Online turns into reality

Mickey again hadn't been able to sleep so she had brought her laptop with her in bed and propped herself up with her pillows. She had once again found that mystery man she had been talking with the other day. She hesitated, wondering if he would get angry with her again. She shrugged and decided to give it another try.

So? Are you ready to tell me about yourself?

She hit send.
Jax blinked at the sound as a small box popped up.
It was the same person...
He was trying to decide whether to tell her to get lost or actually reply.

'What do you want know? And if I answer something you ask you have to answer the question first or you won't get a response from me.'

He hit send and then leaned back in his chair, bringing the keyboard down onto his lap as he waited.
She titled her head to the side a little as she thought about it.

Very well. I am interested in become an animal vet and am currently attending college. Your turn.

She hit send.
Jax read through the new message and chuckled.
'I'm interested in becoming a biochemical engineer'
but he never really bothered to take the steps to do so.
Perhaps later.

He hit send, then waited for a response back.
Really? I am currently attending NYU College. Any college for you?

She typed, and hit send. She leaned back against her pillows, finally feeling relaxed enough.
Same college.
That would be a very good reason to stop this conversation right now...

He replied, hitting send before he could stop himself.

"Meh...not like I have to meet her or anything."
Mickey froze a little when she got the message. The same college?

What is your first class in the morning?

She hit send. For this she wanted the answer out of him first.
Jax eyed the question and raised an eyebrow.

'those aren't the rules' he replied.

"She's not getting that out of me unless she gives it up first."
He hit send and leaned a bit closer to the screen, waiting on the reply.
Mickey glared at the screen.

Fine. She typed. Mine is biology. She annoyidly hit the send button.
Jax frowned as the words came across the screen.
There were a lot of bio classes in the morning, at least three.
...and there were ad decent amount of girls in each of them, he was sure.


He replied, hitting send and sighing as he leaned back, waiting for her response.
A little smirk crossed his face because he knew he had forced her hand to reply again...but that also got him thinking about why she wouldn't say it first.
Was it that creepy girl...?
No way...she couldn't know his messenger name...
Holy shit! She thought, suddenly realizing who she was talking to.

It's you!

She typed, shakily hitting the the send button.
Jax snarled at the returned message and quickly slammed the power button on his computer.
It was that stupid girl!!

He hissed at the black screen and got out of his chair, heading for the fridge to down a bottle of blood before he tore someone's throat out.
She closed down the chatbox and turned off her laptop and lay in bed, to uneasy to get back to sleep.

Once morning came around, she got up and did her daily rutine and started to make her way out the door to her appartment.
Jax decided to skip school that day.
He felt like crap from fainting yesterday at his desk so he had a good reason.
Instead he just worked on his emails and homework until around four, then he went to the sofa and relaxed, falling asleep after awhile.
Jax was a light sleeper though so if someone came to the door he would hear them even before they knocked.
To be honest, Mickey was a little relieved when she didn't see Jax at school today. She was curious though, to see if he was alright after yesterday. What exactly had happened yesterday though? She wondered. She drove home and hesitated at his door but then finally decided to knock.
Jax wanted to ignore the stupid knock at the door but he knew he had to go to school eventually and would have to deal with her.
So, he hesitantly got up and opened the door, leaning against the frame with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you want?"
He obviously wasn't happy.
Why should he be? This girl was basically stalking him on some schtick that he was a vampire!
Which he was...but still!
He had a right to privacy too!
"I'm sorry but I just wanted to make sure you were alright after...yesterday."

She gave him a shy smile. What was she thinking? If he really was a vampire, she should be avoiding him entirley.
Time to throw that right back at her.
"If you think I'm a vampire, a bloodthirsty murderer or whatever your books say. Then why are you always checking up on me?"
He was tired of hiding in his apartment from her assumptions.
Not like she could go to the government and be all 'he's a vampire!'
She'd get sent right to the loony house.

Let's see how she handles this.

Jax grinned and then bared his fangs.

Run away...brat.
She took a half step back, flinching a little and let out a squeak of surprise. But she refused to run.

"I might be checking up on you because I care. Ever think of that?"

She asked.

"And I never said or thought you were a bloodthirsty murderer. I just wanted to know the truth."
Jax's eyes narrowed as he contemplated her response.
It was possible that she was just checking up on him because she cared but why would she? They didn't even know each other.

His body relaxed slightly but definitely not all the way.
"So now you know."
He left the words hanging between them, wondering what she wanted to do with this knowledge he'd just confirmed.