Ye Olde RP Archive

burn all the things 1
Summary: Original Idea

Lori is stealing money in order to buy parts from Twitch. Twitch keeps upping the cost of [Part of the day] and it's driving Lori mad. Twitch offers Lori a deal. If Lori will help him steal [Thing Twitch really wants] Twitch will give Lori [metal appendage of the day].

I'm going to assume the thieving plot is going to take a while to develop, so the pyromania will gradually come in while all the above is happening.

... So basically a more fantastical version of the movie Elysium LOL

In the city of Begalf, there are Tweakers and there are Mechaniks. Tweakers are those who aim to change their body, modify it in any number of ways with the aid of technology known as Mechanix, advancing the transhuman movement. Mechaniks are the men and women who supply the tech and/or install it.
Tweaking your body in this way isn't illegal, but it is highly regulated and expensive. Because of this, the illegal counterparts exist and flourish.

A place encompassed with pollution dirty enough to block out the sky in a dense fog, Begalf is a dense city with an even denser population. Skyscrapers seem to extend up into oblivion.

The world runs on credits, a currency that is only digital and preloaded into plastic cards or microchips embedded into personal items. Many years ago, all the once-mythical creatures of adventures past came together in a melting pot and egged on the digital revolution. Humans exist, but so do elves, dragons, and whatever else you can imagine. Words such as mythological, medieval, and royal have all but been forgotten.

Tʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ.


[imgleft][/imgleft]Lᴏʀɪ Lᴇɴᴛɪʟ
A human slowly turning into a dragon who steals money and mechanix in order to cover up his dragon parts. Also sort of a crazy dumbshit.

A Gremlin outcast, just trying to get her way in life the best way she knows how; through deception and greed. She suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder.

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Lori Lentil. is that the name you go by these days?"

The man referenced could hardly be called such. Once human, he was now a varied assortment of red scaley dragon parts and mechanix. Red-tinted goggles covered his eyes, and his white "hair" was comprised of all feathers, a yellow scarf wrapped around his head in a pitiful attempt to hide it. Protruding out from his skull were two red horns, marking him as a dragonkin even though he had not been born such. His right arm was human and his left was automail. Both arms had been handcuffed together behind him, the back of a chair separating his arms from his his torso, which was clad in a bright red and gold vest that did fuckall of keeping him hidden from situations such as this.

Nevertheless, here he was, the scarf around his neck left dangling on the floor from its length, hopelessly entangled between his arms, making the situation that much more uncomfortable.

The man at the other side of the table Lori was forced to sit at was half mechanix himself. But unlike Lori, that man's mechanix were completely legal. Lori's were street-bought, one of the reasons he was here today.

"Funny," the other man, dressed in a black suit stated, "I would've thought you would be the talkative type."

It was then that Lori's huge, human mouth spread into a grin. His teeth were littered with plaque and stains, his breath stinking as he exhaled once. Then twice, a snort coming from him.
And he laughed.

"Why talk to you? You know me for all of five minutes!"

Lori threw himself backward, landing on his arms. Still laughing, of course. Lori wasn't immune to pain, but with his skin thicker than a normal human's, and half of his upper body being conveniently metal, it wasn't as if he had much pain to worry about.

Once he was on the ground, he kicked his right, and entirely dragon, foot up and into the table, shoving it into the other man. While the agent was pre-occupied with that, Lori's automail left hand began to heat up to a temperature hot enough to melt the handcuffs. In the process, he burned his human hand and melted part of his scarf, but hey, Lori was ready to take some losses.

After his arms were freed, he jumped up and roundhouse kicked the cop again with his dragon leg once more before running out of the room.
Lori wasn't in this to kill people, no. Just steal shit and run. The more he ran, the more fun the game became. It wasn't as if Lori kept a low profile. But then again, in a city of 150 million people, nobody really expected to be able to find anyone else very often.

Which was part of the reason, after Lori had punched out a window on the 50th floor, he turned around and stuck out his tongue before leaving.

"So long, suckers! Neh!

And off he jumped, scarf flailing behind him.

Lori wasn't exactly the most mentally stable person on the planet.

Surrounded by fog, he began coughing. He hadn't expected to be blindsided by toxic air. Despite how confident he was in himself, he'd never jumped out of a building before. A brief moment of panic flushed to the forefront of his mind before he started digging in his satchel for some sort of.. Something.. so he could stop his fall. Perhaps he hadn't thought this completely through.
No he didn't, and now he was quickly falling to his death. Fuck.

Down below, he could see a fire escape. Fuck it, he thought to himself, and reached out for it, grabbing the railing with his automail arm and hoping it'd break his fall. The stairwell instead unbuckled from the building it had been attached to and ripped from the side of the building, but not before the joints in the automail arm pulled too taught and popped.

By this time, his fall was significantly slowing, and his chances of surviving were exponentially rising. However, he was quickly realizing he wasn't going to come out of this one unscathed.
His automail fingers still being able to grip, he threw himself at more and more iron pieces in hopes that one of them would prevent his body from splooging all over the pavement found at ground level.

The long story short is, it never did, and he wound up on his back with a totally gimp automail arm and a brutal headache with a very, very gnarled iron fire escape beside him.

Lori considered it a win!


Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft]Photo by Serenity Valentine[align="center"]Twitch was on her way back to her shop after a business transaction carried out at the local strip club called The Lusty Lady. The bright neon sign was an affront to her eyes, though she got a giggle out of the graffiti that made the sign read "The Rusty Lady", something that was fitting given the amount of dancers with mechanix. The poor girl Twitch had come to see had desperately needed that implant to continue working as an exotic dancer and support her 3 children, and of course Twitch had charged her 3 times the amount the implant was worth. Twitch was a small Gremlin, only 4 inches tall sitting down. She weighed 4 pounds, which is grossly overweight by Gremlin standards, and had a very long tail that made up most of her 15 inch length. She had silky fur, that was had unruly flyaway curls that sprung every which way, and on top of her head sat a Tam O'Shanter, a Scottish hat with one of the Cummings Clan tartans, most probably a hunting tartan.

Twitch had vibrant turquoise markings all over her body, which accentuated her unfortunate body type. They looked even more vibrant against the Red Devil crimson of her skin. Her eyes were a platinum grey, set deeply into her skull and overshadowed by strong heavily-ridged brows. Her teeth were an old gold color, shiny, tall and thin, and well cared for. Her claws clicked on the dirty, cracked pavement as she rounded a busy street corner where a drug deal was going down, most likely cocaine though she thought she could catch a whiff of something a bit sweeter. Her dewclaws were enormous, and wickedly curved. She was unable to retract them, so they were always visible. They, along with her nose, and eyebrows were the same beautiful platinum grey of her eyes, though the shades varied slightly.

Twitch arrived at her shop, which was located in the scenic slums of Begalf, the roughest and most filthy part of town. Twitch was a hedonist, she only stayed her because this is where the customers were, as disgusting and repellent as they were. The minute she had enough money, she was going to move out and move up to the Diamond District of town, where the streets were rumored to actually be made of diamonds. Just the thought of diamonds made Twitch's eyes light up like the gems in question, and a lust for them shook her tiny frame. Twitch was very fond of two things, in particular, shiny objects and leather. She had a vast collection of shiny, though leather was in short supply and she desperately wanted some. So desperate, that she was still working in this shanty of a shop doing enhancements on the dregs of society, in the hope that one day she could find some leather.

She shook herself out of her reverie and shouldered the door to her shop open, closing and locking it behind her as she turned on the lights and started to clean up the mess from her last "customer", the blood and the bone and the organic detritus that was left on her workbench sickened her, she liked to keep things clean and efficient. She grabbed her cleaning cloth from it's place on the hook next to the workbench, and she set about scrubbing the bench down. She used a mixture of bleach, soap, and some Faerie dust that was was paid in for a particularly terrible job for a particularly ugly Faerie. It cleaned the surface and the rag and protected from any kind of diseases, which were absolutely abundant in her line of work. She walked over to the sink and scrubbed her paws fastidiously, before drying them and flopping down onto the couch in her work room to take a wee rest before her next customer stumbled through her door, or fell through the roof. She couldn't even count the times she'd had to repair the roof from incidents like that. The thought of that caused her to facepalm, rubbing her temples to alleviate the screaming headache she now had.[/align]

[imgleft][/imgleft] After giving himself about five minutes to recover, he let out swift exhalation and pushed any of the debris on top of him away from himself with his human hand. The police were going to exit the bottom of the building at any minute, and he needed to be out of here before then.

With a groan, he pushed himself up. Once he was standing, he bent back over to pick up the few credits that had evicted themselves from his satchel in order to occupy the ground. Placing them back with where they belonged, in the several seconds that passed, he realized how truly annoying it was to only have the ability to use one arm. His left and mechanical one was limp at his side and would no longer respond. Not even the fingers.

He snorted and quickly ran off into the distance, covering the urban sprawl. The unevenness in his footing was just as annoying as his dead arm. Over the past several weeks, his right leg had been morphing from human to that of a dragon. The other day, he finally had become unable to wear a shoe. He'd been stealing credits in order to pay off his Mechanik for a new leg. His mechanik, however, happened to be a little gremlin.

But that was neither here nor there. Now he couldn't even get the leg. He had to repair the arm, first. So it should've come to no surprise that his next stop was Twitch's door, banging on it with him human fist.

"Yo! Let me in before I kick it in for you!" Lori taunted.

He liked to joke. Of course who knew if anyone other then himself found his humor funny. But on top of that, he was a bit anxious. He didn't want to be on the streets right now. That anxiety inadvertently showed itself through his nonhuman, red and white fluffy ears. A bit like a rabbit's, they twitched and tilted toward every suspicious sound.

Lori hated them, but he couldn't deny they were superior to his previous human set. Even despite the red scales on his face leading up to them.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft]Photo by Serenity Valentine[align="center"]Twitch didn't startle at the loud pounding at her door, she was hardly ever startled by loud noises anymore. Or anything, really. She'd seen it all. She slid off the couch and slunk over to the door, her claws clicking on the hard cement of her storefront. "Lori, if you break that door I'll break your head." she deadpanned, opening the door for him and stepping aside. She closed the door behind him, and walked behind the counter, which was exceptionally high for her being the normal size that counters are. She climbed the little ladder she had propped against her side, and sat on the cushion at the top, where she conducted her business. The countertop was polished glass, and it doubled as a display case for some of her wares. She drummed her claws on the case, rolling her eyes when she saw the state of Lori's arm.

"What in the WORLD did you DO to my work of art?" she moaned, now knowing what the guttersnipe was here for. "Don't tell me, the cops are looking for you, right?" she asked, looking past Lori out her front window to see if she was going to have an oncoming storm of the Fuzz.[/align]

"My head'll break your arm!" He playfully shot back beyond the door.

Lori jumped in as soon as he was able, practically stepping on the gremlin in the process. He didn't understand how she could live with being so small. Lori could barely live without being human. Or completely human. Or whatever he was not becoming quickly.

He didn't glorify her question about the mechanix with an answer. He did, however, get a smug look on his face that one could only want to smack right off him.

"Of course. When are they not?" He chuckled.

"No, but seriously. I need it fixed. Like now. You can do that, right?" His ears folded down slightly in concern, the grin leaving his face.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft]Photo by Serenity Valentine[align="center"]Twitch
listened to what Lori had to say, despite having seen it coming the proverbial mile away. She shook her head, hating being rushed in her work. She was meticulous, detail oriented, she considered herself an artist and she hated to see it mangled like that. But she also insisted on being paid and getting what she wanted, so she had to make sacrifices. Then again, who didn't?

"Show me the money Lori, then we can talk." she says, climbing down her little ladder and padding over to the door and she pushes on a panel of the wall, opening a secret compartment that hid a button. She pushed the button, and the lights outside went out, heavy metal blinds came clanking down over the door and the windows, and a heavy metal bar slammed across the door frame, blocking the door. "I don't need the Fuzz here, so you'd best have some cold hard cash. Or my heart's desire." she says, sitting down in front of the door, waiting for Lori to impress her.[/align]

[imgleft][/imgleft] Lori's eyes rolled behind his tinted goggles. He reached in his satchel and pulled out a few cards, not really knowing how much was on them. He'd just hit up some rich kid's flat, so he was assuming there were thousands.

He tossed them on the counter. "Scan 'em," he shot back, as if a bit insulted that he didn't have enough to pay her.

He was quick to recover, however. "But how could you not love a face like mine, yeah? Certainly everything about me is to your desire!" He stepped back and reached his one able arm out, as if showcasing himself.

Then laughed at his own joke.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft]Photo by Serenity Valentine[align="center"]Twitch just stared at Lori for a minute, looking him up and down with her well-trained eye. "Ah, no. I know what I want and you are most certainly not it. Nice scales though, very shiny." she says offhandedly. She thought for a minute, then let loose a sigh that hissed through her teeth, as she crossed the room and climbed back up her little ladder to the counter. She took a machine out from under the counter and she scanned each card, one by one. "...Declined. Listed stolen from a Mister...Lis. Who cancelled them upon their theft. Losing your touch, eh?" she says, rolling her eyes.

"You're going to need something much colder, and significantly harder for me to fix that for you." she says, motioning to his arm. "Now, if you don't show me SOMETHING, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I have things to do, and this is a waste of my time." she says bluntly, laying down on her cushion, her paws stinging from her walk earlier. The pavement was rough on her pads and she's like to soak them, if this jerkoff would only leave her shop or give her something she could actually use.[/align]

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Shut up," Lori snorted, looking away as he readjusted himself. He didn't like her referring to his scales. She probably knew it, too.

But then the cards were declined. He growled. "I was held up!"
He ducked his head and shrugged his satchel off, dumping the contents onto the counter with his human hand. More credits cards and some gold coins fell out, among the menagerie of thievery tools, such as lock picks, knives, and even a tube for blowdarts.
Once the contents were dumped, he let the satchel itself fall to the counter as well.

"Take anything. I need two arms to work!"

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft][align="center"]Twitch narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the loud noise of the things clattering on the glass. She stood up and walked across the counter, pawing through the things that had been unceremoniously dumped in front of her. The lockpicks and other theiving tools didn't interest her, she had her claws that could pick the most delicate of locks. She picked up a gold coin and bit into it, checking that it was real. Luckily for Lori it was, so she set 3 gold pieces aside, and mused about the rest of the objects. "You're a wee bit short, Lori. Though, give me one of your shiny scales and we have a deal." she said, an unsettling grin spreading across her face. Normally her face looked serious, and sometimes even a bit cute; but when her face was cracked open and her long, pointy, golden teeth revealed her face took on a malevolent appearance. Her small-looking eyes were now mere slits, her entire face wrinkled which made her lose all semblance of being cute.

"You think it over, while I prepare for another customer's installation." she said, descending her little ladder quickly, stopping halfway and removing an eye from her counter, and carrying it to a box next to her workbench that held parts for installation. She took a clean rag and polished it, scrubbing away the minute bloodstains from its previous owner that likely only her expertly-trained eye would see. She pulled a strange device out from a drawer in her workbench and set it up. It looked rather like an enormous battery, with all kinds of hookup cords coming off of it. Twitch took the cord that looked like a needle-thin headphone jack and stuck it into a tiny hole on the back of the eye. She used her dewclaw to push a very tiny button located next to the hole on the eye. Then she flicked a switch on the device, and the eye's iris lit up first a mechanical green, then started to quickly shift through various natural (and unnatural) colors. She nodded to herself, satisfied that the eye was in working order and had been restored to factory settings.[/align]
burn all the things 2
[imgleft][/imgleft] He watched intently while the gremlin pawed through the things. The suspense was killing him when she bit through the coin, and then had the gall to say he was short on cash. A personal insult, really.

"A- A scale?" The man was taken aback, gritting his teeth together.
Never his scale, no. Just the scales. Lori was a human and he was remaining that way as long as he had anything to do about it.

It wasn't as if he didn't wanted to part with a scale. It was simply a matter of actually getting them off. The last time he'd tried, it'd been a more than painful experience. Maybe there were special tools or something.

"I don't think I can really just pull it out," Lori relented, his voice a little soft.

Twitch then told him to think it over and turned away.

"Wait," he panicked, "You can take as many as you want if you put me under first!"

He frowned, and immediately added, his voice soft again, "As long as it's not the face."
He had quite a few scales coming from underneath his mechanix, and his right dragon leg was also beginning to develop many along his torso.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch smiled to herself, knowing Lori would give in. He needed the repairs, and couldn't pass up them up. She unplugged the eye, setting it in the box and storing the mechanism that had powered it. "Excellent, I'll collect my fee when you're under." She said, motioning for Lori to lay down on the operating table in the next room. She walked into the store room which was a closet in the operating room and started rummaging for all the parts she'd need. Bits and bobs, springs and coils, nuts and bolts. She had a little cart that she'd pile everything in, then drag it up to a mini hydraulic lift that would get her up to the table.

She wrestled a particularly large piece of sheet metal onto the cart, then dragged it to the lift, throwing the switch which lifted her to a podium next to the bed where she would keep the parts until she needed them. The podium had a mini sort of workbench that had soldering tools, batteries, little knives, anything she'd need to perform the surgery. It had running water, a wee sink was there for her to wash her paws or instruments. Twitch got into the cabinet under the sink, and pulled out a bottle and a syringe. The bottle contained a sample of the wine that was at the table of Queen Mab, the Winter Queen. It was very rare, and and very potent, it could knock a being of Lori's size out for the better part of a day with just a drop. She stuck the tiny needle into the bottle and pulled out only a drop of liquid. She replaced the bottle in the cabinet, then she walked along the little metal bridge that led from the podium to the bed, and sat down on the edge. "Whenever you're ready, Lori." she said in a bored tone.

Lori crinkled his lips, not so sure anymore. Ultimately, though he shook his head and laid himself down in the chair.
"Just not the face, okay?" He re-iterated, still worried the gremlin wouldn't stay true to her word.

[[I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything else. ;__; You can timeskip if you want. ]]

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch walked up to Lori's arm and after sterilizing an area of his arm with an alcohol swab, she injected him with the syringe. "Don't you worry, you just relax...let wee Twitch go to work." She didn't have to wait long for the wine to take effect, once she was entirely sure Lori was out, she set to work.

She started by ripping the casing off the shredded arm and finding the places that needed the most work. The central wire that connected the arm to Lori's nervous system had a massive tear in it, the auxiliary power had a massive leak that was spewing oil, steam and other noxious fumes everywhere. Twitch covered her face with a paw, and ran to her workbench and put on a gasmask and her tinted welder's goggles and put her tool-belt on before she went any further. She ran back to her work, seeing that aside from the massive internal damage, she'd have to replace all the major joints; wrist, elbow, shoulder. And the shell would need to be replaced, which was far less tedious than the internal repairs.

She sighed, and and pulled wire clippers off her tool belt and climbed inside Lori's arm, starting with the central wire. She shredded the casings on the damaged wires and soldered them back together with precision. She pulled a specialized hose from the sink to his arm that siphoned off the leaking oil and stored it in a drum under the sink, making it safer for her to move around. She fixed the auxiliary power next, reconnecting wires, replacing a few that were burnt out completely, and replacing the power coil. "This is an expensive piece of hardware." she mused as she installed the new coil. "Hard to find, you bugger. Hardly worth the effort!" she griped to an unconscious Lori.

Next she rolled replacement ball joints across the bridge from her little cart to his arm, installing them from the wrist up, tossing the broken pieces off the operating table into a receptacle below that she'd empty later. Shen she had finally finished that, she took the enormous piece of sheet metal from her cart and put it on the workbench, using a welding torch to cut it into pieces, which she slowly but skillfully shaped to fit Lori's arm. She installed them piece by piece, fitting it together like a puzzle; or more like snake-scales. When there were no gaps, and the pieces moves smoothly over one another, Twitch considered her work done. She polished his arm meticulously from shoulder to fingertips, and when she had finished that, she crawled down to his leg to collect her fee. She pulled 10 scales from Lori's leg, stowing them in a hidden lockbox in her pedestal workbench.

With her work done, and Lori due to wake at any minute, Twitch set about cleaning up. She put her tools away, stored her mask and goggles, washed her paws, cleaned away the broken parts and put away the one she didn't use. She sat down at her workbench when she was done to wait for Lori to wake up, rather impatiently. She had another client coming soon, and she needed him gone.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Even though he was still a bit worried, he nonetheless was able to relax enough to be pricked by a needle and go out into the abyss of unconsciousness. To him, of course, it seemed that right after he'd closed his eyes, he was opening them again.

Once he came to, his right toes, or rather, claws now, curled. He sat up to pet his leg from over his pants. It was a weird, itchy feeling, but didn't hurt as much as he thought it would have. If his scales were actually worth something, maybe he could just pay with those every time?

His attention immediately went to his automail arm, though. He tested the hand, turned it, opening and closing his fingers into and out of a fist. Satisfied that it worked again, he smiled.

"Thanks," he chuckled a bit as he jumped up to his feet, wobbling a bit before standing fully upright.

After this, he turned and picked up the wrist bracers, putting them back on, as well as retying the yellow bandana over his metal upper arm, holding one end in his teeth. When he was done, he walked over to the counter and started shoving back everything into his satchel, including the credits cards that hadn't worked.

"I need a new leg," Lori stated, matter-of-factly. "When can I get it done?"
All his junk back in his bag, he lifted it over his head and lung it over his shoulder.
"And I'm assuming you won't take scales as a form of payment again? Or will you?"

His goggled eyes hunted around for the gremlin, she being hard to spot since she was so small. Once he did find her, he didn't particularly like the look on her face. But then again, she was always ugly. He couldn't read it. To him, she may as well have been a cat that was going to a rave.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch waited for Lori to fully come out of anesthesia and pack up his things. She fully expected him to have something ELSE he needed done, and she had also anticipated it would be his leg. It amused her that it took him a while to find her, a slight grin cracked her face, but disappeared as quickly as it came. "You are correct Lori, scales will not be sufficient this time. And you'll be happy to know I took them from your leg, not your face as you requested." she drawled.

She walked across the bridge and onto her pedestal, which she rode down to the ground. She walked around Lori's leg, poking it here and there and humming to herself. She sat down by his foot and looked up at him. "This is no easy job. You're going to need something BIG to pay this off." She said matter-of-factly. "Find me some leather, some REAL leather, and then we'll talk." Twitch walked out of the operating room and back to the store front. She opened up the secret panel again and pushed the panic button, which retracted all the metal coverings from the windows and door and the bar across the door. "Feel free to come back when you have some." she said, climbing up her wee ladder and sitting on her cushion, waiting for her next customer.

"Oh come on," Lori pleaded, throwing his head around. "Like cow leather? Aren't cows extinct or something? That's too much!"

He stepped back and pointed to his dragon leg with both hands. "This is a DRAGON LEG, if you took a couple scales and they're worth something, then a DRAGON LEG should be super valuable! It should pay for itself!"

He threw his head up and groaned. "DRAGONS! C'MON!"

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch rolled her eyes, unamused by Lori's antics. She pinched the bridge of her nose with her paw, frowning deeply. "Yes Lori, COW LEATHER. And a SIGNIFICANT amount too, not just a scrap." She sighs, quickly descending her ladder to the base of her display counter. She pulls a lever hidden somewhere behind the counter, which opens another secret panel, this time hidden near the corner of the cabinet, in the floor. She puts her right paw on the scan-bed inside the hole, which scans her paw and bleeps to signify it was accepted. "Please state the password." an artificial male voice says from the scanning machine. "Fuckity bye." Twitch says into the little microphone above the scanner. "Password: Accepted." the voice drones.

Twitch watches as the panel slides shut and a stone staircase is revealed by a section of the floor sliding back into the wall. Twitch walks down the staircase, which leads to a basement that was more like a bunker. There were security doors for what seemed like MILES, in a labyrinthian configuration. Twitch walks up to a panel on the left wall at the beginning of the bunker, next to the staircase. She goes through another security routine, this time far more complicated. She scans her paw, a retinal scan, a DNA sample, voice sample, password, key-code, the list goes on. When she finally gets through all the security procedures, she inputs one final code and the whole room starts to shake.

The labyrinth starts to reconfigure, in what seems like a random pattern. But a specific door is placed near the entrance, which is what appears was the purpose of the reconfiguration was. She walks over to the door, and inputs one last key-code and the door slides open to reveal a room about 100x100x100 feet. And in this room are what seems like endless containers of taxidermy dragon legs of all shapes, sizes, and colors. "As you can see, I have no need of another dragon leg. I only took the scales because I wanted to see you squirm." she deadpans.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Lori looked up with a huge grimace on his face while he pulled down on his red velveteen ears. "Why COWS?" He whined to himself.

When he was done throwing his own pity party, he noticed Twitch say 'fuckity bye'. His ears twitched while his arms dropped to his sides and he watched her go into some secret room.
"Oh, come. ON." he blurted, rolling his eyes.

Fine, he thought. He'd leave and go get her stupid leather. He had no idea where he was going to get it, but he was going to try. After slamming the entry door behind him, his human hand scrubbed through his feather hair. Geez... He pouted to himself.
"Why hello there, Lori."

It was the smooth voice of a millionaire who'd never done a day's worth of hard labor. Lori would've smacked the smug look right off the man's face were it not for him being much too busy being awestruck.

"It's as if the day couldn't possibly get any worse." The dragonkin muttered.

"Now that's no way to greet an old friend, is it? I come bearing gifts," Yen replied, smiling slightly.

"No you don't. You never give me anything but a hard time. Unfortunately I'm about this well stocked with those at the moment." He lifted his left, mechanical arm high above his head to illustrate just how much hard times he was having, which was inversely proportional to the amount of fucks he gave.
Which was a lot. Of hard times, that was. Not fucks. He gave zero of those.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch realized that Lori had left, which annoyed her to no end. "Now don't get mad Twitch, he's just a source of income. I doubt letting him see your stash was wise anyway, given his profession." she mused to herself. "Jesus Fucking CHRIST I WANT SOME LEATHER!" she yelled suddenly, her voice echoing off the walls of the labyrinth. "I would do kill for it." she hissed, narrowing her eyes. "But that won't be necessary, that stupid buttmunch of a dragon will get what I want. And then I can retire, no more dealing with these abominable, filthy creatures." "Oh, when I have it in my paws finally I will never leave the bedroom. I can hire a servant and they can do everything for me. No, not hire, enslave. A Fae perhaps, they're gifted and SO easy to manipulate. And I have PLENTY of cold iron around. I could devise a contraption that would make sure they'd be my slave for life!" She started to laugh, high and cruel. She cut herself off, seeing that it was almost time for her next customer. She closed the door to the dragon leg room, after depositing the scales she took from Lori into a container in the section of the dragons with red scales. She returned the labyrinth's configuration to its previous state, then scuttled quickly upstairs to prepare for her next customer. "Fuckity Bye!" she said in a sassy tone, bobbing her head back and forth as she emerged from her treasure-hold and the floor slid back into place.

[imgright][/imgright] Yen let out yet another soft smirk.
"Nice mechanix." His black eyes looked Lori up and down, taking in his new looks.

"You look a lot different from the last time we met. You must enjoy modifying your body to such a degree." He looked to his left hand as he rubbed his first two fingers and thumb together in small semicircles. "Must be an expensive habit."

[imgleft][/imgleft]"Ugh, I'm out of here," the dragonkin muttered, walking from the storefront.

But before Lori was able to get away, Yen reached out and grabbed Lori's human hand, holding him back. "I could you help you, you know."

Lori shoved Yen's hand away and continued walking toward the city.
"Not unless you know where I can get a bunch of real leather."

"I have some."

Lori turned around swiftly to eye the other man through his goggles. "Don't lie."

"I don't lie," Yen offered, placing his hands in his pockets. "I just want something from you in return."

Lori scowled, throwing his chin up in another unseen eye roll.

"I want to know where you get the dragon parts. Dragons are quite rare today, well... I would like to have a new pet, you see..."

"I don't modify my body with bits of dragon. This is me. I can't help you." Lori frowned. But then he quickly added, "How much leather do you have?"

Chuckling, Yen knew he was getting to the bottom of this. Greed. There was no way Lori could turn into a dragon. That was unbelievable. All he had to do was name the right price.

"How much do you need?"

"Pretty much the whole cow," Lori grumpled.

"You seem a little disgruntled about that."

"I'm trying to buy a new leg."

"Yes, I can see you're quite uneven."

Lori threw his hands up, a fireball escaping the two of them "Ugh!"
After he was done throwing his mini tantrum, he looked back at his older brother. "Do you have the leather or not?!"

Yen licked his lips, amused by Lori's ever-immature antics. "Like I said, I don't lie."

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch was startled by the sudden noise, and burnt herself on the soldering iron she had been using to affix some wires to left-over ocular nerves. She popped her head out of the ogre's eyesocket which she was currently buried in, installing a new eye. "Oh for FUCKS SAKE. TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE OR I WILL BLOW YOU OFF THE FACE OF THIS PLANET!" She yells angrily, clawing her way back into the ogre's skull to finish her work, hopefully undisturbed.

[imgleft][/imgleft][imgright][/imgright]The brothers turned to voice coming from inside the building.

"Friend of yours?" Yen chuckled.

"Something like that," Lori glowered.

"Well then," Yen shrugged, beginning to walk away, "Let's go to my home. We can discuss business, there."

"Listen Yen, I've had a pretty messed up day today. I just want to get some sleep." The dragonkin said, reluctant to follow the human.

The black haired man motioned for Lori to follow. "You can sleep over. We can catch up. It's been a few years. I only recognized you because of that ridiculous getup you always wear." He paused to let Lori seethe at the insult. "And the family heirloom, of course."
The heirloom being the jewel at the center of the vest in Lori's bright ensemble.

"He is so lucky we share a mother," Lori thought to himself. His anger bubbled up within him, but he kept trying to remind himself he only had to put up with Yen for as long as it took to get himself the leather.

Two days later, Lori had given his millionaire of a brother the location to some dragon pit Lori hoped still held dragons. The journey was several days out, and Lori had convinced the man to let him have the leather on the interim. A full hide, with a few tears, but nonetheless intact. It was probably more than that stupid gremlin ever needed.

He'd rolled up the material and shoved it into his bag, prancing off to his Mechanik. Knocking at the door once more.
"Guess who, it's your bestest pal!" Lori grinned.

The last two days had been a steaming pile of crap, and his day was looking brighter every second he got closer to removing the dragon leg from his body.

Lori had been cursed approximately three years a go. He was 100% human. But now, he was slowly turning into a dragon. He hated it. Every minute of it. He liked to pretend it wasn't happening. When his left arm had become completely dragon-like, he'd made the decision to remove it. Now his right leg had made the transition. It was its turn to go. His horns, hair/feathers, and ears had come the first year. His arm, the next. This leg marked the third anniversary of the end of his human life. The quicker he could get it off him, the better.


Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch had been doing a brisk business in Lori's absence, she had a number of customers come in with plenty of amazing things to pay her with. But none had leather, and she had reached the end of her rope. Her mind had started to unravel, she had become more erratic and was talking to herself almost all the time now, simply from her want of leather. When Lori swanned into her shop, she was sitting on her cushion, like she usually was. But the shop was less clean than it usually was, Twitch's Tam was askew, her fur unbrushed and more unruly than usual, her eyes wild; there was a mad gleam in them.

She cocked her head in a way that made it look like her neck was broken, she shuddered in a way that made it seem like she was undead. A grin split her face as she hissed " glad to see you again..." she said each word slowly and deliberately. Suddenly, she whipped her head to the side and started yelling at what could only be assumed to be thin air. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?" She shrieked, face contorted into a snarl, spit flying from the force of her sudden outburst.

Just as suddenly she turned back to Lori, what might have been a friendly smile on her little face. It looked more like a puppeteer had pulled the corners of her mouth up into a farce of a smile. "So, what do I TOLD YOU TO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH owe the pleasure?" she asked, her little chest heaving claws digging into her cushion.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori was quick to come in and put his satchel on the counter, shoving his human hand into it and grabbing the leather. But before he could pull it out of his bag, Twitch addressed him in quite possibly the weirdest manner.


And then she yelled at the air? Lori jumped a bit, and let go of the leather inside of his back, slowly pushing the satchel back to his side. His eyes jumped around behind his goggles, noticing the place in disarray.

"Maybe now's not a good time," he replied, suppressing his uncertainty. "Are you sure you could work with mechanix in this condition...?"
After the words left his mouth, he immediately regretted it.

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Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch's nose shuddered, her face took on a look of concentration. She slowly turned and looked at Lori. "Leatherrrrrrrr..." she hissed, tensing her body. "Give it to me, then you'll get your leg." she said, licking her lips very slowly with her long prehensile tongue. "I'm perfectly FUCKING fine. I just need the LEATHER NOW." She launched herself onto Lori's satchel, and crawled into it, covering herself in the luxurious folds of leather. "Ahhhhhhhhh...FUCK YES!" she screamed in sheer joy, rolling and wriggling around on the leather like a cat does in catnip. "GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! FINALLY! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!" She wriggled around on the leather for about half an hour, muttering to herself and screaming "FUCK YES!" at random intervals before she finally returned to her senses.

Twitch poked her head out of the satchel, now appearing to be back to herself. "I see that you have acquired the leather. The new leg is yours." she said in her normal deadpan. She climbed out of his satchel and leapt onto her cushion on the counter. "Fill out this form, please." she said, pulling out a clipboard from behind the counter with a form and a pen attached to it. The form read thus:

Limb to be replaced:
Reason for the limb replacement:
Color of casing:
Metal to be used for casing:
Backup power (Y/N):
If yes, what power source would you prefer?:
Would you like parts of your existing limb (if applicable) to be used in the installation?:
If so, what parts?:
Other specific wants?:
Payment being rendered:

DISCLAIMER: The mechanik (undersigned) is not liable for injury, suffering, or death that occurs during the course of the replacement (listed above) performed by the (undersigned) mechanik on the (undersigned) customer.

Customer signature:
Mechanik signature:

[imgright][/imgright] Lori took a step back, not sure how to feel about her reaction. But before he knew it, she was in the air and in his satchel. Immediately, he yelped and tossed it off of himself as soon as possible. It fell to the floor with the gremlin in it, rolling around and screaming profanities. He didn't want to know. Maybe she jerking it in there or something. He'd have to get a new bag when she was done.
His whole body shuddered at the thought.

He went around to the back and sat on the operating chair, waiting for her to come out of the bag. He wasn't sure he wanted to interrupt her, but he didn't want to leave, either. Stuck in a precarious situation, his mind instead wandered to the gold bracers on his arms, which he decided to absentmindedly spin over his skin to occupy the boredom that overcame the worry.

Twitch had been in his bag for what seemed like forever when she finally came bounding out of it and talking like a normal being. "Finally," he mumbled to himself.

Much to his dismay, she handed him a clipboard and told him to fill out a form. He grumbled.
"This isn't legal, why am I filling out a legal form?" He tossed the clipboard to the gremlin, intending for it to fall on her head.

"I'm not filling that out. Just give me my leg. Same deal as my arm, just a leg. C'mon, now." He grit his teeth, mildly annoyed. "I waited long enough."

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch didn't see the clipboard coming and it hit her, it bounced off her head with a dull thwack. She straightened her Tam, licked her lips in a way that made it obvious that she was displeased. Then picked the clipboard up and put it under the counter again. "Fine, as you wish." she said, descending from her counter and going to the operating room and taking her lift to the bed. She pulled out a tape measure from her workbench and walked across the bridge to measure the length of Lori's leg. She made a mental note of the length and width of his leg, then rode her lift down the ground and started rummaging in her storeroom.

She loaded her cart with the ball joints, power coil, couplings, wires, and the sheet metal she'd use to create the casing. She laboriously dragged the cart, which was now quite heavy, over to the lift and rode up with it. She went under her sink and filled a syringe with more of the anesthetic, then walked across the bridge and gave Lori the injection. "Sweet dreams jackass." she deadpanned.

[imgright][/imgright] Once Twitch left to gather supplies, Lori stood up and unceremoniously dropped trou. Shame was not in his character description. He kicked his pants to the side and sat back down in the chair properly, waiting for the gremlin to come back.

But then when she poked him with the needle, she said something very worrying.
Hey, wait!

Of course he was out cold before he could even get a mumble out.

But being as this anesthesia was not anesthesia, but wine off Queen Mab's table, it wasn't long before the dreams started.
Lori had been a fairly normal human kid. Had a brother and nice parents. His parents were history buffs and loved to regale their sons with all sorts of stories about places where there were no cities or credits or even humans, sometimes. Some stories encompassed alternate realities were magic didn't exist and humans were the only sentient species. It was all so unreal, and Lori had sucked it all in with limitless enthusiasm.

His brother, Yen, liked history but for a completely different reason: money. He separated himself from the family early on and became a self-made millionaire. Of course, his own history didn't leave him. He became an artifact collector some time later. On the other hand, Lori was growing up to be quite an eccentric piece of work. He liked comedy and was putting on shows at the theatre for cheap. He never made it very big, but he enjoyed the job. He loved the thief characters from arabic past and became enthralled with playing those characters. One could say he took the character study of them a little too far.

When he was 20, his parents invited him to go on an archeology dig. They were going to Dragon Valley, a place far to the east where dragons came to die. Dragons were a highly endangered species, their remains heavily protected. This was a unique opportunity and Lori jumped on it.

The Lentil family line was rumored to be dragon hunters millenia ago. As such, it was a history close to Lori's heart. He flew there with his parents. They never made it to the valley however, as a freak storm sabotaged the aircraft. His parents died in the storm.
He didn't remember much of the storm, other than the fall.

The fall seemed to last forever, and the fall was what he would always live through again after using Queen Mab's wine.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch didn't have to wait long to get started. She took off her Tam, stowing it safely in her workbench and put on her gasmask and welding goggles. She took the bone saw to Lori's dragon leg, severing it cleanly. Arterial spray flew all over her, drenching her silky fur. It was a feeling she rather enjoyed, but didn't get to experience often as normally she would have done things a bit differently. She would normally make an incision and reroute the blood to a pumping mechanism that would just replace it into the body as fast as it was expelled.

But Twitch wasn't in the mood for that kind of shit. So she let the spray hit her, and reveled in it. She did quickly staunch the blood flow, so Lori didn't bleed out, but he'd wake up terribly woozy, she thought with glee. She started at the hip joint, screwing the ball joint into the pelvis with bone screws, then assembled the skeleton bit by bit until she reached his toes. Then she started to apply the wiring, starting with the main line that ran to his spine, which she wired in the exact place the old nerves were, using them as the connection between the spine and the wire. Doing it this way made the body accept the limb more readily, and made the limb work much better. She installed the power coil for the backup power in a compartment in the thigh, for easy removal in case of a replacement necessity. Wiring the power coil to the main line was very tricky work, and Twitch wasn't in a good mood, or very fond of her customer at this time. She managed to get it to work though, but not with her usual swiftness.

She cut the sheet metal and applied the casing next, she considered her casings to be a work of art. A sculpture rarely appreciated. She fit every piece together for optimum protection and efficiency. When she finished, she climbed up to Lori's face, leaving tiny bloody pawprints all the way up his body. She sat down on his neck, glaring at him. "Oh, you'll be in for a surprise when you wake up, won't you? Jackass." she said, taking a swipe at his face with her right paw, leaving 4 slightly shallow claw marks and one rather deep one across the bridge of his nose. "Oops." she said, to no one in particular. "Clumsy me."

She leapt down off him, and sat at her workbench, doing some minor tweaks to a pet project of hers.

[imgright][/imgright] The plane blew to pieces and ripped his mother and himself out of the plane. His father was the pilot. When he fell, he couldn't breathe, but he could see. Whipped around in tornadoes, he could swear there were dragons causing the storm.

Lori's green eyes shot back and forth, trying to process what was going on while he flew thousands of measurements downward. He could only make out wind, lightning, dust, and bright colored claws.

One red claw came right across his face and...

"AUGH!" He whipped awake, with the tiny gremlin still ontop of him, having just swiped him back into reality. She jumped off and Lori glared at her through his red goggles.
"What the fuck?!"

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch's tail was lashing around, and she just grinned that terrifying grin of hers. "Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty. There was something on your face. But I got it." She waited patiently for Lori to look around and notice the carnage around him. And on herself for that matter. "Now about my payment..." she hissed, her tail flinging blood every which way, even onto the ceiling. She briefly thought about drawing a design, but decided against it.

She rode her little lift down to the floor and started to drag his severed leg away, making sickening 'shhhhh shhhhh' sounds as it slid slickly along the floor.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori reached up with his human hand to wipe away the feeling of gremlin, and came back with blood. "What the?"
He wiped his face again with the back of his hand, then stood up.
"You asscat! You ruined MY FACE?!"
He looked down at his pantsless self, admiring his new metal limb for a few seconds before concentrating on the injustice of what she had done to his perfectly chiseled features. Except she got blood all over his vest, too.

He walked over to where his pants still lay on the floor and quickly hiked them up, after snapping them out in the air to make sure Twitch hadn't hidden anything in them. As soon as he was clothed, he followed Twitch, then stepped right over her on the hunt for a mirror.

He finally found one amid her sea of [strike]torture instruments[/strike] tools, only to growl at the scratch marks over his nose. He became so angry then, that he formed a fist with his left and mechanic hand, releasing his fist to reveal a small fireball when he turned to face the gremlin, who had the guts to demand more payment.

"Payment?! You got it! Your leather! Fuck further payment!" He tossed the flame in Twitch's direction, hoping for a split second that it would completely engulf her and burn her to death.
How joyous that would've been!

"Payment!" His anger turned to laughing in her face. As if it were all some sick joke. His mechanix readied another fireball in his hand.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch stopped dragging the leg when Lori stepped over her, watching him carefully. She burst into laughter when she heard Lori's insult. "ASSCAT!? That's HILARIOUS!" she fell over from the force of her laughter. "I'd say it's a vast improvement! And those clothes are now quite fashionable with your own custom print!" she said, jumping up and prancing in a circle, leaving little paw prints all over the floor.

When Lori went to look at his reflection, she continued to drag his leg towards her cellar, struggling under the weight. Her senses warned her about the fireball before it reached her, and she quickly ducked behind the dragon leg, which was naturally fireproof. "OI! STOP." she commanded forcefully, despite her small size. "AND LEAVE MY SHOP!" she snarled, tensing; ready to fight her for life and her shop. But mostly her leather.

[imgright][/imgright] He stopped laughing, his lips forming a thin line as his shoulders broadened and he puffed out his chest, widening his feet. He lifted his left hand up, the flame reflecting off the material in the red goggles.

"Leave your shop?" Lori asked quietly. "You want me to leave your shop?"

He forced a chuckle, and looked straight down at the gremlin.
"I give you more than enough business and I pay you more than enough. I'm easy to work with, you psychotic little pussy. So I come in for a leg and you RUIN my clothes and you RUIN my face, and then you INSULT me by asking for even MORE pay?!" His voice had risen again.

He brought his mechanic hand up to throw the fireball, but stopped himself, closing the fist and quickly smothering the flame with a disgusted look on his face. After walking over to his satchel, he picked it up and put it over his shoulder. Then he reached in threw the leather down at the gremlin.

"You're lucky you're a mechanik," he spat.

Lori was a decent guy. Hardly ever got mad.
But she'd messed with his clothes and his face.
Those were the two things that quickly pissed him off. Especially his vest. There was a red-orange gem cut into the gold trim border of his red vest. That gem was his family heirloom. The only one of its kind. For it to be stepped on was not only an insult to him, but an insult to his entire family. And considering that he'd just woken up from reliving his parents deaths, he wasn't in the mood to explain just why he was so upset over it.

Not that the stupid cat would understand anyway.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch listened to Lori's words from behind the dragon leg, ready at a moment's notice to attack or flee. She flexed her claws and tensed her thighs, waiting for an opening. She started to leap, but decided against it at the last moment. She let the insult slide, given he was correct. He was easy to work with, paid EXTREMELY well. She was above apologizing verbally, but she wouldn't attack him, this time, and she MIGHT give him a discount next time. She leapt out from behind the leg and sat there in front of it, tail lashing violently. "I am not a cat." she said, before turning and dragging her leather towards her personal room.

She was struggling, the leather was very heavy and she was very small. And it left her wide open, and that made her nervous, but she didn't let it show. She was hoping to get out of this situation with herself and more importantly her leather intact. She'd rather herself be injured than her leather. She just wanted to get to her room and enjoy her prize, cursing her own impulsive nature, though not from any remorse about what she had done to Lori, or herself, but from sheer greed.


Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch had been tinkering at her workbench, doing a minor repair to the casing of a client's ear. It had some minor scoring on the outer edge that she was soldering closed, very tedious and time consuming work. She had been occupying herself with these little jobs, as they were the only work she found herself able to do. There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind, like an itch she couldn't scratch. It was making it hard for her to focus on the more laborious work.

Then Lori walked through her door, claiming to be her "bestest pal". She didn't pause her work, but said "I assume that means you got my leather. I'm sorry to say that the price of your leg has doubled in the time you've been gone. I now require two." drawled, sparks flying onto her workbench.

[imgright][/imgright] As Lori walked in, he had the largest grin on his face. Finally, he would get his uneven dragon leg off him. He was done entertaining his fool of a brother and he could go on living his relatively normal life, right after his mechanik...

... Right after his Mechanik totally fucked him over.

One could tell the second the gremlin's reply had registered in his brain, because the grin disappeared right in that instant.

"What." the man said flatly. He didn't believe it. She was joking, right? She had to be joking.
But Twitch didn't ever seem to joke. Maybe this was her first attempt at one?

"You realize I just essentially sucked my brother's dick for the first hide, right? How much more expensive could mechanix BE?!"

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch put her her soldering iron down, and removed her goggles. She turned to Lori to address him directly. "There was a raid on the warehouse I normally get my parts from. They are cracking down on security and my sources aren't willing to risk it anymore until things quiet down. To give you your leg, I'll need to make some of the parts from scratch. Thus, my prices went up. And for the record, I don't care what you had to do to get the first one. I demand a second." she said, and mused that it might have been the most she'd ever said to Lori.

"Now, either get me a second hide, or you won't be getting your leg". she added, before going back to her work, the ear was almost done.

burn all the things 4
Lori dug into his satchel. "You haven't even seen the leather yet. You don't even know how much it's worth."

He took out the roll and waved it around a bit, trying to tempt her. "It's a nearly perfect cow hide. You'll never find another one like it. I'm sure it's worth far more than whatever it is you need."
Lori tried to stay serious. Serious wasn't exactly his strong suite. He shoved the leather back into the satchel and flipped his red scarf, which was still burnt at the bottom from earlier in the week.

"You don't even know how rare this type of thing even really is. You'd never be able to get your hands on it without me. And yet, I'm sure I could find another mechanik who would be more than willing to give me a new leg for it."

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch's ears swiveled to listen to what Lori was saying. Her nose started to shudder as she picked up the scent of the leather. It soothed the itch in her mind; she had to have it. She set the iron down, and turned it off. She lifted her goggles from her eyes and set them up on her forehead. She inhaled sharply, and quickly ascended her ladder to sit on her counter. "Show it to me." she demanded, rapping her paw on the glass of the counter impatiently. Her ears were straight up in the air, alert. And her nose was twitching so wildly it could have leapt off her face. "I can smell it, show it to me."

She was tempted to leap into Lori's satchel and drag the leather out herself, but she controlled herself. She would wait, and use her silver tongue to get what she wanted.

As the gremlin came closer to him, he instinctively put his mechanical arm over the top of it, protecting it from getting stolen.

"Why should I? Would you do my leg then? I doubt it."

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch grinned, her teeth glittering in the artificial light of her shop. "When have I ever done you wrong?" she asked, bending over to lick her claws. "I'm the best mechanik in this city, and I don't get customers to keep coming back by cheating or stealing from them...So let me see the goods. I'm not asking for you to hand them over, I just want to see." The itch in her mind was back, it was like a bug had gotten under her skin and was scratching at her skull. It was annoying her to no end.

"So either show me the goods, or let me get back to my work until you're more reasonable." she said, moving on to her right paw; her tongue rasping over her viciously curved dewclaw.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori gave her sideways glance from behind his goggles. He didn't trust her, and clutched his satchel more closely to his person.
"When have you ever done me right?" he huffed.

But after thinking about it for a few moments, he reached in the bag with his human hand and pulled out the roll of leather, only as much as was needed for a half to peak out of the top of the bag.

"There. You see it." He shoved it back in the bag and turned to face Twitch more evenly.

"You could come with me to get the second one, if it's worth THAT MUCH to you."

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch stopped licking her claws when Lori pulled out the leather. Her eyes glittered brightly when she finally caught a glimpse of it. It was everything she wanted; and more. It looked so supple and she could already smell that it had the absolute perfect smell. She absolutely had to have it, the itch in her mind became 10 times worse when Lori shoved the leather back into the bag. The bright expression on her face faded quickly, replaced by a heavy scowl.

"You've placed me in a difficult position. I can't just up and leave my shop, but that second roll of leather is far too enticing." She walked across the counter to a touch screen on the wall. She stood up on her hind legs and started to push various buttons on the side of the screen. The screen beeped and booped out a tone with each button, and the sequence Twitch was pushing was quite long. It sounded almost like a song. Finally she pushed on the screen with her right paw and a digital sort of ringing sound came from the machine.

[imgright][/imgright]Ring-ring-Ring-ring; it rang for a little while, and then the screen made a static hiss and a went from black to a picture. The creature on the other side looked like Twitch, if Twitch had been 4 times thinner, svelte, black, and apparently male. "How good of you to call, Pet." the creature on the screen cooed. His voice was a silky baritone, with an accent that might have been from the north of England somewhere. Or what used to be England. He was black-skinned, with black fur on his head and neck, a little waistcoat-sized patch of red around his ribcage and a little patch of black below that. He had gold eyes, gold nose, gold claws, gold eyebrows and silver teeth. His markings were skeletal, and were a sick greyish-green. Twitch rolled her eyes when he addressed her. "Yes hello Master. I need you to come to the shop and run it for me while I'm off on an errand. It will be a long errand, so pack your bags." she deadpanned, while secretly extremely happy to talk to him. "Oh, going on an adventure?" he teased, smiling to show his glittering silver teeth. "I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail, as the humans used to say." he said, after giving the matter some thought. "Goodbye, Pet." He then hung up.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori quirked a brow as the gremlin actually agreed to go with him to get more leather, and then started planning it. It was unbelievable.
Really? Really?

His ears twitched in disbelief. His mouth hung open.

Then when she turned back to him, he blinked a few times, unseen behind his goggles.
"So, that's it then. You're coming with me, now? Not even going to pack anything?"

He tilted his head to the side a bit, forcing his mouth closed and pushing his satchel behind him.

"You really want the leather that bad?"

He actually wasn't afraid to get his leg cut off by some other sleazy mechanik. But now it seemed he'd put himself into a corner...

How come you never get on skype anymore?

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch just stared at him, unblinking; unamused. Well, a little amused. He looked like a fish, with his mouth hanging open like that, and with the scales too boot! "Yes, I'm coming with you. I have just arranged for my shop to be cared for in absence. Master is the most capable, and I have complete faith in him. Well, as much faith as I have in something other than myself." She reached behind counter and pulled up a wee-little saddle back. "I always keep a bag packed for emergencies. It has everything I'd need." she said, strapping it to her hips.

She watched Lori try to put himself between her and the leather. It amused her. "Yes, Lori. I want the leather THAT badly, as you put it." she said, tightening the straps on her bag. "Now, are we leaving, or what?"


I'm on Skype all the time, we just seem to be missing each other, I think. That or for whatever reason my computer is doing stupid things, but I think we just keep missing each other.

[imgright][/imgright]Lori was silent for a moment, trying to keep his amazement in. He swallowed, and then turned on the improv light in his head, the large, familiar, smug smirk spreading over his face.

"Twitch has got a master, huh? OooooOOOoo," he mocked, bringing up his hands and waving his fingers around.
He let out a 'heh' to himself, and brought his right hand to his face, index finger under his lip and thumb at his chin while his left hand was on his hip.

"I wonder if it plays the same in bed, too? AHAHA!" He couldn't keep the ruse and burst out laughing, charging out the door.
Lori wasn't one to stay being serious for long. It was a drain. But business called for business face. Now it was no longer business, and he could be a fool again.

Once outside the shop, he turned around, watching for Twitch, "Is stepping on you a thing? Do people step on you? When't the last time you've even been outside?" He burst out laughing again.

Oh, he was going to have fun with this.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch rolled her eyes at his comment about Master. She had heard it all before, and it wasn't something she felt deserved her time. "How do you know I even sleep?" she asked offhandedly. She climbed down her little ladder and started to lock up the shop. She turned the lights off, turned on the security system, and deadbolted all the doors. She was about to walk out the door when Lori made a crack at her size.

She stopped, rather annoyed. "I have been stepped on, yes. However, the perpetrator didn't live long." she deadpanned, closing the door and following Lori out onto the street. "And I'll have you know I leave the shop rather often. I DO have a life outside fixing your fucking problems.Now if you want to make yourself useful, you can carry me." she said, sitting down by Lori's left boot.


Lori tried to keep in his chuckling when she mentioned sleeping. "Oh, yeah, I assume Gremlins must reproduce asexually, by budding," he snickered.
Then he actually imagined that scenario occurring and freaked himself out a bit. How horrible if it were true! His ears flicked and the grimace on his face was only apparent for a millisecond before being wiped off with another grin.

He stepped away from her when she mentioned being carried and quirked a brow from under his goggles. "Oh? Carry you? And are you my master? I think not!"

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch chuckled low in her throat, it rumbled in her chest. It was an eerie sound; ethereal. She suddenly jumped onto Lori's pant leg, and climbed her way up to his shoulder. She sat on the very end of his left shoulder, glaring at him. "If you aren't careful how you talk about Master, I'll neuter you and then you'll have to reproduce by budding." she said digging her claws into his shoulder a bit, just enough to make a point. "Consider you carrying me part of the terms of me coming with you. Unless of course you want to have me follow you. Keeping up wouldn't be the problem, if that's what you're thinking. Your problem would be you wouldn't know where I was. If I'm here on your shoulder, you know where I am, and you can put your scaly mind at ease." she said, gently stroking one of the scales on Lori's cheek in a mock-lovingly manner.

[imgright][/imgright] "Hey hey hey!!" Lori jumped when Twitch jumped on him. She felt like a rat climbing up his pant leg. And then she sat on his shoulder and dug herself in. He groaned. While wincing.

"My mind is decidedly not scaley, thank you," he spat, shaking his head, his feathered hair certainly ruffled by the comment.

After a moment to collect his thoughts he started walking forward.
"So how do you want to do this, then? I got the first leather hide from my brother, but I doubt he has another. I don't have any leads for a second hide."
"I didn't think you'd actually take the offer," he finished in his mind.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch clung to Lori's shoulder as he started moving, amused that she had managed to get her way. "I would say start at the Black Market. If we can't find it there, someone will be able to direct us." she said, booping him in the side of the head with her paw. "Turn left here. The go down the side alley, make a right onto Main, and go to the black-brick building with the enormous iron door. Knock 5 times, and then hold me up to the slot that will open. I can get us in." she said, quickly, wondering if the scale-brain could keep up with her instructions.


Lori interrupted her after she said black market. "Okay first of all, we're NOT BUYING the leather. Hah, yeah right. I'll go there if I want to be ripped off." he brought his hand up as if to shush her and then began walking in a completely opposite direction, which was his home.

"And secondly, even if we were to go there, I'm not going there with leather ON me, what, you want us to get robbed, too? Jeez..." He shook his head. Lori may be a thief, but he didn't steal from the people who fucked around in the black market. He didn't need her to get in either, he could go himself. He just hated going. Everyone was so serious. He used it for information, really. It was a last ditch attempt. Merely thinking about the market made him want to gag.

Regardless, he picked up his pace and began the run to his own home, which was more of a hovel underground. Once he was there, he put the leather in a safe, and took out some other items, and a few more bags which he strapped onto his waist and hips. Everything he could ever need to steal was all here.

Once that was done, he left quickly, running through the sewers to go back up to the ground level.
"I know what we need," he thought aloud. "We need to get out into the country. Find a plane..."

burn all the things 5
Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch was less than pleased to be shushed, she thought it was rude and it annoyed her. But she let Lori do what he thought was best. And he did have a point, about being robbed. She wouldn't let her precious leather fall into the wrong hands. Or claws. Or anything. When Lori took her to his home, she looked it over with a critical eye. She observed the safety measures his safe had, just in case. Twitch was quite cautious, she didn't get ahead by being dumb.

She sat on Lori's shoulder, when he was strapping things on. She had rather hoped he'd get naked, so she could get revenge for his stupid and rude comments about herself and Master. But he didn't, she was quite disappointed. "I've not been to the country in a while. And I do love flying. And I love leather. I like where this is going." she said, grinning madly.

"This'll be interesting then," Lori mused, mostly to himself.
He then went off to a rich mansion, where a horrible segue was written about how his brother had a fleet of planes. Yen was a rich kid with a lot of toys. Lori decided to steal one. Being as his brother was still out hunting dragons, it wasn't too difficult.

A horribly written timeskip later, the two of them found themselves landing near a huge cave. This cave was not uninhabited. In fact, it was lined with many different, bright colored and rare fabrics. Gold coins, jewelry, and loose fancy stones were littered about the inside, after one entered through a tunnel away from the weather. This was where Lori lived outside of the city when he needed to get away. A vacation home, if you will. Lori didn't really care about the worth of things, he just liked the sport of collecting shiny shit. And that shown through his mismatched cave complex.

