Olympic Love

When they announced homecomming king and queen Brian and Sarah's names were called. Everyone cheered even the two recruiters who were sitting in the far back pretending not to be there. Once they were fnish posing for the trillions of pictures that were tooken they made their way down to the floor to have their dance. When it was over the music came back on and everyone began to dance again feeling the music and having fun.

Mark came up to him and they laughed and chatted up since they handen't seen eachother in a few days. Mark had to pee and decided that he'd drag Brian along. Reluctantly he followed him into the bathroom to find out that he was having girl problems that he needed to sort out between two girls. Eventually after giving Mark commen sense they headed out the bathroom.

The room was big but it wasn't that big. Brian couldn't seem to find Sarah around anywhere. He asked Dexter who had no clue and then Nichole who thought that she was with him the whole time. He took his time looking around thinking that she might of just got something to drink but when he reached the table with the drinks she wasn't there either. Brian pulled out his phone and dialed her nmber still looking around the room.
When Brian headed to the bathroom with Mark, Sarah headed towards the table they occupied with Nicole and Dexter, but before she reached it someone took hold of her waist and twirled her around. When she caught her balance, she found herself in the arms of a cloaked figure - covered from head to toe like the Grim Reaper.

"You're an outstanding Queen, you know." The person's voice was being altered by some sort of device. Sarah wondered if it was one of her swimming friends, or David Parker from English class who asked her to save him a dance in class the last time she was there. She knew he liked her, but being a part of the football team he respected Justin well enough to not pursue. And still yet, she knew he respected Brian more...

"David, is that you under there?"

"Not quite." The voice announced, and a sudden feeling of fear coursed through her. Sarah pulled back from the figure, trying to move towards the dancing, but he held her fast.

"Hey, really this is not funny. Let me go!" She pulled harder, but the guy did something unexpected. He pushed her forward with his body, moving her, like they were dancing, towards the back of the room. Sarah started to scream, but it was not loud enough to alert anyone over the booming music. When they'd reached a dark corner behind a decoration set, Sarah fought harder, but before she had a chance to win over her struggle, a sharp pain jerked the back of her head and everything went dark.

Justin pulled out a large black burlap sack from under his costume and laid Sarah down on the floor. He pulled the bag over her and hoisted her up over his shoulder. As it looked to others, it was just a part of his costume. Hidden away, he left the dance with her unconscious, rushing to the parking lot to toss her into the back of an old van he'd borrowed from his uncle. Inside, Jessica was gagged and bounded, not showing any indication that she was still breathing. Her face was broken and bloody and she'd looked like she was dragged in the dirt .

Justin hopped into the driver's seat and started the vehicle. He drove towards the park to the old tire swing and the hidden grove where many of the students would go to make out. It was abandoned now for the party – a great place to deal with his problems. He still cared for Sarah, but his type of love was not respected. His father was able to gain respect this way; why wasn't he able to make Sarah behave the way he wanted her to? He knew what he had to do, to make Sarah his regardless of what she said.

Justin parked in the hidden grove; the trees giving him plenty of cover. Tossing his cloak, he'd opened the back of the van and pulled Jessica's body out. Hoisting her over his shoulder, he walked towards the opening of trees reaching a portion of the lake and tossed her into the water. He watched her sink for a minute before returning to the van – closing the doors behind him.

The jolt of the doors slamming caused Sarah to ruefully wake up. All she saw was darkness and smelt potatoes… "Hello?" she called out as she began to push the bag off of her.

"Hey, hun. It's only me. Happy Halloween!"

Justin grabbed her and dragged a huge piece of tape over her mouth before her scream could reach his ears. Sarah tried to slap him, but he'd back-fisted her to end her rant. "I told you I will get what I want. I always do." He began to wrap tape around her wrist and ankles, enjoying the fear that darkened her green eyes. "Looks like you get to be with the real king tonight after all. Don't worry about Brian. He'll be taken care of soon too. But, I wanted to have a little talk with you first – about respect."
Brian was now getting worried. Nobody knew where Sarah was and they looked around the whole school from the gym to the rooftop. When Dexter and NIchole searched the back they couldn't find her at all. And thats when it hit him. He walked over to Mark who was asking some kid if he saw Sarah. " Have you see Justin or Jessica?". Mark's face dropped and then Brian clenched his fist. " Damm and nobody saw a redhead girl leave the room". There were other red heads but Sarah stood out and especially with the outfit and crown.

