Normal ways, yet strange.

Lola rolled her eyes playfully at the wink he sent her,
"Flying has always sounded cool,
I think everyone wishes they could fly.
If I had to pick a superpower..
I'd want to be able to control the elements.
Not like it's possible, but y'know.
It's one of those cool powers you see on TV?"
She laughed,
"I sound like a child!"
Angel smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "Who says it isn't possible, though?" He said and smiled at her, wanting her to know that he didn't think she was being silly. He knew a thing or two about weird things. The day he had woken up with feathers everywhere, he had had a dream about himself being a real life angel, flying around until he got captured. He remembered the wings being chained and the feathers falling off, and then he had woken up and found a similiar scenario, just in his comfy bed at home. If that wasn't weird, then he didn't know what would be.
"If it was possible, I'd probably be the most amazed out of everyone,"
She said, then the bell rang for second.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Angel!
I have to run to science, and I have no idea where you have to run.
I don't want to make you late, especially on your first day!"
She rambled a bit.
"Maybe we'll get to talk some other time?
How about lunch?
Do you happen to have D lunch?"
She asked, as she gathered her books.
"I do. I'll be going to music class. We'll meet later, right?" He said and grabbed his things from the table. He waved at her as he went out of the classroom and towards the music classroom. Luckily he'd been shown around a bit before starting in the school so he knew where the classes he needed were. He turned a corner and went into the classroom.
He woke up and rubbed his eyes, as he had passed out for the rest of class. He smirked and said " Good thing i got Music next " He mumbled and got up from his seat grabbing his backpack and leaned on the wall, sliding across it as he walks. He ran his hand through his hair and stepped out into the hallway letting a yawn escape his mouth, As he made his way towards the Music room.
On his way to the music classroom, he saw Marko and waved him over. "So you're having music too?" He asked as they walked into the classroom. Great job Angel-kun. Be the most obvious piece of obviousness on this damn planet. This is really not the best way to make friends... but at least I befriended Lola. Maybe this guy, too... he seems cool enough.
Lola sat in the science classroom, waiting for everyone to file in.
Soon the teacher started and she took some notes.
Later when they began their worksheet,
she stared out the window at a leaf blowing by.
The teacher always left the window open, saying that good air made a good mind.
It landed on the edge of the windowsill.
Thinking on what Angel had said earlier,
she focused on the leaf, willed it to move.
Suddenly it flew up into the air out of sight.
She was caught off guard.
She stared into the space where the leaf had been.
Did that just happen?
She shook it off.
No way, it was just the wind, she thought.
And went back to her worksheet.
He smirked when Angel came over to him and asked him the question as they wanted into the classroom he said " Yeah heh seems like we have two classes together so far what luck " He patted him on the back as he walked towards the back of the music class, were he took the seat nearest to any window in the room. He looked at the teacher hoping that this music class this year would be more interesting, A few kids walked in chatting and punching each other in the side. There eyes then locked onto Marko and walked slowly over to him and leaned on his desk saying " Hello forienger...your in one of our seats " Marko smirked and looked up at the kids he had to deal with last year and said with his nice Russian accent " How about you Idti Yebat' sebya " The boy grabbed Marko by the shirt causing marko to stand up in his own defense, his desk falling to the side as he got to his feet. Marko smiled at the boy and said " You can hit me but that wont stop the beatings at home " The boy cocked his fist back and swung to strike marko in the face. But marko caught the fist in his hand causing a loud smacking noise to be created from the sheer stopping force, Thats when the teacher intervened. the three boys looked at the teacher and then rushed out the room, they weren't even suppose to be there. He picked the desk back up and sat down in it, he covered his face with his hand trying not to be noticed because the whole scenario that went down.
Angel sat and watched the whole scenery with barely hidden interest and went to sit at the table beside Marko as he sat there with his head hung on the table. "Yo. You still alive?" He just said and looked over at Marko. For a moment he looked out the window and something seemed to pass by. A light no one else could see. He looked around; no one seemed to have noticed it. * But... here? That doesn't make sense... they weren't after me, right...? * He stared intensely out the window but then shook his head and focused back on Marko, and then the teacher as class started. Since it was their first day in school everyone would just get to announce what they wanted to work with, and when Angel's turn came, he said singing and violin instantly without even thinking about it. He knew what he wanted; he hadn't gone with music for nothing. He looked over at Markp as it was his turn now. *I wonder what instruments he can play... probably a lot. He seems so good in music..*
He nodded to Angel when he asked if he was alive and then he noticed that the teacher asked him a question, He sighed and said " Violin, Trumpet, Saxophone, Piano, Harp, Guitar, Flute, and i can sing..." He sighed again and put his chin onto his hand as people gave him the look like yeah right you cant play all that. The teacher chuckled and went onto the next student, But Marko's eyes then set on Angel who was staring out the window. Marko was just staring inspecting his face and his personalities and his build he chuckled to himself and looked back at the front of the room when the teacher snapped for his attention.
He smiled a bit hearing about all Marko's talents, and didn't really pay attention to that he was being watched. He looked out the window when the teacher snapped him back in to reality. They were just doing something about musical theory and he answered the question right without even bothering. The last school he went to had been strict in learning all the theory stuff and not so much of the interesting stuff. So he just hoped this school would actually let him play a damn violin and practice it instead of hearing about how and why the violin became a violin. That was just boring. An anxious feeling thinking about his old school made him look out the window again. *No... there's nothing there... maybe that earlier was just my imagination? But it's never nothing!... damn it... I'm getting so side-tracked....*
Eeve was outside laying down the warm grass under the big shade of the tree above her. She laid there relaxing hearing the soft chirping sounds of birds singing and the air softly blowing everywhere.

It was completely peaceful, just like she wanted.

Skipping was normal for her, she wasn't those heroin type of students who'd skip and actually has a super smart brain that could pass every test, or maybe scare the teacher and make her pass and things like that. Eeve was just a girl who always stays outside and barely pass her exams.

School never mattered to her honestly, she only attends because of her parents.

" Ohsaka... " she softly chanted the school name as if it was a song. Her voice was gentle, fragile yet really weak. The same with her appearance.

A small pale looking body, it was obvious she wasn't the sporty type. She had soft light green hair which was shoulder length. Her eyes were gold yet it looked darker when it's under the sun. She had a gentle complexion. Almost like she could easily get hurt once you punch her even gently, which wasn't true though.

In first sight she'd easily be judge. And that was normal for her. " It's just the same... hmm.. " she said sitting down staring up the sky waiting for something interesting to happen.