Numinor's Greatest King--and Queen

People began to murmur amongst themselves. A few heard Alexhandr's proposal first and they whispered it to others, then they told friends, and now everyone within a half mile radius was buzzing about, wondering why in the Maker's Blessed name their king was inviting a simple gypsy girl! Jealous females cursed and babbled about the injustice to their friends, angrily asking their colleagues why she, the gypsy was chosen to go instead of them. Alex was ignoring everything and everyone around him except Lynia. She was his focus. His only focus.

For a the moments Lynia was speechless, Alexhandr's face was one contorted with anxiety.
'She is going to say no,' he thought. 'Why would she want a tour? Besides, she is a gypsy. She does not share my beliefs at all!'

As she answered him, however, his heart practically leaped out of his chest. His face went from an anxious one to pure elation, a giant, sheepish grin spreading across his gorgeous face. Alex's eyes sparkled with delight and he had to force himself to keep from jumping up and down in the air like a fool. He would ensure she loved every moment she spent with him, this he swore.

"Ahh, excellent!" he said loudly, unable to keep all of his glee contained. "You have my word that you shall be treated like royalty, and that you shall remember the moments you are there for the rest of your days, my good lady Lynia! Here, please, place your hand in mine and let us walk together to the castle." King Alexhandr held out his large, rough, onyx-scaled hand for her to take. A gentleman without a doubt.
Alexhandr's expressions amused her to no end. At first he had seemed really anxious, but now he seemed like he was just oozing excitement and happiness all over the place. Lynia really didn't think that he would be so happy for her to agree, but the look in his eyes was so contagious that she found herself smiling right back at him. His joy only made him more attractive, if that was even possible. She wondered if he realized that a simple expression change could light up his features so drastically and change how he was perceived. As he spoke, even his voice radiated happiness.

"You really don't have any need to treat me like royalty, my liege," she assured him, trying not to laugh as she realized that he reminded her of an excited child. His mood was simply infectious. She smiled and placed her hand in his, noticing how small and pale her smooth hand looked in comparison. When she looked back up at him, she was still smiling. "I have no doubt I'll remember this for a very long time," she assured him.

Lurking in the shadows, Purn couldn't help but smirk. There was no way 'lady' Lynia was going to be able to resist her true nature for long. With his suggestion in her mind, she was going to turn back to the way of thieves and he knew it. All he had to do was wait for her to return with the goods and hope that the king didn't realize he had taken interest in a beautiful con.

"I do love getting what I want," he murmured to himself, flipping a coin at the flower seller with a smirk before turning and walking away from the gathered crowd.
Alexhandr Ro Denthanor was over 1,600 years old, yet here he was acting like a young drake who had just seen his father spew fire for the first time. He felt vibrant and alive, more so than he had in centuries, and all because this sweet elven gypsy had accepted his request. Not only that, she had placed her small, soft, pale hand in his massive, masculine, scarred one, and it felt perfect. Her hand was warm and her little feminine fingers were a pleasure to hold.

As the two of them walked toward the castle, the denizens that saw them stared in absolute awe. Had their king found someone? Was their king out, looking for a potential mate? And why was she a gypsy? Had their king abandoned his beliefs just to please an elf-maiden? Females stood, gossiping and looking onto Lynia with disdain and rage. Males gaped at the sheer pulchritude and elegance of the elven girl, feeling envious of their liege.

But not everyone was jealous. The mated couples beamed with pride at their king, feeling elated their their monarch had taken to someone. Their hearts were filled with the same glee that was in Alexhandr's, for they understood his emotions entirely. Joy filled them completely. The elderly grinned at their beloveds and prayed that their king would be so lucky as to find his true-mate so that he could spend the rest of his reign and life with her. Just the potential of unconditional love blossoming sent those who gazed upon him and Lynia into a mirthful mood. Alexhandr was not the only one ecstatic. Bliss radiated from him. It poured and shined from his figure and it boosted the hopes and morale of his people tenfold. Draconis valued love above everything else. Everything else.

"How long have you been in Numinor, beautiful elf-maiden?"
he asked her, putting a strong emphasis on the word 'beautiful'.
Lynia only glanced around a single time as they walked. Her deep crimson eyes swept the area and finally realized the kind of attention they were getting merely by walking together. What she noticed the most were the hateful gazes of the females, but she could understand them. The king was incredibly attractive, both inside and out, and he was the most sought-after man in the entire city romantically. He had the complete package and the love foretelling reading to boot - of course they were jealous and upset. It wasn't like it was her fault that he asked her, though. She wasn't a witch or anything like some people tended to accuse when her readings hit too close to the mark to be comfortable.