Mark and his date went to check around the old pizza shop and then Dexter and Nichole went to go look around the old pools and places in the area and Justin's house. Brian headed out to his car and then dialed her number over and over only getting rings, His stomach was in knots and he didn't even have a clue where she was. Before he opened his car door he heard some of Jessica's friends in the middle of a conversation.

Once of the girls were saying how Jessica was tired of being used by Justin to get back at Sarah and how she was going to end it. Another girl was asking when she was going to show up and that she was comming with Justin. He jumped into his car and then headed around the neighboorhood. There were jsut to many places to look. Brian continued to keep passing cars and stores and houses. Nothing was working and he felt his heart beating out his chest.
Sarah could feel her cell phone vibrating every so often. She knew Brian was trying to reach her, but she couldn't do anything with Justin looming over her. She had to figure out what to do...to, at least, send one message. She knew where she was at. As soon as she was able to get that sack off her head, and take a good look around, she saw trees and one clearing where a lake was present. She could see the tire swing - and with all the trees circling the area, they had to be at the grove.

She kept herself quiet, pushed up into the corner of the van where the driver's seat leather touched cold against her bare arm. Justin started to ramble off about her attitude and behavior towards him while they were going out, and how she didn't respect him. Who would? He was an asshole who thought violence was golden. She made every effort to keep him relaxed by nodding her head and agreeing to most of everything he said. As long as he wasn't blowing off the handle, she would be alright.

Justin looked drunk and once he'd removed his cloak, Sarah could see his shirt and jeans stained with blood and dirt. The sight frightened her more...who's blood was all over him? She didn't want to think about it - just trying her best to not be next to dress him like that.

Leaning over Sarah, Justin had calmed down enough to touch her without hitting, caressing her cheek and slowly, methodically, guiding his hands down the front of her dress. Sarah gasped but didn't fight; only tightened her eyes shut from looking at his face. She was so disgusted, but not enough to lost her temper and get hurt worse. That won't help her one bit.

"I just wanted to love you, Sarah, but you pushed me away over, and over again." Leaning down, his lips tackled her neckline and dropped lower towards her chest. She muffled something, but there was no way for him to know what it was, and he wouldn't had cared. "I'm going to love you now, Sarah. Then, we're going to be together forever..." He'd sat up, holding something small in his hand. She wasn't sure what it was, but suddenly Justin stabbed the item into her thigh with such force she began to scream under the tape and fight.

Justin pulled the syringe out of her muscle and tried to shush her silent, "It's just a little bit of Smiles...just a touch to make you happy and less combative. You're going to feel really good in a few minutes, I promise, baby." As the drug started to slowly make its way through her system, Justin started to take another hit himself, but his cell phone rang.

"Funk!" He threw away the syringe and rushed out of the van, pulling his cell phone out and began to talk to whoever was on the other line.

Sarah's eyes were blurring and she felt like she was on a boat in the middle of the lake, but that didn't stop her from understanding what she had to do right at that moment. With her bound hands, she fished for her cell phone that was stuck between her breast in her bra. If Justin had felt any lower, he would had found it. Good thing for her he didn't. While she could hear him barking in his phone, Sarah stared at the floating numbers before her and began to type out the word GROVE. Then, she sent it to the first number on her quick text list - Brian. She couldn't hear Justin's voice anymore and quickly pitched her cell underneath the passenger's seat of the van.

A few minutes later, he'd returned, but she couldn't tell if he'd put his cloak back on or was painted in mud. When he began to move, dragging her down to the floor of the van by her ankles, she wasn't sure if he'd turned into a big bear or was a person in a furry costume. And then, his face looked like a clown with a big nose and a funny wig. Sarah shook her head and blinked, hallucination on the drug.

