Oi. Newbie Alert.



Original poster
I just signed up to this site, obviously.
Seems nice and organized.
I'm not a very interesting person in general. I go to college, get my credits done and plan to transfer.
In the mean time I keep to myself, plucking at a few strings and scrolling the web.
I've been roleplaying for about 5 years now, got into because I met some people who enjoyed writing.
I then got pretty caught up in it too.
Then I like to think a Depression fell about the RPing World.
Allot more people rather write sex and the whole lot.
Not against the mature themes whatsoever. I just kinda miss the blood and gore, random attacks and drama that perused in everyday conversation.

I ramble. Sorry about that.

Glad to be here. Let's make this fun, 'ite?
[BCOLOR=#000000]Welcome to the site Hamayu. Hope you enjoy your stay. :D[/BCOLOR]
Ah, yes. Thank you for the welcome.
Much obliged.
Welcome to Iwaku!

I'm October nice to meet you!
Welcome aboard, friend!
Hi there Hawayu, welcome to the site!
And I must say, I feel the exact same way.
Aye, Aye!

I feel all warm and fuzzy with all the welcomes! Very pleased to meet the lot of yall.
Thank you so much.