As they walked further into the cavern, it got darker and colder. Lori raised his mechanical hand and produced a small flame to act as a torch. The cave began to get wet, and finally they were at what appeared to be the area that acted like a refrigerator. Here, there were some meats in bags. Lori let the flame die and unrolled a bag, looking for a meal.

[[Sorry I'm just... Blech right now.]]

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch's eyes light up like the fourth of July when she saw all the shiny. Twitch loved shiny. She tensed, wanting to leap down and roll in the mounds of gold and expensive things, but she thought better of it. Just barely. She really wanted to. When it started to get colder, she started to shiver. She snuggled closer to Lori, snuggling under his scarf against his neck; scowling. She hated the cold, more than almost anything.

"It's bloody cold!" she griped, as a droplet hit her on the nose, which quivered and shook it off. "I simply cannot bear being in such a chilled place." She wriggled uncomfortably, almost as if she was trying to crawl under Lori's skin.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori shuddered as Twitch got deeper into his clothes. "Calm down. I'm hungry so I'm getting something to eat." As he spoke, his breath vaporized in the dark air.

He kneeled down on the floor and took out a switchblade, flipping it open and hacking a piece of meat off. It was some larger reptile. After getting a good chunk, he put aside, and rewrapped up the rest. Uncovered meat in hand, he put away the knife and went back up to more temperate grounds.

As he walked back, he held the meat in his automail hand and gradually increased the temperature of the metal, essentially cooking it while he held it. He grinned as he absentmindedly watched it. He loved technology. And magic. Working together.
His meal began to smoke slightly. He kept on and eventually found a place resembling a living area, with a table and benches. It was here Lori sat himself down and finally bit into his prize.

Mouth still chewing, he spoke out the side of his mouth. "So I don't suppose you have some sort of game plan? Because I have no idea what I'm doing."
He would've laughed if he wasn't swallowing.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch grumbled loudly until Lori came out of the refrigerator, still chilled. Her skin was smooth, and wasn't protected where she didn't have fur. So she got chilled easily. She remained under Lori's scarf, against his neck until he started eating. She wanted some of whatever it was, so she pawed his face, luckily for him without her claws.

"Let me call my contact. He admittedly gets out more than I do, so I expect he would possibly have a lead." she said, pawing Lori's face again. "And give me some of that. I'm hungry too!" She started rooting around in her bag, and pulled out a small device similar to the one that she had used in her shop to make a call. She punched in another long series of numbers, and leaned over the device, holding it in her front paws. She waited, waited...

And then the screen lit up with the face of a fairy that had quite obviously been in the middle of doing some cocaine. They had a MASSIVE amount around their nose and upper lip. "YO! LITTLE DEVIL! HOW YOU DOING!?" she screeched, in a decibel way past what most creatures would be able to hear. "Yes hello, I need a lead." Twitch said brusquely, not interested in dealing with a fairy high on cocaine for very long. "I need some leather. Cow leather. A full hide. Where can I find it?" she said, frowning deeply. The fairy twisted her head around so fast, it looked like she broke her neck. She let it loll there for a moment, a blank look on her face, then she snapped it straight up, eyes lit up like city lights."OH! You're in LUCK Little Devil! I heard..." the fairy leaned in so close to the screen on her end that Twitch could count the granules of coke on her face. "I heard that there was some in Lis' mansion. You know the guy." she whispered into the screen harshly.

"Yeah, thanks." Twitch said shortly, and then hung up. "There you go. Now gimmie sommat." She said in a very annoyed tone.

[imgright][/imgright] Lori sunk his teeth, or rather, growing fangs, into the reptile flesh and pulled his hand away, searing it. He then used his teeth and mouth movements to bring the meat into his mouth, hands-free. Once he was able to get some down his throat, he spoke from the side of his mouth again.

"Your contact?"/ There was a bit of disbelief, but then again, why shouldn't Twitch have a contact? Still, he was wondering why Twitch would call this contact now rather than earlier.

While he chewed, he watched the strange fairy interact with the camera. Occasionally he would wave the meat in his hand around, trying to distract the fairy's attention. But once it disconnected the call, he brought the meat toward Twitch, as if to let her have some. When she reached for it, he pulled it away, teasing her with a light chuckle.

"Lis? Like that guy I stole a bunch of credits cards from Lis?" He swallowed the last of the meat in his mouth and brought his hand forward again, only to pull it away from Twitch once more.

Hilarious. He almost choked with laughter. If he could still cry, he would've.

"He's back in the city. I can't go to his place again. I got caught last time."

He stood up suddenly, and dropped the reptilian meat on the table.
"I'm sure there's somebody out here who has some. We just gotta look a little.. Out there."

He had his thoughts on a certain dragon, but was trying not to dwell on it.

Fallen Archangel Serenity wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Twitch was less than pleased with Lori's teasing. She was hungry, and if she didn't get some of that meat, she was tempted to take a bit out of Lori. She gave up on the venture when he threw it on the table though, it wasn't worth her effort of climbing down him to get it. "Fine, do what you want. I don't care either way, as long as I get my leather. YOU asked me for help, since you were lost. You sure those scales aren't growing into your brain?" she snarked, now quite annoyed with Lori. "Just don't do something stupid and get one or both of us killed." She suddenly reconsidered taking a bite out of Lori, and moved to take a bite out of his neck.
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this girl

T ʜ ɪ s . . . G ɪ ʀ ʟ

I ᴡɪʟʟ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
I ᴡɪʟʟ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ

Dᴇxᴛᴇʀɪᴛʏ is no stranger to crime. After several years of law enforcement homicides and growing black markets, the place has finally become a lawless city. Many unscrupulous characters visit, and all feel sad for the pathetic fools that must live here. A blue might come in to make a name for himself, but he'll never get out alive unless he's dirty.

Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜʀʙᴀɴ sᴘʀᴀᴡʟ.

"There's this girl I want."
Quatre Bornes, frequently simply referred to as Q, had responded to the task. Dexterity was a bustling metropolis with one too many outlets for crime. Lately, nobody had need for a killer, but lucky for Q he had more skills than just the one.

"And you'll deliver her to me by noon tomorrow."

"That's a tight timeline." Q had said back then.

But it wasn't completely undoable. He had the girl now, afterall. Her hands were tied tightly behind her back, a makeshift gag in her mouth. Q was behind her, walking in to the abandoned building. His right hand gripped both her thumbs to lead her where he wanted, while his left held a knife in case anything unwanted were to occur.

"If you can't do it, I'll find somebody else."

Q needed the money. So he'd done it. Today was the day of delivery. It was near noon.
They were in an old warehouse. Walls were littered with old bullet holes. The sun was beaming through holes in the aluminum roof, lighting the floor irregularly and making for a very cinematic transfer.
The 24 year old didn't like it.
His brows her scrunched together, his dark sunglasses pushed up to his face as closely as possible. Grey hair conflicted with his tanned skin, of which a long, slim scar paraded across on his face.

At the moment, he wore all black, with a jacket to cover his shoulder holsters. Underneath his right was a pistol, while underneath his left was the sheath for the knife he currently held in his left hand. Q was left-handed, and the knife was his secondary weapon. The only reason it was out now, was he didn't feel like making much noise if something went wrong. Which, as it so happened, was something of a commonality for the man.

He worn combat boots stopped, pulling slightly at the girl's thumbs to get her to quit.
Something was off.

A chubby white man came into view from the opposite end of the building. He patted his sweaty, bald head with a napkin held by fat, ring-encrusted fingers. A look of annoyance crossed his sunken, blue eyes. This man was not the man Q had done business with yesterday.

"Where's Don?" Q ordered, his voice gruff from abuse of alcohol and nicotine.

"You'll be with me from now on. Unfortunately Don fucked up. I don't want her now. I want her missing for longer. I'm sure you know," spoke the stranger. He put his napkin away and straightened the ends of the suit coat that desperately wanted to escape from his body.

"What?" Q could practically welch from the distaste in his mouth. It wasn't as if he didn't understand, no. He could understand. It just wasn't what he signed up for.

"I want you to come back with her in a month. Maybe more. I'll contact you," the fat man continued, as if none of this was problematic at all.

Gritting his teeth, Q squeezed the woman's thumbs in frustration. He let out a low growl when she struggled against it.
"I need funds."

"Nonsense," the man said, patting his head again. Maybe his sweat was as profuse as the entitlement he seemed to feel like he had. "There's a hotel downtown I've provided..."

The rest of it was a blur of frustration and anger. But Q and the girl ended up in a hotel with a downtrodden exterior and lush interior. The kind of lush interior intended for one night stands. He briefly wondered if fate had a problem with him, because he could not groan and roll his eyes enough.

Tossing the hotel room key on a nearby table, he shoved the girl in the room, not caring if she fell over, quickly slamming the door behind him and locking it. He ran a hand through his hair as he debated how the hell he was going to put up with living with a woman for a month. Or more.
Another audible growl escaped him and he kicked a table.

Maybe he could just lock her in here somehow and do his own thing in spite of it.
"Of course, it goes without saying she should be supervised at all times..."

Bornes kicked the table again, shouting a french curse.
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In the future, the urbanization of the world forced animals and man to co-exist in never-ending cities. Many creatures have died thanks to the evolution of man. Wild animals are a thing of the past, as are their habitats. The only thing that reminds humanity of its distant past are zoos, and they are sparse, their exhibits in short supply.

Our story takes place in Bilde, a city characterized by its frequent rainfall. Here, two wolves meet another of their kind for the first time.​



Cɪᴛʏ ᴏғ Bɪʟᴅᴇ​

Since we're using wolves, I'm cool with real pictures. If you're not, I'll take out the post style. Just let me know.
[imgright][/imgright] Another dreary day in the city of Bilde.

A wolf named Zahir trotted through alleyways and between people who seemed to not notice him in the depressing rain. The wolf's fur now laden with water, he felt a few pounds heavier than normal. After finding a small backstreet with a dumpster at the end, Zahir stopped to shake off most of the weight.

The pavement underneath his paws was cold and wet from the torrential onslaught. Rain was not uncommon here, but tonight it appeared especially heavier than normal. Zahir's entire body was drenched, his guardhairs matted down close to his skin and his legs appearing much skinnier than he would've liked.

His posture was sunken, his head and tail low as auburn eyes peered up and around for some suitable place to hide from the rain. A curt whine of defeat came from him, and he slunk toward the dumpster, scratching at the back end of it, hoping he could fit between there and the wall. About four tries later, another whine fell from him, accompanied by a heaving sigh. He skulked around the dumpster once more, finally placing his forepaws on the front of it, bringing himself up to his hind legs.

Reaching up with his front paws, he tried to grip the lip of an open window intended to throw boxes into. He shoved his weight forward a few times, trying to will himself into it, to no avail. He hopped a bit, able to get his paws inside the window, but unable to pull his bodyweight through and into the dumpster.

He let out and unequivocal bark of frustration. Coming back to all fours, he went to the far side of the dumpster and scratched at some collapsed cardboard boxes. They were saturated with water, but were better coverage than nothing. All Zahir wanted to do was sleep. After enough frustrated pawing, the folds of the box popped up and he was able to slither into the impromptu tunnel. It only covered about half his body, but he would take what he could get.

After laying down with a sigh, he placed his muzzle on his forepaws. He hoped the sun would come out at some point so he could dry himself. Hopefully he wouldn't catch a cold or worse. The prospect didn't seem possible while he shivered, hoping to catch some sleep through it all.


ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin raised her nose up in the air, a faint smell of animal filling her nostrils. She quickly rose up, the rain wetting her dark fur almost instantly. The animal was moving, and moving fast. She hadn't had a proper meal in what had felt like days, and her stomach was gnawing at her insides. Rin quietly walked over to where the animal was; a cat. The cat turned to look at Rin, the hairs on it's back seemed to raise. Rin quickly went in for the kill, snapping the cats neck and holding it in her mouth; letting the taste of blood invade her senses.

She walked back down the alley, trying to find a decent place to lay down and eat. She froze up, watching as a large, unknown animal went over to a box, and scratched at it. The grip on the cat in her mouth tightened; Her eyes squinting to see through the heavy rain. She raised a paw, wanting to take a step, but she didn't want to risk it. She took in a deep breath, desperately wanting to smell whatever it was. She took a slow step further. It was a wolf. Like her.

Her mouth was tight enough, the cat might just break in two in a second. She didn't know how the other wolf would react. Maybe the wolf was just as hungry as she was, and would attack. How would she know? Another step, she could smell the fur stronger, and soon enough she was standing right by the box, the cats blood now running down it's fur and dripping on the concrete.

how are they going to speak to eachother? could they read minds? idek.

OOC: Well they're both wolves, so I'll assume they could understand eachother. We could just play it like normal speaking? Or telepathy. Whichever. I hadn't thought of that. I guess telepathy would work best since humans will come up later, and it would be confusing otherwise.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir had only closed his eyes for a moment before his ears flicked in the direction of the familiar sound of paws in puddles. Auburn eyes flicking open, his head turned, and he sneezed. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Without thinking ahead, he quickly stood up, only to get stuck in the box. He thrashed his head back and forth and stood up as straight as possible, finally ripping the weak, soggy cardboard so he could jump out and in front of the other canine.

It was too big to be a dog. It was about his size. No. She was about his size. A wolf? Like him? How was that possible? He hadn't seen another one of his kind in ages. His ears turnes straight forward, and pointed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Who are you?" He asked. He wasn't quite on the defensive, just... At a loss.

Had he died? Was he hallucinating? He still felt cold and pathetic, so perhaps he had died and gone to hell already, where it was just as dreary as Bilde. She looked just like him.
He tilted his head to the right and squinted.

She had a kill, too. Zahir was accustomed to eating left over garbage. He had never really hunted anything in his life. Was this wolf going to kill him like she'd killed that cat?

"What do you want?!" he yipped, fear now coming into his voice as he bent his forepaws, ready to pounce if needed.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
The hairs on Rin's back stood up instantly, not knowing what this wolf was going to do. "My name is Rin. Who are you?" She took a step further, wanting to smell him. Him? She dropped the cat from her mouth, and gave it a small nudge with the tip of her muzzle.

"I was hunting. You look hungry." She looked around, finding a garbage can. She could sleep in there for the night. She'd been in the city her whole life, so she had immense knowledge of the area around her. She lives almost halfway across the city, but kept going in hopes of finding something better than banana peels and diapers. Yes, she'd resorted to eating garbage. Domestic animals were overrunning the city it seemed. Cats and other animals ran around everywhere on this side of the city. She'd come here more often to hunt, then.

Rin went over to the garbage can, looking back at him and a small whine let out. "I can't do this alone." She turned and gave the lid of the garbage can a nudge, the rain running down her fur. She felt like her bones could give out at any second the rain was so heavy.

sounds good. :3

[imgleft][/imgleft] The male took a step backward when she dropped the cat. Sidestepping, he wanted to maintain his own personal space. He didn't know what she would do. "Zahir is my name," he offered, a bit distrustful.

He shook his head, partly to get rid of excess water from his mane, and partly in offense to her thinking he couldn't feed himself. "You hunted it, YOU eat it!" he growled in response.

He lifted his right forefoot high when she went to the dumpster. "It's too high," he snarled, ever the pessimist. He had tried just moments before and he couldn't do it, how could she?

When she asked for help after nudging the lid, he stamped his forefoot in a puddle with a groan. "I've never been able to get those lids up." He placed all four feet down and braced as he shook himself once more.

From depression to angst in no time at all. Maybe being alone in these conditions caused mental instability. Zahir was still young, maybe three or four. He only knew his mother and she died when he was a pup. Ever since then, he'd been wandering around, not knowing what to expect. Sometimes he wondered why live at all. This other wolf, who he still had the suspicion was just an illusion, was the first contact with another slightly intelligent species in months.

I found some diagrams that helped me a bit so figured I'd share.

Also I was picturing this as the dumpster. I'm not sure I described it well enough. But you can see the 'window' at the side that Zahir was trying to get through.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin was a little taken back from how aggressive he was being, but she couldn't blame him. Rin had only seen at least one wolf before him, and that was it. The wolf she seen died a few months later, so she'd been alone since then. "I'm not going to harm you, if that's what you think. You seem nice enough." She shot back, looking over to him. The cat was now laying in a pool of it's blood; lifeless; delicious. "Well, you can have some, but we better eat it soon or it'll be dry." Rain drops slithered down her muzzle, and she gave her head a small shake.

"It might work if we do it together! Don't you have any hope?" She turned to him, stomping her foot in response. "We can get this open, trust me." She raised up on the garbage lid, giving it a nudge with her nose. "You get the other side!" Not having eaten anything lately, she was a bit weak, and putting all her weak on her back legs was definitely not helping the situation. "Another wolf and I used to climb into these things all the time. We just had to work together." She said, giving the lid another nudge. It raised, but quickly slammed back down. "Don't you know that sometimes you can't do everything by yourself?" She said, licking at the dried blood on her chin.
that's really useful !! thank you. xx

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir shifted his weight from one side of his body to the other, distrusting, but watching her actions. He was slowly warming up to her, but he didn't know if he should. Everything was confusing. He began to pace, intently watching her work the dumpster while she asked for his help.

The lid came crashing down, just as he thought it would. She then told him another wolf and her used to open them all the time. "There are more wolves?"

Reluctantly, he went over to the metal box and copied her, getting on his hind legs and nosing at the cover, bucking his head up to try and lift it.
"I've never seen another like me before. I do everything alone."

After they both coordinated with eachother's movements, eventually the lid came up and stayed up. Zahir jumped backwards and barked excitedly. "We did it!"

He walked back over to the cat and carefully sunk his teeth into it. It was the first time he'd ever tasted fresh meat. He managed to contain himself however, and tossed the cat into the dumpster. His tail now wagging, he shook his fur off one last time and trotted down the alley way, only to run back toward the dumpster and jump right in, with a single bound.

He crashed into the cardboard at the bottom, letting out a shriek of surprise at how hard the bottom was. But he did it. "I did it!" Another bark for victory!
After recovering, he walked to the far corner of the dumpster that was covered by the other half-lid so he could get out of the rain.

"Are you coming?"

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin's tail wagged excitedly, and she quickly jumped into the garbage bin. Thankful that she could rest her legs now, she reached up and closed the lid, before any more rain got in. A tiny water puddle had already formed in the bottom, and she scooted away, rain dripping from her dark fur. "I don't know if there are any others now. That wolf was the only one I knew." She said, sniffing the cat she'd killed. "I've never seen you around here before." She looked at him, before tearing the cat apart into pieces. "We can share?" She ate a piece of the cat, ignoring the fine hairs that gathered in her mouth from the meat.

Once she had her share, she turned around a few times, before laying down and placing her muzzle on her front paws. "Which part of the city are you from? I've come far from home to hunt. There's not that much food left of the side where I'm from." She used her left paw to reach behind her ear and scratch, thinking that right now might be a good time to get cleaned off. "My father and mother were both captured. I was left alone from an early age. I guess the hunters never seen me." She told him, rubbing her chin against her paw to try and get some of the dried blood off.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir flinched when she closed the dumpster door, leaving them in a big, dark metal box, with cardboard flooring. He let out a small whine before plopping down on his belly. It was dry. Moderately. That was good enough, right?

Still on his belly, he crept up to the cat to nibble at a piece once Rin offered it.
"I don't know. I just keep walking around. I'm not in the same place for very long. I don't hunt much. I don't see many animals around. My mother died when I was a pup."

He put his forefoot on top of the cat, pulling at the tail and watching the rest of the body roll a bit, trying to get more meat.

"What do you mean by captured?" He looked up to her, licking his chops clean of any blood.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin looked over at him, "I'm sorry," She said, pausing, trying to find the right words. "That your mother died." A wave of sadness washed over her, and she almost got choked up. She remembered watching the hunters shoot her parents with a feathered red bullet. They seemed to have passed out on the spot, and they dragged their bodies away into a van. "You haven't seen the hunters?" She asked him, wondering where he'd been this whole time.

"They go around looking for any kind of animal they can find. Especially wolves. Like us. If we're not careful, we might end up in a zoo just like my parents. They told me to never go there." She said, watching as he licked away the blood from his chops. "They'd always tell me stories about my grandfather. He escaped the zoo, found another wolf, and they had my dad, along with all his brothers and sisters. My dad didn't like to talk about his siblings though." She looked down at the floor of the bin, her head still on her front paws. It had been a long time since she was in out of the rain like this. She might actually get a good nights sleep. "What happened to your mother? She asked him.
stray 2
[imgleft][/imgleft] "There's nothing for you to be sorry for," he muttered, taking his paw from the cat and using his nose to push the corpse closer to the other wolf.

As she went on about her family history, he got up and circled a bit, tucking himself into a far corner and preparing for sleep. "I don't know what happened to her. I was her only son. And one day we were getting food out of the garbage... And after that..." He let out a whine.
"She got sick and didn't wake up."

He curled into his ball more tightly, putting his tail over his nose. "Humans always seem to ignore me. But I've never been in one place for too long."

His ears flattened against his head. "And I don't know what a zoo is."

This other wolf made him feel irrefutably stupid. Perhaps Zahir wasn't cut out to be a wolf.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
"Don't feel bad..." Rin watched as his ears flattened against his head and she nudged him with the tip of her nose. "I didn't know a lot either." She said softly, closing her eyes.

"A zoo is a place where people lock animals up in cages for fun. It's entertaining to other humans to look at them. Isn't that terrible?" Her voice almost in a whisper, picturing her mother in a small cage with little food.

Rin looked over at him, "I've only stayed in one place for a long time, but lately I've had to roam around to find some decent food." She closed her eyes once more, letting out a sigh. The world was definitely a tough place to be in these days.

"It sounds horrible," Zahir agreed.

He closed his eyes. "You know sometimes a bird comes by, and they say something about trees. I wonder what a tree looks like. I wonder what it would be like to fly." He yawned, and shortly thereafter nodded off into sleep.

So the next morning I was going to have a garbage truck or something come by and find them in the dumpster, and either catch them or not notice they were there and haul them off to the dump, if that's ok with you?
You can do it in your next post or I'll do it in mine.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
"From all the stories I've heard, it definitely sounds terrible." Rin said, her mouth stretching wide into a yawn. "I think it'd be pretty scary to fly. I wonder if there's a bird somewhere out there that's afraid of heights." She laughed, relaxing her tense muscles and drifting into, finally, a nice sleep.

The noise was terrible. It sounded like tough nails on a chalkboard, then the bin started rattling. Her eyes darted open, and she stood up, hitting her head on the lid. Even though she now had a raging headache, her instincts still took over. "Zahir!" She yelled out, pushing desperately at the lid. "What's going on?!" She cried, feeling the bin tilt, and she crashed into Zahir, making her headache even worse.

i love that idea. ouo you can take it from here. your decision whether they get out or get taken to the dump.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir had fallen asleep to picturing birds flying above the skyscrapers and toward a full moon. He even tried to imagine what the city would like like from their view. Having no point of comparison however, he simply could not fathom how amazing flying could have been. For what seemed like the first time, he slept soundly.

But several hours later, the entire dumpster they were in moved. He jolted up to his feet, only to get thrown to the side as the metal box they were in began to rotate. Rin called out for him, but Zahir was too panicked to say anything. His claws gripped at the cardboard and he tried to stay in the box, or at least not get thrown around. It seemed like the very walls of the dumpster were closing in on him. Rin crashed into him, and all he could think was to try and use her to stay in the box.

Was this what being in a zoo felt like?!

While in reality it was only seconds, it felt like minutes of this turmoil had passed before the lids of the dumpster finally opened. The box was nearly upside down now, and the cardboard and papers were sliding out from underneath them.

Zahir began to bark uncontrollably in a panic, scratching furiously at the papers while they slipped out from under him, torn away. His claws raked on metal, but the box shook further and he lost his grip. With a howl, he fell backwards and rolled out of the dumpster, hitting a huge pile of trash with his back. He shrieked in pain and immediately rolled over to get on his feet.

"Rin! Rin?!"

He didn't know if she was okay, or even where she was in his panic. But now that he was back up on all fours, he was able to see that they weren't on the ground. The box was being moved by a mechanical arm. The dumpster fell back down to the ground in the alley with a large bang, causing Zahir to flinch.

Almost immediately after, the big pile of trash began to move. His claws gripped into the debris as hard as they could then, and he went to his belly so he didn't fall out of this new container. They were in a truck. A garbage truck! He's seen these before, but never from the inside!

"Rin?! Are you okay?" he yowled, turning his head to see her.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin desperately tried to stay in the bin, but her legs seemed to have fallen out from under her. She let out a whine, falling into the garbage truck. When she landed, she hit a busted television, and she let out a piercing howl. Fighting to keep her eyes open, she pushed herself off the tv, onto a bag of trash. She laid her head on the bag, laying on her side. She let out a soft howl, as if to say she had given up, feeling a throbbing pain in her side from where she had hit the television.

"Zahir..." Rin said, her eyes filled with fear. She quickly realized where they were, and what had happened, and struggled to stand up. "We have to jump out!" Rin yelled, hoping he could hear her over the trucks loud engine. She leaned her head over the side weakly, placing one paw on the edge of the tailgate, looking back at him.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir growled, and attempted to crawl toward Rin. It was difficult, and he had to stop when the truck hit bumps. His vision was also getting blurred from the air hitting his face when the truck picked up speed.

"Jump out?! It's too dangerous! These trucks are so high off the ground!" He barked, creeping ever closer to the other wolf.

OOC: For RP's sake I was thinking the truck wouldn't compact the trash while they were in it.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
"Jump out? It's too dangerous!" Rin knew it was dangerous, but it was worth a chance. Nothing like this had ever happened to her. All the other times she'd slept the night in a garbage bin it'd never gotten carried away like this. "Well? What else are we supposed to do?" She growled, glancing over at Zahir. She looked down at the road flying by, her stomach quickly twisting into knots. She looked away, not wanting to throw up at a time like this. "We'll have to wait for it to stop then, and we'll get out of this thing!" She looked over the top of the truck, waiting for those glorious red lights to appear.

lmao, yeah, i think that'd be best...

[imgleft][/imgleft] Zahir finally was able to get close to Rin, sinking his claws further into the trash to keep him in the truck as it turned a corner.
"Wait until it stops, maybe?!" he suggested. T
Almost immediately afterward, she repeated the same idea in different words.

He saw her look up, watching for something. Zahir followed her gaze, but wasn't quite sure what she was looking for. The truck just kept seeming to go and go.

"Does it EVER stop?!" He barked.

This is probably going to be my only post for today.
We're going to have to double human characters. I was thinking they'd actually get to the dump, and then they'd be captured there.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
Rin kept her eyes on the road ahead, but she was slowly losing hope. Maybe they didn't have many red lights in this part of town. "Yes! But I haven't seen any red lights!" She growled, growing more angry at herself. How could she have been so stupid? She looked over at Zahir, her ears flattening against her head. "This is it, isn't it? We'll get to the dump and then we're dead." She said, her head hanging low.

sorry for the late post life got in the way.

[imgleft][/imgleft] The male looked to Rin with a mixture of surprise and fear.
"What do you mean the dump? What do you mean DIE?!"

He shook his head and howled. He didn't want to die! He didn't really know why he was living, but he certainly didn't want to die. Not when he'd just found another wolf!

It was only a couple more minutes and a few more turns before the truck finally did stop, and it stopped right where the female had predicted: the dump. After slowing down, truck backed up and toward a huge pit of trash.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Zahir stood up tall to try and look over the lip of the truck, only to lose his footing when the back of truck tilted upward to dispose of them.

"Not again!" Zahir yowled at the top of his lungs, frantically trying to cling at all the trash with his paws again.

But it was no use. It all slid underneath him, and scrabble as he may, he couldn't get footing. He rolled down with the avalanche of litter into the pit.

That was when once of the humans noticed him. The man in the back of the truck pointed.
"Hey!" it said. "What the hell is that?!"

OOC: It's ok. My posts might be slower from now on. I'll still try to do once a day at least.

ohmae wrote: [imgright][/imgright]
She glared at the male, a low growl coming from her. "Yelling isn't going to help." She wasn't going to die. She wasn't going to let them die here. Not now. Rin tried to keep herself adjusted as the truck started moving again, but she couldn't keep her feet planted. She ended up right beside Zahir in the pile of litter, scrambling to her feet and snarling at the two humans walking over to them. "We need to leave!" Rin kept her eyes locked on the humans, who were getting even closer. She began to back up as they neared, waiting for Zahir to say something. If he didn't speak soon, she would run, and never stop. It was just instinct. "How the hell did these get in there?!" The other human said, eyes wide.

ooc: my teachers have been really hard on me lately, for some reason, but it's ok now. i had like, three projects. then we took a field trip. then a huge assignment i had to complete last night, sooooo. yeah. plus i had a tiny bit of writers block, but i'm back. :3
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angel sparks 1

(PM me if you want anything here or just put it in a spoiler tag in one of your next posts)

Notes for Jiden

21 years old. Dad died about a month a go
inherited manor
lives in TREMOR CITY because reasons
the rest of it I'll think of as we go on I guess.

> The briefest of physical descriptions: Blue eyes, black hair, black wings. Characteristically angelic in appearance - though he'd be considered pretty average by his own kind's standards. Somewhat tall - about 6 ft - with a pretty average build. Stronger than he looks - another characteristic of angels.
> Ash, like most angels, is older than he looks by more than a few years. Appears to be in his early twenties. He hasn't made much contact with the human world in his lifetime though, mostly because it has never interested him.
> Ash is not his birth name.
> Ash was exiled for committing treason, among some other crimes. Returning to his home means certain death
> He has never felt kinship among his family, and rarely thinks of them. There were a few angels he was close to, though seeing the ones that are still alive again is unlikely.
> More (?)

Gnome Inspector wrote: SOME NOTES ON ASH:
> The briefest of physical descriptions: Blue eyes, black hair, black wings. Characteristically angelic in appearance - though he'd be considered pretty average by his own kind's standards. Somewhat tall - about 6 ft - with a pretty average build. Stronger than he looks - another characteristic of angels.
> Ash, like most angels, is older than he looks by more than a few years. Appears to be in his early twenties. He hasn't made much contact with the human world in his lifetime though, mostly because it has never interested him.
> Ash is not his birth name.
> Ash was exiled for committing treason, among some other crimes. Returning to his home means certain death
> He has never felt kinship among his family, and rarely thinks of them. There were a few angels he was close to, though seeing the ones that are still alive again is unlikely.
> More (?)

"Exile" He could have scoffed at the the ruling, as if it were some joke. They'd all witnessed what he had done - without a doubt, Ash was guilty. Conspiracy, treason, the works. Yet his counterparts were far to kind to believe in any sort of extreme or harsh punishment, and had thought that he'd actually miss being among them. Not the case. Good riddance he'd finally be rid of them. They must have noticed his smirk, the way his eyes filled with mirth, as the head of the court spoke up yet again.

"Should you be sighted, orders are to kill. No angels will ever serve as your ally." Ha. As if he hadn't already known that. It did pose a potential threat - there was the potential threat of being hunted down on Earth, especially since now he was so weak.

Having refused to leave without a fight, the results went about how one would expect challenging an army single-handed would go. He'd barely gotten a few blows in before he was overwhelmed, the next thing he remembers being the human alley he'd arrived in. It was pretty secluded - he'd arrived in the outer sections of what might be a small city. Around him were unfamiliar buildings, all in distinctive human architecture that were unfamiliar to the male.

He snapped backward at the sight of a shadow, finding a hiding space in the alley, away from the figure. With barely enough magic left to cast a low illusion to hide his wings. Were anyone to look closely, the air would seem to shimmer around him - a sign that the magic was incomplete. But so long as no one strayed too close.

It was obvious he was injured. Tufts of feathers had been torn out of his winds - they'd grow back, but for now he wouldn't be able to fly - and lacerations from small cuts to an impressive wound in his side (It was going to leave a scar, and his own vanity resented it). "Shit." he side rests against the wall for support, a hand clutching the gash in his side to keep himself from bleeding out. Not that he was doing that impressive of a job - it was still dripping onto the sidewalk, leaving a very unneeded trail to his current location.

[imgleft][/imgleft] About a month a go, Dr. Sparx, a biomedical engineer died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. This was the same way Jiden's mother had died when he was only ten years old. Jiden had been a prodigy in comparison to normal children, but just a normal kid when given the consideration of his parents. His mother was an electrical engineer and inventor. Together with her husband, they'd pioneered many technological advancements.
Just as they had their talents involving technology, so did Jiden. Jy, as he had been nicknamed, had grown fond of robotics. Many of his earlier years were spent homeschooling and attending competitions. At 16, he went on to get involved with Battle Bots. But really, he wanted to be an inventor. Only problem? He had no good ideas yet.

His father had been a professor at Traunt University. Jy attended there as well for mechanical engineering. He'd made some friends, but ultimately had grown bored. When his father died, he stopped everything and tried to keep his mind off of the real world. He'd become somewhat of a recluse and stuck to internet forums and chat sites. Being all alone in the large Sparx manor, it wasn't difficult to lose oneself as well as track of time.

But today, Jiden had finally gone outside of his inherited home and into Tremor City. Why? He didn't know. Get sunlight and Vitamin D, he guessed. Also, groceries. He had to eat at some point. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had done so.

He had intended on making it a quick trip, but with nothing to do, he began to wander. He'd already bought the groceries-- just a bunch of liquid 'meal' shakes and energy bars.. Because who really wanted to cook anything in the midst of a post-mortem depression? They were all in his backpack, though. A small black knapsack over his shoulders.

Over his ears were headphones. They were connected to an mp3 player, but it wasn't playing anything. There were green goggles loose around his neck, an heirloom from his mother that he kept on him at nearly all times.
It was spring now, so he'd just gotten his hazel hair cut to the nape of his neck. It was shaggy and unkempt. He'd gotten it cut right before his father died. Now, it was growing out, and would continue to do so for the year. Believe it or not, Jiden liked to have it long. But the heat was too much for him, forcing a yearly cut.
With the impending heat, he wore a white t-shirt and sleeveless dark blue vest, jeans, and sneakers.

He'd been meandering down the street, taking the longest way possible back to his manor, when his green eye drifted from straight ahead to movement in an alleyway near the wall.
Despite his better judgment to keep to himself, that old, innate curiosity got the gears in his head turning, and he decided to walk toward the alley.
There, he found a person bleeding out. A huge gash in his side... And was he naked?

[[Seriously, is he naked? That was never clear. XD]]

Jiden's mouth opened with awe and rushed the rest of the distance to the other person.
"Hey, are you okay? We need to get you to hospital!"

He quickly took off his backpack, it dropping to the ground. Jiden then took off his vest, and taking a multitool out of his pocket (something he never went without), he flipped out a knife and tore his vest in half, through the middle of the back. He then took the fabric and offered to tie it around the stranger's gash. "Let me help you," he said.

Jiden was no expert on medical procedure, but he knew enough first aid to know that should be covered and have pressure on it...

[[Sorry the intro post is so long. Mine usually are. But after this I should be able to mirror.]]

Gnome Inspector wrote:

His breathing was getting a bit heavier - in no way a good sign. In seconds he dropped to the ground, the thin rags of clothing that he'd been given - prisoners clothes in every respect - prviding him little to dress his own wounds with.

The most he heard were footsteps, and for a moment he'd ignored them only for the noise to grow louder. Dread surfaced in his chest, compelling him to run away - if he wasn't already quite unable to move much on his own, much less lift himself off the ground.

The human speaks to him, though it may as well have bee a jumbled mess. "A what?" Hospital... the word seemed familiar, though human phrases were still alien to him. It clicked just a moment after - a Hospital. A place of healing.

Meaning even more humans would see him.

"No hospital," he protested firmly, trying to move away despite the pain and attempts an bandaging him. This human, whoever he was, was dangerously close to brushing his wings. He did seem to be preoccupied with Ash's injury enough to have not noticed the faintly shimmering air, beneath the illusion a mess of dark plumage. That was of his greatest concern - the less anyone saw of him the better. Though, he doubted he'd be able to shake the human off now.

But he could not go to that place. If the humans didn't kill him, the angels would. If there was a single crime punishable by death, it was exposing the existence of angels to mortals - and by association many other different beings.

"No hospital," he repeated, blue eyes firmly gazing into green with far more intent than any normal person bleeding out on the street. Alley. It was the best he could do to get him to understand, short of revealing himself - something he'd never do, if he could help it. He didn't trust the man in the slightest, but knew enough of human culture to understand that humans had a knack for straight out denying the unusual.

(( ooc - Haha, I wasn't thinking that he was, but I'll roll with it - so he's just wearing some pretty thin rags :p
But no worries here. Make your posts as long/short as you feel. ))

[imgleft][/imgleft] [[hope you don't mind some puppeting to move this along]]

As the stranger talked, Jiden mostly ignored him. As well as his weak attempts to stand up. Jiden simply took his vest-turned-bandaged and tied it tightly around the other man's abdomen, moving the knot so it was at the man's back rather than over the wound itself.

When he was done, the stranger said no hospital one more time, and made sure to make eye contact. Jiden grit his teeth a bit, internally thinking this was crazy, but ultimately decided that-- fine-- no hospital. But he wasn't just going to leave the guy here to bleed out, either.

So Jy let the other guy lean against his shoulder, and called a cab. Five minutes later they were at his manor and no one had been the wiser. As Jiden had been handling the stranger, he kept feeling this weird tickling on his arms, but since nothing was there, he paid it no heed. After he'd helped the stranger out of the cab, into his home, and into one of the bathrooms, Jiden sat the stranger down on the toilet (of which the lid was obviously closed first) and went to the storage under the sink, finding the first aid kit. Looking through it, he decided that he would never be able to stitch anyone up. So the best next thing was super glue.
He tossed the first aid kit on the tiled floor and let out a rushed "I'll be right back" as he left.

He came back with exactly what he needed, and went to the man again, working at untying the bandage. Once it was off, Jiden grabbed a tail and wiped the blood away.

"Hold your sides together, so the wound's closed," Jiden ordered, opening the bottle of super glue.

Gnome Inspector wrote:

Of course the human would ignore him. That much he could have expected, his own assumptions over mortals coming into play. Not that he was faring much better, if he was reduced to being carried around by one. Most of his energy, now that he wasn't so concerned with stopping the bleeding or trying to move on his own, was focused on keeping his wings from becoming a problem. Not right away, they wouldn't, but if the human actually tried to touch his upper back, or attempt to give him some clothing - he'd rather not think of what would happen after that.

The car, another oddity of humans that he'd never considered before, was the most difficult part. once or twice he was certain that a few feathers had brushed the other - his control over them was limited with how weak he was - but for now the human was remaining ignorant. Good. Let him stay that way. The drive itself wasn't so comfortable, the unusual noise of the engine combined with hoe cramped it was inside the car proved annoying at best. Not something he'd enjoy getting used to, should he ever have to rely on such transportation.

Sooner or later - ignoring his own messed up perception of time - they'd arrived at some house. It was a pretty impressive place, compared to the surroundings. Ash was just relieved to note that no no one else was around - including doctors, or whatever humans referred to their healers as. At least that request was honored, though it struck him as problematic that he be stuck here for any extended period of time. The more the human spent with him, the sooner he'd notice the illusion. Not including any accidental touches, his magic reserves were going to run dry sooner or later.

In the bathroom, there was little else for him to do but sit around and wait, remaining quiet and distant about the ordeal. He stared, with little knowledge of exactly what the human was trying to do with his injury. Right. No magic. Suddenly he was a little curious as to what sort of barbaric human healing techniques he'd be subjected to - more than likely painful.

His hands moved, uncertain, but for the time being he'd be cooperative. With a bit more pain from moving the damaged area, he held the wound closed long enough for the glue to actually work.

"...Thanks?" He wasn't quite sure how grateful he was at the moment. It'd work long enough, he supposed, at least until he'd regained enough strength to heal himself.

He looked at the human once again, expecting him to do something. Ask a question, or questions. That seemed normal. Already he'd thought of a few responses, some of them making more sense than others. Lying, he could do, if he remembered enough of his human knowledge to fabricate something believable.

There was always the truth, to which he shut down the though nearly as fast as it had come. Only if he had to.

((ooc - No worries, I can understand :3))

[imgleft][/imgleft] After the stranger held the wound shut, Jiden glued it shut with ease. After a couple of seconds, it was shut. "Liquid stitches," he thought aloud, proud of himself. With a smirk, he put the cap back on the glue and stood straight again.

Putting the glue in his pocket, he picked the ripped vest from the floor and swung it, listening to the fabric crack like a diluted whip before crumpling it in his hands and seeking a nearby wastebasket to throw it out in. That basket happened to be in the kitchen, where he'd left his backpack. He decided that, while he was there, he may as well open up his bag and get himself a liquid meal shake. He got out two and shook them, one in each hand, handing one to the stranger when he returned to the bathroom.

"Want one?" He asked, offering it.

"My name is Jiden, by the way."

If the stranger didn't take the shake then, Jy would place it on the counter near the sink and unscrew the lid on his own, peeling off the foil cover before beginning to drink. It would only take maybe four swallows before he'd finish it and toss it in the small trash can near the toilet the stranger was sitting on.

In the back of Jy's mind, he was thinking about who this person was, what he was doing, and how he could've received the injury he had. But he wasn't sure he wanted to ask questions just yet. He had known some troubled people in his past... If this guy hadn't wanted a hospital, than it was likely he had been doing something illegal and Jiden wasn't sure if he wanted to know what that something was.

"What's your name?" he finally asked.

Gnome Inspector wrote:

There was some relief, that he was no longer preoccupied with holding his injury shut. It still hurt, much like the rest of his body, but it was an improvement. What he really needed was a good bit of rest, away from the human and his prying.

At first, the meal - if he could call it that - seemed unappetizing. The offer went ignored, Ash instead continuing his uncertain gaze on the other, waiting for some sort of sudden mood. Whether or not his paranoia actually had some truth to it was left up for debate - the human probably didn't trust him, either.

Ha, Ash wouldn't dare trust himself. He was a liar, of the worst kind. His words spun like webs and had they not led to his exile, would have continued to fool anyone that had met him.

Not much later, he felt another sort of pain, different from the ones caused by injury. He was a little hungry, and after a moment's hesitation reached for the shake that he'd initially refused. Looked somewhat normal, if packaged. Did all foods here come in plastic containers? The foil cover was strange enough, as he mimicked the humans movements and smelled the contents, almost experimentally. Nothing outright disgusting... But neither was it the food of his home world.

He took a drink, pulling back the cup quickly after making a face, trying his best to hold back a cough. "Human food -" he began mumbling, voicing his disgust only to cut off. He shouldn't have said that. Sure, it'd been low, under his breath, but in the proximity he may as well have screamed it. Almost ignoring that he'd said a thing, he set the drink back on the counter without a second thought.

"Ash," he stated plainly, not really caring for committing the other's name to memory. It meant very little to him anyways, as he'd still committed to being rid of him and this place as soon as he could.

Then again, this place struck him as a step up from the streets. Or two steps, even. Where else would he get the opportunity to stay in such a pleasant house, without paying for it? He didn't have any money - or records - to his name. It made him think - did this human want some sort of compensation? Ash wasn't inclined to give some - if he even had any to begin with.

"I suppose..." he paused, internally curing his current state. "You want some kind of payment?"

[imgleft][/imgleft] Hy lifted a brow at the mention of 'human food' but kept his thoughts to himself. Again, he surmised, he was probably better off not knowing. But still...

He was ousted from his thoughts when Ash, or so he claimed to be, apprehensively asked if the 21 year old wanted payment. Jiden chuckled. "Just your undying gratitude," he joked, leaning against the wall of the bathroom.

"But seriously," he said, his green eyes making contact with Ash's blue ones. "A thank you would've been nice."

His right hand scratched the back of his head, wishing his hair were longer at the moment. He sighed. No, he didn't trust this guy to be alone in his house. But now he didn't know what to do, either.

"Well. So. I could get you a cab or something so you could go home...?"

Gnome Inspector wrote:

"Then I thank you," he offered, a weak - and mostly fake - chuckle at the humor. Not like he could do much else in the situation, sadly. Had he any sense of honor, he would've offered more, claimed a debt.

He didn't, but he did find that, for that reason alone, he liked the human more than the fair share.

As the conversation shifted towards what would happen next, the topic was becoming one he particularly didn't want to think about, if for his past alone. "I don't have a home" he decided to answer. Not anymore, and without money he doubted it was possible to obtain one. It was even far enough to be an understatement - he had absolutely nothing, bar the tatters that covered his legs so thinly, and even those he wanted to be rid of the next chance he found something suitable. Sadly, human clothing wasn't built to accommodate wings - likely he'd be stuck shirtless for a while.

Quite honestly, he didn't belong here. Living as a human wasn't something he was content with, nor was staying out on the streets.

It'd be easier now, maybe, to stick around. To see how far he could get. Perhaps feed the human a few lies, and hope that would be enough to get himself by.

Not that he could approach the subject that easily. What reason did the stranger have to let him stay? "I've been 'thrown out'," he finally said, supposing the vague stantment would be enough for now.

((ooc - Caleb's not writing too well for me right now :/ but I'll try and get a post up for him soon.))

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Oh."
Jiden put his hands to his sides, trying to take in all the information. Despite the fact he seemed to have a stab victim here, he just felt a lot more sorry for this Ash fellow. On one hand, Jiden did have an entire house to himself, and he was sort of lonely... But on the other hand, why should he trust some random stranger off the street?
What if there was a really good reason he was naked and stabbed? Who could really tell?

"Well..." Jiden struggled, trying to procrastinate with an answer. Not that he had to give one. Or did he? Should he? This social thing was becoming awkward.

".. I guess you could stay here..."
Oh no, why did I say that?! he panicked in his mind. It was almost physically painful!

"But you'll have to help out with chores and stuff and work on moving out," he rushed afterward.
Good save. Right?

Gnome Inspector wrote:

He hadn't expected for it to be so easy, but he found himself appreciating the offer of shelter. Even if it was conditional. Chores was a small price to pay for a decent place to stay. "Of course. I wouldn't want to be dead weight," the angel responded, shifting with almost unease, as he tried willing away his discomfort. The pain was ever present - he'd nearly been speared after all - but so long as he remained motionless it wasn't too bad.

He didn't think to reveal himself - though the human would possibly find out sooner or later, if he could stay hidden it would be ideal. The problem was that there were no records of his identity ever recorded. By human standards, Ash did not exist. Some form of fake papers would be ideal, though he'd bring that up when he had more energy to explain it.

It also occurred to him that he was a bit lacking in the clothing department. "Um. If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate some clothes." He wasn't capable of wearing any human shirts, but some pants would be a better comfort than the rags he had now. Another bit of information he neglected to bring up.

((ooc - ))

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Oh. Right! Hah.." Jy's green eyes went down to the stranger's lower body. He had been trying not to look at it this entire time, and kind of forgot about it being mostly unclothed. Now the situation was just awkward.
He quickly moved his gaze away and moved out of the bathroom, scratching the back of his neck again.

"So, uh, you can wear some of mine, I guess..." Jiden continued, walking upstairs, expecting the other to follow him. If Ash didn't, Jiden would wait around for him to show up.

Jiden's room was the first on the right. It had a bed in one corner, a walk-in closet, and along the opposite wall, several shelves of recreational electronics. Past robots he'd built, video game consoles, TVs, computers, and the like. Jiden didn't build anything here, but it was more or less a combination of him showing off and his game room. On the wall were a few framed certificates and ribbons for various accomplishments. The overall theme of the room of black and green. Green was Jiden's favorite color.

On top of his bed laid a black jacket with green accents. Jy picked it up and slid his arms through it, suddenly becoming self-conscious of his sleevelessness. Down his left arm, he had a rather long purple/blue simple tribal design. Sometimes it made him feel a little outcast. One of those times was right now. The jacket covered it up.

He went to the walk-in closet and opened it. On one side was more or less 'normal' clothing. And the opposite side were more futuristic, cyberpunk clothes. Jiden loved them, but didn't get to wear them much, being as he wasn't exactly the type to go to raves or hacker parties. But being a child of money, he was prone to spending it on things he didn't use much.

"Take whatever you want, I guess. And then we can buy you some of your own later."

Gnome Inspector wrote:

Moving upstairs was slow going, and though he was still quite weak the was able to grab onto the railing of the staircase hard enough to hoist himself up. Mostly. The last step sent him off balance, though he'd caught himself before he was sent backwards. He'd already been injured once today. Falling down a staircase wasn't too appealing.

He wished he could say he was unimpressed by the room's contents, yet the sight of s much unfamiliar technology came as a surprise. Not that angels weren't advanced, but the use of magic and flight capability rendered a few human inventions useless to them. So humans were a little more adaptable than he gave them credit for.

Which still didn't amount to much in his eyes, as he scanned the closet before him. "Thanks," passed over his lips yet again, even as he avoided stepping to far into the walk-in closet. He wasn't too suited to small spaces - and seeing clothing jostle as if being touched by some unknown force.

His first difficulty was with a shirt, as he began searching for something with an open back to it. Much better than having his wings rip holes into the other's shirts. Unfortunately, it didn't seem the style - or not Jiden's, at least. It was an unusual design for a men's shirt, after all. He settled for a pair of dark colored pants, deciding that he'd been a bit too hopeful.

He wasn't exactly subtle about changing, simply walking towards the corner and stripping quickly enough - hindered only as leaning down proved uncomfortable at best. The pants were on soon enough, and though they weren't the best fit, they'd do for now. He could always alter them with a bit of extra magic, as soon as he had a little bit of alone time.

"This will do," he shrugged, the newly closed wound still very visible in his current state. It wasn't like the injury was going to disappear overnight, after all. He was already leaning against the wall, finding standing up a bit too much at the moment.

"It might be best if I rested for now."

((ooc - ))

[imgright][/imgright] Jy was beginning to have second thoughts about how healthy this guy was when it took him forever to come up the stairs. Even so, he kept going, showing him the clothes and waiting for Ash to make his own judgment on what to wear.

But then Ash actually stripped and started dressing himself without saying anything! Dear god, did this kid have no manners?! Jiden turned away, embarrassed yet again. His thoughts were wandering pretty far-- no empathy, no tone inflection in voice. Maybe Ash was some sort of sociopath. What had he invited into his house? He ran a nervous hand through his brazen hair, quickly hiding the grimace on his face when he turned at Ash's suggestion of rest.

"Right, right.." He sighed, slumping his shoulders. "I'll lay you in one of the guest rooms," he said tiredly, stressing himself out from the myriad of horror movies that start out by inviting a stranger into one's house. No wait! What have I done?! He screamed inwardly.
"I mean you can stay in one of the guest bedrooms," he quickly corrected himself, trying to play it cool.
What was with him today? Had he abstained from social contact for so long he completely lost it and was coming off as some sex-starved lunatic? How many slips was that with Ash, already? Three? He facepalmed mentally.

"Well anyway, follow me," he relented, walking slowly out of his bedroom and into the next one, which was only one door down.

When he reached the room, he opened the door and presented a hand toward it, as if he were a dealer showing off a brand new car. "Here it is, make yourself at home... I suppose..."
Crap, 'make yourself at home?' Yeah let's totally insult this guy because he's homeless, asshole! Jiden mentally grimaced. He was just not all here today, apparently.

"If you need me, just... Yell or something. I'm the only one here, so, I'm sure I'll hear."

Stupid, Jiden thought. Of course, let the total stranger know you're alone in a huge manor so he can feel free to steal all the stuff while you're not paying attention!

Once Ash finally went into the guest room, Jiden clasped his face with his hand.

Gnome Inspector wrote:

"... OK?" he was hiding a smile, and were he not already grimacing through every cracked rib he would've found it funny enough to laugh. If anything, he could use some cheering up.

"Right. I'll keep that in mind," he trailed off, stepping into the room and taking in the scenery. Plain, as much as a guest room usually was. But not in a bad way. He could stay here for a while, if he had to.

He shut the door rather unceremoniously after a moment, favoring privacy as he took the chance to seat himself on the available bed. If the other needed him they could just knock. For now though, he dispelled the illusion that hid his wings from sight. Every ounce of extra magic he possessed was important if he wanted to recover faster, even if it meant he had to bear the sight of the badly damaged limbs.

Seeing them in a mirror over a dresser, Ash was almost certain he'd be sick. They weren't bleeding still, and nothing was broken, but they did need some bandaging or cleaning before they were infected... And, feeling around with an arm, there were places he simply could not reach.

Damn it all. He needed help. And the only available help was in the form of a human. One he'd already resolved not to trust, regardless of any kindness he'd already been paid. Who knew how things would change, anyways, were he to find out the truth?

What a dilemma, then. It pained him to go out on a limb and expose himself, but neither could he stand the thought of never flying again.

His head fell face-first into a pillow, the groan escaping him loud and a little too pained sounding. Still, it was a way to get rid of his pent-up stress.

((ooc - sorry this took so long, Memorial Day weekend and all that :c I should be able to get a Caleb post up soon too?
Oh and I guess if at some point in the near future you wanted to time skip a little to get things moving that's OK ))

Jy, still having his face stuck firmly in his palm in self-ordained stupidity, kept right outside the guest door for a moment.
A moment where a very loud, painful groan escaped the kid in the guest room.

He busted back in the room immediately, his left hand hand on the door frame and his right still holding the door knob as he leaned in, quickly.
"Are you all right?!" he let out, a bit too transparently worried.

It took a moment for the scene to stick in.

Ask was lying on his stomach, face in the pillow, large, feathered wings protruding from his back.
Gears slowly began to turn in his head. Jiden's reaction to the scene was unstable.
At first, he was confused.
Then, it all seemed to click. The weird feelings he'd felt brushing against his arms when he'd manhandled Ash.
But then.. Then he became really excited.

Where was the backpack? How did it work? Did they move? Clearly they had some type of stealth capability? Wings weren't really Jy's thing but if someone could actually fly with them, that would be so cool! Maybe that was why this guy got stabbed? For his fancy tech?!

But then, then Jiden realized he should've been worried. Because Ash had moaned in pain. That was the reason he'd barged in afterall. Wasn't it? Yes.

This whole torrent of emotions in Jiden's head expressed itself through an entirely blank look on his face and complete, utter silence coming from his still-open mouth, still perked lips that had never quite finished the last syllable in "All right".

Gnome Inspector wrote:

Once he'd heard Jy's voice, Ash froze up almost immediately in shock as he locked eyes with him. Shit, this wan't good at all. As if he wasn't already in trouble, Ash had managed to reveal himself to a mortal. A hand worked its way up to his forehead, racking his brain for any sort of damage control.

"I..." he didn't quite know what to say, anything worth using for damage control. There really didn't look to be a way out of the situation, and he did need help bandaging things. But writing it off as a mutation seemed almost out of the question.

"I've been worse," he said after a moment, shrugging. Then regretting it a little as the injured part of his wing knocked the headboard. Well, while he was here it wouldn't make things much worse to get some help. "If you could actually help me with this?" the injured wing twitched slightly, showing off a bit of dried blood around one of the deeper cuts. One that, on his own, Ash would hardly be able to reach or clean out. It was mostly the bones that were causing the pain - and what had made him the most worried. bandaging those would be just as much of a pain to do.

Ash didn't quite trust Jy to do much else other than reach or the bandages, and was already eyeing the human for any sign of danger. What would he want to do now?

"You really shouldn't have seen..." he sighed, looking a little defeated. If anything, he could still play the part of the poor victim. It might get him somewhere. Wouldn't it be easiest if he cooked up some sob story for the human to take pity on him? Humans tended to romanticize angels anyways.

((ooc - I can't stand moving :c
nor do I like spending the summer back home with the folks
but whatever :p ))

[imgright][/imgright]Once invited in, he was in that room like a charge held by a capacitor. He immediately went for the wings, disregarding Ash's dialogue-- surely he was just being modest -- and placing his hands on the 'broken' wing, carefully tested the joints a bit.

"What is this? Hydraulic fluid?" he spoke mostly to himself, eying the stain that looked like dried blood. "You know Disney stopped using this color because they accidentally recreated the Lincoln assassination with it, right?" Just a random fact. It was funny to him, that the red fluid could look like blood and hemorrhaging, especially in Disneyworld's Lincoln case. He'd seen it in a documentary once.

Jiden stroked his thumb down some of the feathers under his grip. "Are these real feathers? Why?" More appropriate, how? Especially with what had to be that cloaking feature... How or why cloak real feathers?

"Can you fly with this? They don't seem big enough. How did they break? Is that why you were stabbed? What's the power source? How do you control them?"


He didn't think his mouth could move as fast as his mind, and now that the initial shock had passed, it was all excitement from here.

Gnome Inspector wrote:

Hydro-what? Ash could really only sit there and look confused, picking up on a few key words as Jiden rambled on. Some assassination, a 'Disney', very little actually made sense. Whatever it was, Jiden was jumping to conclusions - all in Ash's favor.

Instinctively he nodded, playing along was easier than trying to explain what was really going on. So long as he didn't try to cut them open and realize that they were very much part of him and completely natural, all was well.

The touching was calling it close. "Ow." he nearly flinched, the touch less than comfortable seeing as they were assumed to be fake. Oh no, did he break the scapegoat already? No, not if it looked like he was tugging them too hard. The wings did merge seamlessly into his back, and could easily be written off as surgically attached.