Warning - Sexual Assault Scene: [SPOILI]Justin laughed as he quickly ripping off her costume and tore away her stockings, "See, it's a crazy high, right? And you're not fighting me at all... That's just the way I want you to be, Sarah. Just enjoy the ride, while I enjoy you." Justin draped himself upon her feasted on her flesh. Sarah had lapses of consciousness that sent tears to her eyes and woke up her fighting streak, but then another psychotic hallucination would change her whole atmosphere and instead of seeing or feeling Justin take advantage of her, she would feel as if she was flying over the ocean or diving into a pool of jello. She was completely lost...[/SPOILI]
Brian had his head in the steering wheel after Mark said that she was heading over to meet him infron of the pizza shop. It was crazy. His chest hadn't stop beating fast and he felt his pulse racing. It was no doubt in his mind that it had something to do with Justin. He knew that the kid was off. He was spoiled and always got what he wanted no matter what.

When Mark pulled up he shook his head and leaned against his car door. " I cant find her man, i look all over the place even in the back of the school". He spoke in a pissed voice. Not at the fact that he was looking but because he couldn't find her. Dexter texted him soon after saying basicaly the same thing and that Nichole was flipping out. Brian texted them telling to keep looking and to check around the mall area.

As soon as he was thinking about contacting Sarah's parents he got a text mesaage and it red five letters. Grove. " She's at thr grove lets go". Brian jumped in his car and started droeve down the street with Mark right behind him. He texted Dexter telling him that he knew where she was at and he'd meet them. Brian didn't know what to think. He kept thinking about if she was hurt or worse. Slowly he got out the car and he krept around the back part. Spotting the van he headed into the grove and then looked around.

Mark went throught the front just in case. Standing still he heard a noise he was like a grunt noise and a movement. Walking slowly he turnned past th trees and the right side to find Justin having his way with Sarah. She was uncouncious and the back of his shirt had blood on it. He immeditally thought of Jessica and his rage came. His right foor connected with Justin's head and it sent him flying off. Before he could get off the ground Brian tackled him picking up the rock from the ground and hitting him with it.

It wasn't until He felt two set of hands pull him off Justin and he realized it was Dexter and Mark, Nichole was crying next to Dexter and then he looked at Justin. His face barley reconizable. " What did you do to Jessica". Sending kucks to the stomach before he could answer. Gently he picked Sarah up and rested her inside the van on the edge in a sitting position. His hands were trembling and he was beside himself. All he wanted to do was make Justin pay. " Your sick and twisted, how could you do something like this!?". Dexter shouted picking Justin up from the floor and against a tree.
Sarah's mind was going through a new nightmare, one worse than any horror movie she's seen. Justin's face contorted into any and all fears she's ever held and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't fight to get away from it. Her arms and legs felt like wet noodles and she felt nauseous and hyper all at the same time. She would cry out and scream with no sound of a voice, then laugh to herself hysterically - again only hearing herself in the back of her mind; the drug numbing her vocal cords. When her mind allowed her small flickers of reality, she realized her condition and Justin's persistence, which was worse than the visions created by the drug.

When Justin was suddenly removed from her view, Sarah rolled to her side and balled up in a painful ball. Her body was cold and her head swimming somewhere above her head. She heard more voices besides Justin's, but her ears made them sound more like animals squalling or the deadly chords of demons threatening to finish her off. She wanted to shrink into the ground, but even the grass seem to alter into tiny green creatures that crawled up her arms and legs, scratching into her flesh to set up camp. Her eyes would widen in complete horror and her mouth frozen in a scream, but no sound could be heard.

Nicole had moved to her side, tears streaming down her face as she pulled her jacket from around her arms and threw it over her friend's partially clad body. She quickly dialed 911 to alert the police what had happened, then calmed herself to care for her friend.

"What did you do to Jessica?" Brian yelled with a swift kick into Justin's stomach. The guy folded over with a umph, only to roll onto his back with a laugh, chuckling as if he didn't feel a thing. In all actuality, he didn't feel that much at all. The small hit he'd taken had a few of his senses diluted - only a few.

"Jessica decided to join the swim team, " he cackled while he continued to roll around in the grass like a happy dog. Brian had stepped away to pick Sarah up to check on her. Nicole told the others she called 911, "But, she's acting strange. Her eyes are fluttering back and forth, and it's like she's lost her voice. I think he's given her something..."

"Your sick and twisted, how could you do something like this!?" Dexter shouted picking Justin up from the floor and against a tree.

Justin continued to laugh, "Because, they were being disrespectful and needed to be punished. And besides, it was fun." He turned his head towards Brian and snared at him, "Get your fucking hands off my girl! She's all mine now and there's no way you'll get her back!" He tried to pull from Dexter's hands, but the linebacker harshly pushed him back against the tree with his meaty forearm punching the air out of his lungs. "Damn you..."

