One Month's Mutants

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"Hello Talien, I can see your trying to train your abilities. Would you like to listen to my proposal?" Vincent said as he walk out from the warehouse and calmly smile at the young pyro. "I can sense that you are scared, but I asure you I am not your enemy Talien."
Talien was just about to pick up his sixth sparkler when the voice came from behind him. Whirling around in shock, he turned to see that a young, slightly thin man wearing a pair of spectacles was the source of the voice. With a slight clearing of his throat, Talien narrowed his eyes at the stranger and replied. "Scared wouldn't be the emotion I'd be feelin' right now fella. However, wonderin' just who you'd happen to be is definitely something on my mind." Drawing nearer to the newcomer, Talien reached in his pocket and tossed the guy a piece of gum, still chewing his own pretty loudly.

"What, you some kind of cop? Some undercover chum who finally ferreted me out? Well, for your information, I mind my own business these days and haven't been causing no trouble." Talien tossed the five sparklers he was holding to the ground, stomping them out in the dirt. Suddenly, the shop buzzer rang, indicating it was time for him to go back to work. Looking briefly at the shop and then back to the stranger, he said, "Well, in any case, if you're gonna arrest me or something you might wanna take that up with my boss. If not, you can tell me your proposition while I work." Smiling, he spit his gum into the air and incinerated it with flick of his index finger. As he made his way back to the shop, Talien indicated for the other to follow.
With a sigh of frustration, Arisu walked into the woods and tried to get her bearings. The squad would be looking for by now. She turned on her earpiece and flipped through the channels.

"Blake, Alan, Victor, do you copy? If anyone is receiving this signal, send an evac immediately. I appear to be on a large estate in the middle of the woods a few miles east of my last known location."

Hopping down from the tree she had climbed, Arisu walked back inside and found the butler.

"Why is the reception out here so terrible?"
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The butler smiled. " I am sorry princess but Master Vincent had plan it from the start. The purpose of having terrible signals to prevent any hunters from detecting us." the butler bows and leaves.
Arisu started to grit her teeth when her earpiece crackled.

"Arisu, do you copy? We are sending an evac now."

"Looks like my call went through. Expect a chopper to be arriving soon."
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Then Vincent followed Talien as he entered the shop. "Talien I really want to help you. I am not a cop or somebody I am also like you and I can also teach you to use your abilities more accuratly, and I can help you reach your true potential and give you a better life than this." Then a siren was heard outside from the shop and people were running away. As Vincent walk outside he asked one of the citizens who were running in his direction and said, "What is going on sir?" then the citizen replied. "Mutant hunters are here raiding and destroying the town! if you value your life run for it!"
The butler then went near to Arisu and handed her some dress. " Princess my Master would like you to have this just in case you decided to leave." bow and left again.
People where running everywhere in fear of the hunters. " Hey, Talien wanna help me fight this hunters or you will cower in fear and run for the rest of your life? If you intend to help me then that means you will join me." Vincent said to Talien as Vincent walk forwad to the hunters location as a Vortex of air was slowly forming around Vincent. "Be careful lad that mutant is strong. He is known as The son of the hurricane God so be extra careful!!!" the commander of the hunters warned as Vincent draws nearer to them.
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As Vincent draws nearer to the hunters a sudden howl from the wind informed him about Arisu's departure. So Vincent created a air link to Arisu and said," leaving too soon Arisu? I want you to stay there now it is your new home remember?" Then Vincent created a large hurricane wall to imprison the castle and created 10 tornado walls around it to make sure no one can get through it. It is very impossible to penetrate it, even for a Mutant.
"Your little parlor tricks won't stop my squad from getting here. In fact, they're already inside the castle."
" So tell me Arisu why are you doing this. What is your plan in doing such thing? just promise me never hurt Elena and Thomas."
"I don't even know who they are. My team is just here to retrieve me, unless you feel like letting them stay here like me. We need a permanent home."
"Fine I permit them to stay, but you will be hold responsible for them do you understand Arisu?" then the air link that Vincent created was cut off.
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Meanwhile in town Vincent once more asked Talien," will you join me?" then Vincent created sword made of air and began to attack the hunters one by one with great speed and agility. Half of the hunters where immediately eliminated by Vincent in a blink of an eye. " So have you decided Talien?"
Once the air link was broken, Arisu walked inside the castle and waited for her team to arrive. It only took a few minutes before all three of them arrived. The first one was dressed in dark robes and had a large hand mirror looped through the belt around his waist. This was Victor, a mutant capable of manipulating the luster of nearby objects and using mirrors as doorways. That's how the three had gotten inside. Next to him was a young boy, about 12 or so, wearing a breathing apparatus and thick gloves. He was Alan, a manipulator of corrosion. His touch was able to melt through any substance known to man. At the back of the group was Blake, a girl around Arisu's age with stark white hair who held sway over density.
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