her arms.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Elijah Graye ||Younger Brother
Compatriot in Crime-Alive

From the day Elijah was born Diana adored her brother. Unlike most siblings that were upset when a new child was brought into their home, Diana was anything but that. Finally she had an opportunity to giver her nurturing mentality an outlet. Eagerly Diana learned from her mother the basics of caring for him. With wings and all, Diana could be likened to a guardian angel. It was her that taught her the basic skills parents often did, like how to tie your shoes or ride a bike. It was also Diana who taught Elijah how cruel the world was and refused to shelter him as most parents were keen on doing. Also, unlike most older siblings Diana didn't forget about her brother when she grew older and more mature. She wouldn't brush off seeing a movie with Elijah even if her best friends had tried to make new plans. Although Diana's devotion runs deep, there has been times where she has used it to her advantage. Despite the manipulation, Diana has yet to be explicitly harmful to Elijah.
Edward Morrison ||Ex-Boyfriend
Companion-Suddenly Distant

Edward had never been a good influence of Diana. Although he never mistreated her and was quite charming, his gang affiliation and bad boy mentality was what had led diana to stealing. Even after they broke up, they still remained friends, a decisions Diana now thinks was poor considering the consequences. However, she understands why she did what she did. Sure Edward was poor when it came to obeying the laws, but he was the best friend one could ask for. Edward had never ceased to be fun-loving, kind, and cared deeply for both Diana and Elijah. Also at the time Diana had loved the thrill of stealing and although she won't admit it, she still does.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Trapeze Artist
"The thrill, the teamwork, what could be better?"

Setting up their own trapeze act was one of the best ideas Diana and Elijah have created. Instead of being stuck helping with the rigging they were able to envision and carry out a more exciting task. It was especially risky with fire being involved, but the thrill was most of the fun. Another risk factor was added when they involved a short acting krym to allow Diana's wings to only emerge as she fell. This was a brilliant idea, but if not timed correctly could result in injury for the both of them. Eventually Diana and Elijah perfected it and performed it for Gale and were given a week of kitchen duty. That week of peeling potatoes and mopping the floors was well worth it when they were given a position in the show.​

"Hey, don't go and blow my cover...but yeah, I can help you out."

While Elijah prefers to help the other circus folks stay out of trouble, Diana does the opposite. Since she is well versed in techniques involving stealth and crime in general from her experiences and those of her ex-boyfriend and companion, Edward, many come to her for help with whatever forbidden acts they wish to commit. Of course usually her services are at a price, but sometimes it's for her mere enjoyment. Diana is pretty picky with whom she help, but if you're lucky she'll offer a lending hand whether it be in the form of a diversion, knowledge of other circus goers, or simply just plain old advice.​

C r i m e
Petty Theft
"Looking back maybe we should have picked a different target.."

Only now has Diana realized that attacking the same chain multiple times was not worth the spoils. The perfume stores had been a wise choice since the stolen goods were sold at a great price and made for great gifts. However, it was a blatant mistake choosing a store that by now would know of their intentions and be more careful. So Diana and company went and got themselves caught, Elijah taking the fall yet again even though this time Diana insisted he shouldn't. Now guilt over getting her brother involved has been tormenting Diana. Since they had many instances of thievery they received lengthy sentences. To this day Edward is confused as to why they all weren't taken to the same jail, not being aware of the duo being supernaturals.​

S e n t e n c e
3 years
"Three years will be over before I know it...hopefully."

Diana thinks this is a generous sentence, but understands that it was determined by the sheer number of crimes that had added up. Diana has no idea that Elijah has a longer sentence and that this was because of a sacrifice he has made purposely. Since Elijah has yet to tell her and probably never will, she still assumes they will spend the whole sentence together.So far Diana has served nine months.​

O t h e r F a c t s

Comic Books
"Who doesn't love a classic superhero tale? "

One of Diana's favorite pastimes is reading comic books or graphic novels. Both art and literature fascinates her, so comics offer the perfect balance. Personally she loves Wolverine, Wonder Woman, and the Avengers. However, she will read just about any comic whether it's obscure or not.​
N a m e
Zinaida Mihaylova
Nicknames || Zina, Zoya, Nadya, Zinushka...

