On the search... (mxf)



Original poster
Hello all. So I'm searching for a few more rp partners.

I respond several times a week/day. Post length can vary depending on partner, but typically are 1 - 6+ paragraphs.
I mostly prefer playing the female role but am open to also writing male, just keep in mind I have less experience with that and prefer mxf pairing.
Please also be able to write 1 or more paragraphs and have decent grammar and spelling. Doesn't have to be perfect.
Also looking for someone who can respond at least once or twice a week. And let me know if you loose interest in the rp or are going to be taking a break or something and can't respond for a time.

Character A has lived at the lab for a while. A was tested on and trained to become the ultimate soldier. Needless to say, A was no longer exactly human with what was done with them. But through it all, A kept fighting back. Due to how powerful A had become and lack of control the scientists had over him, A was locked away in his own cell. Extreme caution had to be used when entering that cell since A would destroy anything that came in if given the chance.

Character B was in the same situation as A started off in but was more compliant with the scientists. Or, at least that's what B let them think. When B started making their own attempts to escape, they decided to put B into A's cell in the hopes that A would scare B enough for B to start listening again or that A would just kill B and they'd start over. What they didn't expect, was that A would actually let B live and the two started to plot an escape together.

Character A is the daughter of a noble or royal family. A decides that she wants to go on an adventure with her life instead of being stuck getting married to someone she doesn't love for her family to make more connections. So she ends up running off one night and sneaking onto a ship to get away without being caught or recognized. What A doesn't realize, is that she's snuck onto a pirate ship.
Character B is the pirate captain and is surprised when, after a few days at sea, his crew makes the discovery of their stowaway. Now the question is, what will B do with A once they reach land again.

First day of college and there is a mix up in dorm assignment. A guy (A) and girl(B) are set up to be in the same room despite the fact that the dorm tries to keep the boys and girls in separate dorms. They try to get things sorted out but due to the chaos of the first few days, it doesn't happen. It doesn't help that A and B tend to get on each others nerves a lot. But as time passes, they end up starting to fall for each.


Rich girl x bad boy
Arranged Marriage
Pirate x Princess
Time Travel
Werewolf x Hunter
Prince x Slave

*More will be added later*
Oooh I would love to do a werewolf x hunter pairing!
I like the roommates pairing.
I love the Experiment pairing! it looks interesting