Nicole rushed to his side to try to calm her boyfriend down, "Dexter! The police will be here... Let them take care of the bastard." She looked away for a split second and saw something floating in the lake near the tire swing. Slowly, she began to walk towards it, until she recognized the shape of a body. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she rushed back with another fit of tears streaming down her face. "JESSICA! He...he..." All she could do was point towards the floating body.

Soon, the sound of sirens filled the atmosphere. The ambulance rushed in first along with two squad cars. The paramedics listened to Nicole as she told them how she was acting, and one of them found the two syringes in the van. "Drug overdose! We've got to go now!" One of them picked Sarah up and placed her on the gurney, covering her with a sheet before they rolled her to the truck. The police restrained Justin, and Dexter and Nicole showed them where the body was. Before the ambulance left the park, there were tons of people from the nearby neighborhood looking on, calling their friends and family. This Halloween just turned into a tragic night.
Everything went from bad to worse in less than seconds. Justin had gone crazy, alughing nad rolling around like he was the jocker and he had some sick twisted plan in motion. When he turned his head and looked at Sarah she didn't look right and before he could say anything Justin spoke. He said that Jessica wanted to learn how to swim and something in his voice didnlt seem right. With all the blood on his shirt it clenched his fist because he already knew that something bad had happened to Jessica.

Nichole called 911 and Sarah's parents. He knew that they would be over quick. When he heard Nichole voice and then followed her finger to what she was pointing at he walked over to just stare stunned. There was Jessica's body bloody beaten and drowned. He couldn't even think straight. He never knew Justin to be a killer, sick and demented. It was only a few minutes before he heard the ambulance and then the poice cars followed by his parents car and Sarah's. The polience went and found the dead body already putting caution tape up and asking Dexter and NIchole questions.

When the ambulance said that there was a drug over dose Brian turnned his head quickly to look at Sarah. Her parents were shooken and his were as well. They carried her in the back of the ambulance doing procedures. He wanted to do with her but her parents were in the back and the police kept asking him questions he hardley knew answers. After they placed Justin in handcuffsDExter said they were going to the hospital. Brian got in his car and followed hsi parents car. His hands were trembling constantly.

Once they got in they sat in the waiting room but he pased the floor back and forth. His parents tried to calm him down but it didn't help. He just wanted to know if she was going to be alright. He wanted Justin to pay for what he did. They were all silently waiting for the doctor to come out.
Doctor Blick left Sarah's room, finding her family and friends in the waiting room in the trauma wing of the emergency area. He shook her step-dad's hand, and then her mothers, giving them both a sympathetic expression.

"The good new is, Sarah is alive. She didn't sustain too much trauma except for bruises to her face and lower abdomen; nothing serious. Unfortunately, sexual assault with the use of a drug is a deadly gamble. Her attacker used a hallucinogen drug called Smiles, or 2C-I, to subdue her; a pretty heavy dose too. But he'd diluted it with another downer drug which, coincidentally, might have saved both their lives. We've flushed out her system and so far she's stabilizing well."

"Can we see her? Is she awake?" Helen asked, clinging to her husband as if she might faint.

"She's still a bit liturgical, but she's alert." Dr. Blick looked over towards Brian. "She keeps calling for you, son; says its serious."

Helen turned to Brian and patted his chin, "Go on. Let her know we're here."
The wait seemed to have been forever. He kept pacing through thre room hoping that everything was okay. Marks parents called him to check up on him and he went outside to fnish his phone conversation. Dexter was holding Nichole in his arms and they were talking quietly to eachother and Sarah's parents were in the mix of sadness and eagerness to know what was going on with their daughter.

When the doctor came out at spoke to Sarah's parents he looked at their facila expressions seeing that they were relived. He listened to what the doctor was saying about the drugs and the sexual assult. It made Brian want to vomit. To his surprise the doctor said that she was calling for him and nodded when her parents said to let them know they were here.