However, she also noticed a fair amount of people who seemed rather.. pleased with what was going on. Pleased was a rapid understatement, she soon realized. They were nearly as excited about it as Alexhandr was himself, and that really made her wonder if there was something else going on here that she didn't understand. A species difference, perhaps. She wasn't as knowledgeable about Draconis as she probably should have been.

All of that was taken in with a glance that lasted barely five seconds before her eyes were pulled back to the one who walked at her side. He was so incredibly happy that she felt as though being anything less than joyous was nearly a crime. She smiled up at him, delighted each and every time that his eyes met hers. A faint blush touched her cheeks as he spoke to her. It wasn't the first time she had been complimented on her looks, of course, especially during her time as a gypsy. However, most of the other times were more.. Well, it was a far different situation. Plus, she was taking a strong liking to Alexhandr already so it seemed like it meant more coming from him.

"Almost a year now, my liege. It's a beautiful city, one I've come to love dearly. My brother even has plans to come here as well after hearing my descriptions of it," she said, speaking truthfully even though she left out the part that he couldn't come just yet. Soon though, she promised herself. Soon.
Alexhandr noticed Lynia's pleased disposition and that only made him all the more content, an even wider and brighter grin spreading across his attractive, obsidian-scaled face. What was most intriguing though, was how life-like and bright his ruby eyes were. They shined with an extravagant beauty that reflected his inner mood, which was one even giddier than his outside one. The king also seemed to forget his subjects as he no longer bothered to wave or look at them. There was something about Alexhandr that Lynia did not understand, nor did most other races understand. Only those well educated on Draconis would be able to realize what was going on.

He listened to her every word--no, he basked in her every word, taking each one to heart and letting her heavenly voice echo within his frilled ears.
"Your brother has plans? Ho-ho, splendid, splendid! Where is he, might I know? I can send him an escort to lead him here! Oh, and perhaps I can send him a gift as well! Maybe a nice outfit that he could put on when he comes to the castle? Or is he in a dangerous land? Might I send a company of soldiers to clear the way for him? Oh, and please my lady, call me Alexhandr. Being called 'liege' and 'lord' and 'king' is bothersome. That is, if it please you to call me Alexhandr."

Such an odd creature. A king, a mighty and powerful and wise one at that, with a city-state as large as several countries meshed together under his rule. He could have anything he desired. He could take anything he desired. Alex's enemies feared him and his allies worshiped him. Yet, here he was, asking that he be called by his first name and not his title, walking hand in hand with an elven gypsy. Not only someone not of his race, but someone not of his nationality or his religion!

As Alexhandr quickly responded to her mention of her brother, Lynia's eyes widened and she was stunned as he offered an escort, a company of soldiers, clothing.. She was shocked that he would make such offers with barely knowing who she was and having never even heard the name of the boy he was speaking about. Another shock came when he requested that she simply use his first name to address him. She was starting to think that maybe this wasn't reality at all and she was actually dreaming. It felt real, though, much more real than any dream her mind could come up with. After she realized he had stopped speaking a few moments ago, she scrambled to begin responding and try and get rid of her stunned mind.

"He currently lives in Miltiades," she said, a faintly pained look flickering in her eyes before she stifled it. "The city is recovering from a long war with Zalmon, a neighboring Elven province. Things are not going well for them and I believe my brother could prosper here. He is a metalsmith. There is no need for an escort, though, I have plans to retrieve him myself very soon. He wishes for me to visit the city one last time," she explained, knowing that it would be a sorrowful visit as she had yet to visit their family graves.

"That's more than enough talk about myself. I'd love to hear more about you, my l-.. I mean, Alexhandr," she said, looking up at him with a smile as she was filled with delight. His name just sounded wonderful and perfect on her tongue, she wanted to say it repeatedly just for fun.
Alexhandr gave her an amused look as she took several moments to respond to him. She seemed perplexed and shocked. 'I wish folk would not be so taken aback when I humble myself before them. Why do people see me as a demigod of some sort? I am just as flawed as they!' he thought to himself. 'Blessed Maker, I pray that you keep me this humble for the rest of my days. Humiliate me if I ever begin to superior to others.'

"Yes..." he said, after she replied to him. He was now no longer in a giddy mood, but in a solemn one. It was weird to see him shift from ecstasy to such a serious mood so quickly. His people felt his shift in feeling and they stepped away from him, giving him room to speak quietly and to think without their babbling and gossip. "I begged Zalmon and Miltiades to not fight. Many of Numinor have family and friends there, and I could not bear the thought of seeing them heartbroken at the loss of their loved ones. I offered to them many materials and gifts and I tried to become the peacekeeper between them. It hurts my heart to see Elves fight one another. Such a wise and graceful race does not need to have wars between themselves. It is not fitting."