"Um." he was trying to think of any way to get Jiden to fix his wings without coming at him with a wrench and oil. With what little he knew about human machinery, he stuck to applying the most vague terms he could think of. "I can't fly. The one's broken, and some of the feathers are missing. " Which would grow back, another detail omitted. "But if the wou- area's cleaned out and bandaged off, it'll be fine for now."

"And... What were those other questions?" he did catch a few, but they weren't ones he felt like answering and they came quickly enough to make him stare puzzled for a moment. Hell, most of these questions were better left alone before something was asked that he couldn't explain away.

((ooc - ))
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inner demons v2 1

Eᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀs ᴡᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀs ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs. To the common eye, things are what they are and life continues on as normal. But for Tʜᴇ Cᴏʀʀᴜᴘᴛᴇᴅ, they see something more. The Corrupted are people prone to sin so much that they have somewhat of a kinship with the world down under. A world, parallel to our own, which is full of demons instead of humans. The people with this sight tend to be corporate and government officials, as well as those who consider crime a business. The Corrupted can naturally see demons. To them, the demons can be business partners, pests, or anything in between. But The Corrupted are not the only humans with the ability to see.

In theory, any human being who looks hard enough can see demons. Demons originated from Dᴏᴡɴ Uɴᴅᴇʀ, but many live on our plane of existence. Others will frequently visit. When on our plane, they project an image of something normal for humans to see. The type of image they project is related to the type and class of demon they are. Middle-class demons can assume human forms, lower-class are animals, and upper-class cannot conceal their form. If an upper-class demon wants to walk the earth in secret, it must take a host through possession.

While the host is a human form, it still retains many of the abilities the demon had when Down Under. Upper-class demons generally don't come to our plane, however. They were meant to rule Down Under. In fact, it could be argued that it would be punishment for an Upper-class Demon to come to our plane.


Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ sᴏᴄɪᴇᴛʏ. Tʜɪs ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀᴡ.
This law, so vague as it is, has been interpreted to mean 'Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ.'​

Eᴏɴs ᴀɢᴏ, ᴀɴ ᴜᴘᴘᴇʀ-ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴅᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇ ʙᴀʀɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ. This demon, Aᴘᴏʟʟʏᴏɴ, brought on death and destruction to the human civilization until the angels made an example of him. They destroyed his physical form and sealed his spirit within a green gem, burying it in the sands of time.

If the angels had killed Apollyon, he would've returned Down Under and been able to live again. Having banished his spirit on Earth, he would never have a physical form again through normal means. The angels never predicted that Apollyon, after fostering years of hate within the confines of his jewel, would be able to manifest himself and take a host given the opportunity.

What were the odds the cursed green gem would become a piece of jewelry?

Quatre Bornes. AKA "Q" or "Bornes"
[imgleft][/imgleft] Q is a 23 year old with a haggard past. Growing up in a French military academy, he ran away with his lover to the USA at 18. In the US, he was the second-hand to Vespasien, the lord of the newly-formed French Mafia in New York. It was there where Q began his demon-hunting career.

At 21, Q had a falling out, and left the mafia to become on call for anyone who needed to get rid of their demon problems. He doesn't know if Vespasien has put a price on his head or wants him back. Q's across the country now and frankly, doesn't really care. Q sticks to what he knows and feels comfortable with. And that is, frankly, killing demons for money.

Q's lover is gone, but they left an heirloom-- a titanium chain holding an amulet with a green gem inside. Q wears it every day. He's had it since he was 20. But lately, it's been growing hot...

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Caleb" = "Dog"
Middle class.
Long ago worked as a devout underling of Apollyon, though his worship could sometimes be said to border on the obsession. When finding a possibility in some of the old texts, it was only natural that he get involved. He'd always been interested in the affairs of humans, though he's far more straightforward in his torments than puppeteering mortals to do his bidding. Of course, he's never had any specific motivation that needed such methods.

Takes delight in using whatever tactics he may deem necessary to achieve his goals, and possesses a cruel and unusual sense of humor.

[imgright][/imgright]Q was in Bustertown, getting paid to take out a lesser demon problem. It seemed as it AmeriCorp, a beverage company, had a little harpy infestation. Harpies were getting to be a large problem in the United States. Many of Q's gigs were dealing with them these days. He was beginning to hate them. Normally he was fairly apathetic to what he was killing. But Harpies flew around, made a lot of noise, and made him look like an idiot.

Why? Because to the normal human eye, he was on top of a roof shooting at birds. What crazy person goes to the roof of a skyscraper to point a pair of pistols at a flock of pigeons?
Quatre Bornes.

The matter of the fact was that, here in the normal world, demons projected an image. To a normal human, a harpy would appear to be a bird. It depended on the circumstances as to what type of bird. Right now, a flock of harpies were a flock of pigeons. Other times? Vultures. Eagles. Crows. Whatever they felt like being. But always birds. Q didn't know why they did what they did. He just knew he could see past the mirage. Apparently any human could if they looked hard enough, but no one aside from corporate giants and mafia lords seemed to.

So while the layperson would see a man with grey hair wearing sunglasses, black slacks and boots, a long sleeved dress shirt with black sleeves and a maroon torso holding two pistols and shooting wildly at a bunch of attacking pigeons... Q saw himself shooting wildly at a bunch of royally pissed of pale females possessing arms with wings and claws for hands. Their bottom half were giant, scaled, raptor feet. Each one of them were at least five feet tall with just as wide a wingspan. They all had long, out of control hair in varying colors, eyes full of rage, and open mouths. Fang-filled mouths.
That screamed. Screamed in such an ear-splitting high pitch that Q grit his teeth.

Their screams overwhelmed the sound of his bullets. Bullets that seemed to not be doing much good. He released the spent clips from his pistols simultaneously. They dropped to the concrete roof at his feet as he holstered the gun in his right hand and found a new clip with his now free hand, shoving it into the pistol in his left hand.

Right when he loaded his pistol, one of the harpies dived at his face.

"Shit!" Q went to a knee, just barely missing the attack. One of her talons from her feet had scraped along his black sleeve, tearing the fabric. Fuck! He thought. This was his favorite shirt!

Behind his sunglasses, his green eyes narrowed as the harpy, who appeared to be the leader, came back around.

There were only five harpies left. Q had managed to kill most of them. Various dead bodies lay on the ceiling and a few had dropped to the street. When a demon died, their visage fell for all humans to see. This made clean-up pretty horrifying if one didn't want the public to know demons existed. But the bodies would normally liquify after a few minutes on their own. At that moment, a few of the bodies on the roof did just that. They turned to a molten black substance that quickly evaporated. The smell was disturbingly awful.

"All right," Q said. "J'ai fini de jouer."

From his kneeling position, he took aim and shot the leader Harpy -- the one who'd just ruined his shirt -- in the forehead. She went down immediately. The bitch.
The other harpies EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'd in shrieking disapproval.
Q aimed for the next harpy. It went down. Three harpies left.

Something felt hot on his chest. He ignored it.

The last two harpies began flying around wildly. Q was left to do tuck and rolls, trying to evade them. During one of these rolls, he had the misfortune of rolling through the black liquified remains of one of the dead harpies. He let go of his gun and cradled his arm.
He'd only briefly touched the liquid with his shoulder, but pain shot through his entire left arm. It shook uncontrollably. In that instant, whatever pain was in his chest amplified and his vision went white.

The two harpies took the opportunity to begin attacking Q directly. He had frozen up, unsure of what to do. This reality wasn't his own, anymore. His hearing was taken over with white noise. His feelings overcome with pain.

He could feel someone talking to him. Feel it, in waves of pain, in his mind, in sound, in everything. Inside of him. It didn't make sense.

Soon. It said.
Then it laughed.

The titanium pendant around his neck burned into his skin, the green gem inside glowing beneath his shirt.

Entirely mentally separated from his true surroundings, Q was unable to defend himself from the two harpies who were now tearing his shoulders to shreds with their raptor feet.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft]Photo by nenopeo


Searing red eyes and scarlet hair, accompanied by a twisting pair of brown horns made his demonic form quite eye-catching, for those who could actually see past the illusion. Most mortals could only see a young redhead with dark green eyes, his worn out jeans and dirtied grey dress shirt giving him the appearance of an ordinary street urchin. Not too special.

Neither was the loud cooing of pigeons, something completely normal to human ears, if a bit annoying.

Hardly comparable to the shrieking that he was currently being graced with, growing ever louder as he followed the noises to the source. He never did like harpies, their deaths barely registering as a loss to him. They'd served their purpose in bringing him to the human, their bellowing the clearest siren of an attack and just as good as his numerous attempts at tracking the man. A rooftop, littered with dead bodies that were slowly melting away, and one very unusual human firing rounds into the flock.

He had his reasons for approaching, holding back just for a bit to study the actions of the human. Searching for signs that may or may not have even showed, only for a chance that his findings were true.

Granted, the only signs he'd been given were texts trusted to him, ancient ones that brought back age-old memories of battles against angels, and a few less fond ones. Mostly, he remembered the purpose that had come with such a life, both good and bad. It was fun going off on his own, playing the trickster, but there was a sense of longing for the old days.

He'd seen his chance, and he'd taken it. Gladly, until he'd ended up here, with the hunter. Almost ironic, that the human possessing the artifact be hunting his kind. It'd make him a but harder to reason with, but Caleb didn't think it impossible. Though, 'reason' was a light term. Were his findings correct, all he needed to do was keep the human alive and out of the way of anything that would stop the possession from taking place. What a task he'd been given - one he'd like to see through to the end.

Somehow, the fight was changing tides, a sudden weakness in the human sending a wave of intrigue through the demon.

One look was enough to confirm a good chunk of what was going on, and Caleb found his face twisting into a wicked grin. He was right, and if anything made him happy, it was appeasing his own vanity. Well, there was still a chance he was incorrect... He'd confirm it sooner or later.

He floated quite easily up to the rooftop, glancing form the human to the two remaining Harpies. What a sight. "Need any help?" he offered, shooing away the birds in an almost comical fashion. One was inclined to listen, the other harpy, likely unfamiliar or unafraid of him, simply sent him a glance before eyeing the human almost hungrily. Well, that wouldn't do.

((ooc - Ended up posting for this first? :p ))
And a few notes :3 CALEB
[imgleft]Photo by nenopeo "Caleb" = "Dog"
Middle class.
Long ago worked as a devout underling of Apollyon, though his worship could sometimes be said to border on the obsession. When finding a possibility in some of the old texts, it was only natural that he get involved. He'd always been interested in the affairs of humans, though he's far more straightforward in his torments than puppeteering mortals to do his bidding. Of course, he's never had any specific motivation that needed such methods.

Takes delight in using whatever tactics he may deem necessary to achieve his goals, and possesses a cruel and unusual sense of humor.

[imgright][/imgright]The harpies had only gotten in a few good attacks over his shoulders before the stranger came and began to shoo them away. Q had only come back into reality after the other had asked if he needed any help. Surprised, Q's eyes followed the voice to a man with red hair. Something was off about him, though.
Horns. Horns! The man had horns.

"Get away from me you--AUGH!!" The 23 year old clutched at his chest, his body trembling. Something was burning his skin! His attention immediately diverted and he tried to get whatever was burning him off.
Frantically, he clawed at his shirt, but it wasn't moving whatever was on his skin. He started to quickly unbutton the thing, but he'd only managed to undo one when the fabric pressed onto the necklace he was wearing burned away. Now, not only was his skin burning, but now he had a hole in his shirt that was only continuing to get larger.

If now wasn't the time to freak out, Q didn't know when would be. He ripped the rest of his buttons off, splitting the shirt wide open and flinging it off, so the entire thing didn't burn as he was wearing it. He couldn't see what was going on at his chest, so simply started clawing away at it in blind, furious, pain.

The metal of the charm was fusing into his skin, and even though Q's nails were digging into himself to pry it out, as fast as the skin was scratched away, it healed back. It did this so quickly, in fact, that the skin completely healed overtop the metal, only leaving the green emerald to show. This stone illuminated in tune to Q's heartbeat, which, at this point in time, was still ridiculously high.
When the process of fusion was completed, a shiver was sent through the hunter's spine, followed by a full body warmth and force relaxation, similar to an orgasm without the pleasure.

Q's eyes squeezed shut while he panted through his mouth, his fists on the ground. He had no clue what just happened. Didn't want to know. Still wasn't inclined to believe it. But it only took a few seconds of him gulping air back into his lungs before he opened his eyes again and searched for the gun he'd dropped previously.

Finding it, he grabbed it and aimed it to the red-haired demon in front of him.

"What did you do." He accused, his upper body full of sweat and old scars.
The green eyes behind his dark sunglasses almost seemed to glow with rage.

The two triangular stripe tattooes on either side of his chin and the large scar over his nose only added to the ferocious look on his face.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft]Photo by nenopeo


His eyes shined wide with interest as he observed what was happening - only for him to try to hide his glee. While he'd never imagined how exactly the return would be brought about, it was fascinating to watch - for him, at least. It looked quite painful.

Which, well. Failed. His emotions tended to show quite easily, especially towards things his was passionate about. Apollyon being one of those things. He stood as if transfixed by the gem, his own senses nearly smelling the aura - all in his head though, as the most his senses picked up were the remains of a large crown of overly bothersome birds.

"If only I had done something..." He trailed off. Yes, he knew what was happening - or could grasp enough of the basics of it. "I'm afraid none of this is my fault. I just have good timing."

The damn harpies were gone now, the last two flying away with hesitant looks at his figure. Apparently they did have some sort of respect for his dealings - or, the ordeal the hunter was going through had sent them a better message than a few bullets. Well, since they'd survived, news was likely to travel fast among the lower class demons.

"But you should calm down, unless you want to get yourself killed faster," he hinted, a hand under his chin in an analytic gesture. Not too bad of a choice in host, he figured. His own eyes, already bright and reflective, seemed to glow brighter in reaction to the threatening gesture - a challenge, then.

The light faded fairly quickly. He wasn't here to fight, and so his form remained in one that wasn't so menacing. If anything, his purpose was to make sure the other's body stayed alive long enough - and usable - for Apollyon to finish his little return. He wasn't the only one so eager - even if others weren't so enthusiastic. Caleb figured those voices of opposition would have to go.

"But I could offer a bit of advice, if you'd be willing to keep things pleasant."

((ooc - So I'm going on an all-day trip to Canada tomorrow, so chances I'll be able to post are pretty much zero :c I'm also busy-ish tonight so I had to write this fast, so sorry for any errors. I'll be back thursday c: ))

Q, still breathing through his mouth, watched the demon with interest. Tried to fully take in the other's words. A large part of himself told him to never trust a demon. But a different portion told him that if this demon wanted him dead, he would've done it already. So there was something more going on here.

The 23 year old brought the gun toward himself, flipping on the safety. He readjusted his body so he sat on his posterior rather than his knees. After sitting and bringing a knee up, he grunted. He leaned his gun arm on his raised knee, pushing his sunglasses up over his green eyes as he watched the demon, distrustful still.

"Fine," Q growled. "Why does it interest you so much?"

Demons didn't come out of nowhere for no reason. Maybe this stranger was here for the same reason the harpies were. Or maybe he was here for Q? In either case, the man didn't know what the reason was. But it must've been something important to bring in a middle class demon. Very rarely did Q encounter humanoid demons.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft]Photo by nenopeo


"I don't like to be the bringer of bad news," he loved it, "but you've been cursed, more or less." He didn't offer any other information yet, gauging the other's reaction. He smiled as if the information was nothing worth making a fuss over, and continued explaining himself in an almost taunting fashion.

"Why am I interested?" the question was quiet, almost odd for his usual confident and loud speech patterns. He circled the seated male, feet making the little more than a light tap on the roof of the building. Because that little gem housed his master, his idol, for far too many years, and to see him wreaking havoc again was all he could wish for. Because plenty other demons would flock to the male in order to have an in with Apollyon, and they didn't deserve to even live long enough to bask in the demons presence. Because he was a narcissistic, envious man, and in the end he always got what he wanted. And he wanted everything to do with Apollyon.

All that remained unsaid. "The curse is from an old friend of mine. Very old. Thought I'd pay my respects and see if his little curse works out." he stopped his circling, taking fondness in some of his memories. It wasn't as if he hadn't already been eyeing the human - sizing him up a bit - for a while now, so it might have struck him as unusual that he was interested in the person himself, not just the gem. A side effect, probably.

It didn't change how his expression was almost hungry in nature, predatory as his demonic nature made him - even as his current form was far more human looking in its current state.

((ooc - ))

[imgright][/imgright]Q growled at the response. A curse. Well thank you, captain obvious. The 23 year old's first response was to lackadaisically point the gun in the demon's direction.

'See if it works out' the demon had said. This demon was waiting to see him die. With a snort, Q growled again. But two seconds later he rethought it, and pointed his gun back at the ground.

Q was fine for time being, he told himself as he stood up and holstered his gun. He walked toward the fire escape and began his descent down the side of the building. He'd been paid up front, so he didn't have to talk to anyone after the harpy incident. They were gone, so he'd done his job. Case closed.

Assuming the demon followed him -- which was what Q was planning on-- he would say, "In it for the long haul?" sarcastically.

The demon hunter wasn't sure what the curse was, but if the demon was following him around, then it was something long-acting. He was sort of pissed that he'd been cursed, yes, and even more pissed that there was someone here to ensure its completion.

But, he was no longer in freak out mode. He was collecting his wits. And his wits were telling him, he could use this to his advantage. If the curse warranted an observer than that meant that whatever was going on either needed protection, or damage control.

Considering Q was still alive, he was betting it was the former. And in that case, maybe he just got a new body guard.

Once Q reached street level, the first thing he did was grab a light jacket in the nearest store to cover up his disaster of a shirt. After this, he went toward the library. And once he got inside there, he went off to the occult section and started pulling "curse" books off the shelves.
The 23 year old wasn't much for reading, but he'd be damned if he let this demon see him freak out again. It wasn't going to happen.
It was time to put his game face on.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]


"To the end of the Earth and into the next world," he responded, dropping down off the roof after the male with little effort. "So do I get a name or what?" he called after a moment of walking, "You can call me Caleb, by the way."

He'd followed closely behind, humans passing him by with little thought of what he actually was. The clothing store he could laugh at, always amused by the human need for modesty. His own was out of necessity - remaining unseen did not work well naked, as he'd learned. That, and he couldn't resist but to give a passing wink at the cashier as they left. Not his type, but still a cutie.

If the clothing store struck him as funny, the next destination was a riot.

A library? A human library? "Tch," he scoffed. While some of the books were accurate, the library was still human made. Meaning a good chunk of the information was laughably false, probably the result of a trickster messing with the author. Other parts, scarily accurate.

He had to admit - the human did have a good eye for the right texts. Sadly for him, he didn't seem to get just how far back he had to go. "Good choice, but you aren't going to find anything but a few passing mentions in that book," he'd taken to sitting on the table, leaning over the book on the opposite side of Q and lingering a bit too close for comfort.

Personal space? Overrated.

"Try this," he'd initially planned to give away any information asked of him, but apparently the hunter was only concerned with what the books had to say. So he settled with poking him in the right direction, quite literally, as he nudged the male with the corner of a dusted old text bound in faded leather. The pages were yellowed, and Caleb was pretty sure a good chunk of the text had faded from sun damage. Still, the letters inked into the bindings were unmistakable, and he was almost shocked to see that the library had carried such an old tome. Even then, it was likely still not too good of an account. The best account being from one of the angels that had sealed Apolyon in the first place, though Caleb had a bit more than an aversion to angels. Self-righteous pricks.

((ooc - ))

[imgright][/imgright]"Q." the 23 year old answered after the demon had offered his own name-- Caleb.
Q said his name with a particular distaste. Q wasn't really his name, but it was what he went by, so it was what he'd tell the demon.

But, they were in the library now. And as Q was tossing books on a table, Caleb seemed to get closer and closer to him. If Q didn't have at least five inches between himself and the other, he would shove him. Or in one case, shoulder him. Fuck Caleb. Any time he had to move Caleb out of the way, he'd get progressively more agitated. It was clear Q loved his personal space.

By the time Caleb got to pointing Q into the direction of the correct book, the man flipped his shit and broke himself free from the other.
"What the hell do you--!" He took a deep breath, a gutteral growl escaping him as he swallowed and tried to calm himself down.
Library, he thought. This was a library.

"Don't. Touch me," he spat, his voice to a much more manageable level.

He pushed his sunglasses back up on his face to cover his eyes, trying to hide the faint green glow brought on by his agitation.

He then yanked the book from the demon's hands and slammed it on the table.
To hell with this demon thinking he couldn't do anything himself!

That was when they were thrown out.
A librarian, who happened to be a woman, came over and calmly said he couldn't be so loud, and that they needed to leave.
Q briefly tried to argue with her, but she ended up chasing him out, and next thing he knew he was being escorted outside by two security guards.
What type of library had security guards?!

When the doors closed in front of them, with them on the outside, Q turned to Caleb.
"This is all YOUR fault!" He roared, baring his teeth.

"[strike]You think you can just barge in here and be a faggot you have the wrong man![/strike]" he shouted in french.
He curled his hands into fists and stomped off in a random direction down the street, something in his pants leg flinging about wildly.

In truth, it was a tail which Q hid there, but would never own up to it. At least not normally.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]


Caleb left the library with a cheerful wave to the security, not putting up a fight as they were escorted out. It wasn't his fault that the human apparently was unable to handle a few pokes. Or that, the more he got pushed away the funner it was to mess with him. Caleb was tempted to say so.

"Yes, entirely my fault," he responded through thinly veiled sarcasm. "Especially the part when you tried to take out those security guards."

Humans had too many languages. Then again, he wasn't a young little demon. For as long as he'd lived, there was plenty of time to learn a few, and catch up on when he was bored. While today's French wasn't something he spoke often or understood completely, he could get the gist of what was being said. None of it pleasant, but that much he could have figured out from the tone.

What was mentioned was interesting though, and it made him chuckle a little deeper, as he followed along behind regardless of how clearly the other didn't want to be bothered. "Harsh," Humans and their obsession with sexuality. Like it even mattered. All it really served to do was encourage him. It wasn't every day he got such enthusiastic responses, after all. "And here I though I was a master of seduction." If only. There were far more suitable demons for such tasks, and Caleb was no incubus. Only in personality did he match up.

He was still following, even as Q continued his stomping - which was oddly causing his clothing to move in a very unusual fashion. Had everything still not smelled like bird gut, he might have arrived at to the bottom of the matter. "Nothing's in the books that I don't already know," he mentioned in passing, "but if you'd rather try and insult me..." nah, he really didn't feel like telling the human right away anymore. He could figure it out himself - or ask Caleb the right question. As of now, it was a bit more entertaining to watch Q run around confused.

((ooc - ))

[imgright][/imgright]Q ignored Caleb's comments and simply shook his head, frustrated and trying not to blow up in the middle of the street. He took a turn and decided to go to his hotel. But Caleb kept following him. And kept getting closer. It was pissing him off.
Until he mentioned knowing everything in the books.

He stopped and turned to face the demon.
"FINE. What is the curse then? What do I have to look forward to? What is so important that you have to stick around to find out what happens?" he said, angrily.

You wanna fuck me too? he added mentally. He didn't know what incubuses looked like. But this guy wasn't sexy, so maybe he wasn't one. Why he was even thinking that, he wasn't sure. Anger did weird things.

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]


Caleb shrugged, easily amused by the direction Q was going. If only all the humans he'd interacted with were this interesting to watch. Well. Not all humans were destined to be the vessel of an extremely powerful demon.

It was still some of the best fun he'd had in ages. "Moody, aren't we?," Caleb teased, taking more amusement in angering the other further than being of any use. "Eh. Why don't you make it worthwhile?" he asked, not feeling content with just giving away the information. There had to be a price, and Caleb was a demon. Shady dealings were his nature. There was no suggested incentive - he wanted to see what the other had to offer. Even if there were certain things he appreciated more than others.

"Otherwise, I recommend just going along with this. Ignorance is bliss," He doubted Q would want to go trough with such an option, but it was there. Caleb himself was a little more hopeful for some sort of deal to be struck.

((ooc - Ah, there we go. Oh, and my F key was acting up a bit, so I'm sorry if a few typos slipped in from me messing with my keyboard.))
inner demons v2 2
[imgright][/imgright]The 23 year old snorted. Worth his time? Worth his time?!
"Va mourir dans un trou, grosse merde," he grumbled.
He'd never make a deal with a demon.

He kept walking toward the hotel. As he walked, his anger calmed and went merely to frustration. It was going to be a while. Caleb kept following him. Q tried to keep his distance. He tried to ignore the demon. Keep to himself. Think of what the curse could be. Then he decided not to worry about it.

Eventually he reached his hotel room, which was a shitty, run-down cheap place. If no one knew any better, they'd think Q lived in poverty. That was completely untrue. He was paid quite well for his particular skills. He lived low-key, however. What with police and all. After he opened the door, he slipped in quickly and slammed it shut in Caleb's face. He locked the door just as fast as he'd locked in.

Once he was in the room by himself, he took off the jacket, his guns, and his shredded shirt, tossing them all on the bed. He briefly eyed himself in the mirror-- the green gem still embedded in his skin and emanating lightly in tune to his heartbeat. It made him eerily uncomfortable. With another snort, he moved to a sea bag in the corner of the room, which had been sealed with a combination lock. He quickly undid the combo and put the lock in his pocket, opening the seabag and hunting through the duffel for another shirt. On his bare back were the fresh marks from the harpies, as well as hundreds of old scars likely from similar origins. Along his spine was the main trunk of a golden ankh tattoo. It appeared Q had gone a little tattoo-crazy earlier on in his life. His facial tattoos had been done around the same time as his back. While the tattoos were inked, unfortunately the large scar on his face and the many small ones on his back didn't have nearly the same 'tame' and artistic origins. He took a muscle shirt from the seabag.

Once the shirt was on, he loosened his belt and let his pants sag in the rear. Afterward, he took his hands and pulled his tail up out of the seat of his pants. It was a knee-length, long haired, sleek black, canine-appearing tail. Once it was able to sway freely outside his pants, he sighed in relief. Keeping it in his pants all the time wasn't very comfortable.

[[If you want to timeskip or have some magic thing that lets him come inside, feel free.
Also I'm traveling over the weekend so I probably won't be able to reply till monday or tuesday.

also the french is roughly 'go die in a hole, you piece of shit'

edit: Turns out I managed to finish the drive in one day, so I can reply whenever now. :XD]]

Gnome Inspector wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]


Red eyes blinked in momentary surprise at the refusal, only for Caleb to shrug the ordeal off. oh well. He tried.

It wasn't that he lacked motivation, there were just plenty of other opportunities that he could mess with the man.

He wasn't too appreciative of the door in his face, and with a slight frown he scanned the surrounding hallway. Clear of any human witnesses, it was safe enough or Caleb to simply break in with whatever method he chose.

The door already looked worn enough to break if he applied enough pressure, though the lock looked like it wouldn't be too much trouble.

Human contraptions. Most of them were pretty simple, or at least fragile. this one wasn't hard to break, Caleb's hand shifting into something distinctly inhuman, long red claws almost breaking the handle clean off the door.

It was easy then to just open the door and invite himself inside. And at an interesting time as well, if the tail was to say anything.

"Oh. How cute," he smirked, eyeing the new appendage with interest. So, a demon after all. Or only in-part one. He would have been able to pick up on the scent far more easily were he not. That, and Harpies smelled. They reeked of prey and more often than not Caleb could hardly smell anything else when faced with one. Now, there was nothing to stop him from smelling it on Q, and less to dispute what was right in front of him.

No wonder the amulet had chosen him, rather than any other mortal. He voiced as much aloud. "So that's why you were picked." among other actors, he guessed. Something about it made him all the more interested in the body that would eventually host a demon.

Without much else thought, Caleb was quick to seat himself on the bed. "Not exactly a castle, but at least you aren't out on the streets." he commented, though he really did dislike the shabby interior of the room.

((ooc - Key's still broken. I have to hold down the button to get the letter to type :c ))


When the door opened, Q immediately grabbed a gun and aimed it toward the imposter. But once it turned out to only be Caleb, Q scowled, hesitating only a few seconds before tossing the gun back on the bed. Better to not raise suspicion in his hotel room. Gunshots would do just that.

He winced at Caleb's words, however. Cute? That was why he was picked?

"What is that supposed to mean?!" he growled, glaring at the demon. "You demons have some furry fetish?" He mumbled the rest, "So now I'm some faggot's sex toy, too? Damn."

He just made himself a bit sad.
Last edited:
forgive v2
Stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

A nun finds a dying murderer taking solace in the cathedral. Will she allow him to stay?

The nun.

Q / Quatre Bornes
A sick man seeking solace.

Notes to self (possible legit spoilers for RP, so read at own risk):
Q is 27.
Smoked 4 packs a day.
Stopped drinking.
suffering withdrawal from that.
Random faints last 5-10 minutes.
Faints due to stress on body/not smoking closer to an hour.
Eyes do glow.
Has lung cancer and doesn't know it.

It was ten past zero two and the man known as Q was in sad shape.
Q was used to traveling. Staying in one area for too long made him far too anxious. Because of that, even after he stopped killing for a living, he could never truly settle down. He'd skipped over the border a few days back but had run out of money. The last night was the final one in his hotel. He'd managed to spend most of that night finding leads. Killing was the only way he knew how to make money at this point.
Even if he was physically unable to do it now, he had no other ways of making money. And with how fast he was sucking down cigarettes, he needed a lot of money. Hell, he was smoking a cigarette right now. He only had a pack left.
He hadn't slept in 20 hours.

He'd spent all day tailing this man. And it wasn't until that man was on his way back home at zero two hundred that Q finally felt like he had a safe enough opening to do the guy in. Too drunk to drive home, the target had begun walking. Q walked behind, unsheathed a knife and just went for it. Stabbed the man in the back, pulled his knife out, turned the guy around, and slit his throat.

Q may have been out of practice, but apparently he still had the touch, because it was all done before the man could make a sound. The target crumpled down on the ground, and Q had quite a bit of blood on his hands from the rushed action.

Q was only 27 but he felt much older. With his full head of grey hair, large scar over his face, and fading facial tattoos, he looked much older, as well. His persistent smoking had damaged his voice and aged his face. Behind a pair of dark sunglasses, which he still wore despite it being dark, were a pair of piercing green eyes that wearily looked down to his dead target.

Q spit out the butt of his cigarette and grunted, kneeling down and hunting through the dead man's pockets. He pulled out his wallet and pocketed all the cash and one of the credit cards. Looting a body was beneath him, but he had to have something for the night. He was only paid half upfront for the kill. He'd get the other half tomorrow night.

As Q stood back up, it began to rain. He looked across the street, wondering where he could take shelter. He sincerely felt like passing out. His vision wavered. Thankfully, the 27 year old knew it was from lack of sleep and not something more pressing.

He spotted a cathedral.
With a grunt, he decided he may as well. He was pretty much homeless.

He jogged across the street and wandered into the building, running his bloodied fingers through his grey hair as he tried to get the water out of it. He didn't care too much about his clothes, them being mostly black. A jacket covered his maroon-chested dress shirt. Under each armpit of the shirt was a holster. Under his right, a handgun; his left held the sheath of his knife.

With second thoughts, he stopped musing with his hair and zipped up his jacket.
That was when he started having a coughing fit. He didn't immediately see anyone amongst the pews, so decided to just let it all out. Not that he could really control this. The coughing fits were happening a lot more frequently than they used to, and they were hell on his lungs.

He couldn't think as he hacked loudly. His right hand grabbed the back of a pew before he just collapsed onto the ground, hacking up blood into one of his hands as he tried to cover his mouth.

Now on his knees, he closed his eyes, the spins coming over him. The coughing had subsided, but that was a lot of blood. Too much blood.

Fuck, he was going to die in the middle of a church, wasn't he?
What kind of fucking irony was this.

That was his last thought before passing out in the middle of the aisle.

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft]Photo by Amanda Manton Rosalind was the primary caretaker of the cathedral during the week. It was her job to keep it clean, to keep the altar candles lit, and most importantly, to tend to those in need who came into the Lord's house.

She was in the cloisters when she heard coughing. The cieling was high, the acoustics were good, sound traveled and reverberated in the cathedral. Someone sick... not uncommon. The ill often turned to the Church for guidance, reassurance that the Lord would heal them on Earth or in Heaven.

As she came out, she saw spotted him, passed out in the middle of the aisle. Collapsed... he likely needed medical attention immediately, but the cathedral had no phone. Perhaps he had a cell phone... He was a young man, not like most of the sick who came in, but he was clearly too heavy for her to carry. She knelt down next to him, gently nudging him, trying to wake him.

[imgleft]Photo by S Q The man was quick to come to, gasping for air and turning around, knocking the nun as if she were a threat.

Immediately Q, also known as Bornes, regretted the move, although it had been instinctual. He began to apologize profusely.
"I am so sorry, I didn't know! I--" But he didn't get many words out as he started to cough yet again. He covered his mouth as his insides recoiled with each wheeze, and more blood entered into his hand.

Fuck it, he thought. He was definitely resigned to die tonight.

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft]Photo by Amanda Manton Rosalind fell back against the pew, wincing. Her wrist felt sprained from trying to break her fall... she swallowed, controlling her anger, trying to assess the situation. He was sick, or injured. Jumpy. Definitely trust issues. She sat for a moment, rubbing her wrist.

Then she spoke. "It's... fine. I'm okay," she told him, trying to keep her tone reassuring. He needed help, and that was supposed to be her job. "We should get you to a hospital... that's a lot of blood," she told him.

She hoped he would go. He needed medical attention, and while she was skilled in first aid... coughing up blood was a very bad sign.

[imgright][/imgright]It was only another painful thirty seconds of wheezing before it seemed to be over. He wiped his hand on his jacket, "Not all of it's mine," he answered quickly, his voice hoarse.
He instantly regretting that answer as well, but hoped maybe she wouldn't piece it together.
He wiped his face with the back of his hand and rolled over, sitting properly with a wince.
"No hospital," he said, wincing as his posterior hit the floor.

"I can't--" He started, but then closed his eyes and hung his head a bit. "I'll be fine," he lied. "I apologize. I just need a place to sleep. I have no money."

He grit his teeth.

Go gold, or go home, he thought to himself.

His voice lowered. "I will work for it," he pleaded.

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft]Photo by Amanda Manton could tell he was in a lot of pain... she didn't see how medical bills could be more worrying than death, until he said that not all of the blood was his. That set off a warning bell, she was not stupid or naive. If he had someone else's blood on him and he didn't want to go to a hospital, he was obviously a criminal.

But he was in a house of God, and he was injured. And it was her duty not to be judgmental, but to lead anyone who was astray back onto the proper path. Maybe God was providing her with an opportunity to do so.

"Alright... we have beds. You can rest, and then I'll find some chores for you to do before dinner." She put on a smile. Yes, this could be a positive experience.

[imgleft][/imgleft][[If any part of this is bad, let me know and I'll edit/redo it]]

The man managed to hoarse out a "Thank you" before he was led to a small room with a bed and a mirror on top of a chest of drawers. There was a shared bathroom down the hall. Bornes thanked the nun again and was quick to pass out from pure exhaustion, not bothering to get out of his clothes or even under the covers of the bed.

It wasn't until about 11am when he awoke. Still weak, but much more alert than last night, he quickly ran through his mind what happened. He couldn't quite remember all of it, but he knew enough to patch the pieces together. He got up and quietly made his way outside the room. He was hoping to sneak by and leave the cathedral without being seen. He managed to do just that, perhaps even by dumb luck.

He was able to blow some of his cash out in town on some food, buy another pack of smokes, and pick up the money he was owed from the man who'd employed him last night. In the fast food place he'd eaten, he had washed up his face and hair as best he could. His clothes were still a bit messy, but for the moment, just keeping his jacket on covered it up.

In a much better mood and having a lot more energy to him -- the cigarettes helped his headaches and, perhaps maybe it was a placebo effect, but it also seemed to keep his coughs at bay -- he went back to the cathedral.

It was now about 1pm and the sun was rising high, making it difficult to stay outside. Bornes's eyes were sensitive to sunlight, and he was beginning to get a headache once more despite his sunglasses pushed up into his face. He kept his head low as he sat on the lower steps.

He fully intended to work at the cathedral... At least for the time being... Whoever had given him a bed last night -- he couldn't remember her face, exactly -- had taken a risk and Bornes knew was going to be living on people's random kindness for a hwile. So he may as well start trying to seem trustworthy.

The point being was, he was sitting outside because he needed to smoke. And he figured the headache from the sun was less horrible than the one by him not smoking. And of course, he was only running on assumptions here, but he was pretty sure he wasn't allowed to smoke inside the cathedral.

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Sister Rosalind had been awake since 6 am. She ate breakfast and started the chores. She occasionally checked on the guest, to make sure he was still there and breathing. The last time she checked, he was not in the room, so she went looking for him.

It took a while, searching the cathedral, but she finally found him, sitting outside, smoking a cigarette. What an awful habit... it was discourteous, caused disease, and honestly... if he was begging for a place to stay, how could he justify spending money on cigarettes?

She walked up, plucked the cigarette from his hand, dropped it on the ground and crushed it under her flat. "No smoking while you stay here." She gave him a softer look. "Have you eaten yet? You should get something before I give you a list of chores to do."

[imgleft][/imgleft]One moment he was taking a long drag and the next moment the cigarette was out of his hand and a nun was towering over him. He looked up to her and growled in response.
He wasn't able to see her face in the harsh sunlight and turned his face back to the steps, curling his shoulders like a disgruntled teenager.

"But I was outside," he grumbled. He was courteous, was he not? "I need that," he huffed.

He growled again to himself. How low had he sunk? But he had to give himself some humility or he wouldn't be able to stay here. But was staying here something he should? He had a hefty sum of money as it was. It was laying a manila envelope beneath his legs, so he could keep positive control over it. He wasn't sure where to put it without someone finding it. It wasn't as if he had a safe or anything, these days.

"I ate," he answered her next question. "And I'll do chores, but... I kind of need new clothes.."
He'd open his jacket to demonstrate, but he was pretty certain revealing that he was still armed with a knife and a gun probably wasn't the best thing to do.

Gotta take baby steps, here.

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Rosalind wondered if she should explain to him the difference between want and need. He didn't need a filthy cigarette. He WANTED one, because he didn't have enough self-control to stay away from something that not only made his breath and clothing smell bad, but could kill him. But... she decided against a lecture. It probably wouldn't help, anyway.

"Very well. I think the priest may have left something. Let's go," she said, motioning for him to stand up and follow her. She went back into the cathedral, and into a back room that contained a desk and a closet, and a few bookshelves. She opened the closet and began rifling through it. She finally pulled out a white button down shirt and a pair of black slacks and handed them to him. "Those should fit you... if not, there is a belt in the closet. I'll go, so you can change," she told him.

It wasn't the attire he was used to, but she considered it better. He'd look presentable. While she waited, she found a piece of paper and began writing down the list of chores for him to do.

[imgright][/imgright] With a hmph, he got up and followed the nun to the new clothes, staying quiet the rest of the way. When she left him to change, he did so quickly into the new clothes, though he wished he could've showered. It had been a long time since he'd been in something formal. It felt a little odd. Flimsy.
He actually felt a bit naked.

He put his holsters, weapons, and manila envelope full of money inside of his jacket, and his pack of cigs and lighter in his new pants pocket. He zipped up the jacket, tied the sleeves together, and wrapped his old pants around the neck and waist of the jacket so none of his belongings would fall out.

He briefly looked at himself in the mirror before finding the belt and wearing that as well. He didn't need it, but it was more of a presentation thing. Bornes knew how to wear a suit. Even though this one didn't have a blazer. Meh.

He looked good in it, if he could say so himself. Except. His facial tattoos made him look really odd. He'd never fit in here. Same with his scar. He frowned and pushed his sunglasses closer to his eyes.
He didn't belong in a church.

With his mood ruined, he scooped his old clothes in his arms and walked outside to find the nun again.

"Is there a place I can put these for later...?"

Azura Meira wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]"You can put them in your room," she instructed him, and then handed him the list of chores. It wasn't a lot. The gutters needed cleaning. There were a few fence posts that needed to be repainted. Boxes to be moved. Dishes to be done. Just little things that would help out at the cathedral.

Later, Sister Rosalind was preparing to do the laundry, and remembered Bornes' filthy old clothes. She went to get them, to wash them for him. They were a little worse for wear than she'd thought. Bloodstains and some tears... and wrapped up in them, holsters. That contained actual guns. She looked them over, having never seen a real firearm before. And, there was a manila envelope. After having seen the guns, she felt obligated to open it, to see if there were more weapons.

But it was only money. She wasn't sure what to think... he had a lot of money, why would he need to beg to stay at a church? Why couldn't he go to the hospital for treatment? It only made sense if she thought of him as a criminal. She didn't enjoy that. She wanted to think that people were good... but was he preying on her kindness?

She put the money back, disposed of the firearms, and did the laundry.

[imgleft][/imgleft]The man took the list of chores in one hand and looked down at them, frowning more deeply, but silently obeyed. He first dropped the clothes off in his room before doing anything on the list.

After he put his clothes down, with the booty inside of them, on the bed, he systematically went down the list and did everything that needed to be done inside first. That was, moving boxes, doing dishes... He tried to take his time. Though many of the things he hadn't done in a long time. He had been living in hotel rooms nearly all of his life. It was definitely a throwback to his childhood to actually do chores.

He played his cards well enough that the sun was beginning to set before he started on the gutters. His eyes, being sensitive to sunlight, made it hard to do things during the day like normal people. Even the lights in buildings irked him these days. That was why he always wore sunglasses. It seemed the gutters being cleaned after sundown would be good anyway, as he didn't really have to be mindful of where all the slop from them ended up. It seemed a shame to get his new clothes dirty, but he supposed that was just how things worked around here.

After moving the ladder for the first time, he lit up and started smoking again. That nun may say he can't smoke, but if he was doing it in the open air, she had no right to begrudge him over it. He continued to work with the cig in his mouth, anyway, so it wasn't as if he was slacking off.

He kept replenishing his cigarettes until half the pack was gone and he'd made it halfway through the fence posts that needed to be repainted. Nobody had bugged him yet, which he was silently thankful for, but he wondered if he had missed dinner. Or even if they had some sort of mass dinner at all. Come to think of it, he really had no idea how cathedrals worked.

He finished the last few fence posts and went back inside, looking for the nun who had been dealing with him earlier.
Last edited:
burning bridges

A ғᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ʙᴀsᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ CᴏɴsᴛᴀɴᴛCʜᴀᴏᴛɪᴄ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ

In the world of Gaia, all humans have an energy within them known as ki. But some humans have a separate energy inside of them known as a Resonance Soul, or Rez. Resonance Souls are special powers common to certain personality traits. There are several types of rez, but only one of each kind is ever on the earth at one time. Rezzes are reincarnated when the host body dies. A rez is awakened within a host at any time, but normally during puberty. When the power is used, there is a price to pay. This is called a kickback. Rezzes are uncommon among humans across the world.

There are three major countries: Monte Cristo, Cybil, and Talvia.
Monte Cristo is home to the League, a religious nation stuck on making sure The Prophecies do not come to fruition. Cybil is the land of technology and seekers, a group that works with the League. Lastly, Talvia is the land of the anthropomorphized animals who live off the land.

TalviaTalvia is a neutral nation, its residents having been the first Gaians. They are tribal and family based. While many are known to mate with humans and give birth to hybrids, no humans are allowed to live in Talvia, and hybrids with too much human blood are forbidden from staying. The other nations stay away from this country for the most part.

The Prophecies is a set amount of lore that tells of two Resonance Souls which, rather than reincarnate to certain personality types, instead have their own personalities that are brought into the user upon awakening. First is the Phoenix Soul, a Rez that gives its host the ability to create and control fire. However, it also gives the user immortality. Every time the host body dies, it is revived through flames, similar to the mythological bird. The kickback to using this ability is that every time the host dies, the explosion of flames increases in volume and distance, and the Rez's personality comes closer to the surface. This results in a host eventually going crazy and blowing themselves up, taking an entire city with them.

Because of this, one of the League's main functions is to hunt down and kill the Phoenix before it destroys another civilization.

The second Resonance Soul is thought to be even scarier. Known as the Soul Stealer, it has the ability to steal and move souls from person to person or itself. It is a new Rez, and the last three reincarnations of it have proven to be a blight on the world, the host going insane quickly. While a Phoenix can live a somewhat normal life if they play their cards right, the Soul Stealer has become the new enemy on the League's radar, Monte Cristons damning the host of the Rez to death at discovery.
The current Soul Stealer's whereabouts are unknown.

To find these Resonants, The League employs Cybilnites known as Seekers. Seekers are trained to recognize particular types of ki and rez signatures. While they can find anyone or thing, their main function is to report the whereabouts of the Prophecies so the League can send out their mercenaries. While some seekers are bounty hunters, most only report locations of their targets.

The Monte Cristons themselves have soldiers that train to kill the Phoenix. In the past, it used to take an army to kill the Resonant. With new technology from Cybil, it is now dwindling into a one or two person job. The Dantes family have been the teachers of Phoenix Army, and now have to deal with the changing times.

Shoy Dantes killed the last Phoenix Soul in the country of Talvia. The explosion had not been contained correctly and wiped out many of the Talvians. This was tried as attempted genocide, resulting in Shoy's banishment. In order to redeem himself, Shoy's younger brother, Edmond, takes on the responsibility for killing the current Phoenix Soul. He does this with the help of his partner/apprentice/servant, a hybrid Talvian who goes by the name of Q.


Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏғ Sʜᴏʏ Dᴀɴᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ Pʀᴏᴘʜᴇᴄɪᴇs
Fɪғᴛᴇᴇɴ Yᴇᴀʀs Aɢᴏ[/center]
"This is it, Eiki," A Monte Criston said as he lay on his stomach, a large barrel gun in hand. He wore a black vest with gold trim over a black dress shirt. Even his hair was black. It went down to his shoulders. His name was Shoy Dantes.
"Remember the plan?"

Eiki, just a teenager, wore a blue dress shirt and khaki pants. He also had black hair, but it was short and cropped above his ears. He was not a Monte Criston. He had been paid by Shoy to be there because of his Resonance Soul. It had been a lot of money, too. But he was beginning to have doubts about his ability to do this.
"I don't think this is going to work," the teen admitted.

Shoy looked through the scope of the Incinerator, a weapon specifically designed to blow up the Phoenix. Normally a Monte Criston would lure the Phoenix to a deserted area and then use the weapon. But Eiki had the ability to temporarily create separate dimensions within a set of barriers, so Shoy believed he could use this ability to blow up the Phoenix anywhere without harming anyone else and without wasting valuable time trying to lure the Phoenix away, which was often the hardest part of the job.
"Why not?" grumbled Shoy, fixating his gaze on the current Phoenix.

"I can't do it," Eiki complained.

"Don't say that. Think about how long it took us to get here. To gain the Talvian's trust to be on their land. You can do this."

Eiki shook his head. "No I can't!"
Typical rebellious teenager.
Shoy growled, his mood fouled.
"Eiki, I am going to shoot this Incinerator and when the bullet reaches the Phoenix, you are going to put up your walls to contain the explosion. And if you don't, then everyone will blame you for murdering half of Talvia," Shoy spat.
His finger tightened on the trigger. "Now get ready."

Eiki didn't think he could do this, but he didn't want to be considered a murderer. Shoy pulled on the trigger, and when the Talvian Phoenix went down, Eiki put up his barriers. But as the Phoenix exploded, the walls collapsed. Shoy got up as the explosion came toward them and began to run. He tried to pull Eiki, but the boy was in shock and there wasn't enough time to save both himself and the boy.

One week later, Shoy found himself blamed for the attempted genocide of the Talvians. The Trisks, The League's version of a jury, said the most effective punishment for Shoy would be to banish his four year old son. Because of Shoy's failure and resulting punishment, his wife left him and he lost all respect he had in his home country. His younger brother, Edmond, inherited most of his property when Shoy's title was stripped.

Around that time, Shoy decided to leave his country. He did not believe in what the rest of the Monte Cristons did. Monte Cristo was a country with a strict religion. They believed in a prophecy that would destroy the world unless they prevented it. The Monte Cristons subscribed to the belief that the Phoenix Soul had a plan to kill every host body so Resonance Souls could roam free. The Phoenix was a martyr for the Resonants. And in order to protect the human race, the Monte Cristons killed the Phoenix host at every reincarnation, both to prevent the Phoenix Soul from finding a way to separate itself from its host, as well as to protect the cities that were reduced to rubble when a Phoenix finally destroyed its host body.

But then the Soul Stealer was discovered. And the Monte Cristons believed that this Resonant would find the Phoenix. And upon the Soul Stealer absorbing the Phoenix Soul into itself, the Phoenix would take control of the Soul Stealer's body and cause mass chaos by stealing every Resonance Soul on the planet. For, as it was believed, every Resonant stolen by the Soul Stealer was removed from the reincarnation cycle. So the Monte Cristons vowed to kill every Soul Stealer host too, for the good of the world.

This was where Shoy disagreed with the Prophecy. Shoy believed that, with training, the Soul Stealer could steal the Phoenix Soul and remove it from the reincarnation cycle forever. But everyone else disagreed. The Soul Stealer could use the power of every Rez it stole, said the others. But it was known for taking on personality traits of the stolen souls and going mad after absorbing too many.
Since the Phoenix was a Resonant with a personality unlike normal Resonants, surely the weak-minded Soul Stealer would succumb to the will of the Phoenix Soul. And should the Soul Stealer try to kill itself as past ones had, it would simply revive itself with the Phoenix Soul's power, bringing the Phoenix's personality closer to the surface.

Shoy eventually gave up on trying to convince the others, but he knew his theory was right. The Soul Stealer could end this trouble with the Phoenix forever, and he could make it happen.
The Monte Criston changed his name from Shoy to Kingsley and traveled the world looking for both the disappeared Soul Stealer and his banished son.

Eventually he wound up in Dexterity, and after he befriended Amigo, finally succumbed to the futility of the tasks of finding people who did not want to be found. He became a teacher, helped Amigo adopt Sim, and was living a pretty ordinary life as a Dexterian.[/center]

Dᴇxᴛᴇʀɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ Rᴇsᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ Sᴏᴜʟs[/center]
While there are three main countries, there is one extra that is not often talked about. Dexterity is a small island, faraway from the other nations and often forgotten about. Long ago, it was used to dump the lowest and most ferocious criminals. Considered a hellmouth, many on Gaia consider Dexterians to be scourge not worth saving.

Nowadays, the island has grown into a bustling community. However, many areas are still in a state of ruin. There is little government and only vague laws. Murders and crime are a daily occurrence. Because of this, not many foreigners visit Dexterity, and Dexterity's own technology to travel is quite rare. Despite this, there is a thriving black market for Cybil technology.

Resonance souls were born from Dexterity. The very first Rez was discovered here, and since then, people with Resonance Souls are extremely common on the island. It's believed that this is because those with no rez have no ways to defend themselves against violence, and are therefore eradicated quickly. Others suggest that the high volume of Rez users are simply born from the stressful environment and need that is present here but not in other nations.

Finding a "No Rez" in Dexterity is rare, but in other countries, the opposite is true.

Mᴀɪɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs
You may be able to join this roleplay. PM me.[/center]

A 21 year old Talvian who left his country to serve and train under Edmond after the Phoenix's death killed his parents fifteen years ago. After the Seekers reported the Phoenix was in Desterity, he and Edmond went by airship to find her. Q wears a negator and is afraid to take it off.

A 19 year old Dexterian who works at an inn. PM me what else you want to put here, or put it in a spoiler tag in your next post. xP

Sɪᴅᴇ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs[/center]
The League member who volunteered to come to Dexterity to get rid of the Phoenix. Q works under him. He has a resonance soul, but keeps it secret.

Dealer of Cybil Tech in Dexterity. He is contracted under the company Sinico. His Resonance soul is the ability to manipulate metals.

A mercenary employed with Sinico. He is the adopted father of Sim, best friend and roommate of Kingsley. His Resonance soul is Atlaos, the ability to control weather.

Best friend and roommate of Amigo. He moved to Dexterity years ago. He occasionally scouts for new tech for Mercain, but his main occupation currently is a teacher at the newly formed public school. He has a resonance soul, but keeps it secret.


[imgright]amosa Two weeks ago, the Monte Cristons got word that the Phoenix had been rumored to be in Dexterity. Only one person volunteered to go. That person was Edmond. He and his assistant, Q, went by airship to the island, arriving a week later.

It didn't take long to take over an abandoned castle on the edge of the island, far past the slums and away from any action. They worked on making it habitable and setting up communications, first. After this was done, Q offered to go into town and do reconnaissance. Since the castle was so far out, and Q was certain the Phoenix was in the middle of the city, it was agreed that he would stay at an inn. Q would contact Edmond every few days or so.

Now, Q was in the midst of the city with a backpack in his hand, surrounded by people and pollution. He didn't like it. He decided to hunt for a place to stay first, and worry about possible places the Phoenix could be later. He knew she was female, and she was in her early 20s. Everything else would come with time.

Once he walked into the first inn he came across, several heads turned to stare at him. He frowned immediately. Was something on his face? He had a face scar, but he didn't think it was that visible. Maybe it was his grey hair? The fact he was wearing sunglasses indoors? His black tail coming from his posterior region swayed slightly in thought as he quietly walked to the counter.
Maybe it was the black collar around Q's neck? Or maybe, since Dexterians were said to all have resonance souls, they could feel that he had none, as his was negated?
His collar was his negator. Both his ki and his rez were blocked. That would be something rare to happen in Dexterity.

As Q laid his hands on the counter, he silently thought that maybe it was a combination of all of those things. He tried to ignore all the stares and instead concentrate on getting helped.

Q rarely spoke. But he had to initiate, this time.
"I'd like a room, please," he said softly, his voice sounding much higher than it should have for a 21 year old. His vocal chords were not fully human, and perhaps that was why. But otherwise, he was undeniably male, despite the pitch of his voice.

happininny wrote:[imgleft]Photo by Sashimi-chi Natalia

It had been a very slow day thus far, which suited Natalia just fine. The slower the business was, the more time she had to pick at the hem of her loose shirt, or when her boss wasn't in the room, nap. She had hardly had any sleep last night, and was cranky anyways.

Her eyes scanned the room, people sitting at several tables and whispering quietly among themselves. She tapped her fingers against the desk she was leaning against, humming to herself. Right as she was deciding whether or not she should take a break and leave, the door opened. She was about to verbally express her discontent when the door shut behind the figure and everyone turned from their "very important" business to stare at him.

He looked on comfortable.

Her lip quirked up, amused. Well, it was, until she saw the tail waving behind him. He wasn't from here. The smile dissipated about as fast as it was on her face. She composed herself, looking just as bored and irritated as she was before he entered. Looking him up and down as he neared the desk, she almost missed it when he asked for a room.

"Hm? Suuuure, we've got rooms. Just a room for one, riiiight?" She responded nonchalantly, drawing out some of the vowels. "Or maybe you want extra beds for the rats. You know, your kin?" She was snickering at her own joke, flipping through the book with the available rooms listed. She popped the cap off of her pen, and then looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"So did the wolves that raised you give you a name, or what?" Natalia responded, voice sharpening.

[imgright]amosa Q's eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses. He may be asocial, but he wasn't meek. Being treated like trash wasn't exactly new to him, but he hadn't had to deal with for many years.

Well, it served him right, he supposed. This was Dexterity, after all.

"Just one room," he responded, his voice still soft. "My name is Q. Now how much do I owe? For three nights." Three nights should be enough...

happininny wrote:[imgleft]Photo by Sashimi-chi Natalia

"Just Q? That's it? So not only were your parents animals, but they're also illiterate." To be honest, though, she couldn't blame him. Most people on Dexterity preferred to use an alias, or even four or five. It wasn't uncommon. If you use your real name, and only that name, it's child's play for your enemies to track you.

And on Dexterity, it wasn't too hard to make enemies.

Natalia hummed, writing down simply the letter Q on the form. She wrote out how many days he'd be staying, and wrote down a brief description of his appearance. She stared down at the yellowed pages, capping the pen and setting it down. Looking back up at him, she snickered. "That'll be forty dollars per night, so one-twenty." She flipped out her hand and held it out expectantly.

"So you're a dog with no bark or bite, yeah? Pathetic."

[imgright][/imgright]Q kept his mouth shut, clenching his teeth slightly. He had to just let it roll off his shoulders. She was being far more vicious than he was expecting but he just had to.. Not let it get to him. He remained quiet, even at her last comment.

He reached into his pocket and got out his wallet, counting out the necessary amount of money and placing it on the counter. Only once the paper bills actually reached the countertop did it dawn on him that Dexterity probably had an entirely different currency then what Monte Cristo used.

He felt sick.
And just froze.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Natalia stared at him as if he had just handed her a handful of sliced pickles. She poked at it like it was infected. "Whaaaat." The corner of her lip quirked up when it clicked. So he's from Monte Cristo, huh? What's a guy like that doing here? she thought, looking up at him.

"Sorry, we don't accept Monopoly money. Unfortunately pretty much all of us did not pass go, and did not collect our two hundred dollars." She commented, sliding the money back across the counter to him.

She bit the inside of her cheek. "There's a guy who traverses from here to the other countries, he'll probably trade you for Scripp. Come back when you actually have bills that are worth something, animal boy." Natalia snickered, turning and plucking the key labeled 5B off the wall behind her.

Dangling it in front of his eyes, she smirked. "When you can afford it, the room is your's."

