Oh, Teacher! [Mistress [x] Wyst]

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Alexander looked up at Lilian with a small smile. "Yes, Lilian?" Her name rolled off his tongue swiftly and somehow caring, which made him go blank for a moment, but came back into the real world, clearing out his throat in embarrassment.
Inwardly, the girl notes his tone, slightly curious about it. But she wasn't going to assume anything from it and she clears her throat a bit, glancing down to the contents on his desk, "Well, I was curious about you. I've always liked getting to know my teachers. Could we talk after school?" She glances back at him, biting her lip a bit. She DID like to know things about her teachers...but it would be interesting to get to know him personally as well despite how wrong that might be.
Alexander simpered at the new student, keeping his gaze at her. Leaning back in his chair, his head had slightly tilt to the side, crossing his arms. "Well, of course. Where would you like to meet?" He asked as he leaned a bit forward, waiting for her answer.
Lillian clears her throat a bit, "Oh, anywhere really. Here or anywhere else is fine for me. I have more then enough time..." She says, holding her books in hand.
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