Once again into the fray.


beep beep it's lea

Original poster
So it's been about a year or so since I last roleplayed, and towards the end there I was pretty much exclusively playing in one fandom. I need someone who will be patient with me and isn't pretentious about "literacy", which was a huge thing before I quit.


  • My name is Lea. I'm 20 years old, cis woman, and my favorite activities are applying makeup and playing video games.
  • I will only play with other women, and I prefer playing women loving women. I prefer a 70-30 plot-smut ratio.
  • I will reply multiple times a week, maybe more if I really feel inspiration. Like I said, it's been a while.
  • I write in third person and prefer people who do. It's really really weird to me to read the word "I" about someone else's character, just saying.
With that out of the way, let's get some ideas rollin'.


Dragon Age (preferably Origins world as I remember it the most), Borderlands (including 3)


Noble/Noble arranged marriage (either with the characters arranged to be married, or it could be a childhood friend turned romance on the side)

Medieval Fantasy:
Adventurer pairing, on a greater quest to save the world as we know it (and find out they make a good team along the way)

I crave a Firefly-like setting but with a whole different crew and more of a futuristic feel, perhaps with humanoid aliens. Just spit-ballin' here.

alrighty, I'll update with more ideas as they come. If you have any, go ahead and shoot.