He spoke as if the Elves were his own people. He talked about them as if every Elf was his family member. His sweet, soft red eyes became wet, a single tear rolling down his left cheek as the remembrance of their declared war flooded into his mind.
"I failed to bring peace between them, but I could not offer my good warriors to a certain side, for that would only breed hatred and animosity towards us. Nor do my soldiers seek to enter a war that we have no place in, and I could not sleep well at night knowing that I had sent good men to die away from home protecting those they have never met." Alex made no move to wipe away the tear gliding down his face. "I only pray that the aid I send them to help rebuild their scarred homeland makes up for my wretched failure. Maker forgive me, and I hope you do as well."

The king was hard on himself. He blamed himself for something that he could not have controlled or stopped without the use of military force. There was an inexplicable, genuine benevolence within his heart that made him so vastly different from everyone else. His love was not only for his people, but for all people, whether they were under the Numinorian banner or not. This is without a doubt why his subjects and his allies were so faithful to him; his love was unconditional and ever-reaching and Alex was not afraid to let others know.

Lynia picked up on the change in mood easily, although now it was more a mirror of her inner one that had shifted as her thoughts surrounded her brother's situation. She sighed silently, feeling almost guilty for bringing Alexhandr down instead of giving a shorter and less depressing answer. His smile was gone, and when he started to speak, the difference in his tone was extreme.

She listened as he spoke of the war, and how he had known it was going on. Of course, she had expected him to. He was a king and such an event was a political affair started over something that even now seemed stupid. As he went on to describe how he had tried repeatedly to keep the two from fighting, she realized that the way he spoke told of much more than his obvious attempts. The war had wounded him just as badly as the Elves involved. She looked up at him and saw a tear leaving a sparkling trail down his cheek. Reaching up with her free hand, she gently brushed it away and gave him a soft smile.

"Do not blame yourself, Alexhandr. The war would have been fought even if you yourself stood in the middle of them when they were swinging blows at each other. Nothing you could have done would have stopped them. It was a matter of tradition and pride - the Elders were determined," she said quietly, shaking her head a little as her wild black curls tumbled around her shoulders. "If you are to blame, then I am as well for not going back to lend a hand. I was a member of the fighting guard once. An archer. My duty should have been to my people and my family, yet did I go running back?" she went on, looking away for a moment as guilt temporarily overwhelmed her.

"Now that the war is over, I will provide a place for my brother to start his life over. A place for him to grow and love. It's my way of an apology, but also the only thing I know that I can do for him at this point," she added softly, looking back up at him again and pausing her steps as they finally reached their destination. "You should not dwell in guilt. It masks your smile," she said, offering a small smile to him in hopes of starting his own.
The king looked upon Lynia with sorrowful, wet eyes. His humility showed. A mighty warrior who could cry in front of his people. A king who could cry in front of his people. None of his subjects looked upon him any longer. They went about their and stayed their distance, giving their complete respect to their liege. The mood of the Numinorians was dependent upon the mood of their ruler.

As Lynia's tender hand wiped away his tear, Alexhandr reached up with his right hand and clasped around it, holding it in his. He kissed her palm and then the back of her hand, grateful for being comforted.
"Lady Lynia, you were once a guard. You are no longer one and were not when the war began. Guilt not yourself. I myself am elated that you did not return, for there is a great likelihood that you would have perished alongside the others on he battlefield. Someone so graceful and beautiful does not deserve such an awful fate."

Alexhandr paused for a moment and then smiled at Lynia. A small, but warm and pleasant smile.
"Allow me to pay the way for your brother. I will pay every expense. I will even purchase him a home in the city so that you and he may live together as family. Your home shall include running water and heat. I have gnomish and dwarven architects and engineers that can make it happen. Furniture and the like shall be provided, out of my own expense. Not yours and not the city's. Please, I beg that you accept my offer. It is the least I can do for you and your brother. Both of you have suffered so. No... not only shall I do that, I will pay the way for all elves of Zalmon and Miltiades to come to Numinor. I shall purchase land and hire architects to construct them homes." He looked deep into Lynia's eyes as he spoke each word.
As Alexhandr kissed her hand twice, Lynia could only smile up at him. There was something so different about him than all of the others she had dealt with through her life. Not only was he caring, but he seemed to actually understand instead of giving out blind condolenses. It was different, but in all the best ways. She nodded as he spoke of not carrying her own guilt, though she didn't agree that she did not deserve the fate of her fellows. Beautiful or not, she had a duty to her people and should have been there. It was a lingering guilt that she would carry with her to her grave, but she had long accepted that and it did not have enough weight to crush her. An opportunity to learn and grow, that was what she wanted to look upon it as.

