New Wings: Nightwing & Raven (MST3K 4ever & Ravenbelle)

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It had been about two weeks since the first sparring match in the Batcave, and there had been some other training sessions along the way of various kinds. Dick had studied his performances against his past performances and found that he had actually improved over the last time he did this five years ago. For the most part Dick felt he was ready to resume his role as Nightwing, but he did promise Raven that he wouldn't put on the costume until she said so.

During that time, they had done playful flirting and given each other long stares with smiles from across a room, but they hadn't done much else on that front. This evening though was different as this was their first time out just of purely social reasons. Not to mention they were getting tired of staring at the same four walls that made up Wayne Manor. They were adjusting to keeping the house in order without Alfred being around, but his presence and that connection to the Wayne Family was now gone. For the first time in his life Dick Grayson felt like he was truly on his own.

There was also a part that was wondering about his and Raven after he put the mask back on. Once he did that would she stay with him? And if so for how long? Would she agree to be his partner? Would she feel like that she was needed elsewhere? These were questions that nagged at Dick every so often, and he would quickly push them aside in favor of other matters as it were. Alfred of course would've told him that avoiding an issue was no way of dealing with it.

It wasn't much of a date as it were. It was just Dick and Raven sitting outside at a café enjoying a couple of drinks. He looked at her and said, "I'm telling you that I had you dead to right with that spinning kick leading into the back flip. I still can't figure out how you deflected it at the last second. I mean, even Bruce at his peak had issues trying to block that move. Not to mention, it did help me knock Bane a good three feet back with it once." Dick looked down for a moment and said, "Yes he did get back up and if it wasn't for a well-timed Batarang from Tim he would've pulverized me." Dick smiled for a moment and said, "Ahh the good ol' days as it were."
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Raven was kind of stalling at this point. Dick had improved my leaps and bounds over a surprisingly short time and she knew he was itching to get back into costume. She thought they'd have more time, but he was progressing so well and so quickly that she just didn't have any excuses anymore.

So here they were, sitting outside a cafe while Raven listened to her favorite person complain about his losses to her in the sparring ring and the good ol' days of team superheroics. She couldn't keep a small smile off her face. She was glad to see him smiling in the sunlight again looking--and feeling--generally carefree and lighthearted. She couldn't let herself forget the other reason they were out today though, for she hoped that while he wasn't cooped up in that big of manor full of memories he'd find something out here to enjoy and admire. Something to be a hero for.

She also thought she could talk about the occasional kisses he was giving her. The affection that she was afraid to broach..but she wasn't sure how long she could remain a coward about it for. But for now she laughed softly at him and his mood and said, "Oh the good ol' days, huh? What are you, 60? Careful geezer, don't wanna pop a hip jumping across rooftops now." She smiled teasingly, hinting at his return to heroism as she stood from their table and signaled with her chin for him to follow as she crossed the street toward the park, tea in hand.​
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Dick was enjoying his time with Raven. It was early evening and right about now if he was still partnered with Bruce, and in school, Bruce would be making sure that his homework was already done as far ahead as it could be. Then there would the checking over the costumes and equipment, and finally checking over the police reports and reports from Arkham to see if anyone had escaped recently. All that was in the past now and while Dick was itching to get back to into the swing of the capes and costume routine, as Barbara called it more than once, Dick was just enjoying the freedom of just being himself for a while. He started going into the offices of Wayne Enterprises and was becoming a visible presence in the office as well. Dick completely floored the Board by doing more than just showing up at their meeting. He asked very direct questions about certain projects that were supposed to be off the books, and calling everyone by name. He managed to get a copy of the tape to Ollie to which Ollie texted back, "Good job Boss. Wayne Enterprises is in good hands."

