Not My Cup Of Tea. [England X O.C]

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Maya Bondevik

Original poster

  • Victoria was roommates with your friendly tsundere Arthur Kirkland. She herself, was also British. She was a tsundere herself and swore a lot. At least she could cook better than him. Victoria fell asleep on the couch, her book on the floor. She was exhausted from all the cleaning and work she did around the house and waiting for her roommate to come home from work.

Victoria was roommates with your friendly tsundere Arthur Kirkland. She herself, was also British. She was a tsundere herself and swore a lot. At least she could cook better than him. Victoria fell asleep on the couch, her book on the floor. She was exhausted from all the cleaning and work she did around the house and waiting for her roommate to come home from work.
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