"You're too kind, Alexhandr," she replied simply with a small smile, falling silent once more as he went on to speak of how he would purchase a home for her brother here in the city. Before she could even protest, he went on to swear that every single Elf of both Zalmon and Miltiades could have the same treatment. Her jaw dropped slightly and she stared at him speechlessly for several moments before she managed to speak.

"That.. That's very generous. Overly so," she stuttered, stunned. "I.. I am certain the Elves would be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to live in such a magnificent city," she added. On one hand she really wanted to refuse and say that she could care for her own brother, but on the other she knew that to do so would be speaking from her pride alone and robbing hundreds of others of a grand opportunity. Still, it felt wrong, somehow. Nobody had ever offered her anything like this just because they felt it was the right thing to do. Everything had some sort of price - she had learned that a long time ago.

"Thank you," she said softly, looking up at him with a smile as she tried to silence her thoughts.
Alexhandr bowed to her yet again. No one would understand why a this king would bow before a commoner, let alone a commoner who did not share the Draconis faith of Eluithol. Lynia was a pagan by Draconis's standards, yet the steadfastly devout king of Numinor did not show a single sign of caring about this difference, even though faith was one of his top three priorities in life. This is what made several Svitran, Draconis priests, stop in their tracks to gaze upon their lord and master with curious eyes, standing a good ways away. They examined Lynia as well, running their eyes up and down her figure, trying to decide whether or not she was right for their king. The priests of Numinor knew better than anyone else how truly benign Alexhandr was and there had been times in the past where people had taken advantage of his trusting, tender nature.

"Mmm. I have much. Too much. Numinor is the most powerful nation on Drakur, and even the surrounding realms are not as strong as my people." The king did not say that he was powerful and strong. He said his people were. How very peculiar, considering Alex was the ruler of them. "I say this not as to boast, but as a simple fact. What makes Numinor so great are the people. It is not I that makes it great. I do nothing but ensure peace and stability. No, it is the common folk who create businesses, erect wonderful structures, till and work the farm fields, smith fine weapons and armor, and raise loving and honorable children. The glory of Numinor does not go to me, but to them. I wish for the war-torn Elves to come here and to be a part of it all. They have suffered so and deserve better! I definitely do not deserve what I have been given. It is only the Maker's will that I am king and it is for that reason alone that I stay king. I would much rather be a farmer than a monarch." When he finished speaking he kissed the back of her smooth, Elven hand once more.

The priests overheard their liege speaking in such a manner, and a smile spread across their Draconic faces. It pleased them to hear Alex speak in such a humble manner. The faithful of Numinor looked to Alexhandr as a guide and it would be dreadful for the religion's reputation if the king began to stray from his beliefs. Now they awaited Lynia's response with eagerness. How would she react to Alexhandr Ro Denthanor's words? Draconis priests were rumored to be master's at reading body language. Other rumors were that the priests held psychic powers and could tell whether or not your thoughts were good or bad, pure or impure.

Lynia nodded slowly as Alexhandr claimed to have too much. It was true, of course, that the vast amount of wealth for a single man was more than necessary. She had not strayed so far from the Elves that she did not still hold to some of their values. Money was something that she wished were unnecessary, and she longed to live in a society where it did not even exist. Yet living in reality instead of a closed off Elvish city made it increasingly hard to ignore that coin was needed to live. It was nice to see a king who was aware that there was a such thing as 'too much'. Some Elves believed that everybody outside of their gorgeous cities was greedy and selfish, but Lynia tried to believe the best in people until they gave her a reason to do otherwise.

He had pride in his people, that much was obvious. It made her smile as she listened to him - he was just like a parent saying 'look what my children made. Isn't it lovely?' Yet at the same time he stepped back and took no claim of having taught them to be great, rather the opposite. She nodded and smiled up at him, stunned over and over again what a wonderful man was standing before her.

"The people of any nation are what make it great, but I disagree with part of what you said," she informed him, a faint blush tinging her cheeks from his kiss on her hand. "Without the right king to lead them, people could easily turn on themselves or allow small incidents to become rapidly out of hand. Arguments, accidents, sicknesses. Without a leader there to keep things running smoothly, the people who make this nation great would fall. They may the reason Numinor is the way it is, but without a king such as yourself, it would be a vastly different place," she explained, putting into words the thoughts that were collecting in her mind.