A g e
21 years
Born Thursday, October 27, 1994 in Chelyabinsk, Russia
Scorpio ♏
Wood Dog Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Zina has the body of a gymnast, thin but incredibly strong. She stands at 5'8", with most of that length in her legs. She had very long, blonde hair, which she will usually leave loose, but it will always end up braided before practice, and pinned up before a performance. Her eyes are a stunningly bright shade of blue. It is fairly easy to see Zina's strong Russian heritage in her almond shaped eyes, thin nose, and full, cupid-bow lips. Zina is incredibly pale, even for a Russian, and she will burn very easil without sunscreen.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Zina possesses a set of giant butterfly wings. They are marbled black and white, with the white being the dominant color over the black, and slight hints of yellow as it goes in towards where the wings join her shoulder blades. These wings, in combination with her naturally athletic body, are strong enough to sustain her in flight for up to a minute. Despite the stereotypical fragility of butterfly wings, Zina's wings are very resilient to damage. Nonetheless, she tends to take Krym on a regular basis when not performing or practicing, simply because they don't fold into her body cleanly, and tend to get very in the way.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
NAMEPENDING Mihaylova || Twin Sister
Arrested – Always Together

This is on hold.
Rosana Mihaylova || Little Sister
In foster care - Safe

This is on hold.​

Semyon Mihalyov || Father
Abuser – Arrested

This is on hold.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Aerial Silk Act
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

C r i m e
Kidnapping || Schaumburg, Illinois
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

S e n t e n c e
8 years
"There is no quote here."

Zina has already served 2 years of her sentence.​

O t h e r F a c t s
"Vy ponyatiya ne imeyete, chto ya govoryu o."

Zina is fluent in both Russian and English. She speaks English without an accent.​
N a m e
Mischa Mihaylova

A g e
21 years
Born Thursday, October 27, 1994 in Chelyabinsk, Russia
Scorpio ♏
Wood Dog Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There is no quote here.'"

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Tall and petite, Mischa stands at around 5'7" and like her sister has the body of a gymnast. Surprising strength resides in her smaller frame. Mischa's long, wavy blonde hair is usually let loose unless it's styled into a loose bun for practice or pinned up for performances. It is parted on the left side and partially covers one of her eyes, which are a bright green color unlike her sister's blue. Like her sister, Mischa displays obvious signs of her heritage such as her almond shaped eyes, thin nose, and full, cupid-bow lips. Although her skin is obviously white and still relatively pale, she has a bit more color than her sister does.Typically she prefers to keep a well groomed appearance in her makeup and clothing style.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Mischa's supernatural cells give her large moth wings. They are an off white color with curved, dark brown stripes. Near her shoulders the dark color fades into a lighter, smudged looking brown. These wings attach near shoulderblades. Although one would expect them to be very fragile, Mischa's moth wings can withstand a surprising amount of wear. However, they get in the way of anything that doesn't involve brief spurts of flight. Also, like the wings of a real moth they tend to produce a powdery dust that gets on clothing or skin pretty easily.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Zinaida Mihaylova ||Twin Sister
Arrested-Always Together

This is on hold.​

Rosana Mihaylova ||Little Sister
In Foster Care-Safe

This is on hold.​

Semyon Mihalyov ||Father

This is on hold.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Aerial Silk Act
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

C r i m e
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

S e n t e n c e
8 years
"There is no quote here."

So far Mischa has served two years.​

O t h e r F a c t s

"Ты на самом деле беспокоит , чтобы перевести это?

Mischa is fluent in both Russian and English. She speaks English without an an accent, but sometimes particular words manage to receive some Russian influence.​
N a m e
Jacqueline Taylor
Nickname || Jamie

A g e
27 years
Born Sunday, December 4, 1988 in Savannah, Georgia
Sagittarius ♐
Earth Dragon Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Female ♀

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

Jamie somehow has the ability to make others feel as though they are the ones who made a mistake, simply through a look or a single comment, despite the fact that it is often Jamie who is the one being rude, or acting in a bad way. People are aware of this, yet still almost no one, except maybe Gale, Nova, or Dorian, feel that they come out ahead in a disagreement with her, and many avoid bothering her for this very reason. Many of the lighter and more friendly members of the circus have Jamie and NAMEPENDING tied for the scariest person in the circus.​

"There is no quote here. "

This holds true for the dual meanings of the term unsympathetic, as Jamie is both unsympathetic in the fact that she does not display sympathy towards others, no matter the situation, and unsympathetic in the fact that she is rather off-putting and unlikable, even at first impression.​

"You're overreacting. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

There are very few who know this, but there is absolutely nothing Jamie wouldn't do for those she cares about.​