[imgright][/imgright]Q's brow flinched as she continued to berate him. He kept holding his tongue, however. He knew better than to try to start a fight. He calmly took all of his money back and left, on the hunt to find someone who could exchange his money. Apparently, these things just didn't exist because Dexterity never had any visitors. Who would be a tourist in Dexterity, really?

Nonetheless, with more insults and confusion than Q cared to mind, he happened to come across a man named Mercain who exchanged the bills. Far less than what they were actually worth, of course. Many hours later, the sun was now setting and Q made his way back to the inn he'd been previously.

Without any more words, he went right back to the desk, right back to the girl who had serviced him prior, and simply put the cash, the Dexterian currency this time, on the table without a word.

His temper was running thin, but that didn't change how often he spoke. Which was not often.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

When the guy left with his tail in between his legs, she nigh burst out laughing. However, her boss came in right at that moment and she groaned.

Well, there goes my break.

She turned and put the keys back on the hook and leaned against the desk irritably.

After a few hours, dog boy himself returned. She was a little shocked. There was literally a small handful of people actually willing to trade currencies here. He actually took her serious.

"Well, look who it is!" She commented, pulling the money to her and counting it out. She shoved it into a drawer in the desk and uncapped her pen, checking off the paid box on his form. "Here's your key, tourist." Natalia said, tossing the key to him.

"Second floor, door to your right. Don't let your tail get caught in the door." She snickered after him.

Quite annoyed at her continued prattle, Q snatched up the keys quickly and walked off to his room. Once there, he opened his backpack and unpacked the few things he had. An extra set of close, a small telephone, a knife, a gun, and the holsters for each.

He was going to have to make some more money somehow. Well. He'd worry about that later.
He set up the phone and called Edmond first, reporting in to tell him of what had happened so far, about the money, about how crass people were, and that he'd be down here for three days.

Afterward, he second-thought his unpacking, and shoved everything back into the backpack, zipping it up and finding a place to hide it. At first he thought of under the bed, but then he decided inside of it would be a much more efficient hiding place.
He pulled back the covered, threw the backpack underneath them, and remade the bed.

Once he was done, he headed downstairs to seat himself for some food.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

"Mel! Go put out the food!" Natalia's boss called from the kitchen. Mel was the name she went by in this place. She groaned, responding in a yell. "I'm manning the desk!"

"You think I care? You're lucky you have a job, street rat! Get to work!"

Rolling her eyes, she stepped around the desk and picked up a tub full of some sort of salad. It looked particularly nasty. Nat heaved it to the buffet table, dropping it into its place. After repeating this process around eight more times, the table was full and she dusted her hands off on the apron she wore.

Grumbling and stepping back into place at the desk, she rubbed the back of her neck. It wasn't five seconds later when she heard footsteps down the stairs. Turning to glance, a malicious smile made it's way to her face. Perfect, someone to be the subject of her irritation.

Approaching him in a way that a predator would approach its prey, Natalia stepped in front of him, blocking him from exiting the stairway. "Couldn't resist the offer of food? Feeling a bit ravenous, animal? It ain't cheap. I hope you aren't expecting charity here, like you probably get from wherever you're from."

She turned, gesturing to the many tables. "Take a seat. The buffets over there. It's twenty bucks, and not of your freak game money."

Natalia was running dry on animalistic insults, so she turned and sauntered back to her place behind the desk. As he passed her, she wasn't shy in giving a quick yank on his tail.


When Q reached the end of the stairs, he was blocked by the girl again. He wondered what her beef was with him. He understood he was clearly an outsider, but nobody else was giving him more than stares. Not like her. And she worked here. Wasn't it her job to be nice? Maybe there was a culture clash he just wasn't getting here.

Nonetheless, he just stood there and took what she had to say with a straight face, waiting her to be done with it. He had a sense that the buffet was actually free. He wasn't going to give her anything. In fact he was greatly debating if he wanted to eat here at all. He might just go someplace else.

But as he was finally given the opportunity to walk past her, she tried to yank his tail. That was the one thing Q wasn't going to let happen. Her hand touched the long guard hairs, but he flipped around, yanking his tail out of her hand before she could close in with her grip. In this one turning motion, he shoved his body weight into her, pushing her back to the nearest wall. His left forearm pressed into her neck and up toward the space beneath her chin. His right hand remained free to deal with her arms or anything else if she decided to try anything.

He brought his head close to her's, his eyes still behind sunglasses.
"Just because I do not speak does not mean I am weak," he growled. "Don't touch me."

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Nat's eyes widened when she felt herself pinned against a wall, head tilted back. She looked at him down her nose and grinned. "Oooh, kitty got claws."

He was a lot stronger than he looked, and from this distance she could see his scar in great detail. From this experience, she gauged that he was probably here for a reason, not just some stupid guy out here because he thought it was "edgy." Still, if he decided to snap her neck right there, it wouldn't be good. Either something would explode, which would surely get her fired, and blow her cover. Or, what's worse, she'll probably only come back half regenerated (due to this stupid rezsuspender), which is the last thing she needs.

Plus, from what she could tell, blowing her cover in front of this guy wouldn't be the best idea. Man, this guy was such a pain in the ass.

Natalia decided to play nice.

"Mm. You know what? You're right. I've been unnecessarily rough with you, kitten. Why don't you eat dinner on the house, and I'll see you in your room a little later to make it up to you. A guy like you must get bored in a new place like this, yeah? I'll show you a good time."
burning bridges 2
[imgright][/imgright] Q snarled at her cat comment and simply pushed up into her windpipe, making it harder for her to speak.
But still, she coughed up more words. More words she shouldn't have said. He growled again and shoved her away from him.
"No thanks," he replied, walking to the buffet, grabbing a plate and putting some food on it.
He was really in no mood to eat, now. Or really do much of anything.

He quickly ate his food standing and left the inn without a word, going outside. Now dark, it was time to tool around town and scope for any signs of the Phoenix. When he had hunted around looking for the currency converter, he'd gone north. He hadn't felt anything, there. So many people had resonance souls here, though, the feelings were ridiculous. He was almost a bit intimidated.

This time he went south. He listened to conversations, looked at buildings, hoping to find some signs of fire. But nothing came up. Nothing but everyone who walked by him staring at him. When he got toward the slums, a few people started thinking they could jump him. Not willing to get into a fight today, he decided to leave and head back.

The whole search took about four hours. Walking out 2 and then the 2 back. Tomorrow night he'd go east, the night after that west. If he didn't find the phoenix, then what would he do? Start over? He didn't expect her to be hard to find.

He came back to the hotel and noticed the rude girl wasn't at the desk. Silently thanking the stars, he went back to his room. But after opening the door, he realized his torment with this girl wasn't over just yet.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

True to her word, Natalia sat perched on the edge of Q's bed, legs crossed, smirk tracing her lips. She was wearing rather revealing black lingerie, stockings, garter belt, and all. She heard footsteps up the stairs over the chatter downstairs, and heard a pause in front of the door.

It was all that she could do to not grin giddily. This was going to be fun.

At this point, her rezsuspender was still in (didn't want to give herself away just yet), but other than that she had no protective gear. Almost completely unarmed.

Not for long, though.

Q entered the room, and she immediately stood, approaching him and running her hands from his chest, up and over his shoulders and back again. Removing a hand, she pushed the door shut behind him. The click of the door was soon followed by a twisting of the lock. "Just you and me, now," She murmured, leaning forward to speak into his ear. Nat smirked, her hands reaching down to undo the buttons on his vest. "Let's get a little more comfortable, yeah?"

She began to slide the vest over his shoulders, and down over his arms.

[imgright][/imgright] When Q opened up the hotel room to see a girl dressed for lust, he froze. He wasn't sure what to do. What to say.

Q was only 21. He'd been training to kill since he was six years old. He had never had a girlfriend, never had many social relationships outside of Edmond and his girlfriend, Esvera. He had kept away from most pop culture and people and to be true to himself, hadn't really given sexual attraction a second thought. Even now he wasn't quite sure what was going on with his body. It seemed confused as well. His brain said Abort! Abort! Abort! but his body was frozen in place.

Q's sunglasses had been pushed to be atop of his head. His eyes were sensitive to sunlight, but since it had been night, they were currently not being used. His eyes were a stark green, the pupils small and almond-shaped, similar to a cat's. They studied the girl before him, taking in all the details. The black leather collar around his neck hid the motion of his adam's apple when he swallowed.

And then she got even closer. Then she laid her hands on him. His muscled were already rigid, but if they could've tensed up more, they would've. He wore a black, button up dress shirt with a maroon vest. A maroon vest that she was currently unbuttoning, after she had felt up and down the musculature of his arms. The 21 year old talvian was slim, but not unfit. His appearance was misleading. Under Edmond's tutelage, he'd trained to be adept at combat, though to be honest, he was much more proficient with weapons than he was with his body.

Even so, with his brain frozen, the girl had already finished unbuttoning his vest and was trying to slip it off him.

He finally snapped back into reality. Everything told him this was wrong. Despite his hormones, he knew this was wrong. This girl had given him so much crap earlier. This was just her way of fucking with him again. She wasn't actually attracted to him. Nobody could be. He was a talvian. And she was a Dexterian. The lowest of the low.

He opened his mouth and let out an animalistic growl, pushing her away. He threw off his vest, since it was just in his way now, and threw his right combat boot toward her chest in attempt to push her further away from him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He roared.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

One minute, things were going her way, and the next, she was on the floor. Natalia felt her temper flare, baring her teeth. "I think the question here is what the fuck do you think you're doing, kitten? I'm doing you a favor here!" She hissed from her position on the floor.

Something snapped, and she stood, growing from shocked and angry to silent.

"So, is that the game you want to play, then?" She said, voice not above a soft statement. "All I wanted to do was have a little fun, show you a good time."

A hand absently reached up to finger her silver earring. She imagined his insides in flames, his skin cooked and crisp, the satisfying sound of his body hitting the pavement below as she tossed him through the window. It's these kind of people. These ones. Oh how easy it would be. Just one flick of the wrist, a step, he's breathing hard, his mouth is open. So easy. Child's play.

In one swift movement, the earring was flicked to the floor and she felt her rez flaring inside of her. She took one step, then two, and reached to grab for the front of his shirt.

After all the insulting she had done to him earlier today, she had chose to do more. Do him a favor? Ha! More like she was doing herself a favor. He didn't need something like sex holding him back in his mission. He had a life goal. And that goal was to kill the Phoenix. Sex and all included would simply cloud his judgment.

This girl was obviously in the wrong.
But he had no interest in killing her. Maybe that was acceptable to Dexterians, but it wasn't for him. He didn't know how important she was. If he killed her, that would go against his morals and may put him in danger.

These were things that quickly ran through his mind as her ki surged. Ki naturally flowed through everyone, surging when emotional. If she had any sixth sense, she would've noticed Q had none, and that was especially odd. He would've assumed she knew if it were not for the non-stop animal-based mocking. If it was about his lack of ki, she probably would've latched onto some other form of debasement.

Her anger and surge of energy had him get ready for a move, his legs ready to spring to dodge whatever she had planned. He hadn't sensed a Rez on her, so he had assumed she didn't have one, and it was likely she was such an aggressive child out of projection.

But quickly he learned that wasn't true when she took off her earring. In fact everything in his world changed when she came right for him, trying to grab his shirt.
His surprise delayed his movement, and he almost didn't even get out of the way in time. He could feel the heat radiating from her as she was preparing to use her Resonance Soul.

She's the Phoenix!

Under his nose the entire time! How could he not have noticed?! How did she have a limiter? That's why she knew about Mercain, the trader! His mind flooded with some many more thoughts, but he had to try to clear them. Without ki, he was slow. He may be a trained fighter, but he was still at a stark disadvantage.

He didn't even try to counter. Unlike her, he couldn't use his rez. He bolted for the bed, ripping off the covers and grabbing his backpack from it. He was at the other side, opposite from her and unzipping the thing frantically.

She had angered him so much earlier today that he'd never armed himself before leaving. Meaning he wasn't armed now. And he was, quite simply, fucked if he tried to fight her hand to hand.

He didn't think he had opened, pulled out a gun, and flicked the safety off so fast in his life. He pointed it at her general direction and fired a bullet. Unless it hit her square in the head, it wouldn't do much to her. But at the moment, Q was trying to slow her down so he could get a better shot.

But would he have been able to get the gun and shoot her fast enough?

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Her hand barely missed the fabric of his shirt, the momentum slamming her shoulder-first into the door. She winced in pain, adrenaline pumping through her veins. For the moment, the pain was pushed aside by fury. She turned her head as he scrambled to bed, pulling something out.

Shit! He's getting a weapon!

Fearing the worst, she took on a burst of speed, leaping towards him in an attempt to stop him before he could gain the upper hand. That was when she heard the blast.

Searing pain ripped through the flesh of her shoulder, the bullet plunging into the tissue and rocketing out of the other side. Gritting her teeth, Natalia reached out, snatching his wrist and attempting to twist the gun out of his hand. Her other hand balled up into a fist, swinging and aiming for his jaw. Flames burst from her knuckles.


He fired off the one bullet and it went into her shoulder. Almost immediately after, she was ontop of him. Her hand was on his left wrist (the one with the gun). He grit his teeth, trying to point the gun at her head. That's all he had to do to get her unconscious-- hit her in the head!

Shit! Her fist, engulfed in flames, was coming right at his face!
He squeezed the trigger, not caring where it was pointed, and ducked, throwing his hands up and behind him as he attempted to do a back roll on the floor to get out of the way. And if he took her with him... then he'd be on top of her.

Which would be okay in a normal fight, but not in one where the opponent literally shot fire.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Natalia cursed loudly, watching him attempt to roll off the bed, out of her reach. She followed him, bending to reach him. She could feel the gun close to her head, but reacted belatedly. The second bullet grazed the back of her head, causing blonde hairs to go flying as she grazed Q's cheek with her fist.

She hit the floor back first, leaving her winded and beneath her opponent. She pursed her lips, taking a deep breath. Natalia felt the fire lick the inside of her mouth, about to spit fire at him.

Meanwhile, she tried to push herself into a sort of half-sitting position, elbows beneath her. Her skin heated up.

Somehow he wound up ontop of her. A part of him felt like what he did wouldn't really work. But it did. And he was almost afraid, now.

Not to mention that his cheek now had a pretty hefty welt on it from the grazed flames. It stung like no one's business.

But his hands were free, and that was all that mattered. He quickly put his gun to her forehead and right as she was about to breathe fire, he sent the bullet through her brain. There was no dodging that.

All at once, everything stopped. She went lifeless, or what seemed like lifeless. Q could still feel her resonance soul, faintly. He dropped his gun and rest on his hands and knees, breathing through his mouth, recovering from the intense fight that had just happened. He had never thought he'd capture the phoenix so fast, so soon, and this close up. This was meant to be scouting only.

He can't believe he did it.

He sat back and just took it all in for twenty or thirty minutes. Then, when he finally got himself together, he called up Edmond, and told him what had happened. Edmond was elated. Only problem was, now that they had the Phoenix in stasis, how were they going to actually kill her? They didn't have the incinerator weapon. It had been destroyed in the destruction of the last phoenix.

The more time that went on, the more Q began to think that nobody really thought ahead much. Maybe they sucked at strategy completely. He was beginning to question everything.

It still being after sundown, Q holstered his pistol and knife on his belt, put his backpack on, and signed out of the hotel early. They kept his money for the three nights. Fine. Fuck them.
He then took the girl in his arms and began carrying her to the castle, which was several hours away.

Made worse by carrying her.

Since the castle was outside the slums, he had to pass through them to get back to Edmond. But by the time he'd gotten there, the sun was beginning to rise. He found a ruined building and managed to take shelter under it, sleeping for most of the day. He got up late afternoon and began the walk again with the body, making it back to Edmond's castle about sunset.

While Edmond researched what to do, Q set the girl up in a guest room on a bed. For most of the night, he had headphones on, listening to music, just sitting in a chair and watching her.
He couldn't quite place it, but there was just something he felt like he was missing.

He knew he wanted to kill the phoenix. But was the girl really at fault, too? He tried to convince himself that she was a bitch from the start, but he couldn't seem to. There was something about her rez, or her ki.. Or just.. something...

Edmond, getting ready for the night, walked by the door before he felt something strange. The man dressed in regal attire stopped by the door and looked inside. He could only see Q sitting in a chair, listening the music, watching the phoenix on the bed. But what he could feel was horrifying. Q's rez was creeping outside of him, as was the girl's. They reached for eachother, but never seemed to touch.

"Q!" the man with way black hair shouted. Q made no move. "Q!" he yelled again. Again, nothing.

Edmond shot forward, ripped the headphones off Q and grabbed the 21 year old's shirt collar, bringing him up to eye level.
"What are you doing?!" Edmond ordered.

"I'm not doing anything!" Q finally responded, coming to his senses.

Edmond tossed Q to his feet. After a stagger, the talvian supported his own weight.
"Your rez. I can feel it. Her's too!" Edmond proclaimed.

"But I have a negator, and it doesn't feel broken," Q stumbled, suddenly self-concious. He fingered the collar around his neck, where the negator was located.

"It must've been damaged in your fight," Edmond said. He pointed to the girl. "You stay away from her until we figure out what to do."

Q's shoulders and tail sunk and he frowned. With a sigh, he picked up his CD player and headphones and went to his own room. Edmond shut himself up in his own room as well, trusting Q to do as he was ordered.

Two more days passed with no results, and each night Q would sneak into the girl's room and just watch her. He wasn't sure what captivated him so much. But the more he just... Stared...
The more beautiful she seemed.

He grew distrustful of everyone, even Edmond.

And on the third night he finally caved in.
After Edmond had fallen asleep, he took the girl and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her to the slums. He set himself up in the same building as before. This time, he'd brought some more supplies. Some food, some more (Monte Criston) money, some clothes. More magazines for his gun, which was still on his belt.

But the main thing was the knife and a pair of tweezers. He put his right hand on her chest, and used the tweezers in his left hand to try and get the bullet out. Once he got a grip of the bullet between the tweezer tips-- which took several tries-- he took a deep breath and began to absorb her resonance soul with his right hand.

His hand grew warm, and a bright light emanated from it. One could visually see the soul traveling through Q's arm. But, it got stuck somewhere in the middle. Partly due to his own negator, and partly because Q didn't want to actually take her power.

Q's resonance soul was the Soul Stealer. He was deathly afraid of using it. But for some reason, for this particular case, he felt confident. And he pulled the bullet from her brain while the phoenix soul was technically inside of him.

Which meant that she wouldn't blow up when she revived.
If she revived.

He hadn't thought that far ahead.

Once the bullet was completely out, he shoved her resonance soul back inside of her body and jumped away, covering his face just in case she exploded before she came back to life.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Darkness. All-consuming darkness.

Natalia felt like she was in an invisible cage, pounding her fists against the bars until they were battered and bloody. She screamed, but no sound came out. Hysteria consumed her, constant thrashing and voiceless shrieking being the only two actions she could perform.

Usually right as it went dark, the bright light engulfed the room and she found herself mended and back together, ruins all around her. But not this time. Panic seeped into her skin, filling her up to her eyelids. Tears burst from her eyes, fingernails scraping her skin, peeling away herself in hopes of finding herself again.

Suddenly she found herself unable to breathe. The constant comfort of warmth inside her core dissolved, a chill sweeping through her frame. The screaming ceased, and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water.

Sharp pains in her shoulder and forehead, like a burning pike being thrust through the skin, exploded, Natalia's insides boiling.

The air and warmth plunged into her all at once, eyes snapping open and the sky coming into focus. There was a moment of shocked silence, before the reality of the pain she was in seeped like poison into her veins.

Gripping her shoulders, a slew of curses and shrieks forced its way out of her mouth as the fire mended her tissue, reproducing cells at an unbelievable rate. However, this didn't stop her thrashing, and because of the stark horror she felt, flames engulfed her from all sides, resulting in a blaze ten feet tall.

And then just like that, it was over. Crusted blood remained, on her forehead and shoulder, but other than that, there was no sign that she was wounded at all. She lay there, exhausted and shaking. Her clothes were incinerated in the fire, yet her hair, although a mess, stayed intact.

[imgright][/imgright]Q was still in the corner, covering his head and hoping it wouldn't get burned. He heard her come back to life, and heard flames, felt heat, but thankfully he was in the clear. He let his guard down for just a moment, a sigh escaping him.

But that sigh was cut short, and he sucked in a short hiss before holding his breath, all his muscles going stiff. He could feel it.. His Resonance Soul.. Eating away at him. The kickback. The fear set in as he tried to remain himself. He hadn't even used it that much! He still had on the negator! He knew for a fact it wasn't completely broken!

But still, it seemed as if his very essence was being pulled away from him, even though it never left his body, it felt like it was leaving his mind, another, more evil entity.. The Soul Stealer trying to climb for control.

It felt like hours, but it was probably only seconds later, when Q gasped for air, and came back out of it, shaking, possibly tears down his face. Why had he done it?
Why had he just shaved the Phoenix?
She didn't even [like him!
He didn't even like her!

He quickly wiped his face, breathing heavily. He felt like he'd just run a marathon.
He looked over to the girl.

She was naked.

He looked away again.

"Sorry," he said.

Sorry? SORRY? What was he even sorry for?!

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

Natalia sat up, feeling like she had been hit by a bus. Her hair was wild, all over the place. Rubbing the back of her neck, she looked down, noticing she had no clothes on.


That simple phrase snapped her out of her post-reincarnation daze. Looking around, she took in her surroundings. There was a familiar figure in the corner. Trying to replay what had happened in her mind, she recalled a gunshot. And then darkness. Her mouth twitched.

"So, you into necrophilia, or what? Couldn't take me up on my offer while I was alive? Well, surprise, surprise." She threw in a sarcastic half-laugh. Nat still didn't know who he was affiliated with, if he was affiliated with anyone. For now she would assume he knew nothing, and would go from there.

The ground surrounding her was burnt to a crisp, blackened by heat. However, just out of reach of the black soil, there was a few things. A bag, possibly full of useful things, and a pair of tweezers on the ground. They were bloody, and a lump, resembling a spent bullet, lay near it. Putting two and two together, her fingers absently reached up to brush her forehead.

Her face softened a moment. Could he really have...?

Well, that's a change in mind, if I've ever seen one.

Natalia cleared her throat, looking over at Q, who was still looking away. It probably didn't help that she was naked. Pausing for a moment, she awkwardly spoke. 'I don't s'pose you've got any clothes that I could borrow?"

When Natalia started berating him again, he put his hands to his face, slipping his fingers under his sunglasses and pulled his knees up to his chest.
Why did he bother saving her? It was clear she was only going to continue to treat him like crap.
He let out a cough in an attempt to dissuade more tears from coming forward.
This was hopeless.

Then she asked for new clothes.
Trying to be polite now?
Of course she was. All she did was use and abuse people.
He hadn't even known her for more than a day and he could already read her. What had he gotten himself into?
Betraying Edmond for this.. This coldhearted bitch.

His shoulders sunk and pushed the heels of his palms into his eyes. "In the bag," he muttered.

He'd made a mistake.

happininny wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft] Natalia

She nodded, essentially crawling over to the bag. She nudged it with a knuckle, expecting it to explode or something. After the expected explosion never happened, she unzipped it and pushed through the contents. She found a shirt that was much too big for her and slipped it on, over her mass of blonde hair. Then she slid on a pair of shorts, and sat back, turning to look at her "companion" of sorts. Biting the inside of her cheek, she paused, then turned back to rummage through his stuff again. She was starving!

Then again, reincarnation is no walk in the park.

She pulled out an apple, slightly bruised. Sniffing it suspiciously, she wiped it on her shirt and shrugged, taking a bite. It wasn't too bad-tasting. She wasn't exactly a fan of the fruit in the first place, but it was just fine for her gnawing hunger. Looking over her shoulder at Q, she grunted.

"So. What's up with you, anyways?" She didn't intend for it to sound as harsh as it did, but wasn't going to change her wording after it had slipped past her lips. Natalia took another bite of the apple, once again rummaging through his stuff for shoes.


It was a bright, sunny day when a man in his 30s opened up his black umbrella and held it over himself with a sigh. His hair was a little over shoulder length, and curly. His blue eyes pierced through the crowds in town as they looked around for the curb-side business partner known as Mercain.

Wearing black jeans and a light black jacket over a plain white t-shirt, he made his way over to the other man once he was spotted. Kinglsey was an immigrant to Dexterity. As such, he had good knowledge of the culture and tech of the other countries. He twirled the umbrella in his hand absent-mindedly as he made his way over to Mercain.

"Good afternoon, Mercain," the gentleman said, a slight smirk coming over his face.
"I heard the Phoenix went missing. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
burning bridges 3
happininny wrote:Mercain

Mercain shoved his hands in his pockets, cigarette rolling from one side of his mouth to the other. It was hot out, and he wasn't particularly fond of hot weather. Unfortunately, he couldn't do a damn thing about it. Looking up and pushing his dark brown bangs out of his face, he saw an approaching figure. He easily recognized him, as he made it his business to know anyone and everyone. It helps with business. It was obvious the man intended to ask him of something.

He frowned, taking a long drag from the cigarette before pulling it out of his mouth. He exhaled, a lazy stream of smoke exiting his mouth. The man asked about the Phoenix. The Phoenix was actually big talk around Dexterity lately, and many came to him for answers.

"Good afternoon to you, too, Kingsley. Hm... You know, I might have heard a thing or two about it, but I just don't have anything to refresh my memory. Do you have anything that might just jog my memory?" Mercain asked slyly.


"Really? A bribe? What are we? Ten?" Kingsley mocked, bringing his umbrella down, closing it, and leaning against it as an impromptu cane.

"I come to you as a friend for this one. If you don't want to help, you know as well as I do that I could figure it out for myself."

happininny wrote:Mercain

Mercain chuckled, taking another drag of his cigarette. It was becoming a stub, so he dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. It hissed against the pavement. "Ten? You know I was in this business way before ten, Kingsley." He chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Alright, alright. I guess I can give you a little bit of info. I'm going to proceed wihle assuming you know the Phoenix is a young girl, barely twenty, working at the inn about a mile out. Owned by Polka. You know the one. Our little Phoenix was shot up, and kidnapped. Carried out all bloody. The guy she was kidnapped by was headed in the direction of the old castle. But that's about all I know. It might have to do with the organization out in Monte Cristo. Why'd you need to know?" Mercain asked, leaning forward slightly.

He scuffed his boot on the ground, kicking the crushed cigarette out into the street.


"Of course I know," Kingsley spat, in response to if he knew who the current phoenix was. Her name was Natalia. He wasn't really interested in her day to day activities. He just wanted to keep tabs on her since he had a good feeling the Monte Cristons were going to come by at some point.

And as Mercain continued on with his information, Kingsley nodded. He turned and looked out to the slums and on the large hill. Several miles out, where the castle would've been. Of course Edmond would take the one castle on the whole island. That was just like him.

He flipped his umbrella over shoulder. "Old business," Kingsley replied.

He gave a courteous wave to Mercain. "I'll go see who this Monte Criston is, heh."

With that, he began to walk toward the castle. It was going to take a few hours. When he reached the slums, however, he noticed an explosion. His sixth sense screamed Phoenix. But also something else. He wasn't quite sure what yet, but he had his guess...

He sped up, and began searching around for the source. They couldn't be far.

""So, you into necrophilia, or what? Couldn't take me up on my offer while I was alive? Well, surprise, surprise."

That was the girl. Now he knew was close. He slowed back down, and tried to bring stealth to his side. They must be hiding somewhere.

Q took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He pulled his tail in toward his feet, and pushed his sunglasses on top of his head so he could shove his eyes into his long sleeve, trying to brush away the tears.

"Nothing's wrong with me," he muttered. "What's wrong with you?" he shot back.

He would've said 'what did I ever do to you' but then again, he had shot her in the head. So he had apparently done quite a lot. He was confused. All sorts of confused. He wasn't sure what to do now that he had her. Alive.

Should he shoot her again?

happininny wrote:Mercain

Mercain snorted, watching Kingsley leave. What was that guy up to now?

"Probably no good." He answered himself aloud. He fully intended to grill the man on intel later.


Nat put her hands up in defense, dropped the apple core. "Woah, woah! Defensive!" She chirped, zipping the bag up and slinging it over her shoulder. She leaned forward onto her hands and knees and crawling over to him. Looking concerned, she leaned forward, hand outstretched. Her fingers grazed his cheek, and she leaned in really close to him. She pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth.

"We have company. Friend or foe, I don't know. Snap out of it, or you'll get yourself killed." She whispered against his skin, in hopes that the stranger wouldn't hear her.

Wait... Why am I telling him this? I could have just left him to deal with it. He's out of it anyways. Take off with his stuff in tow. I don't owe him anything, anyways... Right? I'm pretty sure if I did he would have made me aware of it by now. Stupid silent types. Nat thought to herself, pulling back and studying his face for any indication as to what he would do.
Last edited:

In the land of Sine, gold has long a go left the common currency rotation in favor of cheaper metals. Royalty and the rich still exclusively use it, however. Which makes it a common thing to steal.

Sine has three royal families, one for each branch of government. But the political background of Sine is not so important as the adventure of the two young individuals known as LORI and YOURNAMEHERE.

Lori is a known trickster. He is often on the run from the law, and has fun doing so. Stealing is his game, and collecting precious metals is his life. He is constantly on the run, and to protect himself will take home in dragon's caves. How does he get rid of the dragon? Nobody knows. But since dragons often frequent caves, normal humans would never investigate them without an army. And despite how annoying Lori is, he is not worth risking an army to catch.

When NAMEHERE runs away from THINGS, she makes the mistake of going into SUCH A CAVE. That's when things begin to get interesting...



Lᴏʀɪ LᴇɴᴛɪʟKᴀɪᴅᴇɴ____

Daughter_of_the_Sentella wrote:Kaiden let out a small curse as she stumbled into a nearby cave. The rain had suddenly started up, soaking her to the bone. She wasn't even sure how she managed to get up here. All she knew was that she had been wandering and was now in some dark cave. "Lucky me." She mumbled, trying to wring out her clothing. The only sound was the squishing of the earth beneath her feet as she made her way into the cave. She didn't know where she was going, nor did she care. All she wanted to do was get away from he rain. But as she went deeper, she began to realize items scattered about. All very random. "The hell?" She stopped momentarily to look around. Was someone living here?

[imgright]Post Style
The further Kaiden walked into the cave, the more items there were. Shelves had been carved into the sides of the cave, and upon them lay precious silks. Atop the fabrics were glorious goblets, chalices, dishes, gems, and many items made out of gold. The shelves were probably the only things semi-organized here, however, as strewn about the floor were many random uncut diamonds, rubies, and jewels, as well as the periodic gold coin.

Truth be told, the man, if he could even be called such, was simply addicted to shiny things. He liked looking at them. He liked collecting them. He frequently went out into the town to illegally procure more of the desirables. It made sense for him to throw it all about his cave home as if it were confetti. It may as well have been, to him. It looked nice, it was worth a lot. That was all that mattered, really.

Lori, as was the "man"s name, normally did his collecting at night, when the guards of the palaces were prone to falling asleep. It was now midday and raining. Lori was coming out of the far end of the cave, having just woken up. He extended his hands above his head as he yawned and walked forward.

His hands, however, were not really hands. Well, one of them was. The other one was metal joints. Lovely technology, it was, to replace an entire arm with metallic components. It was his right arm that was this way. His left was still human and intact. Lori's face was seemingly human, though he wore some very thick red goggles over his eyes. And his hair wasn't hair at all. Instead, it was all feathers, protruding a bit randomly out from his yellow scarf. His ears were just as feathery as his hair, although it they were made of thin skin and fur. And protruding from his forehead, of course, were dragon-like horns. Maybe "dragonman" was a better description for this person, as he was living in a cave.. With a horde of treasure... Wasn't that something dragons did?

Oh well, let's not think too much on this!

Lori was minding his own business, strolling forward and letting out a loud yawn, when he heard footsteps in his cave. Footsteps that weren't an animal's footsteps.

He ran forward, his red scarf looming behind him, and it was only a few seconds before he came across a small human girl taking shelter from the rain. Judging by her looks, she was just street trash.

"Hey!" He shouted. "Get out of here!"
He flapped his arms about, trying to make a threatening gesture.

Maybe his dragony appearance would be scary enough for her. Dragons were known to take solace in caves. This girl should've known better.

Daughter_of_the_Sentella wrote:Kaiden jumped in alarmed and spun around, ready to face her attacker. Instead, she turned to find some man. Well, man like being. He was an odd one, that was for sure. But instead of jumping her, he flapped his arms like an idiot. Smirking, she shifted her weight to one foot and placed a hand on her hip.

"If you're trying to scare me off, I'm pretty sure a child could do better." She walked up to him, seeing him as no threat. As she got closer, she spotted the feathers and horns. Interesting. She bopped him on the nose, "Listen here, mister whoever you are. I am freezing to death and soaked. Unless you want half of this," She pointed to all his treasure,"gone, I advise you get me something dry." She smiled at him. "Chop chop." Of course it was suicide, demanding such a thing. But she was very irritated and tired from running.

All she wanted was just a few minutes of sleep. Even if he did try anything, she had a blaster and blades concealed in her boots. Right now, she wasn't in the mood to deal with anything. "I'm waiting." She muttered, failing to find any patience for him or for anyone dumb enough to try and kill her.

[imgright]Post Style

If you're trying to scare me off, I'm pretty sure a child could do better.
That wasn't a very nice thing to say. Lori's hands dropped and his mouth formed a scowl as he repositioned himself to stand up straight. He looked down at her while she moved closer to him. He was a few measurements taller than she, and by all accounts should've been intimidating.

But here she was, some piece of street trash trying to push some false authority over him. The nerve!

He pushed her away heavily with his mechanical right arm after she touched his nose. He couldn't have strangers touching him. But nonetheless she continues with her demands.

"Try and steal it. I'd like to see you try to carry it out by yourself," Lori growled, agitated. But then he threw his head up and laughed. Why be agitated, he thought. He held all the cards here. Not her. There was nothing to be worried about.

"Chop chop yourself," He grinned, lifting his human left hand, palm up. After snapping his forefinger and thumb, a small flame ignited, which he held in his palm. "An attitude like yours can burn, you know."

But he wasn't truly interested in harming her. He extinguished the flame shortly after the pun by closing the palm of his hand. He then threw his red scarf over his shoulder.
Maybe he couldn't be scary if he tried. He wasn't sure. He never really talked to people before now.
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Stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.


A nun finds a dying murderer taking solace in the cathedral. Will she allow him to stay?


The nun.

Q / Quatre Bornes
A sick man seeking solace.
Notes to self (possible legit spoilers for RP, so read at own risk):
Q is 27.
Smoked 4 packs a day.
Stopped drinking.
suffering withdrawal from that.
Random faints last 5-10 minutes.
Faints due to stress on body/not smoking closer to an hour.
Eyes do glow.
Has lung cancer and doesn't know it.

It was ten past zero two and the man known as Q was in sad shape.
Q was used to traveling. Staying in one area for too long made him far too anxious. Because of that, even after he stopped killing for a living, he could never truly settle down. He'd skipped over the border a few days back but had run out of money. The last night was the final one in his hotel. He'd managed to spend most of that night finding leads. Killing was the only way he knew how to make money at this point.
Even if he was physically unable to do it now, he had no other ways of making money. And with how fast he was sucking down cigarettes, he needed a lot of money. Hell, he was smoking a cigarette right now. He only had a pack left.
He hadn't slept in 20 hours.

He'd spent all day tailing this man. And it wasn't until that man was on his way back home at zero two hundred that Q finally felt like he had a safe enough opening to do the guy in. Too drunk to drive home, the target had begun walking. Q walked behind, unsheathed a knife and just went for it. Stabbed the man in the back, pulled his knife out, turned the guy around, and slit his throat.

Q may have been out of practice, but apparently he still had the touch, because it was all done before the man could make a sound. The target crumpled down on the ground, and Q had quite a bit of blood on his hands from the rushed action.

Q was only 27 but he felt much older. With his full head of grey hair, large scar over his face, and fading facial tattoos, he looked much older, as well. His persistent smoking had damaged his voice and aged his face. Behind a pair of dark sunglasses, which he still wore despite it being dark, were a pair of piercing green eyes that wearily looked down to his dead target.

Q spit out the butt of his cigarette and grunted, kneeling down and hunting through the dead man's pockets. He pulled out his wallet and pocketed all the cash and one of the credit cards. Looting a body was beneath him, but he had to have something for the night. He was only paid half upfront for the kill. He'd get the other half tomorrow night.

As Q stood back up, it began to rain. He looked across the street, wondering where he could take shelter. He sincerely felt like passing out. His vision wavered. Thankfully, the 27 year old knew it was from lack of sleep and not something more pressing.

He spotted a cathedral.
With a grunt, he decided he may as well. He was pretty much homeless.

He jogged across the street and wandered into the building, running his bloodied fingers through his grey hair as he tried to get the water out of it. He didn't care too much about his clothes, them being mostly black. A jacket covered his maroon-chested dress shirt. Under each armpit of the shirt was a holster. Under his right, a handgun; his left held the sheath of his knife.

With second thoughts, he stopped musing with his hair and zipped up his jacket.
That was when he started having a coughing fit. He didn't immediately see anyone amongst the pews, so decided to just let it all out. Not that he could really control this. The coughing fits were happening a lot more frequently than they used to, and they were hell on his lungs.

He couldn't think as he hacked loudly. His right hand grabbed the back of a pew before he just collapsed onto the ground, hacking up blood into one of his hands as he tried to cover his mouth.

Now on his knees, he closed his eyes, the spins coming over him. The coughing had subsided, but that was a lot of blood. Too much blood.

Fuck, he was going to die in the middle of a church, wasn't he?
What kind of fucking irony was this.

That was his last thought before he passed out from exhaustion in the middle of the aisle.

La_Paramour_dy wrote:[imgleft]Photo by LadyParamour
† Sister Anezka †

Anezka stirred as she heard the church doors opening, breaking the absolute silence of the place, but she quickly nuzzled herself back into her cozy little spot on the bed. It was not unusual nor discouraged for a vagrant or otherwise to come and pray in the middle of the night; that's why their doors were always left open.

However within a few minutes time, loud coughing coming from the chapel downstairs would rouse her once more. The sheer urgency of the sound was enough to make her rise to a sitting position, but the sudden cessation was far more worrisome. She glanced around her quarters with tired slate gray eyes. Her fellow sisters did not even stir. She'd always been a light sleeper.

Anezka carefully swiveled her feet onto the cold tile flooring, and stepped off the bed. Not wanting to awaken the others in the event that this wasn't an emergency, she quickly but silently tossed on yesterday's habit and wimple over her nightgown. For the sake of both silence and time, she neglected shoes, leaving her face and feet the sole skin peeking out from the formless black and white habit which neatly hid the young woman's slender figure.

As quietly as she could, she opened the door, wincing as it squeaked in protest. With one final look back to confirm she hadn't disturbed anyone, she padded down the stairs in her bare feet, fast as she could without making a significant amount of noise. As she neared the end of the narrow, spiraling staircase though, she slowed down a good bit. Sobering up from her previous slumber, she began to see reason. What was she thinking, coming down here alone? It could have been anyone out there; there was no guarantee at this time of night that it wasn't a vandal or otherwise dangerous criminal out there, instead of the unfortunate soul she had assumed had taken refuge there.

But it was still a possibility she needed to render aid, and that had to prevail over her own desire for self preservation. She took a deep breath, and pushed aside the double doors that led to the chapel from the stairway.

She saw the man almost immediately, lying very obviously in the middle of the aisle, and rushed over to him, falling to her knees at his side. She sucked in her breath through her teeth and hesitated as she noticed the blood in his palms when she reached for his wrist to check for a pulse. She withdrew her hand before it had ever touched him, and noticed his chest still rose and fell with breath, however shallow. Her gaze traveled to his face. He looked quite a bit older than her, a young lady of 23, and was a frightening sight with that scar running down his face alongside some old, faded, tattoos. So, she'd been right to think it was a vandal, she mused to herself.

She bit her lip in contemplation, unsure how to proceed. He was alive, yes, but certainly not conscious, and the blood on his hands indicated it was still a serious condition. Despite his rather frightening appearance, he clearly needed help, and so she gathered the courage to shake him gently by his shoulders in an attempt to wake him. Upon drawing closer to do so, she found he reeked of cigarettes.

"Sir," she whispered, voice hoarse, tired, and desperate. "Sir? Are you okay?"

Q was down for the count in the middle of the aisle. His grey hair streaked with the blood that had been on his hands. In his hair was the blood of the man he'd killed, but in his empty palms were the mixed blood of that man and his own insides. His clothes were dirty and reeked of cigarette abuse. His boots were worn and full of the dirt and mud from his continuous travels.

Sometimes Q welcomed the darkness. It was the only thing to relieve him from the pain of his daily life. His eyes were increasingly sensitive to sunlight and now artificial light. He wore his sunglasses continually to combat this. But it was never enough, and he suffered chronic headaches. He used to treat himself with alcohol, but he given up that habit as it made his fainting worse.

Q used to be a hired gun. His health started going downhill at 24 and by 26 he'd called it quits. Whenever something stressful happened, he generally fainted. Randomly losing consciousness was obviously not good, especially not so if one were running away from people who wanted to kill you imprison you. So obviously Q had to adapt. He thought he'd saved enough money, but that was not so. Smoking kept the fainting at bay. But as he became absorbed the vice, it brought on other problems. It was a lot harder to breathe these days. But he didn't know what else to do.

He'd rather cough up blood than faint and die in his sleep. Something he didn't want to admit was that he was afraid. And he was at the point in his life where he knew it was going to be close. It was a realization he was going to have to deal with.
And that was why he was also supremely afraid of the darkness. He didn't want to die. He had so much more to do in his life. He felt he wasn't due. He may be dealing with stupid health issues, but that didn't mean he wasn't still ready to kick ass and take control.

But apparently, that just wasn't the case anymore, and he could hear some woman's voice murmuring at him. Was she shaking him?
What was she even saying?

His eyes started to open when he let out a heavy exhalation, but quickly closed again.
All he had seen in the briefest of moments was stained glass and possibly a cross.
Q wasn't christian but he could only imagine how he ended up here.
He didn't want to.

"Suis-je mort?" He breathed in french.
Was he dead yet? Did it finally happen?

His throat hurt. His chest hurt. His everything hurt.

He grit his teeth and tried to move his hand. Maybe push the woman away so she'd stop shaking him.
It knocked against the bottoms of some pews. With much effort, he raised his hand and tried to grab the top of one for support, trying to pull himself up with it. His muscled were tired, as was the rest of him. He wound up growling as he slowly tried to pull himself up. But it was clear he was having trouble and may not be able to stand on his own.

La_Paramour_dy wrote:[imgleft]Photo by LadyParamour
† Sister Anezka †

Anezka only grew increasingly frustrated at his response, half because it was clear his health was declining, half because she didn't know why, or consequently how to fix it. She sat there with a determined little frown for a moment, before she noticed he was attempting to rise. Slowly, she rose and shuffled backwards to give him room, nearly tripping on her long skirts in the process.

The sister watched as he tried to rise on his own, but while it was a valiant attempt, it failed. Though she hesitated at first, she reluctantly came to his side and wrapped one thin arm around his side. She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes in distaste as she came in contact with him. That smell again. The smell of tobacco was foreign to her; her parents hadn't smoked, no one smoked during service, and the priests nor her fellow sister certainly never did.

"What's happened to you?" she mused as she lifted him alongside herself, with a soft grunt. It took considerable effort on her part. Heavy lifting was just not a part of the job description. As such, she was a relatively frail woman. "What are you doing here?" she whispered. "And not a hospital? You don't look like the praying sort of man."

[[Fuck this shit. Sorry, too pissed to retype it all.]]

He almost slipped until she helped pick him up. All his weight was on her when she helped him stand, but once on his own two legs, Q was able to hold the majority of his own weight. He put his arm over the woman's shoulders to keep his balance, but the move wasn't sexual.

He was confused by her rapid-fire questions, and his mind worked far too slow to comprehend what she was asking. His vision was going in and out and he wasn't quite sure where he was anymore. As he stood there, he finally registered the woman holding him up had mentioned something about hospitals.

"I just need sleep" he managed to mutter, his voice deep and shredded by years of substance abuse.

La_Paramour_dy wrote:[imgleft]Photo by LadyParamour
† Sister Anezka †

Admittedly, she was surprised he actually responded after all that; she'd been talking more for her sake than his own. Right, so he needed a place to sleep. He'd undoubtedly be unwelcome even if there were vacant beds upstairs, and she didn't really care to have him sleeping in the aisles. Perhaps she could at least afford him some privacy. Anezka glanced around, before gently guiding him towards a door towards the back of the chapel, but not before muttering "What you need is a hospital."

They arrived at the door, and as she opened it, she revealed a small, intimate room intended for solitary prayer. Inside, there was a padded bench, superior to the plain, hard pews in the aisle, facing a dimly lit shrine.

"Is this okay?"

[imgright][/imgright] Q only exhaled loudly through his nose in response to her further comment about a hospital. When they finally got to some sort of room, the 27 year old immediately collapsed onto the bench. His legs uncomfortably hanging over the edge of the seat to he could lay on his side and have his head on the cushion.

He didn't even have to answer her next question- the room was okay enough that he passed out nearly immediately. And he kept sleeping well into the afternoon.

When he awoke, a groan escaped him. His whole lower half hurt. His legs were asleep. He pushed himself, to sit up, feeling the blood flow back into his legs. The action made him incredibly dizzy. He padded his jacket for another cigarette, and lit up soonafter, taking a long drag to calm his nerves. While everything seemed to equalize, he finally took in his surroundings.

He was in a tiny room with no windows. There was a small plate of bread and soup on the floor. How had he gotten here? Who had found him? His silver brows creased as he leaned over to pick up the small dish and dip his finger in the soup. It was cold. How long had it been sitting there?

He sucked in a few more drags of the cigarette before taking it out of his mouth to eat the meager amount of food. It was bland, but he hadn't eaten anything in a while, so to him taste did not matter much. After he was done, he placed it on the bench next to him and resumed smoking his cigarette.

He still wore his sunglasses, so his vision was not the best anymore. It took a lot longer than it should have for him to realize the wall in front of him was a little more elaborate than he originally thought. More like a shrine. More like there was definitely a crucifix hanging there.


He got up and tested his walking skills. It took a few steps to get up to par, but once he was, he stubbed out the cigarette in the soup dish and opened the door to the outside.

He was greeted by a lot of pews and soft light. It was difficult to make out for him, as his eyes had become nocturnal. The low light in the cathedral worked in such a way to make the man's depth perception all but disappear entirely.

He looked down at his hands, which were full of dried, crusty blood and who knew what else.
Why was he here? He shouldn't be here. He was surprised they hadn't kicked him out when they first saw him. If they had seen him. Maybe he had snuck in?
Why would he do that?

In his confusion, he began walking to the center of the room, figuring that once he was in the middle aisle, he could figure out where the exit was. He walked through the pews, sliding his hand along the back of the pew nearest to him to subconsciously remind himself that it was there. Also to keep his balance should his legs randomly decide to give. He wasn't in the best of shape, really.
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inner demons (DMC-inspired Q, other person deleted everything)

Eᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀs ᴡᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀs ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs. To the common eye, things are what they are and life continues on as normal. But for Tʜᴇ Cᴏʀʀᴜᴘᴛᴇᴅ, they see something more. The Corrupted are people prone to sin so much that they have somewhat of a kinship with the world down under. A world, parallel to our own, which is full of demons instead of humans. The people with this sight tend to be corporate and government officials, as well as those who consider crime a business. The Corrupted can naturally see demons. To them, the demons can be business partners, pests, or anything in between. But The Corrupted are not the only humans with the ability to see.

In theory, any human being who looks hard enough can see demons. Demons originated from Dᴏᴡɴ Uɴᴅᴇʀ, but many live on our plane of existence. Others will frequently visit. When on our plane, they project an image of something normal for humans to see. The type of image they project is related to the type and class of demon they are. Middle-class demons can assume human forms, lower-class are animals, and upper-class cannot conceal their form. If an upper-class demon wants to walk the earth in secret, it must take a host through possession.

While the host is a human form, it still retains many of the abilities the demon had when Down Under. Upper-class demons generally don't come to our plane, however. They were meant to rule Down Under. In fact, it could be argued that it would be punishment for an Upper-class Demon to come to our plane.


Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ sᴏᴄɪᴇᴛʏ. Tʜɪs ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀᴡ.
This law, so vague as it is, has been interpreted to mean 'Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ.'​

Eᴏɴs ᴀɢᴏ, ᴀɴ ᴜᴘᴘᴇʀ-ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴅᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇ ʙᴀʀɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ. This demon, Aᴘᴏʟʟʏᴏɴ, brought on death and destruction to the human civilization until the angels made an example of him. They destroyed his physical form and sealed his spirit within a green gem, burying it in the sands of time.

If the angels had killed Apollyon, he would've returned Down Under and been able to live again. Having banished his spirit on Earth, he would never have a physical form again through normal means. The angels never predicted that Apollyon, after fostering years of hate within the confines of his jewel, would be able to manifest himself and take a host given the opportunity.

What were the odds the cursed green gem would become a piece of jewelry?

Quatre Bornes. AKA "Q" or "Bornes"
[imgleft][/imgleft] Q is a 23 year old with a haggard past. Growing up in a French military academy, he ran away with his lover to the USA at 18. In the US, he was the second-hand to Vespasien, the lord of the newly-formed French Mafia in New York. It was there where Q began his demon-hunting career.

At 21, Q had a falling out, and left the mafia to become on call for anyone who needed to get rid of their demon problems. He doesn't know if Vespasien has put a price on his head or wants him back. Q's across the country now and frankly, doesn't really care. Q sticks to what he knows and feels comfortable with. And that is, frankly, killing demons for money.

Q's lover is gone, but they left an heirloom-- a titanium chain holding an amulet with a green gem inside. Q wears it every day. He's had it since he was 20. But lately, it's been growing hot...

Something about Koren.


[imgright][/imgright]Q was in Bustertown, getting paid to take out a lesser demon problem. It seemed as it AmeriCorp, a beverage company, had a little harpy infestation. Harpies were getting to be a large problem in the United States. Many of Q's gigs were dealing with them these days. He was beginning to hate them. Normally he was fairly apathetic to what he was killing. But Harpies flew around, made a lot of noise, and made him look like an idiot.

Why? Because to the normal human eye, he was on top of a roof shooting at birds. What crazy person goes to the roof of a skyscraper to point a pair of pistols at a flock of pigeons?
Quatre Bornes.

The matter of the fact was that, here in the normal world, demons projected an image. To a normal human, a harpy would appear to be a bird. It depended on the circumstances as to what type of bird. Right now, a flock of harpies were a flock of pigeons. Other times? Vultures. Eagles. Crows. Whatever they felt like being. But always birds. Q didn't know why they did what they did. He just knew he could see past the mirage. Apparently any human could if they looked hard enough, but no one aside from corporate giants and mafia lords seemed to.

So while the layperson would see a man with grey hair wearing sunglasses, black slacks and boots, a long sleeved dress shirt with black sleeves and a maroon torso holding two pistols and shooting wildly at a bunch of attacking pigeons... Q saw himself shooting wildly at a bunch of royally pissed of pale females possessing arms with wings and claws for hands. Their bottom half were giant, scaled, raptor feet. Each one of them were at least five feet tall with just as wide a wingspan. They all had long, out of control hair in varying colors, eyes full of rage, and open mouths. Fang-filled mouths.
That screamed. Screamed in such an ear-splitting high pitch that Q grit his teeth.

Their screams overwhelmed the sound of his bullets. Bullets that seemed to not be doing much good. He released the spent clips from his pistols simultaneously. They dropped to the concrete roof at his feet as he holstered the gun in his right hand and found a new clip with his now free hand, shoving it into the pistol in his left hand.

Right when he loaded his pistol, one of the harpies dived at his face.

"Shit!" Q went to a knee, just barely missing the attack. One of her talons from her feet had scraped along his black sleeve, tearing the fabric. Fuck! He thought. This was his favorite shirt!

Behind his sunglasses, his green eyes narrowed as the harpy, who appeared to be the leader, came back around.

There were only five harpies left. Q had managed to kill most of them. Various dead bodies lay on the ceiling and a few had dropped to the street. When a demon died, their visage fell for all humans to see. This made clean-up pretty horrifying if one didn't want the public to know demons existed. But the bodies would normally liquify after a few minutes on their own. At that moment, a few of the bodies on the roof did just that. They turned to a molten black substance that quickly evaporated. The smell was disturbingly awful.

"All right," Q said. "J'ai fini de jouer."

From his kneeling position, he took aim and shot the leader Harpy -- the one who'd just ruined his shirt -- in the forehead. She went down immediately. The bitch.
The other harpies EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'd in shrieking disapproval.
Q aimed for the next harpy. It went down. Three harpies left.

Something felt hot on his chest. He ignored it.

The last two harpies began flying around wildly. Q was left to do tuck and rolls, trying to evade them. During one of these rolls, he had the misfortune of rolling through the black liquified remains of one of the dead harpies. He let go of his gun and cradled his arm.
He'd only briefly touched the liquid with his shoulder, but pain shot through his entire left arm. It shook uncontrollably. In that instant, whatever pain was in his chest amplified and his vision went white.

The two harpies took the opportunity to begin attacking Q directly. He had frozen up, unsure of what to do. This reality wasn't his own, anymore. His hearing was taken over with white noise. His feelings overcome with pain.

He could feel someone talking to him. Feel it, in waves of pain, in his mind, in sound, in everything. Inside of him. It didn't make sense.

Soon. It said.
Then it laughed.

The titanium pendant around his neck burned into his skin, the green gem inside glowing beneath his shirt.

Entirely mentally separated from his true surroundings, Q was unable to defend himself from the two harpies who were now tearing his shoulders to shreds with their raptor feet.

The harpies had torn his shirt to shreds by the time they were taken care of. It was a wonder the clothing was still even on his body. Q's shoulders and back had been sliced open, and now were bleeding. His head was more or less fine, surprisingly.

The 23 year old was on his knees, still clutching his arm. His whole body shook minutely. His head was down and he was screaming silently. When the stranger came up and killed the harpies, he'd done nothing. When the woman pointed her gun to Q and started talking, Q finally fell over like an ill-balanced sack of potatoes. Once his head hit the ground, he finally came to.
The first thing he heard was "--wait for proper care."

Of course, that didn't make sense. Nothing made sense. A second a go he was fighting harpies, then going through a whole body cringe from what felt like being dropped in a vat of acid. Now his body was understandable sore, and he heard a human voice. Harpies didn't speak english. Or at least if they did, there wasn't a human voice accompanying it.

Even so, Q took little time to react. He was on the ground. He immediately spotted his pistol. He grabbed it, rolled, swung it about at the sky-- no harpies-- found the source of the voice-- pointed it at her. The whole reaction had taken maybe two seconds. But in that time, he realized his body wasn't how he left it.

His gun clattered to the ceiling's surface again, and both his arms hugged his chest. Something was happening. Heart attack? He felt like he was getting burned! He tried to rip whatever was burning him off as he called out in pain and surprise. His shirt already so ripped from the harpies, it didn't take much for a hole large enough to reveal the middle of his chest to form.

It was his necklace.
The gem was flashing a bright green, the pendant was melting.

Q screamed and frantically clawed at it, cursing unintelligibly between english and french; panicking.

His efforts went unnoticed as despite them, his skin healed over the metal, leaving the small glowing jewel protruding from his skin. His whole body burned and cringed again. Another tingling feeling came over him, almost like the climb to an orgasm but without the relief.
After this, the gem's glow dissipated but faintly reflected his heartbeat. Which at the moment, was still sky high.

Out of breath, Q put his hands to the floor and started gasping. He only swallowed in a few deep gulps of air before he started freaking out further.
"What was that?! What the fuck was that? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?"
He looked up.
He grabbed his gun and pointed it back to the strange woman. But his body still had not recovered completely, and his arm shook noticeably. There was no way he'd shoot where he was aiming.
But he didn't care! As long as the bullet hit her, it was good enough!

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He demanded, his index finger ready to squeeze just in case he heard an answer he didn't like.

Q's mouth hung open while he breathed through it, glaring at the woman from behind his sunglasses. Despite his pain and momentary freak out, he was mentally trying to process this.

Crazy? Hah! No. No, he wasn't crazy. He couldn't be. He was cold. Calculated. Calculating. Yes. Just like he could logically think about this.. Fuck, no he couldn't.
Then she tried to soothe him. Wow. Maybe he really was crazy.

Calm down, he thought. Just calm down. If she wanted you dead, she would've shot you already..

His shoulders heaved a few more times before he leaned back on his legs and sat down, bringing his gun toward himself so he could switch the safety on with his right hand. Apparently he didn't have the finger strength to do it while holding the gun at the moment. He was still shaking.
Once that was done, he holstered it at his hip with some difficulty.

Putting his hands on the pavement, he brought his legs in front of him and sat normally with a grunt, bringing up his right knee and leaning his right arm atop it.
He didn't know what to say and he didn't want to apologize. Maybe if he sat here long enough, he's recover enough to leave and take care of whatever was wrong with him on his own.
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what side are you on
What Side Are You On?
In the town of Dexterity, groups of humans have grown mutations. These mutants are causing problems for the "normals". Sinico, a megacorporation, has enlisted several Normals to kill off the mutants and protect the purity of the human race.

