New to the site, but definitely not new to RPing (:

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Hello there! My name is Cassandra, but everyone but my family calls me Fox or Gimp. I am new to this site, but I am a veteran of sorts to Role Playing. My preferred site is Hogwarts Extreme, but I have only ever done one Harry Potter RP (it was split into 3 separate parts) that is worth mentioning. I prefer group roleplays, but I can do 1x1 if I'm interested enough in the story. I'm very big on the dynamic of the RPers. I like for there to be a good amount of communication between me and whomever I am working with. Not just about the plot either. My best roleplays only went as well as they did because we were all friends to a degree. It just makes it easier to work together.

Also, please be patient with me. The more I like a roleplay, the longer I can take to reply at times because I like to do a lot of research. For example: My character Anastasia Romanovich was the daughter of a Duchess in Romania, but she ran away at a young age so she doesn't remember any of the etiquette that she was taught. When she has to relearn everything, I looked up the actual titles you would use when addressing different people within the court, as well as other small details. Another character, named Fox because she began as a carbon copy of me, had this weird obssession with the medicinal and poisonous uses of mushrooms. I spent an entire month researching and writing up a journal with pictures and descriptions of all the mushrooms she ever mentioned, as well as their medicinal properties and how to prepare them.

Ummmm... What else? Just some random facts I suppose.

I live in Arizona
I am just about to start my senior year of high school
I am homeschooled, so I have quite a bit of time on my hands most days
I love reading, but haven't found any good books lately (Any suggestions?)
My favorite animal is a wolf
My favorite color is forest green
I love homemade mac n cheese and brisket smothered in sweet and tangy bbq sauce
I currently own 6 dogs, a cat, 3 sugar gliders, and a tank full of fish. Thankfully they are between two houses.
I play the flute and I am in Marching band, but I have a nasty habit of injuring myself while doing things like pushups or running

And that's all I can think of! Any questions?
Welcome to Iwaku, LadyFox!

It's nice to see someone so dedicated and interested in getting so in depth with their characters. I'm sure you will find lots of RP partners who appreciate that.

Hope you have a great time!
welcome to this site although i am still new myself.
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Thank you Kurogane (: And welcome to you too then
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