She waited for a response with a soft smile and sparkling eyes, her attention completely focused on Alexhandr. The fact that others were watching them was lost on her, and she likely wouldn't have done more than glance at them if she even did realize it.
The black Draconis's cheeks turned to a light gray color as she complimented him and told him what a good leader he was. Alexhandr did not believe that he was the greatest king Numinor has had thus far, but the truth is that he was. He was compassionate and merciful, while at the same time he enforced strict laws and kept order with well-trained guards and soldiers. Petty crimes were forgiven by Alexhandr, while crimes in which others were slain or brutally harmed emotionally and/or psychologically were not. Crime rates were low because would-be criminals knew exactly how they would be dealt with when caught. Civil disputes were solved in court as well. All cases were heard almost immediately by the king. He did not believe in procrastination or drawing out what should be dealt with then and there.

Enemies of Numinor stayed away, and for good reason. The Numinorian army was undeniably powerful. Every soldier went through a long and hard training, and those unable to keep up and suffer through such a rigorous training regimen were kicked out. The army was also multi-racial, so if an enemy force attacked the city-state's military, they would essentially be bringing the wrath of all races on Drakur, for many of Numinorian's denizens had family and friends elsewhere on Drakur. Rebels and traitors were put to the sword and shown no mercy, and any nation that dared attack Alexhandr's people was quickly conquered by Jakir's cunning and destructive campaigns.

"You are too kind, Lady Lynia. But, I can see that you kill speak highly of me no matter what I say, so we are at a stand-still," Alex said with a big grin on his face. "Now, let us go inside. I have a diplomat waiting for me. I shall have you meet him and you shall have a taste of politics and diplomacy. Then we shall have you see my tailor. She is a wood elf and is the best tailor in all Drakur. Every outfit you see me where has been painstakingly created by her. I will have her make you the most gorgeous of all outfits in Drakur!"

The priests near Alex and Lynia were satisfied with Lynia's response and departed to their Temple, pleasant expressions upon their reptilian faces. The elf's body language showed no signs that she meant the king ill and her words were spoken from her heart. Perhaps Alexhandr had found himself someone quite special.

The king walked up the many stone stairs to the castle portcullis. Upon seeing their liege, the guards quickly raised the portcullis and let Alexhandr and his knew female companion through. As they stepped past the portcullis, Alexhandr and Lynia entered the castle courtyard. A gargantuan open area filled with flora. Several tall trees occupied the courtyard, and neat, trimmed hedgerows were aligned besides the sides of the cobble road that led to the huge, mahogany castle doors. Flowers were everywhere in the courtyard, of all different kinds and colors. It was a well-tended to area that would make any nature-lover feel at home.

Alexhandr led her to the center of the courtyard where a huge and gorgeous stone fountain was. Crystal clear water flowed upward from the top spout, water droplets splashing onto the draconis and the elf-maiden.

As the king led the gypsy-elf away from the gate, one of the guards whistled humorously at Lynia. The guard was then smacked on the back of his head by his comrade, and the two of them laughed heartily. Everyone seemed to be ecstatic again.

As he said they were at a stand-still, she laughed a little and nodded. Honestly, she probably wouldn't speak so highly no matter what he said because her opinion could change if he said something awful, but she seriously doubted that would happen. She listened with interest as he said he had a diplomat waiting, now wondering if she had held him up longer than she should have. Before she could dwell on that thought for too long, Alexhandr had gone on and described his tailor.

"So, the great king doesn't dress himself?" she asked lightly with a teasing smile, shaking her head a little. "She must be incredibly skilled. I don't think I've ever heard anybody commenting on your poor taste in fashion or misfitting clothing," she added as she went up the stairs with him.

She looked all around as they entered the courtyard, eyes widening slightly in surprise. It was, without a doubt, beautiful. The one thing that she had ached for the most since leaving Miltiades was the wildlife. Flowers had always been a soft spot for her, and trees were a close second. She knew instantly that she could spend hours just in this courtyard and be content. Of course, it helped that she had Alexhandr at her side and knew that she wouldn't mind spending any length of time with him as well. Smiling at the thought, she looked up at him again.

"This is stunning. It makes me miss Miltiades more than anything else in the city has thus far. The variety is impressive," she commented lightly, glancing around at the different flowers as they walked to the fountain. The splashing water made her laugh softly and she brushed some sparkling droplets from her arm. This place was magnificent, and she wasn't even truly inside yet.

As they moved further in, away from the gate, she heard a whistle that made her turn to see one guard smacking another. She laughed and awarded them both a grin, twirling her fingers in an wave to them before looking back up at Alexhandr with a joyous smile.

