Old Friends

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Trying not to grimaced he picked a cookie up, and placed it in his mouth, forcing himself to eat it. Eating human food was like eating dirt to him.
Letting out a drunken giggle, he nestled close to the larger man's side. While the rest of his family was filled with hardcore drinkers and smokers, Marcus rarely drank and hadn't smoked a cigarette since the time his old boyfriend forced him to try one. But holidays? They were the big exception, especially winter holidays. So despite only having a few drinks, he was already feeling signs of being wasted. "I love you, you know..." He murmured
"Mmm, Love you too." He mumbled, though he couldn't say he really meant it. Not that it mattered. He been lying to the human since he saw him again. Stoking his hair down, he pressed a kiss to jis lips, giving him one of his creepy smiles.
"Whats with that face?" He laughed, scrunching his nose as he reached to trace a finger along his lips. "If you can't eat dinner, that's fine~! You could lay in the bedroom during, I don't wanna push you 'n stuff."
Nosding, he stood up and left the twblttable. One of Marcus cousins watched grimacing a bit. "....Are you sure that's Archie? He seems....scary..."
Taking another swallow of his drink, he waved the boy off. "He's been through a lot, Charlie! He almost DIED! I'd be a little scary too... and don't be rude and call people scary, you little creep." He slurred, pinching the younger's cheek playfully
"But...his eyes have a red tent to him....He doesn't look like he almost died. He looked like he is dead. And what's with him turning all....freakishly perfect? Don't you think it's strange?"
"Well, sort of... He does not look dead! Oh my gosh..." He muttered, "Listen, Charlie, when you lose your best friend and think he died, you don't get picky over his appearances or how he's change. You're just happy he's back with you."
"....Your ignoring some big things though. He doesn't eat, he's acting strange, and he looks like he wants to eat you....Don't you think you should look into it?"
"He... He eats. He ate that cookie, didn't he?" He countered, sitting up. "And yeah, he may not be like the Archie I knew before, but people change..."
"Yeah people change, but not drastically over such a small amount of time. " Charlie huffed, standing up. "I'm going to look into it. He won't even tell us what sickness he has." The boy grumbled as he headed off.
"Leave him be!" He whined, following besides him. "He's really grumpy, seriously! Just.. ask in the morning okay?"
Charlie grimaced at him before turning away and going to the other guest room. The house was pretty big
"Listen, if he does anything shifty, I'll tell you okay? So just... I dunno, relax for now? You'll be the first person I tell."
"Alright....Alright....Just keep an eye on the guy. He creepy." He grumbled and went to his room.
Huffing at the other's attitude, he wandered across the hall to his boyfriend. "You decent, Archie?" He cooed teasingly as he wandered in. "I'll eat up here with you if you want me to, I don't mind. I hate my homophobic uncle anyway, spewing bullshit ideologies and whatnot. "
Archie was dead asleep. It was still the day, and he barely got any sleep. So of course he would be tired.
Laughing at the soft snoring, he closed the door slowly before wandering down the stairs. "Charlie, come on! Dinner is like, almost done, and I'm STARVING. You don't want to miss on gramma's pie, do you~?" He called, hurrying down the stairs to the first level, yawning.
Charlie was researching on the laptop for sicknesses that would cause people to not be able to eat most things and not go in the sunligjt, and change their looks. Jumping from the sudden call of his name, he groaned and shut the lap top before hurrying down the steps.
"Whatcha doing in there, anyway?" He smiled, offering hi a hair ruffle. "You're like a little mouse."
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