Raven motioning for Dick to follow her across the street made Dick smile as he followed her carrying his bottle of water. Dick said, "Hey I might be getting a touch older but I'll tell you now. I'm on par with Bruce at his stage in his career. Not to mention I've got an advantage." Dick glanced over to Raven and said, "I took a break allowing my body time to recover. Bruce pressed himself to the point of exhaustion and then some. Not to mention I got someone willing to see if she can get my pulse to race in other ways."
Without even thinking about it as they entered the park Dick took Raven's hand in his as they walked along. Dick was aware that this was a sizable step in his and Raven's relationship, but considering what they had been through lately and the fact they were now sharing a bed in Wayne Manor Dick didn't care he saw it as a logical step in their relationship as well. He was also aware of the fact that there might be paparazzi hiding in the park taking pictures of "The Heir", as he was being called in some gossip rags, and a mystery woman. Dick didn't care because it showed that he was intent on staying in Gotham which meant all rumors of Wayne Enterprises leaving would eventually stop circulating. Dick was enjoying just being with Raven as, he might as well start thinking in that frame, her boyfriend.

Through it all though Dick could feel the specter of the costume lurking in the back of his mind. He knew that at some point the mask would be on his face again, and Dick would have to begin dealing with a dual identity again. For the moment though Dick was appreciating what he had by his side. He leaned over and gave Raven a quick peck on the cheek and said with a smile, "Thanks for being here."
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Raven smiled genuinely as he fell into step beside her and the city streets molded into the more natural trails of the park, teeming with life and children enjoying themselves with most of the parents looking on from the benches. Dick spoke up about getting back into danger again and she knew he was trying to convince her he was ready, but her eyes kept wandering to the idyllic pictures of what Richard's childhood should have been he would have grown up safe and loved and cared for...never so eager to save the world if it killed him in the process.
Raven had meant to take him out so he could see that...enjoy the city he lives in and hoping he'd do just in it. But of course she knew her efforts would be least he'd see the brighter purpose for his passion: the innocent lives he's saving. That's what they fight for after all. Those who can't do so for themselves.​
"...pressed himself to the point of exhaustion and then some. Not to mention I got someone willing to see if she can get my pulse to race in other ways."
Raven blinked at the the sudden feeling of his hand in hers, twining their fingers together as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She knew none of them felt so casual about the touch, but it still caught her by surprise either way. Especially since they were out in public where anyone who watched the news could recognize him. She could have said she had no place else to go..regardless she'd have stayed with him, but she kept quiet. Her dark eyes glanced down at their joined palms for a moment and instantly preferred to stay silent and take a sip of her subpar tea instead of commenting..but she knew they had to talk about these romantic feelings they'd been harboring and even acting upon without conversation or direct reason. Now seemed as good a time as any..
She took a deep breath and looked up at him before stopping their stride. She faced him and he gave her a bit of a confused look. Just as she was about to speak up, a fairly young woman rushed between them. Her body broke their hands apart like a weak chain in Red Rover, but Raven hardly noticed, having gasped at the sudden contact and overwhelming flood of flashing images in her mind's eye:
...the quick clicking of heels on echoing pavement.. overcast sky and a dark alleyway..
and ..dragged
screaming in the dark among the mass of---

Raven's hands had long since lost their grip on either Richard or her tea and the latter spilled its contents on the ground as she stumbled back, eyes wide and body trembling. It had been a very long time since she had seen any such vivid glimpses of the future, especially from a stranger. Raven shook her head, panting as she caught sight of her yet again. She was still rushing off someplace, walking swiftly back the way she and Dick had come. Raven instantly went after her, nearly levitating in her urgency before catching the woman's arm with an alarming grip. The lady gasped and moved to face her and Raven whispered harshly and seriously, making sure to make grave eye contact "Ma'am, I know you have no reason to trust me, but you can't go home the way you usually go. Please take any sort of roundabout route. Your life may depend on it."
By this time, the dark-skinned woman had started trying to pull away from who she probably assumed was some crazy psychopath, but Raven could feel the fear and worry edging its way into her heart. "Ouch! Stop! Let me GO!" she yanked her arm away and jogged off, quicker now as Raven stumbled slightly once again. But her job was done. That future wouldn't come to pass...not tonight.​
Dick was enjoying holding hands with Raven. For the first time in a long time he felt like he was just a normal person. Sure he was the head of a multi-billon dollar corporation, the prince of Gotham as the media was calling him, and he could call up any member of the Justice League at the drop of dime but holding hands with Raven and just being in the park suited him fine. Was it going to stay like this forever? Bruce would call him a fool if Dick thought was the case, but for the time being he was just going to ride this out for as long as he could. There would be moments that he would have to make hard choices concerning the cave, and Wayne Enterprises but Bruce also taught him to enjoy these moments of grace when they present themselves.