Brian followed the doctor scared to see Sarah in the state that she was in. He opened the door to her room and then pulled a chair up close to the bed and watched the monitors. He reached for her hand and held it in his. " Im so sorry i left to the bathroom if i haden't of left this would've never happened". Letting out a deep breath his chest felt tight and his voice was low.
Sarah's mind was back to normal - as normal as it could be after being in the state it once was. But, that didn't change anything else about her experience that night, all the horrible things her mind conjured up. In a way, she was thankful for those psychedelic visions. They kept her blinded from the realistic nightmare she was being subjected to. Still, she felt nervous, jittery...flinching at every sound, every shadow. Her senses were on edge and she didn't like that one bit.

Between that, the headache, the soars spots on her face that made it difficult to smile or blink, and the horrible soreness in her gut and ribs; Sarah could say she was ecstatic to be alive. And her thoughts flipped back through the bundle of mixed up images of her ordeal - the blood stained shirt on Justin's back. Even though she couldn't stand Jessica for what she'd done to her, she was so worried about her right now... She needed to know if she was okay.

The doctor had given her a light sedative which helped to relax her nerves without passing her back out. That was good. She was getting sick of the dancing shadows on the wall. She asked him about Jessica and Brian, but all he would tell her was just Brian was in the waiting room and he'll come see her in a few.

Closing her eyes, Sarah fell lightly asleep. She's been going in and out of consciousness ever since she's been there. The doctor said that was a side effect from flushing the drug out of her blood. She hated the thought - that Justin probably just ruined her chances to ever compete in the Olympics. But that wasn't her fear, not anymore. What caused her to flinch and jerk, even in her dreams, was the words he'd said - the threat he'd placed on Brian. She needed to tell him...but that required staying awake.

Just then, a warm touch slipped into the palm of her hand. At first, her eyes fluttered and her hand automatically flinched; but she didn't pull away. Even in her state, she knew who that hand belonged to. She couldn't hear what he's mumbled, but it didn't matter. She was just happy to see him there.

"Hey," her voice was light and hoarse, but audible.
When Brian heard her voice he looked up at her and gave her a weak smile as if he was trying to fool himself. He was a complete wreck and he was trying pull through for her. " Im just letting you know that your parents are here". He shifted his body upword and then looked at the bed. He couldn't bring himself to even look at her. The doctor came in shortly and said that he'd have to go because she needed to rest. Standing up he leaned and kissed her cheek before exiting the room.

He exicted the room and then told Sarah's parents thats she knew they were there. His parents patted his back and then got in their car as he walked to his. Dexter and Nichole headed home and Mark did after they chatted up a little. He wan't in the mood honeslty and was exausted. When he arrived at the house he threw his bloody clothes in the washing machine before taking a shower. After he fnished in the shower he put on some shorts and fell asleep in on the bed.

The next moring he didnlt have to go tos chool. The whole school knew what happened and was mourning the loss of Jessica. Students were angered, confused and just overwhelmingly shocked. Brian layed in bed and looked up at the cealing. The recruiters made their decision by sending letters through the mail since the incident occured before the name calling. His mom slipped the letter under his door and he reluctantly got it. Opening the letter he read it and he was going to the winter games.

He was supposed to be happy and he was but he just couldn;t express his gratitude when everything else around him was falling apart. Mark picked him up later to visit Sarah. It was still early morning when they went.
Brian wouldn't hardly look at her, and before Sarah had a chance to warn him, or to thank him or anything, he was already being ushered out of the room. Tears whelped in her eyes at what this would do to them... Was he - disgusted at her now? Or was he just so mad at Justin that to look upon her would only enhance that anger? She was more scared now about the consequences of this situation on them than she was of Justin's psycho break down.

When her parents entered the room to check on her, her mother bunking down to spend the night in the room with her, Sarah pulled them to the side quickly before the doctor prepped her pain meds for the night. She knew the stuff was strong enough to really knock her out, so she had to talk fast.

"Mom, Brian might be in danger..."

"Hunny, everything is find now. Justin's in custody. He won't be hurting anyone anymore..."

"No, it was something he said," Sarah continued, ignoring her mother's assurance. "He'd mentioned that Brian was going to get it too. Why would he say that, if he was planning on kil...," she choked on her words. A lot of the night was lost in her mind, but some of it revealed itself in spurts... Just then, the look of doom and elation in Justin's eyes at the thought of taking their lives together... She began to whimper and fall into another nervous fit, flinching as if Justin was standing beside her once more...