Riley has been raised around humans her entire life. Her parents did everything they could to keep her true identity a secret. Her parents got shipped away to "protect" another city and she hasn't heard from them since. Working with the humans allows her to upkeep her "habits" and live comfortably.

Q recently immigrated to Dexterity. Now working for Sinico, he is determined to prove his worth and kill all mutants. His only problem is that if anyone figures out he has a tail, he's doomed.

Notes to self:

Slightly future based war time RP. Humans are fighting the ever growing population of "mutants" after discovering some of them have developed powers. The outcasts typically live in areas humans don't see as fit, rough landscape, ruined cities etc. My character would be a mutant living among the humans, though they would all think she was human herself, and being used as a hired killer. Riley doesn't actually kill the others though, she is sending them off to hideaways and villages. The idea would be for her to eventually get caught.

We're doubling.

Riley's Extended Profile



Age: Approximately 21

Personality: Kind, Intelligent, Passionate, Strong-willed, Fiery.

Short bio: Riley has been raised around humans her entire life, her parents did everything they could to keep her true identity a secret. Her parents got shipped away to "protect" another city and she hasn't heard from them since. Working with the humans allows her to upkeep her "habits" and live comfortably.

Mutations: Energy manipulation. This allows her to create protective shields, use concentrated energy as an attack, and mild healing abilities. There are also silver patches of skin along her back, scars from another mutant that would give her away if they were seen.

Other: Riley is a drug addict but her job depends on keeping that, and her mutations a secret.

cameronthepyro wrote:Riley was pacing anxiously outside the building where she was supposed to be meeting her new partner. The problem with new partners was that they didn't know, and weren't supposed to know that she was a mutant smuggling mutants into safe zones. Her last partner had been killed helping her, and despite her best efforts had been beyond saving. Her snow-white hair fluttered in the late autumn wind and she pulled her coat tighter around her. Positive she would wear out the soles of her boots if she did not pause to collect herself she stopped and pulled a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. Lighting one and taking a deep drag from it she held her breath several seconds before releasing the thick cloud of smoke into the cold air. It hung there for a moment like a storm cloud, then dissipated into the wind.

The anxiety may have been coming from more than one source as a sudden drain in her energy levels reminded the young woman that it had been hours since her last dose. Digging about in her pocket once more she found a prescription bottle, popped the lid, and shook a small pink tablet onto her tongue. It dissolved almost instantly, and left behind the faint taste of bubble gum. Her pupils practically screamed as they stretched back open and the world swung into a different kind of focus. The chill, damp air no longer held its bite, and things previously rushing past her seemed to relax and enjoy the ride.

Orange orbs glanced down at the cellphone clutched in her hand before she let out a sigh of frustration. Where was this guy? And why was he late? Cramming her fists deep into her coat pockets Riley strode to the end of the street, perhaps he was on his way and she'd be able to see him coming from here.


Q pushed his sunglasses closer to his face as he walked down the street toward the main building. He had been hired by Sinico just a couple of months before, so technically he was new here. However, he'd been killing people long before he'd been to this town. Getting through the training was a breeze and now he was left to his first actual partner.

He was dressed in a black long sleeved shirt with a maroon torso, and black pants with boots of the same color. His hair was prematurely greyed, as Q was only 21 years old, and his hands were by his sides. At his hip, he wore a belt that held a knife and a handgun.

It wasn't too long before he noticed the girl who was his partner. She wasn't hard to spot-- with long white hair, she stood out amongst others. Q smirked to himself. At least he wasn't the only one with white hair, now. Q held neutral feelings, not really knowing what to expect. But just by watching Riley's body language, he could tell she was irritated.

Once he finally reached her, he asked the probing question: "What's bothering you?"
It was less of a niceity and more of a slightly polite way of saying 'what's so far up your butt?'
Q wasn't exactly full of himself, but he certainly felt he was far more experienced than the others gave him credit for.

In the last few months, though, he'd kept his past to himself. And for the time being, he was going to keep it that way. So he'd earned the reputation of "cocky top student".

cameronthepyro wrote:"You," she replied hastily, turning so her body and not just her head was facing him. "You're late," she added with a small frown. Riley studied her new partner with no attempt to hide that she was. Sunglasses hid his eyes from her view but she could still see plenty. His hair was grey, making him seem much older than he looked up close, not that she could judge based on her own long powdery locks. He was well dressed and seemed put together despite her own frustration.

Thrusting a hand in his direction she held it out in the cold air as a gesture of introduction. "Riley." A rough introduction was the best she could manage but she attempted to soften it with a smile. "It's cold, why don't we go inside and get things sorted there?" Pulling her other fist from her coat pocket she jingled a pair of keys and then motioned towards the building.

((Short, a little stuck right now, sorry.))

[imgleft][/imgleft]Q looked at the watch on his left wrist. Late?

"I was told 1300. It's only just turned. You sure you're watch isn't just fast?" He let out a small 'heh' when he noticed her sizing him up. He didn't bother doing the same. If she was here and he was assigned to her, then it was implied she was supposed to be good at her job. He'd trust Sinico in that. Q didn't particularly think it too difficult to use a gun, anyway. How others had problems was beyond him. He chose not to think about it.

Regardless, she then mentioned her name and stuck a hand out. He looked down at it for a moment, wondering if he should. After a brief hesitation, he decided it was proper, and went ahead and shook her hand with a firm grip. "Q," he returned. "Nice to meet you, Riley." His voice was blank at that. He had no feelings either way for meeting her. He was just eager to get on with the mission. His first one in the field. Then he could finally stop being bored with all the exercises.

She mentioned it being cold, and he shrugged. He didn't think it was cold at all, but rather than be a total smartass about it, he held his tongue and followed her into the building.

Once they were in, he pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, revealing forest green eyes and a long, diagonal scar going from his brow, across his nose, to about his chin on the other side.

"Are we going to go out today or are we putting it off till tomorrow?" He asked.

He really wanted to go out today, but he supposed it was up to her.

cameronthepyro wrote:The building ahead of them was a mix between an office structure and a condo. The front door opened to a kitchen, and just beyond that the wall of the dining area was plastered with maps marked in red. The whole place had an overwhelming feeling of OCD, every item was stacked, dusted and put exactly in the same place every time it was used. The door closed and automatically locked behind the two of them when they crossed the threshold.

Riley felt significantly more comfortable when Q removed his sunglasses inside the structure, a person's eyes allowed an easier read of their expressions and intentions. His question echoed in her mind and she realized she hadn't answered it. "We'll leave today, we've got a ways to travel. This current assignment should take us a few days." Making her way to the kitchen, Riley pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and filled them with water, offering one to Q.

"So you're a freshie aren't ya?" Riley gave him a wry smirk before continuing into the dining-map-room and sat at the table. There were two manilla folders on the table, one for each of them containing the details of what mutants they were looking for, their locations, and what powers they might possess. Sipping slowly on her water she flipped through the files and tapped her foot as she did.

Her mind was clouded from the drugs and she closed the folder with a sigh, rubbing her temples. Sitting still was already driving her crazy. Trying to keep her urge to fidget under wraps she continued to tap her foot on the ground and tried once more for conversation with her new partner. "Are you ready for field work?" Having recently lost another partner Riley was hesitant to take a fresh trainee out in the field, her last partner had been extensively trained and even that couldn't save him.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Q simply nodded in response to her final answer on when they would leave. He didn't want to say he was excited... But, okay, he was just a little excited. Well, moreso anxious. He had been so bored and unchallenged the last few months, that now maybe he'd finally be able to prove himself. Maybe. Hopefully.

Q took the glass of water and carried it with him to the tables, where he sat opposite of Riley. After sitting and taking the folder, he opened it to look at its contents. Only once he'd done this did he idly sip the water. Looking over the targets, he was interrupted by observation of his freshness, and couldn't hide his slight disgust at the term.

"Yeah," he answered monotonously, not looking up from his reading. There was no point in saying anything else. He was going to get shit on for being a newbie regardless of his skills. That's just how it worked in professions like this.

He found it harder and harder to concentrate on the folder in front of him as time continued. Mostly because Riley was clearly anxious about something. She didn't hiding her fidgeting well. At least, not to Q's ears anyway. Not that his ears heard her feet much. It was moreso a notice of the vibration underneath the table and near to his own boots. He closed the folder and locked eyes with her.
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have been assigned to be with you," he replied, tired. He wanted to leave, too. But unlike Riley, he managed to keep all his limbs still.

cameronthepyro wrote:Riley held his stare as he spoke and tilted her head forward a bit as she replied, "one would hope for that, yes, but it isn't always the case." With a shrug she stood and pushed her chair against the table with the terrible grinding noise of wood on linoleum. "If you've been sent here it doesn't much matter if you're ready anyway, we're going regardless." Taking the glass back to the kitchen Riley swiftly washed it, dried it, and replaced it in its appropriate cupboard. "Supplies are upstairs if you'd like anything more than what you came with. Be ready in ten minutes, there's a car in the garage, I'll meet you there. Keys are in the hall, you can drive if you like."

With that the young woman disappeared up stairs, her hair flowing behind her like a ribbon. In one of the rooms she found her things already packed, just as she had left them. A backpack sat on a well-made bed along side a hip holster and an M&P. Clipping the holster to her belt she adjusted her jeans then slid the gun into its home snugly. A three inch long pocket knife also made its way onto her belt and she slug the backpack over her shoulder, letting out a small oomph as its weight swayed her.

She found it irresponsible to go into the field on a poorly detailed mission without extra ammunition, so she carried several spare magazines along with some food and water rations in her bag. Galloping back down the stairs her mood had lifted at this point in her high and she was humming softly to herself as she repositioned the backpack to get her black coat back on over her grey tank top. She strode down the hall evenly and paused before the door to the garage, punching a code into the alarm system on the wall, it beeped a few times and then a blinking light came on, signaling that it was armed. Nodding to herself in satisfaction she made her way into the garage and opened the trunk of the Subaru they had been given, tossing in the heavy pack and then making her way to the passenger side of the vehicle.

Q got up when she did, taking the folder and glass with him. Unlike her, he only poured more water in the glass, swished it around a bit, poured it out, and then placed it back in the cabinet. To him, it was just water. The glass would be fine.

After the instruction, he jogged upstairs and grabbed a hard violin case sitting atop his own bed. Inside the case was some extra ammunition for both his Glock 19 and M40 rifle, as well as the rifle itself. His knife and pistol were already at his hip, but if he wanted, he could throw them in the violin case as well.

With the hard case in hand, he made his way back downstairs, grabbing the keys on his way out. He found Riley quickly in the garage, and tossed his things in the trunk.

After closing the trunk, he purposefully caught her attention with a "Hey."
Once she was looking at him, he tossed her the keys.

"I don't drive." He gave a slight smirk.
He hated driving, but he was going to attempt to be cool about this. Maybe she'd take it as a compliment or something.

Q was pretty inexperienced with knowing how women worked.

cameronthepyro wrote:After catching the keys Riley did her best not to sigh a little. It wasn't that she didn't like driving, she did, she just had a habit of driving too fast and getting caught. Walking back around the front of the car she slid into the drivers seat and started the engine. Reaching into the center console she pulled out a GPS and plugged it in, after punching a few buttons their route popped up on screen for her to follow. Once Q was settled they were on their way, a remote in the car sealed the garage door and set the rest of the alarms on the little safe house.

"So why the violin case? I've seen plenty of things to carry weapons discreetly, but why a violin case?" Riley had turned on some music that sounded something like The Offspring but had it low in case Q chose to have a conversation. She hated the first drive with a new partner, she never knew what they liked, or how much they would talk. The road stretched on before them in the late afternoon light and she drummed the steering wheel as she drove.

The place they were going was desolate, and very unsafe for two supposed humans. It was completely crawling with mutants, but only a few of them were targeted today. Lucky for the rest of them Sinico did not allow any harm to befall a mutant when they were not the target. Keeping further war from erupting was a difficult and sometimes impossible balance. The three targets they would be after that night were notoriously affiliated with a larger group of terrorists. These mutants believed they were better than humans and that they should wipe out what was left of the unaffected species. Using their powers was draining on a mutant, but to not have any powers was seen as weak.

[[Sorry if this is bad. I can't think of anything D: ]]

Once Q got to the car, he put the Violin case in the backseat and then positioned himself in the passenger seat next to Riley. His sunglasses over his eyes again, he watched as she programmed the GPS. Then, when she asked him the question about the violin case, he frowned, a bit confused.

"Because it's discreet?" Wasn't that obvious?
He leaned back in his seat, extending his legs in front of him. "What's wrong with a violin case?"

cameronthepyro wrote:(( I can't either so for the sake of attempting to rescue the RP I'm going to time skip to some more action-y bits.))

Pulling into what appeared to be a large lot full of storage containers. The group they were after liked to use the heavy cover to hide their meetings. Killing the engine Riley looked to her new partner and pressed a finger to her lips. It was likely the group they were waiting for was already aware that they had arrived. Retrieving her pistol and fastening it to a holster on her hip. She was ready for whatever came their way or at least she hoped she was.

Opening the door she stepped away from the car as quietly as she could and then began her hunt. Searching the grounds and as discreetly as possible she began using her powers, attempting to detect other energy fields near them. Cravings to use had begun again and her hands shook slightly.
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cold and dark 1

ᗪᗩᖇK & ᑕѺᒪᗪ

A Jᴀᴄᴋ/Pɪᴛᴄʜ 1x1​

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]The village was colder than usual this time of night. Pitch noted right away as the shadows around him spread out as the night sky pushed back the day until there was nothing but complete darkness. His walk to the village was confident, smug, and full of power. After all, he had expected the moment he stepped in people would begin to cower into their homes and hide into their beds, but he chuckled. Who could hide from a Boogeyman? However this good mood was cut short when a sudden, strange, feeling washed over him that made him pause in his tracks. He tilted his head almost curiously, before frown graced his lips and he narrowed his golden eyes towards the village.

Everything looked the same, but something was … amiss. The fearlings he had summoned already began their work on spreading fear to the children that were already asleep. He wasn't satisfied with this though because there was just something missing. He ignored the few people who were still bustling around the village, trying to get last minute errands done before they head home to their families. He walked passed them, determined to find out just what it was that was causing this odd change in the village. He had stopped by a small house, fit for a family of three and he stared at it for a moment before recollection hit him.

It was the house he had visited a months ago and a few times before hand, but why was he drawn to this place? It wasn't special. Ah... but it was wasn't it? He headed inside without another word, finding it empty. Perhaps the occupants were out and he looked around. It looked comfortable and warm. A fitting home for a family who did the best they could with what they had. He looked at the plates on the table and noticed three chairs, but only two plates. His lip twitched downwards, but turned away to head into the rooms. Perhaps there was something he was missing. He found himself in the room he recalled visiting many times before. His job being giving nightmares and spreading fear, it wasn't unusual, but this particular room felt... wrong. The bed was made and it looked like no one had been in here for weeks.

That made him frown.

It was them the sky outside brightened and he felt the familiar hum of something powerful. He knew right away just who it was. Quickly he headed outside and looked up seeing a bright full moon in the sky. People in the village didn't notice, but Pitch did as he stared up at his old friend not speaking but demanding of him just what was going on. Why this village felt different? But of course, the Man in the Moon never gave him a straight answer. "Still like that aren't you old friend? Playing these little games of yours?" he growled out loud this time looking annoyed before he noticed something else. A new power. He blinked and looked towards the direction of the frozen lake. Could it be?

He was over there in a second and just on time too to see a boy with white hair like snow dancing around the lake clumsy playing with frost. He glanced at the Man in Moon again and merely sneered. A new spirit then? That was nothing exciting, but still, he was curious. This... boy was going to learn the hard way that no one could see him and perhaps make a mess of things figuring out his powers. He chuckled and straightened up heading towards the boy who was now standing in shock in the village and placed a hand on his shoulder. "They cannot see what they do not know exists," he said, knowing very well the reaction from the boy would be humorous and he let his hand fall back to his side and let the new winter spirit decide if he was going to talk to Pitch or merely stare at him. Either way, Pitch wasn't going to leave quite yet.

I resized your post style for you so it's not so huge.

[imgleft][/imgleft]Everything was dark.
There was no need to breathe, but there was no air.
And when he opened his eyes, he could see a bright picture come into focus through the water he could not feel.
The bright, white, glowing moon.
Jack Frost.

He took his first breath, then. He was already outside the water, standing barefoot atop the frozen lake. Confused, his blue eyes looked down at himself, his pale skin. In the ice, he could see a reflection of himself. He had a full head of hair that was as silky white as the snow surrounding the woods.

Jack Frost. Yes. That must've been his name. Jack Frost!
He took his first step forward, and nearly tripped over a hooked stick. Blue eyes stared down at it as he stepped away.
No, not a stick at all. A staff. His staff.
An arm of his frosted blue sweatshirt stretched out to pick it up. He held the wooden staff in his hands, testing its weight. There was something peculiar about this tool. There was something peculiar about him.

Well, no matter, Jack thought. He smirked and twirled the staff in his right hand, turning to go toward town. Just then, the wood touched the ice. Sprouting from the tip of the rod were designs of frost.
No, not from the wood. From him!
He controlled it!
Yes, that's right. Because he was Jack Frost!

Overcome with a strange feeling of glee, he couldn't help but laugh at his obvious ability. Of course he was one with winter. He practically was winter!
The boy couldn't help himself. He spun on his heels on the ice, tapping his staff at various points among the top, making intricate designs. After a time, he grew bored with it, and began to run.
He had to show this off! He had to tell the others!

The wind picked him up and he haphazardly ran/glided through the air down the path in the woods toward town.

Once he got there, he could see the cottages and the people walking about, getting ready to call it a night. With a large smile on his face, he jogged to the nearest person, who happened to be a lady strolling with a basket of flowers.
"Excuse me, lady, could you--" But she passed right by him, ignoring his joyous voice.
Not to be taken aback, he tried with another person, this time a young man.
"Hello, sir, do you mind if--" Only again he paid no mind to him.

"Hey, wait for me!" a child called, running ahead to catch up with its caretaker. Except, when he ran, he was headed straight for Jack!
Jack turned too late, but--
Instead of them crashing into eachother, the child ran right through him.

It was at that moment, the frown finally overtook Jack. He became overcome with a sadness. An emptiness. A realization.
They couldn't see or hear him.

But a man approached him.
Placed his arms on Jack's shoulders.
"They cannot see what they do not know exists," the man said.

Jack looked down, sinking into himself.

"I don't exist...?" He whispered.

But of course I exist, Jack thought. Could not this man see him?

He swallowed and turned, shrugging the other man's hands from his own shoulders and turned to face the stranger. Jack propped his staff ahead of him in a defensive position.

"Do you exist?"
cold and dark 2
Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]A feisty one this boy was, and that made Pitch chuckle. He had no idea... this new winter spirit. He was weak, a mere child, barely taken his first steps. His power was limited and he was no match to the powerful being before him. Could this boy not see the power that radiated off Pitch? Could he not fear? He turned to fully face the boy and he was greeted with an interesting, yet, very familiar sight. Snow white hair in interesting patterns over the boy's head giving him a messing look, his skin was very pale. That was expected from one who was now Winter itself. His eyes though, the deepest but bright blue eyes looked into his own golden ones with a look of anger. A strange fire flickered within those eyes and it only made Pitch's smirk widen.

How interesting.

"Oh, I do exist boy," he said walking around Jack now, observing him more closely and taking on his much too skinny appearance. What did the Man in the Moon want with a boy who controlled the winter? What was he playing at? Pitch kept those questions in the back of his mind. He knew eventually he would find out the answers, so all he had to do was merely wait. He looked away from the boy and opened his hand to let a strange dark flickering shadow appear. He was still working on finding another way of showing off his powers, but for now, this would have to do. He had an idea though and he eyed the skies for the familiar golden sands. A form of a small horse formed from the darkness on his palm and suddenly zoomed off, zipping around the boy and then running off.

"But I'm not human, I'm more like... well, you," he said chuckling once more. "After all, we see one another, but humans cannot see us, unless they know we are here," Pitch said turning his attention on a little boy who was standing in the middle of the street, staring up at Pitch with wide eyes. Pitch stepped towards him, the boy ran for his life. "Do you understand...? ah, what is your name?" Pitch asked facing the boy once more.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Jack kept his staff close to him as the other man walked around him, circling him like a shark coming into its prey.
The boy watched the shadowy figure, not wanting to take his eyes away. It wasn't a fear of the next move, but moreso a suspicion, a distrust. Jack didn't like this man's arrogance.

But perhaps it was warranted. As the man continued to circle Jack, he flicked a hand and a shadow started taking shape. Jack eyed it curiously, unsure of what to expect. Part of him was enthralled, but a larger part of him still did not trust this man.
When the shadow-horse zipped around him, Jack stepped back, not wanting it to touch him. But as soon as it had circled once, it went up into the sky in the direction the man had been looking before.
Just then, the night sky filled with streams of golden sand. Jack had no idea where they were coming from, and became intrigued. He wanted to see more. Was the gold sand a consequence of this man?

But before he could investigate, his attention was brought back to the shadow of a man on the ground.

"But I'm not human, I'm more like... well, you," he said, chuckling.

"What do you mean by that?" Jack shot back. But again, his attention was diverted to a small boy in the street. Apparently, so too was the black man's attention.

When the shadowy man stepped toward the child, it ran away. Jack turned to the shadowed man, a scowl coming over his face. The child was afraid of this man.
"Do you understand...? ah, what is your name?"

Jack stepped backward and swung his staff downward to ensure extra space between them.

"I don't want to be seen if they'll be afraid of me," Jack replied.
For this, he was sure. He was confused over a lot of things. But he wanted to figure it out on his own. If a mere child was afraid of this man, then perhaps he was not the sincerest of individuals.

Jack narrowed his blue eyes and looked back up to the sky. If he jumped high enough, he was pretty certain the wind could carry him. Then he could find out what those gold sands were.

"I'm Jack Frost," He huffed, bringing his staff close to himself and jumping.

C'mon, Wind! he thought.

Just as he predicted, it came to his aid. It was not the most graceful of flights, but after a few tumbles, he made his way toward the gold streams. Maybe if he followed the streams of sand, he could find where they were coming from?

OOC: I guess I could change this so he stays if you want? xP

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]The reaction was expected, but it still made Pitch frown slightly as he watched Jack Frost, this new Winter spirit, take flight into the wind. He was probably curious about the golden sand that began to rain down upon the village, sending those good hopeful dreams to the sleeping children. His nightmares were useless to him until the dream giver went on his way. Ah yes, ever the silent Sandy, sending dreams to the children within the golden cloud of sand above the village in the sky. He and him were not exactly seeing eye to eye and Pitch knew that with their difference they never would.

He could recall the day when Sandy came in and drove off his nightmares for the first time. He was livid and his only answer was that the Man in the Moon had sent him so that Pitch's nightmares were no longer so overpowered. Pitch narrowed his eyes as he watched the form of Jack Frost move fly away. He could follow, but Pitch knew he would be back in time. He merely had to wait. Pitch hummed slightly touched a stream of golden sand as it floated by him and watched with a strange satisfaction as it began to turn black before the golden color took over again and became back to normal. He touched the specks of sand still on his fingers and observed their fine color. It gave him an interesting idea.

Brushing the sand off his hand Pitch headed off after Jack Frost. He didn't fly no, but he did watch. Pitch was a patient man and of course his purpose with Jack wasn't anything important. The man was a neutral party in a sense, and really no danger to anyone. It made him wonder why he still observed the boy. Perhaps it was simply because he recognized him while the other simply did not.

OOC: Doesn't matter to me if he stays or goes. XD

[imgleft][/imgleft]It was only a matter of seconds before Jack was lifted up through the night sky and toward the clouds. There, he was able to pinpoint a golden image twirling around, forming many of the golden tendrils that was going into houses. Jack pushed himself forward through the air toward the cloud. When he got closer, he noticed the golden shape was a stout man seemingly made out of yellow sand.

"Hello," Jack offered, slowly coming to a landing on the cloud nearby.

The sandman seemed surprised and some sand formed the shape of a question mark above his head. Then, it began to form other shapes. It appeared the sandman couldn't speak.
"I can't understand you, sorry," Jack chuckled.

He was quick to forget about the incident earlier with the shadow man. And simply watched the sandman use his powers. Through deduction, Jack figured out this guy's power was the ability to make children dream. After a few minutes, Jack said it was nice to meet the sandman and glided off to other areas, following a stream of sand until he came to a bundle of quiet houses near the woods and by themselves. The sandman had seemed to not care about the house Jack chose to land atop.

The fourteen year old landed on the roof and walked over to the chimney, which had no steam like the other houses in the vicinity. Perhaps this house was empty.
Sitting on the edge of the chimney, he let out a sigh and looked up at the moon.

"You told me my name is Jack Frost," Jack thought to the thing. "But can you tell me why I'm here? What I'm meant to do? Should I be with that guy?"

As his blue eyes pleaded for an answer, none ever came.

OOC: I apologize for any suckiness. I was having a hard time coming up with something to write and then saw you were online so just kinda forced something out.
We can timeskip if you want.

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch watched Jack Frost and he knew already that the other met with the silent guardian of dreams. He sneered at his rival, but kept an eye on Jack. He could not control the boy's whims nor did he expect the other to recognize or even realize that Pitch met no ill will. At least, as long as he gave him no reason to. Of course Pitch had no intention of sticking around anyway, the boy will soon figure out his place and eventually he will learn where he was created to be. Pitch eyed the moon in the sky before stepping into the shadow and disappearing.

300 years later...

Pitch was livid. No, he was more than livid, he was furious, pissed, frustrated. Anything that defined his anger as he stared at the world full of believers. He had been sitting in the dark for too long. He did not like being forced to sit in one place twiddling his thumbs like some child. He had important things to do and those blasted guardians rined it. He was the bad guy. Of course he was the bad guy. A being who was much older than all of them who did nothing but spread fear and chaos to the world of humans. What was wrong with that?

His golden eyes flared and his Fearlings whined as they backed away from him, sensing his fury. He lashed out at them and they ran to the shadows, cowering. He stood up straighter forcing his composure together. "Now, now, calm down, now isn't the time for that," he mused to himself feeling his strength at its fullest. He stepped out into the human world for the first time in many years and inhale the cold fresh air. His eyes looked up as snow fell around him and he looked at it for a moment, a strange thought crossing his mind before the hatred he felt suddenly came rushing back when he saw the familiar golden stream rushing across the sky.

They had gotten much larger over the years and Pitch sneered. Their power had grown while he was away. His fist clenched as he stared at those golden sands giving these children those good dreams before he shot off into the shadows, appearing in a child's room. No longer though did he have to hide. He touched the golden sands and watched with glee as it bent and formed into his very shape. "Yes," he hissed, pleased as the dream turned into a nightmare. He was ready. They were ready. As the Fearling set out to bring out his army, Pitch once again found himself looking at the snow and finding a strange calmness wash over him.

"Curious," was all he said before he brushed it aside and went off to give nightmares to other children. He had plans to carry out.

OOC: It worked, and I suppose a timeskip is alright. Just assume they've seen each other a few more times but nothin really went down just like: Oh hi. Bai. X3

300 years later, Jack had mastered all of his powers, met the guardians, acquainted himself with many of the spirits, and had become the fun little winter devil, causing snow days and blizzards whenever the feeling arose.
In the middle of one day, though, the Easter Bunny showed up and toted him off to the North Pole, where they tried to make him a guardian. The process was not something Jack wanted to do, and he quickly distanced himself from the group.

Why be a guardian? They were all work. Jack was all play. Screw that, he thought.

The kidnapping had happened some time in the morning, and now it was nightfall. He wasn't sure what the other guardians had done, but Jack had flown back to north america and what he thought of as his 'home' town. It wasn't long before Sandy showed up and began doing his dream thing.

Jack enjoyed watching the scene, and floated about among the rooftops, following and playing with random sand strands. That was, until he noticed some black sand coming up a tendril from a nearby house. He quirked a brow and went over to investigate.

Hovering outside the window, he watched as a child had what appeared to be a nightmare. He even noticed the glint of yellow eyes! Jack quickly frosted the window over to hide himself from being seen, and flipped backward to land on the top of the house's roof.
Was that the man from so long a go?
Was that man even real? Jack had begun to think it was a dream. 300 years is a long time for a spirit to disappear.

Curiosity got the best of him and slowly crept back to the window, defrosting it slightly to peek through it once more.

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch had paused during the good parts of the nightmare and faces his eyes towards the direction of the window. Which frosted over quite nicely in the last few minutes. He stared at it for a moment remembering well the frost windows whenever Jack would fly by. He wasn't sure if that was ever intentional or perhaps just a bit of a spurt of power that Jack Frost naturally created. Still, whatever the case the sight of a frosted window brought and interesting case of curiosity and amusement. After all, it had been 300 years since he last saw the boy. He wondered how well he turned out since their first meetings and the meetings in between. Would Jack still be wary of him? Or would he perhaps not even notice the difference in the very man standing before him?

It was there before the window defrosted that he appeared on the roof and looked down at the body of Jack Frost peering into the window, obviously looking for him. He chuckled. "I do believe this makes the fifth time we met and the third time I caught you spying," Pitch said remembering quite well the occasional time he was would look around and suddenly he saw sight of Jack Frost, watching him work. Was he curious about his powers, or simply fascinated? He never did ask. "Mm, you didn't change much, except for the clothes," he said regarding Jack's modern look with a wave of his hand as he turned away, hands crossed behind his back. Pitch of course never changed much over the 300 years. Sure he had developed his powers, but really, he hadn't changed a bit.

"You aren't causing mischief are you?" Pitch teased, simply pointing that all Jack did was start snowball fights and causes blizzards. Sometimes the dangerous ones. The spirit of Winter really did have quite the power.

[imgright][/imgright]As Jack peered into the window, his blue eyes only noticed the child sleeping.

So then it really was my imagination, he began to think.

"I do believe this makes the fifth time we met and the third time I caught you spying," Said a voice behind him.

"Ah!" Jack fell forward and tumbled over the edge of the roof in surprise. He quickly brought himself back up, faking confidence and stepping proudly back ontop of the roof with the assistance of the wind.
As he stepped back onto the solid surface, his pale feet walked toward the shadowy man while his hands dusted himself off.

No one had seen his folly!

"Me? Spying? I don't know what you're talking about," Jack smirked, giving old yellow eyes a sly look. He outstretched his right hand, only for the wind to throw his staff into it. Catching it with expertise, Jack cocked a white brow. Smooth.

When the cloaked figure turned around, Jack began twirling the stick boredly. He only recalled meeting this other man once before, and wasn't sure how to view him. But he wasn't on his guard. He had nothing to worry about. He was a much better, more confident, adjusted individual now than he had been 300 years a go.

"You aren't causing mischief are you?" Yellow eyes teased.

Jack narrowed his eyes playfully and caught his stick again, extending it forward to point at the stranger spirit. "That's funny, because it seems to me, I should be asking that of you."
Jack had certainly grown a lot cockier over the years. But he felt all the better for it.

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch's raised an eyebrow at the sudden cockiness he got from the other and he hummed slightly, listening before chuckling. 300 year really did change a person it seemed. "So the timid spirit is now the cocky one?" Pitch mused not expecting Jack to answer him back. He stared at the winter spirit for a long moment before his expression shifted to one of boredom, a look he tended to turn too when he was thinking about things. "That would be me to know, and you to find out," Pitch merely stated, a playful 'you can try and find out' hidden within as an offering of some game between the two of them.

"And, find out you will," Pitch said pointing out that things were going to come his way soon enough. If Jack was good enough friends with the Guardians, well, he was sure the other would tag along. It seemed Jack Frost had a way of just being there without people noticing. "Though, I'm sure you have more pressing matters to deal with personally," Pitch said implying the fact no one could see Jack. From the look on the other's face Pitch knew he had hit some sort of nerve or strong reminder that he didn't need. He merely turned away, not too concerned with the expression. "I believe we had this conversation 300 years ago, though these buildings did not exist," Pitch said motioning to the apartment buildings below. "Have you had any success?" Pitch asked, actually quite curious. It didn't take long for people to believe in the guardians since they brought so much good will, but what about Jack Frost?

Did the sayings about Jack Frost nipping at their nose ring in belief? Or was he a mere name on the lips, but no actual face that brought out recognition?

"Well, yeah, I mean, there's always snow days and blizzards. And easter's coming up soon," Jack mused aloud, going off on his thoughts of his own 'pressing matters'. He was thinking of snow, snow, and of course, more snow. Also pissing off Bunnymund was pretty entertaining. He smiled at a fond memory. Oh, to put Bunnymund in his place again. Especially after that kidnapping earlier today.

But, his attention came back to the stranger when it was clear he wasn't talking about snow. No, he brought up a much different conversation. The one they'd had before. And what conversation was that? It was so long ago, Jack could hardly remember.

"Any success?" Frost echoed back, still unsure what the other was alluding to. But then the cogs turned in his mind and.. Oh.

Yes, there it was. All positive expression immediately left from his face and what was once joy was replaced by emptiness. Yes. That indeed was a soft spot. Jack had never had any 'success'.

"Well that doesn't matter anyway," Frost proclaimed defensively. "They'll see me if I become a guardian."

The guardians had picked him up earlier and explained the whole thing. He still wasn't sure he wanted to be one. Heck, that was why he was here now-- avoiding the whole commitment and work thing.

But if it meant people could see him...

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch watched the expression change on Jack's face before suddenly becoming determined and defensive. He recognized the sudden feeling overcoming him. The fear of not being seen and Pitch could feel it radiating off of Jack for a split moment before there was nothing. He merely smiled. Not a warm smile or a cold one, just a smile that meant nothing. HE opened his mouth to speak, a few words in his mind that would be perfect to say in this moment but he was cut short when Jack mentioned being a guardian. He paused, and stared. "A.. guardian?" he said slowly, as if he didn't hear it. Then he was frowning and turning away looking a little irritated.

A guardian? Jack? What would be the purpose of placing him to become a guardian? Was that why Man in the Moon created him? Pitch had all these thoughts running through his mind as he stared up at the moon that was staring down at both of them now. He glared before looking at Jack. "A guardian? Now, I doubt you would like that very much," Pitch said with a sneer. "There is always a catch when 'protecting' these children Jack," Pitch said before coming closer to Jack his golden eyes flaring. "You need believers Jack, otherwise... well, you simply..." he stepped back. "Disappear,"

Why did he care? He had other things to do did he not? The very words he spoke will begin to happen to Tooth and all of the guardians will rush over there in a mass panic trying to stop him. They won't. Not with his plans. "But, if you are that desperate, perhaps its fitting," Pitch said his voice going back to hiding any form of emotion.

Frost let his staff rest on his shoulder. "Yeah, a guardian," he repeated, crossing his arms over his chest. "Jealous?"
He didn't know why he bothered with that last part. Maybe it was because he was still a little insulted by the whole 'not being seen' thing. Okay, that was exactly why.
But he wasn't going to dwell on it.

"Oh and do you have believers?" Jack shot back. "Because I don't even know your name. At least the Man in the Moon seems to think well of me. Unlike you."

Now Jack really didn't know what he was saying. He was just angry at this guy. And confused. shrugged his shoulder heavily and grabbed his staff, walking away from the other man.

"You say some big stuff for a man everyone's afraid of." He turned back around, staring at the yellow eyed man. "You're right. This is like our last conversation. And we'll end it the same way: I'd rather not be seen than be feared by everyone."[imgright][/imgright]

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Ah here they were suddenly on the verge of fighting one another on top of this roof with the Man in the Moon watching them with a silent expression. He scowled and glared at Jack. "I have believers yes," he said making those words out very clear. "I'm what you may call the Boogeyman, the thing parents tell their children about so they don't misbehave, the being that thrives on fear and nightmares," he said before his cowl deepened and he waved his hand at Jack as if to brush him off. "Fear wasn't my intention when we met Jack, it seems you will fit along quite nicely with the guardians. Rather then, of course, making your own opinions about people," Pitch hissed before he shot off into the shadows leaving Jack Frost alone on the roof.

This time he left the other when last time it was Jack who had left him. This time their meeting was not one of confusion, but of anger and bitterness. Why had it come to this Pitch wondered? Why was he even so mad with this fact? Perhaps it was the thoughts of remembering sneaking into a child's bedroom many years ago, ready to give out the nightmares he loved to make, when eyes the color of the sky had seen him. He was frightened, but yet, he was so curious. And that, made Pitch curious as well. He clenched as hands together as he made his way to Tooth's palace. He was too angry to even think about the memories pooling in his head.

All he could feel was the dark beast trapped within his very being was consuming him with the feelings of rage and anger. Desperate to get out of the cage and wreck havoc upon the world. Pitch eyed Tooth's palace as small fairies bustled around. Just this once... he'll have a little fun. He was curious to just how the guardians could handle his power now. He snapped his fingers and the large Fearlings taking forms of not just horses, but many other creatures that looked just as horrifying and scary as the last. They swarmed in and took the fairies and the memories all while purposely destroying parts of the palace, because Pitch really didn't like the sight of it.

But this sight of it crumbling as the fairies and memories were being taken away was much more pleasant.

Jack snorted, watching him leave.
Boogeyman. He didn't seem so scary.

Left alone, Jack looked to the moon. How come He didn't give Jack any answers? With a grimace, Frost jumped off the roof and worked his way back to the north pole. He wasn't sure why he was going back. He decided maybe he'd make up his mind along the way.

He dragged his staff across every wall of every structure, casting frost over all surfaces. Chilling the ground with ice when he crossed water or streets, and freezing over power lines. Before he'd realized, a few hours had passed and the north pole was coming up in the distance. But a giant sleigh was just exiting outside it.

Time to catch up.

Increasing his speed, he grabbed ahold of the back of the sleigh and threw himself into the back with Bunnymund.

"What's shaking?" He grinned. It was morning by now. He looked over, only to see the easter bunny hidden away in the corner of the sleigh. "You, apparently. Afraid of heights?" Laughed Frost.

"That ain't funny!" Shot the australian.

Sandy began forming an array of golden pictures. "Slow down, Sandy. I can never understand you," Jack interrupted, focusing his attention to North, who was driving.
"Trouble at the Tooth Palace," North proclaimed. "You going to help us?"

"Yeah, Jack, you gonna help us?" Bunnymund mocked.
"You talk to your mom with that mouth?" Jack stuck his tongue out."

"Not funny."

North shook a snow globe and tossed it in front of the sleigh, the reindeer flying into the newly formed portal to the tooth palace. As they went through with a speed previously unknown to Frost, he hung unto the sleigh tightly. Before he knew it, they were landing inside the Palace, where tooth had arrived already and was flying around expressing how all the teeth were missing.

When the sleigh skidded to a stop, Bunnymund got out and forced back some dry heaving. Jack, on the other hand, flipped out and onto the ground with ease.

"Teeth?" Jack asked.
cold and dark 3
Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]When Tooth sense something was amiss at the palace she knew immediately something was wrong. Very wrong. When she arrived before the others her heart dropped and her face morphed into a horrified expression. "No..." she whispered flying around, looking for her tooth fairies, and the teeth. "Nononono..." she began to panic as her hummingbird like wings fluttered anxiously until she sunk into the ground feeling hopelessness. "The teeth are missing!" she exclaimed when she saw sight of Jack Frost, North, Bunnymund, and Sandy. She looked about to go into tears, but she kept strong. "And the fairies..." she drawled off looking upset. When Jack questioned the teeth she looked at him. "Teeth are memories of the child," she said. "They help a child remember who he or she really is in case they even feel... lost." she said smiling a bit. "I have yours as well," she said suddenly remembering this fact.

Of course, she didn't have them now and that made her slightly more upset. Suddenly they were surrounded by deep resounding laughter that caused the hairs on everyones neck to stand up. That of course was the way Pitch was. He jut sent everyone's nerves into a frenzy, but Tooth shook out of that resolve quickly when she saw Pitch standing on a higher level then them. "Pitch!" she snapped flying at him, intending on punching that smug look off his face. "Where are they!" she asked disappointed her fist met with nothing as he appeared on another part of the building looking bored.

Pitch of course was amused by the sight of all the guardians and looked at them all as they got into positions as if to fight him. He merely snorted and brushed them off. "All the guardians, in one place? What the lovely surprise," he said amused. Tooth of course kept chasing after him demanding answers. He avoided her easily. "That my dear you will have to find out," he mused as Bunnymund suddenly got aggressive and threw his boomerang at him. He dodged. "Hm, it seems I don't even have to invoke a negative comments to get you all to attack me," he mused before looking around as the palace was suddenly crumbling. Not of his own devices this time, but of the children that stopped believing in Tooth. "Ah, but that doesn't matter because my work here is done," he said with a laugh.

Tooth looked horrified at her sudden loss to fly and the fact that children were suddenly not believing in her anymore. "No..." she whispered sinking to the ground feeling weaker already. Pitch chuckled. "This is what I meant Jack..." Pitch said now looking at Jack Frost and watching his expression. "Thats what you have to look forward to as a guardian." Pitch said with a sneer. The others were probably confused by their exchange or they didn't notice, either way Pitch had his eyes on Jack and he doubted the other's mind would change by this sight alone, but Pitch liked to play the cards anyway to see just what would happen.

At the mention of memories, Jack became curious. And she had his teeth, too? Wait. He was an actual person before he became a guardian? So many things to digest.

He stayed out of the fight when the nightmares showed up. Then he competed with the other guardians to help collect teeth the next night. He seemed to be bonding with the guardians well. He decided to stick it out. Pitch did seem to be the bad one, but he hadn't truly taken a side just yet. Were there any sides to even be had?

Then was Easter. Bunnymund was in a rush to paint all the eggs, but there was a hole in the plan as some human kid got mixed up in it. Jack offered to take her home. And he did. But her home was nearby to the woods where he was "born". And on his way out of the house after dropping off the human, he heard something coming from there.


It was strange and ethereal, yet oddly familiar.

He decided to check it out. The guardians didn't need him. And despite all the hubbub, he was still very curious about learning more about himself before he'd become a spirit. And this just seemed like it was related.. And it was calling to him... So it couldn't be wrong... Could it?


He found himself walking in the woods, looking around for the source of the sound. Soonafter, he came to an old, broken, wooden bed frame.


The voice was louder. He peered over the bedframe. Beneath it was a tunnel. Similar to one of Bunnymund's. Should he?

He took his staff and shoved it at one of the wood supports that should've held a mattress, if it were there. The decaying wood easily broke.

Jack...! the voice came again as the wood fell down the tunnel.
Now he was far too curious to let it go, and descended through the bed and down the rabbit hole...

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]The fight was entertaining to say the least, but it was short. Far too short. He was disappointed Jack didn't involve himself much into the fight and truthfully he let himself leave once he was sure he made a better impression on the Guardians just how much power he had. Now all he had to do was wait for a better opportunity to arise. It was of course later one when he found out that the lights on the globe were still bright and shining that he realized their used their 'companionship' to help Tooth become believed in again. He growled and smashed a mere vase that just happened to be sitting in his lair where he currently reside.

Of course they would help each other out, it wasn't like they would simply abandon one another for their own selfish needs. He sighed and smoothed back his hair. He simply needed a much better opportunity to get them weak. Then they would be able to do nothing. After all, this was only the beginning. A good few days passed like that until it was Easter Sunday. Pitch's plan was already set in motion and he knew the Guardians would have no idea what would hit them until it did. He paced in his lair, waiting watching the fairies and the teeth for a moment pondering a few things before he felt something—no--someone enter his lair without his permission. His eyes narrowed. He always seemed to forget to hide the entrance to his lair, then again, people don't normally jump in either.

He was surprised to see that it was Jack Frost and quickly he hid himself in the shadows as the other male walked in, looking cautious, but still looking around. He observed him for a moment, seeing Jack Frost and opened his mouth to say something, but he was suddenly overwhelmed with a strange feeling and he snapped his mouth shut before moving through the shadows. "I don't recall inviting you," Pitch said rather pleasantly for someone who had been mad before hand and of course was about to send the Guardians into their own destruction. He moved through the shadows knowing fully well Jack couldn't see him, or find him. He was in his own domain, he had better luck finding a needle in a haystack. "But what ever do I owe the pleasure of the visit Jack?" Pitch felt like he was waiting for something, but what exactly was he waiting for?

After descending into the tunnel, he was greeted with a large expanse. He was inside what appeared to be a large cavern. And in this cavern were the millions of canisters of teeth. He bent down to pick one up, and it had a picture of a small child's face on it.

Hanging from the ceiling were all of Tooth's helper fairies. He dropped the tooth tube he was holding and floated up to one of the cages, unlocking it. But before the door actually opened, Pitch's voice reverberated off the walls.

"I don't recall inviting you."

Jack immediately turned, trying to find the source of the voice. But he could not; he could only glimpse at the skulking shadows of Pitch's form. Frost grit his teeth, unsure of how to approach this situation, and staying on his guard.

"But what ever do I owe the pleasure of the visit Jack?"

"Didn't know you would be here," Jack called out. He wasn't sure what to do.. Had to formulate a plan... But he still had this nagging feeling.

He shook his head and decided to free the fairies before he did anything else. He opened the chain door, then went to unlock and open the next cage. He got to the third cage before he realized the small fairies couldn't fly. Not enough believers, he guessed.
Poor Tooth.

"What?! You can't fly?!" Jack whispered harshly in response to one of the fairies squeaks.

Well, that was bollocks.

He turned back around to see if Pitch was near. He couldn't immediately see him, but he could be anywhere. They were, afterall, in a cave. And Pitch controlled shadows, being the boogeyman and all. Frost exhaled loudly through his nose.

He didn't want to fight Pitch, but he was so close to something he couldn't just let it go.
After a few moments of hesitation he finally fell victim to his untimely desire and started digging through the pile of tubes at his feet.

He could feel it. Whatever "it" was, it was close. And he needed it.[imgright][/imgright]

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch scoffed. Jack didn't know he was going to be here? Was that sarcasm or just plain idiocy? Well, he couldn't blame the other for not knowing, but it was obvious. He merely watched Jack mess with the fairies to find out they couldn't fly and chuckled. Jack was looking for something, that was obvious and Pitch eyed him for a moment before the other dived to look through the teeth. Ah. Pitch merely smiled as he came out of the shadows, stepping onto the cold ground as he peered down at Jack digging through memories. "Looking for this?" he replied holding out his hand which was holding Jack's teeth and memories.

A strange thought crossed his mind as he held the golden relic in his hand. If Jack got a hold of these memories and played through it, would he remember him then? Pitch frowned and held back the teeth from Jack refusing to give it to him. He stared at those blue eyes, waiting for something. Anger, disbelief, recognition of some sorts? He got nothing but the anger and the demanding. Pitch sneered before the room became suddenly dark causing Jack to become blinded because he was not well adapted with the dark as Pitch was. "I'm afraid you'll have to find me if you want these teeth Jack, I'm not giving them up so easily," Pitch said. He was being stubborn, that he knew, but he knew that giving Jacks memories would not answer anything.

Not yet anyway.

So he held on and waited, watching Jack stumble around trying to find him and he scoffed. "I think you're better off seeing the damage you caused," Pitch said suddenly appearing before Jack and grabbing a hold of his chin with his fingers and locking Jack's face to his own while using his other hand to lock Jack's other hand in a vice grip to make him drop the staff so he couldn't use it. "Because you're quite the destructive one..." Pitch hissed. "They won't accept you anyway, they never will," Pitch continue, his grip on Jack tightening and ignoring the way his skin felt so cold on his fingers he was sure they would become numb. "So why do you hang around them?" he asked, looking at Jack for an answer. It wasn't the more blunt question but it was subtle and he wondered if Jack understood the real question he was trying to ask. Why not join Pitch instead? They could be great together.

Pitch's eyes softened slightly as he remembered the boy that stared at him with a look of wonder rather than one of great fear. Perhaps they could be great and perhaps... maybe Pitch wouldn't feel so alone either.

As Jack was going through the canisters, a voice interrupted him.
"Looking for this?"

Frost looked up, only to find Pitch standing at one of the cavern's walls, holding out a gold canisters. With a picture of Jack on it. Except this one had brown hair and eyes instead of white hair and blue eyes.
Was that him? Was that what he had looked like when he was human?
He still couldn't get passed the fact that he had actually been human at one point.
But he had to let go of that. He had to concentrate on the now.
Not get too distracted.

His eyes went from the container back up to Pitch's face. With a determined look, the boy reached forward with a hand to grab what was rightfully his.
But Pitch jerked it away and vanished somewhere. As shadows tended to do.
Jack didn't like it.
Then the entire cavern went black.

At this, Jack didn't know what to think or do. The little fairies squealed in fright. Frost was a lot more levelheaded. Things never really felt as serious as they probably should've to him. He kept his cool and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to come up with some snarky remark, the boogeyman took the stage again.

"I'm afraid you'll have to find me if you want these teeth Jack, I'm not giving them up so easily," Pitch said.

Yeah, right, Jack thought to himself. Finding the boogey man in the boogey man's main element was going to happen as well as the easter bunny trying to make easter enjoyable in his blizzard. Frost wouldn't call his attitude defeatist... Just that his time wasn't worth the obvious power play.
He knew when he was at a disadvantage. And because of that, he simply tried to walk toward where he thought the exit was. But unfortunately, Pitch decided he was having none of that and appeared right before him, saying something about damage he caused.

Pitch's hand went to Jack's chin, forcing the child to look upward. Jack pulled his face away and twirled his staff, aiming to hit the other with it. But Pitch, being far older and more experienced, skillfully caught Jack mid-attempt, locking up his hands and forcing Jack to drop the staff before the child even knew it was coming.

"They won't accept you anyway, they never will," Pitch continued. "So why do you hang around them?"

What was this supposed to mean? That the guardians didn't trust him? Of course they didn't. Frost didn't trust the guardians. But they seemed nice enough. They had seemed to bond when they were hunting teeth.

"At least they're not afraid of me," Frost hissed, shooting a glare to Pitch's face.

Pitch may dig at Frost for not being believed in constantly, but Jack could see the loneliness on Pitch's face, as well. The winter spirit may have been aloof and particularly carefree, but that didn't mean he didn't notice things-- he wasn't blind. And he wasn't stupid.

After what felt like a lengthy staredown, Jack jerked, finally breaking free of Pitch's embrace. But it was still completely dark -- so true to Pitch's namesake-- and he was still missing his staff.

Wind! he thought, asking for its help. This place did have an exit, didn't it?

A brisk breeze flew through the entrance tunnel and into the cavern, chilling the entire area. It did nothing for Jack's eyesight, but it did give him an idea of where the exit was due to the hissing of the wind as he railed through the small tunnel and into the cavern.

Frost stumbled toward that exit, sort of hoping his staff would be blown toward him at some point. There was always some force reuniting him with that staff. It was impossible to truly lose it.

For now, his object was to get away from Pitch. As much as Frost didn't want to admit it, he wasn't entirely sure he could actually beat Pitch in a battle. Not that he even wanted to. He had no interest in fighting out of malice. Or even much interest in malice.

But as he stumbled a few more steps toward the howling wind, he stopped.
The teeth.
He'd come here for the teeth. And the memories.
Why would he leave with them?

Filled with a new boldness, he turned to the glowing yellow eyes and said, "Why do you care about me? I never hurt you. I never joined the guardians. You don't even know what my plan is."

Jack didn't even know what his plan was, but he sure as heck thought he was bluffing that part pretty well.

"So why not give me those teeth? You have no use for them."[imgright][/imgright]

[[was that any better? I don't feel like it was...]]

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch didn't fight Jack as the other decided their short stare down went on for long enough and he certainly didn't bother to follow Jack or say anything as the other went to try and make way for the exit. He just sat there and watched, waiting. Waiting for what exactly? He had better things to do did he not? Still Pitch stood there, watching. Ignoring the urge in his chest that demanded him to get a move on with his plan. Pitch simply watched as Jack nearly made it to the exit and he lifted his hand to snap his finger so the darkness would go away. Jack decided by that point to turn around and question Pitch.

His eyes widened slightly, not really expecting that and yet he had. His eyes narrowed and his hand lowered and the darkness was lifted either way, showing both of them in the room and proving to Jack that he didn't move one inch when he was in the darkness. Pitch chuckled. "Care? What makes you think I care about you?" Pitch said looking like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. But why did he concern himself with Jack Frost so much anyway? It wasn't like the child he used to be was really that big of a deal, though Pitch would never admit anything out loud or to himself. He merely stared at Jack. "But the teeth? Why do you want them so bad? What are you desperate to find Jack? Tell me. What do you seek looking through these memories... and maybe I'll consider it."

[Sorry its short]

[imgleft][/imgleft]Once the darkness lifted, Jack's glare began anew. But he was able to see his staff on the pile of canisters as well, and his attention briefly diverted to it. That was, of course, until Pitch said he didn't care. It didn't surprise Frost that Pitch didn't care. But it still hurt. It shouldn't have hurt. But it did. That same aching, empty feeling inside of him filled his being. Just like when the children ran through him, Pitch's insult was a reminder to Frost's clear non-existence to the world.

At that moment, Frost didn't care why Pitch had the teeth. He didn't care what Pitch said next. He didn't care about the guardians, or any of the other crap. He acted on impulse. His anger and hurt diverted the wind to fill the entire cavern, knocking the cages of the tiny tooth fairies to and fro and creating a startling hiss.

A blizzard was starting to form outside, and the snow found its way from above into this enclave. Quickly, the cave's temperature was dropping, and soon the place would be able to keep the snow that was currently wisking into it. All of this, this unadulterated emotional power, took place in seconds. And in the wake of the oncoming whiteout, Jack Frost charged forward and tackled Pitch.

Take down.

When he fell atop the boogey man, he grabbed for the teeth. His aim was to get the stupid teeth, get his memories, remember who he was, and do whatever it took, and just get away for awhile. Because he didn't need this. He was on nobody's side. Not guardians nor Pitch's nor whomever else. But when he went to grab that golden canister full of his baby ivories, his vision filled with things that were not his current surroundings.

Hid mind and his eyes zipped him into a place that he didn't, couldn't, remember. But now it was all coming back to him with a pristine fluidity.

He could remember he had brown hair and brown eyes. He lived in a house very near to the woods and lake he was reborn in. He could remember he had a mother and a father and a sister. He remembered losing his first tooth and showing them off. Making goofy faces. Putting it under his pillow.
He took care of his sister, who was younger than him. She was a rambunctious nutcase. But such a joy to be around. He was her little guardian.

And when he slept at night, occasionally there would be a visitor. He could remember the first time a shadow slipped in under his door and beady yellow eyes stared at him. And Jack sat up in his bed and stared back. And nothing happened. Nothing happened but a bit of conversation.
Are your eyes really yellow?


Are you really the Boogeyman?


You're not that scary looking.

I disagree

And every couple of days that shadowed figure, that boogey man would come back. And Jack would be unafraid. And they would have conversations. And those conversations had a childlike allure. But then Jack turned 14 and it was winter and he took his sister to go out ice skating. And she got stuck on the ice. And it started to crack. And oh, this was the saddest memory.

He felt hopeless. But he was determined. Determined to be the joker. To be the guardian. To teach his sister to be as fearless as he was. But Jack was not fearless. No one could be fearless. It was just a courage that masked fear. And that courage was what Jack held the closest to him. He convinced his sister to play hopscotch on the ice. And he grabbed the stick that was, in this present day, his staff, and pushed her to the shore.
Just in time for the ice to break underneath him and for him to be lost into the dark abyss.

The dark abyss that would've consumed his sister if it were not for his antics. The darkness that later revealed the brightness of the moon.
That full, amazing, white moon.
The man in the moon who brought him back to life as Jack Frost. The moon who had given him his free spirit and his staff and his wondrous power.

The moon that had never answered any of Jack's questions. The moon that had never spoken to him outside naming his new spirit form. The moon that had cursed him with being perpetually ignored by the children he had literally killed himself to protect!

What kind of sacred, caring spirit was this? What kind of torturous motives?!

Frost was thrust back into the current time. Back into his place on top of the present day Boogey man. The Pitch Black of a lonesome figure who knew just as well as Jack did what it felt like to be alone and miserable.

But none of that mattered. None of it!
Frost grabbed his staff and thrust up and out of the cavern and into the whiteout he had previously created. He flew as fast as he could until he could get to some place that was just him and the snow. Him, and endless white.

What use were his memories to him now?
He had lost everything.

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]Pitch was expecting a few scenarios in his mind to happen, some of them resulted in Jack answering him. Other resulted in Jack not saying anything at all. However, this particular reaction wasn't really all that expected. More like it was the least thing in the back of his mind to happen. Jack basically exploded with power. It felt it ripple throughout the room and he didn't need to look outside to know that it was a storm out there. Pitch's reaction to this of course left him standing there, shocked and slightly surprised, before he was knocked down by the smaller framed body which caused them both to tumble to the ground struggling.

Jack was aiming for the teeth, Pitch was trying to keep the teeth away still, all while cursing at this whole situation. It wasn't until those pale fingers of Jack's brushed the golden object did suddenly Pitch find himself thrown into a another world and mind entirely. He saw through the eyes of Jack his memories. His first tooth being lost, his protectiveness over his sister, and of course, the one memory that Pitch could remember as if it were yesterday.

Pitch had a tendency to pick random children to personally give nightmares to. There was no real reason why, just the fact that he felt more power this way and he lived on it. The raw feeling of fear as it was freshly made was highly addicting it seemed. Still, when he entered this quiet home, he snuck into the first room he saw and was greeted with the sight of a boy. He wasn't asleep like most children were and when the boy looked at him with those bright blue eyes Pitch was waiting for the typical scared reaction he expected whenever children tended to see him.