Noticing the look on Raven's face Dick was wondering if this would be when she and him would have "the talk" about what they wanted out of this relationship. Would Raven want to "take things slow" or would he hear the time honored "I like you but let's keep things as friends for now"? Maybe she was just confused about things as he was actually. He cared for Raven and the last couple months had only intensified those feelings, and he was getting the same feeling for her as well. They were clearly more than friends, but what did all that mean?

Just then a woman broke threw their hands and Raven went to her. Dick could tell what was going with Raven was clearly more than just friendly advice. Raven was having a metahuman reaction to her. Dick knew that things in the personal relationship department would have to wait for the time being. As he walked back to Raven the woman was already off into a sprint. Dick, for obvious reasons, was hoping that the paparazzi was nowhere to be found. Dick looked at Raven and he didn't have to ask if she was all right because he knew she was, but he wanted answers about what happened. He asked, helping her up, "What was that all about?" He took a deep breath and said, "I got my suspicions what it was but I want to hear it from you." Dick nodded and asked, "You had a vision what was it Raven?" Then Dick asked the question he had a feeling he would know the answer, but he wanted to hear it from her. He said he would only but on the mask if Raven felt he was ready and now he needed to hear it. He asked, "Is it time?"
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Raven leaned on DIck as he moved to help her stay standing. She still felt a bit dizzy, so her ears rung and left her unable to hear his first question well. She shook her head a blinked a few times, "I saw.." she mumbled, trying to reorient herself, but her as her thoughts cleared, they became more and more foreboding.
".her future...a vision."
Raven took a deep breath and took a step back, looking around briefly to make sure of their lack of audience. She could explain exactly what she'd seen, but the most important part was what it meant for them. Regardless of how they felt for each other, or how ready they were to get back to being heroes again, the evil in the world doesn't stop for anyone. And it would catch up to them, get past their defenses and affect the lives of the innocent...if they didn't step in. Raven sighed as she felt other auras in the vicinity start to walk on the path toward them. She pulled on Richard's hand further into the trees a little and avoided his eyes as she spoke. She could already feel the anticipation building in him and she never wanted to see him crash again. And yet she still spoke the words that would seal his fate.
"'s time." she whispered, and teleported them back to Wayne Manor.
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Teleportation usually made Dick somewhat squeamish and disoriented, but not in this case. His adrenaline was pumping so hard and fast he felt nothing. As they stood in the living room Dick for a moment began to remember all those times he and Bruce ran towards the grandfather clock as they saw the Bat-Signal across the Gotham Skyline. The moment between seeing the signal and changing into his costume was always one of his favorite times, because there was that moment of anticipation kicking in a thousand times more power than anything else on the planet. This time though, there was not going to be Bruce leading the way. Dick Grayson was not just the Heir to the Wayne Empire, but now he was the Heir to Gotham.

Dick just looked at Raven for a moment and then he said, "No matter what happens tonight or any other night. Thank you for being here and thank you for everything." He kissed her and pulled her close. After he let go Dick said, "Let's go." With that Dick moved with purpose to the grandfather clock and opened the entrance to the Batcave. He pressed a button on the side that hadn't been pressed in months, but once it was pressed the entire cave sprang to life in a display of lights and sounds. Up until now Dick had only cut on the main lights and left everything else off, but now Dick knew it was time to get to work.