"Shhh, hunny. It's okay," Helen wrapped her arms around her daughter while the doctor slowly pushed the meds in her IV.

Sarah quickly regained her control, pushing those images away in order to prove to her mother how serious she was. "No... it's not okay. Justin's done something... he's planning on hurting him. Tell him tonight, please! Nothing is safe for him now..."

Helen looked in her eyes and caught that burning determination her daughter was known for in the pool. She settled down on the edge of her bed, now all ears. "But there's no way Justin can do anything to him now. There's no way."

Sarah's eyelids were growing heavy and her head was too heavy for her to hold up. She laid her head back against the pillows, fighting to be coherent. "We thought Justin...couldn't do a...lot of things... Tonight...he - proved us all...wrong..." Sarah couldn't fight the meds and quickly fell back asleep.

Helen was stunned, looking at the doctor with another case of fear. She was still skeptical, but to avoid taking any chances she decided she would visit the Rivers tomorrow. It was far too late tonight.


The next day, Sarah was feeling a little better. She sat up for breakfast and went through various testing that morning before she was back in her room to rest up again. She was still on edge and seriously missing a good, long swim in her pool. But mostly, she was missing Brian...

Before she had any visitors, a group of nurses rushed into her room to flip on the news. "Sarah, you won't believe this. Well, yea you would, but... Oh, here." Nurse Blackaby turned up the volume while the other two nurses helped Sarah sit up.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked bewildered. The newscaster began to talk about the Olympic Committee's results and Sarah froze. She didn't want to think about what they had decided, especially how horrible the month has been. But, right there on the news they announced their decision to allow Brian and Sarah to join the team for training in the winter games. Nicole was also selected being Sarah's diving partner. She didn't know what to think on it all. The women congratulated her, but she could only shake her head.

"How could they still select me...after all of this?"

Nurse Kozora answered, "There's a lot more to an Olympian than their talent. They saw more in you and Brian. Through all the trials you two have gone through, the strength you've show through out it all is what impressed them the most. You two deserve this chance, and no body can change that."

She received hugs from the ladies, all of them have known her since she was a toddler and watched her mature. It was comforting to know that the committee considered all aspects of a person's personality and didn't mark them for the stupid things that happen around them. Sarah laid back down to relax again, now lost in her thoughts about...

She was going to become an Olympian!

Her perspective had changed...one night flipped her whole world around, and now the Olympics didn't seem like such a big deal anymore... Not when she's almost lost her life to a maniac, and that very same maniac might have placed Brian's life in danger.
When Mark picked up Brian he said that he looked like he haden't slept which was true. He was up all night thinking about everything that had happened, the look on Justin's sick and twisted face. The police had him and since he was eighteen he was going to trial for the murder of Jessica and then mabey a phycological/ mental institute. His court date was set and they were watching him with house arrest. But even though that look he had that night wouldn't leave his head nor would the scence of him and Sarah.

They made a quick stop to the fastfood joint to get some breakfast and then they stopped at the park. Brian was stalling. He hated seeing Sarah in the condtion that she was in and the fact that he couldn't look her in the eyse was worse. That everytime he looked at her he regretted everything and he could have been there sooner. His pulse was racing and he leaned his head in his hands. He felt like it was his fault and no matter what Mark said he still beilved it.

Mark parked the car and he got out Staring up at the hospital. It took him a moment to go and when he did he took a deep breath. He walked into the hospital and then asked to see Sarah. They nodded and told him the room number which he already knew and mark followed him down the hall. He saw nurses in the room but they were chatting so he knoecked on the door before opening it. His eyes roamed from each nurse until he looked at Sarah.

" Hey how are you feeling?". He walked into the room and then pulled out a chair. Mark grabbed the other and then placed the flowers by her bedside. " I got my letter and im going to the winter games". He said trying to lighten up the mood. Before he could say anything else he looked at his phone. His mom sent him a message that Sarah;s mom paid her a visit and told him to be careful and what Justin had told Sarah. Brian put his phone back in his pocket not wanting to think about that.
"I'm doing...better." Sarah smiled, but reading Brian's body language, the glimmer she'd thought she would feel within his presence dimmed rapidly. She turned to Mark, "Nice touch, Mark. Sunflowers are my favorite...thanks."

