Of Mirrors and Portals

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"Nothing. Just wondering about that. There's a lot of myth about vampires. I wanna know if they're all true. I'm very curious about things." she said smiling.
He smiled and nodded "yeah, but you know, it's whatever. I'm just a vampire, also seen as a freak of nature."
"I don't think you are a freak." she frowned. "Sure, you can be scary but freak? No I don't think so." she said convincingly.
He looked at her "how am I scary? I wouldn't even hurt anyone if it wasn't to protect someone I care about."
"I meant that since you're a vampire, it's natural for me to feel scared since, well, we're different. But I didn't mean any offense." she said apologetically,
He looked down "you could be the same.."
"Really? How come?" she tilted her head.
He started laughing "if you became a vampire, it's not a serious note.. I know you won't."
"How can you be so sure? Besides that would only happen if you bite me, right?" she said a bit confused.
"Because.. Why would you wanna be a vampire? And yeah, it would, but I won't, don't worry." He looked at the opening of the cave and sighed
"I'll be gone before you know it, and your life will be back to normal."
"You have a point but we can still be friends, you know. After all this stuff.." she smiled.
"Don't you want to be friends with me? I guess I'm not that good making friends and stuff." she shrugged.
"I do.. But I'm not a very good friend to have.."
"I think I can handle that." she smiled at him.
He looked up, and for a second it seemed like she liked him.. And she valued him as a person.
He smiled back "I'd like that.."
"Cool." she said. She looked at him. She realized that she's not scared at him at all. She thinks he'll be a great friend.
He got up and stretched "we should get going, we'll need to find a shelter before night falls again."
"Ok." she said. She hope they can find a way back immediately. She doesn't know if they found out that she's missing. She doesn't want them to worry.
He grabbed his bag and walked to the opening of the cave "let's go, silly."
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