"Where is the diplomat from?" she asked with interest, to keep the conversation moving.
Alexhandr Ro Denthanor blushed even more at her jest. "I do dress myself," he retorted in a playful tone. "I put my clothes on all on my own like a big draconis, thank you kindly!" He chuckled and squeezed Lynia's hand in his. "I just do not create my own clothes because... well... I have terrible taste in fashion and clothing. The reason why no one has ever said foul of my fashion is because I am wise enough to let a tailor choose what I put on!"

He appeared to have a wonderful sense of humor. A self deprecating one at that. He poked fun at himself and his faults, another sign of how great his humility was. It is a strange how he has not found a queen to rule beside him yet. Was there something about the king that pushed people away? Surely there was something wrong with Alexhandr, for why else would he still be single after 1, 400 years?

Alex inhaled and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the natural beauty of the area. After a minute he opened his eyes and spoke.
"Aye, I have wood elves tend to this area. They love their duty so. It is magnificent to look upon and I come here often when I am stressed to listen to the birds chirp and take in the smells of the flowers. It eases my worries and helps me to think. But, soon, all that live in Miltiades shall be here. They can stay here as long as they desire, even after my architects have helped rebuild your great province."

The king of Numinor then spotted his guards and shook his head at them, although a goofy smile was plastered across his face. He did not mind a bit of horseplay now and again. The two guards had served him well for two centuries now. Good friends of his, he sometimes took them out to a tavern and bought them--and usually the rest of the tavern--a few rounds of ale. They were brothers, the two guards, and they sometimes pulled pranks on Alexhandr and Jakir. Alex found them to be quite amusing, whereas the High General generally found pranks to be too frivolous for two royal guards to be enjoying. Though they were mischievous, they knew when it was time to be serious and they understood their duties as gate-guards to be of importance.

"The diplomat is from Amak Shal Tir," he replied to her after she inquired about the diplomat.
"It is the capital city of Dumakistan." Dumakistan was the country that the Dwarves occupied to the west of Numinor. A gargantuan mountain range separated the temperate climate of Numinor from the ashen, volcanic climate of the Obsidian Skies, and the dwarves dwelled within the mountain. "Jakir informed me that the Dwarves have come across a massive iron vein in the mountains and that they wish to increase their iron and steel exports by thrice the amount they are currently. I take great interest in this, because much of our weapons and armor is forged from Dwarven ore. They desire our Draconic jewelry, fine weapons, and magickal knowledge in return." The king spoke of the dwarves with pride. He seemed to have a great respect for the hardy, ale-loving mountain-folk.
Lynia laughed as Alexhandr admitted to his awful taste in clothing. At least he could admit it - most men seemed to have a hard time admitting that they were much better off with their wives dressing them in the mornings. She was still smiling as he went on to describe how he had wood Elves take care of the courtyard. No surprise there, the skill was obvious. It warmed her heart to think of her old friends and comrades living in a place like this, and she let out a silent sigh of contentment. Today was truly like a day from her dreams, and it wasn't even over yet. What else lay in store for the evening she would spend here in the castle? She had a feeling that by the time she left to go home, she'd be even more amazed by the king than she was already.

"I visited Dumakistan once, about three centuries ago. It was a beautiful country, although I must say I prefer the forests of Miltiades to the mountains. To each their own," she replied with an easy smile to his description of the diplomat. As she listened to the news of an iron vein, she nodded a little. It made sense that a Dwarven diplomat would come first to Numinor for such a trade. The Elves trade with the Dwarves had been shaky at best during the war, but she had no idea how such things fared now. "I've heard there are few things better for a sword than Dwarven ore. This should be a great thing for Numinor, yes?" she queried with interest, remembering how her brother had once commented on the ore when attempting to get her interested in his job.

She was starting to wonder a little bit about Alexhandr. There were things that she knew she had to be missing - obvious pieces to the puzzle that was the king. He was a single man, which could possibly be excused by the fact that running a nation was a monumental and heavily time-consuming task. However, he was also incredibly attractive and well-loved by his people, and with good reason. So far she didn't see any signs of his personality being rotten deep in the core, and he had been nothing short of overly generous and kind. The only real thing that she could see was that he might be a tad too trusting - but that was hardly a bad thing when it came to the games of love. So why was he still single? Asking him outright definitely wasn't proper, so she decided to merely wait and see if any obvious issues came into light during the rest of the time she got to spend with him.
"This is indeed a wondrous thing for Numinor! With increased trade comes an increased reputation. With an increased reputation comes more allies and more trust between friends!" He clasped his hands in contentment, elated at the notion of better dealings with allies. "Ahh, the Maker has blessed us so much as of late! I only pray that He continues doing as He does! Without the Maker, Numinor would be not be as great. It is through His will and grace alone."

