Sailor Moon was on USA before the channel died. And it was on in the same morning block as Street Sharks and Mighty Max. Dayum, Mighty Max. And DAYUM, that skirt on Sailor Mercury!
Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM. Full stop.
I was there when Optimus Prime died for our sins....the first time.
Before Rick Astley rickrolled the Thanksgiving Parade, I was there for the original run of the music video that never gave me up and never let me down.
For that matter, I was there when MTV was about music videos.
The US version of Contra made the JP Contra players look like pussies. And I was there.
I was there when video games were produced in one weekend for less than $10 bucks. Granted, they LOOKED like they were made in one weekend for under $10, but still....
I was there when Legend of Zelda was in a gold cartridge.
I remember when Fabio modelled for the Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword video game cover.
Hell, I was there for Wizards and Warriors I. And reruns of Wizards and Warriors the TV show, which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the video game and predated it by almost a generation. And had Jeff Conaway in it before he went on Babylon 5.
Getting away from video games, I remember when people voted in for killing off Jason Todd. The putz.
A little further along, I remember the Death of Superman and how it hit both TV news and newspapers.
I remember Spawn, Youngblood, Stormwatch, Wild CATS...and then grew up and realized how ridiculous the Dark Age of comics really was. And am glad we're starting to cycle back to Golden Age.
I owned shitloads of Silver and Dark Age comics.
I remember The Amazing Spider-Man #400--the death of Aunt May (only it was ret-conned out...)
I (sadly) remember the Clone Saga. All. Of. It.
I remember Robot Carnival showing all the time on the Sci-Fi channel on Saturdays. "Deprived" was the best of the shorts in that anthology. No voicework or lines, just action. It distilled Every. Single. Shonen series ever made into a 6 minute video, losing no coherence at all. And it was awesome.
I remember Gigantor reruns.
Before there was Nanoha, there were Nanoha's parents: Sailor Moon and DBZ. Before Sailor Moon and DBZ, there was Nanoha's granddad: Fist of the North Star.