Oh boy here I go drafting again (Spuds drafts)

Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi
Countries of Tel'Ruda

North of mountain ranges of Kelmar, Lyst lies in snow-veiled valleys and forests of deciduous trees. There is a large issue of risen dead and demonic pacts. This has resulted in most mages being seen as suspicious save those who are pact mages of angelic beings or wizards who study warding runes. However, a decent number of mages outside of the socially accepted variety have made a name for themselves, eradicating potentially dangerous individuals often for a fee. The Ruler is the young Aria Sol, a Pact Mage who has recently taken the throne and is a beacon of hope for the people. Though many nobles see her sudden popularity as potentially damaging to their control, resulting in a tumultuous relationship between the Queen and the Nobles of Lyst.

A Republic made up of four districts, each with a unique ecosystem and resources. The republic was originally created as Kelmar is a location of intense magic reserves. The land itself is overflowing with magical energy resulting in the wildlife being immense and magical in nature as well as dangerous. Even the land is influenced in a similar way giving birth to bizarre landscapes both equal parts awe-inspiring as well as deadly. Due to the high concentration of magical energy, sorcery is incredibly common in Kelmar

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    Equal parts snow capped mountain and arid crags, the high hilltops of the Kainen range are the home to many beasts, from yetis, to giants, to rocs, and even the occasional Dragon. Ruled by the 32 dwarven houses, the denizens of Kainen are fiercely nationalistic, often times neglecting the plight of the other nations seeing their own struggle as a much greater accomplishment. There are often many who practice wizardry as well as artifice, as the dwarves value craftsmanship and tradition above all else.

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    Shaambalak is a dangerous and unforgiving land. The swamps are filled with poisonous bogs and monstrous creatures that lurk beneath the surface of the water. Most humanoids have a hard time surviving in this unforgiving world. There are a few cities that stay closer to the boarders and around any livable water sources. But the hardy lizardfolk native to the swamps have no issue, and this holds no truer to the Ss'rak tribe. That said, the Ss'rak tribe treat Shaambalak as if they were animals within it. They mark their vast territory, and protect it fiercely. Almost counter intuitively, the more primal their life-style the more they thrive. The lizardfolk have long since split into two distinct tribes. The animalistic Ss'rak, and the exiled Bas'miik. The Ss'rak see civilization as a disruption to the natural order, seeing the all forms of magic outside of Sorcery and the Worldsong as cowardly and weak. Without their perversions of the ancient magic, they would soon nourish the tribe and the ground. The Bas'miik however, are more willing to work with the other races not native to the swamp seeing this as another step in evolution and thus a part of nature.

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    An arid badland where water is only available through aquifers or on the rare occasion of rain. Though a large portion is cracked clay beds, there are occasional plains with grasses running across it. There are many burrowing insects far larger than they usually should be in the arid land, and in some of the more mountainous areas, large birds that can swipe cattle without any issue.

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    The Volcanic Highlands is a volcanic forest with many underground caverns and cave systems that run deep into the ground with crystals and other precious ore. The land consists of many ore magically charged creatures, such as chimeras and elementals. Nowhere else is it obvious that in Kelmar, the land itself has been known to rise up to defend itself than in the Volcanic Highlands.


A large country of both deserts and jungles. Many traders in fine garments and spices as well as a large amount of gold reserves in the jungles has led to Andii being the most powerful economy in the world. However, there are many myths and legends that seem to indicate that this is from dealings with djinns from long ago. Andii places a lot of faith in the Worldsong, having called it the "altaabin alkabir" long before the theory was even brought in to the mind of other nations. They are ruled by a sultan, however the most important figure in their culture is the Chanter, an individual who possesses the necessary requirements in order to practice Worldsong Magic, as well as a few other factors that are difficult to determine. That is why only the current Chanter is allowed to pick their apprentice, having the knowledge of what it takes in order to learn all the legend and lore of the world from time immemorial. However, there is much unrest in Andii currently as the current Chanter, Alibaba Mardi will soon part this world from old age, and they still have not found a suitable apprentice to take the new title of Chanter. Chanters are seen as genderless, as they are believed to embody any story they tell.

CS Template

(Image of Character here)

Magic Source:


(A brief description of how your character acts)

(A longer description of how your character came to wish to study magic in the first place)


(How does your character use magic? Remember that each Source of Magic acts differently. i.e. an Artificer typically doesn't practice spellcasting and relies solely on their inventions, or a wizard is likely less powerful than a sorcerer, but far more versatile in their abilities)

This section is more freeform, typically involving more meta information such as Theme Song, Alternate outfits, Voice Actor, who the Face Claim is etc


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