A p p e a r a n c e
Jamie is a tall woman, standing at a solid 5'10", which becomes even more intimidating with the fact that she has muscles far more like a man than a woman. Her shoulder and hips are wide, accentuating her hourglass figure. Were it not for the perpetual look of cool disapproval that marred her face, Jamie would likely be considered a fairly attractive woman, if too sharp in nose, chin, and jaw line for traditional beauty. Her hair is long, reaching down to mid-back, and white as an 80 year old woman's. However, Jamie has always refused to dye her hair, and it is unknown if this is a result of her supernatural cells, or something else from her youth. Usually, Jamie keeps her hair in a tight bun, which was the standard during her time in the military. Likewise, her skin is pale, almost to the point of looking ashen, although she rarely ever seems to burn.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Jamie has a set of antlers that grow from the side of her head. Unlike traditional elk or deer antlers, which branch out as much as up, Jamie's antlers stay very close to her head, so while she does have to be somewhat cautious with them they rarely get in the way. Despite their size, they are incredibly light, to the point that Jamie almost doesn't notice their presence. However, they are also very strong, rather like carbon fiber, and are more likely to break other things than be broken themselves.
Jamie's skin, already pale even for a Caucasian, loses almost all color, turning into a pale, ashy grey. Her skin thickens somewhat, becoming stronger and less supple, but also ends up covered in cracks, like dried mud or old wood. These cracks change location each time she takes Krym, and seem to form rather randomly.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Victoria "Tori" Darens || Best Friend
Marine - Deceased

This is on hold.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Beast "Trainer"
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"Shut the fuck up. "

Almost entirely accidentally, Jamie became the person who was able to bring arguments and disagreements to a halt, before they escalate to the point where Nova would need to intervene. She is neither tactful nor polite in such moments, but perhaps that is what makes her so effective.​

C r i m e
Gunrunning || International
"There is no quote here."

Jamie was arrested for selling military grade ammunition and weapons, which she was able to access due to her time at the marines. She was immediately dishonorably discharged from service, and tried in court.​

S e n t e n c e
"There is no quote here."

Jamie has already served two and a half years of her sentence.​

O t h e r F a c t s
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​
N a m e
Quincy Morris

A g e
31 years
Born Saturday, May 12, 1984 in Houston, Texas
Taurus ♉
Wood Rat Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There is no quote here.'"

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

Hot Tempered
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

A p p e a r a n c e
One can't help but be a bit intimidated in Quincy's presence since he reaches a height of about 6'4". Far from looking like a string bean, muscle is packed onto his body and has made him thick or arm, leg, and chest. His hair is relatively short, coarse and of a deep black color. A short stubble has grown along his thick jawline and a connects to a bushy mustache. Overall he is a rather hairy main, short hairs covering his arms, legs, back, and chest. His thick eyebrows are pretty expressive of his emotions. Noticeably Quincy has a few missing teeth and plenty of scars which he is always keen to tell the tale of. Although his brown eyes are usually relaxed, trifle with him and you'll find out just how intense his gaze can get when coupled with the overall size of his body.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
Quincy's supernatural cells give him some resemblance of a bull. Out from the sides of his head grow off white colored bull's horns. They form a bow like shape, angling down slightly at first before curving upwards at a diagonal. They are thick and end in sharp, black points. Quite long, in total combined length they span about four feet. Although they are relatively light upon Quincy's head, they are very inconvenient for navigating any sort of smaller spaces. Luckily since Quincy is so tall most don't have to worry as much about being whacked when he turns his head. Although if one nears him while he is seated they should beware. In addition to the horns he has a thin, whip like tail that ends in a small plume of black fur.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Timothy Hanks ||Best Friend
Fellow Gang Member-Killed in a Drive-By Shooting

This is on hold.
William 'Willy Boy' Stang ||Ex Friend
Fellow Gang Member-Unfortunately Alive and Out There

This is on hold.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
"Beast" Trainer
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

"If I learned anything from being in a gang, it's that snitches are as good as dead."

This is on hold.​

C r i m e
Gang Affiliation
"There is no quote here."

This is on hold.​

S e n t e n c e
15 years
"There is no quote here."

So far Quincy has served five years.​

O t h e r F a c t s

"Of course I've got a bit of country in me. I'm from the grand ol' state of Texas after all!"

Quincy was born and raised on a ranch, always having to help his parents take care of the animals as they grew up. On the seclusion of their ranch Quincy's father sometimes even allowed Quincy to forgo the Krym for a while, leading to quite the show when his father would jokingly try to rope his horns. Although some of his Southern accent has faded over the years, some terms and words he uses suggests he will always be a country boy and he is proud of that.​
N a m e
Brian Lee
Hacker Handle || C0re

A g e
20 years
Born Sunday, March 29, 1995 in Stanford, CA
Aries ♈
Wood Pig Zodiac​