The king then began to walk towards the gargantuan mahogany doors. He grasped the large iron handle and pushed the door open, and then led her inside to the middle of the room.
"This is the Great Hall!" Alexhandr declared to the elf. The room was undeniably massive. Beautiful glass windows aligned the sides allowing sunlight to pour in and make the room bright and warm. Three rows of humongous wooden tables were in the room where guests and the like sat. At the far end of the room was were three sleek and lovely chairs. The one in the middle was the largest, the one to the left the second largest, and the one to the right the same size as all the others, yet the it was decorated just like the two beside it.

On the tables were polished glass plates, silver goblets for wine and drink, and fine silverware that included spoons and knives. Vases of flowers aligned the middle of each table, one vase placed every foot or so down the sixty foot long tables. On the ceiling hung three crystal chandeliers, bright and eye catching. Velvet carpet was laid out from the door to the three throne-chairs at the far end of the Great Hall and elegant paintings were placed upon the walls all around. At the opposite side of the hall were two doors; one to the far right, one to the far left. Each led to another room within the castle.

"This is where the feast shall be held! We will have comedians, singers, jugglers, and dancers to entertain us while we eat. The cooks are already beginning to prepare for the meal. Today is an important day to all Draconis! Today is the first day of Jennu Itov! The week of Great Love! It is when we celebrate all those love and care for and when we try our hardest to reconcile our differences with our enemies! All of Numinor shall partake in this though, not just Draconis! Haha! I do so love it! The coming days shall be full of grandeur and splendor! Praise the Maker!" He beamed with a heavenly happiness that was dreadfully contagious. His smile was bright and his face seemed alight with passion. He must have appeared even more appealing to the eyes as his happiness brought out his most remarkable features: his giddy, warm personality and his sheepish grin.
The longer the conversation went on between them, the more Lynia was starting to realize that Alexhandr's moods seemed to switch faster than a child's. It wasn't as though it was a problem, it just caught her off guard how he seemed to ecstatic about the idea of trade and the benefits it would bring to Numinor. Of course, he had every right to be happy, but it was as though he was radiating it. She found herself smiling more just because of his mood, which was not usual for her.

"There are many contributing factors to a successful nation," she acknowledged, though she was aware that they had very different ideas of the beings doing the 'blessing'. She was open to his beliefs, though, and had no problem with knowing that they differed in that area.

She followed him to the doors and walked with him inside, where her deep red eyes widened slightly. This single room was nearly as beautiful as the courtyard, in different ways. She found herself turning in a circle as she walked, just trying to take it all in. The table settings were wonderful, and the flowers made her want to stop and sniff them just to see if the scent was as wonderful as the colors they displayed. She figured the largest chair was for Alexhandr, though she could only guess at the other two. One must be for Jakir, his advisor, she thought. All in all, a gorgeous room - and massive!

As Alexhandr described the feast scheduled for later that day, she looked over at him and listened with interest. Last year she had come about a month later in the year, so had missed the week that was apparently here now. She had no idea what it even was other than what he was now telling her, but it did explain why everybody seemed in a better mood than usual today. It also seemed the likely reason that so many people had been whispering about her reading for the king, especially the last card. Interesting.

"It sounds like a lovely celebration. The Elves have a similar festival, though it's far shorter and doesn't involve a feast. I think I shall enjoy this more," she said, laughing softly at his excitement. She took another look around the room, then caught up with him and slipped her hand back in his without really thinking about it, just as delighted about his mood as he seemed to be about everything else. "As much as I would love to continue this tour, I don't think it'd be very fair to the diplomat to go running around the castle," she pointed out, though she was nearly giggling at the thought.
"Oh, my!" he exclaimed, and then laughed. A hearty, deep, delightful laugh. "I do seem to have forgotten about our Dwarven diplomat! Yes, yes! We must tend to him! I am sure he has been wondering where we have been! Come, my dear Lynia! Allow me to show you how dull it is to sign a treaty and shake hands with a diplomat!" He poked fun at his duties, another sign of his bright mood. Alexhandr grasped Lynia's hand in return and walked her to the far right door, which was an extremely long stone hallway with innumerable doors on the sides. Lit candles aligned the walls as did several windows, keeping the hallway bright and sweet smelling.