But the boy didn't scream or cry.

Pitch could feel he was scared, but this child was different. He was curious and he recalled those brown locked moving slightly as the child titled his head at Pitch. "Are your eyes really yellow?" he remember the child asking him. The first words he had ever spoken and Pitch could recall blinking in surprise, not expecting a question but simply stating a affirmed answer. The boy continued with the questions a look of doubt in his eyes. "Are you really the Boogeyman?" Pitch almost laughed at the expression the child gave him when he asked and he simply said yes again. "You don't look that scary..." the boy muttered with a pout and Pitch laughed then.

"I disagree child," his smooth voice answered.

He could see very well the memory's of Pitch meeting Jack a few more times over the next couple of year. Their conversations were short and to the point, but Pitch could see that he had enjoyed them. Did he really look like that through Jack's eyes? Then he saw the scene where he knew Jack would become Jack Frost. And suddenly he felt everything. The calm panic that Jack showed his sister as he kept her calm so he could save her. He could feel the fear and sense every little bit of emotion before finally relief when Jack threw her to the shore. Safe and sound. Jack however, was not. He suddenly felt the waves of the icy cold waters on his skin as he sunk into the ice and the world above the water looked so far away all of a sudden before he saw nothing but darkness until he was woken up by the moon.

Pitch gasped and let go of the golden case filled with teeth, letting it roll away a few inches from his fingers as he came back to the reality of his own head. Jack's memories were still swimming and it was a very odd sensation of other memories in your head. But he ignored it as he noticed Jack was still on top of him, but for a moment before the other took off looking upset. Pitch rubbed his head as he sat up and looked at the way Jack left. His golden eyes glanced at the teeth before he smacked it away and left his lair quickly, thankful for once he was not affected by the elements.

He wasn't sure why he was heading after Jack, but something about that memory made something in him realize that he was still longing for a friend. And he had clung to Jack, even if he didn't realize it until now. He grit his teeth as he made his way to the area he felt Jack would be at. After all, what was the coldest place in the world perfect for a winter spirit?


It wasn't long until Frost had reached the arctic circle. With the guardians still preoccupied with easter, he doubted anyone would find him here. Finding a crevice in some glacier, he jumped down it to be strictly by himself. Once he landed at the bottom of the crevice, he sat down in a corner, the ice walls above him, secluding him from the constant arctic snowstorms. Some of which were due to his sour mood.

It wasn't often Frost wasn't joyous. But he didn't think he'd ever felt so hopeless and angry and unsure as he did now. Looking at the towering walls of ice surrounding him, his expression changed to desperation. How could the man in the moon do this to him?

I had everything! he spoke in his mind. "And you made it mean nothing!" He finished aloud, grabbing his staff and throwing it against one of the ice walls.

Because of the force behind it, the totem of his power broke in half. The searing pain hit him in the gut when the two pieces of the stick clattered to the ground near to him. The remorse only lasted for a moment however, as he knew he didn't need the stupid stick. He wouldn't be saving anyone.
He couldn't even save himself.

He had died saving his sister. That was his plan in life. And Man in Moon made his death be in vain. Nobody believed in him now.
Nobody could see him. Nobody knew his name.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, trying to place his face into his lap.

Maybe he could just disappear.

Shadow_Of_Darkness 22 wrote:[imgleft][/imgleft]When Pitch found Jack Frost he hadn't expected to find the boy curled up in the corner of the crevice in the coldest place on Earth. Pitch grit his teeth. It was so cold he could almost feel it, but he chose to ignore it as he viewed the damage. Jack was currently curled up probably going through some self made depression that Pitch didn't quite understand and then there was the broken staff Jack always carried a little away from him. If Pitch were in his right mind, he would have laughed at the scene and walked off, glad he didn't have to worry about Jack Frost ruining his plans to destroy the Guardians. But Pitch wasn't in his right mind set. Rather in fact, he was actually considering helping him.

Perhaps he had hit his head at some point a little too hard.

Pitch didn't quite recall actually appearing in the crevice with Jack, but he gathered up the broken staff. No amount of power could fix it, but he knew Jack could if he tried. So he set it by him, kneeling before Jack so he was closer to his level and he let out a strange sigh. "Jack," he began slowly, watching the troubled boy for a moment before frowning slightly. Unsure of what exactly he was supposed to be doing. Maybe thats why instead of asking Jack what was wrong he just stayed where he was, kneeling, and waiting for Jack to lift his head. His hands reached out and for a moment his fingers brushed along the other's hair, smoothing back the spikes and caressing his scalp before Pitch snapped his hand back as if it suddenly burned him.

"Jack," he finally repeated growing slightly annoyed before his face softened and he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was feeling so out of character. "You're not alone," he finally said not sure why those words would be important in that moment, but it was best Pitch had.

[imgleft][/imgleft] This was all such crap. Had Jack died in vain? His job was to protect children. This he knew. But how was he supposed to do that if nobody believed in him. And nobody ever would, would they?

Heck, Pitch had people believing in him, and all he did was scare people! What chance did Jack have? All he did was create snow storms and joke around. The April Fool covered those bases much better than Frost did. April only had to act one day a year and more people believed in him than they did in Frost.

What kind of crap world was he borne into?

When Pitch showed up, Jack shoved his head further into his knees. Why was Pitch here? What was the point? Even though Pitch was believed in, Jack still felt the same way. He'd rather be invisible than feared.
Or would he?
Did he?

When Pitch brushed his fingers through Jack's hair, Jack pushed the other way and turned his head, trying to conceal himself further in the corner. Leave me alone! he thought. But did he really want to be left alone? He didn't know. Not really.

Pitch came back and brushed his hair again, and Jack did nothing. His shoulders tensed. Frost was crying without tears. He couldn't cry, because his skin was too old. He'd freeze over his eyeballs. What kind of crap like that? He couldn't even express emotions correctly!
He wanted to shout so many expletives at the man in the moon, now! Who gave the Moon the authority to revive people into nothingness?

When the Boogey Man said Jack wasn't alone, he lost it.

"How could you say that?!" He shouted, lifting his head. "I am alone!" He stood up, a gust of chilling wind finding its way into the crevice with a loud growl.

"Kids see you!" he yelled.
"What do I do?! Nothing! I can't!" He punched the nearest ice wall.

"I can't do anything!"

He placed both his hands on the wall and choked back his invisible tears, soon placing his forehead against the wall too. It took a couple of moments for him to settle down. But eventually he did.

"Just leave me alone. Ignore me like everyone else does," he said softly, his voice cracking.

He was supposed to be a guardian. But not the type of guardian the other spirits were. And he had failed in his duty. Not of his own actions. But because of the Moon.
It left him feeling bitter, empty, and stupid. How had he kept himself going for three hundred years without this realization?
Why had it only come to him now?
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inner demons v3 1

Eᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀs ᴡᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀs ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs. To the common eye, things are what they are and life continues on as normal. But for Tʜᴇ Cᴏʀʀᴜᴘᴛᴇᴅ, they see something more. The Corrupted are people prone to sin so much that they have somewhat of a kinship with the world down under. A world, parallel to our own, which is full of demons instead of humans. The people with this sight tend to be corporate and government officials, as well as those who consider crime a business. The Corrupted can naturally see demons. To them, the demons can be business partners, pests, or anything in between. But The Corrupted are not the only humans with the ability to see.

In theory, any human being who looks hard enough can see demons. Demons originated from Dᴏᴡɴ Uɴᴅᴇʀ, but many live on our plane of existence. Others will frequently visit. When on our plane, they project an image of something normal for humans to see. The type of image they project is related to the type and class of demon they are. Middle-class demons can assume human forms, lower-class are animals, and upper-class cannot conceal their form. If an upper-class demon wants to walk the earth in secret, it must take a host through possession.

While the host is a human form, it still retains many of the abilities the demon had when Down Under. Upper-class demons generally don't come to our plane, however. They were meant to rule Down Under. In fact, it could be argued that it would be punishment for an Upper-class Demon to come to our plane.


Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛʟʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ sᴏᴄɪᴇᴛʏ. Tʜɪs ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀᴡ.
This law, so vague as it is, has been interpreted to mean 'Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ.'​

Eᴏɴs ᴀɢᴏ, ᴀɴ ᴜᴘᴘᴇʀ-ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴅᴀʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇ ʙᴀʀɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴛʀᴜᴇ ғᴏʀᴍ. This demon, Aᴘᴏʟʟʏᴏɴ, brought on death and destruction to the human civilization until the angels made an example of him. They destroyed his physical form and sealed his spirit within a green gem, burying it in the sands of time.

If the angels had killed Apollyon, he would've returned Down Under and been able to live again. Having banished his spirit on Earth, he would never have a physical form again through normal means. The angels never predicted that Apollyon, after fostering years of hate within the confines of his jewel, would be able to manifest himself and take a host given the opportunity.

What were the odds the cursed green gem would become a piece of jewelry?

Quatre Bornes. AKA "Q" or "Bornes"
[imgleft][/imgleft] Q is a 23 year old with a haggard past. Growing up in a French military academy, he ran away with his lover to the USA at 18. In the US, he was the second-hand to Vespasien, the lord of the newly-formed French Mafia in New York. It was there where Q began his demon-hunting career.

At 21, Q had a falling out, and left the mafia to become on call for anyone who needed to get rid of their demon problems. He doesn't know if Vespasien has put a price on his head or wants him back. Q's across the country now and truly, doesn't really care. Q sticks to what he knows and feels comfortable with. And that is, frankly, killing demons for money.

Q's lover is gone, but they left an heirloom-- a titanium chain holding an amulet with a green gem inside. Q wears it every day. He's had it since he was 20. But lately, it's been growing hot...

Lara Cromwell
[imgleft][/imgleft]Lara's parents were part of a satanic cult. Trying to make her a messenger between this world and Down Under, they tied a demon to her soul. It rejected the possession, resulting with the disembodied essence of a demon named Matthias shackled to her for the rest of her life. Intricate, black symbols on her back are proof of the curse.

She left the cult when she was 14. Truly understanding everything they had done to her and what they had tried to accomplish, Lara has cut all ties and refuses to ever go back. Now 22, Matthias's presence makes her irritable all the time.

Only Lara and those with the ability to see demons can see Matthias, but with those types declining, it seems like they only have eachother. As much as Lara tries to push him out of her life, he has stayed to ruin every relationship she has ever had through psychological manipulation. Even though Lara knows Matthias lies, should could never completely rid herself of the negative thoughts Matthias speaks about her. Since Matthias is always with her, she now believes he is part of her personality.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:
"You aren't going to yell at me for ruining your little attempt at having some sinful and shaming one night stand with that tool? It didn't use to be this hard to rile you up." The demon across the booth asked sarcastically and gave her a smug look as Lara did everything possible to ignore him.

"Can I get a martini?" She asked the waiter who passed her, completely ignoring Matthias as if he wasn't there. "Also make it strong." She added before he completely left. Lara probably looked pathetic here but her night was awful and she wanted the ugly thing across the table to go away or just shut up.

He only raised an eyebrow and glanced to the waiter giving her order to the bartender. "Becoming an alcoholic at the age of twenty-two isn't healthy. I think you becoming a prostitute would be a healthier alternative." Lara just sighed and looked around the bar. It was the type to be open late for less than savory people. The place was littered with one two or three people here and there but it was pretty much a hole in the wall with a long bar along the wall, booths lining the other wall, and a small kitchen in the back for food. It was where she came when she just wanted to drink and have no one ask question. Matthias spent her time here antagonizing her every moment he got like any good demon would.

Ignoring him certainly hadn't gotten easier over the years. When she first started acting like he didn't exist it pissed him off more than irritated him and he started to throw objects across the room for her attention. As if he was a five year old. After that she made an agreement with him to get at least one hour or two hours of peace without him and then she would at least acknowledge him with and eye roll or some other gesture. It kept the people around her safe from his tantrums.

Lara was being a little more stubborn tonight though and he didn't really like it. At this point she would look at him usually and start muttering to him as if she was saying something to herself. He frowned and decided to stop teasing her but kick it up a notch.

Matthias appeared on other side of the booth next to her and placed a clawed hand on her shoulder, "I don't know why you are so upset, I mean you should already know that no man can love you. All you are good for is being used by others." He started to run his hand down her back as if showing ownership but she grabbed her phone and acted like she was talking on the phone.

"Stop! Give me ten fucking minutes to myself. You got to do enough of that bullshit during dinner." Lara swore at him and he suddenly appeared at the other side of the booth, clearly pleased with the attention. He was such a vain son of a bitch to her and he knew it.

"Why? You know its true. Otherwise you wouldn't be hear drinking to get rid of me." He told her with that smug expression.

Lara sighed and gripped the phone, "I don't give a fuck. Leave me alone for now or I am taking drastic measures." She always had an ultimatum against him if it ever came down to it. Her death ended his little parade up here. Without her he goes back to hell and gets laughed at because he couldn't possess a little girl. Up here he has the power to make her miserable for as long as she lives and being only twenty-two, she had a long ways to go. The only downfall is her spending time in hell because there is no way she was going to heaven.

It was enough to shut him up for a moment though as he glared at her and crossed his arms before sitting back. She set the phone down and drank the other martini the waiter finally brought back for her. Lara wished she could strangle him sometimes, but he would probably like it which was creepy to her. ?

Two weeks ago, Q went to Bustertown to get rid of yet another harpy infestation. Harpies seemed to be becoming a huge problem as of late. Most of his jobs were dealing with them. Q hated harpies. Normally he was fairly apathetic to what he was killing. But harpies flew around, made a lot of noise, and made him look like an idiot.

Why? Because to the normal human eye, Q was on top of a roof shooting at birds. What crazy person goes to the roof of a skyscraper to point a pair of pistols at a flock of irritated pigeons?
Quatre Bornes.

The matter of the fact was that, in the normal world, demons projected an image. To a normal human, a harpy would appear to be a bird. It depended on the circumstances as to what type of bird. In this case, a flock of harpies were a flock of pigeons. Other times? Vultures. Eagles. Crows. Whatever they felt like being. But always birds. Q didn't know why they did what they did. He just knew he could see past the mirage. Apparently any human could if they looked hard enough, but no one aside from corporate giants and mafia lords seemed to.

So while the layperson would see a man with grey hair wearing sunglasses, black slacks and boots, a long sleeved dress shirt with black sleeves and a maroon torso holding two pistols and shooting wildly at a bunch of attacking pigeons... Q saw himself shooting wildly at a bunch of royally pissed off pale females possessing arms with wings and claws for hands. Their bottom half were giant, scaled, raptor feet. Each one of them were at least five feet tall with just as wide a wingspan. They all had long, out of control hair in varying colors, eyes full of rage, and open mouths filled with fangs.
That screamed. Screamed in such an ear-splitting high pitch that Q grit his teeth.

There were ten harpies in all, all screaming their wretched little heads off, presumably in some language Q couldn't understand. The pistols weren't seeming to be doing much damage, so once he ran out of shots, he holstered them. Luckily for him, he'd learned from the past few harpy jobs that some days, pistols just weren't going to cut it.

Which was why he has slung a shotgun over his shoulder. Whipping it to his front, he flicked the safety off and started blowing the brains out of every harpy that dove near. With his pump action, he had 8 shots before he needed to hunt for more shells. Luckily harpies weren't that fast, but after all his empty shells were ejected, it left him pretty helpless in relation to the last two angry harpies who continued to scream at him. It was then that the pendant on his titanium necklace began to heat up. His mind being preoccupied, Q ignored it.

Various dead bodies lay on the ceiling and a few had dropped to the street. When a demon died, their visage fell for all humans to see. This made clean-up pretty horrifying if one didn't want the public to know demons existed. But the bodies would normally liquify after a few minutes on their own. At that moment, a few of the bodies on the roof did just that. They turned to a molten black substance that quickly evaporated. The smell was disturbingly awful.

Once Q stopped to fish in his pockets for two more shells (surely he could've thought ahead a bit better about this, but he didn't normally use shotguns), the last two harpies began flying around erratically. Q was left to do tuck and rolls, trying to evade them. During one of these rolls, he had the misfortune of rolling through the black liquified remains of one of the dead harpies. He let go of his gun and cradled his arm.
He'd only briefly touched the liquid with his shoulder, but pain shot through his entire left arm. It shook uncontrollably. In that instant, whatever pain was in his chest from the necklace amplified and his vision went white.
He could feel someone talking to him. Feel it, in waves of pain, in his mind, in sound, in everything. Inside of him. It didn't make sense.

Soon. It said.
Then it laughed.

The titanium pendant around his neck burned into his skin, the green gem inside glowing beneath his shirt. The chain burned away and the pendant sunk into his chest. His skin grew over it, leaving only the green gem from inside the pendant to breach his skin. That green gem glowed faintly, pulsing in tune to Q's heartbeat.

The harpies flew off, presumably cackling to themselves at the completion of some devious plot they were too stupid to understand. Q was left freaked out, and for one of the first times in his life, legitimately scared.

Ever since that night, Q had been getting weird nightmares. And he felt strange. It only kept getting worse. He still took jobs to kill demons, but now he was afraid of their corpses before they evaporated. He'd scoured libraries for what had happened to him, but no books had given him any insight.
He'd tried to dig the gem out of his chest, but aside from the obvious pain that caused, his skin healed around it faster than he could cut away. It seemed as if he were stuck with it. Cursed somehow. By harpies of all things.

Q didn't know much about demons, really. Just that he could see them and killing them was profitable. What he learned he had learned through experience. And while the books he'd thrown himself into after this curse happened had given him a lot of insight, it still didn't help him much. Overall he just didn't like demons, and really never cared to educate himself. Why would he have to? Bullets killed them as easily as any other animal, it appeared.

So while it had only been two weeks, he'd pretty much decided it was in his best interest to forget the whole incident occurred. He went from freaked to straight denial, and so far his purposeful ignorance was suiting him well. Outside of the nightmares, anyway.

It was the nightmares that drove him to drink even more profusely than he had in the past. And it was the nightmares that were the reason behind him finding himself inside a tavern tonight.

A tavern that, as soon as he opened the door, he realized was not free from demons.

When he walked in, he pushed his sunglasses up, closer to his face, in order to mask that his green eyes were glowing. They had begun to do that a lot more since the whole pendant incident. It was during that time that his eyes were drawn to a table where a young woman sat, yelling at her phone with a demon behind her. But something was off about the demon.

It seemed middle-class, but there was no mirage. It didn't have human body to present to the human world. It was translucent, and almost appeared to be a ghost. Ghosts didn't exist, so... This situation was awkward. Had demons finally found a way to present themselves in the real world?

Q decided he wasn't going to bother with it. He hadn't been hired to kill anyone, so he wasn't going to kill anyone, despite the pair of guns in shoulder holsters underneath a black jacket.
Instead, he turned to the bar and asked for a scotch on the rocks.

He stood and sipped at it while leaning against the bar, a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. Something seemed to say that he should really probably go talk to this woman with her ethereal demon problem.

But that was her problem, not his. He just wanted to drink himself into a coma so he could get some decent sleep tonight.

He motioned to the bartender for another scotch.

[[Hope that works. Sorry for length. Future posts won't be NEARLY this long.]]

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara managed to get a few minutes of peace from him as she drank her first martini and hoped that she might be able to forget his presence in her life for maybe a night. That was always the point of her being here in the first place. Sometimes she could simply just deal with it but when he got too much this was her escape because he was always around. When she did anything Matthias was always there to judge her and nothing could stop him.

It seemed like a while since Matthias said anything so she looked up from her glass and saw him looking at a man at the bar. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked as she looked over, he seemed normal to her so she wasn't sure why Matthias was suddenly so quiet with him nearby.

The demon looked to her as she spoke and frowned, "He isn't normal. There is something about him that is off." Lara didn't think that would actually bother him but she just rolled her eyes and reached for her glass. Apparently the demon didn't like that she didn't take this seriously so as she grabbed it he made it break in her hand. Lara let out a gasp and pulled her hand back, but she already could see the long cut along her palm from one of the shard.

The waiter saw this and rushed over to clean it up, "I'm so sorry, that happens once in a while but I'm not sure why." He cleaned up the glass pieces and saw her hand, "Oh god, is there anything I can do for your hand?"

"No, it isn't as bad as it looks. I just need to wash my hands, thank you though." Lara told him and grabbed her bag then headed into the restroom to quickly wash off her hands and get a clear look at the cut. She luckily brought large band aids for this kind of thing. This wasn't the first time it happened. Lara was back out at her booth and glaring at the demon who was still upset about her nonchalant behavior.

"Next time why don't you just politely ask for my attention." She sighed as she looked at her hand.

"We can leave now. Let's go." He said almost in a hurried tone. He really didn't like that guy.

Lara shook her head though, "I can't leave, I've been drinking I am going to kill myself if I do." She came on a motorcycle after all.

"You bitch, your miserable life could have been avoided if you just fucking let me take over, but now you are a depressed whore who tries to drink away her demons. That cult should have just killed you when it failed, save you the trip of having a pointless life." He growled and started to grind his teeth together. His eyes were turning to a more angry blood red and his all around aura was getting more intimidating to Lara.

Lara had heard this from him before, it wasn't the first time but he didn't get that vicious unless he was really upset. "I told you not to mention the cult. It has nothing to do with me now." She told him even though it was trivial, he was just trying to hurt her to take out his anger.

Matthias, still angry, looked at her and almost smiled a bit, "Oh right, that still bothers you. The way your parents sold you out to hopefully get closer to Lucifer himself and let me destroy every ounce of humanity you had in you." That was always a cheap shot for him to make but it worked every time.

Lara shouldn't have even mentioned it and she now had nothing to say this time. It was a sort spot for her and she couldn't get over it when that fact was sitting there reminding her of it every day. She just stared at the blank phone on the table, waiting to be more sober now so she could leave. Unfortunately she couldn't leave Matthias behind.

[imgleft][/imgleft] While he'd sipped at the first, he practically downed the second before asking for a third. This place's scotch was crap, but since he was mostly in it just to get drunk, he wouldn't complain. When the third scotch came, the 23 year old had only just reached out to grasp it when he heard a glass break.

That immediately caught his attention, and he looked back. It was the girl and her demon, again. He quirked a silver brow. Something was certainly going on over there. He still wasn't sure he wanted to get involved. He mulled it over while one of the waitresses fettered on about the girl's hand. The girl left to the bathroom, the demon following.

Q brought the third glass of scotch to his face and sipped at it, watching. The wheels in his mind turned and he was able to connect the dots that perhaps this was some sort of slavery... For the demon. That maybe the demon was attached to her? But then why would the girl seem so downtrodden? He hadn't quite pieced the puzzle together completely, but as the warmth of alcohol absorbed his bones, he was beginning to not get so curious.

It wasn't much longer before the girl came out again, the demon still arguing with her. His ears perked up at what the demon was saying. He didn't hear much, but he could tell by body language the thing was a bit scared. Of Q? The man exhaled loudly in amusement before downing the rest of his drink. Q didn't think he was famous. There were a few other people who got paid to kill demons.

He slipped the bartender a few bills and walked over to the girl, who was now sitting quietly, looking like someone had just killed her cat.

"I take it your friend doesn't like me," he stated, putting his right hand on the face of the table. Q wasn't fully drunk yet, but he would get there over time. Not having eaten much the past few days, his tolerance had pummeled.

He looked from the girl to the demon, who's image was even foggier than when he'd first seen it. Such an odd illusion.

"Why don't you have a body?" The question was matter-of-fact, as Q didn't particularly care. He could live without the answer, but intoxication decided to get rid of the filter between speech and thought.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara and Matthias were quiet at the moment which happened once in a blue moon for them. He was still fuming and she was just upset by how the night has been going so far. She ordered a water as the waiter passed her and hoped that would help her get out faster.

Matthias wasn't paying attention when the man from earlier came to their table and mention how hid dislike of him. The demon stiffened a bit and watched him carefully, there was still something wrong with him and it was more evident now.

Lara looked up from her glass of water and raised an eyebrow at the man, could he see Matthias? She wasn't going to doubt it either way and just nodded, "He really doesn't and he is acting like a child about it." The demon glared at her but didn't say anything about the comment. When someone could see him besides Lara he might make a snarky remark but didn't feel comfortable around this man so he refrained himself.

When the man asked about Matthias' lack of a body the woman answered yet again, "Because his chance at a body was me but I refused him and we are stuck like this."

The demon didn't appreciate that answer this time. "You mean you had to be a five year old brat and refused to believe that your parents were doing what was best for you." He sneered at her. There was another cheap shot from the cheerful demon.

Lara shook her head and looked to the man this time, "Why do you want to know and how can you see him." She almost wanted this conversation to be extended so she scooted over leaving room for the man if he wanted to sit down, it was better to sit next to him than Matthias.

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Possess you? But he's a middle-class demon, why would he need to possess you?" Q looked over to the hazy image he saw. "Why not just come up on your own, and pretend to be a human like the other demons?"

He looked back to where the girl moved over, and he took his place beside her, pulling a lighter out shortly after. "You don't mind?"
He didn't care if she minded, he was going to do it anyway. Next came the cigarettes.

"You must be a pretty pathetic demon to have to be summoned by some humans," he muttered after putting a cig in his mouth. Once he'd finished his statement, he lit it and took his first drag, exhaling away from the girl.

After putting the lighter and package of smokes back into their respected jacket pockets, he looked over at the girl again. "I kill demons for a living," he snickered. "Maybe that's why he's got his panties in a twist."

It was a safe enough answer, anyway. He had no idea why he could see demons.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara almost laughed at Matthias after hearing the man question his methods. She hadn't taken the time to learn about demons when living with one was bad enough. Matthias was seriously upset though and really would burn this place down if she pushed him enough so she used some self control and just smiled a bit. "I was weakened and needed power, I convinced a couple that I could give them what they wished if they gave me a young soul. I didn't care who but they ended up choosing their beloved daughter. Being in a satanic cult they thought it was perfect for their daughter and gave her up. She was pretty persistent though and it ruined everything." He explained and glared at the woman again. He was able to feed off her but not nearly enough to get his own body and she would keep it that way for as long as she could to prevent him from causing chaos.

When the man pulled out a lighter Lara shook her head, "I don't mind. By the way, I'm Lara and that thing is Matthias." It would be rude to not introduce herself at this point. She shrugged when he said that Matthias was pathetic if he had to be summoned by humans, "I don't remember him being summoned, more like he walked in through the open doors that had a free souls sign on them." Lara really didn't care to have secrets at this point. This might be her biggest one, but if he could see Matthias then what is the point?

She was surprised to hear the man hunted demons for a living though. How many people did that around here? Lara was actually interested and it seemed like a silver lining in her terrible night. Before she could say anything Matthias spoke about why he didn't like him, "I have faced demon hunters, I couldn't care less. What bothers me is that thing in your chest. The energy it gives off is dangerous."

Lara knew the little demon here was pretty limited in what he could do but she even know that he had power and if he said it was dangerous then it was a little weird. If she thought about it then she might be able to notice but it wasn't like she was that intuitive about it. Matthias purposely made his aura noticeable at times but if this was unknown to the man even then she probably wouldn't blink an eye at it.

[imgleft][/imgleft]He listened to them talk, or rather, bicker among eachother. It was cute. He sat in silence, absentmindedly continuing to smoke with both hands on the table top. Then he choked at mention of the thing in his chest.

The cigarette dropped and he coughed, trying to catch his breath for a few seconds.
How did it know about the thing in his chest?

"What do you mean," he choked, swallowing and clearing his throat after.
That wasn't completely obvious. Good going, Q.

He picked up his cancer stick and pulled the ash tray toward him, snubbing it out soonafter. He wasn't in the mood to continue, now. That demon sure knew where to hit people. He'd conveniently not introduced himself before, but now he wasn't sure he wanted to at all.

[[That's fine. =3 ]]

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Matthias smirked as he caught the man off guard with his comment. It seemed like he wasn't totally sure of what it was either if he was that surprised about it. He finally had the upper hand in this conversation. Lara just sighed at the demon's change in expression, now this was going to go down hill of it went his way.

"When I mean is that green thing in your chest. By the way you reacted it means you aren't used to it, do you even know what it is or what it can do? It feels like there is something inside that really wants out. I am sure you know it is in there already because there is no way it got there without hurting." Matthias told him and leaned back in the seat. He was weak now but he still knew more than the two of them.

Lara wasn't sure where she sat in this conversation at the moment and just took a sip of her water. She wondered what this man looked like through Matthias' eyes if he could see the power and even what color it was.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Q leaned back in his seat, his hands still on the table.
"If you had a body, you would be dead right now. My life is none of your business."

He stood up. He may have been inebriated before, but Matthias's words had certainly struck a chord. He was not willing to give up his denial of the events. He wanted to just go home and get sleep. Even in such a state as this, he was completely fine pretending it didn't exist.

Turning to the girl, he said, "It was nice to meet you, Lara. You.." he motioned to Matthias. "You can go suck a dick."

With that, he walked back over to the bar, and ordered a shot. Chugging it down, he gave a final one-finger salute to the demon before exiting the tavern.

"Demon doesn't know a fucking thing about me," he thought coldly to himself.

Q was staying at an extended hotel only a few blocks away. He turned to go toward there when his heart seemed to jump. He lurched, putting one of his hands against the building for support.
His chest started to burn shortly after that, culminating around the gem under shirt. His free hand tried to grasp it, but as it was embedded in his skin, he of course couldn't pull it out. He wound up just clutching his shirt while his vision was overcome with white.

Soon. Soon was all it ever said. But then he heard it laugh some malicious laugh that Q had only heard in his nightmares previous to now. His body leaned up against the wall and as his vision returned, he realized he was sweating profusely.

He turned and puked on the sidewalk.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Matthias wasn't as phased by his angry comment as he started to leave, he was more pleased that he had broken the man a bit. Lara rolled her eyes at the demon and didn't even get a moment to say something to the man before he left. He was one of the few people who wasn't in the cult that could see Matthias. She didn't even say anything to the demon as she paid for her drinks then went out the door.

The demon was obviously at her heels but Lara quickly turned to stop him, "You stay away from me for the rest of the night whether it is sitting in the corner or sitting in the alleys. I don't want to see you until tomorrow morning or so help me both of us are going to hell tonight." She told him and got on her bike after slipping on her leather jacket and helmet then sped off. Lara did not want to see him for a while. Maybe she should just be a hermit and avoid the rest of the population. Life would be less disappointing for her.

She drove off but stopped pretty quickly when she saw the man from earlier hunched against the wall. It looked like he just got sick and she was a little concerned. "Hey, do you need a ride somewhere? I can promise that the jack ass won't be with me." She offered, there was an extra helmet here and there was some room as well.

[imgright][/imgright] With one hand on the wall for support and the other clutching his shirt, the 23 year old wasn't really in the best position to be entertaining onlookers.

He turned away from her with a small cough, making sure not to step in his own vomit. His head reeling, the only response he could muster for the moment was a weak sounding "No."

He gave himself a couple of moments to let whatever was going on in his head subside enough for him to walk again. Once he wasn't blindsided by the awkwardness of whatever was going on in his chest, he stepped back and stood straight with a groan.

Then he noticed Lara was still there. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket and began to slowly walk away from her. "You can't guarantee he will leave you alone anyway. How could you? He's attached to you. Where does he even go when you can't see him?"

Any conversation to keep his mind from wondering what was going on in his chest was a good conversation, he supposed. However, he wasn't fully expecting her to follow him while he walked down the sidewalk toward his hotel.
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Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara raised an eyebrow as he refused the offer and seemed to stumble along the wall. She didn't think he had been that drunk to vomit on the sidewalk barely a block away from the bar he just walked out of. "Let me help you, it is the least I can do as an apology." She told him hoping he would accept the offer, she would be disappointed in herself if she didn't try to get to know him at least a little more. He could see Matthias like her and she didn't want to keep feeling like she was crazy.

When he started to ask about Matthias and how she couldn't gurantee his disappearance she rolled her eyes, "I have been living with him for seventeen years. I know his weaknesses like he knows mine and I have threats. He knows if I am angry enough then I have no qualms with going through with any of them. I am pretty sure he sticks just outside of my line of sight when he is gone." It was the truth but she wasn't sure why he was asking now.

She slowly moved the bike to sort of follow him because he never actually gave her an answer. Lara was just concerned, if he had someone back home to help him then he would leave him alone but she just wanted to help.

[imgright][/imgright] "You have nothing to apologize for, Lara," he said, waving his hand dismissively. She continued to follow him and explain away Matthias, however. Q sighed and crossed his arms over his chest while he walked. Partly to hold his guts together, and partly because he needed to stop clutching at his shirt.

"Do you live around here, or something?" He didn't want to outright ask her why she was following him. He kind of liked it. But he wasn't sure if he wanted her to follow him all way to his hotel, which really wasn't too much further.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara nodded as he said that she didn't have to apologize for anything, she just felt like it since she probably could have restrained the demon a bit if she tried. It would have been tough but it would just show that she was weak if she couldn't stand up to her own demon. She should have learned at this point.

When he asked if she lived nearby she shrugged, "I live about ten blocks out. Are you sure you don't want a ride anywhere? I'm in no rush to get back home." She told hims so he didn't refuse just because he didn't want to waste her time, she would waste it all night watching terrible television if just went home.

[imgright][/imgright] Q shook his head, feeling like someone was watching him. Probably that Matthias fool.

After a moment, he said "I'm in the hotel," the hotel which they were now conveniently in front of. He walked over to his room, which was on the ground floor, and started looking through his pockets for the key. While he rummaged through, he finally offered his name.
Well, sort of.
"I go by Q, by the way."

He finally found the key and inserted it into the lock, opening the door to reveal an entirely dark room with the curtains pulled. Just how he liked it. His eyes and sunlight didn't often get along, and they were just becoming more sensitive over time.

It was kind of strange, considering the gem in his chest was the same color. Green. And they both glowed... He shook his head again and took the key from the lock and threw it on the night table while he walked inside, leaving the door open for Lara to follow if she wanted.

"You can come in if you want," he finally vocalized as he entered the bathroom. He turned the faucet on, and after placing his sunglasses atop his head, he washed his face with the water. Once he was satisfied with that, he bent over and started drinking it straight from the faucet. His stomach was totally empty now. And while he had puked before, it wasn't because he was nauseous.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara stopped as he said that he was in a hotel that they were now in front of, he really didn't have to walk far for it but that explained why he refused her offer. She got off the bike and walked with it while he finally introduced himself, "Nice to officially meet you, Q." It was a simple name but that wasn't bad to her.

She parked the bike near his door and followed him to the door for no reason until he went inside. Lara should probably head back home though, he probably wanted to be alone here anyways. The woman was about to turn and leave until he said that she could come in, it didn't sound like he would really mind. She slowly walked in and took in the room while he was in the bathroom. It was a pretty average room, no kitchenette or anything. Was he between places or was he intending on leaving soon?

"So when did you get here? Also are you staying long?" Lara asked him as she stood in the middle of the room and continued to look around. There wasn't much here,it was mostly just something for her to do.

[imgright][/imgright] After having drunk his fill of water from the faucet, he turned the water off and walked back out to the bedroom, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "I travel a lot," he offered, his eyes wandering.

There were two single beds, one of them unmade, which was clearly the one Q slept in. The other went untouched. In the corner of the room next to the unmade bed, was a large sea bag, closed with a combination lock at the top. Leaning against it was a hard shell guitar case. Q took his jacket off and tossed it on his bed, revealing the two shoulder holsters for his pistols.

"I get called in to do a job, I come in, do it, move onto the next town. I don't stay in one place for very long. Too much of the same is too boring."

Like harpies. Harpy jobs were getting to be ridiculous. "Been following a bunch of harpies lately. What do you do?"

He scratched his head, then sat on the foot of the bed.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara listened to him explain about how he traveled a lot for his job. She sometimes wished she could do that but that would require more money than she makes at the moment. Being a demon hunter, to Lara, was probably pretty exciting and she wouldn't mind doing it if she felt like she had the appropriate skills. Matthias would probably hate her for it unless he shared hatred for his own kind.

When Q asked her about her own work she shrugged, "Nothing really exciting. I am a freelance photographer. It was the only thing that I could keep as a job." She had a hard time to keep a job recently. Matthias contributed to it most of the time but it didn't help that even when he was gone his residing words stuck by and she got nervous over silly things. Then those things grew and it ended up making her mess up simple things. Photography was something she always enjoyed though and was much harder to screw up.

"How did you get into demon hunting though? I'll be honest you are the first one I have met." Lara asked him curiously and sat on the untouched bed in the room. She had wondered if he wasn't here alone but it was pretty obvious that he did do all of this alone. Lara wouldn't mind being alone like that but maybe it was lonelier than she imagined because she had never been alone in her entire life.

[imgright][/imgright] The 23 year old listed while he lifted his right ankle ontop of his left knee with with the help of his right hand. He nodded at her career field.

"Have you ever tried to take a picture of Matthias? Does he show up on film?" He quirked a brow and looked over to her.

But then she asked about demon hunting. He opened the side of his mouth with a tsk, and scratched the back of his head again, looking away.
"I've been able to see demons all my life. But I didn't start hunting them until..." He stopped and looked at the ground, having to think about the answer and how he wanted to word it. "About three years a go, yeah," he concluded, looking back to her.

He put his hands back to his ankle, and shrugged. "I'm not the only one, but there aren't many like me. Most people who can see demons work with them."
At that, he winced, leaning forward slightly. The gem in his chest began to heat up, and it was hurting him. This type of thing was becoming more common, but he couldn't tell why.

He tried to ignore it, and continue to talk about something else. "I would've thought photographers travel."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara shook her head as he asked if she had ever tried to photograph the demon, "No, he doesn't like it so he stays as far away as possible." She assumed that he possibly did show up but didn't like being stuck in time forever like that.

When Q started to tell her a little more about demon hunting like how long he would do it she was visibly interested in it. She wondered how others worked with demons to do it, did they just not like their own kind or were they forced to? It was odd to think of.

"Photographers make money by traveling if they work for magazines and things like that but I don't have that kind of job unfortunately. So I am pretty poor." She had tried to do that but she needed impressive shots for them to consider her and that wasn't easy to get.

Q nodded solemnly and placed his feet back down on the floor, leaning forward a bit.
"Why were you at that bar? You don't seem the type to want to be alone all the time."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara looked over at him as he seemed a bit in pain but it faded and she assumed it was him still being a bit sick. His question was distracting though and hard to answer. "Well I had a date tonight, I was sort of hoping that maybe I could you know have some fun. Matthias was there though and he loves those moments, they are times when he could torment me and poke my buttons." She said.

Lara felt like an idiot for falling for his tricks each time but he knew her so well which meant he knew everything that would cause her torment or just bothered her. "Either way I snapped at him and looked like I was crazy to my date who promptly left. I went to the bar to maybe get drunk enough to forget the demon existed in the first place for the night." She told him with a shrug then looked up at him with a different expression, one where she was interested in him rather than what he said.

"But I since I guess I met you I found that his presence isn't as irritating. You are someone who actually makes me feel a bit sane." Lara told him and moved over to sit next to him. She was pretty sure he might push herself away to the other bed or out of the apartment but she wasn't sure she cared as she placed one hand on his knee and leaned forward a bit.

Q watched her expressions, wondering why Matthias would leave her alone now when he enjoyed playing with her so much.
"I'm sorry that happened to you," he offered, his voice soft.
He knew what it felt like to be made a fool in front of someone he was interested in.

She sat down next to him and he placed both his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward further.
"Well I'm not so sure if that's a good thing," he chuckled. "I wouldn't say sane people can see demons."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara had told him that she had ways to get him away from her and in her usual miserable state it was a sure thing that she would go through with it. She shrugged a bit as he apologized, "Thanks, wasn't really the first time it happened but it is irritating."

She shook her head and looked over as he joked that seeing demons might not mean they are sane. "I guess but I grew up thinking I was the only crazy one because I could always see him when no one else really could." Lara said then got slightly closer, "But if you think we are still crazy then maybe we could be crazy together." She wasn't really thinking at the moment as she placed one hand on the side of his face and kissed him full on the lips.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Q sat up, readjusting his feet as she explained. He was about to answer her, something about how he might've been treated the same way. Except she went ahead and kissed him.
He probably should've seen it coming. It was almost the perfect setup. But he didn't, and although it came as a surprise, he didn't push away.
He did take her hand from his face with his his own, and leaned into her, assuming control.

This didn't last long, though, as the gem in his chest began to burn. His ears became overwhelmed with the sound of white noise. He squeezed Lana's hand in both pain and anger while he separated his mouth from hers and leaned over to the side with a groan of pain.

After a couple seconds, he let go of her hand and held his chest, crumbling into his lap as he grit his teeth.

It was getting pretty late. This was when the nightmares would usually happen, so maybe it was acting up? Or maybe it didn't like him interacting with Lara? Who could tell?
"Sorry," he hissed through clenched teeth. He wasn't really sure what he was apologizing for. This whole situation was getting pretty awkward.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara was sort of glad he didn't push her away but rather leaned into her and took control. She didn't think he would pull away so quickly and wondered if she messed this up but tried not to think about it too much. That was until he squeezed her hand tightly then looked like he was in pain again.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down, "Are you okay?" Lara was almost laughed as he apologized, "I should be apologizing. I probably shouldn't have done that." She wondered what was hurting him and she was concerned again.
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[imgleft][/imgleft] He remained doubled over, a wave of heat ebbing from the gem down to his feet. "It's not your fault!" he proclaimed, his voice rising at the last word as he called out in pain.

His head went in between his knees and his whole body tensed. Closing his eyes, Q tried to tear the stone out from his chest, resulting in clawing at his shirt and ripping out buttons. In the distance, he could swear he heard that stupid, demonic laugh over the white noise. He could barely remember he was even in a the same room as another person, let alone actually awake.

He sat up slightly to give his hands more room to claw at his skin, drawing blood. It felt like his heart was on fire. It had never been this bad before, at least not in real life. In dreams, maybe. Was he in a nightmare? Could he wake up?

Q's eyes opened, and he glared at his chest as he tried to scratch away at it. His sunglasses slipped down his nose while he looked down, revealing a pair of brightly glowing green eyes for orbs. "Sort D'ici!" the man yelled to his chest.

While he was tearing away at his skin enough to draw blood, around the exposed, pulsating glowing green of the jewel in his chest, the injuries themselves were healing nearly instantly. When this occurred, it did not take away the crimson flow, resulting in more blood than normal for the type of injuries he was inflicting upon himself.

He was breathing heavily now, the gem in his chest pumping erratically and in tune with Q's heart.The man opened his mouth and began to roar in frustration. Q was now convinced he was in the nightmare, and not actually doing this to himself. Not that it truly mattered, as the cursed gem appeared to be holding its own rather well.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara was a little taken back by his yell despite what he was telling her. She stood up and stepped back a bit as he went through pain and yelled out. What was she supposed to do? Maybe he just needed to sit there and figure it out for himself.

When he started to claw at himself though and quickly got to his skin she tried to grab his hand, "Stop! Your hurting yourself!" She told him but found out she was pretty useless at the moment. When he did that though she could finally see the glow of a green gem in his chest. She wasn't sure what it was but it was hurting him obviously.

Lara stood back again as he yelled out again. She was still unsure as to what to do since he didn't seem like he knew what was going on. All she knew was that he was in pain and it had something to do with that green light.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Q didn't hear Lara over the sound of the evil laugh in head. Out loud, the 23 year old began repeating the same over, and over again, growling "Sort D'ici".

Q, or Quatre Bornes, as was his real name, was originally from France. French being his first language, though his accent was all but gone now. Still, he paid homage to his mother tongue in his dreams. And as he thought he was in a dream currently, it was how he spoke now.

While he repeated the same words over and over again, his hands seemed to steady and the pulsating of the jewel began to slow with his heart as he calmed down. Q finally came to, but not without a final "fuck you" from the curse in his chest. Words ceased, and the man's breath was taken from him when the veins near the surface of his skin and the gem in his chest turned black.

The action burned, and Q gasped, curling both his hands into fists. The black veins, visible from his skin, seemed to extend from the jewel outward. Finally, a more visible representation of the curse's progression. Two weeks of an embedded stone and nightmares, and now, this. It was slowly claiming his body.

The black veins stopped at around a two inch circumference outside the jewel. When the black lines stopped spreading, the burning sensation stopped, and Q was shot back into the real world, tired and sore, questioning his sanity, wondering if he had really just done everything he had in front of this stranger.

He took a good minute to just breathe and try to compose himself. Looking down at his chest, still bloodied, although unwounded (aside from the black tendrils extending from the gem), through his ripped opened shirt.

"Sorry," was all Q could manage, his voice flat.

He got up and tore off the rest of his dress shirt, tossing it in the trash.
"That was my favorite shirt," he whined to himself.

He went back into the bathroom and quickly washed himself off, trying to pretend like that whole ordeal didn't just happen. Once he got the blood washed away with water from the sink, he turned and went back to the corner of the room to the seabag that had been propped against the wall.
A fading, golden ankh tattoo covered the whole of his back. Aside from the tattoo, he bore many scars, most of them looking like cat scratches. In reality, they were from harpy claws. As the man fiddled with the combination lock on top of the seabag, it was apparent that Q had not had the best of lives. However, he seemed to be faring well enough. His upper body strength certainly wasn't lacking much. After opening the seabag, he reached inside and shuffled things around until he found a decent shirt. He tossed it on the floor beside him and locked up the seabag again.
After picking up the black dress shirt from the floor and slinging his arms through the sleeves, he turned toward Lara and buttoned it up.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," He repeated, his fingers working from the bottom button to the top.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara wasn't sure what she could do and was stunned until he seemed to stop. There was something about this though that bothered her but was familiar at the same time. She watched and couldn't think of what it was until it came flooding back to her.

Her footsteps hopped down the cold stone stairs with her demon attachment casually strolling behind her until she reached the archway. She stopped and peered around the corner where she was the ritual chamber. There were ten people surrounding a raised platform, all of them chanting the same thing in a hushed tone. On the platform was a shirtless man who struggled against the rope he was tied up in. Lara gulped and looked to Matthias, "What are they doing?"

"Cursing him."


"From what I heard, he betrayed them and they want him to pay." He finished and gestured for her to look.

The young girl hesitated as she glanced over again and saw one robed figure stand above the rest with a knife in their hand. They didn't even hesitated as they carved a symbol into the person's chest and grabbed a bright blue jewel then shoved it against the symbol.

The chanting suddenly started to get louder and louder as the man started to scream in pain. Lara clasped her hands over her ears but couldn't tear her eyes away as she saw those dark tendrils enter the man's body. How he writhed in pain because of it and screamed for relief but no one who would help could hear him.

Lara snapped out of her little flashback as Q went silent but was okay it seemed now. He was bloody still but was acting like it was normal. She was speechless again for a moment but eventually shook her head.

"That isn't something to just apologize about. What the hell was that?" She asked, she accepted the apology but that wasn't an issue of her yelling at her unnecessarily. There was way more to it and she wanted to know what it was. Lara didn't want to think that he had been part of a ceremony like that, she knew it wasn't good if he was.

[imgleft][/imgleft]Q exhaled heavily.
"I have night terrors sometimes. It's nothing."
It was a terrible line. One had to be asleep for night terrors. He had clearly been awake. Maybe Lara would get the hint and leave it alone, though. He finished buttoning up the shirt and walked to his jacket, taking out the lighter and pack of cigarettes. It was definitely time for a smoke. His hands were still jittery.

As he held his cig up and flicked the starter on the lighter, he frowned. The lighter wouldn't keep a flame. Thinking better of it, he dropped the two items and instead turned back to the woman, sitting down next to her.

"It won't happen again," he said softly, trying to be soothing. "So we could continue where we left off?" He leaned in to kiss her.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara knew that was a terrible lie, he probably had night terrors but this was something completely different. She sat back down on the bed and watched him try to light a cigarette. He still seemed shaking but she didn't say anything, he probably was just trying to get her off the subject. She knew when it was smart to not push it, after all they barely knew each other.

When he gave up then sat next to her and tried to be soothing she took a deep breath, she wasn't sure if she wanted to drop it. Maybe she this could be good though, she wanted to get a closer look at his chest and this might be the way. "Only if you don't have more night terrors." She told him before she leaned in and kissed him on the lips again.

Her arms were propped on his shoulders as her fingers interlaced behind him. Hopefully this time he wouldn't completely flip out again while they were doing this. It would probably be her fault then if it did.

Thankfully, Lara let go of the subject easily and they were able to distract themselves. After some activities, they both fell asleep. At some time in the night, Q moved to the other bed so he could sleep alone.

It ended up being a smart decision, as the second time Q was able to fall into a slumber, he was thrust into another one of his weird nightmares. He fought it head on this time, however.

"What did you do to me?" Q yelled.

He was in the middle of a cemetery covered in a dense fog. It was night, and he was only wearing his boots and pants. A full moon lit the starless sky, while the green gem in Q's chest glowed down on earth. His eyes, too, also emanated the same color, as his sunglasses were nowhere to be found. He was finding it easier to see in the dark. Here, there wasn't much to see; just the rolling fog and the large amount of gravestones.

The laugh finally answered him. The laugh he always heard. More like experienced. His senses became overwhelmed with the laugh, and as always, the same answer: Soon.

Didn't whatever was doing this to him get tired of the same?

But the laugh grew louder, more booming, and caused Q's heart to shudder. His glowing orbs looked down and the veins from the jewel in his chest grew. The black tendrils crept at first, but then grew wildly, encompassing Q's entire body and changing his form until he hardly looked human.

The scene changed. When the fog cleared, Q was near a lake. Looking into the water, he noticed his reflection was not human. There was no gem, but his eyes glowed even brighter. His skin had hardened, and appeared to be composed of plated armor. Lifting his hand, it was only large claws. His legs grew to much of the same. Moving his head, he noticed his ears had enlongated backward, and four horns were at the the top of his head, the two sets above his ears and pointing at a 20 degree angle forward. His nose was gone, simply vertical slates. But the more he looked, the more he realized he had no need to breathe.

The earth beneath him was decaying, browning, growing arid and red. He opened his mouth, his jaw unhinged and the black fangs were like several sawblades lining his agape mouth. He had no tongue, no need for air, but he let out an unearthly hiss.

Q didn't hear anything, but he knew. He knew this was him. This was what he was going to become. That hiss overcame his senses, encompassed everything, and it all faded so quickly into black, and into that laugh. That wretched laugh.


Q's eyes jumped open, his body encased in sweat. He sucked in a huge breath and brought his hands to his chest, feeling it. It felt familiar and.. Human. He then looked at his hands. Still human. Good.
He breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hands back on his chest. A moment later, he felt something odd.

Panicked once more, he sat up and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Unbuttoning his shirt from top to bottom, he noticed the black veins had not only grown about an inch, but they were now raised. He ran his left hand's fingers over some of them. They were hard to the touch, not like skin at all. In fact, not even like veins. More like roots of a tree.

Two weeks had gone by and nothing but glowy eyes and nightmares. And now, suddenly, this? Why was it getting worse? And so fast?
He quickly buttoned up his shirt and looked over to Lara.

Was it because of her?

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara was pretty exhausted so when she fell asleep in his bed she pretty much stayed asleep. She hadn't bothered getting dressed again but would probably do so right when she woke up. For now she wrapped the blanket around her and made herself warm.

She woke up not too long after Q went back to his bed. With a groggy yawn she sat up and looked around to recall where she was. Last night was sort of a blur for her but she knew it had gone fairly well despite Matthias' temper and such. He probably already knew what happened last night and was going to lecture her for it.

Lara looked over and saw Q glancing at her and made her raise an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong? I will probably leave soon." She probably had things to do at home anyways so it might be a good idea. Lara moved enough to grab her bra and underwear that she could easily slip on then jumped up to pull on the rest of her clothes.

Q softened his gaze when she asked if something was wrong, and shook his head.
"No, it's fine. You don't have to leave. I was just thinking about... Something."

He turned back to the counter with the sink, and tapped his fingers on the top of it, debating internally if he should voice his concern.

"Well actually I was wondering if I could talk to Matthias." he finally relented.

"... Alone... " He turned back to Lara and quickly added, "If that's okay with you."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara was slipping her shirt back on when he said she didn't have to leave. There was just something on his mind. She raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips as she wondered if he was going to tell her anything or leave her to guess like she had last night.

His next request though was unexpected and she wasn't sure how to respond. He wanted to speak with him alone? Why? Lara barely wanted to speak to him ever in her entire life and Q had been fed up with him last night.

"I guess, I don't mind I just have no clue as to why you would want to. He probably is sitting outside the building." She said and realized he was probably angry about her actions last night but really didn't care at the moment.

"Give me a moment and I can get him for you." Lara said and made sure she was dressed and a little presentable before leaving the room.

It was barely ten minutes before Matthias appeared in the room and leaning against the wall. "Little miss quick to give it up said you wanted to talk to me." He said without remorse and just waited for the man to get to the point.

[imgleft][/imgleft] "Sure," Q replied, leaning backward against the counter. When she finally left, he crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

When Matthias finally appeared, Q shifted the weight on his legs slightly before responding.
"I want you to tell me all you know about the green gem in my chest."

Q tried to play it tough, but really he had no idea what he was doing, and he really didn't want to trust a demon... But deep down, he was afraid of what was coming. The dreams were getting to him. Last night's freakout while he was awake was... Terrifying. He may be able to play it off, but he knew he wasn't going to hold the facade for much longer.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Matthias raised an eyebrow as he asked about the gem in his chest. So he really didn't know what was going on with him. He smirked a bit before he looked back to the man with a serious expression. "It is a curse. It is specific and needs some sort of catalyst which makes most people use gems or other jewels. The curse starts to change you to make you the perfect vessel for the dark lord himself. It gives him a body to wreak havoc on the world. The only issue is most people don't survive such a process. I don't know why you wouldn't ask Lara this. Her parents used to do this to people."

Lara didn't like remembering that stuff though, she worked hard to repress all of it.

[imgleft][/imgleft]Q gripped his arms tightly at Matthias's answer.

"How long does it take? How do I stop it?" He spoke through clenched teeth. He was angry, now. Not sure what to do. But he had a certain veracity about him.
He didn't want to let the demon know he was freaked out, or that he was having difficulty processing what was happening.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Matthias would have thought that the man would know more about his own condition but apparently he had no clue. He paused for a moment as he thought about both of his questions, they weren't entirely clear. "From what I have seen, a month at most if you survive. Unless you are particularly strong and manage to fight back while keeping your sanity through the nightmares and pain which I assume you have experienced." He told him and paused while he contemplated the second question but eventually answered it, "I have seen people try many different things but they usually don't work. Such as exorcisms and even surgery to remove it but I believe to stop it you would have to ask either the person who did it to you or someone who knows how to do it."

[imgleft][/imgleft]Q managed to stay tight-lipped at the nightmares and sanity statement, only to cut in at the second.
"Nobody did this to me. I accidentally went through some harpy blood and the necklace I had embedded itself into my chest! I've worn the thing for years with no problems until then!"

He stood up straight, let his arms fall and shook his head, shifting his weight from one leg to the other uncomfortably. His mind was scattering. He didn't want to talk about this, but he knew he had to. In his discomfort, he decided to dodge the issue entirely.

"Where's Lara? She's not just standing outside is she?" That would look pretty suspicious.
inner demons v3 4
Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Matthias knew there were various ways of doing it but wasn't familiar with the use of harpy blood for it. Maybe he would have to look it up though since it seemed interesting enough. "Well the necklace itself doesn't need to be special, they just used it to better access your soul. Either way you are cursed." He told him flatly.

The demon rolled his eyes at the attempt to change the conversation. "She said she was going to get a coffee at some place across the street. You aren't really concerned about her but it isn't my job to make you face your reality." He shrugged and leaned against the wall again with his eyes around the room.

[imgleft][/imgleft] Q looked away and snorted.

"So you're saying Lara knows how to remove this curse then?" He glared to Matthias.

"It's been almost 3 weeks."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Matthias shook his head as he asked if Lara would know, "She only knows people who might. Her parents might know how to help you but Lara is the only one who can find them." It was sort of like a chain reaction. Q asks Lara, the girl finds her parents, and they either can help or send them to someone who helps. "Three weeks though, huh? It would take you years to convince that girl to even call her parents." Matthias knew that while she was upset with her life up until now, she was also quite furious about it all and didn't forgive them for a second.

[imgleft][/imgleft] When Matthias flickered out of existance to ask Lara, Q started to get twitchy and grabbed a smoke, lighting one and taking a drag. With the cig in his mouth, he found his shoulder holsters on the floor. He was putting them on when Matthias came back with his answer.

"Years? And how long did it take for me to get her pants off? With a wingman like you I'm sure even if I abused her, she'd still love whatever I had to say when compared to you."

It was cold, but Q was scared. That, and despite what happened last night, he really didn't care about Lara any more than another stranger. Women weren't really... His type, one could say. But that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to have fun.

Besides, hormones, and all that. He'd keep making excuses for himself.

"If her parents know how to stop this crap then I will get her to make up with her parents."
He picked up one of his pistols and ejected the magazine into his other hand briefly before tossing it on the bed and pulling the slide back to eject the last bullet.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Matthias listened to the man assume he could get the girl to go back to the people who played a major role in ruining her life. The demon was sure she would have been a happier person had she not had him in her life. Some people could say that she just needed to be strong and ignore him but he went out of his way to make her life hell sometimes. During interviews he threw things at the employer and when she got a job he made everything go wrong for her. She was almost infamous at this point for having apartments that get destroyed in one night.