Brian mentioned his acceptance letter for the winter games, and she nodded, "Yea... we just watched the announcement on the news. Nicole and I were accepted as well..." Sarah bit her bottom lip, still at odds about the Olympic deal. "Um, did my mom get a hold of your parents last night?"

She didn't want to go into things too far with the nurses still around, but they were changing the towels in the bathroom, bringing in her breakfast and checking her IV. She didn't want to interrupt them because they'll just come right back in. So, she let them work until they'd left.
When Sarah smiled he felt a bit relived. It was awkward and Mark was trying to ease the awkwardness but it was only doing so much. Sarah said that she read the announcment on the news and he nodded giving a slight smile before leaning back in the chair and pulling out his phone to read a text message. The message from his mom was really bothering him because he didn't know how anything could happen to a guy that was going to be locked up behinf bars.

The nurses soon left when they were fnished tending to Sarah and then he looked driectly at her. " So the whole thing with Justin and what he told you, do you know what he means?". He reached and held her hand like he did the other day and Mark listened in as well. He knew what was going on so there was no poin in excluding him especially that he was his best friend. " My mom got your moms message because she texted me telling me everything".

Brian honeslty didn't know what to think. Just when he thought that everything was over he was getting stressed now over what was suppose to happen and he had no clue what it ment. He knew he was next..but how? Did Justin talk to somebody, plan something?. These were all the questions that were running through his mind. He had no clue that he was shaking.
"I don't know...," she admitted, giving Brian's hand a light squeeze hoping to ease the trembling she could feel from it. "There's not a lot I can recall, but that threat..." she closed her eyes to fight back another onset of tears. "He'd said that you'll get what's coming too... But, if he was...planning on...ending everything then...why would he say that than?"

A few tears fell from her eyes, but Sarah was hardened, more than she once was. This was something serious, worse than a threat on her life. In a way, it was a threat on her life - that part of her life that's returned to her. If anything happened to Brian, she would come unhinged.

"I wished he said more...but, if he did, I doubt I'll remember it. I just want you to be careful... Justin's obviously more screwed up than we'd thought." She rolled her eyes and looked around her hospital room. "I can't stand being in here, knowing I can't do anything to help you...."
Brian nodded when she spoke and it was true, they didn;t know that Justin was that twisted in the head. it was one thing to abuse girls and then force them to be with you but it was a whole other thing to kill someone and then try to drug another in a suicide overdose. He needed help and as much as he wanted to kill him for all the hell and loss he put people through he knew that Justin was sick and needed to be in a mental home wrapped up in a white room.

When Sarah gave his hand a light squeeze he smiled and then kissed her hand not wanted to scare her or make her worry. " Its fine you need to rest up and get better especially if you want to win the girls winter olympic trophy, A nurse came in to check on her before leaving once more and then Mark stood looking out the window. " IM not focusaed on him hurting me im worried about you right now and i want you to get better".

Leaning over he kissed her gently on the lips before running his hands through his hair and then inhaling a breath. " Ugh i miss you so much especially watching scary movies". He chuckled poking her cheek.
Brian's lips were like a life saver, pulling her back from the horror she's just gone through, and the fears that that one night might had ruined everything they had regained. A few more tears squeezed from her eyes the harder she tightened. When he mentioned the idea of watching scary movies, poking her in the cheek in that cute playful way he'd always done in order to make her smile, Sarah cheeks didn't rose up like normally.

"I - I don't know...if I can watch another one of those...not for a while..." She's lived through one of her own. The idea of seeing those visions the drug enhanced sent a shiver through her body, and she gritted her teeth to keep the charade up before Brian. She didn't want him to worry. "I want to go home," she'd given up trying to hold back her fears anymore. Suddenly, she felt flushed, "I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be with you...to watch over you... At least, I know you're okay if I can see you."

Again, last night tackled her sense, and she could has sworn she's saw Justin out the corner of her eye, moving behind Brian. "LOOK OUT! With a loud scream, Sarah grabbed Brian's arm and pulled him down closer towards the bed just when the vision of Justin swooped down to grab him. But then, the vision vanished, only to be replaced by a baffled nurse who immediately pushed the call signal to alert her doctor.