G e n d e r
Male ♂

P e r s o n a l i t y
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

A p p e a r a n c e
It only really takes three words to describe Brian: young Korean male. He has almond colored skin, mostly lidless eyes, a narrow face, broad nose and lips, short, straight black hair, and black eyes. He is 5'9", thin and athletic looking despite the fact that he really isn't that big a fan of movement. He tends to wear pale colors.​

S u p e r n a t u r a l T r a i t s
When not under the effects of Krym, Brian is very obviously not human. His entire body get covered in scales, which are a dark purple-red. These are incredibly plate-like over most of his body, but do narrow down somewhat around his hands. Large dragon-like horns grow on his head, and he gets a very lizard-like snout. His feet extend upwards, which raises his height to just under 6'4". He also grows a tail with vicious spikes on the end. Brian does not really like his supernatural form, as he tends to think it gets in the way, and is almost always on Krym.​

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
David Lee || Father
Janitor at Stanford University - Estranged

Brian's father was a hard working, somewhat bitter man. When Brian was young, David would end up bringing him to work to keep an eye on the rambunctious child. To keep him quiet, a couple of the professors agreed to let him sit in on their lessons (computer science, engineering, and advanced mathematics), because Brian would always go quiet and still when listening to such things. It wasn't until Brian was in elementary school that his parents, and the professors, began to realize that Brian was actually understanding what was being said in that class. While he didn't hold his son back, David always wished his son could act "normal", and this often put the two of them at odds against each other. Brian stayed generally quiet about his distaste towards his father until he felt that he had nothing left to learn from Stanford, and that was when the relationship between the two began to rapidly deteriorate.​

Son Ha Lee || Mother
Waitress - Estranged

Son Ha was born in Korea, and managed to get into America by marrying David. She never really loved the man, but was always very loyal and kind to him. When Brian and David began to fight more, Son Ha followed traditional Koran values, and always sided with her husband. This ultimately led Brian to reject his mother along with his father, although not quite as bad for her.​

Travis Maldonado || Council
Lawyer - Active

When Brian's parents rejected him, Travis became Brian's pro bono lawyer. It was supposed to be an easy case and good publicity for the young lawyer, seeing as Brian was still a minor at the time of his discovery, but as more and more evidence of Brian's crime kept getting discovered, the trial extended longer and longer. When the sentence was finally given the trial had gone on for three years, and Brian ended up getting tried as an adult as he was solidly 18 by the time it finished. Travis believes he let Brian down by not pushing harder when the trial was first starting, and the two are, if not friends, then at least very close acquaintances. Brian still sometimes gets letters from Travis, although the man does not know Brian is a supernatural and thinks he's at a standard prison facility.​

C i r c u s D u t i e s
Beast Act
"There is no quote here. "

This is on hold.​

Technical Support
"Look. Just... this, and this. And fixed. "

Although it is always under very strict supervision from Nova, Mi, NAMEPENDING, or Gale himself, whenever something technology related breaks in the circus, Brian is the one who ends up fixing it. There has yet to be a technical bug that he had been unable to repair in just a few minutes.​

C r i m e
Black Hat Hacking || Stanford, California
"There is no quote here."

Starting at age 14, Brian began to hack into some of the highest end government facilities. However, rather than making a mess or doing anything bad, Brian would steal blueprints of some of the most confidential military technology, fix most, if not all, of the problems with them, and then stick them back in. Unlike almost all Black Hat Hackers, Brian was always incredibly quiet about his efforts, as he did not do it to gain attention or recognition, but simply because it was something that challenged him. After a couple years of this, people began to finally realize what was happening, and began to set traps to try and catch him. It took a year before they were finally able to trace it back to Brian, all the while he was conducting nearly daily hacks of their most secure computers. When they finally traced him, they found a 17 year boy on the other end.​

S e n t e n c e
20 years
"There is no quote here."

Brain felt absolutely no remorse for his actions, and was quick to admit that he had kept copies of every single blueprint he had worked on during the last three years. It took two and a half years for them to locate most (not all) of Brian's stashes and backups, and every time new evidence was found the trial would be set back another few months. It took two and a half years for the process to finally finish, and by that point Brian was 18. He was finally sentenced to 20 years. He has served a year and a half.​

O t h e r F a c t s
Banned from Technology
"They won't even let me touch a circuit board unless someone's watching."

Brian is on a complete ban from anything technological within the circus. Especially anything with internet connection. This makes it rather hard on the other members of the circus, as Brian has absolutely no respect for this ban, meaning that anyone who has a computer, phone, or the like must lock it up when it is not in active use.​

"There is no quote here."

It comes as a surprise at first, but Brian really enjoys, and is very good at, cooking. He is especially proficient at cooking anything of Korean origin. Brian often participates in the cooking rotation, even when it isn't his turn.​
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