He loved messing with her life but he also knew that her family was a much different story.

Matthias practically laughed when Q said he could get her to help him. "Oh please, if she is depressed enough then she doesn't care who she sleeps with. Her parents is something she won't back down on though even if you threatened her life. Lara would gladly pull the trigger for you even. If you want to try then be my guest." Matthias smirked and wondered if he would still be so determined.

[imgleft][/imgleft]After ejecting the last round into his hand, he went over to the violin case and opened it, taking out a cleaning kit. He sat back down on the bed and put the round into the magazine before disassembling his pistol and cleaning it.

"We'll see. You're just a demon. What do you know."

Really, he just wanted to keep himself occupied, get his mind focused on something else, so when Lara came back he wasn't so easy to read. For the time being, gun maintenance would be that thing.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Matthias just shrugged in response, he knew more about Lara than this guy knew but he was about to be proven right in a moment. Lara could be heard coming to the door though, "Well here is your chance to ask her."

The woman politely knocked on the door but Matthias managed to just open it for her and didn't gave her a smirk. Lara glared at him for a moment as she tried to figure out what he was smiling about but didn't ask. "Are you two done? I would like to go home." She asked knowing Matthias threw a fit if she left him behind.

[imgleft][/imgleft] After the slide on the pistol locked back, Q looked to the door. Matthias had made a smart remark right before Lara had come in, and she proclaimed she wanted to go home. Q hmphed to himself and turned back to his pistol, attaching a bore brush to the cleaning rod.

"Yeah, we're done. Actually," he turned his head to Lara again for a moment, making sure she didn't leave, before squeezing some fluid from a small eyedrop-like container onto the brush and recapping it.

After shoving the brush through the barrel of the gun, he continued to speak, "I was asking Matthias for some information about harpies." he lied while he continued to scrub the inside of the pistol, a practice he'd done several times before, "I've been getting a lot of calls about them. They've been swarming up a lot lately. I could use another set of hands."

He took the bore brush out and took out a piece of cloth known as a patch, attaching it to the end. He then ran that through the barrel, to pick out the dirt. "If you're interested, I mean," he added, after a pause.

When the patch came out quite dirty, he put on another one and repeated the process.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara nodded and was prepared to finish her coffee then leave until he continued to talk about the conversation. Harpies, really? That seemed like a weird topic to talk with Matthias privately about. Plus, what was his knowledge about them?

"You needed to talk privately about harpies?" She asked them finally but Matthias simply shrugged, he wondered how Q was going to do this. His offer to Lara was rather surprising though, he didn't expect that. Lara didn't expect it either so she wasn't sure what to say.

It was a few silent moments before she finally spoke, "I don't know, I'm hardly qualified. I mean I know how to fight but how useful wold that be against harpies?" She asked him, quite doubtful of herself.

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara nodded and was prepared to finish her coffee then leave until he continued to talk about the conversation. Harpies, really? That seemed like a weird topic to talk with Matthias privately about. Plus, what was his knowledge about them?

"You needed to talk privately about harpies?" She asked them finally but Matthias simply shrugged, he wondered how Q was going to do this. His offer to Lara was rather surprising though, he didn't expect that. Lara didn't expect it either so she wasn't sure what to say.

It was a few silent moments before she finally spoke, "I don't know, I'm hardly qualified. I mean I know how to fight but how useful wold that be against harpies?" She asked him, quite doubtful of herself.

[imgleft][/imgleft] At the disbelief of having to speak to Matthias privately, Q simply shrugged and continued cleaning his gun. He took the second patch out, ripped it off the brush, tossed it on the floor, released the slide with a loud 'click' and subsequently tossed it and its magazine into the open violin case on the floor.

"Harpies aren't that much of a threat. You just need to know how to use a gun, is all."

Q bent over, picked up his second pistol, released the magazine and put it on the bed beside him, turned the gun over in his hands and opened the slide to eject the last round into it, and pushed it back into the magazine, before tossing that into the open violin case.

"The problem I have is that they've been grouping up with such massive numbers that I can't take care of them all without getting pretty beat up. So it would be helpful to have another gun out there."
No matter how good a shot he was, he couldn't shoot fifty harpies. And while harpies were actually something that concerned him - so many in a group wasn't normal in Q's experience - if he had another person helping him, it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous.

As he spoke to Lara, his back was to her, still cleaning his pistols. He was now scrubbing the inside of the second barrel with the bore brush.

"You said you needed a job. And in my line of work, Matthias would be more help than hindrance, I think."

Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote:Lara still wasn't sure as to why he would offer the job to her. What made her even possibly reliable in his eyes? She arched her eyebrow as she looked at him, trying to find some ulterior motive for this or wondering if he was really that desperate.

"Please, he might still be a hindrance." She said and shot a glare at the demon who just shrugged as if he wasn't sure if he would be a hindrance or not. He might just be guessing depending on the situation. If it could get her killed he might help but he might be annoying.

[imgleft][/imgleft] "I have a job in the next town over, but it's your decision. The offer is open." Q stated, finishing the cleaning of the second pistol, the click of the slide release echoing throughout the room before he dropped it, too, into the violin case.

He stood up and reached over for the shotgun. He didn't have as much experience cleaning it, so with this one, he went a lot slower. But before he got too into it, he stopped and turned on the bed so he could watch Lara.


Kiyoku Kurisaku wrote: Lara was silent for a few moments as she thought about this offer. It could give her some extra money to do what she wanted or to do better in her career. Matthias might actually find it exciting and stop pestering her so much to get it out of his system.

"Sure." She told him finally and reached over to the hotel's complimentary pad of paper, "Here is my number. Call me." Lara didn't think he would have anything for her to do right now.

[[This post is gonna suck, apologies in advance.]]

Q watched her put the note down and sighed. He was going to leave the next day but, may as well let her go home. Not everyone lived out of hotel rooms like he did, he figured.
"All right. I'll call you tomorrow."

He turned back to cleaning his rifle.
When she finally left, he rooted through his stuff and started making a few phone calls. He didn't have any jobs for more harpies. The conversation hadn't gone as he'd predicted, so now he had to come up with a job. He ended up volunteering to do something for cheap.

Afterward, he lay down and tried to get extra rest, and a decent amount of food. He was getting weaker, being as whatever the curse was doing to him was killing his ability to keep things in his stomach. Despite some more nightmares, he managed to get some more rest and was up around six am the next day.

He called Lara, then, hoping she was up.

"Hey," he'd say when he finally got the chance. "It's Q. Are you ready? The job's at the old Apostle building. Do you want to just meet me there, or do you want to follow?"

The apostle building was about an hour's drive from here.
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This is someone else's rp I joined. It died shortly after. I played a necromancer and only made 2 posts.
Far off the beaten path, in the slums, was an abandoned and crumbling mausoleum. The building held one large room with a chapel connected to it. In the chapel, the pulpit was a balcony coming out from the far wall. It was here Kane sat. His posterior atop one edge of the railing and his fit pushed against the other. The morning sun came in through the holes in the roof and walls, rays leaking through old wood, plaster, and stone to light the pews and worship area eerily.

Down in the pews slept a few of his homeless followers. Among them, a few decrepit bodies sat lifelessly. Like statues. Waiting their next order. Kane had something no rebellious leader before him had, he was sure. And that would be the loyal, undead followers. Of course, being undead, they weren't of much use. Hence why they sat still until further word from their creator.

It was then that Princess Hadiya slowly approached the pulpit with a groan. Her luxurious blonde locks hastily cut to less than shoulder length and presently full of knots and dust. The once healthy hair was now stringy and dry, stiff to the touch. Not that Kane touched it. He still had some respect in him.

The dead blue eyes of the princess gave him the thousand yard stare, the body's right hand outstretched, holding an apple forward. This apple, the only thing upon her body that had any sort of life left.

Kane took the offered fruit, and hastily took a bite out of it, the crunch of his teeth against the hard flesh overpowering the voice of vultures outside.

Princess Hadiya's arm remained outstretched. She was mindless, now. Like the others. Kane would've been ashamed to see her like this, had he not rid himself of most emotions since the incident years a go. She would decompose completely before long. Kane had not preserved her body like the others. Perhaps he wished she would wither away eventually on her own.

He took another bite of his apple, contemplating just what to do next. He'd heard wind of the mysterious flying machine crashing into the market. Surely now would be the perfect time to strike. To cause chaos amongst the empire. He was fairly certain the royal family would come looking for their princess, however, and if they found her here we would be given the blame for killing her.

And despite her current, pathetic, situation, he had not been the one to cause it. He was not one to kill innocents. At least not yet. His patience was growing thin, however. A red eye stared at Princess Hadiya.

"Well Princess, it seems we have quite the predicament," he uttered, fully realizing she would be unable to reply.

Despite that, a waft of air escaped the folds of the carcasses skin as the mouth attempted to close. But it could not. Lock jaw. If she stayed still for long, rigor mortis would get the best of her.

He hopped from the railing and onto the pulpit's floor, stepping forward. "Take a few steps down the hall," he ordered softly, the dead princess doing as told.
"Follow me," he spoke again once he was in front of her.

He had an idea, after all.

[imgleft][/imgleft]Kane walked down the hall and stairs, where Hamiya followed him, albeit slowly. The man eventually found his way to a small desk with inks and parchment. Here, he quickly scribbled a note.

A proclamation for peace.
The corrupt shall be removed, lest more disturbing things happen.

-Courtesy of the Rebellion.

Kane tore the parchment and rolled it up, handing it to Princess Hamiya who began to walk up, having lagged behind.
"Hold this," Kane ordered the body. She raised her hand and grasped the parchment.

Kane sat down on an old crate near the makeshift table, and thought for a moment on how to say his next order. These servants of his were incredibly simple. They could not understand too complicated a task. How shall he speak so the late Princess would understand him and do as he asked?

"Deliver the parchment to the Emperor," The man finally stated, stroking his chin. He wondered, did she remember the way? He did not want her to return, either, but he supposed one sentence would be enough. She would simply stand lifeless once the Emperor read the message, would she not?

Her arm still outstretched, she turned with a moan and began her slow walk from the slums to the palace. With her level of speed, it would likely take her the full day to finally reach the palace. And then who knew if they would even let her in? Surely they would. It was Princess Hamiya, afterall. Even if a "ghost".

Once the girl left, he laughed at his own stupidity. He felt a strange guilt, a strange wanting to be with her. But he knew this was for the better.
"Fate is in your hands, now!" he shouted to no one in particular, as he outstretched his hands.
Perhaps he was trying to talk to God.

Standing, he trotted over to one of his more human disciples and shook him awake.
"I sent a girl with a parchment to the palace. She travels slowly. Stay out of sight and don't interfere, but report back to me if the parchment is taken, no matter by who."

The man nodded, a bit confused, but nonetheless got up from his place on the pew and jogged off to follow the late Princess Hamiya's jaunt into town.

[align=right]Location: Abandoned mausoleum in the slums ('Rebellion HQ')[/align]
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Beauty & the beast

I took over for someone else's character and only made a few posts.
[[Notes to self.]]

Jᴀʀᴇᴛʜ Vᴏɴ Cᴏʀᴛɪᴀ
24 (looking, at least)
human at night
beast at day
Hates his servants.
Killed his last girlfriend (which is how he got cursed)
Can leave the house
curse takes form of key in his study
key unlocks drawer where he keeps ex-gf's ashes.

Jᴀʀᴇᴛʜ Vᴏɴ Cᴏʀᴛɪᴀ

After Jareth reached his study, he heard the woman leave and shut the door behind her. His shoulders slumping, his hands laying by his sides, he stood wearily for a moment. Waiting.
Really, he was simply collecting his thoughts. But those thoughts were never collected. Never would be.

His head turned and he snorted fiercely, his horns turning with the rest of him as he stormed back out into the hallway.
"IDIOTS!" He yelled to the animated objects that were his servants.
He swept a violet-furred arm over the table, tossing all the items over the side.

The cup and tea kettle shattered into pieces as they screamed.
So fragile.
The candelabra shouted, "Master, what are you doing?!"

With another snort, the heaving beast glared at the floor. "What were you doing talking to her?! Do you think we need another person here?" He shook his head, the horns knocking against the walls with the action. "No!!"

The candelabra spoke up again. "But, master, what have you done to Cup? Master?!" The object got up on its stand and futilely tried to piece the cup together, a task impossible without fingers or glue. After a few failed tries, he went over to the tea kettle, determined not to be useless.

"Leave me alone!" The beast grunted, walking back to the study.
"And don't let her back in!" He slammed the door shut behind him. "If you are of any use at all," he grumbled.

Jareth had spent the majority of the day sleeping in his study. That was all he seemed to do. Stew and sleep.

His servants, on the other hand, had spent the same amount of time trying to find glue and make it work for Cup and Tea Kettle.
The two feather dusters had come across a small tube of glue, and had taken turns sweeping it over to the main hallway near Candelabra and the pottery.

"Thanks, Feathers," Candelabra stated. They spent the next few hours trying to unscrew the cap, squeeze out glue, apply it to Cup, and piece things together.
By the time sunset had hit, Candelabra had managed to get Cup about half pieced together, though his sides didn't fit perfectly at all and there was extra amounts of glue everywhere.

"This is futile. Just stop Candelabra," Tea Kettle grimly whispered from her shattered remains nearby.
"It's not," Candelabra said, growing frustrated. Being the only item with any hope of mobility and coordination, he had to do everything. "Just give it time."

Just then, they heard noises outside the door. The clock on chimed the dong of imminent doom.
"Oh no, she's coming back!" Clock squealed.

"What do we do?!"

"I don't want to die!" Cup cried. "Don't let her in, Candelabra!"
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Of Fate and Blood
[imgright]Photo by S Q

It was a new city, and a new night. The city lights lit up the place. But not the back of the bars. Not the alleyways. Not the side streets the hobos called home. And that was just the way Q liked it.
Having come to this city only days before, he'd already made contact with the appropriate shady characters and had netted himself a new gig. That gig included going to a sports bar and taking out some guy who'd slept with the wrong person.

So at promptly 9pm, the 23 year old entered "The Flying Pigs" Sports bar. With a full head of grey hair, curious whisker-like facial tattoos, and a large scar over his face, the man appeared much older than he truly was. The fact that he was a chronic smoker helped complete the haggard facade. Sunglasses were pushed up ontop of his grey hair as he walked calmly to the bar, plastering a fake smirk on his face. He ordered two irish car bombs.

After a quick glance around the room, he saw his target sitting at a table with his eyes on a TV. What he was watching, Q couldn't tell. The 23 year old's eyes didn't do too well with light. The TVs in the bar were old CRTs, and they just looked bright white to his vision.

Regardless, the drinks were delivered and Q took the two over to his Target, John. On the way there, his gait changed to that of a man who had had a few too many drinks.

He plopped the glasses on the table and immersed himself in his act.
"Hey! We should celebrate!" He said, his voice a bit slurred.

"Dude, I think you got the wrong--" John attempted to say.

Q patted John on the back. "You have to try this. Irish carbomb. Have you ever had it before? On me!"

John looked at Q quizzically, but Q continued on, pushing the large glass mug toward John, then putting the shot glass next to it.

"You take the shot like this," Q said, taking his own shot and placing it at the top of his glass. "Let it fall and then chug!"
He made sure to look over before actually putting the shot in his own glass-- he wanted to make sure John would follow suit.
Seeing that it wasn't immediately happening, he pushed John's shot glass into the other man's hand.
"C'mon man, you're not gonna puss out on me, are you?!"

John wasn't one to back out of a challenge, so they both dropped the shot in the glass and chugged afterward.

Q, being quite adept at this level of drinking, finished first and slammed his glass on the table. John finished only a split second later. "Hah!" Q poked him.

"Oh come on, that ain't even fair!" John shouted back.

"Not fair? I'll show you what ain't fair, my friend. What ain't fair is that Cyrus told me..." He lowered his voice, "He told me you were in the market for a bike, so I told him I'd give you a deal. That's why we're celebrating, here. It's a Kawasaki Ninja. You interested?"

"Hell yeah!" John lit up.
"It's out back, I'll show it to you."

With that, Q went over to the back door, John following. Once they were outside in the darkness and behind the building, Q pulled the knife from its sheath at his hip.
Normally, he wore both a gun and a knife in shoulder holsters. But tonight it was only the knife at his hip, covered by the tails of his maroon-chested, black long sleeved dress shirt.

Now that they were alone, Q had every intention of slitting the man's throat.

Moonlighthunter111 wrote:Living on the streets was difficult for most, and dangerous at best. That was if the person wasn't a seer like Rowan. The slim teen used what he could to hide and stay away from most people. It was for the best with his visions mostly came from contact with people, and without that contact he managed to keep what he saw away from those that would drag him away.

The back entrance to the bar was one of the few places he managed to get decent food from what was thrown out. When two people exited his crimson eyes narrowed slightly, debating if he should just slip away. After all with his dark hoodie and jeans, Rowan very nearly blended with the shadows if it weren't for the bright blue backpack he had. Everything was worn, dirty even but he did his best with what resources were available.

Still he did notice the knife and cleared his throat to speak. "Run," soft, and intended for the man without a knife, even when his own hand brushed against the grey haired one's arm for a moment as he pushed off from the wall he had been leaning on.

It was all the contact he needed to catch a glimpse of what could happen if it wasn't stopped. Murder. No, that would draw more attention to the area then he wanted. "I suggest you reconsider what you are about to do. Police would be here far too quickly to get away easily."


Q only briefly noticed the other person, but heard what he said loud and clear.
John heard it too, and his eyes looked a bit shocked, finally noticing the knife Q was pulling.

Rowan then said something about police, but Q, having been at this for a while, wasn't going to let a distraction work against him. He knew the stranger was wrong about the police. He grabbed John with his right hand and brought the knife up with his left. But John had turned to run off, and thanks to the warning by the stranger, he slipped through Q's fingers.
Apparently Jack wasn't as drunk as Q had thought he was.

Q turned and snarled, his green eyes facing the stranger for a moment before trying to run after John-- but it was too late, the other man must've been some sort of olympic sprinter, because he was gone.

His green eyes full of rage, he turned back to the kid in the black robe, his teeth bared while he let out a loud, rage-filled roar. He lifted the knife toward the boy's neck in a threatening manner.
But he wouldn't kill the kid. Q never killed anyone he wasn't hired to kill. It made things too messy for him. Even if they saw his face.
It wasn't like it mattered. Q was good at running.

But even still, he'd pretend to be on the edge of debating whether or not he should kill him.
Because fuck this kid, that's why.

"I hope you're fucking happy, kid!" He yelled.

Now he was going to have to leave town early.

Moonlighthunter111 wrote:A faint smile tugged at Rowan's expression with seeing that the other had gotten away. Still having a knife pointed at him wasn't a very pleasant way to end things. "I am, but the other gentleman won't make it to call the police." The words were said, though his gaze seemed far off and looking through the angered male.

The teen shook his head, focus returning to his expression. Well that was not the best time for a vision to force itself onto him. Still his outward expression seemed calm, if a bit curious about the other. "My name's Rowan if you care. I won't go to the cops anyway." Nope, they'd just find some excuse to lock up the seer the instant they knew what he could do.

All in all the streets were safer for somebody who wasn't accepted by society. There had only been a few seers that did loose their minds, and that was from not learning their gift. Rowan kept his guard up, knowing he wouldn't be able to stop the other if he did choose to get rid of a witness.

[imgright]Photo by S Q
Q narrowed his eyes and snorted, turning and stepping away from the boy.

"No, I don't care," he replied, in regards to the kid saying his name.

He looked to where John had run off and decided to sheath his knife and begin walking quickly in that direction. As if he was going to take some kid's word for where John was going to go? Forget it.
Q either needed to go find this guy and kill him by tonight or he needed to leave town by morning.He wasn't going to stick around unless John died within the next few hours.

And he certainly wasn't interested in having a conversation with some strange kid.

Moonlighthunter111 wrote:"He's already dead..." Rowan shook his head, and could only hope that the other didn't hear him. It was time to just go find somewhere else to hide until he could get some kind of meal. The seer usually just slept near a dumpster with a tarp over himself to stay dry and hidden.

Sometimes it didn't work, but it was better than being locked up somewhere for being what he was. The only clue that his sight was correct on the gentleman was t he sound of an ambulance a few blocks away. Well, at least he didn't die for murder. The teen shrugged, his steps even as he walked through the darkened alley ways and side streets. It was Rowan's home after all, and he had seen enough of his visions to know that fate couldn't be changed all the time, only stalled.
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catch me if you can 1
Arikame wrote: This is a private rp thread, please do not post unless you have been invited by either myself or Bornes.

It was late, even for this part of town.

There was a light drizzle outside from the storm that had passed and the rest of the city had long fallen asleep under it, but you would never have known that from inside the bustling, noisy bar at the very edges of the entertainment district.
Just barely noticeable abouve the buzz of voices music and stylish outfits someone called for shots, waving over a lean, dark-skinned woman dressed in a crisp red buisness shirt, suspenders and a black skirt. This month's theme was simple, a costume party.
"What can I get ya, stranger?"

The woman whose nametag red "Anjuli" tipped her fedora and listened carefully to the young man's request for an extra serving of wings and shots to go along with them, and nodded as she moved to grab the food and drink. Thin brows lowered with a light pout as she returned with the order, having been passing quick glances toward the back where her client sat comfortably with a tall glass of his own order near the back entrance, just as she'd instructed.. It wouldn't be long until her shift was up, then she could get the hell out of here and get this guy back to his home she assured herself, while waving to the 'wings guy' with a smile. Between keeping an eye on both the crowd and her informant, the young woman pretending to be a steely-hearted mobster couldn't help but feel a little antsy.

[imgright]250px tall to self:
Anjuli is a rival but love interest.
Q smokes a pack a day.
Sorry for taking so long.]]

Bornes had arrived about half an hour a go and had been drinking at the bar. The person he wanted to deal with was in the back corner-- he'd looked to him once, but aside from that kept to himself, sucking on a cigarette in between drinks.
He'd done one job like this before, and last time he was drunk, so this time he may as well at least get tipsy, first.

He supposed he would start this gig off the same way he had started the last one, and ordered two irish car bombs. When they came, he stood up and turned to the table near the back entrance, taking them with him.

Bornes was 24 years old, had a full head of grey hair, and was wearing sunglasses indoors. He wore a suit, all black, with the exception of a white dress shirt and a maroon vest with matching tie. Between his legs was a long, black tail that went down to his knees. The tail was real and normally hidden away in his pants, but this place had a costume theme. It was uncomfortable for his tail to be tucked away, so he figured there was nothing to lose by letting it out in this environment. It was long and wispy, somewhat reminiscent of a horse's. His grey hair covered his ears and was parted to one side in an attempt to hide a scar that passed diagonally over his nose.

When he got to the table, he smiled.
"Hey, man, long time, no see!" he said, a slight european accent escaping him.
"I heard about the big thing," he said, keeping it vague. "That's cause to celebrate!"

He put the mug and shot glass of the second irish car bomb on the table.

"Come on, drink up!" he urged, pushing the mug toward the guy.
"What, you don't know how to do it? Like this!"

Bornes took the shot glass and dropped it in the mug. As the shot fizzed up, Bornes bent over closer to the man. "Now you chug it while it mixes! Gogogo! It's on me, yeah?"

He let the shot glass drop into his own glass and drank his own drink, trying to peer pressure the man.

The drink wasn't poisoned or anything, of course. Bornes, also known as Q, was just trying to confuse the man and get him drunk pretty fast. Then he'd come up with an excuse to get him outside and shoot him-- or knife him, depending. The 24 year old had shoulder holsters on under his suit jacket. Under his right arm, a glock pistol. His left, a knife.

Arikame wrote:
There was a lull in the flow of customers coming to the counter, for which Anjuli sighed in relief while she looked over each person sitting at the bar. There was a group of people dressed as a jack, king, queen and ace of spades and they made quite a sight too she thought, shaking her head as she made herself a plain old italian soda. Next the woman's eyes fell upon a co-worker on break dressed as Alice of all people, to whom she nodded with a grin.. But wait, she could have sworn someone else was in that seat just moments before. Where had they gone?

Anjuli now curious and for lack of anything better to do, looked out toward the crowds and little groups that occupied the tables and couches but found no sign yet of the man whom she remembered being dressed in all black. She thought she'd spotted him but upon closer inspection it was a couple of guys dressed as the M.I.B. Well maybe he was somewhere upstairs she pondered, sipping on her drink until she'd looked back to check up on her informant to make sure that he was still comfortable. That was cause for another breath of relief. A chuckle followed it however upon noticing that the person she was originally looking for had also decided to park himself there, and by the looks of it the two were apparently acquaintances.

She had to admit, this guy's choice of dress seemed sort of ordinary and yet at the same time with the grey hair, sunglasses and -is that a tail? He certainly fit right in. Especially with that last feature. Heck she couldn't help staring a bit, head in arms while she wondered just how much time it must have taken to make such a life-like costume piece. She would have loved to get a closer look sometime before the night was over, but that thought brought her back to exactly why she couldn't, looking down toward her watch. "Shift's almost over."

Just to make sure her client was aware she waved until she was able to get his attention, then pointed toward her wrist with a tilt of her head as if to indicate the need to leave. When he signalled for 'ten more minutes' she made a show of rolling her eyes and shook her head. "No"
He of course was having too much fun and asked again, almost begged as he kept making half-drunken hand signals for more time as if to say "C'mooon.", and he even threw his arm over his friend's shoulder hoping for some support on the matter. Anjuli figured her client was probably only doing it for the free drinks but then again she supposed a few more couldn't hurt, maybe he wanted a little more time to catch up with his light haired pal and all, whom she fixed with a questioning look. It was nothing serious judging by the way she tried to hide her growing grin, even though her shoulders shook every few moments.

[imgright]250px tall it's fine. I left it intentionally vague because I had assumed you would control him. But I guess we'll share him.]]

The 'informant' took to Q almost immediately. But his attention seem distracted. Bornes looked over to what the cause was, and it seemed to be a bar tender.

"You dating her?" Q joked.

"Ah, no, we're-- we're just friends." the informant answered as he wordlessly made hand signals in an attempt to gain more time.

Bornes moved to block the informant's view of the woman, and playfully tugged at the man's arm.
"You know what? She's no fun. Let's ditch her. I got some Japanese drinks in my car. It's like, vodka with a rattlesnake in it. It will get you way fucked up!" Bornes cajoled the other, who seemed very into getting more drunk.

Of course, Bornes had no car nor did he have any of that alcohol. He managed to get the informant out the back entrance and began to jog to what seemed like a parking lot.

He turned around briefly, the man falling a bit behind, "C'mon man, you're not THAT drunk, are you?" Q teased.

"What are you even supposed to BE?" the informant spat, remarking on Q's costume, jogging to catch up.

Bornes reached in his suit jacket and pulled out his pistol, which conveniently already had a suppressor attached.

"James Bond," he answered, shooting the man in the head.
The informant went down to the ground, and Bornes put his gun away, trotting over to the fallen body. He quickly dragged the body to a dumpster.

He took the wallet out of the pocket before attempting to shove the body into the trash.

Arikame wrote:
If said staff member were able to hear thier banter she would have been just as quick to object to the question, but as it were she could only watch while the new guy was overshadowed by his new drinking buddy, and tossing her arms up into the air with a huff Anjuli moved to the storeroom to grab her walking stick and jacket. Even though it had only taken a minute to get her things, sign out and return to the counter to grab her unfinished drink, it was all the time needed for the bodyguard to return to a couple of empty seats. One of which being where her client should have been waiting!
Her heart leapt into her throat.
With nothing more than a quick "Night!" to the Alice cosplayer she rushed to the back and out the door on fast feet, cursing her careless informant the whole way down the hallway leading to the exit. Didn't he know the meaning of "Stay within eyesight!?" Apparently not, and now it had cost both him and her as she was about to find out..
"Ugh! I give you your ten minutes and what do you do?! y-" Anjuli had started, had actually been ready to drag the guy back inside by his ear even when the sight before her had the words die in her throat.
"...O-oh god." Mismatched eyes landed on the bloodstain first, but that wasn't the only thing had her standing shocked and speechless, no. It was the fact that it had taken just one look away, just one little slip and now the corpse of her only lead was currently being tossed out with the rest of the trash.
And by none other than his so-called 'friend'. "You..." She stared at the killer, the thumb of her right hand pressed hard against the stick in it's grip until it shook. This... This couldn't be happening!

[imgright]250px tall tossed the body into the dumpster with a grunt while a woman came outside, shaking a stick at him. He looked at her through his sunglasses, immediately taking out his gun and pointing it at her.

As soon as he's flipped the safety off his gun and looked straight at her eyes to aim the shot, his own eyes behind his sunglasses began to glow a bright green, and he got the worst headache he'd ever had. It felt like someone had stabbed him straight through the ear and into his brain. He called out and dropped the gun, holding pushing his hands to his ears as blank noise filled his hearing and his eyes saw nothing but white.

After that, his world went dark and his unconscious body fell to the ground.

Arikame wrote: Although she couldn't see his eyes behind those sunglasses she could feel them staring straight back into her own, and once the safety came off her cane was out in front of her in the blink of an eye, expecting at least a few bullets with her name on them. That's when she saw the bright glow behind the shades and the hardened look on her face lightened into confusion.
"What the hell? Who is this guy!?"
Luckily for her no bullets were fired, far from what she prepared for in fact when the mystery man dropped his gun in the midst of what looked like a splitting headache or at least it had to be that bad, considering what he was about to do.

The second he hit the ground she scooped up the gun and pocketed it before turning to the killer, no sense in taking any chances. Then after a couple nudges and no response an idea hit, one she at once regretted.

It was stupid at best.
It was dangerous at worst.
But if Anjuli wanted answers -and possibly any money out of this failed job- then she had no other choice, and so.
"I swear to god if you try anything i'll snap you in half, you hear me?" She grumbled despite the guy probably being unable to hear her, as she picked up the taller man into her arms and took the shortest, quietest route back home...

[imgright]250px tall came to about an hour and a half later on a couch. He still had a headache. He didn't remember passing out. He immediately sat up in a hurry, grabbing for his gun. It wasn't there.

He grabbed for his knife in the other holster. It was present. He withdrew it and kept it at the ready, willing to slash his captor. Her legs were over his torso. Bornes slammed his body into her lower legs and tried to roll off the couch.

Arikame wrote: While she as waiting for the stranger to come to she hadn't noticed him stir, not until he reached for his gun. A very smug smirk grew across her face for that, smart move. But she hadn't seen the knife coming, nor the attempt to throw her off.
Before she could react Anjuli was thrown off with a yelp, but rolled back a few steps away and scrambled to her feet now standing near the door.
"Easy, i'm not gonna kill you. Yet." Remembering the gun she'd swiped off him eariler she pulled it out and aimed, holding it in both hands. She wasn't very fond of these things, but...
"Start talking. Or else."

[imgright]250px tall managed to roll on the floor and stop at a kneel, his right hand on the floor and his left holding the knife at the ready. His tail was held high behind him, and his gaze went to the gunt he woman pulled out.

His gun.

He growled, lifted his upper lip in disgust.

"Talking about what?" he said, the eyes behind his sunglasses traveling from the gun to her face. "There's nothing to sa-- Augh!" As soon as he made eye contact with her, the headache came back full-force. He immediately turned his gaze away, his entire body tightening up.

"The fuck did you do to me?" He spat, taking large breaths as the pain began to slowly fade away. It didn't take a genius to figure out that whatever the problem was, was caused by looking at her eyes.

For the moment, though, he just looked at the floor, bringing his knife closer to himself, but still pointed toward the other woman.

Arikame wrote: The look on his face told her everything she needed to know before he even spoke, and he wasn't happy he'd had his toy confiscated. A silent chuckle for that but it stopped quickly enough when he'd made it clear he wasn't keen on blabbing.
Then, for some strange reason the guy had what she assumed to be another painful headache and he'd grown tense as he accused her of having done something to him. Now she was confused. Well even moreso than before. And just why was he suddenly so interested in the floor?

"W-what? What are you talking about?" Eyes narrowed then in a look of suspision, lowering her gun just a little as the barista took a step forward. "I didn't do anything to yo-"
But she stopped mid-step when it clicked. While she sure as hell couldn't figure out the why, this hitman could not keep eye contact with her. And oh, did a wicked smile strike her.
"Ohh, I see now. Well this certainly puts new meaning to the term 'so beautiful it hurts, dosen't it?" Anjuli leant back against the wall now, feeling enough at ease at this point to start twriling the pistol though she remained mindful of the fact her guest was still armed.

"But listen pup" She began, eyes settling on the tail in the air then falling back to the odd man as she brushed her free hand through her hair, and that taunting smile eventually wore down into something a little more serious.
"The only thing I did was carry your sorry ass back here after you passed out. Which I might add was after you killed my only lead. Maybe you'll tell me something after a staring contest?" Really she'd thrown on that last bit as a joke, but it was seeming like a better idea the further the seconds ticked by.

[imgright][/imgright]Bornes took a deep breath, closing his eyes and concentrating on her voice and her footsteps. His tail slowly lowered to floor as he tried to recover from the aftereffects of the splitting headache.

"You're not beautiful," he muttered, mostly to himself.

"It's not my fault you decided to carry me to your house. You could've just left me at the bar." He turned his head from her, opening his eyes and standing up, holstering his knife. His eyes found their way to his gun in her hand.

"I just kill people and get paid. I don't plan anything anything out or ask any questions. Even if I cared to help you, I don't know anything. Now give me back my gun."

Arikame wrote: She could have sworn she heard a retort but wasn't quite sure, truth be told she had expected some sort of sharp-tongued reply but either way...
Tilting her head Juli crossed her arms, sighing softly after the hitman had decided to speak up and after he'd revealed he was just a hired gun she felt.. defeated. The trail really did end here it would seem.

"Guess you have a point there." She conceeded, offering a shrug. "And I suppose if you wanted to kill me you already would have tried. Or tried again."
Despite all that a few things were prodding at the back of her head and she wasn't sure whether or not to ask, whoever he was he certainly didn't seem normal since noone she knew or heard about ever got flash migraines at the sight of somebody else. That by itself was cause for a few more questions.

"Alright, but i've got one more thing to ask -and it may seem stupid but." Anjuli eased herself from the wall as she spoke, and approached the taller man until she was little more than arm's length away. "That tail is.. is it real?" It was hard not to stare with the way it moved and looked, but it couldn't be... could it?

[imgright][/imgright]"You're smart," he replied, in reference to him not killing her.
He brought his head up and started looking around for the door. Then she asked about his tail.

He frowned, but tried to not seem too insulted by the question. "Yeah," was all he offered.
He began to walk toward the door, uninterested in staying.

Arikame wrote: Well, that was off her chest now but judging by the short answer it was clearly something he was asked often, and she felt bad for being the umpteenth person to repeat it. Among all the thoughts bothering her another one came to mind though, and as he made for the door it finally hit her.
There were in fact, people who did share the same reactions that this fellow had gone through, but it was put so far out of mind from her own confusion (and maybe a touch of denial) that the issue remained off to the side. Until now that is.

"So you must be one of them." How could he not be. "It all adds up. The headaches, the tail, the glasses." She listed them off in a matter-of-fact tone, then going almost quiet she muttered.
"You're a.. which means.." It still seemed so odd to her, almost surreal.
catch me if you can 2
[imgright][/imgright]Bornes stopped and turned around, looking at her mouth.

"I'm a what?" Finish that thought, he urged her, mentally.

Bornes had never met anyone like him, before. No one with a tail, no one with daylight sensitivity. He'd never experienced the random headaches before but certainly he'd never met anyone like that, either.

The mercenary considered himself purely human. He was in denial about any other possibility. But her inference said there were tons of people like him. And that was something slightly worth investigating if it were true.

Arikame wrote: Again Anjuli crossed her arms, biting her lip a moment before finally accepting reality with a heavy sigh. She was a little surprised in the man's sudden interest but nevertheless finished that sentence, if nothing else for the sake of getting it out there.

"... A demon." Hm. Somehow it didn't feel so bad to actually say it. Still felt weird though. They just weren't supposed to actually exist and yet, here she was talking to one! And there it was, the sense of reluctant acceptance creeping up on her if her slightly pursed lips and narrowed eyes were any indicator.
"Funny how that worked out..."

[imgright][/imgright]Bornes snorted, regretting ever turning back.

"Yeah, sure," he said sardonically, heading back to the door.

"I have x-ray vision and can possess people, too." He walked out the door.
But not two seconds later, he came back in, and marched right up to her, close and personal.

He reached his hand out. "You still have my gun. You're not keeping it."

Arikame wrote: Alright now that, she had to hold back her laughter at and had half a mind to snicker something to the effect of "I bet you could", but kept it to herself.
She failed to hold back the startled yelp however, when she quickly found herself way too close to the stranger and was almost too distracted by the invasion of personal space to register the words she heard, since she was still staring at his chest. Damned height difference.
"Uh Wh-what? Yeah s-sure. Whatever here take it." A quick shake of the head to unscramble her thoughts and her hand moved to her pocket, about to hand it over when once again, another possibly stupid idea struck. What was up with her tonight?

Slowly the bodyguard stepped back with the beginnings of a sly smile on her lips. Despite the lucky (or unlucky) turnout of events, he still owed her for that failed job. Looks like the woman was having a change of heart.
"Or you know what? Maybe i'll hang onto it until you can pay me back." Plus, she had yet to get a name out of him and with the discovery she hoped to ask a few more questions. And if she were honest with herself, it just felt good to get back at him for tonight's trouble.

[imgright][/imgright]Bornes was just about to take it from her peacefully when she snapped it back like a 12 year old getting jealous over a toy.

"Maybe indicates you're unsure, so I'd advise you give it back before I quit playing nice with you," Bornes stated, unemotional. Really he was starting to get angry. But he hid it in hope he could avoid a fight.

Arikame wrote: "Playing nice?" She repeated, now unable to help snickering as she took another big step back.

"Ha. Ha. Oh you're one to talk mister hitman. If by nice you mean shoot my paycheck, then sure, you've been a real saint." She rolled her eyes and shook her head a bit for emphasis, and was that a challenge? Because if she didn't know any better Juli certainly thought it was, and try as she might the lady felt compelled to answer to it. Impulsive and childish as it was.

And so she hopped up onto the lamptable with that grin firmly set in place, raising a leg to cross over the other while she made a show of getting comfortable.
"I don't think I need your advice, and I also don't think you need your gun back, either." There was an invisible "Jerk" Added to the end of that, but it remained implied rather than said aloud.

[imgright][/imgright]He sighed, mostly in annoyance.

He watched her set herself up on a table, and then he slowly withdrew his knife again.

He put it in his left hand, and debated with himself what sort of action he should take from here. Eventually he gripped the knife so the blade was pointing behind him as his hand was at his side.

He shoved himself forward quickly, bringing the knife up in effort to swipe across the woman's neck in one swift movement.

Arikame wrote: For just a moment, the more sane side of herself debated putting a stop to her posturing and simply giving back the item, but once the knife came out she knew, with a bit of a thrill she'd later question, it that was a far gone option by now. That and her pride would never allow it anyhow.

Backhanded, and in the left too Anjuli noted with a hum of amusement, the same way she often weilded her own blade. But the thought was put aside as soon as he moved. This man was fast, faster than she thought he would be and with no time to jump off the table she relaxed and let herself lean backward, just quick enough to avoid having her throat slit. It was enough however, for a red line to appear within seconds of where the blade had barely cut skin and in the same motion she twisted onto her side while her right leg shot out, hoping to launch the brute back.

[imgright][/imgright]Almost immediately after Bornes had made little contact with the other woman's throat, she kicked out at him before he could dodge. It went right into his ribs and he let himself fall, rolling away from the hit.

He got on his arms and knees ad watched her for a moment, breathing through his mouth. After the first black out, he was getting ready to black out again and although he doubted she would kill him, he really didn't want his pride to go through the gutter. What he needed was to smoke, but it wasn't like he could do that in the middle of a fight.

He debated running, but he was attached to that gun. He didn't want to give it up.

He pushed himself back up, standing, and gave a growl from the bottom of his lungs. With the knife still in his left hand, he made a fist and moved to punch her in the face with it. And if he missed, well, the blade was there. So in a way it was a win-win for him.

Arikame wrote: Even as he rolled back she remained with her leg stretched out, the pleased smile that had appeared receeding only a little as she pulled back and returned to sitting. Watching him rise to his feet she was about to make another remark and had opened her mouth to speak, that is until that inhuman growl hit her ears causing her to flinch back, swallowing hard. Right, she wasn't exactly dealing with someone normal.
"What the hell was that?!"

Startled but determined not to lose Anjuli did her best to hide it behind a straight face, recovering by the time he'd brought down his fist toward her and once more she stayed put, choosing to sway the same way she had before as she brought up a hand, intending to grab the taller man and use his momentum to throw him forward. Sadly because of her plan she'd not taken the knife into account.
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Under The Bridge 1
This was a walk-in rp I made. Lori Lentil is not me... Not sure why. Maybe I took the account from someone else later? This rp happened in 2011.
[Q] wrote: [imgright]Photo by S Q. Raining. The man's premature grey hair stuck to his face as he walked swiftly under a nearby bridge. He wore dark sunglasses even in this low light, and a scowl on his tanned face. Once he was underneath the bridge and away from the rain, he ran his fingers through his hair, and away from his face, revealing a long diagonal scar across the bridge of his nose.
Next he tossed the violin case by his side to the ground with seemingly no care at and took off his black leather jacket, shaking the rain off.

He sneezed once, then gave a low growl to himself as a shiver went up his back. Underneath the jacket was a black dress shirt and maroon vest. He wore black dress pants as well, which were now sticking to his legs. It seemed that the man had been a performer or perhaps a bartender of somesort. At the very least had dressed somewhat formally for some sort of occasion, aside from the fact that despite all the niceties, he had on a pair of old black combat boots. Truth be told, the man really didn't have any fashion sense, and it was right when he was about to put his jacket back on when the violin case began to slip into the ravine.

It seemed the twenty four year old hadn't noticed until he had re-applied his leather jacket and popped the collar on-- as that was when the violin case plopped into the water.
Almost instantaneously, the man let out a hiss, shoving his sunglasses atop his silver head to reveal a pair of bright, bio-luminescent green eyes. He quickly bent over to grab the case from the water, cursing his oversight. His left hand grasped the handle and brought it to his torso, both hands grasping the case to slightly shake water free of it.

He briefly debated opening it to clean it more, but he wasn't sure he should out in the open.
After staring at the dripping hard case for a bit as if it would magically dry the thing -- and it didn't -- he looked out to the city with a small frown, wondering when it would stop raining.

Normally he wouldn't care about the rain, but as one of his hands freed to slide his sunglasses back on, he was reminded that he couldn't see in it with the specs, and he was too afraid to go out into town with them off. His eyes would give him away, and he'd had an eerie sense of being followed for quite some time.
If he were somewhere he knew, it wouldn't have mattered much, but now he was in a new town, having just passed the border a few hours a go. He hadn't exactly mapped out where everything was just yet.

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: Ashley walked -or rather, hobbled- towards the bridge from the direction of the town. One hand was clutching to a metal walking stick, the other was behind her back. She hummed a song, mumbling the words in a not-quite-audible fashion. One of her legs dragged as she walked, though it did not seem to cause her any pain.

Soaked all through, she was looking straight up as she walked towards the bridge completely oblivious to her surroundings. Her wide smile showed her crooked teeth.

[Q] wrote: [imgleft]Photo by S Q even a few minutes later, the man found himself staring off into space, his posture slumping with the case held loosely in his right hand. Almost hypnotized by the rain, he didn't seem to notice the hobbling girl or her singing until she was rather near to him.

His head popped up once he finally realized the singing wasn't just in his head, and there was a strange dragging sound. The man's eyes narrowed behind the sunglasses, and he took a quick step back.

"Who are you?" He grumbled, his voice gravelly from over-abuse of cigarettes and alcohol. A hint of a european accent remained, though it had been a long time since he had spoken his first language.

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: The girl, shocked by the sudden presence of the man -who must have just snuck up on her- swung her metallic walking stick towards the torso of the man as she shrieked, "Don't hurt me!" The walking stick looked almost to have been made out of silver.

Lori Lentil wrote: He hadn't seen rain like this in years. At least not since the trials for his priest hood, but that seemed to be a lifetime ago now. He had left the cloth years ago but kept the look. The simple, dark colors suited him well and his long black duster covered as much of his past as it did his body. Through the rain dripping off of the brim of his hat he could barely make out a bridge and two people standing under it as he cautiously made his way toward them. He couldn't be sure what it was but something was definately amiss tonight, and as these were the first two beings he had seen in quite some time, a prudent mind dictated caution.

[Q] wrote: [imgleft]Photo by S Q, sorry. I didn't realize you'd posted again when you PMed me, fingerbang. My bad.]]

The man's eyes widened when the girl shrieked, his teeth baring at the sound of her words. Then the metal rod came at him. He only saw a glint, the sunglasses making it very difficult to see much of anything. He brought up his violin case with both hands in an effort to block the rod-- but his assumption of where the rod was going was wrong.

The girl's metal stick struck him in the thigh and he let out a yelp of his own-- oddly high-pitched, as if a dog had just been kicked. His feet staggered a bit and he lost his balance for only the briefest of moments before he simply threw the hard case at where he believed the girl was, hoping to hit her head.

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: The girl -struck in the head- fell to the ground clutching her walking stick to her check as if scared to let go of it. She tried to get up, but was far too dazed to do so and only managed pathetic attempts. She began to crawl away, still hugging the stick closely to her chest. She was saying to herself "Tsu Rasa, et tu Rasa. Tsu Rasa, et tu Rasa. Tsu Rasa, et tu Rasa." over and over again as she crawled.

Lori Lentil wrote: The Priest watch the exchange and quickened his pace to the bridge to almost a dead sprint swearing under his breath that this was not how he wanted to end his journey this day. He also could have sworn that he had seen a flash of silver but the rain made it hard to distinguish details.

As he approached he could sense that these two were not the cause of the sense of foreboading he had felt on the appoach to the bridge and relaxed slightly, then greeted them both as warmly as he could. "Now, now my children there is no need for vilence on a night like this."

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: "Help, this man's attacking me." The girl yelled, still on the ground though much more alert. As far as she was concerned, this was entirely true, the man has snuck up to her and struck her. Still holding the walking stick to her chest, she used one of the pillars of the bridge to pull herself back to her feet. Leaning against it she looked frightened at the man, and pleadingly to the newcomer.

[Q] wrote: [imgright]Photo by S Q - as that was the man's name - looked down as he heard her fall and struggle to get up.
His shoulders moved visibly as he breathed through his mouth, slightly paranoid now. What was she saying? Was that spanish?

But he didn't have time to ask her anything about it as he clutched the violin case closer to chest.

Now, now my children, there is no need for violence on a night like this.

Another man came into the play. Bornes took another half-step back, assuming a defensive stance. The new man must've been wearing dark colors, as Bornes couldn't even make out a basic shape with the rain in the background.

"Who're--" But he was cut off by the girl claiming he had attacked her.

"She attacked me first!" He shouted, a growl emitting from deep in his throat. He was growing irritated now. Randomly encountering two people under a bridge? This was blasphemy. He needed to get out of here.

Lori Lentil wrote: "Easy both of you. There are far worse things to fear in this weather than each other. I pose no threat to either of you, so you may relax young man." He said as he made direct eye contact with tall man. "And as for you my dear," he said extending a hand to the young woman, "are you seriously injured?"

Drunken Happiness wrote: Karina saw the conflict a mile away, running to the bridge. She blew her whistle while holding up her hand.

She was police officer after all. And being dressed as such, it was her duty to keep the peace.

"Whoa! Whoa! What seems to be the problem here?"

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: "You tried to jump me." the girl insisted. She was upright again, but not using her walking stick to stand, it was still clutched tightly to her chest. She was a petite girl, dressed in a tight fitting boy's jacket, and baggy pants. Her shoes where mismatched, and one much larger than the other.

"I mean, I think he did. I know he was sneaking up on me... and look how suspicious he looks! He's probably a pervert." She said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

She stopped for a moment, and said "No, I mean yes, I'm fine." She put her walking stick back on the ground and started to walk away.

"Whoa! Whoa! What seems to be the problem here?"

"Nothing, everything is fine." She said to the officer as she continued to hobble away.
under the bridge 2
[Q] wrote: [imgright]Photo by S Q glared in the direction the other man's voice was coming from.
"If you pose no threat, then why did you come bolting over here?" He grumbled, suspicious.

Then the girl had her turn, calling him a pervert. He spat in her general direction, dropping his violin case so it was only held by his right hand at his side.

"This is ridiculous. You think that--" Again, he was interrupted by yet another person entering the scene. Running in, blowing a whistle. A police officer's whistle? What the fuck??
Bornes groaned when the woman came near, moving his eyes, still covered by the dark glasses, to the bridge above his six foot tall frame.

"There is no problem, officer," The man said softly, purposefully laying his accent on a bit thicker than it was previously. Those with keen ears would pick up that it was French.

Drunken Happiness wrote: Karina was no fool. Being a police officer for five years had made sure of that. And having just turned twenty-one as well as Lieutenant, she was damn sure that no one was going to pull the hood over her head.

"Uh huh, step back here missy," she said while forcibly pulling the seemingly blind girl back.

"No one is leaving here until I get some answers." She eyed the man with the french accent suspiciously.

"Now," she turned back to look at the blind girl, her hand still gripping the poor girl's arm tightly. "You say he was harassing you?"

Lori Lentil wrote: Still looking at the tall man who had been assaulted, the Priest said, "Yes why indeed should I come running to what sounded like someone in need of aid? There are often dark things lurking in darker places my friend." He swept his eyes around as if trying to see through something. Then apparently feeling satisfied spoke to the officer, "I certainly hope this won't take long, I have some business that requires my immediate attention in town."

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: Ashley glared, looking the officer directly in the eyes. "No. I was mistaken. We simply bumped into each other. Just a simple mistake. May I go now?" There was a large red spot on the left temple that was rapidly swelling. She was using her walking stick to prop herself up, as her left leg -with the much larger shoe- didn't seem to support any weight at all.

[Q] wrote: [imgleft]Photo by S Q grey haired man brought his head back to appear to look down to the others through his sunglasses, though in reality he could really only see the glint of the metal walking stick when it moved and the rough shape of the female police officer.

He shifted his weight as he simply listened to the conversations between the others. But then the other man, a spiritual man, spoke his last piece. So this guy was a preacher? Bornes fought against another grimace. Luckily his face only seemed to contain a small frown of displeasure, which could have easily been due to the situation with the police officer rather than the preacher.

"If the attention is so immediate, then you may as well leave now," he sniped back, cockily, ignoring the girl's comment.

Drunken Happiness wrote: "Excuse me?" Karina raised an eyebrow at the french man. "Are you purposely trying to piss me off or are you just stupid?"

"I said, no one leaves until I get to the bottom of this affair."

She turned towards Ashley, speaking in a slightly nicer tone. "I suppose that answers your question."

Finally, she addressed the preacher. Simultaneously, she pulled out an official notepad. "Sir, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to write this matter up. Whatever it is you have to do must wait. What is your name?"

Lori Lentil wrote: Hugo. Yes, Hugo would do nicely this time. No need for these people to know his real name or purpose here. Addressing the female officer he spoke, "Father James Hugo."

[Q] wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Bornes's frown deepened at the officer's response. He looked down to the violin case he couldn't actually see and cocked his neck just a bit.

I suppose I am just stupid, the man thought to himself.

The preacher called himself father hugo. The officer pulled out something and was asking questions now. She seemed pre-occupied.
Were the contents of his violin case really that necessary? Maybe he could do without it. It wasn't as if he hadn't started from nothing before. He could probably do it again.

But just in case, he'd try to hang onto it.

Right after the officer presumably began to write down the father's name, Bornes grabbed the neck of his violin case with both hands and went to slam it into the female cop's head. He had no idea where the father was at this point, so he hoped he wasn't in between him and the officer, whom he could just barely make out.

Regardless if the case hit her or not, assuming the woman didn't make some sort of counter-attack, Bornes would turn around and run the opposite direction, through the bridge, attempting to keep hold of the violin case while not tripping over anything.

Fingerbang my Heart wrote: Seeing Borne's charge Ashley leapt out of the way, with much more grace than previously shown. Spinning around, she watched to see how the incident would unfold.

Lori Lentil wrote: Hugo noticed the other man starting to move out of the corner of his eye as the officer's attention was completely focused on the matter of finding out who the simple preacher before her was. He had been hoping that someone would do something stupid. As he waited for the man to act, he crossed his arms in a feigned shiver and grasped the grip of one of the black silenced walther p99s that he had in his shoulder holster. Stupid he could deal with, but if the man got too stupid, well, there were greater things that needed doing.

Drunken Happiness wrote: Karina was in the middle of writing the "g" in "Hugo" when she suddenly felt something collide against her skull.

The attack was unexpected, and therefore, undefended. It made full impact. The next thing Karina saw was darkness.


Nicole Keenan had just stepped out of a local pub, about ten feet from where they stood, when she fell witness to the horrifying act.

While she didn't know all the circumstances, she knew how to put one and one together. A man, carrying some violin case, just struck a woman dressed in a cop's uniform. Who then fell to the ground, unmoving.

There were two others there as well but Nicole didn't know how they played in the crime.

"HEY!" she yelled to them, simultaneously drawing attention to those inside and outside the pub. "What do you think you're doing?!"

[Q] wrote: [imgleft][/imgleft]Bornes didn't bother looking back and simply ran. As he moved his legs swiftly, he adjusted his grip on the violin case so it again was held by the handle in his right hand while his left hand moved his sunglasses to reveal his glowing green eyes.

That was when some other woman from a building Bornes didn't care to read the name of shouted something at him, which he paid no heed to. He simply kept running, his case in his right hand while his glasses were now in the other. He needed to find another place to hide, preferably out of town.

But knowing him, he'd probably just end up in another extended stay hotel room somewhere.

[[I need to call it a night. Sorry. I'll continue this tomorrow if you guys are still willing. I'll be on around noon in GMT+9 time zone.]]

Lori Lentil wrote: The Priest couldn't believe his luck when the officer dropped and the man had taken off in the opposite direction. Making the best of the opportunity afforded him Father 'Hugo' took off into the city himself muttering under his breath a quick prayer for the fortunate intervention. Ducking into an alley he ran as fast as he could toward the old church where his contact would be waiting for him trying to lose anyone that may be following him and praying that everyone would decide to follow the one that assaulted the officer. Smiling to himself as he ran he thought about how he should thank the good samaritan with the case.

then on page 7..
[Q] wrote: [[Bah. Sorry. Work caught me up and I wasn't able to get away when I said I would. Looks like the RP kind of veered away from everything though, so I suppose I will start over. Px]]

NEW INTRO/SETTING POST[imgright][/imgright]

About a week had passed since the last events, and Bornes found himself in a new town, in a new suit, with the same old violin case, although an attempt at cleaning the outside had taken place so it didn't appear to be so battered. Still, it was clear to any observer that the case had seen better days.

Bornes himself, a six foot tall, slender man, wore a tuxedo this time. A maroon vest over a white dress shirt and underneath a black blazer. A black bowtie, and slacks of the same color would have completed the outfit were it not for the unstylistic combat boots on his feet. It seemed these were the only shoes he ever wore, and would ever wear for quite some time. However, there was some recompense in the fact that the man had at least taken the effort to blacken and shine the boots.

It was three in the afternoon, the sun was high, and Bornes's black sunglasses were pushed tight to his eyes, his grey eyebrows creased together and the almost ever-present scowl framed his face. His right hand held the case by his knees while he walked down the sidewalk, his left hand running its fingers through his full head of premature grey hair. He was only 23, but it was difficult to tell, as abuse of tobacco and alcohol had aged his face. Of course, the diagonal scar across the bridge of his nose probably didn't help him too much, either.

His aim now was just to get out of the sun. It wasn't hot, it was just bothering his eyes.
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unnamed freeform
[Q] wrote:

Quatre Bornes, or Q or short, was 25 now. Sitting on the staircase leading to a chapel, he clutched his anti-tank rifle haphazardly in his arms, a half-empty bottle of whiskey loosely held in the fingertips of his left-hand. Everything was so white here, but it still seemed horrid.
The sun was high, and even though Q's black sunglasses were on, he couldn't see a damned thing. Or a holy thing, considering his location. Currently hunched over, the hilt of the rifle on a bottom stair, his eyes pointed downward, it was almost as if he were asleep. He wished he were, but his body was filled with aching pain. He didn't know what he was doing here or how he got here, or why the hell he even had such a huge gun. He'd never remembered needing one for any job.
When was the last time he'd gone a job, anyway?

His blind eyes wavered over to where he assumed his left hand was, but his cheek hit the barrel of the rifle, and he grunted, bringing his head back down and closing his eyes. He dropped the glass bottle, listening to the glass hit and bounce down a few stairs, alcohol pouring out.

Everything felt like a really bad hangover. He was just... Fatigued. His full head of premature grey hair was matted to his face, unkempt, a diagonal scar running across his nose. Atop his tanned skin he also had a pair of black triangles on either side of his face, resembling what could've been some sort of hybrid between whiskers and gills on his chin. They were supposed to make him look intimidating. Now he just felt like a circus freak.