"I - I... I'd thought that...," Sarah fumbled over her words, not sure at what she'd saw. She glanced at Brian, now feeling completely stupid at what she'd done. "I'm sorry... I thought that I saw Jus..." she cut herself off, finding the words to be too humiliating to speak out loud. Her hand rubbed her face; she felt so cold now and completely confused. "I don't know what I saw..."

The nurse moved to her other side, "Hun, it's the hallucinogen drug. Even though it's out of her blood stream, it's still in your system. It's going to take a week or so to get it completely out. But until then, you're going to have a few flash back and daydreams." She checked her monitors and took her temperature, jotting it all down on her file. Sarah laid back against her pillow holding back more tears... She didn't want to go through this... she wanted to go home.
When Sarah didn't smile he knew that she took the whole movie thing seriously dispite it being a joke. Her facial expression read something diffrent that he never saw before. Evething was happeining so fast he just sat on the chair. Mark said that his parents needed him so they'd have to leave soon and he nodded understanding. Practice had been canceled because of the loss and the whole school was still shooken up. So the coaches gave their students another practice day off.

When Sarah said that she wanted to leave he belived her but he knew that she was ready to leave. The nurses and doctors were still doing labs and running test to make sure that everything was going well as the drug left her system. Brain looked at his watch and then thats when Sarah scream look out before grabbing his arm.

He was dumfounded and he just stared at her as she fumbled to find the right words. Mark's jaw dropped and then he looked at the ground and the nurse came in and checked on her saying it was the drug. Brian was beside himself and stood up from the chair giving a weak smile. He couldn't see Sarah in the condition that she was in, it made him sad and depressed. Shaking his head he looked at Mark who nodded and huged Sarah and said goodbye.

Brian kissed her and let the kiss linger before pulling away. " Im sorry Mark's gotta go..i hope that you get better". He walked out the room and got in Marks car. After Mark dropped him off at home he headed inside and plopped down on the couch trying to clear his mind.
~~~Time Squiggly~~~

After Sarah was able to talk her mother into her plan, and after Helen was able to talk Dr. Blick into the same thing, Sarah finally found herself home after one more day at the hospital. With her own nurse checking up on her during the evenings, and her doctor visiting her in the mornings, Sarah didn't miss the hospital at all. But, at least, she was in her own room - in her own home.

School was still out on Tuesday, and her doctor cleared her for training and school... Great timing. She really didn't want to return to anything, just swimming. But, even that felt strange. Everything felt - different because of what happened. Jessica...her funeral was tomorrow, an away game this coming Friday was still on even after all the problems last week. And for the rest of the month she had scheduled private practice and rehabilitation from the hospital, her new training sessions from her new Olympic coaches, scheduled competitions for cheer, swim and diving to end the school's seasons... And that's not including the meetings with her parent's Attorneys helping them with the charges they've placed against Justin, and all the new scheduled interviews the Olympic committee was planning on setting up after the week's over - giving her, Brian and Nicole time to deal with the situation facing them now. There was so much about to pile up on them all, Sarah wasn't sure if she could handle it all. It helped to not be in that hell-hole of an hospital.

Sarah dressed for the day, trying on the new workout suits the Olympic committee had send her. The letter with the box of clothes stated that all new recruits wore their official Olympic gear when in public, during training and other events where they will be seen. It was like being in the military. They have to wear their uniforms when in the public eye. Well, apparently Olympic hopefuls are no different. Nicole had texted her about her package, sending pictures of her dressed in red, white, and blue. The suits were actually pretty sharp looking, all Ralph Lauren designed apparel, but again...

She posed before her mirror, trying to feel good about everything, not just the Olympics, just - everything... Her face had cleared up, and the dark rings around her eyes from the overdose of the drug had finally cleared up well enough to bring the color back into her eyes. Even her skin tone was better than it was - more blood circulating now. But, she wasn't the same person anymore... and that's what scared her. Suddenly, Sarah didn't even want to be home. Her room even felt odd to her. The clothes felt inappropriate, as if she didn't deserve to wear them. She took everything off and dressed in a pair of jeans and a babydoll tee shirt.

She fell onto her bed and unknowingly picked up her cell. It was when she heard the phone ringing did she notice the number she dialed - Brian. Maybe, she just wanted to hear his voice... Or maybe, she just wanted a way out of the funk she was falling into from all the stress.

"Hey... Just calling to see what you're up to...," she responded, trying not to sound too depressed.