no more mystery



I have some characters, They need a place to stay.

◝ ...
unveiling curtains in 3. 2. 1!


Maqali Khulan
26 ♢ Male ♢ Human ♢ Merc ♢​
A man of above average height and solid muscle, Maqali is quite the intimidating presence. Even his aura is of the almost overbearingly masculine and strong sort. He does not; however, exude aggression as one might expect. No, his bearing is calm and confident. Stemming from a learned internal and external faith in oneself.

Maqali's facial features are strong and well defined. His eyes are dark and monolidded, and endlessly expressive. He has thick brows that edge toward the glabella. With strong cheekbones and jawline, his masculine nose and thick lips lose some of their distinction. Maqali is rarely bothered to keep any specific hairstyle, but prefers having some amount of facial hair and a clean, militant cut.

To place a color to a skin-tone is not easily done, if one were to try however, tawny or umber depending on lighting would be most accurate.



Intimidating but sweet face, bemused demeanor.
Voice: Deep with some rasp. Slow, almost slurring except when harried.

Intimate Details
Motivation: A deep seated need for vengeance and a more present motive of survival, day to day small happiness.
Fears: Vomit and fancy places with little room for movement.


bit of a contradiction, Maqali is easygoing and good humored; yet his interactions with people, especially strangers can be tinted with hostility. It takes time and ruthless persistence to get past some of his unconscious barriers. He likes to banter as well as he likes his silences. Some of his more obvious traits are his confidence, independence, resourcefulness, rustic air, and impulsiveness.

Fiddling with blades and staring into nothingness

Maqali was born into humble beginnings, living alone with his mother while his father worked away from home, under nobles of some grand name. He was raised in the traditional manner of his people--a nomadic lifestyle of hunting/gathering and community synergy. At the lean age of fourteen, he lost his father to the people whom he had serviced. His mother warned Maqali of the dangers of trusting people of power and wealth. The ones desperate to uphold their image were the most fearsome, she had explained. Properly taught, he only ever interacted with people of that standing on his own terms from then on. As he grew Maqali made the decision to leave his caravan behind and take up his own, solo voyage. Armed with knowledge of many weapons and hunting tactics/strategies, he took up the sport of bounty and mercenary work.


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Glaw /glau/ Illtyd Jones
36 ♢ Male ♢ Homosexual ♢ Author ♢ Regular Customer of Paragon​
Face Claim : Lee Pace

Height : 6ft
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Assorted childhood scars; one long, still pinkish scar that tapers from his navel to his groin, and no piercings.

Brief Description: A man of average height and build, Glaw isn't very impressive body-wise. He sports fair skin that burns gold in the sunlight and freckles on the arms and back. His face flushes easily; his cheeks, ears, and nape all turn rosy.

Impression: A man with distinctive eyebrows, flattering crow's eyes and a wide smile.

Voice: Soft and deep.

Intimate Details
Fears: Losing his love for writing.

Motivation: Esteem.


Glaw is easily able to mingle with the extroverts and the introverts; yet he prefers the simplicity of conversing with the extroverted. There's less expectations and only a little familiarity is needed to spend time with another. As a slightly reserved person who still enjoys a good bit of inane chatter, Glaw can appreciate and feel charged in a lively atmosphere shared with many.

Elegant he is not, but bluffing at it—he is. It's a required social etiquette in some of the circles he frequents and only practice has given him the ability to appear dignified. The man is truly more suited to a romping in the park with a puppy or listening to gossip in a coffeehouse, rather than sipping at champagne glasses and holding ladies hands as they walk in soul piercing heels. He admires women too greatly anyhow, it does not sit right with him to pretend at romance or courtship.

Glaw's privacy is something he holds very dear and he puts a lot of energy into protecting it. Some of his secrets seem frivolous, but he can't help the odd things he prefers not to speak about. He is so very open about other, more surface, yet no less important factors of himself.

Rubs his clothes and skin when nervous.

An esteemed author and dallying professor; Glaw is for better or for worse, a lover of literature. He had started reading novels at a young age and started writing his own not long after. His pencil drifted into poetry and other arts, but constantly found itself back in the bosom of prose. Glaw published his first work—a book about spies and floating vehicles—during the interim of high school and community college. It didn't take off well. Glaw was not discouraged however. He prowled the grounds of his dorms and clutched all his observations in a tightly bound notebook. Every moment experienced was a figment he could use in a novel. As he struggled his way through classes of little intrigue and some of fascinating aid, Glaw milled away at his writing.

Twenty some years later, he was an exalted novelist and quite wealthy. His acclaimed series, "Grasping Creedence" was a Nordic inspired mythos that explored the energy and validity of elderly pursuits and relationships. Many adored it and talk of screenplays was a constant in various magazines. Glaw only indulged in the limelight for charity balls and other events, however. He found a small home that pleased him greatly and began to haunt the Paragon with his presence.

Summary: An amiable man with great literary talent, who enjoys the company of animals and humans alike.

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❝It's the privileged ones that have voices but like shit if they need 'em.❞

-- name
29 / Male / Homosexual

Mechanic - specializes in motorcycles
aekkyeon, Hapkido

favorite color is silver bc it is sleek, hints at danger, while being unobtrusively beautiful

unafraid of speaking his opinion and letting others know exactly how he feels. stubborn esp when confident he's in the right. His temper isn't exactly explosive but he's not the type to let slander slide. sarcastic, emotional, and bullheaded. Most find him annoying in that he never lets anything go. Some find him amusing, while others don't really care. neither prideful nor arrogant--he doesn't waste time asking forgiveness for everything he's done
Murad Ozil
26 - male -asexual
Hometown: Sindh, Pakistan
Appearance: Small and lithe, Murad is a whippet of a man all of 67 centimeters and 137 pounds. He's made of wiry muscle that he hides under shapeless clothes. He has a sharp face with elegant bone structure, and deepset eyes of a startling hazel green.

Personality: Elusive just like his namesake, Murad tends to isolate himself.

Murad has the ability of chameleon skin

skin shifts to various different colors, patterns, or tints. It can be effected by temperature, his mood, and his environment. When activated he also receives a rudimentary third eye on his forehead that is invisible to most but takes in information and feeds it to his brain. This aids the transformation of his skin. The longer he uses his Chameleon skin the more exhausted he grows and runs the risk of damaging his body. Murad needs at least a few hours in between usage.
"Ordinary people seem to not like me. They tend to think that I'm a little weird."

agender / 19
designs and makes his own clothes.

likes kaleidoscopes and carries them around

allocentric | | charming | | earnest | | free thinking | | superstitious | | untidy

what you'd call a weirdo. interests are far and wide and doesn't bother hiding them which throws people off. doesn't have any grand ideas of changing society or anything like that but doesn't adhere to the norms either. lives freely, wearing anything, listens to what they find interesting, and just generally doesn't care about what others think of them. believes in many strange things like old wives tales and has developed many of their own good luck charms and rituals to "banish" certain superstitious acts from occurring. Those are one of his only traits that hold any iota of organization or routine. He is generally chaotic and messy. He relies on impulse and rarely keeps to a schedule or takes time to clean.

Bloodtype A
lived a simple good early life. suburb with open minded, progressive stance yet small community and lots of nature. large family, few funds but happy family