That wasn't even the worst part, however. He had a tail. It, unlike his head of grey hair, was black. It lay limp near his legs on a stair. Q attempted to move it, but groaned instead.

There were a pair of footsteps, then. Then another. Then a bell tolled, and a massive wave of footsteps-- people all walking around him, ignoring him. The chatter started. Q grit his teeth, his grip tightening on the rifle. The sound bombarded his eardrums. It was as if he could feel every vibration throughout his entire body, even resonating through whiskers in his tail. And it hurt.

Make it stop, Make it stop, makeitstop, makeitstop, makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop... Q thought over and over, trying to make the voice in his head louder than the commotion around him.

Then, a large flash. He knew he was alone, though he was still blinded by the sun and on stairs.
"Do you believe in magic?" A voice near to him said.

Q gave a whimper mimicking that of a dog's.

"Do you believe in God?" the voice pressured.

Had Q been in a more sober mind, he would've wondered about how someone could correlate god with magic so swiftly, but he still hurt all over. A shudder went up his spine.

"I believe in it if it will help me," he whispered, his own voice feeling foreign.

"Do you believe in magic?" the voice asked again.

Q looked up, his eyes still closed. He pushed his chin over the rifle's barrel and tried to face the voice. A hand came to the man's face, petting his grey hair as if he were a pet that should be comforted before he was put down.
That's what this situation felt like.
Q was going to die.

"I don't want to die," Q whined, trying to push his head into the hand.

He tried to open his green eyes to see who was speaking to him, but the light flooded his vision, making everything burn.

And that was just how he awoke.
His eyes opened, sunglasses down on his nose and not protecting his sensitive orbs, the little sunlight there was burning his irises.

Q gasped, pushed his sunglasses to his face, his brows creasing as he tried to fight the headache. Too much light. He had to get out of the light. Where was he? Why had he been sleeping? All that church shit was just a dream?

He was lying down on something hard. Pushing himself up, he waited for his eyes to adjust, realizing he was now sitting on some sort of bench. His tail was safely tucked away inside his pants, out of sight. He looked about, trying to get a grip of his surroundings. There was a large black seabag near the bench. That was his, though why he'd put it down somewhere not directly in his care irked him slightly. The large duffel-like bag was horizontal along the concrete, so Q simply put his black boot atop it for positive control. He didn't want it being stolen from underneath him.

What else?
He looked around again. He couldn't see much-- even with the sunglasses, with the sun out, everything seemed like an over-exposed photograph. He could only make out hard shadows. Everything else was white. He closed his eyes again and another shudder went up his spine.

He'd probably passed out again. He'd been losing consciousness a lot more often lately. But to dream while you were blacked out...?

[[I'm sorry it's so fucking long, and I hope you have something to reply to. I promise you, none o my other posts will probably be even as HALF as long as this. :gonk: ]]

Girasoles wrote:
It had to be mid October, only this time would the wind gain that accustomed nippy feeling, biting at the bare flesh. Subconsciously the priest shifted the black smock hanging around his shoulders. Quietly he padded along the dank streets, coming upon a group of children playing hopscotch. When he came within a respectable distance, they all stepped to the side, bowing their heads in deference to the man.

"Blessings children."

"Blessings, father." They all chimed in unison, waiting for him to have passed before resuming their game, laughter following upon the Priest's heels. It felt good to hear their enjoyment. Above the abandoned, sagging brick buildings, the white towers of the cathedral beckoned the Priest to double time his steps, forcing him to practically float across the pavement. Every day he took the same route through the slums of this place, offering kind words of encouragement and hope. The Father was a young man, much younger than his deceased predecessor.

Saint Anthony's Cathedral was not the only God fearing establishment, but it was the only one that housed a Father who would not turn his nose up at the idea of strolling the streets. The others devoted their times to staying in doors and studying the good works. It was this Father's idea that any man of God worth his salt would be out among the people. However, most of the other pious found him to be a bit... Unorthodox. That was the kindness remark.

Another had bordered along something like 'Antichrist', or something equally ridiculous. He could only roll his eyes.

A block or so away, close enough to the Cathedral that the soft burning scent of incense of herbs swelled in his nostrils, he caught the sight of Quatre. The Priest started, clapping a hand across his mouth as sky blue eyes widened. People had been gossiping about some sort of genetic mutation freak whom lounged the benches during the day. Somehow he had missed him, but there he was. Slowly the Father approached the moaning Quatre.

When he was but a scant step or two away, the man leaned down, trying to put the warmest, most caring sound to his smooth tenor voice, "Son, are you hurt? Can I offer you any help?"

Selfish though it might be, The Priest had not gone out of his way to search for Quatre. Rumors would abound endlessly, and in the end if this poor man was getting help from some other church, chances were he would be turned out onto the streets. "Tell me, my child, do you believe in magic? I know a place where the pain can be eased. Will you follow me?"

[[Absolutely no issue. XD Honestly, I'm not picky about length. So write as much or as little as you'd like.]]

[Q] wrote: Son, are you hurt?

Was someone talking to him? Q turned his head, his eyes slowly following to the voice. The man looked to be wearing all black, which certainly made him easier to spot.

"Tell me, my child, do you believe in magic? I know a place where the pain can be eased. Will you follow me?"

Q's eyes narrowed, though his brows were already so furrowed, there probably wasn't much of a change in his facial expression. The twenty five year old leaned a bit toward the other man-- preacher, he was hoping, otherwise he'd have to punch someone in the face or calling him a 'child'-- refusing to believe the correlation between this preacher's words and the dream he had just had.

"Who? Me?" He questioned, his voice rough and containing a weak european accent.
He pointed to the maroon torso of his black long-sleeved dress shirt. "You're speaking to me?"

He almost didn't want to believe it. Q bent down and grabbed the seabag's shoulder strap, hoisting tall bag upward as Q stood up. The bag itself was about a foot shorter than Q's six foot tall frame. It had a combination lock at the top, keeping it shut and the contents away from prying hands. All easily circumvented by something simple such as a knife, since the bag itself was only made of thick black-dyed burlap.

Q continued to eye the bag. He decided he'd play along with this priest. There was nothing better to do and, realistically, what did he have to lose, really? Perhaps him saying nearly the same thing as his dream was a sort of sign..?

"I would follow you," Q began, "But I need a place to put my bag..." He placed his hand atop the seabag, resisting the urge to pat it like a trusty suitcase full of gold. In truth, the bag held the entire contents of his lie. Q was a vagrant with no home.
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Bereft Bounty 1
ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Water and soap slipped down a rather small male form. He scrubbed at his hair roughly, howling at the top of his lungs to a song stuck in his head as he bathed.


Somewhere in the motel room closest to his bathroom someone pounded on the wall. "Shut up already!" They screamed, the sound muffled but the small male heard it well enough.

"Ooooowhooo!" He continued his 'singing', even though it was such an ear harming sound. The wolf was tone death, and rather uncaring to who it effected around him. Certainly didn't care about the nameless people in room 96 howling at their own lungs to get him to stop. He twisted around now, scrubbing soap into his tail, pulling out some loose fur and fussing over it as he groomed it.The bright green fur fell in globs to the ground, washed away by the water down the drain, although eventually it would clog it up. Not like he cared, after he left it was someone else problem, not his.

His name was Zhivko Chitin. A fellow perhaps no older then twenty-four, but who was really counting? He wasn't. For the last two years he had taken up bounty hunting, something he found more pleasurable then any other job he had ever taken. It was the hunt, the feeling of chasing down a prey. The smell of their fear, the sound of their heart pounding and rushing blood throughout the body. It felt like being back into his own skin, as Zhivko was far being a normal human.

Zhivko stepped from the shower, shaking off like a dog first, water splattering everywhere. His ass shook lastly, as it whipped the water off the bright green tail. Slowly after wards, the tail dropped to a soft wag, still dripping with water. Zhivko grabbed a towel, finishing up and discarding it on the floor. He walked from the bathroom to where his clothes lay, pulling them on and carefully tucking his tail into the baggy black pants he wore. Sure, people had body mods now days, but he didn't like taking a chance. Zhivko didn't like being treated like a dog most of the time, anyway. People jumping to the conclusion that he even was a dog. Ridiculous. Dog's were man's best friend, Zhivko was your worst annoying nightmare.

The wolf fumbled with some paperwork then, looking over the information he had of his next mark and reading over the paperwork as he grabbed his sunglasses and slipped them over his eyes, before he stepped out into the night life. Zhivko lifted his nose windward for a moment, sniffing carefully. Taking in the scents. The people, the foods, the girt and dirt of the city. Then he turned away and headed towards the bar scene.


Cheveyo Kuger was sitting at a table rather then the bar, nursing his drink softly. Lately, he thought he found a safe place to stay. The city was big, and he had easily blended into society. But that was his mistake, thinking he was safe somewhere when he would never be safe. And because he thought he was safe, he had started frequenting this particular sport's bar. It stayed quiet and simple on most days. It was a good place to lay down bets and make money under the table.

Black curly hair hung around his ears and fell over his face as he lowered it and stared down at the amber liquid in the glasses. For a moment, when he lifted his eyes, he scanned the people in the bar. It was a moment of panic, perhaps a bad feeling crossing him before it was gone. It had been six months since he's met anyone out to get him. There was nothing to be afraid of, he told himself, calming himself as he nursed the drink.

(Oy, prolly sucks. I'm juggling between getting ready for work and posting so...sorry. i-i And I can't find a damn song I like on my playlist to get into a mood.)

[Q] wrote: Sports bar. People. Loud. Television. Alcohol.
Bornes rushed right in, first to order two Black Russians, quickly downing them before he looked around behind sunglasses for his prey: Cheveyo Kuger.

Finally, Bornes spotted the man, and slammed his last glass on the bar. He ordered an Irish carbomb, quickly debating how he was going to approach this, and formulating a plan of action in his head. By the time the mug and shot had arrived, he came up with it and ordered a second Irish carbomb.

The twenty three year old ran a hand through his premature grey hair, licking his lips before the bartender gave him the second mug and shot. Bornes turned and carefully held both and walked his way over to Kuger's table like he belonged there.

He set the drinks down, Kuger looking a bit dumbfounded at first.
Bornes through a grin on his face, pushing one of the mugs and shot glasses toward him.
"Hey!" He said, his voice gruff from frequent smoking and tinged with a slight european accent, "I got you a drink man, we gotta toast to this!"

Bornes was playing the part of one who was a bit too drunk and had accidentally walked to the wrong table.

"I... I think you have the wrong..." Kuger began to explain.
Bornes cut him off, slapping the other man on the back.

"Nonsense, man! Now drink up before I shove it down your throat!" He laughed playfully.

Bornes stood six feet tall, and wore a an untucked, button-up collared dress shirt with red torso and black long sleeves. His hair, a premature grey, went down to his ears and was parted to the side over half of his face in attempt to cover a scar that ran the same way diagonally across his nose. He was a tanned man, much of his South African descent showing through.
He wore black pants and boots of the same color, completing his otherwise rather fashionless outfit. Around his neck was a silver chain with some sort of amulet at the end, but it was tucked into the shirt.

As Bornes' left hand stayed on Kuger's shoulder, the other man began to panic a bit. Bornes saw it behind his shades, and closed in on the man, as if mentoring.
"Look, dude, it's easy. Watch... You just drop the shot in the glass...." He took his free hand and put the shot in the glass, then pushed the mug to the other man. "... And you drink up! Gogogo! Come on, it's on me!"

Bornes let go and put his own shot in, chugging his own carbomb, hoping to peer pressure the guy into following.

Bornes was truthfully a gun for hire. But his last few marks had been a bit too dangerous for him. He'd decide he'd go for simple bounty hunting. It seemed easier, paid decently, and was often a lot less dangerous. Normally, you didn't get shot at.
Bornes was working this man. And as soon as he was comfortable enough, he'd lead Kuger outside and knife him when he least expected it.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko entered the bar much easier. Whistling as he walked in with hands stuffed in his pockets, he headed towards the bar. Underneath his green tinted sunglasses he scanned the crowd, first for curiosities sake. Second to look for his mark. Zhivko heard the bartender say something to him, and he ordered a beer. He hated drinking hard liquor, hated drinking in general, but tonight he would make an exception to at least appear normal.

His eyes fell on his mark and he frowned. Some sort of guy was with him. Wonderful. He might have to off both of them if the other didn't just go away later on. Zhivko wasn't above doing a little more dirty work. A slender green brow arched as he watched the one man mentor his bounty on how to drink the alcohol, and he kinda chuckled under his breath. The wolf watched as Kuger watched the grey hair man chug the drink.

Kuger would give Bornes a weary smile, debating on where this came from and moved to down his own drink.

Zhivko almost fell over laughing at the man's face that came after wards. Plopping his ass into a seat he let out a little squeak when he sat on his tail wrong and shifted. For the moment, he just watched, trying to figure out what was going on right now and how he could nose himself into this little scenario.

He knew there was a big game on tonight, and he had originally planned to nose his way by acting like he could use some pointers on betting. Zhivko decided to still go with it, the other guy was probably a friend or something. He couldn't really tell right now by scent, there was too many people and too much smoke. Zhivko moved to get up then, boldly striding over to the table and...

What in heaven's name was that smell?!

Zhivko's nose wrinkled and he almost sneezed. It was unlike anything he had ever smelled before. It wasn't exactly offensive, as much as it was surprising and confusing. For a moment, he stood there at the edge of the table looking stupid, the edges of his nose twitching as he sniffed. Then he snapped out of it when he saw Kuger's eyes up turn towards him.

"Oh, sorry! Hello! You must be Kuger, I've heard a lot about you from Joe. He says you're the best man to come to in the sports bar for a few tips." Zhivko grabbed his hand, shaking it furiously, his words tumbling out, especially when he said 'Joe'. "I'm just starting out on all of this betting stuff, and I'm more then willing to pay a few bucks to get some good classes. Why, there's a game coming on tonight! We could use that as a good beginners course."

"Um, who did you say....who are..." Kuger asked, starting to get a little nervous all over again.

Like Bornes, Zhivko could tell, but not just from the look of things. Instead, it was more from the scent. "Oh! Don't worry about it, look here's some cash up front." And Zhivko pulled out a wad of bills and slapped it down in front of Kuger. Money. Man was money's best friend, not the other way around, even though it swayed a lot of people.

And Kuger was no different. He sank into the chair, relaxing a bit before he quickly scooped the money up and shoved it in his pocket. "Oh, yeah. I know who you're talking about now. Slipped my mind, just take a seat." Kuger motioned to an extra empty seat, and the smaller wolf slipped into the chair easily, although another squeak crossed his lips.

"Great! Who's your friend?" Zhivko said, taking a drink of his beer. He wasn't worry about the wad of money he had given him. He would get that back later, real easy.

Kuger looked at Zhivko and then at Bornes, an odd look on his face. "Um...I'm not..."

[Q] wrote: Bornes laughed at Kuger as he downed the carbomb, making a funny face.
Things were all going so smoothly, and the twenty three year old, beginning to feel the effects himself, slid into a seat across from his target, his hands on the table.

He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off but the new player with green shades.
As he 'introduced' himself, Bornes gave a glare from behind his own set of dark shades. The new man was stumbling over his words in an unnatural way. This seemed too practiced. Especially for someone who should've been drunk. Scripted, even.
There was a possibility this man was for real, but Bornes didn't want to believe that, and instead became increasingly frustrated as the guy made moves over Bornes's target.
Kuger was Bornes's. No one else's. The grey haired man had to make that known.

It took him a moment to come back to his senses, especially when the money became involved. A scowl became present as soon as the bills were plastered on the table. It was clear Kuger didn't know this man and for a stranger to just start laying money down spoke volumes.
It was clear to Bornes, now. He didn't like where this was going.

When the mystery man easily avoided telling his own name but wanted to know Bornes's, that cinched the deal. Bornes stood up putting the same fake smile on his face.

"Now's not the time for introductions!" Bornes blurted out, quite tipsy but completely over-acting his perceived drunknenness. He slapped his hand on Kuger's shoulder, "The man wants some good classes, let's go make those bets, then!"
He gave Kuger's shoulder a small, friendly shake.

Perfect, Bornes thought. That way they had an excuse to leave the table, the stranger had a reason to wait, and Bornes could get his own work done with....

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: What the hell?

This was really starting to irritate him suddenly. The unknown male was obviously...well, unknown by his prey. Which meant, they weren't friends which put a big wrench in the gears that had been moving. Now they were making screeching noises in his head. Zhivko sniffed at the air gently. The man was drunk, but perhaps not that drunk, the underlying scent of irritation was there to.

He suddenly realized there was a high possibility that this man was another hunter. Oh, the nerve.

Zhivko stayed relaxed though, watching as Kuger seemed about to get up himself and moved to lean forward and grab both of them by the shoulder to push them back down into seats. "Nonsense!" He said, and once Kuger was slipped back into his seat he slid his chair over to Borner, slipping an arm around him and pulling him close. "I want to get to know my new best friends."

His arm slipped from the shoulders to around the neck and he turned to holler at the tender about getting another round of drinks. Zhivko heard Kugar mumbling in the background. "Oh, no. No more drinks for..."

It fell upon deaf ears. Zhivko was no longer really even interested in his prey. Now he was interested in besting the other man and just ruining everything. Zhivko turned back to Bornes and while the drinks were coming he moved to introduce himself too, his arm sliding back down to the man's shoulders now. Pausing, then sliding down around his waist. A reason, trying to see if the other was armed. Zhivko knew he wasn't playing drunk enough to maybe get away with it, but he also knew if the other was a hunter, he probably didn't want to out himself right now in public and risk loosing Kuger.

"My name's Ziko. I work as a repair man. You know, I fix things for a living." Zhivko paused. "All sorts of things."

Lori Lentil wrote: [[ that's insane. Ziko was one of my old rp character names. I'm typing this on an iPad so please forgive me.]]

Bornes fought an urge to growl at this other man when he touched Bornes. The twenty three year old was sat back down, but quickly stood back up to be free of the stranger's arm, not wishing to be held at all.
When he got back up, he went on the defense. His next words were most certainly not an act.
"Quit it," he barked. "You're not nearly drunk enough to be pulling that type of shit."

Bornes was uncomfortable, now; aggravated, even. He had a bit of a homophobic vibe coming from him, and it was obvious through his stern voice.
He turned back to Kruger, his face still holding a scowl and his posture seeming to belay any effects of inebriation Bornes had only moments before.

"You really don't want to hang out with this fag do you?" Bornes said to his prey. "One second this guy's slapping money down for you to place some bets and now he's our best friend all the sudden? Feeling me up and crap? Do you really want to hang out with a guy like this?? Come on," Bornes pressured, "Let's dump him and go someplace else."

The grey haired man had no idea how things were going to turn out now, but he knew that somewhere down the line he had messed up. It was clear, at least to Bornes, that this Ziko guy was a hunter and it was going to be difficult to shake him. Not only that, but the guy had put his hands on him. That wasn't gonna fly. Bornes was armed- had a small glock at his waist, covered by the tails of his untucked dress shirt, and a dagger at his other hip - but he just didn't want other people, other men, touching him. Period.

Bornes looked over to Kruger, awaiting the man's answer, hoping he would follow Bornes. The twenty three year old kept an eye over on the Ziko guy, however, wary of his response.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko quickly stood up when Bornes did, even though he was shorter then the other whether he was sitting down or standing up. The hair on the back of his neck and head flared, as well as the fur on his tail hidden down his pants leg.

Then he calmed as he rolled his eyes. He wasn't too worried about the other being all homophobic. It's not like Zhivko was really copping a feel for that reason, so he wasn't really bothered by it, even if he did prefer men over women. He shrugged it off, it wasn't important. Besides, Bornes was obviously not as drunk as he was acting earlier, and he had revealed that to Kuger now.

"And you're not exactly as drunk as you think your are either." Zhivko muttered.

Kuger stood up slowly now, watching the two cautiously. Something wasn't right anymore. This was just too much to deal with. He thought of running, but instead, he calmly spoke up. "I really don't know who either of you are, so it's highly doubtful I'm going anywhere tonight."

Zhivko's eyes were on Bornes at the moment, although he was paying mild attention to what Kuger had said and his actions. The next action is what surprised and put him into gear without even really thinking about it. Zhivko didn't think that Bornes could handle himself probably, didn't think that Kuger might be just pulling out a knife instead of a gun, or aiming it at him instead of Bornes.

It just happened so fast. Zhivko saw the glint of metal and threw himself at Bornes to knock him back. A small grunt came from his lips. "Watch it!" A fiery pain split through his arm, and a second later the ear piercing sound of a gun hit his sensitive ears, causing them to ring. Zhivko's hand had moved to where he had just recently been feeling a lump in Bornes' clothes, and reached between the folds of fabric to pull out the hidden glock.

The wolf's slender body twisted even as he got a little off balance in the chaos of things, but the gun was a dead aim at Kuger's head. Kuger was already re-aiming his own gun, but he wouldn't get the chance to pull the trigger. Zhivko had his turn before Kuger's brain could fire the synapses to pull the trigger, instead his body swayed and dropped back into the chair dead with a bullet in his head. The chair leaned back precariously, balancing on two feet for a moment before it plopped back forward and Kuger's head fell forward with it. Knocking into the table loudly.

Zhivko managed to steady himself on his feet, but just barely. He drew in a breath and let it out, feeling his blood pumping ruthlessly. He could hardly hear a thing, the two gun shots causing things to be muffled. But, it wasn't like there was much to hear in the first place. The sport's bar had gone deathly silent and all eyes had turned towards the both of them.

The wolf didn't seem to pay any mind, looking down at his arm and cussing when he saw the blood roll down the tanned flesh. "Mother fucker actually hit me! What the hell was I fucking thinking?!" He fussed over the wound, and actually whimpered and whined pathetically, as if it was the worst wound in the world, when it could have been worse.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes turned to see the Ziko guy stand up from his chair and look to Kuger. Bornes opened his mouth in worry to see his target mouth some line and in slow motion begin to pull out a gun.

The twenty three year old went for his own gun, but his hand had barely gripped the handle when Ziko bum-rushed him, 'protecting' him from the following gunshot.
Bornes fell down on his back, letting out the a high-pitched shrill as if a puppy had just been kicked.
The grey haired man pushed the other off him and reached for his gun again, only to realize that he must've blacked out for a second or two since his glock was now in the hands of a guy with green hair who had just shot his target.

It was all over so fast, and Bornes just sat up and stared, mouth agape.
After a few seconds, Ziko started whining and whimpering over his arm like some puppy, and Bornes closed his mouth, grit his teeth and let out a guttural growl. The kind that a normal person wouldn't be caught dead emitting, assuming their vocal chords could even achieve the same sound as was current from Bornes.

He pushed himself completely up and pushed Ziko off him with a chuff.
"That was MY bounty!" He barked, his voice raspy and merging back into another growl.
"I had it under control and you BUTT IN!"
Once Bornes was able to stand, he yanked his pistol from Ziko's hand and shoved it back into his holster, clearly displeased.

"Typical American!!" He barked.

He cut off his growl with a snort through his mouth and a bite of air as he turned his attention to the dead man, fishing through his pockets for something to prove that he was dead. Maybe his wallet...

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko didn't pay any mind to Bornes until the man pushed him off. Only then did he tumble over with a whine and move to get up to his feet.

He fussed over his arm some more, not listening to Bornes prattle off about it being his bounty. Not until he saw the other move over to the target did he snarl protectively. "What do you think you're doing?!" Zhivko shouted, moving over to him and the body and pushing his hands off. "That's mine! I shot him, you just stood there getting all butt hurt because a faggot touched you."

Zhivko moved to try and get his own proof, actually pulling the dead body towards him by the belt. He moved to try and push himself between the body and Bornes as well, hovering it over protectively as though it was his meal. His teeth bared, sharper then most canines glinted in the light warningly.

"I swear to God, if you touch one thing on this body, you're going to be regretting it for the rest of your short life!" His voice stayed loud, and a bit whiny at the moment. Still rather upset about his wound in his arm and now upset that he still had to fight over his bounty.

"And whoever said I was an American?! Lord knows what the hell you are. And I don't even mean where you're from." Zhivko huffed and snapped his jaws at Bornes, his teeth clicking together.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes returned the snarl with ferocious efficiency.
"YOUR Bounty? That is funny, coming from someone like YOU!"

The twenty three year old growled again, the hair atop his head beginning to puff out, like an angry cat's. Although the overall volume of his hair was much too heavy to actually stand straight up, it did seem to lift a bit. Bornes's left pant leg seemed to expand as well, following suit.

The bestial energy in the air was ridiculous. Bornes was never one to act like such a dog, especially not in public view, but there was something about this Ziko kid that got Bornes riled up, and he couldn't help himself. He felt he had to express himself in this way, and he was just tipsy enough to not bother to play it off as something else, instead embracing his more animal side.

When Ziko pulled the body closer to him, Bornes bared his own teeth. He wasn't even sure why he cared anymore, he just felt like he had to one-up this other guy. He let out an even louder growl and took hold of the other side of the dead man's belt, playing tug of war with Ziko.

"Only an American would have ridiculous green hair!" Bornes snapped back, becoming overly animated with his own teeth, raising his upper lip and giving a warning chuff from his mouth, trying to asset dominance by both age, experience, and sheer size.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko actually shy'd away when Bornes seemed to get a little more ferocious with him. His memories of dealing with his wolf family returned and for a moment, he actually became afraid.

Only for a moment.

When Bornes grabbed the other side of the belt and tugged, Zhivko snapped out of it and tugged back. His own hair on top of his head stood up, although mostly in the back, where less gel kept his hair down. The fur on his tail bristled as well, all following suit with trying to make himself seem bigger then threat.

"Bitch! I killed it! He might've shot you in the head if it wasn't for me!" Which probably wasn't even close to the truth considering where Zhivko had gotten shot at and with how tall he was compared to Bornes. It might have hit Bornes in the side or something. Nonetheless, Zhivko was going to make it seem worse then it was.

Zhivko growled lowly, tugging on the belt harder. His pants were somewhat riding down the more he struggled and the more his tail shifted around to try and help his balance. A strip of green fur tuffed up from the back a bit, as the tail started to free itself from it's confinements. He tugged harder, growled, and let out a yip at Bornes as he snapped his jaws at him again. The urge to shift was growing just to one up Bornes. Somehow, he doubted the other had the ability to shift, he just didn't smell like he could.

"Only an idiot would think this green hair is ridiculous! Now. Back. Off. It's mine!" Zhivko suddenly leaned forward, bravely sticking his face closer to Bornes as a means to try and snap closer at his flesh.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes continued to growl, his throat giving a low vibrato that continued to gain volume as Ziko came closer to him.
"You're the idiot," Bornes forced, his voice thick with the grumbling of his throat, his vocal chords not wanting to form actual words.

He swiftly turned his face away from Ziko's enclosing one, and pulled strongly at the belt, not letting go. As soon as it was clear that Ziko was giving his all, his best effort to pull back at that same moment, Bornes let go of the belt of the man, watching Ziko lose his balance and fall over.

Bornes snapped his jaws at the scene, his pants leg twitching of its own accord, as if there were an agitated snake inside.

The grey haired twenty three year old forced himself to get away from the body, standing up straight and running his fingers through his hair, trying to compose himself, trying to calm himself down.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko stayed fighting, trying to fight the urge to back down like he used to with his pack. He opened his mouth to stay something and that's when he lost his balance as Bornes let go.

Zhivko fell to his ass and there was the sound of something snapping, followed by and pathetic screech like yowl that turned into a continuous puppy like cry. The wolf pushed the body off of him. Struggling to get away from both the dead man and live one, despite the fact that it wasn't necessarily Bornes fault. The fear settled in, and Zhivko retreated underneath a table.

His cries continued, and by now, he had fished his tail from his pants and was holding onto it desperately. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his face twisted in pure agony. A portion of his tail had slipped out of his pants before he had fallen over, and when he hit the floor, it had easily broken the bone. The smaller male stayed cowering under the table, his cries quieting a bit but not dying completely.

Zhivko suddenly wanted nothing to do with the bounty. Not only was it the last thing on his mind, but it was the reason his poor tail was in such pain now. If things were going to be this screwed up with dealing with this bounty, then Bornes could have it.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes took a few seconds to compose himself, running his fingers through his grey hair once more before he looked at the man crying under table with some tuft of green hair in his hands. Bornes scoffed, and went back to searching the body, taking the man's wallet, and then began to get up to leave when he seemed to have some sort of sympathetic streak and turned back to look at the whining, whimpering Ziko, still cradling whatever random green appendage in his hand under that table.

"You are being a stupid fool," Bornes spit.
"And the police are--"

As if on cue, four fully decked-out police officers pointed guns at them and shouted that they were under arrest.

Bornes balked.
He'd never actually been caught by the police before.

If he had not been stupidly playing tug of war with a freak of nature over a dead body, he wouldn't be here right now.

The grey haired twenty four year old froze. He had no ideas. No smooth break out of this one. He wanted to run, but he knew he'd just get gunned down.
Bereft Bounty 2
ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko sniffled when Bornes looked back towards him and called him a stupid fool.

Then he flinched when he heard the police. It seemed to help him out of the daze though. However, he remained under the table for some time at the moment. His panic hit him a bit harder, however. Zhivko already had some warrants as it was. If they did get to arresting him, he would have some major problems besides this incident.

He heard one of them shout for him to get out from underneath the table, and slowly, he crawled from beneath it and found himself at Bornes side. Tears still rolling down his cheeks, and his tail laid limp along a leg. "You br-broke my tail." He said childishly. "You'll owe me for this and...and t-the tail."

Zhivko lifted his hands up a bit. The cops just getting more uneasy as the wolf grabbed his sunglasses and moved to slip them down the front of Bornes' shirt so they hung there. "Hang on to these for m-me. And...don't forget to run, don't wait up for me."

Already, there was the sound of small snaps, like someone cracking their knuckles. The hair on his body started to grow thicker. It was a slow process at first, Zhivko not wanting to alarm the cops all too much. But once they started to get even more weary, he sped the process up.

The finished product was basically a larger version wolf, although Zhivko's fur was not a natural color. Instead, it remained that one-of-a-kind green. A birth defect that was just another reason why he was so low on the pack. Not only could he never keep up with his pack physically, he couldn't keep up with them in a hunt. Normally alarming their prey into running away.

His black and green eyes looked up at Bornes for a moment, before he turned towards the cops. His lips pulled back and showed off his teeth, letting out a low growl from deep into his throat as he took a step forward. A part of him almost understood this was suicide. It wasn't like he was immune to bullets in this form. But damn it, he would rather die then live in a cage for the rest of his life.

Lori Lentil wrote: When Ziko came out from under the table and spoke of how Bornes owed the kid, Bornes just gave this incredulous look. A look of are you serious?

Nevertheless, Bornes stayed still with his hands above his head as Ziko put his sunglasses in his shirt, told him to run like some wannabe hero, and then started to... To...
Wait, what?

Bornes took a few steps back as Ziko burst out of his clothes and turned into a giant puke-green wolf. The grey haired twenty three year old was flabbergasted.
The wolf looked to Bornes before it turned to the cops, moving forward with a snarl.

Bornes was in shock, but knew this was his chance. He took it, caring only for himself, and ran for it while the police were occupied with the giant green wolf.

Bornes ran outside the, grabbing a hat off someone near the entrance and putting it on his own head, tucking his hair in so he didn't look as conspicuous. Long grey hair made him a pretty easy target, especially considering he probably was on the nation's most wanted list by now... Assuming the police force even knew who he was.

After Bornes passed a few blocks, he ditched the hat, tossing it in a trashcan and running his fingers through his hair, parting it to the side to cover his scar. He made his way to where he was staying - an extended stay motel about a mile away. Bornes walked everywhere he went. Helped keep him in shape.

He pulled out a cigarette and smoked on the way, about ten minutes later reaching his destination and unlocking the door to his room. He closed the door behind him, cigarette still dangling in his mouth, and grabbed the remote to the TV.

Bornes had never before in his life watched Television before. He couldn't see the pictures on the screen- everything looked like washed out white to him, as his eyes were too sensitive to the light. But for this, Bornes didn't want to actually watch the TV. He wanted to find a news channel and listen to the anchors, see if they were talking about some huge ass green wolfbeast.

After a while with trying to figure out the remote, he managed to turn on the TV, and start sifting through channels, listening to each one for a minute or two before deciding it wasn't a news channel.

Finally, he did come across one, and stopped. The anchor was talking about a murder that had just taken place at the bar he had been in. Breaking news, the anchor said.

Bornes sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at his door, the white of the TV too bright to look at. He didn't understand how normal people watched the things.

He waited for the news about the murderers.
He wanted to know if he had imagined this whole thing. Or if it had been real.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko's eyes flashed towards Bornes and saw him run. He ran as well, but the opposite way, barreling into the cops rather then away.

While he attacked, he wondered why he had even bothered saving Bornes. Came up with the conclusion that he hadn't really meant to. He was more interested in saving himself, and Bornes was there, so he might as well get away as well. Besides, someone had to help him after this mess.

And Zhivko blamed Bornes for this mess. It was his fault, he ought to do something.

Zhivko did not kill any of the cops, a part of him didn't think it was right. They were just doing their jobs. It's really not their fault that they were still at the scene. Instead, he would mostly just disable them, barreling into them. Knocking them around. Occasionally biting an arm or leg. Trying his best to avoid getting shot himself.

He got outside and dealt with the others waiting for him there, before he started down the road.

Back up was called and Zhivko ended up having to deal with a whole batch of shit again. By this time, the news was on it quick. At first, they had been all calm about it, until the wolf had come out. Now they were frantically reporting it. Talking about the 'dog' and where he was heading and which direction.

Eventually, after several long minutes, they started reporting having lost the dog, and telling everyone that they needed to stay in their houses and place of work. Especially around the last area they had seen the rabid animal.

This was bad. So far, he had escaped, but he was still bleeding fairly badly by now. Sooner or later they were going to find a trail, which meant he needed to stop the bleeding before he found Bornes. He broke into a an empty house on the way, using whatever he could to not only bandage himself up as well as get some clothes on and cover his green hair and find a different pair of shades. These were black. Ugly things.

He left the house as a human, limping slightly and grimacing. His head turning this way and that for a moment. Zhivko needed to find Bornes' trail. It meant heading back towards the bar, and he did. However, he stayed far enough back that they wouldn't find him. Instead, just circling and sniffing, eventually catching that scent. It wasn't hard, it was so different as it was.

It took Zhivko a little longer to get to the room. Stopping and having to find his way around the cops now littering the city. Also, others. Hunters. FBI. It made Zhivko a little more then nervous. He didn't want to get caught by either. The hunters would skin you alive. The FBI would probably do worse. By the time he got to the door, the news was starting to dwindle away from it. The people eventually explaining it was some pet dog of the other man on the scene. Hair was probably dyed, and the breed was probably Mastiff and Wolf cross breed.

Zhivko found the door to Bornes' room, leaning against the door frame for a moment and panting heavily. His eyes turning to look around, while one hand moved to knock on the door. "C'mon, m-mother the d-door 'fore I...pass out."

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes listened to the news intently. The story changed from two murders, to an escaped wolf, to a dog, to a murderer and his pet dog. The more time passed, the farther from the truth the story became, and once it had changed to some lost dog, Bornes turned the television off.

It didn't matter, he thought to himself. He needed to leave town now, anyway. That was way too close. He needed to hope a few states, this time. Maybe actually risk getting a cab rather than just walking it as per normal.
Grunting, Bornes got all his things ready, stuffing dirty laundry into a large green canvas bag known as a sea bag.

Some point after that, there was a frantic knocking at the door. Bornes glared at the door, and then walked over, looking through the sight to see who it was.
Speak of the devil.

It was the green guy.
Bornes let out a curse in french and opened the door, yanking the kid inside and slamming it shut behind him.
"The hell are you thinking?! You lead them right to me? How did you even find me!"

Bornes had never taken the green shades out from the collar of his shirt, and they bounced about as he criticized the Ziko kid, his body language expressing just how frustrated Bornes was.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko looked up at Bornes. The stolen sunglasses perching down his nose a bit and showing the painful and tired look in his eyes.

He yelped loudly when he was yanked inside, trying to keep his balance. Zhivko hit his knees instead, letting out another yelp before he stilled. The wolf watched Bornes criticize him before he lifted a hand up and flipped him off.

"Shut up, o-old man." He murmured, leaning back against the nearest stable object, which happened to be a wall. "I didn't...l-let anyone follow me here. M-made sure I lost 'em a while back. As for how I found y-you...I followed my f-fucking nose. S'normal."

Zhivko drew in a breath. His current sunglasses were screwed up on his face now, and he moved to toss them. He let the breath out, grimacing in pain for a moment as he shut his eyes. Zhivko wanted to sleep, to rest. He knew there was no way he could do that right now if he wanted to survive.

[Q] wrote: Bornes swatted at Ziko's hand, resisting the urge to break his middle finger.

"You are too childish!" He hissed, and turned around, focusing his attention back on his own problems as he muttered angry insults in french.
He picked up the last of his clothes and dumped his toiletries into his bag, later getting the crock pot off the stove and dumping whatever stew was inside of it into the toilet before washing it out and shoving it in the sea bag, closing the flaps and locking it shut with a combination lock.

He turned back to Ziko, who was probably still whining about what bad shape he was in. And Bornes did realize the kid was in some bad shape. He wondered if any bones were broken. Then he wondered why he cared.

"Go wash the blood off yourself," he barked. "Then we need to fucking leave town because of your sorry ass."

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko stayed where he was at, watching Bornes run around the room with increasing dread in his heart. He was going to have to handle all of this by himself. Which has been done before, but it would be easier if they fled together.

When Bornes turned to him, Zhivko looked up at him, patiently waiting for him to do or say something. And when he said 'we', his tired look seemed to brighten a bit. Zhivko struggled to get back up, whimpering softly as he limped towards the bathroom.

He pulled off his shirt he had stolen. Zhivko had wrapped two make shift bandages around his waist. He had dug through the people's houses, but when he couldn't find any real bandages he had torn their sheets apart and used them to wrap around his torso, and another around his arm and shoulder. Beneath his pants was the last two bandages, one around his thigh and the other around his tail.

Zhivko knew a few basic things to keep him going, but he would need some real help eventually. He had stopped and turned to look at Bornes, leaning up against a nearby wall again. About to say something, but he could barely think of the words to say. His head felt like it was floating. He fought off the lightheaded feeling, and focused on Bornes again. "W-what about c-clothes...'n bandages?"

Zhivko was looking to Bornes for some help, but not only that...he was looking to Bornes for some guidance as an older, or at least higher ranked, canine.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes watched Ziko pull the shirt off himself as he limped toward the bathroom. The silver haired twenty three year old grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and waited.

When the green haired kid came back out, he seemed even worse for wear, and asked about bandages and clothes. Bornes snorted.

"I don't have any bandages." He turned to his sea bag, and fiddled with the lock, choosing the combination, then tossing it onto the bed when it unlocked. He dug into the sea bag, pushing things aside as he reached his hand in, finally pulling out a wrinkled, but clean, black dress shirt. He threw it at Ziko.

Afterwards he, grabbed the lock and closed the bag with it once more.
He looked around the room, trying to figure out if he had forgotten anything, then grabbed the keys to the room and grunted as he slid into the arm straps of the sea bag, which was about three feet tall. He let the weight sit on his back and walked right past Ziko, and out the door.

He then proceeded to check out of the motel early, pay the fee, and ask the man behind the desk to call a cab for him.

Twenty minutes later, Bornes was shoving his bag into a cab's trunk and they were in a car headed to the state over.

After they had been driving for about ten minutes, Bornes finally said, "You've got some explaining to do."

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko flinched slightly when the shirt was thrown at him, grabbing it and just leaving the old bandages on. He threw the new shirt on and moved to follow quietly.

He waited outside while Bornes checked out and had the man call a cab, glancing over at the other when he came back out, but for once in his life still stayed silent. He was out of energy and it just wasn't worth spouting any nonsense right now.

Zhivko slipped into the car without a loud whimper however, finding it uncomfortable to have to sit on his broken tail. He sucked it up the best he could, looking out the window and watching the world past, slowly falling asleep from the soothing feeling of the car moving.

Bornes' voice jerked him out of it, and he looked over at him, watching him for a moment. "Maybe l-later." He said quietly. "In pr-private. And a-after...I rest. I just want to..."

Zhivko moved to flop onto his side. His small form slightly curled so he didn't rest his head into Bornes' lap, however the tip of his head touched the outside of his thigh. One hand clutched the edge of the seat for a moment, before releasing. "...s-sleep...."

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes grunted at Ziko's remark about how it needed to be in private. Then he looked over to Ziko as the kid fell, his head on Bornes's thigh. The groaned outwardly and put his elbow in the window sill.

A few minutes later he leaned his head against the window and fell asleep himself. He woke up every few hours, but still managed to get to sleep.

The cab driver had to stop every so often, so he could use the restroom, eat, fill up his tank, etc.
Borned didn't mind.
About eight hours passed and and they were halfway to the second state over.
Bornes remarked that he wanted to go to the border of the next state, and the driver obliged. It'd be four more hours until they pulled up at some hotel. The fee was a thousand or so dollars. Bornes bemoaned it, said the money was in his bag in the trunk and to give him a few minutes.

Bornes got his sea bag out of the trunk and walked over to check into the hotel. He got his room and everything settled first, dumping all his shit in there as the taxi driver anxiously waited.
When Bornes got inside the room, he undid his bag, and took the crock put out, carefully setting it on the floor before kicking over the bag itself and uncharacteristically dumping everything out of it. About halfway down the bag, it was was all cash. Bornes really didn't care if Ziko saw it at this point. Bornes grabbed about two thousand dollars, and went back outside, handing it over to the Taxi driver.

After it was all over and the taxi driver was out of his hair, Bornes went back up to his room and starting putting everything back into the sea bag.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko slept most of the way there as well, eventually sitting up and leaning against the door. Although, occasionally he laid back down on the seat.

By the time they stopped, he was feeling like shit. Wounds needed to be taken care of. Zhivko whined and groaned about it a bit as he left the cab, leaning against the vehicle while he waited for Bornes to get out of the lobby. When he headed into a room, he followed, but he didn't wait up to see what he was doing.

Zhivko headed to the bathroom, doing his best to bathe and clean the wounds at hand. Wincing and whining when he had to take the bandages off. By now, doing so made the wounds open again. It was worse enough they were getting infected. The wolf drew warm water in the tube, and a moment later was slipping down into it while cradling his tail in one hand.

Zhivko wasn't going to complain to Bornes, but after this he needed to go somewhere for bandages and something to clean the infection for. And possibly some make shift stitches.

Oh, the agony of thinking about it all.

The wolf really wouldn't have the chance to get back out of the tub though. Falling back asleep there. His body feeling ill, and wanting to rest to fight the infection,

Lori Lentil wrote: Once everything was back in the bag, Bornes locked it up ounce more and took off his red and black dress shirt, a worn wifebeater beneath it. He tossed the shirt on the floor and went to the sink, placing his hands on the edge as he looked into the mirror at himself, at his sunglasses still on.

The lights in the hotel room were off. It was almost pitchblack, aside from the light leaking out from the bathroom. Bornes took his sunglasses off and placed them on the countertop with a sigh, fussing with his hair and rubbing his face, yawning.

He relaxed his belt, and stuck his hands down the back of his pants, pulling out his own black tail. It was long, went down to about his knee, curling slightly at the end. The tail was feathered, similar to a Saluki's. He stretched it out, as it had begun to cramp up being in his pants for so long- especially during the car ride. After its initial stretch, he let it sway from side to side.

He yawned again before knocking on the bathroom door. "You ah... okay in there?"
The door opened slightly, it having been ajar. Light smeared Bornes's face, and he squinted, the pupils in his forest green eyes contracting into vertical slits.
He saw Ziko in the bath, and went to turn away, until he saw a hole in the kid's shoulder.

Bornes stepped inside the bathroom instead, a scowl present on his face as he squinted against the light, finally just hissing and turning the damn thing off, so they were washed with darkness. Darkness that Bornes had no trouble seeing in.

Ziko has bullet wounds in his shoulder, arm, and leg. And his tail was broken. There was blood in the water, and the bullet wound in the kid's shoulder was at least clean through.
"Shit.... Didn't realize you were wounded that baldly,,," Bornes griped.

He uncomfortably shifted his weight, taking a step back to the main room, the silver chain around his neck with heart pendant and green gem inside it glistening a bit off the reflection of the hair dryer's standby light in the mirror.
"You, ah.... Go to a doctor or a vet...?"
It was a sincere question.

Bornes was actually feeling a little guilty, now.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: The knocking on the door, the sound of a voice. It was bringing him out of his nap slowly.

"...A doctor or a vet?"

He heard it and managed a pained snort. Zhivko's eyes opened a bit, and he moved to sit up now. Rubbing his eyes slowly. "It might be a bad idea to go to...either.."

His voice echoed his pain and how tired he was. Zhivko moved to start bathing again, scrubbing the wounds clean the best he could manage. He stomached the pain. After wards, he moved to pull the plug and let it drain, and then put clean water into the bath again. Zhivko sunk back into the water.

The wolf realized then that they were in the dark. He didn't say anything about it for the moment, letting the water run it's course before moving to turn it off with a foot.

"Why the fuck are we in the dark?" He finally asked.

Lori Lentil wrote: Bornes watched him, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. "If they're not all clean shots, you need to get the shrapnel out. But fine, I mean-- it's your funeral."

He turned to go to the bed when Ziko's question about the light stopped him. The frenchman snorted.
"Why the fuck do you turn into a wolf," he grumbled, not ready to reveal any information to himself to this stranger, yet.
Bornes still hadn't told him his name. He wondered if Ziko could even see in the dark. Maybe he wasn't completely like Bornes. Well, aside from that whole green wolf transformation thing, anyway.

He walked over to the bed, and yes- there were two of them, and pulled off the covers. "I'm going to bed," he said. "Then in the morning I'm walking over the border."

He pulled his shoes off, then his pants, before slipping under the covers and putting his head down on the pillow with a grunt, face to the door.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko arched a brow, tilting his head to the side and listening to Bornes walk away.

"I don't see why you give a damn any way." Zhivko said louder, although a few minutes later the water was sloshing around and Zhivko was getting out. He moved to dry himself off, and gathered up the only pair of clothes he had and the dirty bandages, heading into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed with the towel around his waist while he put the bandages on.

Zhivko glanced back over at Bornes, for a moment. He didn't have the awesome ability to see in the dark like Bornes, but his sight was exceptionally better then a humans. Zhivko's hearing and sense of smell helped him around as well.

"Because I'm a werewolf." He finally said. Remembering he had said he would explain things later. "Actually, I think you are as well. A little bit. I can't tell. You've got such a strange scent."

Zhivko sighed heavily, moving to put the old bandages back on. Finishing up and putting his clothes back on. "I'll be back later..."

He paused, sighed again. "I guess."

Zhivko didn't even think about the names or anything. It really wasn't on his mind. Right now, what was on his mind was taking care of himself. There was just no going to a doctor in his mind. Back home he had someone he could trust, but out here in the middle of God knows where, he didn't trust anyone. Not even Bornes. And that made him wonder why he was even following him.

A little less then an hour after he had left, he had come barging in, panting roughly, a small whimper crossing his lips. It took him a minute to catch his breath, then he pushed off the door, A heap of another set of clothes and stuff wrapped in the clothes in his arms and he took that to the bathroom with him. The light flipped on again and Zhivko was quietly moving around in it for a moment.

A few minutes later, and Zhivko was grunting in agony. It got worse the longer he took, small puppy like whines sounding after wards. Zhivko stayed in there for over an hour, perhaps over two. He couldn't tell. But by the time he was done the small white bathroom had dashes of blood across the floor, on the curtain, and even on the wall. Zhivko had managed to clean the wounds, even check them for shrapnel the best he could, and then stitch it up. He couldn't do some deep deep stitches, but he made sure that what he could do would work. This wouldn't be the first time, it probably wouldn't be his last. The only wound he couldn't work on properly was the exit wound on his shoulder. He got it cleaned, but he couldn't reach back to pull the stitches through.

He was just going to have to deal with it, he guessed. Besides, now his head was swimming. Zhivko had dumped more blood out of his system and endured the pain of fussing over his wounds. He sat there on the toilet seat, panting softly. His green eyes were numb and tired, his body shaking violently from the pain and the cold settling into his body. Zhivko let out a soft whimper, and moved to take care of the last thing on his agenda before he passed out.

The wolf reached back for his tail before he felt around and pressed the bones back into place.

Zhivko let out a very loud howl. It was nothing like a human might sound like if they howled in pain. Instead, it sounded very much like a wolf, tossing it's head back to howl at the moon. This cry was more painful however, held no reverence for moon's light. The howl choked off in his throat, and a moment later the sound of something heavy hit the wet bathroom floor. Zhivko's form lay there, nothing more then his boxers on. His tanned flesh covered in spots of blood as well. The wolf didn't want to move as black and red spots danced over his vision. Eventually, if nothing was done, the black would swallow up his vision and he would just sleep there on the floor.
Bereft Bounty 3
[Q] wrote: I don't see why you give a damn any way.

Bornes groaned. He didn't know why he cared, either.

He closed his eyes, listening to Ziko get out of the tub and come into the main room, sit on the bed, and probably get dressed.

Because I'm a werewolf.

Bornes scoffed, his eyes still closed. "Werewolves don't exist. You're fooling yourself, kid."
But Ziko didn't humor him with a response, and left.
Bornes snorted, then fell asleep, only to be woken up a while later with the kid coming back and whining.

Bornes growled and sat up, watching Ziko go to the bathroom, and turn on the light. Then grunting and groaning began. The frenchman put his hand to his face and grumbled something to himself.
"Hey! What are you doing in there??" He called, agitated. Bornes wanted to sleep, not listen to this kid probably hurt himself.

As the grunted and whining continued, Bornes threw the covers off himself and went over to the bathroom, opening the door and looking at Ziko trying to patch himself up.

"Jesus christ...."

Bornes didn't know what else to do aside from watch. The frenchman normally burned his wounds shut. It was clear Ziko knew a little more about medical matters.
Ziko continued on with the stitching up of himself, and then went on to re-set his tail bone and howled. Bornes winced, turning his head. His own black tail went inbetween his legs instinctively.

Then Ziko started to fall over. Bornes what possessed him to, but he ran forward and caught the green-haired kid, grunting as he struggled to bring the other's dead weight to the floor safely. Ziko wore nothing but boxers, and Bornes had only black silk boxers and an A-shirt, so for the most part, it was skin on skin.. And blood.

Bornes' black tail wisped around behind him in an agitated daze as Bornes went to a knee to set down Ziko and lean his back up against the toilet. There was blood everywhere. What an idiot.
"Hey, wake up!" Bornes barked. "Don't fucking pass out now!"

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko hadn't made a sound when Bornes caught him and shifted him around. Eventually a small whimper crossed his lips as he was propped up. The others demanding bark made him up turn his hazy eyes to Bornes.

"S-sorry..." He murmured, not really sure why. Sorry for what? For bothering Bornes in the middle of the night? For even having the other have to catch him and help him? Sorry for making one hell of a mess? Even then, why should he be sorry. Zhivko didn't know, didn't care to try and know right now.

His head tilted back for a moment, eyes shutting to try and force the dizziness from his skull. It only worked to make it worse. Zhivko brought his head back up, two hands reaching up at the same time and moving to clutch onto Bornes' A-shirt without much thought. They would leave two bloody hand prints on either side. The wolf's head wobbled on his neck as he struggled to stay awake. His green and black eyes remained on Bornes, trying to focus on him while he fought off just falling asleep there.

Bornes' body was warm compared to Zhivko's at the moment. It made Zhivko want to cling to that, to get warm. Remembering at least the few good days in his pack when he would curl with his family. When he felt safe and protected. But he was only a pup then, and those days seemed to drift by fast into a less desirable age of teen hood and then into this damned stage of adulthood.

[Q] wrote: Bornes curled his upper lip when Ziko tilted his head back. Idiot, he thought.
"Hey!" He shouted, when Ziko put his hands on Bornes's A-shirt. Though the call wasn't because Ziko put his hands on Bornes, it was hopefully so he could startle the kid back into the waking world.

Bornes gave a low growl, rumbling deep in his throat. He scooted in closer to Ziko and slapped his face a bit.
"Stupid kid," he grumbled, pulling the other's hands off him and getting up.

He briskly walked back to his pants, which were on the floor near his bad, and grabbed the pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He walked back to the bathroom and got on his knees, taking out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, lighting it and taking the first drag to keep it lit.

Then he took this cig from his mouth and gave it to Ziko.
"Smoke," he said.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: "Ooww..." Zhivko murmured when the other slapped his face a bit, his eyes shutting for a moment before they opened to watch Bornes get up.

At first he thought the man was leaving him completely, and he let out a little whimper. He struggled to stay awake on his own until he saw Bornes come back. When he saw the cigarette he stared at it and the light on the end for a moment, until it was handed over to him.

For a moment he just stared, brought a hand up and took the cigarette before taking a small drag. It burned his throat, harassed his lungs and made him even more light headed. He had never touched a cigarette in his life because of how bad just the smell of the smoke made his sinuses feel.

Zhivko started to cough then, the cigarette falling from his hand in the fit. At least the bout of coughs that distressed him was keeping him awake.

"Water..." He rasped then, clutching his hand to his throat.

[Q] wrote: Bornes picked up the cigarette after it fell and put it in his own mouth before getting up and going to the sink.

He grabbed a cup meant for the coffee machine and filled it with water from the sink.
Coming back, he knelt and offered the cup to Ziko, near to his face.
It was at that point that Bornes thought maybe smoking wasn't what this kid needed. His problem wasn't the same as Bornes's. Bornes self-medicated his chronic low blood pressure with smoking, and that helped him when he was feeling like he'd pass out.
But obviously not this guy.

Hmph. Werewolf his ass.
Bornes turned away from Ziko's face, taking a drag and blowing it up to the ceiling, away from Ziko's face.

Afterward, he kept the cig between his two fingers, away from Ziko. His forest green eyes looked back to the green kid, wondering if he was going to be okay.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko reached up to take the cup, taking a sip of the water. The cigarette would help with the low blood pressure, but the sudden flood of smoke into his lungs is what caused a different type of lightheadedness for the time being.

He watched Bornes smoke his cigarette and took another sip of his water. It had helped in the end. Zhivko was a little more awake, even if it looked like he might fall asleep again.

Zhivko glanced down at the cigarette again, and moved to grab it with his free hand. It wasn't that awful. He took another small drag, let it out and then took a gulp of the water.

"It stinks." He muttered softly.

"I can come with tomorrow...right?" Zhivko asked it almost childishly. His barriers were down, lord knows what all he could say.

[Q] wrote: Bornes saw Ziko eying the cig and offered it back.

It stinks.

Bornes chuckled. "You get used to it."
He guessed Ziko had never smoked before. He guess it made sense. Bornes only started smoking on someone else's suggestion as well. He didn't really like to smoke these days. He thought it stank too, but he'd gotten so used to it that it did not matter anymore.

I can come with tomorrow...right?

Bornes sighed, and patted the kid's leg. The one that wasn't bleeding.
"I doubt you'll be able to walk it and I don't want to get another taxi," he said. He still hadn't decided what he was going to do, yet.

But there was some weird maternal instinct inside of him at this point, and he didn't feel like abandoned Ziko yet.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: That dread sunk into Zhivko's stomach when Bornes told him he doubted he could walk. Then he puffed his chest up a bit and straightened. Bornes was basically saying he was weak! That was unacceptable.

"I can walk still! I made it to your hotel room the other day, didn't I?" Zhivko said, making a disgruntled face. "I'll make it to the damn border, even if I die on the other side."

Zhivko huffed a bit, taking another drag of the cigarette, this one being much larger then the last two. He regretted it, starting hacking loudly and had to gulp down some more water to kill the burning in his throat.

"Ugh..." He rubbed his throat, being careful with the cigarette resting between his fingers as he did so.

Now that he was becoming a little more aware, he did wonder where all of this was coming from. This need to follow. He blamed it on being alone for so long. Zhivko could confess to himself that he wanted that pack structure back. And being that Bornes was the first canine he's come across in a long time, and one that didn't really treat him too much like shit, it was obvious Zhivko would try and form some sort of bond. Even if one half of him still wanted to be that lone wolf and not deal with anyone or anything.

[Q] wrote: Bornes snorted.
"No point in walking all that way just to get yourself more broken. It's not worth it."

He tilted his head, watching Ziko hack. "Don't force yourself if you can't take it."

He stood up and stretched his arms up over his head, his black tail out behind him. When he was done, he swatted the back of his legs before saying, "Well I think you're okay now kid, so I'm going back to sleep."

He turned around and went back to the bed, slipping under the covers again.

ll_M0N5T3R_ll wrote: Zhivko sighed, watching Bornes leave him.

He stayed in the bathroom for a time, smoking down the cigarette. After wards, he got up and cleaned up. Taking a shower and washing all the blood off, and even went as far as to try and clean the bathroom of blood. Halfway through cleaning the bathroom he had enough, and walked out of the bathroom with clean bandages on and a clean pair of boxers around his waist. A bundle of clean clothes and supplies he had stolen in his arms that he put on one side of the bed.

Zhivko crawled up into the other bed and under the covers. In a matter of seconds, he was sound asleep.
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