New Site, Who Dis?



Original poster

I came across Iwaku a few days ago whilst looking for a good RPing site and figured I'd sign myself up. I used to RP very regularly back in my teens and was a helper on RPNation at one stage, though life since university has kept me too busy to write regularly. With lockdown affording me a bit more time, I'm hoping to kickstart some better writing habits, and what better way to gird the loins than to hop back into RPing?

I'm looking to join and contribute to some cool storytelling and hope to make a few reliable connections who I can keep writing with in the future. Group RPs have always been my focus as I've never really managed to get a good 1-1 off the ground, but I'm open to both. I'm not particularly interested in writing romance (and I'm not here to write smut either) but I'm happy to if it comes about naturally as part of a character arc. Nothing's caught my eye just yet, but I'll be lurking around with my ginger eyes :eyebrow:

Heads up, #adultlyfe keeps me busy in the daytimes as I work full time, and my job (when we're not in lockdown!) often means I'm working or otherwise busy in the evening too, so I won't be around on discord or anything like that with any regularity. I will have to remain elusive~
Hey welcome to Iwaku! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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I can attest SkyGinge is good people. He ran the first non-dice RP I ever played in some years ago. Great worldbuilder and stand up guy!
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Hey glad to see you again @SkyGinge !

This guy got me into forum RP with his excellent GM skills. Still one of the best RPs I was ever a part of.
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@Effervescent @Epiphany. You're too kind both of you - it's very heart-warming to hear you have such great memories of me, especially when I was unreliable and let you both down the last few times I tried to start writing again. It'd be amazing to write with you both again some time :)
Anytime you want to revive Magistone, or do something new, you know where to call. ;)
Same, dude, it'd be rad!
Eyooooooo LOL Welcome to Iwaku finally! Glad to see ya around, bud !
  • Haha
Reactions: SkyGinge