Oheyo Everyone!



Original poster
Hi! I'm new here but that won't stop me from taking over the site! >:D

Hahaha i was kidding! (Or was I...? mwahahahahaha *Chokes*)

Anywho! Like i said I'm new here but that won't stop me!

I hope i can make many friends here.

heyguyslooknospaces :D

I am very random as you can tell. And hyper!

But nice meeting you guys!

Well hi there Aspen! >:3 Welcome to the site!
*takes a bow* Many greetings and I hope you have a wonderful time and many adventures here!
No spaces!? This goes against the very laws of the universe! Do you know what you have done?

I can't promise you protection; the Organization may have already discovered the disturbance and it is only a matter of time.

So, have fun here before they come and lock you away. :D
Oh, I'm rooting for you, I trying am.
I love your name, Aspen, greetings and welcome to Iwaku, enjoy and love live the RP.
Oh hellllooo there fellow random person >:D
Lettuce be random together! Hehehhe

Welcome to iWaku x)