Walking over to the display case that housed his costume Dick stood there for a moment. He saw as the mask was perfectly lined up with his face and how it looked so natural. Dick took a deep breath and tapped the base of the display case. The door slid open and Dick grabbed the costume and said, "Hope it still fits." Not even worried about modesty Dick changed into his costume. Just then he noticed his left glove was feeling strange on his hand. Dick removed the glove and out fell a folded piece of paper. Dick picked it up and looked at it for a moment. He opened it up and his eyes grew huge. Dick said, "Raven, it's a note from Bruce dated the night he died." He looked at Raven and said, "It says, 'Good luck and welcome back.' He knew I'd comeback one day." Dick shook his head and smiled as he put the note in the display case and closed the case up.

The last touch was the one that weighed heaviest on him. Once that mask was on there was no going back. Dick held it in his hand for a moment and then closed his eyes as he put it on. When he opened his eyes Dick Grayson was gone, and Nightwing returned. He looked at Raven and said, "It's go time." Dick walked over to his Nightwing motorcycle and started it up. He said, "We'll head into the city via Route 22 come in through the Wasteland. We'll perch on the Remington Building and go from there." Nightwing smiled as he said, "Hope you can keep up." He peeled out of the Batcave and into the night.
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Raven was no mind reader. She could never extend her powers to that point. They'd grown over the course of her lifetime, but mind-reading simply was not an ability she had in her arsenal of mental prowess. However, the closer she gets to someone, the easier it is to guess at their thoughts. That can be said for anyone in any close relationship. But with Raven and Richard...well, how could any two people be closer?
As soon as the pair materialized in the Manor, Raven felt Dick's nostalgia, watched his eyes linger down the hallway to the clocktower. She couldn't read his mind, but she knew where it was nonetheless. Before his emotions led her elsewhere. Their eyes met again and she couldn't have predicted the words before they left his lips, but she wanted to repeat them all back to him.​
"No matter what happens tonight or any other night. Thank you for being here and thank you for everything."
She was so grateful to him. She hoped he understood that. Hoped she could convey it with a chaste kiss and a tiny smirk in response to his two-word call to action, as if to say, Let's.

But first, she thought, disappearing to her room for a moment, she allowed Dick to head down to the Batcave alone, knowing how important it was to him. Meanwhile, with a little help from her telekinesis, she swiftly changed into her quote unquote 'costume'. It was mostly just practical combat-wear with her own symbolic flair, but it would do.

So by the time Dick was sauntering up to the display case holding his own outfit, Raven materialized beside him. Being by his side felt more like home every day. Like she belonged. Richard finds where he belongs as a hero as well, so she dared not intrude on the moment with words. She didn't break the silence even when he did, though he understood her anyway. As small, comical huff at his comment on whether it would fit, then her dark eyes glanced away with a slight blush upon pale cheeks when he started changing then and there. She turned back to him easily though, looking unfazed and highly interested when he mentioned the note his mentor had left him, tragically signed on the day of his death.

Raven matched his contagious smile softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as he placed the note where his costume had been and closed the case. She could feel the weight of the moment on his shoulders and felt his need to take a deep breath before he donned the mask. He was a hero with or without it, but for him, it felt official. He was back. He was Nightwing.
Raven met his eyes. They were they same endless blue, but with an extra twinkle she returned in kind, already levitating before he took one step toward his motorcycle. Raven smiled wickedly as the engine revved and crossed her arms beside him.​
"We'll head into the city via Route 22 come in through the Wasteland. We'll perch on the Remington Building and go from there." Nightwing smiled
Raven nodded, showing him she understood his directions, then showed him a rare, full smile--teeth and all-- as he led the bike toward the exit.​
he said, "Hope you can keep up." He peeled out of the Batcave and into the night.
His best friend and new partner gave him a two second head start as she rolled her eyes then shot after him, soaring...soaring.​
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