POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

Not to toot my own horn,but my cheesecake turned out perfect!
Forgot to turn my alarms back on, but I woke up at 5:30 anyway. No fighting with the kids to get ready for school. It was a good morning, the first one I've had in a while.
I went to Lowes for an interview and they offered me a job on the spot. Very excited about having my first job!
It looks like I might actually have a good week instead of just a good day (Yesterday)! Kids got off to school with no fight again. House is still clean so no slaving away. Friday I won't have to cook dinner because my hubby's company is having a party for everyone. If this keeps up, I might get spoiled.


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I started watching Buffy with my dad 8D I've been wanting to watch this show ever since I got my first taste of Joss Whedon (Avengers) and I watched a clip when Dad was making a point to me about vampires, but anyway, it's fabulous so far! Then again, I've only seen the first episode, but anywayyy...
I got that last assignment in a day early, which means now I am truly finished with this semester. :,D
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I have been sick with a cold for the past few days and it has left me feeling absolutely miserable. When I woke up this morning, I was expecting to have a horrible day, and yet... it went surprisingly well. I'm still sick, but at least this new cold medication is actually helping me feel better.
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Home at last.
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Got two more IC posts up! I've been catching up on everything way faster than I previously thought I would, which is pretty sweet! I'm very pleased with how much I've accomplished lately. :D
Moved alone in a nice apartment. A new start in my life!
Productivity! :D
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Maths test turned out easier than I expected!
Good dad hugs. Also creepy robot man and demon eggs that were facehuggers but actually they were hive mind spinehugger parasites.

Why is that good? I watched some Buffy today :P
Went on a nice, long Pokemon Go excursion for the first time in quite a while -- and with the candy-earning speed cranked way up for the rock-type event that's currently going on, I was able to plow through those last 8-or-so Porygon candies that I needed, and now I finally have enough for a Porygon 2. :3

Also, I watched someone casually drive their car into a river. Which was funny at first, until I realized that there's supposed to be a road there and that the river flooded over because the earth is a hot mess. :/ Still, I value the brief moment of entertainment that I got from seeing a car being driven through the water, removed from context.
Put my air conditioning unit in my window today!
Now I won't be hot while all my roommates suffer!
