No Longer Along MxM Dom wanted

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I am leaving these plots short and basic because your character can be anyone. They can be the sweet old guy who has 20 cats, they could be a psycho killer who thinks they've found their next victim, they can even be a nurse who takes pity on my character. The possibility are endless!

Plot 1) YC is a homeless boy like mine. One day yc and mc run into each other. Due to mc condition yc decides that he probably needs someone who's actually real looking after him and decides to take mc under his wing.

Plot 2) YC finds mc on the streets and decides to take care of him. YC brings mc into their home.

My character for this rp will be a homeless boy around 16-18 named Doonoe (Suppose to sound like dunno) He is a boy who's been living on the streets fore most of his teen years and doesn't know who his parents are or where he came from. He has schizophrenia which is probably the reason why he has been alone. Due to his disabilities, Donnoe can often seem indifferent to emotional things or sometimes doesn't understand things right off the bat. He needs someone who is patient to take care of him. One hallucination that "takes care" of Doonoe is Ohnoe (suppose to sound like Oh no if you couldn't guess.) Ohnoe is the hallucination of a large cat, kind of like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland except this cat is purple and only has one eye.

I've been looking for a mxm roleplay! I would love to do plot 2 with you. Just a little note, I feel my gay male writing is a little bit stereotypical, but I want to improve.
Sweet! Send me a pm and we can work out the details
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