POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Some people came by today to drop off some boxes of food. And toys I can wrap up for my kid for Christmas. Feeling very blessed. c: Our family struggles financially, so having these things is nice. <3 I live in a shitty area of Oregon but man when the holidays come around the community really comes through for each other.
I discovered cocaine Pinterest.

Other than that, finally got around to finishing that one feature for work today.
A box of goodies arrived in the mail today. <3 So much love and thoughtfulness put into a package. c:
I got to watch some game play footage of my favourite levels/areas in speififc games, I wrote a good bit today which was amazing as always, and then ended it off as I am now watching some teosgames while hopefully sleeping earlier than I usually do.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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My anxiety is finally becoming a bit more manageable. No panic attacks today! Probably not a huge deal, but it makes me happy to see improvement!
Today was a good day for my inner child. First, there was the new Superman trailer. It made me so happy that I was nearly brought to tears. And then there was the xmas gift I received in the mail today. It's one of the coolest things I've ever been given. :heartbeat:
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Got bad abdominal cramps (the bad).. feared to have caught a stomach bug.. turns out menstruation came two days early (the somewhat good) :3
Thanks to the most amazing generosity, I got tickets for a special VIP event for Starset!!!

I might actually cry
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After years of trying, failing and just delaying I finally got a job as a flight attendant! I've been trying for this job since I had been 18!
I finished a piece of work todayy
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
The sun was out today. It was nice to see it besides the darkness and clouds.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Reverie
Was able to cook up some curry and baked bread for the first time!