The king walked down the hallway slowly with the sweet elf-maiden until he reached the wooden door at the other end of the hallway. He pushed the door and held it open for Lynia, bowing courteously.
"This is the throne room," the draconis said simply.

The room was almost as large as the Great Hall. Ten guards stood within the room, their bodies straight and their hands at their sides. They were the monarch's throne-guards and they were all veterans. Exceptionally deadly and perceptive, they defend the king from enemies of all kinds, though mostly would-be assassins. They were frightening to look upon for they were covered in scars and their eyes were cold, almost empty. The Throne-Guards took their duty with extreme seriousness. The windows were stained glass. The artwork on them was extraordinary. A bright red, silky carpet covered the hard, cold, stone floor. On the ceiling hung two chandeliers. The room contained four doors. One at the far right back corner, one at the far left back corner, the one they just came from, and another to their farthest left which was another hallway akin to the one they just walked through, which also had innumerable doors and led back to the Great Hall. And just like the Great Hall, three chairs were in the back-middle. They were around the same size, but they were even more lavish. They were made of fine oak. Smoothed out to a point where it felt like skin to the touch. The seats were cushioned by feather-filled pillows, as were the arms and the back.

In the middle of the Throne Room stood Jakir Aussir-Oth and the Dwarven diplomat. Jakir appeared blank in expression while the diplomat seemed full of ire. He was clearly not pleased at being held up so long.
"Welcome, King of Numinor," said Jakir to his friend. "This is Gleer of the Stonehand Clan, the most powerful clan in Dumakistan. They hold the most Senate seats and their clan leader is Clan-Master. The Clan-Master sent Gleer here to speak of a trade deal, which you have already been informed of."

"Ah, hail Gleer Stonehand!" said Alexhandr to the dwarf. The king walked toward the diplomat with a smile on his face and his hand in Lynia's. The diplomat stood at five feet. He had a long, well trimmed gray beard and darkly tanned skin. The mountain-dweller's eyes were as brown as his skin. He was elderly and took his duties to heart and with a serious attitude. "This is Lady Lynia of Miltiades! She will be with me for the duration of Jennu Itov. I have been showing her about."

Suddenly, expression came upon Jakir's face. A surprised one. His sapphire eyed widened and a small smile formed across his face.

Gleer Stonehand bowed courteously to the king and to Lynia, not remarking upon the king's excuse.
"Ahh. I see. Well my liege, shall we get to discussing the perimeters of the agreement?" asked Gleer. He was one to get to work immediately. "I have other kingdoms that I must be at, so you must forgive me for wishing this to be done with posthaste." His words were polite but his attitude was one of annoyance. Alexhandr leaned over to Lynia and whispered so that just she could hear. "Quite the impatient little fellow, isn't he?" The king then hid his silly grin and turned back to the dwarf.
Shaking her head slightly, Lynia laughed as Alexhandr admitted to having forgotten about the diplomat, who was the only real reason that she thought they had come to the castle in the first place. She smiled and looked up at him, wondering if it truly was dull to meet an important person. Perhaps for one such as a king, it was boring and something he was used to so that the novelty had worn off. It was much the same for Elves, she realized. For those of a different race, meeting an Elven Elder was a high honor, yet for Elves, Elders could be seen regularly walking the streets or giving candied fruits to the children.

She swept into a graceful curtsy as Alexhandr opened the door for her, trying not to giggle since it seemed so strange to make such a gesture to him now. He was less like a king and more like a normal man, as much as it might have been bad for her to look at him that way. Once she stepped into the room, her deep crimson eyes swept the area and she had to keep her jaw from dropping. She was starting to seriously doubt that there was going to be a room in the castle that she didn't enjoy in some way. The windows in this one were her favorite feature, immediately. She felt as though she could examine them for hours and still find new aspects to admire.

Her attention fell on the other living beings in the room, and as she walked with him over to them, she schooled her expression to a polite smile. Jakir, whom she hadn't heard much about by way of gossip, seemed almost like a statue even as he introduced the diplomat. The Dwarf, on the other hand, was very obviously annoyed. Lynia was suddenly rather glad that she had reminded Alexhandr that they should come here quickly. She remained silent as she was introduced, bowing her head respectfully and giving both of the others a smile. One thing she did notice was Jakir's change of expression - or, rather, his sudden gain of one. Though curious, she knew now was not the time to interrupt. She looked to Gleer as he explained how he was in somewhat of a hurry, feeling faintly guilty since she was the whole reason Alexhandr was as late as he was.

However, when he whispered to her, she had to look at the floor quickly to hide the amused grin that spread across her lips. Getting it under control as quickly as she was able, she looked back up and fought back the urge to start laughing.